Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 46: Brush Python at night


After dinner, Ms. Yang drove Lu Zhou and Chen Yushan back to school.

"It seems that we have to apply to the school for a bed in the classroom... Well, it seems unrealistic." Lu Zhou steadied himself by holding on to the desk and shook his groggy brain.

Chen Yushan said with emotion: "Junior, you are just a freshman and you are working so hard. It really puts a lot of pressure on my senior."

This feeling is really good, more enjoyable than drinking alcohol. On one side, the brain is constantly filled with knowledge at a speed visible to the naked eye, and on the other side, the spirit is highly excited to the limit, as if cultivating immortals has reached the late stage of transcending tribulation, and is only one step away from transcending tribulation...

The next make-up class will have to wait until September.

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

Before leaving, Han Mengqi reluctantly said goodbye.

Starting tomorrow, her summer vacation will begin.

Of course, he was very grateful for the book list provided by this academic master, but it was hard to say whether he would have a chance to use it.

Starting tomorrow, her summer vacation will begin.

Speaking of which, what time is it now

Looking up at the wall clock, Lu Zhou's expression changed.

Then they will probably be divided into various factions such as "C++", "java", "python", etc., and then they will fight until they fight to the death.

Then they will probably be divided into various factions such as "C++", "java", "python", etc., and then they will fight until they fight to the death.

The next make-up class will have to wait until September.

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

Just like the previous times, when his brain was overloaded to the critical point, he finally passed out, even skipping the process of falling asleep.

In contrast, Python is similar to Java in that it is an interpreted language and is itself a wheel.

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Lu Zhou was about to say hello and leave, but at this moment, Wang Xiaodong noticed with sharp eyes that the side of the book exposed from his shoulder bag happened to be the one he had read.

Carrying the ready-made instant noodles, Lu Zhou randomly found a classroom on the first floor. He just sat in the front row and started sucking away without any image.

However, the sequelae were also obvious, especially because there was something wrong with his sleeping position this time, with half of his butt hanging in the air, so that when he stood up, his right thigh was almost numb and he almost fell to the ground.

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

Speaking of which, what time is it now

Then they will probably be divided into various factions such as "C++", "java", "python", etc., and then they will fight until they fight to the death.

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

"It's about twelve o'clock when I wake up. I just go to the cafeteria to have lunch... and then go to the school computer room."

The next make-up class will have to wait until September.

"It's about twelve o'clock when I wake up. I just go to the cafeteria to have lunch... and then go to the school computer room."

Of course, he was very grateful for the book list provided by this academic master, but it was hard to say whether he would have a chance to use it.

"must… "

There is a water boiler in every teaching building, you can use it by swiping your card, and it's free. The only dissatisfaction is that the water comes out quickly and slowly, and it is easy to burn your hands.

Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed because he didn't notice it at all when he came in.

Walking on the tree-lined path leading to the dormitory building, Chen Yushan turned her face and asked: "I'm going to go to the dormitory to memorize vocabulary in a while, what about you?"

An excellent programmer cannot master only one language. Just like a general, it is not enough just to command infantry. He must also be able to command highly mobile cavalry and long-range support archers...

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Wang Xiaodong pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

Just like the previous times, when his brain was overloaded to the critical point, he finally passed out, even skipping the process of falling asleep.

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the library and sit for a while."

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

Before leaving, Han Mengqi reluctantly said goodbye.

Chen Yushan said with emotion: "Junior, you are just a freshman and you are working so hard. It really puts a lot of pressure on my senior."

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

Starting tomorrow, her summer vacation will begin.

"Well, I've been more interested recently, so I just read a little bit."

The next day, Lu Zhou, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze, with red marks still hanging on half of his face.

Starting tomorrow, her summer vacation will begin.

No, he was already cheating.

Therefore, it is meaningless to argue about the merits of which language. There is only the most appropriate language, but there is no such thing as the best language.

Starting tomorrow, her summer vacation will begin.

Lu Zhou smiled and said modestly, "It's not like I'm working particularly hard. I'm not the only one staying in school. There's another person in my dormitory."

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed because he didn't notice it at all when he came in.

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"

For Lu Zhou, who has mastered the basic skills of using C++, it is not too difficult to master python. All he needs is time and keeping those basic knowledge in mind.

Lu Zhou smiled and said modestly, "It's not like I'm working particularly hard. I'm not the only one staying in school. There's another person in my dormitory."

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Lu Zhou was about to say hello and leave, but at this moment, Wang Xiaodong noticed with sharp eyes that the side of the book exposed from his shoulder bag happened to be the one he had read.

