Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 182: How can the things done by scientists be called pretense?


Not only have I heard of it, but I have also admired its name for a long time.

Although there is some unintentional feeling in it, in the theoretical physics community, this old man is still generally regarded as one of the founders of superstring theory.

It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

The Japanese have gone a long way in this regard and have great ambitions, but so far there is no good solution.

Academician Lu laughed and said: "October, it's still early."

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.

If the problem of gas molecule screening cannot be solved, the lithium-air battery created will have to carry an oxygen tank on the back. There is no need to think about mobile phones. New energy vehicles may still be possible.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's domestic mathematics community, Mr. Qiu is the well-deserved number one in domestic mathematics.

Otherwise, even just a few words can benefit a lot.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's domestic mathematics community, Mr. Qiu is the well-deserved number one in domestic mathematics.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak, Academician Lu continued.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

The PDMS material is nothing special, it is just polydimethylsiloxane, which can even be found in some skin care products and shampoos. The nanopore structure in this PDMS film is probably one of the keys to solving the lithium ion transport and "breathing problem".


Looking deep under the completely oxidized lithium anode material, Lu Zhou observed a piece of copper foil.

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

He graduated with a doctorate at the age of 22, became an associate professor at the age of 25, solved the world's mathematical problem "Calabi's Conjecture" at the age of 27, and won the Fields Medal, one of the crowns in mathematics, at the age of 34. Just like that Tao Xuanzhe, he was so strong that it was like cheating.

The design structure is simple and clear, so clear that no one would be able to copy it even if it were placed in front of people on earth. Because the technical difficulties are all in the details, many problems that originally needed to be solved from a design perspective were all solved in the materials.

However, it is not too late to wait until later to do things that look forward to the future. No matter whether he becomes "Ding Dong Cat" or "Iron Man" in the future, there are more important things waiting for him to do now.

Lu Zhou was speechless for a while.

The Japanese have gone a long way in this regard and have great ambitions, but so far there is no good solution.

However, even though it is planned to eat the patent fees, it is not easy to get the patent fees.

Not only has he won various awards, but his academic achievements have also made him one of the most influential mathematicians in the world today. Its influence spans many mathematical fields such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, representation theory, general relativity, and even the field of high-energy physics!

And without this separator, even if the problem of lithium dendrites is solved, it will be impossible to create a lithium-air battery.

The positive electrode is a gas chamber covered by a gas screening membrane, and the negative electrode is the lithium anode material wrapped in electrolyte... But now there is no electrolyte leakage, and the anode material has completely turned into lithium oxide.

Otherwise, many things cannot be explained, not to mention that applying for patents and writing papers also require experimental data as support.

Not only have I heard of it, but I have also admired its name for a long time.

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.


The most famous of these is his proof of Calabi's conjecture, which directly laid the theoretical foundation for the establishment of superstring theory in the 1980s.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

And without this separator, even if the problem of lithium dendrites is solved, it will be impossible to create a lithium-air battery.

Otherwise, even just a few words can benefit a lot.

Even leaving aside the negative electrode material, the "oxygen directional screening membrane" remaining on one side of the tube wall cannot be produced by existing technical means.

And without this separator, even if the problem of lithium dendrites is solved, it will be impossible to create a lithium-air battery.

Although there is some unintentional feeling in it, in the theoretical physics community, this old man is still generally regarded as one of the founders of superstring theory.

He plans to register patents for these two things separately, and then use them as a whole to register a patent called "L1 negative electrode material".

The design structure is simple and clear, so clear that no one would be able to copy it even if it were placed in front of people on earth. Because the technical difficulties are all in the details, many problems that originally needed to be solved from a design perspective were all solved in the materials.

The design structure is simple and clear, so clear that no one would be able to copy it even if it were placed in front of people on earth. Because the technical difficulties are all in the details, many problems that originally needed to be solved from a design perspective were all solved in the materials.

It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's domestic mathematics community, Mr. Qiu is the well-deserved number one in domestic mathematics.

Not only have I heard of it, but I have also admired its name for a long time.

However, because Mr. Qiu is usually very busy, it is not easy to meet this big boss.

As for how to implement the technology into industrial production, it is better to leave it to the professional engineers to design. When you are full, you have to leave something for others to eat. If you rely on patents to make a living, of course, the bigger the market, the better off you will be. There is no need to have a small farmer mentality and worry about marginal interests.

No matter how much further improvements are needed in quantum chromodynamics, one thing must be solved as soon as possible.

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

Hearing this arbitrary examination scope, Lu Zhou almost vomited blood, coughed and said, "Professor, your examination scope is probably too big."

The positive electrode is a gas chamber covered by a gas screening membrane, and the negative electrode is the lithium anode material wrapped in electrolyte... But now there is no electrolyte leakage, and the anode material has completely turned into lithium oxide.

Otherwise, even just a few words can benefit a lot.

No matter how much further improvements are needed in quantum chromodynamics, one thing must be solved as soon as possible.

