Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 24: Break-in training


After downloading the materials, Teacher Liu announced the disbandment and said that if he was not busy with the review, he could look at the materials when he went back today.

Although there is only one word, it is still a big breakthrough.

Lu Zhou took some pieces of draft paper and went to Wang Xiaodong's side. OK, okay, I can leave the process of sorting out the calculations and inputting them into the computer to you, right?"

To be honest, this guy's math foundation is not that bad. Many things are completely returned to the teacher. I don't know how she got 85 points (self-proclaimed) in high-level mathematics when she was a freshman.

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

Fortunately, the question itself is not very complicated. At most, it involves too much knowledge. Lu Zhou thought about it for about half an hour. He first classified the user groups through statistical knowledge, and finally used matrix algorithm to solve the two problems in the question. a question.

Lu Zhou smiled and happily accepted the teacher's compliment. As for Wang Xiaodong, his expression was as expressionless as ever, but it could be seen from the curled corners of his mouth that he was still quite proud of himself.

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

We will gather in the school computer room tomorrow to start the first run-in training.

Lu Zhou decisively shut up and said, "You're welcome. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Don't hold them back."

The first run-in training went well.

If it can be used as a lubricant in the team, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to bring along the cheater Lin

The knowledge required is more statistics than calculation, and there is even considerable exposure to economics and product management. Compared with yesterday's appetizer, the difficulty of this question has undoubtedly increased a lot.

Lu Zhou smiled and happily accepted the teacher's compliment. As for Wang Xiaodong, his expression was as expressionless as ever, but it could be seen from the curled corners of his mouth that he was still quite proud of himself.

According to the training process, today is a run-in training to cultivate tacit cooperation among the team members.

After Teacher Liu announced the disbandment, Lu Zhou went to the library with his computer bag on his back and continued to work frantically on manuscripts.

But if Chen Yushan wants to treat herself to dinner...

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

As for the information in the USB flash drive, he didn't even have time to take a look.

As for the information in the USB flash drive, he didn't even have time to take a look.


After Teacher Liu announced the disbandment, Lu Zhou went to the library with his computer bag on his back and continued to work frantically on manuscripts.

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

To be honest, he is not worried at all about the strength of his team. The only thing he is worried about is the compatibility between the players. I believe that it is not just me who is having a headache with this problem, Teacher Liu must also be having a headache.

After all, for him, the system's tasks have a higher priority than the school's tasks.

After the library closed, Lu Zhou returned to his dormitory and worked for a while, finally finishing his first mathematics paper.

The knowledge required is more statistics than calculation, and there is even considerable exposure to economics and product management. Compared with yesterday's appetizer, the difficulty of this question has undoubtedly increased a lot.

According to the training process, today is a run-in training to cultivate tacit cooperation among the team members.

Although this guy has written many student union work reports, he has never written a paper at all. Even the format requirements for the paper were explained on the spot. He sat there for almost half an hour without making any progress.

In addition to writing papers, Lu Zhou also occasionally took time to teach Chen Yushan a few advanced math questions.

Why should I pay back the food I earned through my own ability

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.

The value coefficient of this paper should be the highest among the ten papers, and the system assesses it with 30 points. Considering that some of the conclusions of this paper are supplementary explanations to his previous paper, Lu Zhou plans to try to submit another article to the journal "Communications of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics".

As for the remaining nine computer papers, his submission target is "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology".

To be honest, this guy's math foundation is not that bad. Many things are completely returned to the teacher. I don't know how she got 85 points (self-proclaimed) in high-level mathematics when she was a freshman.

Although there is only one word, it is still a big breakthrough.

I guess so.

In addition to writing papers, Lu Zhou also occasionally took time to teach Chen Yushan a few advanced math questions.

"I remember that the Department of Economics and Management also requires accounting and statistics..."

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

After Teacher Liu announced the disbandment, Lu Zhou went to the library with his computer bag on his back and continued to work frantically on manuscripts.

"Don't you business school students study mathematics?" Being completely defeated by a problem about finding the limit of a function, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes and wrote out the solution on the scratch paper three times, five times and two times, and complained mercilessly. He said, "The teacher definitely taught this question as an example in class."

If someone treats someone to dinner, Lu Zhou will feel that he is owed a favor. Even if his financial situation is average, he will find an opportunity to invite him back.

"I remember that the Department of Economics and Management also requires accounting and statistics..."

After downloading the materials, Teacher Liu announced the disbandment and said that if he was not busy with the review, he could look at the materials when he went back today.

