Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 4: While others do the questions, I do the books


At 6 o'clock in the morning, he felt the bed board shaking slightly. Liu Rui squinted his eyes before he woke up and looked around for the source of the earthquake. He happened to see Lu Zhou, who was sleeping on the other side of him, holding the ladder and climbing down, so he hummed and asked: "Elbow, are you up so early?"

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

After going to the washbasin to brush his teeth, Lu Zhou took the chance to go to the bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, he happened to see Liu Rui crawling under the bed, so he asked strangely: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou flipped the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" to the position where he had placed his bookmark yesterday and continued to focus on the book.

Afraid of disturbing the other two roommates who were still sleeping, Lu Zhou whispered back.

Without being pretentious, Lu Zhou grabbed the pen without saying a word and wrote down the problem-solving process on the scratch paper. He explained it while writing: "A typical 0/0 type infinitive, directly use L'Obifa's rule. Well, the first step is to split the integral. Isn’t this difficult? From (X→0)lim(1-bcosx)=0, we can get b=1, and then bring it back to the original formula, and we can solve a=4 , look at the answer and see if I got it right."

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.


Why is studying so important for a girl

Lu Zhou nodded generously and said, "No problem, just ask."

At 6 o'clock in the morning, he felt the bed board shaking slightly. Liu Rui squinted his eyes before he woke up and looked around for the source of the earthquake. He happened to see Lu Zhou, who was sleeping on the other side of him, holding the ladder and climbing down, so he hummed and asked: "Elbow, are you up so early?"

Liu Rui asked reluctantly.

Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not going. I'll rest for a few days."

Chen Yushan blushed and whispered: "I'm taking the postgraduate entrance examination..."

"Still working part-time?"


Jinling University is indeed a well-known institution of higher learning throughout the country. At this point, the library staff have not even come to work yet, and there are already many people standing in the open space outside, reading in the morning.

This "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" has been completely read, and its value coefficient has dropped to 5.

Upgrading mathematics to LV1 is equivalent to owning the whole world!

Lu Zhou estimated that in an immersive reading state, it would take about one to two hours to fully understand a unit of knowledge points, which included the memory of knowledge points, mental calculations, question type analysis and other aspects.

There is also a C language exam to be taken at the end of the semester. Why not look for a C language book

Lu Zhou likes to discuss topics with such discerning, upright and honest people.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, he felt the bed board shaking slightly. Liu Rui squinted his eyes before he woke up and looked around for the source of the earthquake. He happened to see Lu Zhou, who was sleeping on the other side of him, holding the ladder and climbing down, so he hummed and asked: "Elbow, are you up so early?"

Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not going. I'll rest for a few days."

Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not going. I'll rest for a few days."

Isn't it just that I solved a math problem? What's the point of showing off! I haven’t touched my advanced math knowledge for so many years, so what happens if I give it back to the teacher? You really have no grace at all, you deserve to be single! You deserve to be in the library alone!

Don’t care about anything, just go with your heart!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou flipped the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" to the position where he had placed his bookmark yesterday and continued to focus on the book.

As the crowd poured in, Lu Zhou did not rush to swim in the ocean of books. Instead, he went to the bookshelf and picked out "Advanced Algebra Tu Boyun Edition", and then went to find a quiet seat in the corner of the library to sit down.

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

I just don’t know if English books have a value coefficient. Anyway, those English newspapers placed at the entrance of the library do not. This black technology system seems to have a strange bias against liberal arts majors, which is not good.

However, Lu Zhou obviously would not do this. Wasting precious in-depth reading time just to dig out those 5 value coefficients would be a loss-making deal no matter how you look at it.

This is really the answer!

Upgrading mathematics to LV1 is equivalent to owning the whole world!


"Here, has it been solved?" Chen Yushan looked at Lu Zhou in disbelief, thinking to herself, how could you have solved it before you even started writing

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

Upgrading mathematics to LV1 is equivalent to owning the whole world!


It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

Liu Rui asked reluctantly.

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

Especially when she wrote the last two answers, her thinking was still stuck on the step of solving integrals.

Liu Rui was no longer sleepy instantly.

As for herself visiting the library alone, she selectively ignored her.

Chen Yushan blushed and whispered: "I'm taking the postgraduate entrance examination..."

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

The air is mixed with the fragrance of morning dew, and the breeze that occasionally blows over your cheeks is not hot, but refreshing. The campus at six o'clock is like a quiet girl coming from the middle of the morning and dusk. It seems to be two different worlds from the one in the evening.

As for why it is 5 instead of 0, it may be that there are still things hidden in this book that he has not fully understood. If he wants to fully understand it, he may have to read it again.

After going to the washbasin to brush his teeth, Lu Zhou took the chance to go to the bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, he happened to see Liu Rui crawling under the bed, so he asked strangely: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Uh." Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed. He originally thought he was in the same grade as him, but he didn't expect that he was pretending to be a senior.

Liu Rui was no longer sleepy instantly.

Thinking of this, Chen Yushan felt a little relieved.

I have to say that human beings are aesthetic animals. In interactions between people, appearance is really important.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou flipped the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" to the position where he had placed his bookmark yesterday and continued to focus on the book.

As the crowd poured in, Lu Zhou did not rush to swim in the ocean of books. Instead, he went to the bookshelf and picked out "Advanced Algebra Tu Boyun Edition", and then went to find a quiet seat in the corner of the library to sit down.

