Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 39: Lawyer’s letter, let’s find out


I wish you are in a good mood today.

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

[come on!]

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

Ha ha ha ha!

No matter what the truth is, overwhelming public opinion will arbitrarily conclude everything.

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

"Jinling University gave a reply. There was nothing wrong with the paper. It was very official and official."

No, Jinling University has no choice. The lawyer’s letter has been sent!

Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

[Feel sad for our education...]

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

[Feel sad for our education...]

Although Jinling University and the editorial board of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology" both responded and stated that there were no problems with the paper, the self-certification of the person being questioned simply could not convince the masses.

It would be easier to expect Watermelon to learn to think.

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

[Chen Yushan: How about... you come out at night and I treat you to dinner?]

Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish I was crazy with joy.

[The surname is Lu Mingzhou. It turns out that this "incredible" undergraduate student is named Lu Zhou! This time it’s a real deal.]

No, Jinling University has no choice. The lawyer’s letter has been sent!

The reporter nodded and was about to ask the next question. At this moment, there was an undisguised knock on the door outside the classroom.

You can never underestimate the shamelessness of a scoundrel if he records a phone call and edits it. Tomorrow's headlines may be about a university threatening a whistleblower again.

No matter what the truth is, overwhelming public opinion will arbitrarily conclude everything.

Looking at the title of the article with satisfaction, Zhu Gangcai continued to type on the keyboard and started filling in text according to the prepared template.

In the lawyer's letter, Jin DaFang stated righteously that there was nothing wrong with the paper. Not only did he ask him to withdraw his remarks immediately, but he also asked him to apologize for what he had said before. Otherwise, Jin DaFang would retain the right to sue.

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

[Chen Yushan: Are you going to be in the newspaper? ? ?]

Are you a marketing account that can be played on the school’s official WeChat account

The reporter from Jinling Daily was preparing the interview equipment. Taking advantage of this gap, Director Lu walked to Lu Zhou, pulled him aside, and said, "Are you ready? The reporter will ask you questions later. You can only answer for your convenience." That’s all.”

The reporter nodded and was about to ask the next question. At this moment, there was an undisguised knock on the door outside the classroom.

In addition, Jinling University’s official WeChat account, which has locked comments, posted a reply letter from several academic editors responsible for review of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology", proving that the academic value of the paper exists. This actually made some netizens who were not too concerned about the excitement regain some sense and began to reflect on whether they had been led to the rhythm...

[Requesting to write SCI papers, the price is negotiable.]

[Chen Yushan: How about... you come out at night and I treat you to dinner?]

In just two days, he gained almost 400,000 followers, and now his followers have exceeded the 3 million mark! Advertising costs have increased by more than a little. When the time comes, if this lawyer's letter is hyped up, it may attract more than 4 million followers!

It’s almost time!

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

After all, this kind of public opinion war is not a debate, not to mention the dirty water thrown by the other side is something that is difficult to prove by oneself. I said that there is a dedicated academic editor who can prove the professionalism of my paper. You can also jump out and doubt the "authority" of this academic editor, and suspect that the school and journal are covering it up for their own reputation.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "Actually, I personally don't think it's difficult. The nine SCI articles are all about the application of artificial intelligence in drone logistics. This itself is a relatively cutting-edge field. I think It is not difficult to produce results. What’s more, I have been researching for a while before and only recently started writing papers... "

"... After a university discovered academic fraud, the first thing it did not do was investigate the students involved, but instead tried to silence the whistleblower through a lawyer's letter. This approach chills every citizen who cares about education! It seems that This student’s background is not ordinary!”

However, will Dazui be afraid

However, will Dazui be afraid

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

But Lu Zhou deliberately didn't look at him.

"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"

[Chen Yushan: How about... you come out at night and I treat you to dinner?]

"... Let's take a step back and think about it carefully. Even if there is no problem with the paper. How can a freshman undergraduate student publish 9 SCI papers in a month? Who can prove that these papers are his? Written by me? I think it’s either plagiarized! Or it’s written by someone else!”

Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

But Lu Zhou deliberately didn't look at him.

Are you a marketing account that can be played on the school’s official WeChat account

When typing the word [Lu], Zhu Fang stopped for a moment, suddenly turned his eyes, raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed the backspace key to eliminate it, and replaced the title with [a certain boat] classmate].

Seeing that the irritated teacher didn't continue to speak, Zhu Fang just smacked his lips, said a pity to himself, changed his hand to hold the phone, and continued, "Okay, let's not waste time. You can apologize if you want me to, unless you You can prove two things to me. One is that the paper is indeed useful and is not just a trick! Pay attention, it is a more authoritative proof. What the hell are you trying to prove yourself? Secondly, the paper is indeed written by him! If you can't prove it With these two points, I will continue to stick to my point of view! Fight to the end for the sake of a bright future in academia!"

"Those are all baseless slanders," Lu Zhou shrugged, his tone as restrained as possible, "Starting from the first mathematics paper I published, I completed every paper in the library. If there is any If necessary, I will apply to the school and provide monitoring data."

[Requesting to write SCI papers, the price is negotiable.]

[Chen Yushan: I haven’t seen you in the library recently... Are you okay?]

Director Lu didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder: "Then go over."

[Chen Yushan: Are you going to be in the newspaper? ? ?]

You can't hide this thing if you want to investigate it. Instead of letting others dig it out and use it as material to attack you, it's better to expose it yourself first.

Nice lawyer’s letter!

Because they had read Lu Zhou's papers, these professors had a very good impression of him. When Lu Zhou greeted them, several leaders smiled and nodded in a friendly manner.

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

Just then, the cell phone on the table rang.

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

Isn't it just a lawsuit? It's not the first time.

The reporter from Jinling Daily was preparing the interview equipment. Taking advantage of this gap, Director Lu walked to Lu Zhou, pulled him aside, and said, "Are you ready? The reporter will ask you questions later. You can only answer for your convenience." That’s all.”

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

The journalist lady nodded, gave him an encouraging look, and then continued with the second question: "Regarding Mr. Zhu's doubts about your paper, do you have anything to say to him?"

He is worried about not being able to keep the heat up!

The female reporter with a ponytail smiled at him. After getting the signal to start, she asked in a announcer-like voice: "Hello, I am a reporter from Jinling Daily. I can interview you. Who are you? How to complete 9 SCI papers in one month?”

Are you a marketing account that can be played on the school’s official WeChat account

[What do those people who say the paper is fine think? Jinling University must be speaking out for its students. After all, it has to do with its own academic reputation. But I think this student has made such a big fuss, so it’s over (smile)]

Since you want to smear me as an academic cancer who only adds water to the paper, then I will package myself as a genius!

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.