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

If you have that time, you might as well use the patent fees to upgrade the equipment and reverse engineer more technologies from this battery. It is neither necessary nor efficient to conduct research and set up factories for production.

Hearing this arbitrary examination scope, Lu Zhou almost vomited blood, coughed and said, "Professor, your examination scope is probably too big."

The most famous of these is his proof of Calabi's conjecture, which directly laid the theoretical foundation for the establishment of superstring theory in the 1980s.

It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

Therefore, when he heard that Academician Lu was going to take him to visit Mr. Qiu, Lu Zhou immediately asked excitedly: "When will we go to Beijing?"

As for how to implement the technology into industrial production, it is better to leave it to the professional engineers to design. When you are full, you have to leave something for others to eat. If you rely on patents to make a living, of course, the bigger the market, the better off you will be. There is no need to have a small farmer mentality and worry about marginal interests.

In fact, if he had time, he could even figure out the production process and register a set of patents for the supporting industrial production process, so as to fully reap the profits from this area. Even if you don't produce it yourself, there is no problem if you package it and sell it to others at a reasonable price.

Through the principle of inverse reasoning, Lu Zhou guessed that these carbon nanospheres "smoothed out" the lithium dendrites that were still in the mossy growth stage when lithium ions were discharged at the negative electrode to precipitate lithium elements.

Fortunately, the materials needed to protect the lithium anode and prevent the growth of lithium dendrites are not anything special. At least in Lu Zhou's view, it is not impossible to solve.

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

Only when the experimental problems are solved can he happily register patents and publish papers to show off... Oh no, how can the things of a scientist be called showing off

Academician Lu laughed and said: "October, it's still early."

However, Lu Zhou did not choose to do this.

Only when the experimental problems are solved can he happily register patents and publish papers to show off... Oh no, how can the things of a scientist be called showing off


However, even though it is planned to eat the patent fees, it is not easy to get the patent fees.

However, because Mr. Qiu is usually very busy, it is not easy to meet this big boss.

"I don't have any projects here these two months, so just settle down and recharge your batteries. I have nothing to say about mathematics, but you still have a lot to learn about quantum chromodynamics. Class schedule for next semester I have already sent it to your email. If you want to graduate smoothly next year, you must work hard on these classes. Whether you go to listen to them or not, I will test you at the end of this semester. That’s it for now. Let’s start with the scope of the test. I’ll draw it for you, it’s the class schedule in your mailbox.”

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

Only when the experimental problems are solved can he happily register patents and publish papers to show off... Oh no, how can the things of a scientist be called showing off

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.

So what did you tell me so early

Not only has he won various awards, but his academic achievements have also made him one of the most influential mathematicians in the world today. Its influence spans many mathematical fields such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, representation theory, general relativity, and even the field of high-energy physics!

The Japanese have gone a long way in this regard and have great ambitions, but so far there is no good solution.

In fact, if he had time, he could even figure out the production process and register a set of patents for the supporting industrial production process, so as to fully reap the profits from this area. Even if you don't produce it yourself, there is no problem if you package it and sell it to others at a reasonable price.

Lu Zhou was speechless for a while.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

However, I believe no one wants their car to risk turning into a rocket and flying into the sky every time it is ignited.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak, Academician Lu continued.

The PDMS material is nothing special, it is just polydimethylsiloxane, which can even be found in some skin care products and shampoos. The nanopore structure in this PDMS film is probably one of the keys to solving the lithium ion transport and "breathing problem".

As for the reason, anyone who has studied high school chemistry knows that lithium not only reacts with oxygen, but also reacts with nitrogen in the air to form lithium nitride crystals that are difficult to reduce. If some water vapor leaks in, it will explode. Sodium entering the water is much more tragic.

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

"I don't have any projects here these two months, so just settle down and recharge your batteries. I have nothing to say about mathematics, but you still have a lot to learn about quantum chromodynamics. Class schedule for next semester I have already sent it to your email. If you want to graduate smoothly next year, you must work hard on these classes. Whether you go to listen to them or not, I will test you at the end of this semester. That’s it for now. Let’s start with the scope of the test. I’ll draw it for you, it’s the class schedule in your mailbox.”

As for the reason, anyone who has studied high school chemistry knows that lithium not only reacts with oxygen, but also reacts with nitrogen in the air to form lithium nitride crystals that are difficult to reduce. If some water vapor leaks in, it will explode. Sodium entering the water is much more tragic.

As for the nanopore film made of PDMS, Lu Zhou speculated based on his limited knowledge of materials science that it can probably be prepared by spin coating and hydrofluoric acid etching. Not to mention the complete restoration of the technology on the wreckage, a limited restoration is still possible.


After coming out of Academician Lu's office, Lu Zhou did not wander around the empty campus. Instead, he returned to the dormitory without stopping, sat in front of his laptop, and began to study the data obtained by the scanner.

In fact, if he had time, he could even figure out the production process and register a set of patents for the supporting industrial production process, so as to fully reap the profits from this area. Even if you don't produce it yourself, there is no problem if you package it and sell it to others at a reasonable price.