However, Lu Zhou obviously would not do this. Wasting precious in-depth reading time just to dig out those 5 value coefficients would be a loss-making deal no matter how you look at it.

Although he was interrupted while brushing his books, he was not angry at all.

"Review." Liu Rui picked up the toothbrush basin and trotted over to the balcony washbasin.

He went to the canteen and bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk. After breakfast, Lu Zhou took a leisurely stroll to the library.

I have to say that human beings are aesthetic animals. In interactions between people, appearance is really important.


When passing by the main entrance of the library, he glanced at the holographic image at the door and saw that the remaining time for the idle task had become 18 hours.

Liu Rui asked reluctantly.

Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

Looking at his roommate who was facing a formidable enemy, Lu Zhou felt a little bit dumbfounded. He shook his head without saying anything, put on his shoes, put on his bag, and went out.

Why is studying so important for a girl

Lu Zhou nodded generously and said, "No problem, just ask."

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

Lu Zhou was not polite. After taking the pen and paper, he glanced at the title.

Lu Zhou was not polite. After taking the pen and paper, he glanced at the title.

However, Lu Zhou obviously would not do this. Wasting precious in-depth reading time just to dig out those 5 value coefficients would be a loss-making deal no matter how you look at it.

The air is mixed with the fragrance of morning dew, and the breeze that occasionally blows over your cheeks is not hot, but refreshing. The campus at six o'clock is like a quiet girl coming from the middle of the morning and dusk. It seems to be two different worlds from the one in the evening.

Soon, Lu Zhou got into the mood and completely forgot about the incident, treating it as just a brief interlude of brushing up on books in the library.

After lunch break, there were more people in the library again.

This is really the answer!

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not going. I'll rest for a few days."

He went to the canteen and bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk. After breakfast, Lu Zhou took a leisurely stroll to the library.

And English.

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.


As for herself visiting the library alone, she selectively ignored her.

Jinling University is indeed a well-known institution of higher learning throughout the country. At this point, the library staff have not even come to work yet, and there are already many people standing in the open space outside, reading in the morning.

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

Ask why.

I also took out my Level 4 vocabulary book and memorized it for a while. Although it was not as good as in the library, under the influence of the surrounding learning atmosphere, the effect was pretty good. Lu Zhou waited at the door of the library until half past seven, then saw the library staff arriving late and finally opened the door.

Why did this girl find me instead of someone else

Thinking of the "Advanced Algebra" that had not yet been opened on the table, Lu Zhou touched his chin as he walked to the cafeteria.

"Here, has it been solved?" Chen Yushan looked at Lu Zhou in disbelief, thinking to herself, how could you have solved it before you even started writing

As the library door opened, the postgraduate entrance exam crowds poured in, and soon the open space in front of the library was cleared.

As for herself visiting the library alone, she selectively ignored her.

Soon, he entered the same state as yesterday again, completely forgetting about foreign objects, as if I was the only one in the world...

Jinling University is indeed a well-known institution of higher learning throughout the country. At this point, the library staff have not even come to work yet, and there are already many people standing in the open space outside, reading in the morning.

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

The air is mixed with the fragrance of morning dew, and the breeze that occasionally blows over your cheeks is not hot, but refreshing. The campus at six o'clock is like a quiet girl coming from the middle of the morning and dusk. It seems to be two different worlds from the one in the evening.

There is also a C language exam to be taken at the end of the semester. Why not look for a C language book

Although he was interrupted while brushing his books, he was not angry at all.

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

As the crowd poured in, Lu Zhou did not rush to swim in the ocean of books. Instead, he went to the bookshelf and picked out "Advanced Algebra Tu Boyun Edition", and then went to find a quiet seat in the corner of the library to sit down.

As the library door opened, the postgraduate entrance exam crowds poured in, and soon the open space in front of the library was cleared.

Lu Zhou turned to his pen habitually, thought for a while, and within a minute, he said, "I figured it out."

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that it was okay not to complete the task so quickly. In just these six hours, he felt that he had learned more than he had in the entire last year.

After sitting there and struggling for a while, he shook his head and continued to pick up the unfinished "Advanced Algebra" and started chewing on it.

Lu Zhou estimated that in an immersive reading state, it would take about one to two hours to fully understand a unit of knowledge points, which included the memory of knowledge points, mental calculations, question type analysis and other aspects.

I also took out my Level 4 vocabulary book and memorized it for a while. Although it was not as good as in the library, under the influence of the surrounding learning atmosphere, the effect was pretty good. Lu Zhou waited at the door of the library until half past seven, then saw the library staff arriving late and finally opened the door.

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

Looking at his roommate who was facing a formidable enemy, Lu Zhou felt a little bit dumbfounded. He shook his head without saying anything, put on his shoes, put on his bag, and went out.

However, Lu Zhou obviously would not do this. Wasting precious in-depth reading time just to dig out those 5 value coefficients would be a loss-making deal no matter how you look at it.

Why is studying so important for a girl

However, Lu Zhou obviously would not do this. Wasting precious in-depth reading time just to dig out those 5 value coefficients would be a loss-making deal no matter how you look at it.

Liu Rui was no longer sleepy instantly.