Therefore, Zhu Fangcai ignored the lawyer's letter at all. Not only that, he immediately turned on his computer, logged into the web version of the bib, and started editing his second blog post.

The interview was interrupted, and Director Lu frowned slightly. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, the teacher who came in spoke eagerly with a joyful voice.

In just two days, he gained almost 400,000 followers, and now his followers have exceeded the 3 million mark! Advertising costs have increased by more than a little. When the time comes, if this lawyer's letter is hyped up, it may attract more than 4 million followers!

[come on!]

Nice lawyer’s letter!

[Requesting to write SCI papers, the price is negotiable.]

I not only pointed out that this person’s surname was Lu.

I wish you are in a good mood today.

Therefore, Zhu Fangcai ignored the lawyer's letter at all. Not only that, he immediately turned on his computer, logged into the web version of the bib, and started editing his second blog post.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

Lu Zhou waited for a while, and Chen Yushan sent two replies.

"The Angry Hypocrite—Starting from a Lawyer's Letter"

[come on!]

The reporter from Jinling Daily was preparing the interview equipment. Taking advantage of this gap, Director Lu walked to Lu Zhou, pulled him aside, and said, "Are you ready? The reporter will ask you questions later. You can only answer for your convenience." That’s all.”

In addition, Jinling University’s official WeChat account, which has locked comments, posted a reply letter from several academic editors responsible for review of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology", proving that the academic value of the paper exists. This actually made some netizens who were not too concerned about the excitement regain some sense and began to reflect on whether they had been led to the rhythm...

Thinking like this, Lu Zhou nodded and admitted generously: "Yes, it's not just computer papers. I have published two papers in the foreign core journal "Communications of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics" before, and one of them is The paper was published before those nine computer papers. So nine papers a month is actually not accurate, it should be ten papers a month."

In other words, a message of battle!

"Jinling University gave a reply. There was nothing wrong with the paper. It was very official and official."

[Feel sad for our education...]

"The Angry Hypocrite—Starting from a Lawyer's Letter"

Because they had read Lu Zhou's papers, these professors had a very good impression of him. When Lu Zhou greeted them, several leaders smiled and nodded in a friendly manner.

In just two days, he gained almost 400,000 followers, and now his followers have exceeded the 3 million mark! Advertising costs have increased by more than a little. When the time comes, if this lawyer's letter is hyped up, it may attract more than 4 million followers!

The interview was interrupted, and Director Lu frowned slightly. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, the teacher who came in spoke eagerly with a joyful voice.

Although Jinling University and the editorial board of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology" both responded and stated that there were no problems with the paper, the self-certification of the person being questioned simply could not convince the masses.

[Shocked, he is actually a freshman!]

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

The interview was interrupted, and Director Lu frowned slightly. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, the teacher who came in spoke eagerly with a joyful voice.

Looking at the title of the article with satisfaction, Zhu Gangcai continued to type on the keyboard and started filling in text according to the prepared template.

[I trust you!]

After all, this kind of public opinion war is not a debate, not to mention the dirty water thrown by the other side is something that is difficult to prove by oneself. I said that there is a dedicated academic editor who can prove the professionalism of my paper. You can also jump out and doubt the "authority" of this academic editor, and suspect that the school and journal are covering it up for their own reputation.

"... After a university discovered academic fraud, the first thing it did not do was investigate the students involved, but instead tried to silence the whistleblower through a lawyer's letter. This approach chills every citizen who cares about education! It seems that This student’s background is not ordinary!”

An expected question.

Click to send!

"Jinling University gave a reply. There was nothing wrong with the paper. It was very official and official."


Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

I also want to name this person Mingzhou!

[Chen Yushan: Are you going to be in the newspaper? ? ?]

[Boss, please help me write my essay!]

"... Let's take a step back and think about it carefully. Even if there is no problem with the paper. How can a freshman undergraduate student publish 9 SCI papers in a month? Who can prove that these papers are his? Written by me? I think it’s either plagiarized! Or it’s written by someone else!”

[Feel sad for our education...]

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

Of course, there were also quite a few people who were even more inexplicable in their insults. They were probably fans of Mr. Zhu, and they were the kind that were fanatical to a certain level.

"... After a university discovered academic fraud, the first thing it did not do was investigate the students involved, but instead tried to silence the whistleblower through a lawyer's letter. This approach chills every citizen who cares about education! It seems that This student’s background is not ordinary!”

Hearing these words, the reporter's eyes lit up, while Director Lu's face almost turned dark. He winked at Lu Zhou desperately to signal him not to take the topic to a place that was unfavorable to him.

[The surname is Lu Mingzhou. It turns out that this "incredible" undergraduate student is named Lu Zhou! This time it’s a real deal.]

No, Jinling University has no choice. The lawyer’s letter has been sent!

"Jinling University gave a reply. There was nothing wrong with the paper. It was very official and official."

Lu Zhou waited for a while, and Chen Yushan sent two replies.

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

"If I offended any big shot, I'd like to apologize to you. But I won't apologize! Why should I apologize for something that is absolutely right? I am also a scientific researcher myself. I think I can complete 9 It is impossible to write a paper. At the same time, I am also an education commentator. I feel that I have the right to stand up for the public and remain skeptical!"

No matter what the truth is, overwhelming public opinion will arbitrarily conclude everything.

When typing the word [Lu], Zhu Fang stopped for a moment, suddenly turned his eyes, raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed the backspace key to eliminate it, and replaced the title with [a certain boat] classmate].

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

"... After a university discovered academic fraud, the first thing it did not do was investigate the students involved, but instead tried to silence the whistleblower through a lawyer's letter. This approach chills every citizen who cares about education! It seems that This student’s background is not ordinary!”

Ordinary people can't do it, but geniuses are not ordinary people.

"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"


He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

After all, this kind of public opinion war is not a debate, not to mention the dirty water thrown by the other side is something that is difficult to prove by oneself. I said that there is a dedicated academic editor who can prove the professionalism of my paper. You can also jump out and doubt the "authority" of this academic editor, and suspect that the school and journal are covering it up for their own reputation.

When typing the word [Lu], Zhu Fang stopped for a moment, suddenly turned his eyes, raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed the backspace key to eliminate it, and replaced the title with [a certain boat] classmate].

"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"

"Jinling University gave a reply. There was nothing wrong with the paper. It was very official and official."

The interview was interrupted, and Director Lu frowned slightly. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, the teacher who came in spoke eagerly with a joyful voice.

"Oh, it's pretty cool. I got my phone number? Let me start by saying, I'm not your student. If you have something to say, just say it and let it go." He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and Zhu Gangcai held it in his mouth. On the mouth, it lights up leisurely.

I not only pointed out that this person’s surname was Lu.

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

[Chen Yushan: I haven’t seen you in the library recently... Are you okay?]

