Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 31: No matter how much I eat, I can't gain weight


Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

Do you still remember what happened in elementary school

Because she was afraid of getting tanned, Chen Yushan did not dare to stay outside for long. She waved goodbye to Lu Zhou and quickly returned to the dormitory.

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

Defeat is decided...


As expected, she didn't believe his nonsense. Professor Tang shook his head and said earnestly, "Your talent in mathematics is nothing to say, but you are just too impetuous. What results can you achieve with a hammer here and there? There is nothing utilitarian. After all, people who do research are human beings, but do you think Mersenne prime numbers are so easy to calculate? The GIMPS project you mentioned took a full eight years, but you still didn’t figure out whether the 44th Mersenne prime number was actually the 44th Mersenne prime number. 44 questions, do you think the bonus is so good?"

There is no room for redemption at all.

It took her a while to finally accept the situation, and she proposed in a tentative tone.

"Can I admit defeat?"

The only regret is that the paper is too short, only two pages. Although the precise formula of the Mersenne prime number distribution was proposed, the proof process was not given, so it could only be published as a conjecture.

"... Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first and then come back to work." Feeling lazy, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

Although according to the original plan, he planned to use the medicine every other day, he had something to do tomorrow. In order not to waste precious time and complete the reward task as soon as possible, he decided to give it a proper boost today.

It took her a while to finally accept the situation, and she proposed in a tentative tone.

Because it is too troublesome to explain.

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Chen Yushan stopped talking.

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

"... One more round."

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded, "I took out the paper "Messenne's Distribution of Prime Numbers" from 1992 and read it. I found that the conjecture in it was very interesting, but the process was too short and there was almost only one conclusion. Just try to study it.”

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.

There are still almost four hours before the drug resistance ends. I start taking the medicine at 6 o'clock and it is within the validity period until 11 o'clock at night. It is not a problem to stay up until 12 o'clock. The library has long been closed at this time, so naturally I can't study in the library today.

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

Lu Zhou sighed and looked at the sky.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.

And your parents obviously let you go, haven't you ever had sex with anyone else

Because this number is so huge, the amount of calculation involved is beyond human imagination.

Lunch was a seafood supreme pizza with cheese. Ms. Yang did not lie to them. The pizza in this cafe was indeed delicious.

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

There is no room for redemption at all.

"Can I admit defeat?"

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."

Chen Yushan looked irritated: "You ask."

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."


Having identified Lu Zhou's character of being greedy for money, Professor Tang subjectively believed that this guy must have been obsessed with money after seeing the reward.

"What are you studying recently?"

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."

Lu Zhou sighed and looked at the sky.

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

"Can I admit defeat?"

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

It took him an afternoon to finish the paper. He packed the paper and the program together and threw them into Teacher Liu's mailbox.

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

Could it be that my IQ is actually very low

When asking math questions, she was always "ridiculed" for being too simple, "another question that requires points," and "is it too late for the postgraduate entrance exam?" She originally expected to gain some face from playing checkers, but Lu Zhou lost no face at all. Here, he beat her ten times in a row, and he still let her go first.

Although according to the original plan, he planned to use the medicine every other day, he had something to do tomorrow. In order not to waste precious time and complete the reward task as soon as possible, he decided to give it a proper boost today.

While eating, he happened to bump into Old Tang. Lu Zhou walked up to say hello and sat down opposite the professor with a bowl in hand.

To put it bluntly, if you have this spare time, you might as well go mining Bitcoin and engage in mathematical research

While eating, he happened to bump into Old Tang. Lu Zhou walked up to say hello and sat down opposite the professor with a bowl in hand.

Although the 44th Mersenne prime had been found in 2006, until 14 years ago, the academic community had reservations about whether there were undiscovered Mersenne primes between the 43rd and 44th Mersenne primes.

Could it be that my IQ is actually very low


Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

After turning on the computer, Lu Zhou first checked his email and found that Wang Xiaodong had already sent the completed program.

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

Chen Yushan, who has been claiming to be a top student for the past three years, can't help but start to have doubts about life.

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

The advantage is that there is no need to queue, but the disadvantage is that many cafeteria ladies have gone on vacation with the students, and there are only a few cafeteria windows left.

Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

And currently, according to the reward standards of the GIMPS project, if you want to get the next reward, you can only target the 100 millionth Mersenne prime number. However, even so, what you get is not proportional to what you pay. After all, the reward for the 100 millionth place is only US$150,000, and the cost of this thing is probably more than that.

After turning on the computer, Lu Zhou first checked his email and found that Wang Xiaodong had already sent the completed program.

Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

Seeing that it was still early, Lu Zhou first went back to his dormitory, took his computer and the books he borrowed from the library, and then went to the teaching building to find an empty study room to sit in.

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

After downloading the program and glancing at it twice, Lu Zhou first extracted the code into the text for later use, and then started writing according to the format of a mathematical modeling paper.

While eating, he happened to bump into Old Tang. Lu Zhou walked up to say hello and sat down opposite the professor with a bowl in hand.

Hearing this question, Chen Yushan blushed and said with embarrassment: "When I was young... I played against my parents and my mother, and I never lost."

Although according to the original plan, he planned to use the medicine every other day, he had something to do tomorrow. In order not to waste precious time and complete the reward task as soon as possible, he decided to give it a proper boost today.

"Can I ask a question?"

When asking math questions, she was always "ridiculed" for being too simple, "another question that requires points," and "is it too late for the postgraduate entrance exam?" She originally expected to gain some face from playing checkers, but Lu Zhou lost no face at all. Here, he beat her ten times in a row, and he still let her go first.

Chen Yushan, who has been claiming to be a top student for the past three years, can't help but start to have doubts about life.

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."

Oh My God!

It took her a while to finally accept the situation, and she proposed in a tentative tone.

Although the price was a bit expensive, it was not his own money spent anyway. Lu Zhou even ordered an ice cream as a dessert.

Chen Yushan looked irritated: "You ask."

When asking math questions, she was always "ridiculed" for being too simple, "another question that requires points," and "is it too late for the postgraduate entrance exam?" She originally expected to gain some face from playing checkers, but Lu Zhou lost no face at all. Here, he beat her ten times in a row, and he still let her go first.

Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

While eating, he happened to bump into Old Tang. Lu Zhou walked up to say hello and sat down opposite the professor with a bowl in hand.

"Can I admit defeat?"

Lu Zhou asked in a low voice: "Teacher, do you suggest that I continue my research in this field?"

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Chen Yushan stopped talking.

Chen Yushan, who has been claiming to be a top student for the past three years, can't help but start to have doubts about life.

Lu Zhou asked seriously: "How did you get the illusion that your checkers skills are very strong?"

For some reason, Lu Zhou suddenly felt sympathy for this guy.

Do you still remember what happened in elementary school

Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

As expected, she didn't believe his nonsense. Professor Tang shook his head and said earnestly, "Your talent in mathematics is nothing to say, but you are just too impetuous. What results can you achieve with a hammer here and there? There is nothing utilitarian. After all, people who do research are human beings, but do you think Mersenne prime numbers are so easy to calculate? The GIMPS project you mentioned took a full eight years, but you still didn’t figure out whether the 44th Mersenne prime number was actually the 44th Mersenne prime number. 44 questions, do you think the bonus is so good?"

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

Chen Yushan looked irritated: "You ask."

Hearing this question, Chen Yushan blushed and said with embarrassment: "When I was young... I played against my parents and my mother, and I never lost."

Although the 44th Mersenne prime had been found in 2006, until 14 years ago, the academic community had reservations about whether there were undiscovered Mersenne primes between the 43rd and 44th Mersenne primes.

Defeat is decided...

"How small?"

Although the price was a bit expensive, it was not his own money spent anyway. Lu Zhou even ordered an ice cream as a dessert.

"... Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first and then come back to work." Feeling lazy, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

"How small?"


Chen Yushan whispered: "... It seems to be elementary school."

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

Chen Yushan looked irritated: "You ask."

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. I'm just not optimistic about this direction. First, it's too unpopular. Second, it's difficult to produce results. Third, I haven't done much research myself, so I can't help you. If you just feel I have no objection to studying if you are interested. But if you focus on it, you will be delaying yourself. I will say this straight, you can think about it yourself! "

Lu Zhou sighed and looked at the sky.

