Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 63: At least it’s a national award!


Time passed day by day, and Lu Zhou basically maintained his daily routine, waiting for the results of the mathematical modeling competition.

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

From Monday to Saturday, I went to and from the dormitory, classroom, and library. On Sunday afternoon, I went to tutor Chen Yushan's cousin.

Shi Shang was shocked and said: "Holding the grass, Brother Lu is cheating!"

Although he was a little envious, after all, the dormitory was separated by several numbers, and he didn't usually communicate much, so he didn't feel too unbalanced about Luo Xueba.

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

"Here!" Liu Rui, who was washing clothes on the balcony, howled and hurried back to the dormitory, kicking over Huang Guangming's footbath in the process. When he arrived in front of the monitor, he hurriedly asked, "What's going on?" thing?"

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

With his help, Han Mengqi's math scores are growing at an alarming rate. From a complete mess at the beginning, now she can at least keep up with their high school course progress and make steady progress.

Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

With his help, Han Mengqi's math scores are growing at an alarming rate. From a complete mess at the beginning, now she can at least keep up with their high school course progress and make steady progress.

"Who else in our class won the prize?" Liu Rui quickly glanced in Lu Zhou's direction and asked casually.

His initial plan was to expand the number of users of this APP and then attract limelight financing, or simply sell it directly to interested large companies and make a fortune.

There seems to be a gap in understanding.

On the other side is the campus train APP.

Liu Rui cleared his throat, pretended to care about his roommate, and asked the class monitor: "Where is our elbow? Did you miss the certificate?"

at last…

On the other side is the campus train APP.

Liu Rui cleared his throat, pretended to care about his roommate, and asked the class monitor: "Where is our elbow? Did you miss the certificate?"

However, so far, no one is optimistic about his APP, but many headhunting companies have approached him.

Because he has not focused on this, if he hadn't occasionally received bug feedback, Lu Zhou would have almost forgotten that he was still running a small company with a loan of 500,000 yuan.

As soon as he heard this, Huang Guangming stopped playing with his mobile phone and shouted: "Zhou Cao, Brother Rui is cheating."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

No, you have to hold back your laughter.

Huang Guangming also felt it was a pity, and then said: "Yes, even Liu Rui is the second provincial student, so you can't be chosen."

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

After the back-to-school peak period, the number of users of Campus Train APP has stopped at two million, and these users have become completely silent like a pool of stagnant water.

In fact, when he asked this question, he already knew what it was about.

Huang Guangming put his arm on Lu Zhou's shoulders and said with a smile: "First prize in the province! This has to be a finalist for the national competition! I'm treating you, Brother Lu!"

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

Although Lu Zhou was always stunned by his words, he still admired this guy's learning ability.

The answer is a mystery.

The cost of renting a cloud server is several thousand yuan per month, but this is only in normal times. If it is June, September, December, January, and February, if you want to maintain the normal operation of the APP, the cost of renting the server will be several thousand yuan. More than twice as much.

Because he has not focused on this, if he hadn't occasionally received bug feedback, Lu Zhou would have almost forgotten that he was still running a small company with a loan of 500,000 yuan.

In fact, Tian Jun really guessed it, and the list in his hand was indeed incomplete.

"Who else in our class won the prize?" Liu Rui quickly glanced in Lu Zhou's direction and asked casually.

And Lu Zhou himself was not in charge of the teaching staff, but in charge of Professor Liu Xiangping, a special training teacher arranged by the department. Naturally, it was impossible for the list to go to the teaching staff.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

As for how to achieve profitability and realize cash, to be honest, Lu Zhou didn't have a very good idea. This was his first time trying to start a business, and he was confused about many things.

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

Especially the former, which is almost equivalent to a championship title.

Although he was a little envious, after all, the dormitory was separated by several numbers, and he didn't usually communicate much, so he didn't feel too unbalanced about Luo Xueba.

This simply made him happier than winning the award himself.

His initial plan was to expand the number of users of this APP and then attract limelight financing, or simply sell it directly to interested large companies and make a fortune.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he still said "Yeah, yeah" and looked concerned.

Huang Guangming also felt it was a pity, and then said: "Yes, even Liu Rui is the second provincial student, so you can't be chosen."

