Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 47: Develop an APP to practice


The computer room was quite deserted, with not a single person in sight.

It has to be said that it makes sense for other people's Windows systems to occupy such a large market share. Even a novice who has never touched a computer can easily get started with a full-graphics operating system.

And he only has less than 10,000 yuan in his card, so it might be difficult for him to even light a small flame.

"Although the book explains it very clearly, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome to use... As expected, what's on paper and actual operation are completely different things. If you want to learn something, you still have to practice it."

Lu Zhou, who was using the Linux system for the first time, felt blind. He followed the tutorial borrowed from the library for a long time before he finally figured out the ropes.

After all, it’s summer vacation right now, and those taking the postgraduate entrance examination generally don’t have access to computers.

When he thought of this, Lu Zhou stopped dawdling and started working immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the fan of the chassis began to buzz, and the computer became laggy. Lines of code flashed from the black dialog box and were quickly organized into tables.

"The first is to automatically grab tickets. This should not be considered an innovation. Cheetah and 360 browsers already had this function a long time ago."

Although there are many third-party ticket booking APPs on the Internet, there is really no official ticket booking APP. If he could make something unique and sell it to interested operators, he might be able to earn some living expenses.

After saving the word document, Lu Zhou rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically and put his hands on the keyboard.

Looking at the train data piling up in the folder, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes, wondering if he should use it for something

It seems quite boring.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

As soon as this impromptu idea emerged, it took root and sprouted in his heart uncontrollably.

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.


The reason why I chose the computer room of the school is mainly because the programs written in python language are mainly run under the Linux system. Learning python language directly in the Linux environment can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As soon as this impromptu idea emerged, it took root and sprouted in his heart uncontrollably.

By constantly refreshing the official website data, there is a certain metaphysical probability that some tickets will be generated. Some of them are refunds from other users. Some of them are not sure how Lu Zhou came out, but this function can be considered.

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

When he thought of this, Lu Zhou stopped dawdling and started working immediately.

By constantly refreshing the official website data, there is a certain metaphysical probability that some tickets will be generated. Some of them are refunds from other users. Some of them are not sure how Lu Zhou came out, but this function can be considered.

When he completes the reward mission and unlocks the branch technology of artificial intelligence LV0, these valuable experiences will definitely come in handy.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

Lu Zhou's own second-hand notebook was really rubbish. He had to pretend to be dead for a while to convert the paper into PDF format. He didn't get online until other people started to play online. There was no need to install dual systems or virtual machines and other cumbersome operations. Thought.

Of course, 12306 is not an ordinary BBS forum after all. It is still quite difficult to use this as a practice target for beginners.

"Building a ticket booking website? It seems like someone took off his pants and farted..."

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

And he only has less than 10,000 yuan in his card, so it might be difficult for him to even light a small flame.

"The first is to automatically grab tickets. This should not be considered an innovation. Cheetah and 360 browsers already had this function a long time ago."

"Although the book explains it very clearly, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome to use... As expected, what's on paper and actual operation are completely different things. If you want to learn something, you still have to practice it."

Therefore, many "stingy" websites will be equipped with anti-crawler programs. The more technical ones will either prevent you from crawling anything, or the crawled ones will be garbled. The less technical ones can also be directly locked by monitoring the number of visits. your IP.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

After all, as a typical application example of python language, the templates of crawler programs are mentioned in the book, and the algorithm is improved to varying degrees in the book for different situations.

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

Lu Zhou, who was using the Linux system for the first time, felt blind. He followed the tutorial borrowed from the library for a long time before he finally figured out the ropes.

"The Python language is so convenient. No wonder so many experts recommend it."

Make an APP for online ticket booking

After saving the word document, Lu Zhou rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically and put his hands on the keyboard.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

Climbing a blog post on a scarf

Therefore, Lu Zhou closed the program and did not rush to change the code. Instead, he opened the word document and began to design the outline of the APP development process just like writing the outline of a paper.

But it's just a big deal. For Lu Xueba, who has already read the entire book, it's not a big problem. The crawler itself is not too technically difficult. The entire program can be completed in less than 30 lines of code, and it runs perfectly without bugs.