Oh My God!

Do you still remember what happened in elementary school

Lu Zhou sighed and looked at the sky.

"... Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first and then come back to work." Feeling lazy, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

After downloading the program and glancing at it twice, Lu Zhou first extracted the code into the text for later use, and then started writing according to the format of a mathematical modeling paper.

Having identified Lu Zhou's character of being greedy for money, Professor Tang subjectively believed that this guy must have been obsessed with money after seeing the reward.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.


Do you still remember what happened in elementary school

However, this had no impact on Lu Zhou. Under normal circumstances, he would settle for a bowl of noodles at night.

It took her a while to finally accept the situation, and she proposed in a tentative tone.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Chen Yushan stopped talking.

After downloading the program and glancing at it twice, Lu Zhou first extracted the code into the text for later use, and then started writing according to the format of a mathematical modeling paper.

There is no room for redemption at all.

Defeat is decided...

And your parents obviously let you go, haven't you ever had sex with anyone else

"I wish I could be fatter," Lu Zhou said nonchalantly while eating high-calorie ice cream sprinkled with chocolate mousse, "I don't know why, but I can't gain weight no matter what I eat."

As expected, she didn't believe his nonsense. Professor Tang shook his head and said earnestly, "Your talent in mathematics is nothing to say, but you are just too impetuous. What results can you achieve with a hammer here and there? There is nothing utilitarian. After all, people who do research are human beings, but do you think Mersenne prime numbers are so easy to calculate? The GIMPS project you mentioned took a full eight years, but you still didn’t figure out whether the 44th Mersenne prime number was actually the 44th Mersenne prime number. 44 questions, do you think the bonus is so good?"

For some reason, Lu Zhou suddenly felt sympathy for this guy.

Lu Zhou asked in a low voice: "Teacher, do you suggest that I continue my research in this field?"

"How small?"

Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

Defeat is decided...

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."

Although according to the original plan, he planned to use the medicine every other day, he had something to do tomorrow. In order not to waste precious time and complete the reward task as soon as possible, he decided to give it a proper boost today.

Hearing this question, Chen Yushan blushed and said with embarrassment: "When I was young... I played against my parents and my mother, and I never lost."

Hearing this question, Chen Yushan blushed and said with embarrassment: "When I was young... I played against my parents and my mother, and I never lost."

Lunch was a seafood supreme pizza with cheese. Ms. Yang did not lie to them. The pizza in this cafe was indeed delicious.

Defeat is decided...

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

Could it be that my IQ is actually very low

Although the price was a bit expensive, it was not his own money spent anyway. Lu Zhou even ordered an ice cream as a dessert.

Professor Tang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "The one from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

There is no room for redemption at all.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to school, and it was the hottest time of the day.

Looking at Lu Zhou enjoying his meal, Chen Yushan, who was sitting across from him and nibbling on a sandwich, couldn't help but complain: "... You are really good at eating, be careful and you will become a fat person."

Although the 44th Mersenne prime had been found in 2006, until 14 years ago, the academic community had reservations about whether there were undiscovered Mersenne primes between the 43rd and 44th Mersenne primes.


As expected, she didn't believe his nonsense. Professor Tang shook his head and said earnestly, "Your talent in mathematics is nothing to say, but you are just too impetuous. What results can you achieve with a hammer here and there? There is nothing utilitarian. After all, people who do research are human beings, but do you think Mersenne prime numbers are so easy to calculate? The GIMPS project you mentioned took a full eight years, but you still didn’t figure out whether the 44th Mersenne prime number was actually the 44th Mersenne prime number. 44 questions, do you think the bonus is so good?"

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, not easily able to refute.

"I wish I could be fatter," Lu Zhou said nonchalantly while eating high-calorie ice cream sprinkled with chocolate mousse, "I don't know why, but I can't gain weight no matter what I eat."

After a pause, Professor Tang looked at Lu Zhou and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, if you don't continue to study your linear functionals, why are you studying Mersenne primes?"

You can always misunderstand me as much as you want.

Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Chen Yushan stopped talking.