Otherwise, many things cannot be explained, not to mention that applying for patents and writing papers also require experimental data as support.

Hearing this arbitrary examination scope, Lu Zhou almost vomited blood, coughed and said, "Professor, your examination scope is probably too big."

And without this separator, even if the problem of lithium dendrites is solved, it will be impossible to create a lithium-air battery.

The PDMS material is nothing special, it is just polydimethylsiloxane, which can even be found in some skin care products and shampoos. The nanopore structure in this PDMS film is probably one of the keys to solving the lithium ion transport and "breathing problem".

He graduated with a doctorate at the age of 22, became an associate professor at the age of 25, solved the world's mathematical problem "Calabi's Conjecture" at the age of 27, and won the Fields Medal, one of the crowns in mathematics, at the age of 34. Just like that Tao Xuanzhe, he was so strong that it was like cheating.

Academician Lu smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Have confidence in yourself, I am optimistic about you!"

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

The Japanese have gone a long way in this regard and have great ambitions, but so far there is no good solution.

The most famous of these is his proof of Calabi's conjecture, which directly laid the theoretical foundation for the establishment of superstring theory in the 1980s.

Not only has he won various awards, but his academic achievements have also made him one of the most influential mathematicians in the world today. Its influence spans many mathematical fields such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, representation theory, general relativity, and even the field of high-energy physics!

In fact, if he had time, he could even figure out the production process and register a set of patents for the supporting industrial production process, so as to fully reap the profits from this area. Even if you don't produce it yourself, there is no problem if you package it and sell it to others at a reasonable price.

It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

Not only have I heard of it, but I have also admired its name for a long time.

The top priority is designing experiments.

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

Therefore, when he heard that Academician Lu was going to take him to visit Mr. Qiu, Lu Zhou immediately asked excitedly: "When will we go to Beijing?"

No matter how much further improvements are needed in quantum chromodynamics, one thing must be solved as soon as possible.

Lu Zhou was speechless for a while.

Otherwise, even just a few words can benefit a lot.

Even leaving aside the negative electrode material, the "oxygen directional screening membrane" remaining on one side of the tube wall cannot be produced by existing technical means.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

He graduated with a doctorate at the age of 22, became an associate professor at the age of 25, solved the world's mathematical problem "Calabi's Conjecture" at the age of 27, and won the Fields Medal, one of the crowns in mathematics, at the age of 34. Just like that Tao Xuanzhe, he was so strong that it was like cheating.

After the patent issue is resolved, he plans to build a laboratory near Jinling University to study this stuff. Then hire a large group of graduate students and doctoral students to work for you. At that time, I only need to assign the topics, and even the task of assigning topics can be left to Xiao Ai.

Otherwise, even just a few words can benefit a lot.

After coming out of Academician Lu's office, Lu Zhou did not wander around the empty campus. Instead, he returned to the dormitory without stopping, sat in front of his laptop, and began to study the data obtained by the scanner.

Through the principle of inverse reasoning, Lu Zhou guessed that these carbon nanospheres "smoothed out" the lithium dendrites that were still in the mossy growth stage when lithium ions were discharged at the negative electrode to precipitate lithium elements.

Underneath the PDMS film, Lu Zhou also observed a layer of specially treated hollow carbon nanospheres.


He plans to register patents for these two things separately, and then use them as a whole to register a patent called "L1 negative electrode material".

It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

Although it is not known to what extent this battery was produced by civilization, as far as this battery is concerned, both the industrial level and the technological level far exceed that of any country on the earth.

Taking out a piece of A4 paper from the drawer, Lu Zhou picked up a pen and wrote two words on it, and drew two circles - "PDMS film" and "carbon nanospheres".

Not only have I heard of it, but I have also admired its name for a long time.

However, because Mr. Qiu is usually very busy, it is not easy to meet this big boss.

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

Although there is some unintentional feeling in it, in the theoretical physics community, this old man is still generally regarded as one of the founders of superstring theory.

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

However, Lu Zhou did not choose to do this.

Although there is some unintentional feeling in it, in the theoretical physics community, this old man is still generally regarded as one of the founders of superstring theory.

Even leaving aside the negative electrode material, the "oxygen directional screening membrane" remaining on one side of the tube wall cannot be produced by existing technical means.

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

Even if a computer worth 20,000 yuan runs so hard, we still have to rely on professional computers to process this data.

And without this separator, even if the problem of lithium dendrites is solved, it will be impossible to create a lithium-air battery.

Academician Lu smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Have confidence in yourself, I am optimistic about you!"

Academician Lu smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Have confidence in yourself, I am optimistic about you!"

The Japanese have gone a long way in this regard and have great ambitions, but so far there is no good solution.

Yes, even if he knew the structure of the material and put all the parameters in front of him, Lu Zhou could conclude without a doubt that even if he uploaded this thing to the Internet, there would be no laboratory that could This membrane is produced as thin as nanometer-thickness.

Academician Lu smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Have confidence in yourself, I am optimistic about you!"