Judging from the number of pages remaining, the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" in my hand can last for at most one morning. In the afternoon, he planned to take this opportunity to catch up on his knowledge of advanced algebra.

I just don’t know if English books have a value coefficient. Anyway, those English newspapers placed at the entrance of the library do not. This black technology system seems to have a strange bias against liberal arts majors, which is not good.

As for why it is 5 instead of 0, it may be that there are still things hidden in this book that he has not fully understood. If he wants to fully understand it, he may have to read it again.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou flipped the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" to the position where he had placed his bookmark yesterday and continued to focus on the book.

I also took out my Level 4 vocabulary book and memorized it for a while. Although it was not as good as in the library, under the influence of the surrounding learning atmosphere, the effect was pretty good. Lu Zhou waited at the door of the library until half past seven, then saw the library staff arriving late and finally opened the door.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou flipped the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" to the position where he had placed his bookmark yesterday and continued to focus on the book.

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.


Lu Zhou glanced at the girl and thought that the amount of breast milk was indeed inversely proportional to her IQ.

Although he was interrupted while brushing his books, he was not angry at all.

"Review." Liu Rui picked up the toothbrush basin and trotted over to the balcony washbasin.

Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

Although he was interrupted while brushing his books, he was not angry at all.

Soon, Lu Zhou got into the mood and completely forgot about the incident, treating it as just a brief interlude of brushing up on books in the library.

Soon, he entered the same state as yesterday again, completely forgetting about foreign objects, as if I was the only one in the world...

Just as he was about to say sorry, a heavy cough came from the row in front of the two of them.

Realizing that her two voices were disturbing other people, Chen Yushan blushed, stuck out her tongue, and returned to her seat holding the exercise book and draft paper.

He went to the canteen and bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk. After breakfast, Lu Zhou took a leisurely stroll to the library.

When passing by the main entrance of the library, he glanced at the holographic image at the door and saw that the remaining time for the idle task had become 18 hours.

"Still working part-time?"

Time passed by, and at 11:30 noon, Lu Zhou took a deep breath and put down the book in his hand.

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

Lu Zhou was reading the "Advanced Algebra" without any distractions. He was about to move on to the next knowledge point when he suddenly felt something poke him in his arm. Looking sideways, he saw a delicate-looking girl wearing round glasses and a single ponytail, holding a pen in her hand and looking at herself sheepishly.

This "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" has been completely read, and its value coefficient has dropped to 5.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, he felt the bed board shaking slightly. Liu Rui squinted his eyes before he woke up and looked around for the source of the earthquake. He happened to see Lu Zhou, who was sleeping on the other side of him, holding the ladder and climbing down, so he hummed and asked: "Elbow, are you up so early?"

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

"Thank you." After whispering thank you, the girl gently lifted the chair and sat next to Lu Zhou, and thoughtfully handed over a pen and scratch paper.

So irritating!

This also just confirms Lu Zhou's guess that the system's value coefficient assessment of books is not based on the academic world, but based on his own knowledge level.

"Thank you." After whispering thank you, the girl gently lifted the chair and sat next to Lu Zhou, and thoughtfully handed over a pen and scratch paper.

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned redder.

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

Time passed by, and at 11:30 noon, Lu Zhou took a deep breath and put down the book in his hand.

Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not going. I'll rest for a few days."

After going to the washbasin to brush his teeth, Lu Zhou took the chance to go to the bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, he happened to see Liu Rui crawling under the bed, so he asked strangely: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

As for why it is 5 instead of 0, it may be that there are still things hidden in this book that he has not fully understood. If he wants to fully understand it, he may have to read it again.

Liu Rui was no longer sleepy instantly.

Upgrading mathematics to LV1 is equivalent to owning the whole world!

Lu Zhou was reading the "Advanced Algebra" without any distractions. He was about to move on to the next knowledge point when he suddenly felt something poke him in his arm. Looking sideways, he saw a delicate-looking girl wearing round glasses and a single ponytail, holding a pen in her hand and looking at herself sheepishly.

Why did this girl find me instead of someone else

Just as he was about to say sorry, a heavy cough came from the row in front of the two of them.

"Here, has it been solved?" Chen Yushan looked at Lu Zhou in disbelief, thinking to herself, how could you have solved it before you even started writing


However, Lu Zhou obviously would not do this. Wasting precious in-depth reading time just to dig out those 5 value coefficients would be a loss-making deal no matter how you look at it.


Time passed by, and at 11:30 noon, Lu Zhou took a deep breath and put down the book in his hand.

Chen Yushan blushed and whispered: "I'm taking the postgraduate entrance examination..."

It was just time to eat. Lu Zhou put down the book in his hand and walked out of the library.

When passing by the main entrance of the library, he glanced at the holographic image at the door and saw that the remaining time for the idle task had become 18 hours.

Jinling University is indeed a well-known institution of higher learning throughout the country. At this point, the library staff have not even come to work yet, and there are already many people standing in the open space outside, reading in the morning.

So irritating!

Soon, Lu Zhou got into the mood and completely forgot about the incident, treating it as just a brief interlude of brushing up on books in the library.

It was just time to eat. Lu Zhou put down the book in his hand and walked out of the library.

But to be honest, he himself was shocked by his problem-solving speed. Although he would not be unable to solve this kind of problem before, he would never solve it so easily and smoothly without even having a scratch paper. By using it, the problem-solving process will be clear to you.