"Jinling University gave a reply. There was nothing wrong with the paper. It was very official and official."

I also want to name this person Mingzhou!

Seeing that there were still people who cared about him so much, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He poked his finger on the screen and replied: [Let's wait for another day. I have to cooperate with the Jinling Daily interview in a while. I don't know when it will be finished.]

Since you want to smear me as an academic cancer who only adds water to the paper, then I will package myself as a genius!

Since others have chosen a high-profile attack, it is useless to be low-key at this time. Only by counterattacking with the same high-profile can it be possible to win back the victory.

It seems that there are still real people.

Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

[come on!]

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

[I trust you!]

Click to send!

The journalist lady nodded, gave him an encouraging look, and then continued with the second question: "Regarding Mr. Zhu's doubts about your paper, do you have anything to say to him?"

[If you are in country X, once you are found guilty of academic fraud, you will be taken away by the police... ]

Click to send!

Although Jinling University and the editorial board of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology" both responded and stated that there were no problems with the paper, the self-certification of the person being questioned simply could not convince the masses.

In addition, Jinling University’s official WeChat account, which has locked comments, posted a reply letter from several academic editors responsible for review of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology", proving that the academic value of the paper exists. This actually made some netizens who were not too concerned about the excitement regain some sense and began to reflect on whether they had been led to the rhythm...

Lu Zhou waited for a while, and Chen Yushan sent two replies.

Since others have chosen a high-profile attack, it is useless to be low-key at this time. Only by counterattacking with the same high-profile can it be possible to win back the victory.

Zhu just pressed the send button, sat on the computer chair, crossed his legs, and picked his feet.

[Boss, please help me write my essay!]

He is worried about not being able to keep the heat up!

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.

Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

Ordinary people can't do it, but geniuses are not ordinary people.

After all, this kind of public opinion war is not a debate, not to mention the dirty water thrown by the other side is something that is difficult to prove by oneself. I said that there is a dedicated academic editor who can prove the professionalism of my paper. You can also jump out and doubt the "authority" of this academic editor, and suspect that the school and journal are covering it up for their own reputation.

I not only pointed out that this person’s surname was Lu.

[Shocked, he is actually a freshman!]

Just then, the cell phone on the table rang.

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

Seeing that there were still people who cared about him so much, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He poked his finger on the screen and replied: [Let's wait for another day. I have to cooperate with the Jinling Daily interview in a while. I don't know when it will be finished.]

It would be easier to expect Watermelon to learn to think.

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

I also want to name this person Mingzhou!

[The surname is Lu Mingzhou. It turns out that this "incredible" undergraduate student is named Lu Zhou! This time it’s a real deal.]

But Lu Zhou deliberately didn't look at him.

It would be easier to expect Watermelon to learn to think.

[Feel sad for our education...]

As for his family members, they don’t wear scarves and are unlikely to see these negative news. As for the impact it had on his life, it was actually very minimal. Even yesterday and the day before yesterday, he went to tutor Han Mengqi in math as if nothing had happened.

"Jinling University gave a reply. There was nothing wrong with the paper. It was very official and official."

Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish I was crazy with joy.

However, will Dazui be afraid

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

Click to send!

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

Are you a marketing account that can be played on the school’s official WeChat account

[Support and wish the teacher! Fight to the end against academic fraud! (fist) (fist)]

Therefore, Zhu Fangcai ignored the lawyer's letter at all. Not only that, he immediately turned on his computer, logged into the web version of the bib, and started editing his second blog post.

Seeing that there were still people who cared about him so much, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He poked his finger on the screen and replied: [Let's wait for another day. I have to cooperate with the Jinling Daily interview in a while. I don't know when it will be finished.]

Ha ha ha ha!

[If you are in country X, once you are found guilty of academic fraud, you will be taken away by the police... ]

It would be easier to expect Watermelon to learn to think.

[If you are in country X, once you are found guilty of academic fraud, you will be taken away by the police... ]

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

It’s almost time!

"Oh, it's pretty cool. I got my phone number? Let me start by saying, I'm not your student. If you have something to say, just say it and let it go." He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and Zhu Gangcai held it in his mouth. On the mouth, it lights up leisurely.

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

Zhu just pressed the send button, sat on the computer chair, crossed his legs, and picked his feet.

[What do those people who say the paper is fine think? Jinling University must be speaking out for its students. After all, it has to do with its own academic reputation. But I think this student has made such a big fuss, so it’s over (smile)]


Looking at the title of the article with satisfaction, Zhu Gangcai continued to type on the keyboard and started filling in text according to the prepared template.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

You can never underestimate the shamelessness of a scoundrel if he records a phone call and edits it. Tomorrow's headlines may be about a university threatening a whistleblower again.


Zhu Fangcai smiled, flicked the cigarette ashes, and said leisurely: "Troubled? I don't think it's bothering me. Of course you can also question what I said is wrong, but you can't limit my right to speak. What can I say? This is my freedom!"

The interview begins.

I wish you are in a good mood today.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhu won't like hearing these words. He has always called himself a scientific researcher." The reporter smiled and continued to ask, "But a freshman... or an undergraduate who is about to enter his sophomore year published in SCI It is a bit incredible to publish 9 papers in a row within a month, and this is also the focus of public doubts. Therefore, Mr. Zhu also raised the idea that the paper may be plagiarized or not written by him... "

Ha ha ha ha!

Isn't it just a lawsuit? It's not the first time.

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

The journalist lady nodded, gave him an encouraging look, and then continued with the second question: "Regarding Mr. Zhu's doubts about your paper, do you have anything to say to him?"

Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish I was crazy with joy.

"Director Lu! The communication room of our college received a letter of thanks from New York University! The recipient is... Lu Zhou!"

In other words, a message of battle!

I wish you are in a good mood today.

It would be easier to expect Watermelon to learn to think.

In the lecture theater, when Lu Zhou arrived, except Director Lu, several other leaders of the entire mathematics school were there.

The interview begins.

Although Jinling University and the editorial board of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology" both responded and stated that there were no problems with the paper, the self-certification of the person being questioned simply could not convince the masses.

Seeing that there were still people who cared about him so much, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He poked his finger on the screen and replied: [Let's wait for another day. I have to cooperate with the Jinling Daily interview in a while. I don't know when it will be finished.]

Just then, the cell phone on the table rang.

When typing the word [Lu], Zhu Fang stopped for a moment, suddenly turned his eyes, raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed the backspace key to eliminate it, and replaced the title with [a certain boat] classmate].

In fact, Lu Zhou got used to it, and even looked away, because these trolls only said a few words over and over again, without any creativity.

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

It would be easier to expect Watermelon to learn to think.

No, Jinling University has no choice. The lawyer’s letter has been sent!