It has to be said that it makes sense for other people's Windows systems to occupy such a large market share. Even a novice who has never touched a computer can easily get started with a full-graphics operating system.

Of course, 12306 is not an ordinary BBS forum after all. It is still quite difficult to use this as a practice target for beginners.

But of course, it's just an illusion, not even a feeling. After all, this thing has nothing to do with hacking technology. It is not illegal to crawl public information from the server. At most, it is suspected of occupying other people's server resources, which will be hated by major webmasters.

After all, it’s summer vacation right now, and those taking the postgraduate entrance examination generally don’t have access to computers.

After all, as a typical application example of python language, the templates of crawler programs are mentioned in the book, and the algorithm is improved to varying degrees in the book for different situations.

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

It has to be said that it makes sense for other people's Windows systems to occupy such a large market share. Even a novice who has never touched a computer can easily get started with a full-graphics operating system.

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

However, the Linux system is different. It is basically a command line operation mode, and all operations can be completed through the keyboard. Fortunately, the school installed a distribution with a desktop environment, otherwise Lu Zhou would not have known the use of a mouse.

The key is that the data you climbed down is useless in your hands. There is too much data and there is no place to put it.

Then comes the grabbing.

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

For example, set a time period and several trains, and the server will automatically refresh the data for the user, and submit the order the moment the remaining tickets appear. It seems that among the several ticket-grabbing software he has seen so far, this function is not available.

It's 3pm now!

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

"The interface can be simple, but the information must be accurate and comprehensive. You can refer to mainstream third-party ticket booking APPs for this, but they must not be completely similar. There must be innovations... "

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

However, the 12306 website is obviously not that stingy. Think about it, a monopoly giant that doesn’t even care about user experience, would it care about server resources? As long as you don't mess with my server, who cares about you!

Lu Zhou, who was using the Linux system for the first time, felt blind. He followed the tutorial borrowed from the library for a long time before he finally figured out the ropes.

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

However, the Linux system is different. It is basically a command line operation mode, and all operations can be completed through the keyboard. Fortunately, the school installed a distribution with a desktop environment, otherwise Lu Zhou would not have known the use of a mouse.

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

The computer room was quite deserted, with not a single person in sight.

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

Technically, it is very difficult to independently develop an APP from front-end to back-end. It is far more difficult than writing a simple crawler program, but it is not impossible to complete. What's more, if the algorithm can't solve it, you can still ask the system. Spending points to query data is also a learning process in itself.

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

"The interface can be simple, but the information must be accurate and comprehensive. You can refer to mainstream third-party ticket booking APPs for this, but they must not be completely similar. There must be innovations... "

Of course, 12306 is not an ordinary BBS forum after all. It is still quite difficult to use this as a practice target for beginners.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

As soon as this impromptu idea emerged, it took root and sprouted in his heart uncontrollably.

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

And algorithmically, it doesn’t seem to be difficult to implement.

Therefore, Lu Zhou closed the program and did not rush to change the code. Instead, he opened the word document and began to design the outline of the APP development process just like writing the outline of a paper.

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

Climbing a blog post on a scarf

Then comes the grabbing.

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

Even if you give up an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, what else can you not do

For example, set a time period and several trains, and the server will automatically refresh the data for the user, and submit the order the moment the remaining tickets appear. It seems that among the several ticket-grabbing software he has seen so far, this function is not available.

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

Climbing a blog post on a scarf

Crawl Tieba posts

"Start working!"

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

Although there are many third-party ticket booking APPs on the Internet, there is really no official ticket booking APP. If he could make something unique and sell it to interested operators, he might be able to earn some living expenses.

Immediately afterwards, the fan of the chassis began to buzz, and the computer became laggy. Lines of code flashed from the black dialog box and were quickly organized into tables.

It seems quite boring.

Lu Zhou, who was leaning on his chair, sighed as he looked at the folders that were constantly being filled.