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"

After unscrewing the mineral water bottle, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, knocked out a capsule from the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it into his mouth, drank water and swallowed it in one gulp.

What a coincidence!

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

What a coincidence!

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that this guy was too enthusiastic and seemed difficult to deal with.

Turning on the light, he found a seat and sat down. Lu Zhou dumped the contents of his backpack on the table and looked at the wall clock in front of the classroom. It was exactly eight o'clock now.

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

Oops, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the cafeteria is now closed!

What a coincidence!

Just like the previous times, when his brain was overloaded to the critical point, he finally passed out, even skipping the process of falling asleep.

In contrast, Python is similar to Java in that it is an interpreted language and is itself a wheel.

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed because he didn't notice it at all when he came in.

Lu Zhou wiped his mouth and was about to get up and take the garbage out when he heard a heavy cough from the back row.

"If you take the Focus Capsule now, it will be absolutely effective for five hours, and the effect will end exactly at one o'clock."

The last time "Huaguo Youth Daily" came to JJTU for an interview, he and the nine computer papers should have flooded the screen. Is there anyone surprised that he can program

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

Lu Zhou smiled and said modestly, "It's not like I'm working particularly hard. I'm not the only one staying in school. There's another person in my dormitory."

"Based on the results of the previous tests, the limit state can be maintained until five o'clock in the morning."

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the library and sit for a while."

Looking at the book list written on the draft paper, Lu Zhou's scalp went numb for a while, and he couldn't help but wonder, did this guy also have this style of painting when he was with Lin Yuxiang

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"


Not wanting to waste a second, Lu Zhou quickly took out the "Introduction to Python Language Tutorial" on the table, looked over the table of contents at the first page, and scanned the text line by line.

[Task progress 11/30]

"It's about twelve o'clock when I wake up. I just go to the cafeteria to have lunch... and then go to the school computer room."

In one day yesterday, he had finished reading the entire "Introduction to Python Tutorial". Although he is not proficient in the entire python language, he is more than enough for basic use.

For example, if you want to build a car, you may have to start with the wheels.

Is there anyone in the classroom

As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

After going to the supermarket and buying a bucket of instant noodles, Lu Zhou wandered back to the teaching building.

Speaking of which, what time is it now

After unscrewing the mineral water bottle, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, knocked out a capsule from the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it into his mouth, drank water and swallowed it in one gulp.

As for tanks, artillery, and aircraft, they may be stored in the system's database, but he doesn't have access to them yet.

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

Functionally speaking, C++ is more like a Swiss Army Knife, highly operable and almost omnipotent. You can use it to complete some fine work, but when it comes to some large-scale projects, it seems not so handy.

"Python language? This is indeed an excellent language, especially suitable for programming beginners. If you are now a freshman, you should have finished learning C++. If you want to have a deeper understanding of programming, starting with python is indeed a good choice. Where's the book list? Have you made a study plan?" When talking about what he was good at, Wang Xiaodong rarely talked more.

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

Just like the previous times, when his brain was overloaded to the critical point, he finally passed out, even skipping the process of falling asleep.

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

The feeling like ants crawling across my head once again crawled from the back of my head to the center of my eyebrows, and everything in my field of vision became clearer than ever before.

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"

As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

"Well, I just took a look around, I don't have any plans yet..."

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the library and sit for a while."

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

It's like it's been turned off...

As for tanks, artillery, and aircraft, they may be stored in the system's database, but he doesn't have access to them yet.

As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

In one day yesterday, he had finished reading the entire "Introduction to Python Tutorial". Although he is not proficient in the entire python language, he is more than enough for basic use.

Look back.

What a coincidence!

In one day yesterday, he had finished reading the entire "Introduction to Python Tutorial". Although he is not proficient in the entire python language, he is more than enough for basic use.

No, he was already cheating.

Functionally speaking, C++ is more like a Swiss Army Knife, highly operable and almost omnipotent. You can use it to complete some fine work, but when it comes to some large-scale projects, it seems not so handy.

After unscrewing the mineral water bottle, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, knocked out a capsule from the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it into his mouth, drank water and swallowed it in one gulp.

But it was strange, and Lu Zhou didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"It seems that we have to apply to the school for a bed in the classroom... Well, it seems unrealistic." Lu Zhou steadied himself by holding on to the desk and shook his groggy brain.

If you want to build a car quickly, choosing python is undoubtedly the best choice, because it is simple and crude enough, and it is the cavalry of the coding world! Since the code itself is highly readable, users do not need to spend too much time on syntax. It can realize the user's "ideas" in the shortest possible time. For example, if you want to make a web page, it will be much easier to use Python than C++, and it will look simpler.