Even if it was the plastic used inside the battery, Lu Zhou tried to look up the molecular formula on the Internet, but he couldn't find this kind of plastic at all.

Otherwise, many things cannot be explained, not to mention that applying for patents and writing papers also require experimental data as support.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's domestic mathematics community, Mr. Qiu is the well-deserved number one in domestic mathematics.

The PDMS material is nothing special, it is just polydimethylsiloxane, which can even be found in some skin care products and shampoos. The nanopore structure in this PDMS film is probably one of the keys to solving the lithium ion transport and "breathing problem".

Not only has he won various awards, but his academic achievements have also made him one of the most influential mathematicians in the world today. Its influence spans many mathematical fields such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, representation theory, general relativity, and even the field of high-energy physics!

Therefore, when he heard that Academician Lu was going to take him to visit Mr. Qiu, Lu Zhou immediately asked excitedly: "When will we go to Beijing?"

And without this separator, even if the problem of lithium dendrites is solved, it will be impossible to create a lithium-air battery.

After coming out of Academician Lu's office, Lu Zhou did not wander around the empty campus. Instead, he returned to the dormitory without stopping, sat in front of his laptop, and began to study the data obtained by the scanner.

In fact, if he had time, he could even figure out the production process and register a set of patents for the supporting industrial production process, so as to fully reap the profits from this area. Even if you don't produce it yourself, there is no problem if you package it and sell it to others at a reasonable price.

No matter how much further improvements are needed in quantum chromodynamics, one thing must be solved as soon as possible.

First of all, the design and production process is really beyond his capabilities. Furthermore, he is very clear about his positioning. As a scientific researcher, his battlefield is in the laboratory, not in shopping malls or factories.

He plans to register patents for these two things separately, and then use them as a whole to register a patent called "L1 negative electrode material".

Fortunately, the materials needed to protect the lithium anode and prevent the growth of lithium dendrites are not anything special. At least in Lu Zhou's view, it is not impossible to solve.

As for the reason, anyone who has studied high school chemistry knows that lithium not only reacts with oxygen, but also reacts with nitrogen in the air to form lithium nitride crystals that are difficult to reduce. If some water vapor leaks in, it will explode. Sodium entering the water is much more tragic.

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

He graduated with a doctorate at the age of 22, became an associate professor at the age of 25, solved the world's mathematical problem "Calabi's Conjecture" at the age of 27, and won the Fields Medal, one of the crowns in mathematics, at the age of 34. Just like that Tao Xuanzhe, he was so strong that it was like cheating.

The positive electrode is a gas chamber covered by a gas screening membrane, and the negative electrode is the lithium anode material wrapped in electrolyte... But now there is no electrolyte leakage, and the anode material has completely turned into lithium oxide.

Academician Lu laughed and said: "October, it's still early."

Academician Lu smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Have confidence in yourself, I am optimistic about you!"

Although it is not known to what extent this battery was produced by civilization, as far as this battery is concerned, both the industrial level and the technological level far exceed that of any country on the earth.

It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

The design structure is simple and clear, so clear that no one would be able to copy it even if it were placed in front of people on earth. Because the technical difficulties are all in the details, many problems that originally needed to be solved from a design perspective were all solved in the materials.

The Japanese have gone a long way in this regard and have great ambitions, but so far there is no good solution.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's domestic mathematics community, Mr. Qiu is the well-deserved number one in domestic mathematics.

Only when the experimental problems are solved can he happily register patents and publish papers to show off... Oh no, how can the things of a scientist be called showing off

However, it is not too late to wait until later to do things that look forward to the future. No matter whether he becomes "Ding Dong Cat" or "Iron Man" in the future, there are more important things waiting for him to do now.

"The task is difficult!"

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

"The task is difficult!"

Only when the experimental problems are solved can he happily register patents and publish papers to show off... Oh no, how can the things of a scientist be called showing off

If the problem of gas molecule screening cannot be solved, the lithium-air battery created will have to carry an oxygen tank on the back. There is no need to think about mobile phones. New energy vehicles may still be possible.

Underneath the PDMS film, Lu Zhou also observed a layer of specially treated hollow carbon nanospheres.

Although there is some unintentional feeling in it, in the theoretical physics community, this old man is still generally regarded as one of the founders of superstring theory.

After coming out of Academician Lu's office, Lu Zhou did not wander around the empty campus. Instead, he returned to the dormitory without stopping, sat in front of his laptop, and began to study the data obtained by the scanner.

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.

However, I believe no one wants their car to risk turning into a rocket and flying into the sky every time it is ignited.

The most famous of these is his proof of Calabi's conjecture, which directly laid the theoretical foundation for the establishment of superstring theory in the 1980s.

Looking deep under the completely oxidized lithium anode material, Lu Zhou observed a piece of copper foil.

Taking out a piece of A4 paper from the drawer, Lu Zhou picked up a pen and wrote two words on it, and drew two circles - "PDMS film" and "carbon nanospheres".