It took him an afternoon to finish the paper. He packed the paper and the program together and threw them into Teacher Liu's mailbox.

After turning on the computer, Lu Zhou first checked his email and found that Wang Xiaodong had already sent the completed program.


Lunch was a seafood supreme pizza with cheese. Ms. Yang did not lie to them. The pizza in this cafe was indeed delicious.

Seeing that it was still early, Lu Zhou first went back to his dormitory, took his computer and the books he borrowed from the library, and then went to the teaching building to find an empty study room to sit in.

It took her a while to finally accept the situation, and she proposed in a tentative tone.

"... Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first and then come back to work." Feeling lazy, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

Do you still remember what happened in elementary school

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

Having identified Lu Zhou's character of being greedy for money, Professor Tang subjectively believed that this guy must have been obsessed with money after seeing the reward.

Lu Zhou sighed and looked at the sky.

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

I feel there is resentment spreading...

As expected, she didn't believe his nonsense. Professor Tang shook his head and said earnestly, "Your talent in mathematics is nothing to say, but you are just too impetuous. What results can you achieve with a hammer here and there? There is nothing utilitarian. After all, people who do research are human beings, but do you think Mersenne prime numbers are so easy to calculate? The GIMPS project you mentioned took a full eight years, but you still didn’t figure out whether the 44th Mersenne prime number was actually the 44th Mersenne prime number. 44 questions, do you think the bonus is so good?"

Although according to the original plan, he planned to use the medicine every other day, he had something to do tomorrow. In order not to waste precious time and complete the reward task as soon as possible, he decided to give it a proper boost today.


And your parents obviously let you go, haven't you ever had sex with anyone else

Lu Zhou asked in a low voice: "Teacher, do you suggest that I continue my research in this field?"

There are still almost four hours before the drug resistance ends. I start taking the medicine at 6 o'clock and it is within the validity period until 11 o'clock at night. It is not a problem to stay up until 12 o'clock. The library has long been closed at this time, so naturally I can't study in the library today.

It took her a while to finally accept the situation, and she proposed in a tentative tone.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.

Professor Tang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "The one from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

"I wish I could be fatter," Lu Zhou said nonchalantly while eating high-calorie ice cream sprinkled with chocolate mousse, "I don't know why, but I can't gain weight no matter what I eat."

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Chen Yushan stopped talking.

Do you still remember what happened in elementary school

Lu Zhou himself didn't believe his nonsense, so he accidentally adopted a questioning tone in the end.

Looking at Lu Zhou enjoying his meal, Chen Yushan, who was sitting across from him and nibbling on a sandwich, couldn't help but complain: "... You are really good at eating, be careful and you will become a fat person."

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.

Chen Yushan whispered: "... It seems to be elementary school."

For some reason, Lu Zhou suddenly felt sympathy for this guy.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to school, and it was the hottest time of the day.

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

"What are you studying recently?"

Because of the summer vacation, the cafeteria was deserted.

It took him an afternoon to finish the paper. He packed the paper and the program together and threw them into Teacher Liu's mailbox.

Looking at Lu Zhou enjoying his meal, Chen Yushan, who was sitting across from him and nibbling on a sandwich, couldn't help but complain: "... You are really good at eating, be careful and you will become a fat person."

For some reason, Lu Zhou suddenly felt sympathy for this guy.

Because she was afraid of getting tanned, Chen Yushan did not dare to stay outside for long. She waved goodbye to Lu Zhou and quickly returned to the dormitory.

"That paper, I know," Professor Tang sighed with emotion, as if remembering something nostalgic, "Mr. Zhou's paper can be regarded as highly praised by our Chinese mathematics community internationally. A powerful one."

Lu Zhou asked seriously: "How did you get the illusion that your checkers skills are very strong?"

You can always misunderstand me as much as you want.

Seeing that it was still early, Lu Zhou first went back to his dormitory, took his computer and the books he borrowed from the library, and then went to the teaching building to find an empty study room to sit in.

Defeat is decided...

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

While eating, he happened to bump into Old Tang. Lu Zhou walked up to say hello and sat down opposite the professor with a bowl in hand.