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

Isn't it just that I solved a math problem? What's the point of showing off! I haven’t touched my advanced math knowledge for so many years, so what happens if I give it back to the teacher? You really have no grace at all, you deserve to be single! You deserve to be in the library alone!

Liu Rui asked reluctantly.

I also took out my Level 4 vocabulary book and memorized it for a while. Although it was not as good as in the library, under the influence of the surrounding learning atmosphere, the effect was pretty good. Lu Zhou waited at the door of the library until half past seven, then saw the library staff arriving late and finally opened the door.

I just don’t know if English books have a value coefficient. Anyway, those English newspapers placed at the entrance of the library do not. This black technology system seems to have a strange bias against liberal arts majors, which is not good.

When passing by the main entrance of the library, he glanced at the holographic image at the door and saw that the remaining time for the idle task had become 18 hours.

Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

After going to the washbasin to brush his teeth, Lu Zhou took the chance to go to the bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, he happened to see Liu Rui crawling under the bed, so he asked strangely: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that it was okay not to complete the task so quickly. In just these six hours, he felt that he had learned more than he had in the entire last year.

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

Why is studying so important for a girl

Lu Zhou estimated that in an immersive reading state, it would take about one to two hours to fully understand a unit of knowledge points, which included the memory of knowledge points, mental calculations, question type analysis and other aspects.

Now Lu Zhou had no chance to apologize, let alone ask for his name and WeChat ID...

It just so happens that what I was looking at was the high-generation version, so I would like to test the strength of the system a little bit.

Although he was interrupted while brushing his books, he was not angry at all.

Thinking of the "Advanced Algebra" that had not yet been opened on the table, Lu Zhou touched his chin as he walked to the cafeteria.

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

It was just time to eat. Lu Zhou put down the book in his hand and walked out of the library.

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

"Still working part-time?"

There is also a C language exam to be taken at the end of the semester. Why not look for a C language book

Upgrading mathematics to LV1 is equivalent to owning the whole world!

"Classmate, I'm sorry to bother you...can I ask you a question?"

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

And English.

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

Lu Zhou nodded generously and said, "No problem, just ask."

Lu Zhou likes to discuss topics with such discerning, upright and honest people.

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)


I just don’t know if English books have a value coefficient. Anyway, those English newspapers placed at the entrance of the library do not. This black technology system seems to have a strange bias against liberal arts majors, which is not good.

It just so happens that what I was looking at was the high-generation version, so I would like to test the strength of the system a little bit.

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned redder.

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

As the crowd poured in, Lu Zhou did not rush to swim in the ocean of books. Instead, he went to the bookshelf and picked out "Advanced Algebra Tu Boyun Edition", and then went to find a quiet seat in the corner of the library to sit down.

Now Lu Zhou had no chance to apologize, let alone ask for his name and WeChat ID...

Especially when she wrote the last two answers, her thinking was still stuck on the step of solving integrals.

But to be honest, he himself was shocked by his problem-solving speed. Although he would not be unable to solve this kind of problem before, he would never solve it so easily and smoothly without even having a scratch paper. By using it, the problem-solving process will be clear to you.

After lunch break, there were more people in the library again.

He went to the canteen and bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk. After breakfast, Lu Zhou took a leisurely stroll to the library.

As the crowd poured in, Lu Zhou did not rush to swim in the ocean of books. Instead, he went to the bookshelf and picked out "Advanced Algebra Tu Boyun Edition", and then went to find a quiet seat in the corner of the library to sit down.

Lu Zhou glanced at the girl and thought that the amount of breast milk was indeed inversely proportional to her IQ.

Time passed by, and at 11:30 noon, Lu Zhou took a deep breath and put down the book in his hand.

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

Lu Zhou was reading the "Advanced Algebra" without any distractions. He was about to move on to the next knowledge point when he suddenly felt something poke him in his arm. Looking sideways, he saw a delicate-looking girl wearing round glasses and a single ponytail, holding a pen in her hand and looking at herself sheepishly.

I just don’t know if English books have a value coefficient. Anyway, those English newspapers placed at the entrance of the library do not. This black technology system seems to have a strange bias against liberal arts majors, which is not good.

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

Thinking of the "Advanced Algebra" that had not yet been opened on the table, Lu Zhou touched his chin as he walked to the cafeteria.

Lu Zhou turned to his pen habitually, thought for a while, and within a minute, he said, "I figured it out."

"Classmate, I'm sorry to bother you...can I ask you a question?"

Soon, he entered the same state as yesterday again, completely forgetting about foreign objects, as if I was the only one in the world...

Isn't it just that I solved a math problem? What's the point of showing off! I haven’t touched my advanced math knowledge for so many years, so what happens if I give it back to the teacher? You really have no grace at all, you deserve to be single! You deserve to be in the library alone!

Lu Zhou glanced at the girl and thought that the amount of breast milk was indeed inversely proportional to her IQ.

Lu Zhou nodded generously and said, "No problem, just ask."

Liu Rui asked reluctantly.

I just don’t know if English books have a value coefficient. Anyway, those English newspapers placed at the entrance of the library do not. This black technology system seems to have a strange bias against liberal arts majors, which is not good.

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

Although he was interrupted while brushing his books, he was not angry at all.