Lu Zhou smiled and happily accepted the teacher's compliment. As for Wang Xiaodong, his expression was as expressionless as ever, but it could be seen from the curled corners of his mouth that he was still quite proud of himself.

Chen Yushan blushed, unconvinced, and argued hard: "I study economics and management, not accounting. There are so many things to memorize, how can I have time to study mathematics?"

After the library closed, Lu Zhou returned to his dormitory and worked for a while, finally finishing his first mathematics paper.

Lu Zhou smiled and happily accepted the teacher's compliment. As for Wang Xiaodong, his expression was as expressionless as ever, but it could be seen from the curled corners of his mouth that he was still quite proud of himself.

As a non-core journal, this domestic journal is very rare and does not charge review fees and page fees. It does not pay much attention to whether the contributors have fund support. There is even a manuscript fee of 150 yuan per article. Compared with those coquettish bitches who only focus on the money in the pockets of scientific researchers, this journal is simply a clean slate in the "general journal industry"!

He picked up the meal without any courtesy.

You said that you are a student worker, so just do your student work well. From now on, those who should join the party will join the party, and those who should take the civil service examination will have a bright future. Why don't you come here to join in the fun

Wang Xiaodong looked embarrassed. After all, he was patting his chest and assuring the department leaders that Lin Yuxiang would be qualified for this task. However, before the competition, she fell off the chain during the first round of training.

"I remember that the Department of Economics and Management also requires accounting and statistics..."

The knowledge required is more statistics than calculation, and there is even considerable exposure to economics and product management. Compared with yesterday's appetizer, the difficulty of this question has undoubtedly increased a lot.

Take 10,000 steps back, you have to lie down if you want. At least take the time to discuss how to write a thesis and what to say in the defense when you go down, right? What's the use of pretending to be pitiful and cute when the chips are down? Can it be eaten as a meal

Wang Xiaodong nodded and said concisely: "No problem."

After the library closed, Lu Zhou returned to his dormitory and worked for a while, finally finishing his first mathematics paper.

However, the only problem is Lin Yuxiang...

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

For 9 papers, you can get 1,350 yuan!

We will gather in the school computer room tomorrow to start the first run-in training.

I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

You said that you are a student worker, so just do your student work well. From now on, those who should join the party will join the party, and those who should take the civil service examination will have a bright future. Why don't you come here to join in the fun

You said that you are a student worker, so just do your student work well. From now on, those who should join the party will join the party, and those who should take the civil service examination will have a bright future. Why don't you come here to join in the fun

The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.

After the library closed, Lu Zhou returned to his dormitory and worked for a while, finally finishing his first mathematics paper.

Just when he was away from work, classmate Lin finally arrived late, but luckily this time, she was only late for fifteen minutes, which was not too long.

Lu Zhou decisively shut up and said, "You're welcome. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Don't hold them back."

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

As a non-core journal, this domestic journal is very rare and does not charge review fees and page fees. It does not pay much attention to whether the contributors have fund support. There is even a manuscript fee of 150 yuan per article. Compared with those coquettish bitches who only focus on the money in the pockets of scientific researchers, this journal is simply a clean slate in the "general journal industry"!

Although there is only one word, it is still a big breakthrough.

We will gather in the school computer room tomorrow to start the first run-in training.

The value coefficient of this paper should be the highest among the ten papers, and the system assesses it with 30 points. Considering that some of the conclusions of this paper are supplementary explanations to his previous paper, Lu Zhou plans to try to submit another article to the journal "Communications of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics".

It's best to invite dinner as well...

In addition to writing papers, Lu Zhou also occasionally took time to teach Chen Yushan a few advanced math questions.

Just when he was away from work, classmate Lin finally arrived late, but luckily this time, she was only late for fifteen minutes, which was not too long.

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.

As for the remaining nine computer papers, his submission target is "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology".

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

Take 10,000 steps back, you have to lie down if you want. At least take the time to discuss how to write a thesis and what to say in the defense when you go down, right? What's the use of pretending to be pitiful and cute when the chips are down? Can it be eaten as a meal

Because the data are all fictitious, the source of the data is not given in the appendix of the question, only an excel sheet is given.

Fortunately, the question itself is not very complicated. At most, it involves too much knowledge. Lu Zhou thought about it for about half an hour. He first classified the user groups through statistical knowledge, and finally used matrix algorithm to solve the two problems in the question. a question.

If someone treats someone to dinner, Lu Zhou will feel that he is owed a favor. Even if his financial situation is average, he will find an opportunity to invite him back.