However, the 12306 website is obviously not that stingy. Think about it, a monopoly giant that doesn’t even care about user experience, would it care about server resources? As long as you don't mess with my server, who cares about you!

It has to be said that it makes sense for other people's Windows systems to occupy such a large market share. Even a novice who has never touched a computer can easily get started with a full-graphics operating system.

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

The key is that the data you climbed down is useless in your hands. There is too much data and there is no place to put it.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Lu Zhou's own second-hand notebook was really rubbish. He had to pretend to be dead for a while to convert the paper into PDF format. He didn't get online until other people started to play online. There was no need to install dual systems or virtual machines and other cumbersome operations. Thought.

"Use crawler technology to crawl the 12306 website's station, train number, and remaining ticket data information... This seems to be possible."

Therefore, Lu Zhou closed the program and did not rush to change the code. Instead, he opened the word document and began to design the outline of the APP development process just like writing the outline of a paper.

"But the ticket will automatically be swiped when you hang up... I haven't seen it before." Thinking about last year's winter vacation, when the tickets were booked late, a few animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed F5 for almost half an hour before they swiped out a few tickets. After Zhang Zhang's return ticket, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it was not easy for the working people to return home during the New Year.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he somehow recalled the painful experience of grabbing tickets every time he went home. It’s not because his computer is stuck, but because the UI design of the Ministry of Railways’ official website is so anti-human.

Crawl Tieba posts

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

Lu Zhou, who was leaning on his chair, sighed as he looked at the folders that were constantly being filled.

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

The reason why I chose the computer room of the school is mainly because the programs written in python language are mainly run under the Linux system. Learning python language directly in the Linux environment can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Use crawler technology to crawl the 12306 website's station, train number, and remaining ticket data information... This seems to be possible."

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

The computer room was quite deserted, with not a single person in sight.

But it's just a big deal. For Lu Xueba, who has already read the entire book, it's not a big problem. The crawler itself is not too technically difficult. The entire program can be completed in less than 30 lines of code, and it runs perfectly without bugs.

The key is that the data you climbed down is useless in your hands. There is too much data and there is no place to put it.

When he thought of this, Lu Zhou stopped dawdling and started working immediately.

But of course, it's just an illusion, not even a feeling. After all, this thing has nothing to do with hacking technology. It is not illegal to crawl public information from the server. At most, it is suspected of occupying other people's server resources, which will be hated by major webmasters.

When it came to the issue of money, Lu Zhou immediately became concerned and began to make calculations in his mind.

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he somehow recalled the painful experience of grabbing tickets every time he went home. It’s not because his computer is stuck, but because the UI design of the Ministry of Railways’ official website is so anti-human.

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

"Building a ticket booking website? It seems like someone took off his pants and farted..."

After all, as a typical application example of python language, the templates of crawler programs are mentioned in the book, and the algorithm is improved to varying degrees in the book for different situations.

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

Therefore, many "stingy" websites will be equipped with anti-crawler programs. The more technical ones will either prevent you from crawling anything, or the crawled ones will be garbled. The less technical ones can also be directly locked by monitoring the number of visits. your IP.

When he thought of this, Lu Zhou stopped dawdling and started working immediately.

It's 3pm now!

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

Of course, 12306 is not an ordinary BBS forum after all. It is still quite difficult to use this as a practice target for beginners.

"But the ticket will automatically be swiped when you hang up... I haven't seen it before." Thinking about last year's winter vacation, when the tickets were booked late, a few animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed F5 for almost half an hour before they swiped out a few tickets. After Zhang Zhang's return ticket, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it was not easy for the working people to return home during the New Year.

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

But it's just a big deal. For Lu Xueba, who has already read the entire book, it's not a big problem. The crawler itself is not too technically difficult. The entire program can be completed in less than 30 lines of code, and it runs perfectly without bugs.

Even if you give up an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, what else can you not do

Climbing a blog post on a scarf

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

Then comes the grabbing.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

"Start working!"

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

Of course, 12306 is not an ordinary BBS forum after all. It is still quite difficult to use this as a practice target for beginners.

When he thought of this, Lu Zhou stopped dawdling and started working immediately.