The air is mixed with the fragrance of morning dew, and the breeze that occasionally blows over your cheeks is not hot, but refreshing. The campus at six o'clock is like a quiet girl coming from the middle of the morning and dusk. It seems to be two different worlds from the one in the evening.

It seems that I have never done this question, but when I was reading a book just now, I seemed to have seen a similar question type.

"Still working part-time?"

As the crowd poured in, Lu Zhou did not rush to swim in the ocean of books. Instead, he went to the bookshelf and picked out "Advanced Algebra Tu Boyun Edition", and then went to find a quiet seat in the corner of the library to sit down.

Lu Zhou likes to discuss topics with such discerning, upright and honest people.

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

"Thank you." After whispering thank you, the girl gently lifted the chair and sat next to Lu Zhou, and thoughtfully handed over a pen and scratch paper.

Realizing that her two voices were disturbing other people, Chen Yushan blushed, stuck out her tongue, and returned to her seat holding the exercise book and draft paper.

Ask why.

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

Don’t care about anything, just go with your heart!

It seems that I have never done this question, but when I was reading a book just now, I seemed to have seen a similar question type.

"Still working part-time?"

I also took out my Level 4 vocabulary book and memorized it for a while. Although it was not as good as in the library, under the influence of the surrounding learning atmosphere, the effect was pretty good. Lu Zhou waited at the door of the library until half past seven, then saw the library staff arriving late and finally opened the door.

"Review." Liu Rui picked up the toothbrush basin and trotted over to the balcony washbasin.

I have to say that human beings are aesthetic animals. In interactions between people, appearance is really important.

Looking at his roommate who was facing a formidable enemy, Lu Zhou felt a little bit dumbfounded. He shook his head without saying anything, put on his shoes, put on his bag, and went out.

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!


Thinking of this, Chen Yushan felt a little relieved.

Lu Zhou glanced at the girl and thought that the amount of breast milk was indeed inversely proportional to her IQ.


After lunch break, there were more people in the library again.

Why did this girl find me instead of someone else

Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

"Review." Liu Rui picked up the toothbrush basin and trotted over to the balcony washbasin.

As for herself visiting the library alone, she selectively ignored her.

Now Lu Zhou had no chance to apologize, let alone ask for his name and WeChat ID...

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

Don’t care about anything, just go with your heart!

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

Liu Rui asked reluctantly.

"Still working part-time?"

After sitting there and struggling for a while, he shook his head and continued to pick up the unfinished "Advanced Algebra" and started chewing on it.

"Still working part-time?"

This "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" has been completely read, and its value coefficient has dropped to 5.

"Classmate, I'm sorry to bother you...can I ask you a question?"

Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

Lu Zhou likes to discuss topics with such discerning, upright and honest people.

He went to the canteen and bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk. After breakfast, Lu Zhou took a leisurely stroll to the library.

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

The air is mixed with the fragrance of morning dew, and the breeze that occasionally blows over your cheeks is not hot, but refreshing. The campus at six o'clock is like a quiet girl coming from the middle of the morning and dusk. It seems to be two different worlds from the one in the evening.

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

Lu Zhou nodded generously and said, "No problem, just ask."

Don’t care about anything, just go with your heart!

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned redder.

Lu Zhou turned to his pen habitually, thought for a while, and within a minute, he said, "I figured it out."

But to be honest, he himself was shocked by his problem-solving speed. Although he would not be unable to solve this kind of problem before, he would never solve it so easily and smoothly without even having a scratch paper. By using it, the problem-solving process will be clear to you.

Lu Zhou was not polite. After taking the pen and paper, he glanced at the title.

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

"Thank you." After whispering thank you, the girl gently lifted the chair and sat next to Lu Zhou, and thoughtfully handed over a pen and scratch paper.

Lu Zhou glanced at the girl and thought that the amount of breast milk was indeed inversely proportional to her IQ.

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

Without being pretentious, Lu Zhou grabbed the pen without saying a word and wrote down the problem-solving process on the scratch paper. He explained it while writing: "A typical 0/0 type infinitive, directly use L'Obifa's rule. Well, the first step is to split the integral. Isn’t this difficult? From (X→0)lim(1-bcosx)=0, we can get b=1, and then bring it back to the original formula, and we can solve a=4 , look at the answer and see if I got it right."

Lu Zhou was not polite. After taking the pen and paper, he glanced at the title.

As for why it is 5 instead of 0, it may be that there are still things hidden in this book that he has not fully understood. If he wants to fully understand it, he may have to read it again.

Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not going. I'll rest for a few days."

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

Realizing that her two voices were disturbing other people, Chen Yushan blushed, stuck out her tongue, and returned to her seat holding the exercise book and draft paper.

Liu Rui was no longer sleepy instantly.

Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

"Let me see... I'm looking for the limit, right?"

"Thank you." After whispering thank you, the girl gently lifted the chair and sat next to Lu Zhou, and thoughtfully handed over a pen and scratch paper.

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

After going to the washbasin to brush his teeth, Lu Zhou took the chance to go to the bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, he happened to see Liu Rui crawling under the bed, so he asked strangely: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Judging from the number of pages remaining, the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" in my hand can last for at most one morning. In the afternoon, he planned to take this opportunity to catch up on his knowledge of advanced algebra.