In addition, Jinling University’s official WeChat account, which has locked comments, posted a reply letter from several academic editors responsible for review of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology", proving that the academic value of the paper exists. This actually made some netizens who were not too concerned about the excitement regain some sense and began to reflect on whether they had been led to the rhythm...

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.


He is worried about not being able to keep the heat up!

When typing the word [Lu], Zhu Fang stopped for a moment, suddenly turned his eyes, raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed the backspace key to eliminate it, and replaced the title with [a certain boat] classmate].

In the lawyer's letter, Jin DaFang stated righteously that there was nothing wrong with the paper. Not only did he ask him to withdraw his remarks immediately, but he also asked him to apologize for what he had said before. Otherwise, Jin DaFang would retain the right to sue.

As for expecting people to learn to think independently...

"There is no need to monitor the data. You mentioned that you have published mathematics papers before... is that true?" The reporter was keenly aware of the news in Lu Zhou's words and immediately dug it out.

[The surname is Lu Mingzhou. It turns out that this "incredible" undergraduate student is named Lu Zhou! This time it’s a real deal.]

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

[Boss, please help me write my essay!]

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

In the lawyer's letter, Jin DaFang stated righteously that there was nothing wrong with the paper. Not only did he ask him to withdraw his remarks immediately, but he also asked him to apologize for what he had said before. Otherwise, Jin DaFang would retain the right to sue.

"The Angry Hypocrite—Starting from a Lawyer's Letter"

An expected question.

"Oh, it's pretty cool. I got my phone number? Let me start by saying, I'm not your student. If you have something to say, just say it and let it go." He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and Zhu Gangcai held it in his mouth. On the mouth, it lights up leisurely.

Although Jinling University and the editorial board of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology" both responded and stated that there were no problems with the paper, the self-certification of the person being questioned simply could not convince the masses.

[I trust you!]

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

The interview begins.

It’s almost time!

Seeing that the irritated teacher didn't continue to speak, Zhu Fang just smacked his lips, said a pity to himself, changed his hand to hold the phone, and continued, "Okay, let's not waste time. You can apologize if you want me to, unless you You can prove two things to me. One is that the paper is indeed useful and is not just a trick! Pay attention, it is a more authoritative proof. What the hell are you trying to prove yourself? Secondly, the paper is indeed written by him! If you can't prove it With these two points, I will continue to stick to my point of view! Fight to the end for the sake of a bright future in academia!"

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

Although the way they expressed their support was somewhat baffling.

The reporter from Jinling Daily was preparing the interview equipment. Taking advantage of this gap, Director Lu walked to Lu Zhou, pulled him aside, and said, "Are you ready? The reporter will ask you questions later. You can only answer for your convenience." That’s all.”

Zhu Fangcai smiled, flicked the cigarette ashes, and said leisurely: "Troubled? I don't think it's bothering me. Of course you can also question what I said is wrong, but you can't limit my right to speak. What can I say? This is my freedom!"

[What do those people who say the paper is fine think? Jinling University must be speaking out for its students. After all, it has to do with its own academic reputation. But I think this student has made such a big fuss, so it’s over (smile)]

[come on!]

You can't hide this thing if you want to investigate it. Instead of letting others dig it out and use it as material to attack you, it's better to expose it yourself first.

[come on!]

[Chen Yushan: That person is so hateful! You obviously wrote so hard...]

Zhu just pressed the send button, sat on the computer chair, crossed his legs, and picked his feet.

"You!" Enraged by Zhu Fangcai's attitude, the teacher just said a word, but stopped quickly.

"If I offended any big shot, I'd like to apologize to you. But I won't apologize! Why should I apologize for something that is absolutely right? I am also a scientific researcher myself. I think I can complete 9 It is impossible to write a paper. At the same time, I am also an education commentator. I feel that I have the right to stand up for the public and remain skeptical!"

In the lawyer's letter, Jin DaFang stated righteously that there was nothing wrong with the paper. Not only did he ask him to withdraw his remarks immediately, but he also asked him to apologize for what he had said before. Otherwise, Jin DaFang would retain the right to sue.

You can never underestimate the shamelessness of a scoundrel if he records a phone call and edits it. Tomorrow's headlines may be about a university threatening a whistleblower again.

As for his family members, they don’t wear scarves and are unlikely to see these negative news. As for the impact it had on his life, it was actually very minimal. Even yesterday and the day before yesterday, he went to tutor Han Mengqi in math as if nothing had happened.

No, Jinling University has no choice. The lawyer’s letter has been sent!

Ha ha ha ha!

Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

Seeing that the irritated teacher didn't continue to speak, Zhu Fang just smacked his lips, said a pity to himself, changed his hand to hold the phone, and continued, "Okay, let's not waste time. You can apologize if you want me to, unless you You can prove two things to me. One is that the paper is indeed useful and is not just a trick! Pay attention, it is a more authoritative proof. What the hell are you trying to prove yourself? Secondly, the paper is indeed written by him! If you can't prove it With these two points, I will continue to stick to my point of view! Fight to the end for the sake of a bright future in academia!"

Although Jinling University and the editorial board of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology" both responded and stated that there were no problems with the paper, the self-certification of the person being questioned simply could not convince the masses.

No matter what the truth is, overwhelming public opinion will arbitrarily conclude everything.

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the time on his phone.

Thinking like this, Lu Zhou nodded and admitted generously: "Yes, it's not just computer papers. I have published two papers in the foreign core journal "Communications of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics" before, and one of them is The paper was published before those nine computer papers. So nine papers a month is actually not accurate, it should be ten papers a month."

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

You can't hide this thing if you want to investigate it. Instead of letting others dig it out and use it as material to attack you, it's better to expose it yourself first.

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.

"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"

[What do those people who say the paper is fine think? Jinling University must be speaking out for its students. After all, it has to do with its own academic reputation. But I think this student has made such a big fuss, so it’s over (smile)]

[If you are in country X, once you are found guilty of academic fraud, you will be taken away by the police... ]

"... Let's take a step back and think about it carefully. Even if there is no problem with the paper. How can a freshman undergraduate student publish 9 SCI papers in a month? Who can prove that these papers are his? Written by me? I think it’s either plagiarized! Or it’s written by someone else!”

Isn't it just a lawsuit? It's not the first time.

Nice lawyer’s letter!

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"

"... Let's take a step back and think about it carefully. Even if there is no problem with the paper. How can a freshman undergraduate student publish 9 SCI papers in a month? Who can prove that these papers are his? Written by me? I think it’s either plagiarized! Or it’s written by someone else!”

[Support and wish the teacher! Fight to the end against academic fraud! (fist) (fist)]

[Boss, please help me write my essay!]