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

Oh My God!

Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

There are still almost four hours before the drug resistance ends. I start taking the medicine at 6 o'clock and it is within the validity period until 11 o'clock at night. It is not a problem to stay up until 12 o'clock. The library has long been closed at this time, so naturally I can't study in the library today.

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded, "I took out the paper "Messenne's Distribution of Prime Numbers" from 1992 and read it. I found that the conjecture in it was very interesting, but the process was too short and there was almost only one conclusion. Just try to study it.”

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

Could it be that my IQ is actually very low

Because this number is so huge, the amount of calculation involved is beyond human imagination.

Although according to the original plan, he planned to use the medicine every other day, he had something to do tomorrow. In order not to waste precious time and complete the reward task as soon as possible, he decided to give it a proper boost today.

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. I'm just not optimistic about this direction. First, it's too unpopular. Second, it's difficult to produce results. Third, I haven't done much research myself, so I can't help you. If you just feel I have no objection to studying if you are interested. But if you focus on it, you will be delaying yourself. I will say this straight, you can think about it yourself! "

"... Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first and then come back to work." Feeling lazy, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

"... One more round."

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to school, and it was the hottest time of the day.

"... One more round."

Looking at Lu Zhou enjoying his meal, Chen Yushan, who was sitting across from him and nibbling on a sandwich, couldn't help but complain: "... You are really good at eating, be careful and you will become a fat person."

After turning on the computer, Lu Zhou first checked his email and found that Wang Xiaodong had already sent the completed program.

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

Because she was afraid of getting tanned, Chen Yushan did not dare to stay outside for long. She waved goodbye to Lu Zhou and quickly returned to the dormitory.

Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Chen Yushan stopped talking.

Because this number is so huge, the amount of calculation involved is beyond human imagination.

After downloading the program and glancing at it twice, Lu Zhou first extracted the code into the text for later use, and then started writing according to the format of a mathematical modeling paper.

Professor Tang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "The one from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

After a pause, Professor Tang looked at Lu Zhou and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, if you don't continue to study your linear functionals, why are you studying Mersenne primes?"

Chen Yushan looked irritated: "You ask."

After turning on the computer, Lu Zhou first checked his email and found that Wang Xiaodong had already sent the completed program.

It took him an afternoon to finish the paper. He packed the paper and the program together and threw them into Teacher Liu's mailbox.

Looking at Lu Zhou enjoying his meal, Chen Yushan, who was sitting across from him and nibbling on a sandwich, couldn't help but complain: "... You are really good at eating, be careful and you will become a fat person."

Do you still remember what happened in elementary school

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded, "I took out the paper "Messenne's Distribution of Prime Numbers" from 1992 and read it. I found that the conjecture in it was very interesting, but the process was too short and there was almost only one conclusion. Just try to study it.”

While eating, he happened to bump into Old Tang. Lu Zhou walked up to say hello and sat down opposite the professor with a bowl in hand.

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

And your parents obviously let you go, haven't you ever had sex with anyone else

Defeat is decided...

"... Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first and then come back to work." Feeling lazy, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

Because of the summer vacation, the cafeteria was deserted.

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. I'm just not optimistic about this direction. First, it's too unpopular. Second, it's difficult to produce results. Third, I haven't done much research myself, so I can't help you. If you just feel I have no objection to studying if you are interested. But if you focus on it, you will be delaying yourself. I will say this straight, you can think about it yourself! "

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.

Chen Yushan whispered: "... It seems to be elementary school."


There is no room for redemption at all.

Because of the summer vacation, the cafeteria was deserted.

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

You can always misunderstand me as much as you want.

The advantage is that there is no need to queue, but the disadvantage is that many cafeteria ladies have gone on vacation with the students, and there are only a few cafeteria windows left.

After turning on the computer, Lu Zhou first checked his email and found that Wang Xiaodong had already sent the completed program.

Because this number is so huge, the amount of calculation involved is beyond human imagination.

However, this had no impact on Lu Zhou. Under normal circumstances, he would settle for a bowl of noodles at night.

However, this had no impact on Lu Zhou. Under normal circumstances, he would settle for a bowl of noodles at night.