"But the ticket will automatically be swiped when you hang up... I haven't seen it before." Thinking about last year's winter vacation, when the tickets were booked late, a few animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed F5 for almost half an hour before they swiped out a few tickets. After Zhang Zhang's return ticket, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it was not easy for the working people to return home during the New Year.

For example, set a time period and several trains, and the server will automatically refresh the data for the user, and submit the order the moment the remaining tickets appear. It seems that among the several ticket-grabbing software he has seen so far, this function is not available.

Immediately afterwards, the fan of the chassis began to buzz, and the computer became laggy. Lines of code flashed from the black dialog box and were quickly organized into tables.

The key is that the data you climbed down is useless in your hands. There is too much data and there is no place to put it.

However, the 12306 website is obviously not that stingy. Think about it, a monopoly giant that doesn’t even care about user experience, would it care about server resources? As long as you don't mess with my server, who cares about you!

After all, it’s summer vacation right now, and those taking the postgraduate entrance examination generally don’t have access to computers.

Looking at the train data piling up in the folder, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes, wondering if he should use it for something

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

Therefore, Lu Zhou closed the program and did not rush to change the code. Instead, he opened the word document and began to design the outline of the APP development process just like writing the outline of a paper.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

When it came to the issue of money, Lu Zhou immediately became concerned and began to make calculations in his mind.

Lu Zhou, who was leaning on his chair, sighed as he looked at the folders that were constantly being filled.

It's 3pm now!

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

The key is that the data you climbed down is useless in your hands. There is too much data and there is no place to put it.

"Start working!"

Then comes the grabbing.

Crawl Tieba posts

"The Python language is so convenient. No wonder so many experts recommend it."

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

Lu Zhou, who was leaning on his chair, sighed as he looked at the folders that were constantly being filled.

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

Therefore, Lu Zhou closed the program and did not rush to change the code. Instead, he opened the word document and began to design the outline of the APP development process just like writing the outline of a paper.

Crawl Tieba posts

Therefore, many "stingy" websites will be equipped with anti-crawler programs. The more technical ones will either prevent you from crawling anything, or the crawled ones will be garbled. The less technical ones can also be directly locked by monitoring the number of visits. your IP.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

But of course, it's just an illusion, not even a feeling. After all, this thing has nothing to do with hacking technology. It is not illegal to crawl public information from the server. At most, it is suspected of occupying other people's server resources, which will be hated by major webmasters.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

Even if you give up an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, what else can you not do

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

Therefore, many "stingy" websites will be equipped with anti-crawler programs. The more technical ones will either prevent you from crawling anything, or the crawled ones will be garbled. The less technical ones can also be directly locked by monitoring the number of visits. your IP.

"But the ticket will automatically be swiped when you hang up... I haven't seen it before." Thinking about last year's winter vacation, when the tickets were booked late, a few animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed F5 for almost half an hour before they swiped out a few tickets. After Zhang Zhang's return ticket, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it was not easy for the working people to return home during the New Year.

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

"Although the book explains it very clearly, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome to use... As expected, what's on paper and actual operation are completely different things. If you want to learn something, you still have to practice it."

But it's just a big deal. For Lu Xueba, who has already read the entire book, it's not a big problem. The crawler itself is not too technically difficult. The entire program can be completed in less than 30 lines of code, and it runs perfectly without bugs.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

It has to be said that it makes sense for other people's Windows systems to occupy such a large market share. Even a novice who has never touched a computer can easily get started with a full-graphics operating system.

However, the 12306 website is obviously not that stingy. Think about it, a monopoly giant that doesn’t even care about user experience, would it care about server resources? As long as you don't mess with my server, who cares about you!

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

When he thought of this, Lu Zhou stopped dawdling and started working immediately.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he somehow recalled the painful experience of grabbing tickets every time he went home. It’s not because his computer is stuck, but because the UI design of the Ministry of Railways’ official website is so anti-human.