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

Although there is some unintentional feeling in it, in the theoretical physics community, this old man is still generally regarded as one of the founders of superstring theory.


After staring at the screen and studying it for about half an hour, Lu Zhou touched the hot motherboard, leaned back on his chair, let out a sigh, and sighed.

Not only have I heard of it, but I have also admired its name for a long time.

After coming out of Academician Lu's office, Lu Zhou did not wander around the empty campus. Instead, he returned to the dormitory without stopping, sat in front of his laptop, and began to study the data obtained by the scanner.

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

The positive electrode is a gas chamber covered by a gas screening membrane, and the negative electrode is the lithium anode material wrapped in electrolyte... But now there is no electrolyte leakage, and the anode material has completely turned into lithium oxide.

"I don't have any projects here these two months, so just settle down and recharge your batteries. I have nothing to say about mathematics, but you still have a lot to learn about quantum chromodynamics. Class schedule for next semester I have already sent it to your email. If you want to graduate smoothly next year, you must work hard on these classes. Whether you go to listen to them or not, I will test you at the end of this semester. That’s it for now. Let’s start with the scope of the test. I’ll draw it for you, it’s the class schedule in your mailbox.”

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak, Academician Lu continued.

So what did you tell me so early

If the problem of gas molecule screening cannot be solved, the lithium-air battery created will have to carry an oxygen tank on the back. There is no need to think about mobile phones. New energy vehicles may still be possible.

First of all, the design and production process is really beyond his capabilities. Furthermore, he is very clear about his positioning. As a scientific researcher, his battlefield is in the laboratory, not in shopping malls or factories.

Yes, even if he knew the structure of the material and put all the parameters in front of him, Lu Zhou could conclude without a doubt that even if he uploaded this thing to the Internet, there would be no laboratory that could This membrane is produced as thin as nanometer-thickness.

Academician Lu laughed and said: "October, it's still early."

First of all, the design and production process is really beyond his capabilities. Furthermore, he is very clear about his positioning. As a scientific researcher, his battlefield is in the laboratory, not in shopping malls or factories.

The design structure is simple and clear, so clear that no one would be able to copy it even if it were placed in front of people on earth. Because the technical difficulties are all in the details, many problems that originally needed to be solved from a design perspective were all solved in the materials.

As for the nanopore film made of PDMS, Lu Zhou speculated based on his limited knowledge of materials science that it can probably be prepared by spin coating and hydrofluoric acid etching. Not to mention the complete restoration of the technology on the wreckage, a limited restoration is still possible.

Even if it was the plastic used inside the battery, Lu Zhou tried to look up the molecular formula on the Internet, but he couldn't find this kind of plastic at all.

The most famous of these is his proof of Calabi's conjecture, which directly laid the theoretical foundation for the establishment of superstring theory in the 1980s.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's domestic mathematics community, Mr. Qiu is the well-deserved number one in domestic mathematics.

The most famous of these is his proof of Calabi's conjecture, which directly laid the theoretical foundation for the establishment of superstring theory in the 1980s.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak, Academician Lu continued.

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

Fortunately, the materials needed to protect the lithium anode and prevent the growth of lithium dendrites are not anything special. At least in Lu Zhou's view, it is not impossible to solve.

First of all, the design and production process is really beyond his capabilities. Furthermore, he is very clear about his positioning. As a scientific researcher, his battlefield is in the laboratory, not in shopping malls or factories.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak, Academician Lu continued.

However, even though it is planned to eat the patent fees, it is not easy to get the patent fees.

Looking deep under the completely oxidized lithium anode material, Lu Zhou observed a piece of copper foil.

Even if it was the plastic used inside the battery, Lu Zhou tried to look up the molecular formula on the Internet, but he couldn't find this kind of plastic at all.

Even if it was the plastic used inside the battery, Lu Zhou tried to look up the molecular formula on the Internet, but he couldn't find this kind of plastic at all.

Hearing this arbitrary examination scope, Lu Zhou almost vomited blood, coughed and said, "Professor, your examination scope is probably too big."

However, Lu Zhou did not choose to do this.

Academician Lu smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Have confidence in yourself, I am optimistic about you!"

Academician Lu laughed and said: "October, it's still early."

Fortunately, the materials needed to protect the lithium anode and prevent the growth of lithium dendrites are not anything special. At least in Lu Zhou's view, it is not impossible to solve.

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

After coming out of Academician Lu's office, Lu Zhou did not wander around the empty campus. Instead, he returned to the dormitory without stopping, sat in front of his laptop, and began to study the data obtained by the scanner.

Not only has he won various awards, but his academic achievements have also made him one of the most influential mathematicians in the world today. Its influence spans many mathematical fields such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, representation theory, general relativity, and even the field of high-energy physics!

The PDMS material is nothing special, it is just polydimethylsiloxane, which can even be found in some skin care products and shampoos. The nanopore structure in this PDMS film is probably one of the keys to solving the lithium ion transport and "breathing problem".