And your parents obviously let you go, haven't you ever had sex with anyone else

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.

"Can I admit defeat?"

Do you still remember what happened in elementary school

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

"What are you studying recently?"

While eating, he happened to bump into Old Tang. Lu Zhou walked up to say hello and sat down opposite the professor with a bowl in hand.

Lu Zhou asked seriously: "How did you get the illusion that your checkers skills are very strong?"

Because she was afraid of getting tanned, Chen Yushan did not dare to stay outside for long. She waved goodbye to Lu Zhou and quickly returned to the dormitory.

Oh My God!

Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

Lu Zhou himself didn't believe his nonsense, so he accidentally adopted a questioning tone in the end.

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to school, and it was the hottest time of the day.

Chen Yushan looked irritated: "You ask."

"How small?"

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

I feel there is resentment spreading...

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. I'm just not optimistic about this direction. First, it's too unpopular. Second, it's difficult to produce results. Third, I haven't done much research myself, so I can't help you. If you just feel I have no objection to studying if you are interested. But if you focus on it, you will be delaying yourself. I will say this straight, you can think about it yourself! "

Because it is too troublesome to explain.

"... Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first and then come back to work." Feeling lazy, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

The advantage is that there is no need to queue, but the disadvantage is that many cafeteria ladies have gone on vacation with the students, and there are only a few cafeteria windows left.

"What are you studying recently?"

Because she was afraid of getting tanned, Chen Yushan did not dare to stay outside for long. She waved goodbye to Lu Zhou and quickly returned to the dormitory.

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

There is no room for redemption at all.

There are still almost four hours before the drug resistance ends. I start taking the medicine at 6 o'clock and it is within the validity period until 11 o'clock at night. It is not a problem to stay up until 12 o'clock. The library has long been closed at this time, so naturally I can't study in the library today.

"... Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first and then come back to work." Feeling lazy, Lu Zhou stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

"How small?"

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."

Lu Zhou himself didn't believe his nonsense, so he accidentally adopted a questioning tone in the end.

However, this had no impact on Lu Zhou. Under normal circumstances, he would settle for a bowl of noodles at night.

Could it be that my IQ is actually very low

Professor Tang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "The one from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

After turning on the computer, Lu Zhou first checked his email and found that Wang Xiaodong had already sent the completed program.

Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

Because this number is so huge, the amount of calculation involved is beyond human imagination.

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. I'm just not optimistic about this direction. First, it's too unpopular. Second, it's difficult to produce results. Third, I haven't done much research myself, so I can't help you. If you just feel I have no objection to studying if you are interested. But if you focus on it, you will be delaying yourself. I will say this straight, you can think about it yourself! "

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded, "I took out the paper "Messenne's Distribution of Prime Numbers" from 1992 and read it. I found that the conjecture in it was very interesting, but the process was too short and there was almost only one conclusion. Just try to study it.”

Having identified Lu Zhou's character of being greedy for money, Professor Tang subjectively believed that this guy must have been obsessed with money after seeing the reward.

Could it be that my IQ is actually very low

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, "It's not bad. I just handed over my homework to Teacher Liu."

"That paper, I know," Professor Tang sighed with emotion, as if remembering something nostalgic, "Mr. Zhou's paper can be regarded as highly praised by our Chinese mathematics community internationally. A powerful one."

Although the 44th Mersenne prime had been found in 2006, until 14 years ago, the academic community had reservations about whether there were undiscovered Mersenne primes between the 43rd and 44th Mersenne primes.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to school, and it was the hottest time of the day.

Chen Yushan, who has been claiming to be a top student for the past three years, can't help but start to have doubts about life.

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. I'm just not optimistic about this direction. First, it's too unpopular. Second, it's difficult to produce results. Third, I haven't done much research myself, so I can't help you. If you just feel I have no objection to studying if you are interested. But if you focus on it, you will be delaying yourself. I will say this straight, you can think about it yourself! "

Looking at Lu Zhou enjoying his meal, Chen Yushan, who was sitting across from him and nibbling on a sandwich, couldn't help but complain: "... You are really good at eating, be careful and you will become a fat person."