[Support and wish the teacher! Fight to the end against academic fraud! (fist) (fist)]

"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"

"You!" Enraged by Zhu Fangcai's attitude, the teacher just said a word, but stopped quickly.

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

Are you a marketing account that can be played on the school’s official WeChat account

In the lawyer's letter, Jin DaFang stated righteously that there was nothing wrong with the paper. Not only did he ask him to withdraw his remarks immediately, but he also asked him to apologize for what he had said before. Otherwise, Jin DaFang would retain the right to sue.

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

No matter what the truth is, overwhelming public opinion will arbitrarily conclude everything.

[Chen Yushan: I haven’t seen you in the library recently... Are you okay?]

"Oh, it's pretty cool. I got my phone number? Let me start by saying, I'm not your student. If you have something to say, just say it and let it go." He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and Zhu Gangcai held it in his mouth. On the mouth, it lights up leisurely.

[Requesting to write SCI papers, the price is negotiable.]

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

"... After a university discovered academic fraud, the first thing it did not do was investigate the students involved, but instead tried to silence the whistleblower through a lawyer's letter. This approach chills every citizen who cares about education! It seems that This student’s background is not ordinary!”

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

The reporter nodded and was about to ask the next question. At this moment, there was an undisguised knock on the door outside the classroom.

I also want to name this person Mingzhou!

It seems that there are still real people.

Since you want to smear me as an academic cancer who only adds water to the paper, then I will package myself as a genius!

"Those are all baseless slanders," Lu Zhou shrugged, his tone as restrained as possible, "Starting from the first mathematics paper I published, I completed every paper in the library. If there is any If necessary, I will apply to the school and provide monitoring data."

Although the way they expressed their support was somewhat baffling.

It seems that there are still real people.

"I think this is a false proposition. Just because he knows nothing about computer technology, he cannot say that my paper is fake. Has he carefully read my paper? Has he verified the algorithm I proposed in the paper? Maybe he I haven't read it at all, or I can't even understand it..." Lu Zhou said helplessly.

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

Of course, there were also quite a few people who were even more inexplicable in their insults. They were probably fans of Mr. Zhu, and they were the kind that were fanatical to a certain level.

The journalist lady nodded, gave him an encouraging look, and then continued with the second question: "Regarding Mr. Zhu's doubts about your paper, do you have anything to say to him?"

Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish I was crazy with joy.

No, Jinling University has no choice. The lawyer’s letter has been sent!

Director Lu didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder: "Then go over."


Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the time on his phone.

He is worried about not being able to keep the heat up!

In fact, Lu Zhou got used to it, and even looked away, because these trolls only said a few words over and over again, without any creativity.

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

In fact, Lu Zhou got used to it, and even looked away, because these trolls only said a few words over and over again, without any creativity.

Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish I was crazy with joy.

As for his family members, they don’t wear scarves and are unlikely to see these negative news. As for the impact it had on his life, it was actually very minimal. Even yesterday and the day before yesterday, he went to tutor Han Mengqi in math as if nothing had happened.

[Feel sad for our education...]


Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

In the lawyer's letter, Jin DaFang stated righteously that there was nothing wrong with the paper. Not only did he ask him to withdraw his remarks immediately, but he also asked him to apologize for what he had said before. Otherwise, Jin DaFang would retain the right to sue.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "Actually, I personally don't think it's difficult. The nine SCI articles are all about the application of artificial intelligence in drone logistics. This itself is a relatively cutting-edge field. I think It is not difficult to produce results. What’s more, I have been researching for a while before and only recently started writing papers... "

"There is no need to monitor the data. You mentioned that you have published mathematics papers before... is that true?" The reporter was keenly aware of the news in Lu Zhou's words and immediately dug it out.

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.

Director Lu didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder: "Then go over."

Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

He is worried about not being able to keep the heat up!

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

"Those are all baseless slanders," Lu Zhou shrugged, his tone as restrained as possible, "Starting from the first mathematics paper I published, I completed every paper in the library. If there is any If necessary, I will apply to the school and provide monitoring data."

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

When typing the word [Lu], Zhu Fang stopped for a moment, suddenly turned his eyes, raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed the backspace key to eliminate it, and replaced the title with [a certain boat] classmate].

But Lu Zhou deliberately didn't look at him.

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

"Director Lu! The communication room of our college received a letter of thanks from New York University! The recipient is... Lu Zhou!"

After all, this kind of public opinion war is not a debate, not to mention the dirty water thrown by the other side is something that is difficult to prove by oneself. I said that there is a dedicated academic editor who can prove the professionalism of my paper. You can also jump out and doubt the "authority" of this academic editor, and suspect that the school and journal are covering it up for their own reputation.

[Chen Yushan: I haven’t seen you in the library recently... Are you okay?]

"I think this is a false proposition. Just because he knows nothing about computer technology, he cannot say that my paper is fake. Has he carefully read my paper? Has he verified the algorithm I proposed in the paper? Maybe he I haven't read it at all, or I can't even understand it..." Lu Zhou said helplessly.

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

Nice lawyer’s letter!

Although the way they expressed their support was somewhat baffling.

Of course, there were also quite a few people who were even more inexplicable in their insults. They were probably fans of Mr. Zhu, and they were the kind that were fanatical to a certain level.

The reporter from Jinling Daily was preparing the interview equipment. Taking advantage of this gap, Director Lu walked to Lu Zhou, pulled him aside, and said, "Are you ready? The reporter will ask you questions later. You can only answer for your convenience." That’s all.”

After all, this kind of public opinion war is not a debate, not to mention the dirty water thrown by the other side is something that is difficult to prove by oneself. I said that there is a dedicated academic editor who can prove the professionalism of my paper. You can also jump out and doubt the "authority" of this academic editor, and suspect that the school and journal are covering it up for their own reputation.

[Chen Yushan: That person is so hateful! You obviously wrote so hard...]

Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the time on his phone.

Because they had read Lu Zhou's papers, these professors had a very good impression of him. When Lu Zhou greeted them, several leaders smiled and nodded in a friendly manner.

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

I not only pointed out that this person’s surname was Lu.

Since you want to smear me as an academic cancer who only adds water to the paper, then I will package myself as a genius!

[Chen Yushan: How about... you come out at night and I treat you to dinner?]

You can never underestimate the shamelessness of a scoundrel if he records a phone call and edits it. Tomorrow's headlines may be about a university threatening a whistleblower again.

Thinking like this, Lu Zhou nodded and admitted generously: "Yes, it's not just computer papers. I have published two papers in the foreign core journal "Communications of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics" before, and one of them is The paper was published before those nine computer papers. So nine papers a month is actually not accurate, it should be ten papers a month."

Seeing that there were still people who cared about him so much, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He poked his finger on the screen and replied: [Let's wait for another day. I have to cooperate with the Jinling Daily interview in a while. I don't know when it will be finished.]