Lu Zhou glanced at the girl and thought that the amount of breast milk was indeed inversely proportional to her IQ.

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

This is really the answer!

It seems that I have never done this question, but when I was reading a book just now, I seemed to have seen a similar question type.

With a doubtful feeling, she opened the answer and her eyes suddenly widened.

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

Looking at his roommate who was facing a formidable enemy, Lu Zhou felt a little bit dumbfounded. He shook his head without saying anything, put on his shoes, put on his bag, and went out.

Thinking of this, Chen Yushan felt a little relieved.

It just so happens that what I was looking at was the high-generation version, so I would like to test the strength of the system a little bit.

After going to the washbasin to brush his teeth, Lu Zhou took the chance to go to the bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, he happened to see Liu Rui crawling under the bed, so he asked strangely: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

I just don’t know if English books have a value coefficient. Anyway, those English newspapers placed at the entrance of the library do not. This black technology system seems to have a strange bias against liberal arts majors, which is not good.

"Classmate, I'm sorry to bother you...can I ask you a question?"

It was just time to eat. Lu Zhou put down the book in his hand and walked out of the library.

Liu Rui was no longer sleepy instantly.

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

Lu Zhou turned to his pen habitually, thought for a while, and within a minute, he said, "I figured it out."

Lu Zhou likes to discuss topics with such discerning, upright and honest people.


Just as he was about to say sorry, a heavy cough came from the row in front of the two of them.

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

"Here, has it been solved?" Chen Yushan looked at Lu Zhou in disbelief, thinking to herself, how could you have solved it before you even started writing

Isn't it just that I solved a math problem? What's the point of showing off! I haven’t touched my advanced math knowledge for so many years, so what happens if I give it back to the teacher? You really have no grace at all, you deserve to be single! You deserve to be in the library alone!

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

Lu Zhou glanced at the girl and thought that the amount of breast milk was indeed inversely proportional to her IQ.

"Uh." Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed. He originally thought he was in the same grade as him, but he didn't expect that he was pretending to be a senior.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou flipped the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" to the position where he had placed his bookmark yesterday and continued to focus on the book.

Now Lu Zhou had no chance to apologize, let alone ask for his name and WeChat ID...

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

But to be honest, he himself was shocked by his problem-solving speed. Although he would not be unable to solve this kind of problem before, he would never solve it so easily and smoothly without even having a scratch paper. By using it, the problem-solving process will be clear to you.

Jinling in June is like a furnace, with the exception of five or six o'clock in the morning.

Thinking of the "Advanced Algebra" that had not yet been opened on the table, Lu Zhou touched his chin as he walked to the cafeteria.

Without being pretentious, Lu Zhou grabbed the pen without saying a word and wrote down the problem-solving process on the scratch paper. He explained it while writing: "A typical 0/0 type infinitive, directly use L'Obifa's rule. Well, the first step is to split the integral. Isn’t this difficult? From (X→0)lim(1-bcosx)=0, we can get b=1, and then bring it back to the original formula, and we can solve a=4 , look at the answer and see if I got it right."

Now Lu Zhou had no chance to apologize, let alone ask for his name and WeChat ID...

After lunch break, there were more people in the library again.

After going to the washbasin to brush his teeth, Lu Zhou took the chance to go to the bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, he happened to see Liu Rui crawling under the bed, so he asked strangely: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

As for herself visiting the library alone, she selectively ignored her.

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned redder.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that it was okay not to complete the task so quickly. In just these six hours, he felt that he had learned more than he had in the entire last year.

Thinking of this, Chen Yushan felt a little relieved.

Isn't it just that I solved a math problem? What's the point of showing off! I haven’t touched my advanced math knowledge for so many years, so what happens if I give it back to the teacher? You really have no grace at all, you deserve to be single! You deserve to be in the library alone!

Especially when she wrote the last two answers, her thinking was still stuck on the step of solving integrals.

"Thank you." After whispering thank you, the girl gently lifted the chair and sat next to Lu Zhou, and thoughtfully handed over a pen and scratch paper.

There is also a C language exam to be taken at the end of the semester. Why not look for a C language book

Liu Rui asked reluctantly.

There is also a C language exam to be taken at the end of the semester. Why not look for a C language book

As for why it is 5 instead of 0, it may be that there are still things hidden in this book that he has not fully understood. If he wants to fully understand it, he may have to read it again.

"Let me see... I'm looking for the limit, right?"

As for why it is 5 instead of 0, it may be that there are still things hidden in this book that he has not fully understood. If he wants to fully understand it, he may have to read it again.


With a doubtful feeling, she opened the answer and her eyes suddenly widened.

Looking at his roommate who was facing a formidable enemy, Lu Zhou felt a little bit dumbfounded. He shook his head without saying anything, put on his shoes, put on his bag, and went out.

Why is studying so important for a girl

"Review." Liu Rui picked up the toothbrush basin and trotted over to the balcony washbasin.

This is really the answer!

Why is studying so important for a girl

"Thank you." After whispering thank you, the girl gently lifted the chair and sat next to Lu Zhou, and thoughtfully handed over a pen and scratch paper.


Chen Yushan blushed and whispered: "I'm taking the postgraduate entrance examination..."