Chen Yushan, who has been claiming to be a top student for the past three years, can't help but start to have doubts about life.

The only regret is that the paper is too short, only two pages. Although the precise formula of the Mersenne prime number distribution was proposed, the proof process was not given, so it could only be published as a conjecture.

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.


Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

Because this number is so huge, the amount of calculation involved is beyond human imagination.

After a pause, Professor Tang looked at Lu Zhou and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, if you don't continue to study your linear functionals, why are you studying Mersenne primes?"

Chen Yushan whispered: "... It seems to be elementary school."

Professor Tang smiled when he saw Lu Zhou and asked in a casual tone: "How are you preparing for mathematical modeling?"

Lu Zhou couldn't help but shudder.

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

"I wish I could be fatter," Lu Zhou said nonchalantly while eating high-calorie ice cream sprinkled with chocolate mousse, "I don't know why, but I can't gain weight no matter what I eat."

Defeat is decided...

Lu Zhou himself didn't believe his nonsense, so he accidentally adopted a questioning tone in the end.

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded, "I took out the paper "Messenne's Distribution of Prime Numbers" from 1992 and read it. I found that the conjecture in it was very interesting, but the process was too short and there was almost only one conclusion. Just try to study it.”

"Can I admit defeat?"

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

Lu Zhou himself didn't believe his nonsense, so he accidentally adopted a questioning tone in the end.

There are still almost four hours before the drug resistance ends. I start taking the medicine at 6 o'clock and it is within the validity period until 11 o'clock at night. It is not a problem to stay up until 12 o'clock. The library has long been closed at this time, so naturally I can't study in the library today.

And currently, according to the reward standards of the GIMPS project, if you want to get the next reward, you can only target the 100 millionth Mersenne prime number. However, even so, what you get is not proportional to what you pay. After all, the reward for the 100 millionth place is only US$150,000, and the cost of this thing is probably more than that.

As expected, she didn't believe his nonsense. Professor Tang shook his head and said earnestly, "Your talent in mathematics is nothing to say, but you are just too impetuous. What results can you achieve with a hammer here and there? There is nothing utilitarian. After all, people who do research are human beings, but do you think Mersenne prime numbers are so easy to calculate? The GIMPS project you mentioned took a full eight years, but you still didn’t figure out whether the 44th Mersenne prime number was actually the 44th Mersenne prime number. 44 questions, do you think the bonus is so good?"

There is no room for redemption at all.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to school, and it was the hottest time of the day.

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

Although the 44th Mersenne prime had been found in 2006, until 14 years ago, the academic community had reservations about whether there were undiscovered Mersenne primes between the 43rd and 44th Mersenne primes.

After downloading the program and glancing at it twice, Lu Zhou first extracted the code into the text for later use, and then started writing according to the format of a mathematical modeling paper.

Hearing this question, Chen Yushan blushed and said with embarrassment: "When I was young... I played against my parents and my mother, and I never lost."

Defeat is decided...

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

The advantage is that there is no need to queue, but the disadvantage is that many cafeteria ladies have gone on vacation with the students, and there are only a few cafeteria windows left.

Because she was afraid of getting tanned, Chen Yushan did not dare to stay outside for long. She waved goodbye to Lu Zhou and quickly returned to the dormitory.

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."

Because this number is so huge, the amount of calculation involved is beyond human imagination.

Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

"... One more round."

The advantage is that there is no need to queue, but the disadvantage is that many cafeteria ladies have gone on vacation with the students, and there are only a few cafeteria windows left.

"... One more round."

Seeing that Lu Zhou was silent, Professor Tang sighed and continued with a serious tone: "Your paper is very exciting. I'm not the only one who thinks so. Several old professors from the School of Physics have read it and think so too. If you are in If we continue to conduct in-depth research in this direction, I dare to say that we can achieve great results within two years. Even if we are utilitarian, we should also take a long-term view."

Because it is too troublesome to explain.

And currently, according to the reward standards of the GIMPS project, if you want to get the next reward, you can only target the 100 millionth Mersenne prime number. However, even so, what you get is not proportional to what you pay. After all, the reward for the 100 millionth place is only US$150,000, and the cost of this thing is probably more than that.