You said that you are a student worker, so just do your student work well. From now on, those who should join the party will join the party, and those who should take the civil service examination will have a bright future. Why don't you come here to join in the fun

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

Lu Zhou smiled and happily accepted the teacher's compliment. As for Wang Xiaodong, his expression was as expressionless as ever, but it could be seen from the curled corners of his mouth that he was still quite proud of himself.

But if Chen Yushan wants to treat herself to dinner...

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."


He picked up the meal without any courtesy.

I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

Teacher Liu gave a bunch of fictitious telecom user data and formulated more than 20 projects. The requirement was to classify users' consumption habits through mathematical modeling and design products for different user groups.

It really pisses me off!

Fortunately, the question itself is not very complicated. At most, it involves too much knowledge. Lu Zhou thought about it for about half an hour. He first classified the user groups through statistical knowledge, and finally used matrix algorithm to solve the two problems in the question. a question.

Because the data are all fictitious, the source of the data is not given in the appendix of the question, only an excel sheet is given.

I guess so.

I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

Why should I pay back the food I earned through my own ability

After downloading the materials, Teacher Liu announced the disbandment and said that if he was not busy with the review, he could look at the materials when he went back today.


After smoking a cigarette and looking at the two students in the computer room, Teacher Liu said with a smile: "How about it? Have you considered the suggestion I told you yesterday?"

He picked up the meal without any courtesy.

I guess so.

Although there is only one word, it is still a big breakthrough.

After downloading the materials, Teacher Liu announced the disbandment and said that if he was not busy with the review, he could look at the materials when he went back today.

I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Although Lu Zhou had a slight smile on his face, his heart was filled with confusion.

He picked up the meal without any courtesy.

Although this guy has written many student union work reports, he has never written a paper at all. Even the format requirements for the paper were explained on the spot. He sat there for almost half an hour without making any progress.

As a non-core journal, this domestic journal is very rare and does not charge review fees and page fees. It does not pay much attention to whether the contributors have fund support. There is even a manuscript fee of 150 yuan per article. Compared with those coquettish bitches who only focus on the money in the pockets of scientific researchers, this journal is simply a clean slate in the "general journal industry"!

After the library closed, Lu Zhou returned to his dormitory and worked for a while, finally finishing his first mathematics paper.

A top student is indeed a top student. When two top students join forces, the efficiency is indeed extraordinary.

Professor Liu Xiangping didn't say anything to her as always, he just smiled lightly, motioned for her to find a seat, and then started today's class.

Lu Zhou smiled and happily accepted the teacher's compliment. As for Wang Xiaodong, his expression was as expressionless as ever, but it could be seen from the curled corners of his mouth that he was still quite proud of himself.

I guess so.

The value coefficient of this paper should be the highest among the ten papers, and the system assesses it with 30 points. Considering that some of the conclusions of this paper are supplementary explanations to his previous paper, Lu Zhou plans to try to submit another article to the journal "Communications of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics".

As a non-core journal, this domestic journal is very rare and does not charge review fees and page fees. It does not pay much attention to whether the contributors have fund support. There is even a manuscript fee of 150 yuan per article. Compared with those coquettish bitches who only focus on the money in the pockets of scientific researchers, this journal is simply a clean slate in the "general journal industry"!

As for the remaining nine computer papers, his submission target is "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology".

After smoking a cigarette and looking at the two students in the computer room, Teacher Liu said with a smile: "How about it? Have you considered the suggestion I told you yesterday?"

The knowledge required is more statistics than calculation, and there is even considerable exposure to economics and product management. Compared with yesterday's appetizer, the difficulty of this question has undoubtedly increased a lot.

As a non-core journal, this domestic journal is very rare and does not charge review fees and page fees. It does not pay much attention to whether the contributors have fund support. There is even a manuscript fee of 150 yuan per article. Compared with those coquettish bitches who only focus on the money in the pockets of scientific researchers, this journal is simply a clean slate in the "general journal industry"!

After downloading the materials, Teacher Liu announced the disbandment and said that if he was not busy with the review, he could look at the materials when he went back today.

I guess so.

Lu Zhou decisively shut up and said, "You're welcome. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Don't hold them back."

The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.

Because the data are all fictitious, the source of the data is not given in the appendix of the question, only an excel sheet is given.

Lu Zhou saw that it was getting late, so he closed his laptop, yawned and lay on the bed, listening to the snoring of his roommates, and slowly fell asleep.

