Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 40: It's just nonsense


The article did not mention the debate on the Internet some time ago, but simply reported on an ordinary college student about the 11 SCI papers he published this year, as well as the objective evaluation of these papers by two professors from PBC University. And that thank you letter from across the ocean.

"It's just nonsense!"

"Impossible, I'd rather go to court, how much money do I have to pay for a lawsuit... If I give in, the losses will be even greater." There was some struggle on his face, but Zhu Fangcai finally shook his head, "At most, I'll say less. "

what to do

At best, we can deal with it coldly. If that doesn't work, just file a lawsuit!

"You say you are a genius, but I don't believe it!"

Unlike his retired father who spends all day walking his dog and playing chess, he is still frequently exposed to the Internet and is naturally aware of these current hot topics. Even just yesterday, he talked about this matter with his colleagues.

"I didn't want to criticize Jinling University, I just said a few words about that kid's paper. Anyone who sees 10 papers published in a month would think it's abnormal, right? Who would have thought they would have such a big reaction? I think There must be something wrong!" Zhu Fangcai argued.

But now...

"A layman is pointing fingers at the side. Isn't this nonsense? He is also giving advice? I can't stand it anymore!..."

When he wrote an article claiming that drinking Longjing tea caused cancer, he was even sued by the local government, but in the end he only lost 600,000 yuan in compensation. What can we do with him in the end? Can the court force him to pay compensation or force him to apologize

But don’t give in…

This time, he no longer dwelled on the academic value of the paper.

Zhu Fangcai was really a little scared, he would be the next one named.

Spread out on the table was the "Jinling Daily", which quoted a letter sent from New York University, excerpted some fragments of it, and made a comprehensive report on the debate on neck bibs that took place some time ago.

But the nature is completely different...

Seeing Zhu Fangcai's blog post criticizing him, Lu Zhou wanted to say to him face to face: "Because you are stupid..."

Lao Zhong sighed and shook his head: "Then I won't advise you, so you can do it yourself."

But it’s impossible for fans to buy it. Maybe all the fans that I finally gained will be lost.

Unfortunately, the other party did not give him this opportunity at all.

What kind of storm has he not seen before

To put it mildly, it is just gossiping and causing trouble.

The old gentleman opened his mouth, then suddenly sighed and shook his head.

Give in

But it's too late to regret now.

"Old Zhong, it's not that I don't want to stop, it's just that I'm riding a tiger and it's hard to get off." Zhu Fangcai sighed.

"You also know about that?" the middle-aged man asked with a smile.

Staring at the screen of his mobile phone, Zhu's widened eyes were filled with anger, but cold sweat could not stop pouring down his face.

[… That is a project about seismic wave return spectrum analysis, which will be used in the fields of geological resource exploration and seismic research. The specific details are related to confidentiality contracts and cannot be disclosed, but we assure you that your research results will be used for peaceful purposes…]

Thinking about it this way...

The thank-you letter published by Jinling Daily took public opinion in another direction.

"How can a student who has never graduated from a bachelor's degree write such a paper?"

"A hero does not ask where he comes from, and his ambition does not depend on his age!" 》

"Who can prove it? Can Jinling University prove it? Just because you have been to the library a few times? I have been to more libraries than you have ever heard of! How come I can't write ten papers a month?"

Also sent along was a copy of the original English version of the thank you letter.

Could a talent recognized by New York University be an academic cancer with no merits

Just then, his cell phone rang.

"See for yourself." The old gentleman tapped his index finger on the newspaper.

"... This article is really wonderfully written. It really has the legacy of the young generals of the past, haha." The old gentleman snorted coldly, supported the armrests of the chair with both hands, and stood up from the chair.

This is a bit serious...

People who were originally skeptical about Lu Zhou now began to reflect again.

This guy occasionally writes articles, but his temper is a bit gentler and his views are not as radical as Zhu Dazui. People in the circle call him Lao Zhong. He is a kind and easy-to-get-together person.

Those cloudy pupils seemed to be trapped in memories of the past.

To put it more seriously, it is a persecution of intellectuals, and the intention is to be punished!

It seems so.