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

I wish you are in a good mood today.

Because they had read Lu Zhou's papers, these professors had a very good impression of him. When Lu Zhou greeted them, several leaders smiled and nodded in a friendly manner.


[Requesting to write SCI papers, the price is negotiable.]

"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"

However, will Dazui be afraid

[Chen Yushan: Are you going to be in the newspaper? ? ?]

Since you want to smear me as an academic cancer who only adds water to the paper, then I will package myself as a genius!

Are you a marketing account that can be played on the school’s official WeChat account

Looking at the title of the article with satisfaction, Zhu Gangcai continued to type on the keyboard and started filling in text according to the prepared template.

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

"I think this is a false proposition. Just because he knows nothing about computer technology, he cannot say that my paper is fake. Has he carefully read my paper? Has he verified the algorithm I proposed in the paper? Maybe he I haven't read it at all, or I can't even understand it..." Lu Zhou said helplessly.

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the time on his phone.

[Feel sad for our education...]

But Lu Zhou deliberately didn't look at him.

Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the time on his phone.

"... Let's take a step back and think about it carefully. Even if there is no problem with the paper. How can a freshman undergraduate student publish 9 SCI papers in a month? Who can prove that these papers are his? Written by me? I think it’s either plagiarized! Or it’s written by someone else!”

Lu Zhou waited for a while, and Chen Yushan sent two replies.

In fact, Lu Zhou got used to it, and even looked away, because these trolls only said a few words over and over again, without any creativity.

But Lu Zhou deliberately didn't look at him.

[Requesting to write SCI papers, the price is negotiable.]

[Chen Yushan: How about... you come out at night and I treat you to dinner?]

[I trust you!]

Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish I was crazy with joy.

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

[come on!]

As for expecting people to learn to think independently...

"I think this is a false proposition. Just because he knows nothing about computer technology, he cannot say that my paper is fake. Has he carefully read my paper? Has he verified the algorithm I proposed in the paper? Maybe he I haven't read it at all, or I can't even understand it..." Lu Zhou said helplessly.

[Chen Yushan: How about... you come out at night and I treat you to dinner?]

[Shocked, he is actually a freshman!]

"Director Lu! The communication room of our college received a letter of thanks from New York University! The recipient is... Lu Zhou!"

Sitting on a stool in the classroom, facing the camera and microphone, Lu Zhou unexpectedly found that he was calmer than he thought.

The interview begins.

When typing the word [Lu], Zhu Fang stopped for a moment, suddenly turned his eyes, raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed the backspace key to eliminate it, and replaced the title with [a certain boat] classmate].


[Boss, please help me write my essay!]

"Director Lu! The communication room of our college received a letter of thanks from New York University! The recipient is... Lu Zhou!"

Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the time on his phone.

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

Zhu just pressed the send button, sat on the computer chair, crossed his legs, and picked his feet.

[Shocked, he is actually a freshman!]


Click to send!

In the lawyer's letter, Jin DaFang stated righteously that there was nothing wrong with the paper. Not only did he ask him to withdraw his remarks immediately, but he also asked him to apologize for what he had said before. Otherwise, Jin DaFang would retain the right to sue.

[Feel sad for our education...]

It’s almost time!

[Chen Yushan: How about... you come out at night and I treat you to dinner?]

Nice lawyer’s letter!

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

Since you want to smear me as an academic cancer who only adds water to the paper, then I will package myself as a genius!

[come on!]

"If I offended any big shot, I'd like to apologize to you. But I won't apologize! Why should I apologize for something that is absolutely right? I am also a scientific researcher myself. I think I can complete 9 It is impossible to write a paper. At the same time, I am also an education commentator. I feel that I have the right to stand up for the public and remain skeptical!"

In the lecture theater, when Lu Zhou arrived, except Director Lu, several other leaders of the entire mathematics school were there.

"Director Lu! The communication room of our college received a letter of thanks from New York University! The recipient is... Lu Zhou!"

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

The interview begins.

No matter what the truth is, overwhelming public opinion will arbitrarily conclude everything.

An expected question.

Isn't it just a lawsuit? It's not the first time.

Nice lawyer’s letter!

Because they had read Lu Zhou's papers, these professors had a very good impression of him. When Lu Zhou greeted them, several leaders smiled and nodded in a friendly manner.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

The reporter nodded and was about to ask the next question. At this moment, there was an undisguised knock on the door outside the classroom.

If the students in your own school have no problem, then of course they will be consistent with the outside world.

In addition, Jinling University’s official WeChat account, which has locked comments, posted a reply letter from several academic editors responsible for review of "Modern Communications and Geographic Information Technology", proving that the academic value of the paper exists. This actually made some netizens who were not too concerned about the excitement regain some sense and began to reflect on whether they had been led to the rhythm...

"I understand." Lu Zhou nodded.

In other words, a message of battle!

You can't hide this thing if you want to investigate it. Instead of letting others dig it out and use it as material to attack you, it's better to expose it yourself first.

The reporter from Jinling Daily was preparing the interview equipment. Taking advantage of this gap, Director Lu walked to Lu Zhou, pulled him aside, and said, "Are you ready? The reporter will ask you questions later. You can only answer for your convenience." That’s all.”

"Those are all baseless slanders," Lu Zhou shrugged, his tone as restrained as possible, "Starting from the first mathematics paper I published, I completed every paper in the library. If there is any If necessary, I will apply to the school and provide monitoring data."

[Chen Yushan: Are you going to be in the newspaper? ? ?]

Zhu just pressed the send button, sat on the computer chair, crossed his legs, and picked his feet.

Although the way they expressed their support was somewhat baffling.

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

Seeing that there were still people who cared about him so much, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He poked his finger on the screen and replied: [Let's wait for another day. I have to cooperate with the Jinling Daily interview in a while. I don't know when it will be finished.]

"I understand." Lu Zhou nodded.

[Shocked, he is actually a freshman!]

Just then, the cell phone on the table rang.

Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish I was crazy with joy.

In fact, Lu Zhou got used to it, and even looked away, because these trolls only said a few words over and over again, without any creativity.

Therefore, Zhu Fangcai ignored the lawyer's letter at all. Not only that, he immediately turned on his computer, logged into the web version of the bib, and started editing his second blog post.

Seeing that there were still people who cared about him so much, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He poked his finger on the screen and replied: [Let's wait for another day. I have to cooperate with the Jinling Daily interview in a while. I don't know when it will be finished.]

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.

Director Lu didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder: "Then go over."

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhu won't like hearing these words. He has always called himself a scientific researcher." The reporter smiled and continued to ask, "But a freshman... or an undergraduate who is about to enter his sophomore year published in SCI It is a bit incredible to publish 9 papers in a row within a month, and this is also the focus of public doubts. Therefore, Mr. Zhu also raised the idea that the paper may be plagiarized or not written by him... "

The interview begins.