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

After smoking a cigarette and looking at the two students in the computer room, Teacher Liu said with a smile: "How about it? Have you considered the suggestion I told you yesterday?"

For 9 papers, you can get 1,350 yuan!

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

Teacher Liu was not angry. He just smiled and comforted Lin Yuxiang, who kept apologizing, and then asked Wang Xiaodong to guide her in writing her thesis, and then called Lu Zhou to the corridor.

The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.

Wang Xiaodong nodded and said concisely: "No problem."

I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Teacher Liu gave a bunch of fictitious telecom user data and formulated more than 20 projects. The requirement was to classify users' consumption habits through mathematical modeling and design products for different user groups.

Although Lu Zhou had a slight smile on his face, his heart was filled with confusion.

After smoking a cigarette and looking at the two students in the computer room, Teacher Liu said with a smile: "How about it? Have you considered the suggestion I told you yesterday?"

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.


It’s not that pure mathematical formulas are useless for this kind of practical application problem, but the difficulty of this kind of problem itself is not in mathematics. The difficulty lies in how to convert this kind of problem into a mathematical problem.

Lu Zhou saw that it was getting late, so he closed his laptop, yawned and lay on the bed, listening to the snoring of his roommates, and slowly fell asleep.

If it can be used as a lubricant in the team, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to bring along the cheater Lin

The first run-in training went well.

Lu Zhou smiled and happily accepted the teacher's compliment. As for Wang Xiaodong, his expression was as expressionless as ever, but it could be seen from the curled corners of his mouth that he was still quite proud of himself.

If it can be used as a lubricant in the team, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to bring along the cheater Lin

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

Wang Xiaodong nodded and said concisely: "No problem."

Although Lu Zhou had a slight smile on his face, his heart was filled with confusion.

As for the information in the USB flash drive, he didn't even have time to take a look.

A top student is indeed a top student. When two top students join forces, the efficiency is indeed extraordinary.

The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.

Wang Xiaodong looked embarrassed. After all, he was patting his chest and assuring the department leaders that Lin Yuxiang would be qualified for this task. However, before the competition, she fell off the chain during the first round of training.

According to the training process, today is a run-in training to cultivate tacit cooperation among the team members.

As for the remaining nine computer papers, his submission target is "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology".


After the library closed, Lu Zhou returned to his dormitory and worked for a while, finally finishing his first mathematics paper.

Lu Zhou smiled and said hello as usual. He thought that the arrogant academic would ignore him, but he unexpectedly said hello.

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.

"Don't you business school students study mathematics?" Being completely defeated by a problem about finding the limit of a function, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes and wrote out the solution on the scratch paper three times, five times and two times, and complained mercilessly. He said, "The teacher definitely taught this question as an example in class."

After downloading the materials, Teacher Liu announced the disbandment and said that if he was not busy with the review, he could look at the materials when he went back today.

However, the only problem is Lin Yuxiang...

Lu Zhou smiled and said hello as usual. He thought that the arrogant academic would ignore him, but he unexpectedly said hello.

I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

You said that you are a student worker, so just do your student work well. From now on, those who should join the party will join the party, and those who should take the civil service examination will have a bright future. Why don't you come here to join in the fun

To be honest, he is not worried at all about the strength of his team. The only thing he is worried about is the compatibility between the players. I believe that it is not just me who is having a headache with this problem, Teacher Liu must also be having a headache.


The knowledge required is more statistics than calculation, and there is even considerable exposure to economics and product management. Compared with yesterday's appetizer, the difficulty of this question has undoubtedly increased a lot.


To be honest, this guy's math foundation is not that bad. Many things are completely returned to the teacher. I don't know how she got 85 points (self-proclaimed) in high-level mathematics when she was a freshman.

It really pisses me off!

Take 10,000 steps back, you have to lie down if you want. At least take the time to discuss how to write a thesis and what to say in the defense when you go down, right? What's the use of pretending to be pitiful and cute when the chips are down? Can it be eaten as a meal

Why should I pay back the food I earned through my own ability

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

Although there is only one word, it is still a big breakthrough.

It really pisses me off!

After the library closed, Lu Zhou returned to his dormitory and worked for a while, finally finishing his first mathematics paper.


"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

According to the training process, today is a run-in training to cultivate tacit cooperation among the team members.

"I remember that the Department of Economics and Management also requires accounting and statistics..."

To be honest, he is not worried at all about the strength of his team. The only thing he is worried about is the compatibility between the players. I believe that it is not just me who is having a headache with this problem, Teacher Liu must also be having a headache.