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

However, so far, no one is optimistic about his APP, but many headhunting companies have approached him.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

Liu Rui: "..."

In fact, when he asked this question, he already knew what it was about.

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

"It's really unnecessary," Lu Zhou shook his head, "Anyway, that thing will be delivered sooner or later."

Huang Guangming also felt it was a pity, and then said: "Yes, even Liu Rui is the second provincial student, so you can't be chosen."

From Monday to Saturday, I went to and from the dormitory, classroom, and library. On Sunday afternoon, I went to tutor Chen Yushan's cousin.

"Well," Lu Zhou nodded, opened the browser, and dug out the email he just received, "Teacher Liu has already informed me to prepare for the defense in the competition area. It doesn't matter if the certificate arrives two days late. I'm not in a hurry anyway. "

Although a concentrated and young user group is of high quality, a group of users who will only be "resurrected" at specific moments is of rather pitiful value... This is what Lu Zhou got after he proactively tried to contact venture capitalists on the Internet. in conclusion.

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

No, you have to hold back your laughter.

Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

"There is also Luo Rundong, he is in the first province." Tian Jun said with a smile, "The second province is already very good, much better than us scumbags who have never even participated!"

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

"There is also Luo Rundong, he is in the first province." Tian Jun said with a smile, "The second province is already very good, much better than us scumbags who have never even participated!"

If it is the first national award, you will also have the opportunity to select two special prizes, the Higher Education Society Cup and the Matlab Innovation Award.

And Lu Zhou himself was not in charge of the teaching staff, but in charge of Professor Liu Xiangping, a special training teacher arranged by the department. Naturally, it was impossible for the list to go to the teaching staff.

In fact, Tian Jun really guessed it, and the list in his hand was indeed incomplete.

His initial plan was to expand the number of users of this APP and then attract limelight financing, or simply sell it directly to interested large companies and make a fortune.

First, I have no experience, and second, I have no energy.

The good mood that was finally born out of gloating about misfortune suddenly became less beautiful...

No, you have to hold back your laughter.

Lu Zhou wondered whether he should use the 500,000 yuan to hire a professional manager to run the business, but the question came again. Which capable professional manager would work for a shell company like his that didn't even have an office location

Tian Jun was stunned for a moment, and asked with some confusion: "... Will it be delivered sooner or later?"

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.


Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

Huang Guangming put his arm on Lu Zhou's shoulders and said with a smile: "First prize in the province! This has to be a finalist for the national competition! I'm treating you, Brother Lu!"

Shi Shang echoed: "If you keep cheating, you will save the second prize. It is only one step away from saving the first prize!"

The answer is a mystery.

"Who else in our class won the prize?" Liu Rui quickly glanced in Lu Zhou's direction and asked casually.

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

The list given to him by the competition training teacher group was a list of winners from teams that registered through the school’s official website.

Especially the former, which is almost equivalent to a championship title.

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

Shi Shang echoed: "If you keep cheating, you will save the second prize. It is only one step away from saving the first prize!"

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

It would be great to win the Higher Education Cup, but Lu Zhou wouldn't expect it if he couldn't win it. His goal is to be the first in the country. If he can't even get the first grade in the country, with the broken system, he will probably be stuck on a mission until this time next year, or he will have to spend points to cancel the mission.

Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

"It's really unnecessary," Lu Zhou shook his head, "Anyway, that thing will be delivered sooner or later."

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

"Yes, there is no elbow on the list. This is unscientific." Shi Shang also nodded and said seriously.

In fact, Tian Jun really guessed it, and the list in his hand was indeed incomplete.

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

Generally speaking, if you get the qualification to defend yourself, you will at least get the first place in the province, which is the first prize in the competition area.

As soon as he heard this, Huang Guangming stopped playing with his mobile phone and shouted: "Zhou Cao, Brother Rui is cheating."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

Generally speaking, if you get the qualification to defend yourself, you will at least get the first place in the province, which is the first prize in the competition area.

Lu Zhou wondered whether he should use the 500,000 yuan to hire a professional manager to run the business, but the question came again. Which capable professional manager would work for a shell company like his that didn't even have an office location

The answer is a mystery.