Just like the previous times, when his brain was overloaded to the critical point, he finally passed out, even skipping the process of falling asleep.

Not wanting to waste a second, Lu Zhou quickly took out the "Introduction to Python Language Tutorial" on the table, looked over the table of contents at the first page, and scanned the text line by line.

There is a water boiler in every teaching building, you can use it by swiping your card, and it's free. The only dissatisfaction is that the water comes out quickly and slowly, and it is easy to burn your hands.

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

"If you take the Focus Capsule now, it will be absolutely effective for five hours, and the effect will end exactly at one o'clock."

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

There is a joke that goes like this, the best way to get a group of weak programmers to fight is to shout in front of these programmers - "Which programming language is the most stupid."

Before leaving, Han Mengqi reluctantly said goodbye.

It's like it's been turned off...

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

Then they will probably be divided into various factions such as "C++", "java", "python", etc., and then they will fight until they fight to the death.

Lu Zhou wiped his mouth and was about to get up and take the garbage out when he heard a heavy cough from the back row.

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

After dinner, Ms. Yang drove Lu Zhou and Chen Yushan back to school.

It’s a good thing she can bear it...


As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

After dinner, Ms. Yang drove Lu Zhou and Chen Yushan back to school.

Lu Zhou looked at the top student with a strange look on his face.

Therefore, it is meaningless to argue about the merits of which language. There is only the most appropriate language, but there is no such thing as the best language.

In contrast, Python is similar to Java in that it is an interpreted language and is itself a wheel.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the library and sit for a while."

This feeling is really good, more enjoyable than drinking alcohol. On one side, the brain is constantly filled with knowledge at a speed visible to the naked eye, and on the other side, the spirit is highly excited to the limit, as if cultivating immortals has reached the late stage of transcending tribulation, and is only one step away from transcending tribulation...

An excellent programmer cannot master only one language. Just like a general, it is not enough just to command infantry. He must also be able to command highly mobile cavalry and long-range support archers...

There is a water boiler in every teaching building, you can use it by swiping your card, and it's free. The only dissatisfaction is that the water comes out quickly and slowly, and it is easy to burn your hands.

In one day yesterday, he had finished reading the entire "Introduction to Python Tutorial". Although he is not proficient in the entire python language, he is more than enough for basic use.

Starting tomorrow, her summer vacation will begin.

"Python language? This is indeed an excellent language, especially suitable for programming beginners. If you are now a freshman, you should have finished learning C++. If you want to have a deeper understanding of programming, starting with python is indeed a good choice. Where's the book list? Have you made a study plan?" When talking about what he was good at, Wang Xiaodong rarely talked more.

As for tanks, artillery, and aircraft, they may be stored in the system's database, but he doesn't have access to them yet.

Then, the topic naturally stopped.

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

As for tanks, artillery, and aircraft, they may be stored in the system's database, but he doesn't have access to them yet.

This feeling is really good, more enjoyable than drinking alcohol. On one side, the brain is constantly filled with knowledge at a speed visible to the naked eye, and on the other side, the spirit is highly excited to the limit, as if cultivating immortals has reached the late stage of transcending tribulation, and is only one step away from transcending tribulation...

I just had a meal of delicacies from the mountains and seas yesterday, so I decided to eat simply today.

However, the sequelae were also obvious, especially because there was something wrong with his sleeping position this time, with half of his butt hanging in the air, so that when he stood up, his right thigh was almost numb and he almost fell to the ground.

Functionally speaking, C++ is more like a Swiss Army Knife, highly operable and almost omnipotent. You can use it to complete some fine work, but when it comes to some large-scale projects, it seems not so handy.

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

Lu Zhou wiped his mouth and was about to get up and take the garbage out when he heard a heavy cough from the back row.

For example, if you want to build a car, you may have to start with the wheels.

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

There is a joke that goes like this, the best way to get a group of weak programmers to fight is to shout in front of these programmers - "Which programming language is the most stupid."

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

In contrast, Python is similar to Java in that it is an interpreted language and is itself a wheel.

"It's about twelve o'clock when I wake up. I just go to the cafeteria to have lunch... and then go to the school computer room."

[Task progress 11/30]

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

Then, the topic naturally stopped.

Wang Xiaodong said nothing, with an expression on his face like "Do you even need to ask?"

If you want to build a car quickly, choosing python is undoubtedly the best choice, because it is simple and crude enough, and it is the cavalry of the coding world! Since the code itself is highly readable, users do not need to spend too much time on syntax. It can realize the user's "ideas" in the shortest possible time. For example, if you want to make a web page, it will be much easier to use Python than C++, and it will look simpler.

There is a joke that goes like this, the best way to get a group of weak programmers to fight is to shout in front of these programmers - "Which programming language is the most stupid."

