Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 184: Start experimenting!


"Is there anything else?" Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak, Professor Li asked with a smile.


Lu Zhou shook his head and said, "No, thank you, Professor."

As a scientific researcher, I am very devoted to science.

If someone else borrowed these equipment, he would hesitate a little, and would refuse if he was unfamiliar with it. But Lu Zhou was different. His paper on computational materials science did him a big favor last time.

Maybe it came from the ruins of a battlefield, or maybe it came from a trash can next to an inconspicuous interstellar amusement park.

After hearing Lu Zhou's request on the phone, Professor Li Rongen, who was analyzing samples in the carbon nanomaterials laboratory, frowned in confusion.

Although he had tried using other materials before, Lu Zhou still failed many times.

This operation requires very high technical skills from the experimenters, and it is not as simple as applying a film on a mobile phone.

Holding the phone, Lu Zhou said with a smile: "Yes, I found some interesting things while researching the literature. I want to operate it in the laboratory. I may need to use a glue leveler and a digital microscope."

Of course he couldn't agree.

Seeing the points change back to 1975, he still felt a severe pain in his heart.

This technology is likely to come from a civilization that is more advanced than all civilizations on earth combined. Compared with the significance of its own existence, the economic value hidden behind it is much dim.

Now there is one last step left.

As for the diaphragm, Lu Zhou chose the Celgard2325 three-layer composite diaphragm as always.

That is to make a simple battery and test the performance of this film to see if it is as magical as he imagined.

If you knew what this thing was and what it was used for, no one would think it was expensive even if you offered it hundreds of millions of dollars, right

At that time, there are many things that I will not be able to explain, no matter who designed the experiment, or how all of this was done.

If the entire battery technology was calculated using points, I am afraid that the points consumed would be enough to "buy" a Goldbach conjecture.

As for the binder, it is sodium carboxymethylcellulose and styrene-butadiene rubber, the current collector is aluminum foil, and the positive active material is still LiFePO4, which is commonly used in lithium-ion batteries today!

Spin coating!

Looking at the copper foil clamped on the tweezers, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

Professor Li agreed so readily that Lu Zhou felt a little embarrassed.

After struggling all morning, he successfully obtained a precious piece of "copper foil evenly coated with PDMS nanopore film."

The so-called spin coating method is a coating process that relies on the centrifugal force and gravity generated when the workpiece rotates to fully distribute the paint droplets falling on the workpiece onto the surface of the workpiece.

Lu Zhou thought about it for almost a whole day, but couldn't find a suitable method. In the end, he had to make up his mind, spent 500 points, asked the system for help at this stage, and got the recipe.

Arriving in another laboratory, Lu Zhou coolly put on his white lab coat, put his hand into the argon-filled glove box, and carefully fixed the copper foil covered with PDMS nanopore film on the on the battery mold.

This thing looks like honey, but full of jelly texture. There seems to be nothing special on the surface, but taking a sample and observing its microstructure under an electron microscope shows that it is very different from ordinary liquid polydimethylsiloxane.

Knowing that Professor Li was joking with him, Lu Zhou smiled and said confidently: "No, don't worry! I guarantee that the lab will look exactly the same when you borrow it, and it will look the same when you return it!"

Except for the major changes in the negative electrode materials, the other materials are basically the "original team" of the last lithium dendrite observation experiment, with at most only slight changes in the dosage.

Lu Zhou, who had already watched Senior Brother Qian's demonstration, was able to operate it by himself this time. Although he was not very skilled, he was basically familiar with it.

After getting the key from Teacher Wang in Office 304, Lu Zhou could finally start his next plan.

"Okay, I'll say hello to the teacher in charge of the laboratory later. You can go directly to Office 304 of the laboratory building to find Professor Wang Xianfu."

However, the key to the problem still lies in the processing of PDMS materials.

After all, the value of an invention of this level cannot be measured by a mere SCI.

After setting 10 minutes to take a photo, Lu Zhou turned on the power of the battery tester, then took out a document on the latest research progress of the Polignac conjecture from his computer bag, and studied it quietly.

If I had known that this old gentleman was so easy to talk to, why would he borrow a digital microscope or a bicycle? He might as well have borrowed a SEM scanning electron microscope...

Although it cost a lot of points, fortunately, the materials used in the formula can be found in the laboratory, and those that cannot be found can also be borrowed from the laboratory next door.

The reason was of course made up by him. Although he and Professor Li had a good personal relationship, they had not yet confided in each other to that extent. It’s not that I doubt Professor Li’s character, it’s just to avoid unnecessary conflicts of interest.

Untreated PDMS material, even if it is coated on a copper sheet, is of no use at all. The lithium dendrites will continue to rise and explode.

In comparison, what does this small favor mean

According to the technology reversed by the scanner gun, the key to solving the problem of lithium dendrite growth lies in the processing of polydimethylsilane materials.

"Okay, just remember not to damage the instrument. Otherwise, don't blame me for going to your boss to complain."

In order to solve this problem, the experimental idea he designed is divided into two steps: production and spin coating.

After completing the final assembly operation, Lu Zhou still did not dare to be careless. He carefully took out the sample and closed the various air valves of the glove box.

An expert like Senior Brother Qian would be able to see the problem at a glance.

Looking at the battery sample in his hand, Lu Zhou was filled with excitement.

Without pausing in the short-lived joy of victory, Lu Zhou struck while the iron was hot, placed the rectangular copper foil prepared in advance in the glue dispersion machine, and began the second most critical step in making electrode materials—

This thing is really expensive. The point rewards for several of his missions are only 500 points, which is only enough to exchange for a PDMS material processing method.

"Can you do the experiment alone? How about I send Qian Zhongming to help you?"

And, a trace of piety that even he himself had not expected.

It wasn't until he completed all the steps that he took a deep breath and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves.

Yes, piety.

This experiment was destined to be done by himself.

Lu Zhou politely declined: "No, I want to try to do it myself."

That was a billion-dollar project, with direct and indirect economic benefits reaching tens of millions, not to mention that as one of the shareholders of Zhongshan New Materials, he was also a direct beneficiary.

It took three full days and numerous failures before Lu Zhou finally successfully prepared a qualified PDMS material—a bottle of waxy yellow gel.

Especially for those in the industry.

Everything is ready, all that is left to do is to wait.

But no matter where it comes from, the person who makes it emerge from the wreckage is yourself.

Taking a deep breath to restrain his excitement, Lu Zhou connected the battery sample to the BK-6808 rechargeable battery tester and carefully placed it under a digital microscope.

I hope the final result will not disappoint him.

Although he was curious about why Lu Zhou, a person engaged in high-energy physics, went to do such an experiment, Professor Li Rongen didn't ask much. He just regarded it as a hobby and readily agreed.

Materials science is different from mathematics. The former requires summarizing experience in countless experiments and huge financial investment, while the latter can start research with just a piece of paper and a pen without considering the literature review, and most of the scientific research funds are spent. On travel expenses for meetings.

It's just a piece of cake, it's not even a human thing to him.

"You want to borrow the lab?"

Uneven coating is likely to cause lithium ions to be unable to precipitate evenly on the negative electrode material. There is no need for lithium dendrites to pierce the separator. After several sets of charge and discharge cycles, it will become too crooked to be used.

Feeling proud for a while, Lu Zhou packed up the samples, including the remaining PDMS materials in the pharmaceutical glass bottles, and took away every last one.