Looking at the train data piling up in the folder, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes, wondering if he should use it for something

Immediately afterwards, the fan of the chassis began to buzz, and the computer became laggy. Lines of code flashed from the black dialog box and were quickly organized into tables.

"Use crawler technology to crawl the 12306 website's station, train number, and remaining ticket data information... This seems to be possible."

It's 3pm now!

"But the ticket will automatically be swiped when you hang up... I haven't seen it before." Thinking about last year's winter vacation, when the tickets were booked late, a few animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed F5 for almost half an hour before they swiped out a few tickets. After Zhang Zhang's return ticket, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it was not easy for the working people to return home during the New Year.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

"Building a ticket booking website? It seems like someone took off his pants and farted..."

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Looking at the train data piling up in the folder, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes, wondering if he should use it for something

Therefore, many "stingy" websites will be equipped with anti-crawler programs. The more technical ones will either prevent you from crawling anything, or the crawled ones will be garbled. The less technical ones can also be directly locked by monitoring the number of visits. your IP.

Even if you give up an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, what else can you not do

As soon as this impromptu idea emerged, it took root and sprouted in his heart uncontrollably.

The reason why I chose the computer room of the school is mainly because the programs written in python language are mainly run under the Linux system. Learning python language directly in the Linux environment can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

But of course, it's just an illusion, not even a feeling. After all, this thing has nothing to do with hacking technology. It is not illegal to crawl public information from the server. At most, it is suspected of occupying other people's server resources, which will be hated by major webmasters.

"But the ticket will automatically be swiped when you hang up... I haven't seen it before." Thinking about last year's winter vacation, when the tickets were booked late, a few animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed F5 for almost half an hour before they swiped out a few tickets. After Zhang Zhang's return ticket, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it was not easy for the working people to return home during the New Year.

And algorithmically, it doesn’t seem to be difficult to implement.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he somehow recalled the painful experience of grabbing tickets every time he went home. It’s not because his computer is stuck, but because the UI design of the Ministry of Railways’ official website is so anti-human.

Lu Zhou, who was leaning on his chair, sighed as he looked at the folders that were constantly being filled.

After saving the word document, Lu Zhou rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically and put his hands on the keyboard.


It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

Make an APP for online ticket booking

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Start working!"

As soon as this impromptu idea emerged, it took root and sprouted in his heart uncontrollably.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

Immediately afterwards, the fan of the chassis began to buzz, and the computer became laggy. Lines of code flashed from the black dialog box and were quickly organized into tables.

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

It's 3pm now!

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

As he wrote this, Lu Zhou gently rubbed the keyboard with his index finger. He thought for a long time before continuing to type on the keyboard.

Although there are many third-party ticket booking APPs on the Internet, there is really no official ticket booking APP. If he could make something unique and sell it to interested operators, he might be able to earn some living expenses.

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

As soon as this impromptu idea emerged, it took root and sprouted in his heart uncontrollably.

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

As he wrote this, Lu Zhou gently rubbed the keyboard with his index finger. He thought for a long time before continuing to type on the keyboard.

Technically, it is very difficult to independently develop an APP from front-end to back-end. It is far more difficult than writing a simple crawler program, but it is not impossible to complete. What's more, if the algorithm can't solve it, you can still ask the system. Spending points to query data is also a learning process in itself.

"Start working!"

"Although the book explains it very clearly, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome to use... As expected, what's on paper and actual operation are completely different things. If you want to learn something, you still have to practice it."

Make an APP for online ticket booking

When it came to the issue of money, Lu Zhou immediately became concerned and began to make calculations in his mind.

Therefore, Lu Zhou closed the program and did not rush to change the code. Instead, he opened the word document and began to design the outline of the APP development process just like writing the outline of a paper.

By constantly refreshing the official website data, there is a certain metaphysical probability that some tickets will be generated. Some of them are refunds from other users. Some of them are not sure how Lu Zhou came out, but this function can be considered.

However, the Linux system is different. It is basically a command line operation mode, and all operations can be completed through the keyboard. Fortunately, the school installed a distribution with a desktop environment, otherwise Lu Zhou would not have known the use of a mouse.