Lu Zhou quickly completed the mathematical modeling work, and Wang Xiaodong also quickly completed the programming using the computer in the computer room, which took less than two hours in total. What was expected to take a day's work was completed in just such a short time.

As for the remaining nine computer papers, his submission target is "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology".

He picked up the meal without any courtesy.

Because the data are all fictitious, the source of the data is not given in the appendix of the question, only an excel sheet is given.

After Teacher Liu announced the disbandment, Lu Zhou went to the library with his computer bag on his back and continued to work frantically on manuscripts.

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

Teacher Liu was not angry. He just smiled and comforted Lin Yuxiang, who kept apologizing, and then asked Wang Xiaodong to guide her in writing her thesis, and then called Lu Zhou to the corridor.

After Teacher Liu announced the disbandment, Lu Zhou went to the library with his computer bag on his back and continued to work frantically on manuscripts.

If it can be used as a lubricant in the team, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to bring along the cheater Lin

To be honest, this guy's math foundation is not that bad. Many things are completely returned to the teacher. I don't know how she got 85 points (self-proclaimed) in high-level mathematics when she was a freshman.

"Don't you business school students study mathematics?" Being completely defeated by a problem about finding the limit of a function, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes and wrote out the solution on the scratch paper three times, five times and two times, and complained mercilessly. He said, "The teacher definitely taught this question as an example in class."

If it can be used as a lubricant in the team, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to bring along the cheater Lin

I guess so.

It really pisses me off!

It really pisses me off!

The first run-in training went well.

"I remember that the Department of Economics and Management also requires accounting and statistics..."

We will gather in the school computer room tomorrow to start the first run-in training.

According to the training process, today is a run-in training to cultivate tacit cooperation among the team members.

Why should I pay back the food I earned through my own ability

Professor Liu Xiangping didn't say anything to her as always, he just smiled lightly, motioned for her to find a seat, and then started today's class.

Just when he was away from work, classmate Lin finally arrived late, but luckily this time, she was only late for fifteen minutes, which was not too long.

As for the remaining nine computer papers, his submission target is "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology".

A top student is indeed a top student. When two top students join forces, the efficiency is indeed extraordinary.

Because the data are all fictitious, the source of the data is not given in the appendix of the question, only an excel sheet is given.

To be honest, he is not worried at all about the strength of his team. The only thing he is worried about is the compatibility between the players. I believe that it is not just me who is having a headache with this problem, Teacher Liu must also be having a headache.

After all, for him, the system's tasks have a higher priority than the school's tasks.

Although there is only one word, it is still a big breakthrough.

Professor Liu Xiangping didn't say anything to her as always, he just smiled lightly, motioned for her to find a seat, and then started today's class.

As a non-core journal, this domestic journal is very rare and does not charge review fees and page fees. It does not pay much attention to whether the contributors have fund support. There is even a manuscript fee of 150 yuan per article. Compared with those coquettish bitches who only focus on the money in the pockets of scientific researchers, this journal is simply a clean slate in the "general journal industry"!

Why should I pay back the food I earned through my own ability

Lu Zhou quickly completed the mathematical modeling work, and Wang Xiaodong also quickly completed the programming using the computer in the computer room, which took less than two hours in total. What was expected to take a day's work was completed in just such a short time.

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.

To be honest, this guy's math foundation is not that bad. Many things are completely returned to the teacher. I don't know how she got 85 points (self-proclaimed) in high-level mathematics when she was a freshman.

I guess so.

The first run-in training went well.

According to the training process, today is a run-in training to cultivate tacit cooperation among the team members.

After all, for him, the system's tasks have a higher priority than the school's tasks.

However, the only problem is Lin Yuxiang...

It’s not that pure mathematical formulas are useless for this kind of practical application problem, but the difficulty of this kind of problem itself is not in mathematics. The difficulty lies in how to convert this kind of problem into a mathematical problem.

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.

It's best to invite dinner as well...

The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.

If someone treats someone to dinner, Lu Zhou will feel that he is owed a favor. Even if his financial situation is average, he will find an opportunity to invite him back.

To be honest, this guy's math foundation is not that bad. Many things are completely returned to the teacher. I don't know how she got 85 points (self-proclaimed) in high-level mathematics when she was a freshman.

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Teacher Liu gave a bunch of fictitious telecom user data and formulated more than 20 projects. The requirement was to classify users' consumption habits through mathematical modeling and design products for different user groups.