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

According to the rules of the Mathematical Modeling Competition, the organizing committee of each competition area will send the first prize of the competition area to the national organizing committee according to the number specified by the national organizing committee. The national organizing committee will hire experts to form a national evaluation committee, which will evaluate the competition according to unified standards. The national first and second prizes will be selected from the outstanding answers submitted by each competition area.

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

"Who else in our class won the prize?" Liu Rui quickly glanced in Lu Zhou's direction and asked casually.

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

However, so far, no one is optimistic about his APP, but many headhunting companies have approached him.

As soon as he heard this, Huang Guangming stopped playing with his mobile phone and shouted: "Zhou Cao, Brother Rui is cheating."

Shi Shang was shocked and said: "Holding the grass, Brother Lu is cheating!"

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

If it is the first national award, you will also have the opportunity to select two special prizes, the Higher Education Society Cup and the Matlab Innovation Award.

The answer is a mystery.

The good mood that was finally born out of gloating about misfortune suddenly became less beautiful...

In fact, when he asked this question, he already knew what it was about.

Shi Shang was shocked and said: "Holding the grass, Brother Lu is cheating!"

As soon as he heard this, Huang Guangming stopped playing with his mobile phone and shouted: "Zhou Cao, Brother Rui is cheating."

Especially the former, which is almost equivalent to a championship title.

As soon as he heard this, Huang Guangming stopped playing with his mobile phone and shouted: "Zhou Cao, Brother Rui is cheating."

Time passed day by day, and Lu Zhou basically maintained his daily routine, waiting for the results of the mathematical modeling competition.

There seems to be a gap in understanding.


at last…

If the National Football League is just adding points to Baoyan, then if they win the Higher Education Cup, Baoyan will basically be stable.

Although a concentrated and young user group is of high quality, a group of users who will only be "resurrected" at specific moments is of rather pitiful value... This is what Lu Zhou got after he proactively tried to contact venture capitalists on the Internet. in conclusion.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

It would be great to win the Higher Education Cup, but Lu Zhou wouldn't expect it if he couldn't win it. His goal is to be the first in the country. If he can't even get the first grade in the country, with the broken system, he will probably be stuck on a mission until this time next year, or he will have to spend points to cancel the mission.

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

Lu Zhou shook the back of his hand as if to shoo away mosquitoes, moved his face away with a look of disgust, and said: "Go away, go away, stay away from me, I don't do gay things. Don't disturb me while I edit my PPT, treat me to the school." Let’s talk about it after the bonus comes!”

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

Especially the former, which is almost equivalent to a championship title.

No longer wasting time, Lu Zhou opened his laptop, inserted the USB flash drive, and started preparing for the defense PPT.

The top student in Shuying only got a thank you for participating!

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

According to the rules of the Mathematical Modeling Competition, the organizing committee of each competition area will send the first prize of the competition area to the national organizing committee according to the number specified by the national organizing committee. The national organizing committee will hire experts to form a national evaluation committee, which will evaluate the competition according to unified standards. The national first and second prizes will be selected from the outstanding answers submitted by each competition area.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he still said "Yeah, yeah" and looked concerned.

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

His initial plan was to expand the number of users of this APP and then attract limelight financing, or simply sell it directly to interested large companies and make a fortune.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

Time passed day by day, and Lu Zhou basically maintained his daily routine, waiting for the results of the mathematical modeling competition.

"No, it's just good luck." He said in a flattering manner, and Liu Rui felt happy in his heart.

"Yes, there is no elbow on the list. This is unscientific." Shi Shang also nodded and said seriously.

No, you have to hold back your laughter.

This is a big upset!

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

Liu Rui cleared his throat, pretended to care about his roommate, and asked the class monitor: "Where is our elbow? Did you miss the certificate?"

Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

Liu Rui: "..."

Lu Zhou wondered whether he should use the 500,000 yuan to hire a professional manager to run the business, but the question came again. Which capable professional manager would work for a shell company like his that didn't even have an office location

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

With his help, Han Mengqi's math scores are growing at an alarming rate. From a complete mess at the beginning, now she can at least keep up with their high school course progress and make steady progress.

After the back-to-school peak period, the number of users of Campus Train APP has stopped at two million, and these users have become completely silent like a pool of stagnant water.

The air in the dormitory was quiet for about three seconds.