However, I believe no one wants their car to risk turning into a rocket and flying into the sky every time it is ignited.

As for how to implement the technology into industrial production, it is better to leave it to the professional engineers to design. When you are full, you have to leave something for others to eat. If you rely on patents to make a living, of course, the bigger the market, the better off you will be. There is no need to have a small farmer mentality and worry about marginal interests.


It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

However, because Mr. Qiu is usually very busy, it is not easy to meet this big boss.

Lu Zhou was speechless for a while.

As for the nanopore film made of PDMS, Lu Zhou speculated based on his limited knowledge of materials science that it can probably be prepared by spin coating and hydrofluoric acid etching. Not to mention the complete restoration of the technology on the wreckage, a limited restoration is still possible.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

Hearing this arbitrary examination scope, Lu Zhou almost vomited blood, coughed and said, "Professor, your examination scope is probably too big."

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

Underneath the PDMS film, Lu Zhou also observed a layer of specially treated hollow carbon nanospheres.

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.

If you have that time, you might as well use the patent fees to upgrade the equipment and reverse engineer more technologies from this battery. It is neither necessary nor efficient to conduct research and set up factories for production.

Hearing this arbitrary examination scope, Lu Zhou almost vomited blood, coughed and said, "Professor, your examination scope is probably too big."

Through the principle of inverse reasoning, Lu Zhou guessed that these carbon nanospheres "smoothed out" the lithium dendrites that were still in the mossy growth stage when lithium ions were discharged at the negative electrode to precipitate lithium elements.

If the problem of gas molecule screening cannot be solved, the lithium-air battery created will have to carry an oxygen tank on the back. There is no need to think about mobile phones. New energy vehicles may still be possible.

Therefore, when he heard that Academician Lu was going to take him to visit Mr. Qiu, Lu Zhou immediately asked excitedly: "When will we go to Beijing?"

The most famous of these is his proof of Calabi's conjecture, which directly laid the theoretical foundation for the establishment of superstring theory in the 1980s.

After staring at the screen and studying it for about half an hour, Lu Zhou touched the hot motherboard, leaned back on his chair, let out a sigh, and sighed.

Even leaving aside the negative electrode material, the "oxygen directional screening membrane" remaining on one side of the tube wall cannot be produced by existing technical means.

First of all, the design and production process is really beyond his capabilities. Furthermore, he is very clear about his positioning. As a scientific researcher, his battlefield is in the laboratory, not in shopping malls or factories.

Only when the experimental problems are solved can he happily register patents and publish papers to show off... Oh no, how can the things of a scientist be called showing off


"The task is difficult!"

After the patent issue is resolved, he plans to build a laboratory near Jinling University to study this stuff. Then hire a large group of graduate students and doctoral students to work for you. At that time, I only need to assign the topics, and even the task of assigning topics can be left to Xiao Ai.

First of all, the design and production process is really beyond his capabilities. Furthermore, he is very clear about his positioning. As a scientific researcher, his battlefield is in the laboratory, not in shopping malls or factories.

Although it is not known to what extent this battery was produced by civilization, as far as this battery is concerned, both the industrial level and the technological level far exceed that of any country on the earth.

If the problem of gas molecule screening cannot be solved, the lithium-air battery created will have to carry an oxygen tank on the back. There is no need to think about mobile phones. New energy vehicles may still be possible.

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.

As for the reason, anyone who has studied high school chemistry knows that lithium not only reacts with oxygen, but also reacts with nitrogen in the air to form lithium nitride crystals that are difficult to reduce. If some water vapor leaks in, it will explode. Sodium entering the water is much more tragic.

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

Even leaving aside the negative electrode material, the "oxygen directional screening membrane" remaining on one side of the tube wall cannot be produced by existing technical means.

Even if a computer worth 20,000 yuan runs so hard, we still have to rely on professional computers to process this data.

Although there is some unintentional feeling in it, in the theoretical physics community, this old man is still generally regarded as one of the founders of superstring theory.

The design structure is simple and clear, so clear that no one would be able to copy it even if it were placed in front of people on earth. Because the technical difficulties are all in the details, many problems that originally needed to be solved from a design perspective were all solved in the materials.

As for the reason, anyone who has studied high school chemistry knows that lithium not only reacts with oxygen, but also reacts with nitrogen in the air to form lithium nitride crystals that are difficult to reduce. If some water vapor leaks in, it will explode. Sodium entering the water is much more tragic.

He graduated with a doctorate at the age of 22, became an associate professor at the age of 25, solved the world's mathematical problem "Calabi's Conjecture" at the age of 27, and won the Fields Medal, one of the crowns in mathematics, at the age of 34. Just like that Tao Xuanzhe, he was so strong that it was like cheating.

"The task is difficult!"

Underneath the PDMS film, Lu Zhou also observed a layer of specially treated hollow carbon nanospheres.

After the patent issue is resolved, he plans to build a laboratory near Jinling University to study this stuff. Then hire a large group of graduate students and doctoral students to work for you. At that time, I only need to assign the topics, and even the task of assigning topics can be left to Xiao Ai.