Of course, he was very grateful for the book list provided by this academic master, but it was hard to say whether he would have a chance to use it.

Looking at the book list written on the draft paper, Lu Zhou's scalp went numb for a while, and he couldn't help but wonder, did this guy also have this style of painting when he was with Lin Yuxiang

After unscrewing the mineral water bottle, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, knocked out a capsule from the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it into his mouth, drank water and swallowed it in one gulp.

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

"must… "

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that this guy was too enthusiastic and seemed difficult to deal with.

For Lu Zhou, who has mastered the basic skills of using C++, it is not too difficult to master python. All he needs is time and keeping those basic knowledge in mind.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Wang Xiaodong pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

Lu Zhou looked at the top student with a strange look on his face.

However, the sequelae were also obvious, especially because there was something wrong with his sleeping position this time, with half of his butt hanging in the air, so that when he stood up, his right thigh was almost numb and he almost fell to the ground.

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

Then they will probably be divided into various factions such as "C++", "java", "python", etc., and then they will fight until they fight to the death.

Looking up at the wall clock, Lu Zhou's expression changed.

No, he was already cheating.

As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

Is there anyone in the classroom

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"

For Lu Zhou, who has mastered the basic skills of using C++, it is not too difficult to master python. All he needs is time and keeping those basic knowledge in mind.

The next day, Lu Zhou, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze, with red marks still hanging on half of his face.

"If you take the Focus Capsule now, it will be absolutely effective for five hours, and the effect will end exactly at one o'clock."

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

The next day, Lu Zhou, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze, with red marks still hanging on half of his face.


He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

The next day, Lu Zhou, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze, with red marks still hanging on half of his face.

Oops, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the cafeteria is now closed!

Functionally speaking, C++ is more like a Swiss Army Knife, highly operable and almost omnipotent. You can use it to complete some fine work, but when it comes to some large-scale projects, it seems not so handy.

Just like the previous times, when his brain was overloaded to the critical point, he finally passed out, even skipping the process of falling asleep.

For Lu Zhou, who has mastered the basic skills of using C++, it is not too difficult to master python. All he needs is time and keeping those basic knowledge in mind.

I wanted to eat outside school, but I was afraid I would starve to death on the way.

An excellent programmer cannot master only one language. Just like a general, it is not enough just to command infantry. He must also be able to command highly mobile cavalry and long-range support archers...

I just had a meal of delicacies from the mountains and seas yesterday, so I decided to eat simply today.

There is a joke that goes like this, the best way to get a group of weak programmers to fight is to shout in front of these programmers - "Which programming language is the most stupid."

Just like the previous times, when his brain was overloaded to the critical point, he finally passed out, even skipping the process of falling asleep.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Wang Xiaodong pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

This feeling is really good, more enjoyable than drinking alcohol. On one side, the brain is constantly filled with knowledge at a speed visible to the naked eye, and on the other side, the spirit is highly excited to the limit, as if cultivating immortals has reached the late stage of transcending tribulation, and is only one step away from transcending tribulation...

Functionally speaking, C++ is more like a Swiss Army Knife, highly operable and almost omnipotent. You can use it to complete some fine work, but when it comes to some large-scale projects, it seems not so handy.

For Lu Zhou, who has mastered the basic skills of using C++, it is not too difficult to master python. All he needs is time and keeping those basic knowledge in mind.

For example, if you want to build a car, you may have to start with the wheels.

However, the sequelae were also obvious, especially because there was something wrong with his sleeping position this time, with half of his butt hanging in the air, so that when he stood up, his right thigh was almost numb and he almost fell to the ground.

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

"It seems that we have to apply to the school for a bed in the classroom... Well, it seems unrealistic." Lu Zhou steadied himself by holding on to the desk and shook his groggy brain.

As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

Wang Xiaodong said nothing, with an expression on his face like "Do you even need to ask?"

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

Therefore, it is meaningless to argue about the merits of which language. There is only the most appropriate language, but there is no such thing as the best language.

After a bowl of noodles, I finally had something in my stomach.

"If you take the Focus Capsule now, it will be absolutely effective for five hours, and the effect will end exactly at one o'clock."

[Task progress 11/30]

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"

Look back.

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

In one day yesterday, he had finished reading the entire "Introduction to Python Tutorial". Although he is not proficient in the entire python language, he is more than enough for basic use.

Turning on the light, he found a seat and sat down. Lu Zhou dumped the contents of his backpack on the table and looked at the wall clock in front of the classroom. It was exactly eight o'clock now.

Look back.