Lu Zhou wondered whether he should use the 500,000 yuan to hire a professional manager to run the business, but the question came again. Which capable professional manager would work for a shell company like his that didn't even have an office location

"Here!" Liu Rui, who was washing clothes on the balcony, howled and hurried back to the dormitory, kicking over Huang Guangming's footbath in the process. When he arrived in front of the monitor, he hurriedly asked, "What's going on?" thing?"

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he still said "Yeah, yeah" and looked concerned.

Generally speaking, if you get the qualification to defend yourself, you will at least get the first place in the province, which is the first prize in the competition area.

The cost of renting a cloud server is several thousand yuan per month, but this is only in normal times. If it is June, September, December, January, and February, if you want to maintain the normal operation of the APP, the cost of renting the server will be several thousand yuan. More than twice as much.

As for how to achieve profitability and realize cash, to be honest, Lu Zhou didn't have a very good idea. This was his first time trying to start a business, and he was confused about many things.

In fact, when he asked this question, he already knew what it was about.

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

Time passed day by day, and Lu Zhou basically maintained his daily routine, waiting for the results of the mathematical modeling competition.

Lu Zhou shook the back of his hand as if to shoo away mosquitoes, moved his face away with a look of disgust, and said: "Go away, go away, stay away from me, I don't do gay things. Don't disturb me while I edit my PPT, treat me to the school." Let’s talk about it after the bonus comes!”

Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

On the other side is the campus train APP.

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

In fact, when he asked this question, he already knew what it was about.

Shi Shang was shocked and said: "Holding the grass, Brother Lu is cheating!"

Class monitor Tian Jun breathed a sigh of relief, closed the list, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I'm just saying, it's unscientific for our Brother Lu not to save one! It turns out it's at Teacher Liu's place. Okay, I'll leave first. .”

Tian Jun was stunned for a moment, and asked with some confusion: "... Will it be delivered sooner or later?"

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he still said "Yeah, yeah" and looked concerned.

As soon as he heard this, Huang Guangming stopped playing with his mobile phone and shouted: "Zhou Cao, Brother Rui is cheating."

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

With his help, Han Mengqi's math scores are growing at an alarming rate. From a complete mess at the beginning, now she can at least keep up with their high school course progress and make steady progress.

Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

"It's really unnecessary," Lu Zhou shook his head, "Anyway, that thing will be delivered sooner or later."

As soon as he heard this, Huang Guangming stopped playing with his mobile phone and shouted: "Zhou Cao, Brother Rui is cheating."

Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

From Monday to Saturday, I went to and from the dormitory, classroom, and library. On Sunday afternoon, I went to tutor Chen Yushan's cousin.

Lu Zhou shook the back of his hand as if to shoo away mosquitoes, moved his face away with a look of disgust, and said: "Go away, go away, stay away from me, I don't do gay things. Don't disturb me while I edit my PPT, treat me to the school." Let’s talk about it after the bonus comes!”

Shi Shang echoed: "If you keep cheating, you will save the second prize. It is only one step away from saving the first prize!"

And Lu Zhou himself was not in charge of the teaching staff, but in charge of Professor Liu Xiangping, a special training teacher arranged by the department. Naturally, it was impossible for the list to go to the teaching staff.

The cost of renting a cloud server is several thousand yuan per month, but this is only in normal times. If it is June, September, December, January, and February, if you want to maintain the normal operation of the APP, the cost of renting the server will be several thousand yuan. More than twice as much.

Because he has not focused on this, if he hadn't occasionally received bug feedback, Lu Zhou would have almost forgotten that he was still running a small company with a loan of 500,000 yuan.

After the back-to-school peak period, the number of users of Campus Train APP has stopped at two million, and these users have become completely silent like a pool of stagnant water.

"Well," Lu Zhou nodded, opened the browser, and dug out the email he just received, "Teacher Liu has already informed me to prepare for the defense in the competition area. It doesn't matter if the certificate arrives two days late. I'm not in a hurry anyway. "

"Who else in our class won the prize?" Liu Rui quickly glanced in Lu Zhou's direction and asked casually.

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

As soon as he heard this, Huang Guangming stopped playing with his mobile phone and shouted: "Zhou Cao, Brother Rui is cheating."

Shi Shang was shocked and said: "Holding the grass, Brother Lu is cheating!"