Although there is some unintentional feeling in it, in the theoretical physics community, this old man is still generally regarded as one of the founders of superstring theory.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

However, it is not too late to wait until later to do things that look forward to the future. No matter whether he becomes "Ding Dong Cat" or "Iron Man" in the future, there are more important things waiting for him to do now.

And without this separator, even if the problem of lithium dendrites is solved, it will be impossible to create a lithium-air battery.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

However, it is not too late to wait until later to do things that look forward to the future. No matter whether he becomes "Ding Dong Cat" or "Iron Man" in the future, there are more important things waiting for him to do now.

The PDMS material is nothing special, it is just polydimethylsiloxane, which can even be found in some skin care products and shampoos. The nanopore structure in this PDMS film is probably one of the keys to solving the lithium ion transport and "breathing problem".

After coming out of Academician Lu's office, Lu Zhou did not wander around the empty campus. Instead, he returned to the dormitory without stopping, sat in front of his laptop, and began to study the data obtained by the scanner.

Not only has he won various awards, but his academic achievements have also made him one of the most influential mathematicians in the world today. Its influence spans many mathematical fields such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, representation theory, general relativity, and even the field of high-energy physics!

Otherwise, even just a few words can benefit a lot.

Taking out a piece of A4 paper from the drawer, Lu Zhou picked up a pen and wrote two words on it, and drew two circles - "PDMS film" and "carbon nanospheres".

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

Not only has he won various awards, but his academic achievements have also made him one of the most influential mathematicians in the world today. Its influence spans many mathematical fields such as differential geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, representation theory, general relativity, and even the field of high-energy physics!

Hearing this arbitrary examination scope, Lu Zhou almost vomited blood, coughed and said, "Professor, your examination scope is probably too big."

He plans to register patents for these two things separately, and then use them as a whole to register a patent called "L1 negative electrode material".

No matter how much further improvements are needed in quantum chromodynamics, one thing must be solved as soon as possible.

If you have that time, you might as well use the patent fees to upgrade the equipment and reverse engineer more technologies from this battery. It is neither necessary nor efficient to conduct research and set up factories for production.

Otherwise, even just a few words can benefit a lot.

After staring at the screen and studying it for about half an hour, Lu Zhou touched the hot motherboard, leaned back on his chair, let out a sigh, and sighed.

No matter how much further improvements are needed in quantum chromodynamics, one thing must be solved as soon as possible.

After in-depth research, Lu Zhou can now conclude that this battery wreckage should be the legendary lithium-air battery.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

Even leaving aside the negative electrode material, the "oxygen directional screening membrane" remaining on one side of the tube wall cannot be produced by existing technical means.

In fact, if he had time, he could even figure out the production process and register a set of patents for the supporting industrial production process, so as to fully reap the profits from this area. Even if you don't produce it yourself, there is no problem if you package it and sell it to others at a reasonable price.

Even if a computer worth 20,000 yuan runs so hard, we still have to rely on professional computers to process this data.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak, Academician Lu continued.

It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

However, Lu Zhou did not choose to do this.

Although it is not known to what extent this battery was produced by civilization, as far as this battery is concerned, both the industrial level and the technological level far exceed that of any country on the earth.

As for the nanopore film made of PDMS, Lu Zhou speculated based on his limited knowledge of materials science that it can probably be prepared by spin coating and hydrofluoric acid etching. Not to mention the complete restoration of the technology on the wreckage, a limited restoration is still possible.

After staring at the screen and studying it for about half an hour, Lu Zhou touched the hot motherboard, leaned back on his chair, let out a sigh, and sighed.

Academician Lu laughed and said: "October, it's still early."

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's domestic mathematics community, Mr. Qiu is the well-deserved number one in domestic mathematics.

Academician Lu laughed and said: "October, it's still early."

First of all, the design and production process is really beyond his capabilities. Furthermore, he is very clear about his positioning. As a scientific researcher, his battlefield is in the laboratory, not in shopping malls or factories.

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

Even if it was the plastic used inside the battery, Lu Zhou tried to look up the molecular formula on the Internet, but he couldn't find this kind of plastic at all.

However, even though it is planned to eat the patent fees, it is not easy to get the patent fees.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's domestic mathematics community, Mr. Qiu is the well-deserved number one in domestic mathematics.

As for how to implement the technology into industrial production, it is better to leave it to the professional engineers to design. When you are full, you have to leave something for others to eat. If you rely on patents to make a living, of course, the bigger the market, the better off you will be. There is no need to have a small farmer mentality and worry about marginal interests.

Even if it was the plastic used inside the battery, Lu Zhou tried to look up the molecular formula on the Internet, but he couldn't find this kind of plastic at all.

Of course, the copper foil as the base is certainly not the key to preventing lithium dendrites. The key point is a layer of improved PDMS nanopore film covering the copper foil.

Fortunately, the materials needed to protect the lithium anode and prevent the growth of lithium dendrites are not anything special. At least in Lu Zhou's view, it is not impossible to solve.

