Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 180: That light goes beyond the standard model


Moreover, if used properly, the power of this thing is simply unbelievable. Regardless of whether you are a chip lithography machine or an Iron Man suit, if you shoot it, all the technology inside will be stripped clean for you. As long as the problem with the production process is solved, it will be no problem to recreate the original one.

After receiving the mission, Lu Zhou exited the system space and fell asleep, sleeping until noon the next day.

[Scan gun (disposable): It can perform panoramic scanning of the internal structure of an object with a volume scale of 1 cubic meter and analyze its structure and composition.]

However, although it sounds simple, it is still very difficult to extend "K=1" to "infinity".

Spreading his palms and looking at the USB flash drive in his hand, Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time.

If the twin prime conjecture only allowed Lu Zhou to be nominated for the Fields Medal in 2018, then after completing the proof of the Polignac conjecture, winning the Fields Medal in 2018 is almost guaranteed.

Prior to this, mathematicians such as Zhang Yitang had completed proofs from 70 million to 246 in their research on "bounded distances between prime numbers". These conclusions all belong to the (P, P+2K) form, which also provides strong clues for the proof of Polignac conjecture.

Looking at the icon in the inventory, Lu Zhou felt a little confused.

The remains of the battery that were illuminated as translucent were restored to their previous metallic appearance as if they had been repainted.

Although the direct economic effect of the third option is great, after all, the technical threshold is not high, and it is indeed delicious, the development space is still too small. Moreover, it is quite difficult to protect intellectual property rights for something that is not difficult to produce. It is still difficult to rely on patents to make a living.

In other words, if you want to get the task reward, you must solve this problem within 15 years.

After all, he didn't even know what the core technology of that battery was. He just guessed through the task of observing the lithium dendrite formation experiment that the battery was probably the legendary lithium-air battery or something.

It's hard to say what can be scanned out of such a ruined wreckage.

As for the second type, this technology is a bit sensitive. Although there is no doubt about its value, if it is used rashly, it feels like it is prone to problems in all aspects.

The God particle, the standard model, is so weak compared to this thing!

Looking at the phone numbers, they were all calling from Academician Lu's office. Lu Zhou could guess that it was probably Senior Brother Yan who told Mr. Lu the news that he had returned to China.

One is to shoot at the Wreck No. 1, the other is to shoot at the Nano Body Enhancement Needle, and even one shot at Sprite is feasible.

First of all, considering maximizing profits, it is naturally best to use the samples rewarded by the system.

The first option can obtain materials from the remains of an unknown battery, but it is unclear whether it will be useful, and how much technology can be obtained from the junk is also a mystery.

After hesitating, Lu Zhou finally chose the former.

"It can only be used once... doesn't it even have a chance to test fire?"

And the most terrible thing is that the system limits the completion time, requiring it to be completed before 16 years.

Just this light beam that penetrates metal and is arranged in a grid pattern in space is at least a Nobel Prize-level discovery.

Damn it, it is indeed the black technology of the system!

It's exactly the same as the USB flash drive containing Xiao Ai last time...

There was only a soft "buzz" sound, and the blue arc flashed slightly at the muzzle, blooming into a cone-shaped grid-shaped light blue light curtain forward.

He had one more important thing to do before lunch.

At least in the standard model he was familiar with, there was no particle that could explain the strange phenomenon in front of him...

Reaching out and taking out the "Wreck No. 1" and "Scanner" from the inventory, Lu Zhou closed his eyes and recited the system silently before exiting the system space.

People still have to take a longer view.

After climbing out of bed, brushing his teeth and washing his face, Lu Zhou entered the system space again and clicked on the inventory.

Feeling the light and cold metal texture in his hand, Lu Zhou placed the damaged battery on the table, then picked up the streamlined pistol, pointed it at the damaged battery and pulled the trigger.

At this moment, the scanning beam suddenly dimmed, and then it was completely extinguished as if it had been cut off from the source.

From a methodological perspective alone, this is a completely new job. The conclusion and proof process of the twin prime conjecture may only provide Lu Zhou with an idea. To prove the Polignac conjecture, he might have to create a new proof method like he did at Princeton.

The latter was already proved by Lu Zhou in February this year using topology to supplement the sieve method.

The scene in front of him seemed familiar, and he was not particularly surprised, just a little emotional.

This broken system really doesn't let him take advantage of any loopholes.

Even though his math level has now risen from LV2 to LV3, it is still quite difficult to complete this work.

"Is it just a gamble?"

So far, the "k=1" and "k=123,...,3.5X10^7" parts have been completed. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that every piece of this puzzle has been completed.

Now there is only one last step left, which is to generalize "k=1" to "infinity".

What's more, it's a bonus mission.

There are a total of three things in his inventory. In addition to the "Wreckage No. 1" rewarded by the system, there is also the "Two-hour Nanobody Strengthening Injection" drawn a long time ago, and a bottle of Sprite from the future.

On the other hand, the rewards this time are also very random. However, Lu Zhou felt that he had gained more than 40,000 experiences in conjecturing twin prime numbers. This strong conjecture of twin prime numbers could not be lower than this number, right

So the question is, what is it good for

The scanner gun in Lu Zhou's hand suddenly lost its weight and turned into fine black powder, slipping away from his clenched fingers like gravel. Only a black USB flash drive was left, lying alone in his hand.

The light blue light curtain shrouded the battery remains, as if with a magical penetrating power, passing through the hard metal surface lightly, turning the dark metal surface into a transparent color, and searching for shadows Every inch of it.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhou's eyes widened.

To an outsider, it might look like nothing, just a sci-fi light that makes a dark object transparent. But for Lu Zhou, an expert in mathematical physics, the existence of this thing has simply overturned his understanding of it. High energy physics and understanding of the Standard Model!

This is the last one to get a recipe for a "future" drink. It shouldn't be very difficult to make... at least compared to the first two.

Thinking that he would have to visit the old gentleman's office later, he didn't rush to call back.

The introduction to the system was very brief, but Lu Zhou probably knew how to use it.

Therefore, he has three choices.


When I woke up, I realized that there were five or six missed calls on my phone.

Therefore, he is still looking forward to this reward.

Polignac's conjecture is a strong conjecture about twin prime numbers. For all natural numbers k, there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers (p, p+2k). The case of k=1 is the twin prime number conjecture, that is, there are infinitely many prime numbers p, making p+2 a prime number.

As for the first one, it's a bit like gambling.

If nothing else, the USB flash drive lying in his hand was probably made of self-degrading materials. It would automatically decompose after copying the data.

As for the second type, it is a fully functional sample, and according to the description of the system, it has powerful effects and no side effects. If the technology can be completely reversed, not to mention creating a batch of cheated Captain America, but there should be no pressure on the modified warriors at the level of the Winter Soldier... maybe