"There is also Luo Rundong, he is in the first province." Tian Jun said with a smile, "The second province is already very good, much better than us scumbags who have never even participated!"

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

"No, it's just good luck." He said in a flattering manner, and Liu Rui felt happy in his heart.

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

Shi Shang was shocked and said: "Holding the grass, Brother Lu is cheating!"

Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

There was a forced smile on his face, but in fact Liu Rui didn't want to smile in his heart. Instead, he wanted to cry.

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

Although he was a little envious, after all, the dormitory was separated by several numbers, and he didn't usually communicate much, so he didn't feel too unbalanced about Luo Xueba.

The good mood that was finally born out of gloating about misfortune suddenly became less beautiful...

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

On the other side is the campus train APP.

On the other side is the campus train APP.

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

No longer wasting time, Lu Zhou opened his laptop, inserted the USB flash drive, and started preparing for the defense PPT.

His initial plan was to expand the number of users of this APP and then attract limelight financing, or simply sell it directly to interested large companies and make a fortune.

Shi Shang was shocked and said: "Holding the grass, Brother Lu is cheating!"

In fact, Tian Jun really guessed it, and the list in his hand was indeed incomplete.

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

Shi Shang echoed: "If you keep cheating, you will save the second prize. It is only one step away from saving the first prize!"

Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

The top student in Shuying only got a thank you for participating!

"Well," Lu Zhou nodded, opened the browser, and dug out the email he just received, "Teacher Liu has already informed me to prepare for the defense in the competition area. It doesn't matter if the certificate arrives two days late. I'm not in a hurry anyway. "

There seems to be a gap in understanding.

"It's really unnecessary," Lu Zhou shook his head, "Anyway, that thing will be delivered sooner or later."

The top student in Shuying only got a thank you for participating!

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

This is a big upset!

Although a concentrated and young user group is of high quality, a group of users who will only be "resurrected" at specific moments is of rather pitiful value... This is what Lu Zhou got after he proactively tried to contact venture capitalists on the Internet. in conclusion.

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

This simply made him happier than winning the award himself.

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

Huang Guangming put his arm on Lu Zhou's shoulders and said with a smile: "First prize in the province! This has to be a finalist for the national competition! I'm treating you, Brother Lu!"

Liu Rui: "..."

No, you have to hold back your laughter.

at last…

In fact, when he asked this question, he already knew what it was about.

"There is also Luo Rundong, he is in the first province." Tian Jun said with a smile, "The second province is already very good, much better than us scumbags who have never even participated!"

Tian Jun was stunned for a moment, and asked with some confusion: "... Will it be delivered sooner or later?"

Liu Rui cleared his throat, pretended to care about his roommate, and asked the class monitor: "Where is our elbow? Did you miss the certificate?"

"Here!" Liu Rui, who was washing clothes on the balcony, howled and hurried back to the dormitory, kicking over Huang Guangming's footbath in the process. When he arrived in front of the monitor, he hurriedly asked, "What's going on?" thing?"

Time passed day by day, and Lu Zhou basically maintained his daily routine, waiting for the results of the mathematical modeling competition.

"Well," Lu Zhou nodded, opened the browser, and dug out the email he just received, "Teacher Liu has already informed me to prepare for the defense in the competition area. It doesn't matter if the certificate arrives two days late. I'm not in a hurry anyway. "

The cost of renting a cloud server is several thousand yuan per month, but this is only in normal times. If it is June, September, December, January, and February, if you want to maintain the normal operation of the APP, the cost of renting the server will be several thousand yuan. More than twice as much.

The list given to him by the competition training teacher group was a list of winners from teams that registered through the school’s official website.

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

As for how to achieve profitability and realize cash, to be honest, Lu Zhou didn't have a very good idea. This was his first time trying to start a business, and he was confused about many things.

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

Especially the former, which is almost equivalent to a championship title.

Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

Generally speaking, if you get the qualification to defend yourself, you will at least get the first place in the province, which is the first prize in the competition area.

If the National Football League is just adding points to Baoyan, then if they win the Higher Education Cup, Baoyan will basically be stable.

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

Liu Rui cleared his throat, pretended to care about his roommate, and asked the class monitor: "Where is our elbow? Did you miss the certificate?"