Walking on the tree-lined path leading to the dormitory building, Chen Yushan turned her face and asked: "I'm going to go to the dormitory to memorize vocabulary in a while, what about you?"

Walking on the tree-lined path leading to the dormitory building, Chen Yushan turned her face and asked: "I'm going to go to the dormitory to memorize vocabulary in a while, what about you?"

As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

It’s a good thing she can bear it...

Speaking of which, what time is it now

"It seems that we have to apply to the school for a bed in the classroom... Well, it seems unrealistic." Lu Zhou steadied himself by holding on to the desk and shook his groggy brain.

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

Functionally speaking, C++ is more like a Swiss Army Knife, highly operable and almost omnipotent. You can use it to complete some fine work, but when it comes to some large-scale projects, it seems not so handy.

Turning on the light, he found a seat and sat down. Lu Zhou dumped the contents of his backpack on the table and looked at the wall clock in front of the classroom. It was exactly eight o'clock now.

Walking on the tree-lined path leading to the dormitory building, Chen Yushan turned her face and asked: "I'm going to go to the dormitory to memorize vocabulary in a while, what about you?"

Lu Zhou looked at the top student with a strange look on his face.

Looking up at the wall clock, Lu Zhou's expression changed.

Lu Zhou went up to say hello and said with a smile, "You haven't gone home either?"

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

Oops, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the cafeteria is now closed!

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Wang Xiaodong pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

After unscrewing the mineral water bottle, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, knocked out a capsule from the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it into his mouth, drank water and swallowed it in one gulp.

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"

I wanted to eat outside school, but I was afraid I would starve to death on the way.

The next day, Lu Zhou, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze, with red marks still hanging on half of his face.

After going to the supermarket and buying a bucket of instant noodles, Lu Zhou wandered back to the teaching building.

His expression changed, and Lu Zhou finally sighed.

After a bowl of noodles, I finally had something in my stomach.

But it was strange, and Lu Zhou didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Is there anyone in the classroom

I just had a meal of delicacies from the mountains and seas yesterday, so I decided to eat simply today.

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

Chen Yushan said with emotion: "Junior, you are just a freshman and you are working so hard. It really puts a lot of pressure on my senior."

Looking at the book list written on the draft paper, Lu Zhou's scalp went numb for a while, and he couldn't help but wonder, did this guy also have this style of painting when he was with Lin Yuxiang

I just had a meal of delicacies from the mountains and seas yesterday, so I decided to eat simply today.

Before leaving, Han Mengqi reluctantly said goodbye.

As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

Carrying the ready-made instant noodles, Lu Zhou randomly found a classroom on the first floor. He just sat in the front row and started sucking away without any image.

Therefore, it is meaningless to argue about the merits of which language. There is only the most appropriate language, but there is no such thing as the best language.

There is a joke that goes like this, the best way to get a group of weak programmers to fight is to shout in front of these programmers - "Which programming language is the most stupid."

Look back.

After going to the supermarket and buying a bucket of instant noodles, Lu Zhou wandered back to the teaching building.

"It seems that we have to apply to the school for a bed in the classroom... Well, it seems unrealistic." Lu Zhou steadied himself by holding on to the desk and shook his groggy brain.

There is a joke that goes like this, the best way to get a group of weak programmers to fight is to shout in front of these programmers - "Which programming language is the most stupid."

There is a water boiler in every teaching building, you can use it by swiping your card, and it's free. The only dissatisfaction is that the water comes out quickly and slowly, and it is easy to burn your hands.

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

"Well, I just took a look around, I don't have any plans yet..."

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

"If you take the Focus Capsule now, it will be absolutely effective for five hours, and the effect will end exactly at one o'clock."

If you want to build a car quickly, choosing python is undoubtedly the best choice, because it is simple and crude enough, and it is the cavalry of the coding world! Since the code itself is highly readable, users do not need to spend too much time on syntax. It can realize the user's "ideas" in the shortest possible time. For example, if you want to make a web page, it will be much easier to use Python than C++, and it will look simpler.

Carrying the ready-made instant noodles, Lu Zhou randomly found a classroom on the first floor. He just sat in the front row and started sucking away without any image.

Chen Yushan looked at the sky and sighed: "Are all the newbies today so perverted?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said modestly, "It's not like I'm working particularly hard. I'm not the only one staying in school. There's another person in my dormitory."

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

Looking up at the wall clock, Lu Zhou's expression changed.

Turning on the light, he found a seat and sat down. Lu Zhou dumped the contents of his backpack on the table and looked at the wall clock in front of the classroom. It was exactly eight o'clock now.

But it was strange, and Lu Zhou didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Wang Xiaodong pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

After a bowl of noodles, I finally had something in my stomach.