"Use crawler technology to crawl the 12306 website's station, train number, and remaining ticket data information... This seems to be possible."

Technically, it is very difficult to independently develop an APP from front-end to back-end. It is far more difficult than writing a simple crawler program, but it is not impossible to complete. What's more, if the algorithm can't solve it, you can still ask the system. Spending points to query data is also a learning process in itself.

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

It has to be said that it makes sense for other people's Windows systems to occupy such a large market share. Even a novice who has never touched a computer can easily get started with a full-graphics operating system.

"Building a ticket booking website? It seems like someone took off his pants and farted..."

After all, as a typical application example of python language, the templates of crawler programs are mentioned in the book, and the algorithm is improved to varying degrees in the book for different situations.

When he completes the reward mission and unlocks the branch technology of artificial intelligence LV0, these valuable experiences will definitely come in handy.

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

Even if you give up an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, what else can you not do

Make an APP for online ticket booking

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

"Use crawler technology to crawl the 12306 website's station, train number, and remaining ticket data information... This seems to be possible."

But it's just a big deal. For Lu Xueba, who has already read the entire book, it's not a big problem. The crawler itself is not too technically difficult. The entire program can be completed in less than 30 lines of code, and it runs perfectly without bugs.

Although there are many third-party ticket booking APPs on the Internet, there is really no official ticket booking APP. If he could make something unique and sell it to interested operators, he might be able to earn some living expenses.

Therefore, many "stingy" websites will be equipped with anti-crawler programs. The more technical ones will either prevent you from crawling anything, or the crawled ones will be garbled. The less technical ones can also be directly locked by monitoring the number of visits. your IP.

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

Make an APP for online ticket booking

"Although the book explains it very clearly, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome to use... As expected, what's on paper and actual operation are completely different things. If you want to learn something, you still have to practice it."

Crawl Tieba posts

"Start working!"

Gritting his teeth, Lu Zhou decided to overcome these difficulties.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

And he only has less than 10,000 yuan in his card, so it might be difficult for him to even light a small flame.

The computer room was quite deserted, with not a single person in sight.

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

The computer room was quite deserted, with not a single person in sight.

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

Looking at the train data piling up in the folder, Lu Zhou rolled his eyes, wondering if he should use it for something

After saving the word document, Lu Zhou rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically and put his hands on the keyboard.

Gritting his teeth, Lu Zhou decided to overcome these difficulties.

Of course, 12306 is not an ordinary BBS forum after all. It is still quite difficult to use this as a practice target for beginners.

Of course, 12306 is not an ordinary BBS forum after all. It is still quite difficult to use this as a practice target for beginners.

Even if you give up an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, what else can you not do

"Building a ticket booking website? It seems like someone took off his pants and farted..."

It has to be said that it makes sense for other people's Windows systems to occupy such a large market share. Even a novice who has never touched a computer can easily get started with a full-graphics operating system.

And he only has less than 10,000 yuan in his card, so it might be difficult for him to even light a small flame.

Lu Zhou's own second-hand notebook was really rubbish. He had to pretend to be dead for a while to convert the paper into PDF format. He didn't get online until other people started to play online. There was no need to install dual systems or virtual machines and other cumbersome operations. Thought.

But it's just a big deal. For Lu Xueba, who has already read the entire book, it's not a big problem. The crawler itself is not too technically difficult. The entire program can be completed in less than 30 lines of code, and it runs perfectly without bugs.

The reason why I chose the computer room of the school is mainly because the programs written in python language are mainly run under the Linux system. Learning python language directly in the Linux environment can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Even if you give up an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, what else can you not do

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

"The first is to automatically grab tickets. This should not be considered an innovation. Cheetah and 360 browsers already had this function a long time ago."

"Although the book explains it very clearly, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome to use... As expected, what's on paper and actual operation are completely different things. If you want to learn something, you still have to practice it."

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

After all, as a typical application example of python language, the templates of crawler programs are mentioned in the book, and the algorithm is improved to varying degrees in the book for different situations.