[Dear Lu Zhou, this is the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. First of all, thank you for your contribution to the "Communications of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics", the official journal of our institute. Regarding the conclusion you proposed in the article "Optimal Inversion Theory of Linear Operators and Linear Functional Functions", it has produced key inspiration for the bottleneck we are encountering in the cooperative project with the Paul Scherr Institute in Switzerland...]

And his name is Lu Zhou.

New York University's ranking is among the top 30 in the world. It makes sense to say that Jinda is protecting its own people for the sake of the reputation of the school, but there is no reason for foreigners to follow suit and go across the Pacific Ocean to gain popularity, right? And that Swiss research institute, which sounds very high-end...

After reading the newspaper, he took off his eyes from the bridge of his nose. The gray-haired old gentleman shook his head, and his fingers on the table were shaking with anger.

This report was not only published in print media, but was also published simultaneously on the official WeChat account of the Huaguo Youth Daily.

As for the origin of this newspaper, it was sent by his old classmate who was the president of Jinling University.

The official media clearly intends to promote Lu Zhou as an outstanding college student in the new era and set him as a role model for contemporary college students. And his tone of wishing someone was exactly the opposite of the propaganda above.

Then, he looked at the bottom of the newspaper and quoted part of the blog post of the blogger named Zhu Fangcai.

“Even if you can prove that there is nothing wrong with the paper, you cannot prove that you wrote the paper!”

This time, Lu Zhou was once again on the hot search list.

Regardless of whether there is really a problem with the paper, an "expert" who claims to be a civilian scholar caught an undergraduate and used an underhanded method to stir up publicity.

Lao Zhong said sadly: "Do you think those 985 are easy to mess with? They bully others because they don't have many fans? Is this a problem with the number of fans? You said it's not good for you to quarrel with anyone. You have to go to a university with few alumni. ah?"

The middle-aged man asked: "Dad, are you going out? It's time to have dinner soon."

At this time, a middle-aged man walked into the study. When he saw the expression on the old gentleman's face, he couldn't help asking: "Dad, what made you so angry?"

In the past, no one paid attention to him. He jumped around at will. Those who talked to him were all small characters who were the same as him, or slightly stronger than him, but they were still far from being able to slap him to death.

"I think your brain is abnormal," Lao Zhong couldn't help but spit at him, "Think about it with your brain, can an undergraduate who publishes 10 papers a month be a normal person?"

In Shangjing City, next to Wudaokou Vocational College, in an old-fashioned apartment building.

It is impossible to apologize, it is impossible to apologize in this life.

"... Then what do you think I should do?" Zhu Fangcai sighed.

Moreover, it has been reprinted on the official microblog of Renren Daily and many other media.

In the face of the above propaganda caliber, no matter how many fans you have, they are no different from grasshoppers, at most a few heads bigger. If you really want to slap him to death, it's just a slap in the face.

Seeing the cover of the newspaper, a hint of surprise appeared on the middle-aged man's face.

The old gentleman waved his hand and walked to the door: "I'm not going to eat. Today, I'm going to sit at my old classmate's house! I can't say this, and I feel so damn uncomfortable!"

This debate has developed to this point, and it already has a bit of a shrewish tone.

"This matter is easy to solve. Others just ask you to apologize. Just apologize and admit your mistake. This matter may just be over." Lao Zhong said on the phone.

"Forget it, don't talk anymore, it's all over."

He suddenly realized that he seemed to be playing a little too hard.

Unable to sit still, he jumped out immediately and published his third blog post overnight.

As soon as this report came out, Zhu Fangcai's nose almost became crooked with anger.

The caller is also an education commentator, his name is Zhong Bowen.

"Zhuzhu, this is enough... I will stop this matter when I see it is good. If you continue to go down, I'm afraid something will go wrong." Old Zhong said earnestly.

[… After learning that you were only 19 years old, Professor Rodwell and Professor Li from our institute expressed great surprise, and at the same time they admired your talent in the field of mathematics. While expressing gratitude for your research results, we also sincerely extend an invitation to you. If you are interested in coming to the United States to study for undergraduate or master's degrees, please be sure to contact us. NYU's doors are open to you.]

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

The title of the article is domineering and magnificent.

However, just when Lu Zhou thought that this debate would continue to rage on, a report published by the "China Youth Daily" suddenly broke the farce of this stalemate.