For Lu Zhou, who has mastered the basic skills of using C++, it is not too difficult to master python. All he needs is time and keeping those basic knowledge in mind.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that this guy was too enthusiastic and seemed difficult to deal with.

For Lu Zhou, who has mastered the basic skills of using C++, it is not too difficult to master python. All he needs is time and keeping those basic knowledge in mind.

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

The next day, Lu Zhou, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze, with red marks still hanging on half of his face.

Just like the previous times, when his brain was overloaded to the critical point, he finally passed out, even skipping the process of falling asleep.

Carrying the ready-made instant noodles, Lu Zhou randomly found a classroom on the first floor. He just sat in the front row and started sucking away without any image.

Lu Zhou wiped his mouth and was about to get up and take the garbage out when he heard a heavy cough from the back row.

"If you take the Focus Capsule now, it will be absolutely effective for five hours, and the effect will end exactly at one o'clock."

"It seems that we have to apply to the school for a bed in the classroom... Well, it seems unrealistic." Lu Zhou steadied himself by holding on to the desk and shook his groggy brain.

"It seems that we have to apply to the school for a bed in the classroom... Well, it seems unrealistic." Lu Zhou steadied himself by holding on to the desk and shook his groggy brain.

Then they will probably be divided into various factions such as "C++", "java", "python", etc., and then they will fight until they fight to the death.

Turning on the light, he found a seat and sat down. Lu Zhou dumped the contents of his backpack on the table and looked at the wall clock in front of the classroom. It was exactly eight o'clock now.


Looking up at the wall clock, Lu Zhou's expression changed.

Speaking of which, what time is it now

Carrying the ready-made instant noodles, Lu Zhou randomly found a classroom on the first floor. He just sat in the front row and started sucking away without any image.

After a bowl of noodles, I finally had something in my stomach.

"Python language? This is indeed an excellent language, especially suitable for programming beginners. If you are now a freshman, you should have finished learning C++. If you want to have a deeper understanding of programming, starting with python is indeed a good choice. Where's the book list? Have you made a study plan?" When talking about what he was good at, Wang Xiaodong rarely talked more.

Lu Zhou looked at the top student with a strange look on his face.

The next day, Lu Zhou, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze, with red marks still hanging on half of his face.

Is there anyone in the classroom

Lu Zhou went up to say hello and said with a smile, "You haven't gone home either?"

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

In contrast, Python is similar to Java in that it is an interpreted language and is itself a wheel.

As for tanks, artillery, and aircraft, they may be stored in the system's database, but he doesn't have access to them yet.

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

Starting tomorrow, her summer vacation will begin.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the library and sit for a while."

Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed because he didn't notice it at all when he came in.

After unscrewing the mineral water bottle, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, knocked out a capsule from the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it into his mouth, drank water and swallowed it in one gulp.

Look back.

For example, if you want to build a car, you may have to start with the wheels.

Look back.

Is there anyone in the classroom

After unscrewing the mineral water bottle, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, knocked out a capsule from the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it into his mouth, drank water and swallowed it in one gulp.

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

What a coincidence!

For example, if you want to build a car, you may have to start with the wheels.

Wang Xiaodong said nothing, with an expression on his face like "Do you even need to ask?"

Lu Zhou looked at the top student with a strange look on his face.

Turning on the light, he found a seat and sat down. Lu Zhou dumped the contents of his backpack on the table and looked at the wall clock in front of the classroom. It was exactly eight o'clock now.

It’s a good thing she can bear it...

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

"Well, I've been more interested recently, so I just read a little bit."


Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the library and sit for a while."


Lu Zhou went up to say hello and said with a smile, "You haven't gone home either?"

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

Look back.

Wang Xiaodong said nothing, with an expression on his face like "Do you even need to ask?"

Look back.

The next day, Lu Zhou, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze, with red marks still hanging on half of his face.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Lu Zhou was about to say hello and leave, but at this moment, Wang Xiaodong noticed with sharp eyes that the side of the book exposed from his shoulder bag happened to be the one he had read.

Speaking of which, what time is it now

The feeling like ants crawling across my head once again crawled from the back of my head to the center of my eyebrows, and everything in my field of vision became clearer than ever before.

"Python language? This is indeed an excellent language, especially suitable for programming beginners. If you are now a freshman, you should have finished learning C++. If you want to have a deeper understanding of programming, starting with python is indeed a good choice. Where's the book list? Have you made a study plan?" When talking about what he was good at, Wang Xiaodong rarely talked more.

Then, the topic naturally stopped.

The feeling like ants crawling across my head once again crawled from the back of my head to the center of my eyebrows, and everything in my field of vision became clearer than ever before.