Even if you give up an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, what else can you not do

Therefore, Lu Zhou closed the program and did not rush to change the code. Instead, he opened the word document and began to design the outline of the APP development process just like writing the outline of a paper.

It's 3pm now!

"Start working!"

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

It's 3pm now!

"But the ticket will automatically be swiped when you hang up... I haven't seen it before." Thinking about last year's winter vacation, when the tickets were booked late, a few animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed F5 for almost half an hour before they swiped out a few tickets. After Zhang Zhang's return ticket, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it was not easy for the working people to return home during the New Year.

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

However, the 12306 website is obviously not that stingy. Think about it, a monopoly giant that doesn’t even care about user experience, would it care about server resources? As long as you don't mess with my server, who cares about you!

"The interface can be simple, but the information must be accurate and comprehensive. You can refer to mainstream third-party ticket booking APPs for this, but they must not be completely similar. There must be innovations... "

"When it comes to one of the applications of Python is to write web crawlers. If you want to test your learning results, this is the best place to start... But what kind of crawler should you make?"

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

As he wrote this, Lu Zhou gently rubbed the keyboard with his index finger. He thought for a long time before continuing to type on the keyboard.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

Lu Zhou, who was using the Linux system for the first time, felt blind. He followed the tutorial borrowed from the library for a long time before he finally figured out the ropes.

As soon as this impromptu idea emerged, it took root and sprouted in his heart uncontrollably.

As soon as this impromptu idea emerged, it took root and sprouted in his heart uncontrollably.

"The Python language is so convenient. No wonder so many experts recommend it."

After saving the word document, Lu Zhou rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically and put his hands on the keyboard.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Technically, it is very difficult to independently develop an APP from front-end to back-end. It is far more difficult than writing a simple crawler program, but it is not impossible to complete. What's more, if the algorithm can't solve it, you can still ask the system. Spending points to query data is also a learning process in itself.

"The first is to automatically grab tickets. This should not be considered an innovation. Cheetah and 360 browsers already had this function a long time ago."

However, the 12306 website is obviously not that stingy. Think about it, a monopoly giant that doesn’t even care about user experience, would it care about server resources? As long as you don't mess with my server, who cares about you!

However, the 12306 website is obviously not that stingy. Think about it, a monopoly giant that doesn’t even care about user experience, would it care about server resources? As long as you don't mess with my server, who cares about you!

"But the ticket will automatically be swiped when you hang up... I haven't seen it before." Thinking about last year's winter vacation, when the tickets were booked late, a few animals in the dormitory sat in front of the computer and pressed F5 for almost half an hour before they swiped out a few tickets. After Zhang Zhang's return ticket, Lu Zhou deeply felt that it was not easy for the working people to return home during the New Year.

However, the Linux system is different. It is basically a command line operation mode, and all operations can be completed through the keyboard. Fortunately, the school installed a distribution with a desktop environment, otherwise Lu Zhou would not have known the use of a mouse.

Lu Zhou's own second-hand notebook was really rubbish. He had to pretend to be dead for a while to convert the paper into PDF format. He didn't get online until other people started to play online. There was no need to install dual systems or virtual machines and other cumbersome operations. Thought.

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

Lu Zhou's own second-hand notebook was really rubbish. He had to pretend to be dead for a while to convert the paper into PDF format. He didn't get online until other people started to play online. There was no need to install dual systems or virtual machines and other cumbersome operations. Thought.

After all, as a typical application example of python language, the templates of crawler programs are mentioned in the book, and the algorithm is improved to varying degrees in the book for different situations.

Gritting his teeth, Lu Zhou decided to overcome these difficulties.

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

"Use crawler technology to crawl the 12306 website's station, train number, and remaining ticket data information... This seems to be possible."

By constantly refreshing the official website data, there is a certain metaphysical probability that some tickets will be generated. Some of them are refunds from other users. Some of them are not sure how Lu Zhou came out, but this function can be considered.

"The Python language is so convenient. No wonder so many experts recommend it."

"Building a ticket booking website? It seems like someone took off his pants and farted..."