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Teacher Liu was not angry. He just smiled and comforted Lin Yuxiang, who kept apologizing, and then asked Wang Xiaodong to guide her in writing her thesis, and then called Lu Zhou to the corridor.

Teacher Liu was not angry. He just smiled and comforted Lin Yuxiang, who kept apologizing, and then asked Wang Xiaodong to guide her in writing her thesis, and then called Lu Zhou to the corridor.


After all, for him, the system's tasks have a higher priority than the school's tasks.

Because the data are all fictitious, the source of the data is not given in the appendix of the question, only an excel sheet is given.

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.

I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Take 10,000 steps back, you have to lie down if you want. At least take the time to discuss how to write a thesis and what to say in the defense when you go down, right? What's the use of pretending to be pitiful and cute when the chips are down? Can it be eaten as a meal

Lu Zhou quickly completed the mathematical modeling work, and Wang Xiaodong also quickly completed the programming using the computer in the computer room, which took less than two hours in total. What was expected to take a day's work was completed in just such a short time.

If someone treats someone to dinner, Lu Zhou will feel that he is owed a favor. Even if his financial situation is average, he will find an opportunity to invite him back.

In addition to writing papers, Lu Zhou also occasionally took time to teach Chen Yushan a few advanced math questions.

After all, for him, the system's tasks have a higher priority than the school's tasks.

The knowledge required is more statistics than calculation, and there is even considerable exposure to economics and product management. Compared with yesterday's appetizer, the difficulty of this question has undoubtedly increased a lot.

Professor Liu Xiangping didn't say anything to her as always, he just smiled lightly, motioned for her to find a seat, and then started today's class.

Because the data are all fictitious, the source of the data is not given in the appendix of the question, only an excel sheet is given.

Fortunately, the question itself is not very complicated. At most, it involves too much knowledge. Lu Zhou thought about it for about half an hour. He first classified the user groups through statistical knowledge, and finally used matrix algorithm to solve the two problems in the question. a question.

The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.

It’s not that pure mathematical formulas are useless for this kind of practical application problem, but the difficulty of this kind of problem itself is not in mathematics. The difficulty lies in how to convert this kind of problem into a mathematical problem.


The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.

Wang Xiaodong looked embarrassed. After all, he was patting his chest and assuring the department leaders that Lin Yuxiang would be qualified for this task. However, before the competition, she fell off the chain during the first round of training.

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

If it can be used as a lubricant in the team, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to bring along the cheater Lin

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

The first run-in training went well.

Fortunately, the question itself is not very complicated. At most, it involves too much knowledge. Lu Zhou thought about it for about half an hour. He first classified the user groups through statistical knowledge, and finally used matrix algorithm to solve the two problems in the question. a question.

Take 10,000 steps back, you have to lie down if you want. At least take the time to discuss how to write a thesis and what to say in the defense when you go down, right? What's the use of pretending to be pitiful and cute when the chips are down? Can it be eaten as a meal

I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

Fortunately, the question itself is not very complicated. At most, it involves too much knowledge. Lu Zhou thought about it for about half an hour. He first classified the user groups through statistical knowledge, and finally used matrix algorithm to solve the two problems in the question. a question.

After downloading the materials, Teacher Liu announced the disbandment and said that if he was not busy with the review, he could look at the materials when he went back today.

Lu Zhou took some pieces of draft paper and went to Wang Xiaodong's side. OK, okay, I can leave the process of sorting out the calculations and inputting them into the computer to you, right?"

For 9 papers, you can get 1,350 yuan!

As a non-core journal, this domestic journal is very rare and does not charge review fees and page fees. It does not pay much attention to whether the contributors have fund support. There is even a manuscript fee of 150 yuan per article. Compared with those coquettish bitches who only focus on the money in the pockets of scientific researchers, this journal is simply a clean slate in the "general journal industry"!

Wang Xiaodong nodded and said concisely: "No problem."

Although there is only one word, it is still a big breakthrough.

If someone treats someone to dinner, Lu Zhou will feel that he is owed a favor. Even if his financial situation is average, he will find an opportunity to invite him back.

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.


Wang Xiaodong nodded and said concisely: "No problem."

A top student is indeed a top student. When two top students join forces, the efficiency is indeed extraordinary.

Teacher Liu was not angry. He just smiled and comforted Lin Yuxiang, who kept apologizing, and then asked Wang Xiaodong to guide her in writing her thesis, and then called Lu Zhou to the corridor.