Walking on the tree-lined path leading to the dormitory building, Chen Yushan turned her face and asked: "I'm going to go to the dormitory to memorize vocabulary in a while, what about you?"

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Lu Zhou was about to say hello and leave, but at this moment, Wang Xiaodong noticed with sharp eyes that the side of the book exposed from his shoulder bag happened to be the one he had read.

Lu Zhou chatted awkwardly for a few words, then slipped away with the finished bucket of instant noodles.

In one day yesterday, he had finished reading the entire "Introduction to Python Tutorial". Although he is not proficient in the entire python language, he is more than enough for basic use.

Oops, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the cafeteria is now closed!

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

"If you take the Focus Capsule now, it will be absolutely effective for five hours, and the effect will end exactly at one o'clock."

Looking at the book list written on the draft paper, Lu Zhou's scalp went numb for a while, and he couldn't help but wonder, did this guy also have this style of painting when he was with Lin Yuxiang

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

His expression changed, and Lu Zhou finally sighed.


Carrying the ready-made instant noodles, Lu Zhou randomly found a classroom on the first floor. He just sat in the front row and started sucking away without any image.

Wang Xiaodong said nothing, with an expression on his face like "Do you even need to ask?"

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

Look back.

What a coincidence!

An excellent programmer cannot master only one language. Just like a general, it is not enough just to command infantry. He must also be able to command highly mobile cavalry and long-range support archers...

Lu Zhou looked a little embarrassed because he didn't notice it at all when he came in.

Lu Zhou looked at the top student with a strange look on his face.

For example, if you want to build a car, you may have to start with the wheels.

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

Lu Zhou went up to say hello and said with a smile, "You haven't gone home either?"

The last time "Huaguo Youth Daily" came to JJTU for an interview, he and the nine computer papers should have flooded the screen. Is there anyone surprised that he can program

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Lu Zhou was about to say hello and leave, but at this moment, Wang Xiaodong noticed with sharp eyes that the side of the book exposed from his shoulder bag happened to be the one he had read.

Lu Zhou wiped his mouth and was about to get up and take the garbage out when he heard a heavy cough from the back row.

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

Walking on the tree-lined path leading to the dormitory building, Chen Yushan turned her face and asked: "I'm going to go to the dormitory to memorize vocabulary in a while, what about you?"

But it was strange, and Lu Zhou didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Turning on the light, he found a seat and sat down. Lu Zhou dumped the contents of his backpack on the table and looked at the wall clock in front of the classroom. It was exactly eight o'clock now.

However, the sequelae were also obvious, especially because there was something wrong with his sleeping position this time, with half of his butt hanging in the air, so that when he stood up, his right thigh was almost numb and he almost fell to the ground.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that this guy was too enthusiastic and seemed difficult to deal with.

Wang Xiaodong said nothing, with an expression on his face like "Do you even need to ask?"

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

Chen Yushan said with emotion: "Junior, you are just a freshman and you are working so hard. It really puts a lot of pressure on my senior."

"Python language? This is indeed an excellent language, especially suitable for programming beginners. If you are now a freshman, you should have finished learning C++. If you want to have a deeper understanding of programming, starting with python is indeed a good choice. Where's the book list? Have you made a study plan?" When talking about what he was good at, Wang Xiaodong rarely talked more.


He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

Lu Zhou wiped his mouth and was about to get up and take the garbage out when he heard a heavy cough from the back row.

"Well, I've been more interested recently, so I just read a little bit."

For example, if you want to build a car, you may have to start with the wheels.

Of course, he was very grateful for the book list provided by this academic master, but it was hard to say whether he would have a chance to use it.

The next make-up class will have to wait until September.

"Python language? This is indeed an excellent language, especially suitable for programming beginners. If you are now a freshman, you should have finished learning C++. If you want to have a deeper understanding of programming, starting with python is indeed a good choice. Where's the book list? Have you made a study plan?" When talking about what he was good at, Wang Xiaodong rarely talked more.

An excellent programmer cannot master only one language. Just like a general, it is not enough just to command infantry. He must also be able to command highly mobile cavalry and long-range support archers...

The last time "Huaguo Youth Daily" came to JJTU for an interview, he and the nine computer papers should have flooded the screen. Is there anyone surprised that he can program

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

He was originally a relatively low-key type, so he just smiled and said modestly.

No, he was already cheating.

"Well, I just took a look around, I don't have any plans yet..."

"Python language? This is indeed an excellent language, especially suitable for programming beginners. If you are now a freshman, you should have finished learning C++. If you want to have a deeper understanding of programming, starting with python is indeed a good choice. Where's the book list? Have you made a study plan?" When talking about what he was good at, Wang Xiaodong rarely talked more.