An expected question.

"Oh, it's pretty cool. I got my phone number? Let me start by saying, I'm not your student. If you have something to say, just say it and let it go." He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and Zhu Gangcai held it in his mouth. On the mouth, it lights up leisurely.

The female reporter with a ponytail smiled at him. After getting the signal to start, she asked in a announcer-like voice: "Hello, I am a reporter from Jinling Daily. I can interview you. Who are you? How to complete 9 SCI papers in one month?”

[Chen Yushan: How about... you come out at night and I treat you to dinner?]

Sitting on a stool in the classroom, facing the camera and microphone, Lu Zhou unexpectedly found that he was calmer than he thought.

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

Ordinary people can't do it, but geniuses are not ordinary people.

"... After a university discovered academic fraud, the first thing it did not do was investigate the students involved, but instead tried to silence the whistleblower through a lawyer's letter. This approach chills every citizen who cares about education! It seems that This student’s background is not ordinary!”

The reporter from Jinling Daily was preparing the interview equipment. Taking advantage of this gap, Director Lu walked to Lu Zhou, pulled him aside, and said, "Are you ready? The reporter will ask you questions later. You can only answer for your convenience." That’s all.”

Zhu just pressed the send button, sat on the computer chair, crossed his legs, and picked his feet.

The female reporter with a ponytail smiled at him. After getting the signal to start, she asked in a announcer-like voice: "Hello, I am a reporter from Jinling Daily. I can interview you. Who are you? How to complete 9 SCI papers in one month?”

[What do those people who say the paper is fine think? Jinling University must be speaking out for its students. After all, it has to do with its own academic reputation. But I think this student has made such a big fuss, so it’s over (smile)]

The interview begins.

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

[Chen Yushan: I haven’t seen you in the library recently... Are you okay?]


Nice lawyer’s letter!

An expected question.

Lu Zhou felt like he had turned into a giant panda these days. He didn't know who leaked his WeChat account, but suddenly a bunch of people added him on WeChat.

"I understand." Lu Zhou nodded.

[come on!]

[Support and wish the teacher! Fight to the end against academic fraud! (fist) (fist)]

So Lu Zhou has already thought about it.

[Feel sad for our education...]

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "Actually, I personally don't think it's difficult. The nine SCI articles are all about the application of artificial intelligence in drone logistics. This itself is a relatively cutting-edge field. I think It is not difficult to produce results. What’s more, I have been researching for a while before and only recently started writing papers... "

[If you are in country X, once you are found guilty of academic fraud, you will be taken away by the police... ]

Ha ha ha ha!

Since others have chosen a high-profile attack, it is useless to be low-key at this time. Only by counterattacking with the same high-profile can it be possible to win back the victory.

The journalist lady nodded, gave him an encouraging look, and then continued with the second question: "Regarding Mr. Zhu's doubts about your paper, do you have anything to say to him?"

[I trust you!]

[Chen Yushan: Are you going to be in the newspaper? ? ?]

"If I offended any big shot, I'd like to apologize to you. But I won't apologize! Why should I apologize for something that is absolutely right? I am also a scientific researcher myself. I think I can complete 9 It is impossible to write a paper. At the same time, I am also an education commentator. I feel that I have the right to stand up for the public and remain skeptical!"

Looking at the title of the article with satisfaction, Zhu Gangcai continued to type on the keyboard and started filling in text according to the prepared template.

"I think this is a false proposition. Just because he knows nothing about computer technology, he cannot say that my paper is fake. Has he carefully read my paper? Has he verified the algorithm I proposed in the paper? Maybe he I haven't read it at all, or I can't even understand it..." Lu Zhou said helplessly.

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

"If I offended any big shot, I'd like to apologize to you. But I won't apologize! Why should I apologize for something that is absolutely right? I am also a scientific researcher myself. I think I can complete 9 It is impossible to write a paper. At the same time, I am also an education commentator. I feel that I have the right to stand up for the public and remain skeptical!"

At this time, Lu Zhou suddenly noticed that Chen Yushan sent him a message.

Seeing that there were still people who cared about him so much, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He poked his finger on the screen and replied: [Let's wait for another day. I have to cooperate with the Jinling Daily interview in a while. I don't know when it will be finished.]

Therefore, Zhu Fangcai ignored the lawyer's letter at all. Not only that, he immediately turned on his computer, logged into the web version of the bib, and started editing his second blog post.

Ha ha ha ha!

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhu won't like hearing these words. He has always called himself a scientific researcher." The reporter smiled and continued to ask, "But a freshman... or an undergraduate who is about to enter his sophomore year published in SCI It is a bit incredible to publish 9 papers in a row within a month, and this is also the focus of public doubts. Therefore, Mr. Zhu also raised the idea that the paper may be plagiarized or not written by him... "

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhu won't like hearing these words. He has always called himself a scientific researcher." The reporter smiled and continued to ask, "But a freshman... or an undergraduate who is about to enter his sophomore year published in SCI It is a bit incredible to publish 9 papers in a row within a month, and this is also the focus of public doubts. Therefore, Mr. Zhu also raised the idea that the paper may be plagiarized or not written by him... "

Zhu just pressed the send button, sat on the computer chair, crossed his legs, and picked his feet.

[What do those people who say the paper is fine think? Jinling University must be speaking out for its students. After all, it has to do with its own academic reputation. But I think this student has made such a big fuss, so it’s over (smile)]

It’s almost time!

Just then, the cell phone on the table rang.

You can't hide this thing if you want to investigate it. Instead of letting others dig it out and use it as material to attack you, it's better to expose it yourself first.

It would be easier to expect Watermelon to learn to think.

Looking at the soaring search volume, I wish I was crazy with joy.

When typing the word [Lu], Zhu Fang stopped for a moment, suddenly turned his eyes, raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, pressed the backspace key to eliminate it, and replaced the title with [a certain boat] classmate].

"Those are all baseless slanders," Lu Zhou shrugged, his tone as restrained as possible, "Starting from the first mathematics paper I published, I completed every paper in the library. If there is any If necessary, I will apply to the school and provide monitoring data."

I not only pointed out that this person’s surname was Lu.


"There is no need to monitor the data. You mentioned that you have published mathematics papers before... is that true?" The reporter was keenly aware of the news in Lu Zhou's words and immediately dug it out.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

You can't hide this thing if you want to investigate it. Instead of letting others dig it out and use it as material to attack you, it's better to expose it yourself first.

Lu Zhou waited for a while, and Chen Yushan sent two replies.

[I trust you!]

He was originally just firing shots every day, but he unexpectedly became the number one hot search topic.