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

Try to find the positive numbers a and b so that the equation (X→0)lim1/(x-bsinx)∫t square/√(a+t square)dt=1 is true. (∫The upper corner is marked as x and the lower corner is marked as 0)

Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou flipped the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" to the position where he had placed his bookmark yesterday and continued to focus on the book.

I also took out my Level 4 vocabulary book and memorized it for a while. Although it was not as good as in the library, under the influence of the surrounding learning atmosphere, the effect was pretty good. Lu Zhou waited at the door of the library until half past seven, then saw the library staff arriving late and finally opened the door.

Chen Yushan blushed and whispered: "I'm taking the postgraduate entrance examination..."

Ask why.

When passing by the main entrance of the library, he glanced at the holographic image at the door and saw that the remaining time for the idle task had become 18 hours.

Judging from the number of pages remaining, the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" in my hand can last for at most one morning. In the afternoon, he planned to take this opportunity to catch up on his knowledge of advanced algebra.

The air is mixed with the fragrance of morning dew, and the breeze that occasionally blows over your cheeks is not hot, but refreshing. The campus at six o'clock is like a quiet girl coming from the middle of the morning and dusk. It seems to be two different worlds from the one in the evening.

Lu Zhou was not polite. After taking the pen and paper, he glanced at the title.

"Review." Liu Rui picked up the toothbrush basin and trotted over to the balcony washbasin.

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned redder.

So irritating!


Lu Zhou turned to his pen habitually, thought for a while, and within a minute, he said, "I figured it out."

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

Upgrading mathematics to LV1 is equivalent to owning the whole world!


Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

When passing by the main entrance of the library, he glanced at the holographic image at the door and saw that the remaining time for the idle task had become 18 hours.

It just so happens that what I was looking at was the high-generation version, so I would like to test the strength of the system a little bit.

Although he was interrupted while brushing his books, he was not angry at all.

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned redder.

But to be honest, he himself was shocked by his problem-solving speed. Although he would not be unable to solve this kind of problem before, he would never solve it so easily and smoothly without even having a scratch paper. By using it, the problem-solving process will be clear to you.

So irritating!

And English.

Judging from the number of pages remaining, the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" in my hand can last for at most one morning. In the afternoon, he planned to take this opportunity to catch up on his knowledge of advanced algebra.

And English.

Liu Rui asked reluctantly.

Judging from the number of pages remaining, the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" in my hand can last for at most one morning. In the afternoon, he planned to take this opportunity to catch up on his knowledge of advanced algebra.

Ask why.

Isn't it just that I solved a math problem? What's the point of showing off! I haven’t touched my advanced math knowledge for so many years, so what happens if I give it back to the teacher? You really have no grace at all, you deserve to be single! You deserve to be in the library alone!

Lu Zhou turned to his pen habitually, thought for a while, and within a minute, he said, "I figured it out."

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

It was just time to eat. Lu Zhou put down the book in his hand and walked out of the library.

Upgrading mathematics to LV1 is equivalent to owning the whole world!

Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not going. I'll rest for a few days."

Soon, he entered the same state as yesterday again, completely forgetting about foreign objects, as if I was the only one in the world...

"Here, has it been solved?" Chen Yushan looked at Lu Zhou in disbelief, thinking to herself, how could you have solved it before you even started writing

Now Lu Zhou had no chance to apologize, let alone ask for his name and WeChat ID...

Thinking of this, Chen Yushan felt a little relieved.

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

But to be honest, he himself was shocked by his problem-solving speed. Although he would not be unable to solve this kind of problem before, he would never solve it so easily and smoothly without even having a scratch paper. By using it, the problem-solving process will be clear to you.

Just as he was about to say sorry, a heavy cough came from the row in front of the two of them.

It's not that I'm shy, I'm angry!

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

But to be honest, he himself was shocked by his problem-solving speed. Although he would not be unable to solve this kind of problem before, he would never solve it so easily and smoothly without even having a scratch paper. By using it, the problem-solving process will be clear to you.

With a doubtful feeling, she opened the answer and her eyes suddenly widened.

As for herself visiting the library alone, she selectively ignored her.

Judging from the number of pages remaining, the "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" in my hand can last for at most one morning. In the afternoon, he planned to take this opportunity to catch up on his knowledge of advanced algebra.

Jinling University is indeed a well-known institution of higher learning throughout the country. At this point, the library staff have not even come to work yet, and there are already many people standing in the open space outside, reading in the morning.

"Uh." Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed. He originally thought he was in the same grade as him, but he didn't expect that he was pretending to be a senior.

Without being pretentious, Lu Zhou grabbed the pen without saying a word and wrote down the problem-solving process on the scratch paper. He explained it while writing: "A typical 0/0 type infinitive, directly use L'Obifa's rule. Well, the first step is to split the integral. Isn’t this difficult? From (X→0)lim(1-bcosx)=0, we can get b=1, and then bring it back to the original formula, and we can solve a=4 , look at the answer and see if I got it right."

At 6 o'clock in the morning, he felt the bed board shaking slightly. Liu Rui squinted his eyes before he woke up and looked around for the source of the earthquake. He happened to see Lu Zhou, who was sleeping on the other side of him, holding the ladder and climbing down, so he hummed and asked: "Elbow, are you up so early?"

"Still working part-time?"

This also just confirms Lu Zhou's guess that the system's value coefficient assessment of books is not based on the academic world, but based on his own knowledge level.