Lu Zhou chatted awkwardly for a few words, then slipped away with the finished bucket of instant noodles.

It’s actually Classmate Wang!

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that this guy was too enthusiastic and seemed difficult to deal with.

For Lu Zhou, who has mastered the basic skills of using C++, it is not too difficult to master python. All he needs is time and keeping those basic knowledge in mind.

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

Oops, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the cafeteria is now closed!

Forget it, I can deal with it just by eating a bowl of instant noodles for lunch.

[Task progress 11/30]

"That's not possible. Language is a profound knowledge. Only planned and systematic learning can lay a solid foundation. I recommend a few books to you, which can be borrowed from the library. If you are interested, you can check it out. ." As he spoke, regardless of whether Lu Zhou agreed or not, he took a pen and silently wrote down a long list of books on the draft paper.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Wang Xiaodong pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

There is a water boiler in every teaching building, you can use it by swiping your card, and it's free. The only dissatisfaction is that the water comes out quickly and slowly, and it is easy to burn your hands.

Then they will probably be divided into various factions such as "C++", "java", "python", etc., and then they will fight until they fight to the death.

But it was strange, and Lu Zhou didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

Looking at the book list written on the draft paper, Lu Zhou's scalp went numb for a while, and he couldn't help but wonder, did this guy also have this style of painting when he was with Lin Yuxiang

I just had a meal of delicacies from the mountains and seas yesterday, so I decided to eat simply today.

With his eyebrows raised, Wang Xiaodong asked: "Are you reading a programming book?"

[Task progress 11/30]

After unscrewing the mineral water bottle, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, knocked out a capsule from the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it into his mouth, drank water and swallowed it in one gulp.

In one day yesterday, he had finished reading the entire "Introduction to Python Tutorial". Although he is not proficient in the entire python language, he is more than enough for basic use.

It’s a good thing she can bear it...

Lu Zhou went up to say hello and said with a smile, "You haven't gone home either?"

Then, the topic naturally stopped.

According to Ms. Yang, she will go to Shanghai during the summer vacation and stay with her father until the end of the month. During this period, it is naturally impossible to make up classes.

I just had a meal of delicacies from the mountains and seas yesterday, so I decided to eat simply today.

Of course, he was very grateful for the book list provided by this academic master, but it was hard to say whether he would have a chance to use it.

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

After dinner, Ms. Yang drove Lu Zhou and Chen Yushan back to school.

Looking at the book list written on the draft paper, Lu Zhou's scalp went numb for a while, and he couldn't help but wonder, did this guy also have this style of painting when he was with Lin Yuxiang

The next make-up class will have to wait until September.

Starting tomorrow, her summer vacation will begin.

It's like it's been turned off...

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Wang Xiaodong pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

Lu Zhou chatted awkwardly for a few words, then slipped away with the finished bucket of instant noodles.

"Based on the results of the previous tests, the limit state can be maintained until five o'clock in the morning."

Turning on the light, he found a seat and sat down. Lu Zhou dumped the contents of his backpack on the table and looked at the wall clock in front of the classroom. It was exactly eight o'clock now.

I just had a meal of delicacies from the mountains and seas yesterday, so I decided to eat simply today.

"must… "

Look back.

[Task progress 11/30]

The two parted ways near the dormitory building. Lu Zhou first went to the library and packed up the things on the table, and then went to the empty classroom in Teaching Building A.

"If you take the Focus Capsule now, it will be absolutely effective for five hours, and the effect will end exactly at one o'clock."

Doesn’t this guy play with scarves or check Moments

Not wanting to waste a second, Lu Zhou quickly took out the "Introduction to Python Language Tutorial" on the table, looked over the table of contents at the first page, and scanned the text line by line.

Lu Zhou chatted awkwardly for a few words, then slipped away with the finished bucket of instant noodles.

After dinner, Ms. Yang drove Lu Zhou and Chen Yushan back to school.

Walking on the tree-lined path leading to the dormitory building, Chen Yushan turned her face and asked: "I'm going to go to the dormitory to memorize vocabulary in a while, what about you?"

"must… "

"Well, I've been more interested recently, so I just read a little bit."

There is a water boiler in every teaching building, you can use it by swiping your card, and it's free. The only dissatisfaction is that the water comes out quickly and slowly, and it is easy to burn your hands.

After going to the supermarket and buying a bucket of instant noodles, Lu Zhou wandered back to the teaching building.

As for the actual operation and method summary, he can do it tomorrow. Even without the help of the focus capsule, he believes he can do a good job.

Is there anyone in the classroom