Fortunately, the question itself is not very complicated. At most, it involves too much knowledge. Lu Zhou thought about it for about half an hour. He first classified the user groups through statistical knowledge, and finally used matrix algorithm to solve the two problems in the question. a question.

"Don't you business school students study mathematics?" Being completely defeated by a problem about finding the limit of a function, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes and wrote out the solution on the scratch paper three times, five times and two times, and complained mercilessly. He said, "The teacher definitely taught this question as an example in class."

As for the information in the USB flash drive, he didn't even have time to take a look.

The first run-in training went well.

Lu Zhou quickly completed the mathematical modeling work, and Wang Xiaodong also quickly completed the programming using the computer in the computer room, which took less than two hours in total. What was expected to take a day's work was completed in just such a short time.

To be honest, he is not worried at all about the strength of his team. The only thing he is worried about is the compatibility between the players. I believe that it is not just me who is having a headache with this problem, Teacher Liu must also be having a headache.

Lu Zhou quickly completed the mathematical modeling work, and Wang Xiaodong also quickly completed the programming using the computer in the computer room, which took less than two hours in total. What was expected to take a day's work was completed in just such a short time.

Lu Zhou saw that it was getting late, so he closed his laptop, yawned and lay on the bed, listening to the snoring of his roommates, and slowly fell asleep.

Teacher Liu gave a bunch of fictitious telecom user data and formulated more than 20 projects. The requirement was to classify users' consumption habits through mathematical modeling and design products for different user groups.

For 9 papers, you can get 1,350 yuan!


To be honest, he is not worried at all about the strength of his team. The only thing he is worried about is the compatibility between the players. I believe that it is not just me who is having a headache with this problem, Teacher Liu must also be having a headache.

For 9 papers, you can get 1,350 yuan!

Wang Xiaodong looked embarrassed. After all, he was patting his chest and assuring the department leaders that Lin Yuxiang would be qualified for this task. However, before the competition, she fell off the chain during the first round of training.

Wang Xiaodong looked embarrassed. After all, he was patting his chest and assuring the department leaders that Lin Yuxiang would be qualified for this task. However, before the competition, she fell off the chain during the first round of training.

After checking the results of Lu Zhou and Wang Xiaodong respectively, Professor Liu couldn't help but sigh. He has led five mathematical modeling competitions in total, and they are the two most talented students he has ever seen.

To be honest, he is not worried at all about the strength of his team. The only thing he is worried about is the compatibility between the players. I believe that it is not just me who is having a headache with this problem, Teacher Liu must also be having a headache.

It’s not that pure mathematical formulas are useless for this kind of practical application problem, but the difficulty of this kind of problem itself is not in mathematics. The difficulty lies in how to convert this kind of problem into a mathematical problem.

Wang Xiaodong nodded and said concisely: "No problem."

A top student is indeed a top student. When two top students join forces, the efficiency is indeed extraordinary.

It’s not that pure mathematical formulas are useless for this kind of practical application problem, but the difficulty of this kind of problem itself is not in mathematics. The difficulty lies in how to convert this kind of problem into a mathematical problem.

Lu Zhou smiled and happily accepted the teacher's compliment. As for Wang Xiaodong, his expression was as expressionless as ever, but it could be seen from the curled corners of his mouth that he was still quite proud of himself.

However, the only problem is Lin Yuxiang...

Wang Xiaodong looked embarrassed. After all, he was patting his chest and assuring the department leaders that Lin Yuxiang would be qualified for this task. However, before the competition, she fell off the chain during the first round of training.

As a non-core journal, this domestic journal is very rare and does not charge review fees and page fees. It does not pay much attention to whether the contributors have fund support. There is even a manuscript fee of 150 yuan per article. Compared with those coquettish bitches who only focus on the money in the pockets of scientific researchers, this journal is simply a clean slate in the "general journal industry"!

We will gather in the school computer room tomorrow to start the first run-in training.

The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.



Lu Zhou smiled and said hello as usual. He thought that the arrogant academic would ignore him, but he unexpectedly said hello.

The first run-in training went well.

Although Lu Zhou had a slight smile on his face, his heart was filled with confusion.


I’ll help you pass the advanced math knowledge from beginning to end, and you won’t be charged for tuition fees. One or two meals is not too much, right

However, the only problem is Lin Yuxiang...

We will gather in the school computer room tomorrow to start the first run-in training.

To be honest, he is not worried at all about the strength of his team. The only thing he is worried about is the compatibility between the players. I believe that it is not just me who is having a headache with this problem, Teacher Liu must also be having a headache.