The PDMS material is nothing special, it is just polydimethylsiloxane, which can even be found in some skin care products and shampoos. The nanopore structure in this PDMS film is probably one of the keys to solving the lithium ion transport and "breathing problem".

The design structure is simple and clear, so clear that no one would be able to copy it even if it were placed in front of people on earth. Because the technical difficulties are all in the details, many problems that originally needed to be solved from a design perspective were all solved in the materials.

Hearing this arbitrary examination scope, Lu Zhou almost vomited blood, coughed and said, "Professor, your examination scope is probably too big."

If you have that time, you might as well use the patent fees to upgrade the equipment and reverse engineer more technologies from this battery. It is neither necessary nor efficient to conduct research and set up factories for production.

First of all, the design and production process is really beyond his capabilities. Furthermore, he is very clear about his positioning. As a scientific researcher, his battlefield is in the laboratory, not in shopping malls or factories.

It can be said that no one who is engaged in mathematical research in China does not know this great god. And it is impossible for people who study theoretical physics not to know this great god.

Through the principle of inverse reasoning, Lu Zhou guessed that these carbon nanospheres "smoothed out" the lithium dendrites that were still in the mossy growth stage when lithium ions were discharged at the negative electrode to precipitate lithium elements.

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.

Through the principle of inverse reasoning, Lu Zhou guessed that these carbon nanospheres "smoothed out" the lithium dendrites that were still in the mossy growth stage when lithium ions were discharged at the negative electrode to precipitate lithium elements.

The design structure is simple and clear, so clear that no one would be able to copy it even if it were placed in front of people on earth. Because the technical difficulties are all in the details, many problems that originally needed to be solved from a design perspective were all solved in the materials.

Academician Lu smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Have confidence in yourself, I am optimistic about you!"

Underneath the PDMS film, Lu Zhou also observed a layer of specially treated hollow carbon nanospheres.

However, even though it is planned to eat the patent fees, it is not easy to get the patent fees.

The top priority is designing experiments.

"I don't have any projects here these two months, so just settle down and recharge your batteries. I have nothing to say about mathematics, but you still have a lot to learn about quantum chromodynamics. Class schedule for next semester I have already sent it to your email. If you want to graduate smoothly next year, you must work hard on these classes. Whether you go to listen to them or not, I will test you at the end of this semester. That’s it for now. Let’s start with the scope of the test. I’ll draw it for you, it’s the class schedule in your mailbox.”

In order to solve the hidden dangers, he had to make this thing at least once in the laboratory.

Otherwise, many things cannot be explained, not to mention that applying for patents and writing papers also require experimental data as support.

Otherwise, even just a few words can benefit a lot.

After coming out of Academician Lu's office, Lu Zhou did not wander around the empty campus. Instead, he returned to the dormitory without stopping, sat in front of his laptop, and began to study the data obtained by the scanner.

Lu Zhou was speechless for a while.

Yes, even if he knew the structure of the material and put all the parameters in front of him, Lu Zhou could conclude without a doubt that even if he uploaded this thing to the Internet, there would be no laboratory that could This membrane is produced as thin as nanometer-thickness.

Otherwise, many things cannot be explained, not to mention that applying for patents and writing papers also require experimental data as support.

That is contributing to the progress of science!

After staring at the screen and studying it for about half an hour, Lu Zhou touched the hot motherboard, leaned back on his chair, let out a sigh, and sighed.

The top priority is designing experiments.


However, even though it is planned to eat the patent fees, it is not easy to get the patent fees.

If the problem of gas molecule screening cannot be solved, the lithium-air battery created will have to carry an oxygen tank on the back. There is no need to think about mobile phones. New energy vehicles may still be possible.

The only two great gods who can rival him are the late Hua Luogeng and Chen Shengshen.

Only when the experimental problems are solved can he happily register patents and publish papers to show off... Oh no, how can the things of a scientist be called showing off

Fortunately, the materials needed to protect the lithium anode and prevent the growth of lithium dendrites are not anything special. At least in Lu Zhou's view, it is not impossible to solve.

Fortunately, the materials needed to protect the lithium anode and prevent the growth of lithium dendrites are not anything special. At least in Lu Zhou's view, it is not impossible to solve.

That is contributing to the progress of science!

If you have that time, you might as well use the patent fees to upgrade the equipment and reverse engineer more technologies from this battery. It is neither necessary nor efficient to conduct research and set up factories for production.

Lu Zhou was speechless for a while.

The most famous of these is his proof of Calabi's conjecture, which directly laid the theoretical foundation for the establishment of superstring theory in the 1980s.

Through the principle of inverse reasoning, Lu Zhou guessed that these carbon nanospheres "smoothed out" the lithium dendrites that were still in the mossy growth stage when lithium ions were discharged at the negative electrode to precipitate lithium elements.

Doing research and making products are two different things, but many laymen habitually confuse them together. It is far more efficient to be the best at what you are good at than to do something with a hammer or a stick.

"The task is difficult!"