So Lu Zhou has already thought about it.

Because they had read Lu Zhou's papers, these professors had a very good impression of him. When Lu Zhou greeted them, several leaders smiled and nodded in a friendly manner.

Thinking like this, Lu Zhou nodded and admitted generously: "Yes, it's not just computer papers. I have published two papers in the foreign core journal "Communications of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics" before, and one of them is The paper was published before those nine computer papers. So nine papers a month is actually not accurate, it should be ten papers a month."

[Support and wish the teacher! Fight to the end against academic fraud! (fist) (fist)]

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

So Lu Zhou has already thought about it.

You can't hide this thing if you want to investigate it. Instead of letting others dig it out and use it as material to attack you, it's better to expose it yourself first.

Hearing these words, the reporter's eyes lit up, while Director Lu's face almost turned dark. He winked at Lu Zhou desperately to signal him not to take the topic to a place that was unfavorable to him.

[come on!]

Sitting on a stool in the classroom, facing the camera and microphone, Lu Zhou unexpectedly found that he was calmer than he thought.

Lu Zhou waited for a while, and Chen Yushan sent two replies.

[I trust you!]

But Lu Zhou deliberately didn't look at him.

So Lu Zhou has already thought about it.

In fact, Lu Zhou got used to it, and even looked away, because these trolls only said a few words over and over again, without any creativity.

As for his family members, they don’t wear scarves and are unlikely to see these negative news. As for the impact it had on his life, it was actually very minimal. Even yesterday and the day before yesterday, he went to tutor Han Mengqi in math as if nothing had happened.

It’s almost time!

Because they had read Lu Zhou's papers, these professors had a very good impression of him. When Lu Zhou greeted them, several leaders smiled and nodded in a friendly manner.


Since others have chosen a high-profile attack, it is useless to be low-key at this time. Only by counterattacking with the same high-profile can it be possible to win back the victory.

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

Ordinary people can't do it, but geniuses are not ordinary people.

After all, this kind of public opinion war is not a debate, not to mention the dirty water thrown by the other side is something that is difficult to prove by oneself. I said that there is a dedicated academic editor who can prove the professionalism of my paper. You can also jump out and doubt the "authority" of this academic editor, and suspect that the school and journal are covering it up for their own reputation.

[Feel sad for our education...]

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

He is worried about not being able to keep the heat up!

[Boss, please help me write my essay!]

However, will Dazui be afraid

As for expecting people to learn to think independently...

"There is no need to monitor the data. You mentioned that you have published mathematics papers before... is that true?" The reporter was keenly aware of the news in Lu Zhou's words and immediately dug it out.

In just two days, he gained almost 400,000 followers, and now his followers have exceeded the 3 million mark! Advertising costs have increased by more than a little. When the time comes, if this lawyer's letter is hyped up, it may attract more than 4 million followers!

As for expecting people to learn to think independently...

"If I offended any big shot, I'd like to apologize to you. But I won't apologize! Why should I apologize for something that is absolutely right? I am also a scientific researcher myself. I think I can complete 9 It is impossible to write a paper. At the same time, I am also an education commentator. I feel that I have the right to stand up for the public and remain skeptical!"

But Lu Zhou deliberately didn't look at him.

It would be easier to expect Watermelon to learn to think.

So Lu Zhou has already thought about it.

Zhu Fangcai's arrogant attitude made the teacher on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, but she continued with restraint: "... Then I'll get straight to the point. We hope that your groundless accusations will cause trouble to our students. You take this issue seriously and apologize for your words and actions."

[Feel sad for our education...]

After saying that, Zhu Fangcai hung up the phone without saying a word.

"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"

"I understand." Lu Zhou nodded.

[Requesting to write SCI papers, the price is negotiable.]

No matter what the truth is, overwhelming public opinion will arbitrarily conclude everything.

Sitting on a stool in the classroom, facing the camera and microphone, Lu Zhou unexpectedly found that he was calmer than he thought.

He is worried about not being able to keep the heat up!

Lu Zhou waited for a while, and Chen Yushan sent two replies.

Looking at the title of the article with satisfaction, Zhu Gangcai continued to type on the keyboard and started filling in text according to the prepared template.

"I understand." Lu Zhou nodded.

He is worried about not being able to keep the heat up!

[Lu Zhou: Although it’s not because of anything good... ]

So Lu Zhou has already thought about it.

Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

Since you want to smear me as an academic cancer who only adds water to the paper, then I will package myself as a genius!

[come on!]

"The Angry Hypocrite—Starting from a Lawyer's Letter"

Therefore, Zhu Fangcai ignored the lawyer's letter at all. Not only that, he immediately turned on his computer, logged into the web version of the bib, and started editing his second blog post.

Ordinary people can't do it, but geniuses are not ordinary people.

[Boss, please help me write my essay!]

Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the time on his phone.

"There is no need to monitor the data. You mentioned that you have published mathematics papers before... is that true?" The reporter was keenly aware of the news in Lu Zhou's words and immediately dug it out.

"If I offended any big shot, I'd like to apologize to you. But I won't apologize! Why should I apologize for something that is absolutely right? I am also a scientific researcher myself. I think I can complete 9 It is impossible to write a paper. At the same time, I am also an education commentator. I feel that I have the right to stand up for the public and remain skeptical!"

[I would like to inquire about SCI matters. If it is serious, can I go through?]

No one recognized him as Lu Zhou on the street. As for the university, there weren't many people at all because of the summer vacation.


Since you want to smear me as an academic cancer who only adds water to the paper, then I will package myself as a genius!

The reporter from Jinling Daily was preparing the interview equipment. Taking advantage of this gap, Director Lu walked to Lu Zhou, pulled him aside, and said, "Are you ready? The reporter will ask you questions later. You can only answer for your convenience." That’s all.”

The interview begins.

[come on!]

The interview begins.

Zhu just pressed the send button, sat on the computer chair, crossed his legs, and picked his feet.

The reporter nodded and was about to ask the next question. At this moment, there was an undisguised knock on the door outside the classroom.

Isn't it just a lawsuit? It's not the first time.


"If you want me to apologize, you have to let Mr. Lu confront me face to face and answer all my questions. But does he dare?"

The interview was interrupted, and Director Lu frowned slightly. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, the teacher who came in spoke eagerly with a joyful voice.

The interview was interrupted, and Director Lu frowned slightly. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, the teacher who came in spoke eagerly with a joyful voice.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu, this is the Academic Affairs Office of Jinling University..."

[Shocked, he is actually a freshman!]

Just for a while, comments and likes popped up.

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

"Director Lu! The communication room of our college received a letter of thanks from New York University! The recipient is... Lu Zhou!"


[Support and wish the teacher! Fight to the end against academic fraud! (fist) (fist)]