Although this guy has written many student union work reports, he has never written a paper at all. Even the format requirements for the paper were explained on the spot. He sat there for almost half an hour without making any progress.

If someone treats someone to dinner, Lu Zhou will feel that he is owed a favor. Even if his financial situation is average, he will find an opportunity to invite him back.

It's best to invite dinner as well...

Wang Xiaodong looked embarrassed. After all, he was patting his chest and assuring the department leaders that Lin Yuxiang would be qualified for this task. However, before the competition, she fell off the chain during the first round of training.

Teacher Liu gave a bunch of fictitious telecom user data and formulated more than 20 projects. The requirement was to classify users' consumption habits through mathematical modeling and design products for different user groups.

Lu Zhou quickly completed the mathematical modeling work, and Wang Xiaodong also quickly completed the programming using the computer in the computer room, which took less than two hours in total. What was expected to take a day's work was completed in just such a short time.

Teacher Liu was not angry. He just smiled and comforted Lin Yuxiang, who kept apologizing, and then asked Wang Xiaodong to guide her in writing her thesis, and then called Lu Zhou to the corridor.

Although this guy has written many student union work reports, he has never written a paper at all. Even the format requirements for the paper were explained on the spot. He sat there for almost half an hour without making any progress.

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."


Although Lu Zhou had a slight smile on his face, his heart was filled with confusion.

"Shut up, I'll buy you lunch."

The knowledge required is more statistics than calculation, and there is even considerable exposure to economics and product management. Compared with yesterday's appetizer, the difficulty of this question has undoubtedly increased a lot.

You said that you are a student worker, so just do your student work well. From now on, those who should join the party will join the party, and those who should take the civil service examination will have a bright future. Why don't you come here to join in the fun

I guess so.


Because the data are all fictitious, the source of the data is not given in the appendix of the question, only an excel sheet is given.

Lu Zhou took some pieces of draft paper and went to Wang Xiaodong's side. OK, okay, I can leave the process of sorting out the calculations and inputting them into the computer to you, right?"

Although there is only one word, it is still a big breakthrough.

"Don't you business school students study mathematics?" Being completely defeated by a problem about finding the limit of a function, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes and wrote out the solution on the scratch paper three times, five times and two times, and complained mercilessly. He said, "The teacher definitely taught this question as an example in class."

Take 10,000 steps back, you have to lie down if you want. At least take the time to discuss how to write a thesis and what to say in the defense when you go down, right? What's the use of pretending to be pitiful and cute when the chips are down? Can it be eaten as a meal

After Teacher Liu announced the disbandment, Lu Zhou went to the library with his computer bag on his back and continued to work frantically on manuscripts.

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.

The next day, Lu Zhou learned his lesson and didn't come too early. He stepped on Teacher Liu's footsteps and entered the computer room. After entering the computer room, he discovered that he was not the last one to arrive. When he and the teacher came in, only classmate Xiaodong was sitting in the computer room.

In addition to writing papers, Lu Zhou also occasionally took time to teach Chen Yushan a few advanced math questions.

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Wang Xiaodong looked embarrassed. After all, he was patting his chest and assuring the department leaders that Lin Yuxiang would be qualified for this task. However, before the competition, she fell off the chain during the first round of training.

It really pisses me off!

Lu Zhou smiled and said hello as usual. He thought that the arrogant academic would ignore him, but he unexpectedly said hello.

The first run-in training went well.

In order not to waste too much time, the question setting is not difficult and can be solved on the spot.

Lu Zhou sighed happily in his heart.

He picked up the meal without any courtesy.

Teacher Liu was not angry. He just smiled and comforted Lin Yuxiang, who kept apologizing, and then asked Wang Xiaodong to guide her in writing her thesis, and then called Lu Zhou to the corridor.

I guess so.

After Teacher Liu announced the disbandment, Lu Zhou went to the library with his computer bag on his back and continued to work frantically on manuscripts.

After smoking a cigarette and looking at the two students in the computer room, Teacher Liu said with a smile: "How about it? Have you considered the suggestion I told you yesterday?"

In addition to writing papers, Lu Zhou also occasionally took time to teach Chen Yushan a few advanced math questions.

The first run-in training went well.

Wang Xiaodong nodded and said concisely: "No problem."

After uploading the mathematics paper, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Although this guy has written many student union work reports, he has never written a paper at all. Even the format requirements for the paper were explained on the spot. He sat there for almost half an hour without making any progress.