Afraid of disturbing the other two roommates who were still sleeping, Lu Zhou whispered back.

Ask why.

This is really the answer!

Just as he was about to say sorry, a heavy cough came from the row in front of the two of them.

Just as he was about to say sorry, a heavy cough came from the row in front of the two of them.

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

Noticing the expression on the girl's face, Lu Zhou, who was a little carried away, smiled, turned his pen and said, "It's a very simple application of Lópida's law, and the calculation itself is not difficult. Speaking of which, are you a freshman? What's your major?"

It just so happens that what I was looking at was the high-generation version, so I would like to test the strength of the system a little bit.

"Still working part-time?"

Realizing that her two voices were disturbing other people, Chen Yushan blushed, stuck out her tongue, and returned to her seat holding the exercise book and draft paper.

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

It seems that I have never done this question, but when I was reading a book just now, I seemed to have seen a similar question type.

When passing by the main entrance of the library, he glanced at the holographic image at the door and saw that the remaining time for the idle task had become 18 hours.

As for herself visiting the library alone, she selectively ignored her.

It seems that I have never done this question, but when I was reading a book just now, I seemed to have seen a similar question type.

Now Lu Zhou had no chance to apologize, let alone ask for his name and WeChat ID...

"Classmate, I'm sorry to bother you...can I ask you a question?"

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

And English.

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

Thinking of the "Advanced Algebra" that had not yet been opened on the table, Lu Zhou touched his chin as he walked to the cafeteria.

This "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis" has been completely read, and its value coefficient has dropped to 5.

After sitting there and struggling for a while, he shook his head and continued to pick up the unfinished "Advanced Algebra" and started chewing on it.

As for herself visiting the library alone, she selectively ignored her.

Lu Zhou was reading the "Advanced Algebra" without any distractions. He was about to move on to the next knowledge point when he suddenly felt something poke him in his arm. Looking sideways, he saw a delicate-looking girl wearing round glasses and a single ponytail, holding a pen in her hand and looking at herself sheepishly.

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned redder.

Thinking of this, Chen Yushan felt a little relieved.

Especially when she wrote the last two answers, her thinking was still stuck on the step of solving integrals.

"Uh." Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed. He originally thought he was in the same grade as him, but he didn't expect that he was pretending to be a senior.

Why is studying so important for a girl


Lu Zhou estimated that in an immersive reading state, it would take about one to two hours to fully understand a unit of knowledge points, which included the memory of knowledge points, mental calculations, question type analysis and other aspects.

He went to the canteen and bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk. After breakfast, Lu Zhou took a leisurely stroll to the library.

As the library door opened, the postgraduate entrance exam crowds poured in, and soon the open space in front of the library was cleared.

So irritating!

Thinking of this, Chen Yushan felt a little relieved.

It just so happens that what I was looking at was the high-generation version, so I would like to test the strength of the system a little bit.

It seems that I have never done this question, but when I was reading a book just now, I seemed to have seen a similar question type.


Soon, he entered the same state as yesterday again, completely forgetting about foreign objects, as if I was the only one in the world...

After sitting there and struggling for a while, he shook his head and continued to pick up the unfinished "Advanced Algebra" and started chewing on it.

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

After sitting there and struggling for a while, he shook his head and continued to pick up the unfinished "Advanced Algebra" and started chewing on it.

"Then where are you going when you get up so early?"

Lu Zhou turned to his pen habitually, thought for a while, and within a minute, he said, "I figured it out."

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that it was okay not to complete the task so quickly. In just these six hours, he felt that he had learned more than he had in the entire last year.

Sorry, real academics don't need that stuff.


And English.


Without being pretentious, Lu Zhou grabbed the pen without saying a word and wrote down the problem-solving process on the scratch paper. He explained it while writing: "A typical 0/0 type infinitive, directly use L'Obifa's rule. Well, the first step is to split the integral. Isn’t this difficult? From (X→0)lim(1-bcosx)=0, we can get b=1, and then bring it back to the original formula, and we can solve a=4 , look at the answer and see if I got it right."

Why did this girl find me instead of someone else

Upgrading mathematics to LV1 is equivalent to owning the whole world!

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

It’s not because we are more handsome than others!

Realizing that her two voices were disturbing other people, Chen Yushan blushed, stuck out her tongue, and returned to her seat holding the exercise book and draft paper.

Afraid of disturbing the other two roommates who were still sleeping, Lu Zhou whispered back.

Soon, Lu Zhou got into the mood and completely forgot about the incident, treating it as just a brief interlude of brushing up on books in the library.

So irritating!

But to be honest, he himself was shocked by his problem-solving speed. Although he would not be unable to solve this kind of problem before, he would never solve it so easily and smoothly without even having a scratch paper. By using it, the problem-solving process will be clear to you.

Lu Zhou paid for the set meal with his meal card and hurried back to the library after eating. First, he went to the counter to return the books he had read, and then went to the bookshelf. He took out a copy of "C Language Detailed Edition, Fifth Edition" from the bookshelf, put it under his arm, and returned to his seat.

He went to the canteen and bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk. After breakfast, Lu Zhou took a leisurely stroll to the library.

Chen Yushan stared blankly at the draft book, feeling that this guy could solve the problem faster than she could listen to the lecture.

It was just time to eat. Lu Zhou put down the book in his hand and walked out of the library.