When asking math questions, she was always "ridiculed" for being too simple, "another question that requires points," and "is it too late for the postgraduate entrance exam?" She originally expected to gain some face from playing checkers, but Lu Zhou lost no face at all. Here, he beat her ten times in a row, and he still let her go first.

Because of the summer vacation, the cafeteria was deserted.

When asking math questions, she was always "ridiculed" for being too simple, "another question that requires points," and "is it too late for the postgraduate entrance exam?" She originally expected to gain some face from playing checkers, but Lu Zhou lost no face at all. Here, he beat her ten times in a row, and he still let her go first.

To put it bluntly, if you have this spare time, you might as well go mining Bitcoin and engage in mathematical research

Could it be that my IQ is actually very low

Looking at Chen Yushan who stubbornly pushed away the chessboard and insisted on playing another game, Lu Zhou couldn't help but ask.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to school, and it was the hottest time of the day.

"... One more round."


Having identified Lu Zhou's character of being greedy for money, Professor Tang subjectively believed that this guy must have been obsessed with money after seeing the reward.

However, this had no impact on Lu Zhou. Under normal circumstances, he would settle for a bowl of noodles at night.

"How small?"

It took her a while to finally accept the situation, and she proposed in a tentative tone.

Defeat is decided...

Chen Yushan whispered: "... It seems to be elementary school."

Chen Yushan, who has been claiming to be a top student for the past three years, can't help but start to have doubts about life.

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, not easily able to refute.

Chen Yushan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

Because it is too troublesome to explain.

Lu Zhou asked seriously: "How did you get the illusion that your checkers skills are very strong?"

"How small?"

Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not asking about mathematical modeling, so he thought about it and said, "I recently read a document about the progress of the GIMPS research plan..."

You can always misunderstand me as much as you want.

Chen Yushan, who has been claiming to be a top student for the past three years, can't help but start to have doubts about life.

It seems like this joke is a bit hateful

Seeing that Lu Zhou was silent, Professor Tang sighed and continued with a serious tone: "Your paper is very exciting. I'm not the only one who thinks so. Several old professors from the School of Physics have read it and think so too. If you are in If we continue to conduct in-depth research in this direction, I dare to say that we can achieve great results within two years. Even if we are utilitarian, we should also take a long-term view."


"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

"Uh... maybe it's just out of interest?"

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. I'm just not optimistic about this direction. First, it's too unpopular. Second, it's difficult to produce results. Third, I haven't done much research myself, so I can't help you. If you just feel I have no objection to studying if you are interested. But if you focus on it, you will be delaying yourself. I will say this straight, you can think about it yourself! "

You can always misunderstand me as much as you want.

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.


Lu Zhou asked in a low voice: "Teacher, do you suggest that I continue my research in this field?"

It took him an afternoon to finish the paper. He packed the paper and the program together and threw them into Teacher Liu's mailbox.

While eating, he happened to bump into Old Tang. Lu Zhou walked up to say hello and sat down opposite the professor with a bowl in hand.

And currently, according to the reward standards of the GIMPS project, if you want to get the next reward, you can only target the 100 millionth Mersenne prime number. However, even so, what you get is not proportional to what you pay. After all, the reward for the 100 millionth place is only US$150,000, and the cost of this thing is probably more than that.

Because it is too troublesome to explain.

"... One more round."

Professor Tang shook his head and said, "I don't mean that. I'm just not optimistic about this direction. First, it's too unpopular. Second, it's difficult to produce results. Third, I haven't done much research myself, so I can't help you. If you just feel I have no objection to studying if you are interested. But if you focus on it, you will be delaying yourself. I will say this straight, you can think about it yourself! "

"How small?"

Although the price was a bit expensive, it was not his own money spent anyway. Lu Zhou even ordered an ice cream as a dessert.

Professor Tang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "The one from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Biting her thumb and frowning, Chen Yushan stared at the chessboard and thought hard.

Chen Yushan whispered: "... It seems to be elementary school."

Because of the summer vacation, the cafeteria was deserted.

It took him an afternoon to finish the paper. He packed the paper and the program together and threw them into Teacher Liu's mailbox.