After all, it’s summer vacation right now, and those taking the postgraduate entrance examination generally don’t have access to computers.

"Start working!"

Lu Zhou's own second-hand notebook was really rubbish. He had to pretend to be dead for a while to convert the paper into PDF format. He didn't get online until other people started to play online. There was no need to install dual systems or virtual machines and other cumbersome operations. Thought.

Crawl Tieba posts

Even if you fail, it doesn't matter if you just do the lessons and practice your skills.

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

For example, set a time period and several trains, and the server will automatically refresh the data for the user, and submit the order the moment the remaining tickets appear. It seems that among the several ticket-grabbing software he has seen so far, this function is not available.

Lu Zhou's own second-hand notebook was really rubbish. He had to pretend to be dead for a while to convert the paper into PDF format. He didn't get online until other people started to play online. There was no need to install dual systems or virtual machines and other cumbersome operations. Thought.

After walking over and turning on the air conditioner, Lu Zhou found a computer and sat down. He entered his student ID and password and logged into the computer skillfully.

After all, as a typical application example of python language, the templates of crawler programs are mentioned in the book, and the algorithm is improved to varying degrees in the book for different situations.

"Train ticket query must crawl real-time data, which requires very high performance of the server, and the code must be as concise as possible!"

By constantly refreshing the official website data, there is a certain metaphysical probability that some tickets will be generated. Some of them are refunds from other users. Some of them are not sure how Lu Zhou came out, but this function can be considered.

And algorithmically, it doesn’t seem to be difficult to implement.

Crawl Tieba posts

When he completes the reward mission and unlocks the branch technology of artificial intelligence LV0, these valuable experiences will definitely come in handy.

Suddenly, Lu Zhou's heart moved.

"The first is to automatically grab tickets. This should not be considered an innovation. Cheetah and 360 browsers already had this function a long time ago."

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou looked up at the wall clock.

Looking at the rows of data flashing past, Lu Zhou really had the illusion that he was addicted to hacking.

After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.


After becoming familiar with the basic operations of the Linux system, Lu Zhou opened the python software, opened the book, and sat in front of the computer in a daze.

"The Python language is so convenient. No wonder so many experts recommend it."

Of course, the advantages of Linux are also obvious. Its super customizability and security make it more suitable for servers and other fields than Windows systems. And once you are familiar with command line operations, the efficiency will be several times higher than that of Windows system. Therefore, when many companies recruit server front-end and back-end programmers, they will ask whether they can use the Linux system.

It's 3pm now!

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

Crawl Tieba posts

Make an APP for online ticket booking

"The Python language is so convenient. No wonder so many experts recommend it."

After saving the word document, Lu Zhou rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically and put his hands on the keyboard.

Therefore, many "stingy" websites will be equipped with anti-crawler programs. The more technical ones will either prevent you from crawling anything, or the crawled ones will be garbled. The less technical ones can also be directly locked by monitoring the number of visits. your IP.

However, the Linux system is different. It is basically a command line operation mode, and all operations can be completed through the keyboard. Fortunately, the school installed a distribution with a desktop environment, otherwise Lu Zhou would not have known the use of a mouse.

"The Python language is so convenient. No wonder so many experts recommend it."

Lu Zhou couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he somehow recalled the painful experience of grabbing tickets every time he went home. It’s not because his computer is stuck, but because the UI design of the Ministry of Railways’ official website is so anti-human.

"Start working!"

"Start working!"

Crawl Tieba posts

It’s just that it may cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain a server. The electricity bills and various maintenance costs for operating the server may also be a big expense...

However, the 12306 website is obviously not that stingy. Think about it, a monopoly giant that doesn’t even care about user experience, would it care about server resources? As long as you don't mess with my server, who cares about you!

Make an APP for online ticket booking

And he only has less than 10,000 yuan in his card, so it might be difficult for him to even light a small flame.

Copying the URL of the website behind the code, Lu Zhou chose to run it, generated a table from the data, and imported it into the pre-built folder.

After saving the word document, Lu Zhou rolled up his sleeves enthusiastically and put his hands on the keyboard.