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

There seems to be a gap in understanding.

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

"Yes, there is no elbow on the list. This is unscientific." Shi Shang also nodded and said seriously.

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

"Yes, there is no elbow on the list. This is unscientific." Shi Shang also nodded and said seriously.

"No, it's just good luck." He said in a flattering manner, and Liu Rui felt happy in his heart.

In fact, when he asked this question, he already knew what it was about.

After the back-to-school peak period, the number of users of Campus Train APP has stopped at two million, and these users have become completely silent like a pool of stagnant water.

Although Lu Zhou was always stunned by his words, he still admired this guy's learning ability.

Huang Guangming put his arm on Lu Zhou's shoulders and said with a smile: "First prize in the province! This has to be a finalist for the national competition! I'm treating you, Brother Lu!"

Generally speaking, if you get the qualification to defend yourself, you will at least get the first place in the province, which is the first prize in the competition area.

Especially the former, which is almost equivalent to a championship title.

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

As for how to achieve profitability and realize cash, to be honest, Lu Zhou didn't have a very good idea. This was his first time trying to start a business, and he was confused about many things.

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

"There is also Luo Rundong, he is in the first province." Tian Jun said with a smile, "The second province is already very good, much better than us scumbags who have never even participated!"

In fact, Tian Jun really guessed it, and the list in his hand was indeed incomplete.

Class monitor Tian Jun breathed a sigh of relief, closed the list, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I'm just saying, it's unscientific for our Brother Lu not to save one! It turns out it's at Teacher Liu's place. Okay, I'll leave first. .”

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

Lu Zhou shook the back of his hand as if to shoo away mosquitoes, moved his face away with a look of disgust, and said: "Go away, go away, stay away from me, I don't do gay things. Don't disturb me while I edit my PPT, treat me to the school." Let’s talk about it after the bonus comes!”

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

Liu Rui: "..."

This simply made him happier than winning the award himself.

"Who else in our class won the prize?" Liu Rui quickly glanced in Lu Zhou's direction and asked casually.

The list given to him by the competition training teacher group was a list of winners from teams that registered through the school’s official website.

Although a concentrated and young user group is of high quality, a group of users who will only be "resurrected" at specific moments is of rather pitiful value... This is what Lu Zhou got after he proactively tried to contact venture capitalists on the Internet. in conclusion.

at last…

The answer is a mystery.

After the back-to-school peak period, the number of users of Campus Train APP has stopped at two million, and these users have become completely silent like a pool of stagnant water.

at last…

First, I have no experience, and second, I have no energy.


And Lu Zhou himself was not in charge of the teaching staff, but in charge of Professor Liu Xiangping, a special training teacher arranged by the department. Naturally, it was impossible for the list to go to the teaching staff.

If it is the first national award, you will also have the opportunity to select two special prizes, the Higher Education Society Cup and the Matlab Innovation Award.

Liu Rui cleared his throat, pretended to care about his roommate, and asked the class monitor: "Where is our elbow? Did you miss the certificate?"

Class monitor Tian Jun breathed a sigh of relief, closed the list, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I'm just saying, it's unscientific for our Brother Lu not to save one! It turns out it's at Teacher Liu's place. Okay, I'll leave first. .”

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

Class monitor Tian Jun breathed a sigh of relief, closed the list, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I'm just saying, it's unscientific for our Brother Lu not to save one! It turns out it's at Teacher Liu's place. Okay, I'll leave first. .”

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

Lu Zhou wondered whether he should use the 500,000 yuan to hire a professional manager to run the business, but the question came again. Which capable professional manager would work for a shell company like his that didn't even have an office location

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

And Lu Zhou himself was not in charge of the teaching staff, but in charge of Professor Liu Xiangping, a special training teacher arranged by the department. Naturally, it was impossible for the list to go to the teaching staff.

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

Although a concentrated and young user group is of high quality, a group of users who will only be "resurrected" at specific moments is of rather pitiful value... This is what Lu Zhou got after he proactively tried to contact venture capitalists on the Internet. in conclusion.

No, you have to hold back your laughter.

That big guy said in the discussion group this morning that he won the second prize in the province... and then decisively quit the group. Liu Rui didn't feel anything at all. If he saves the second grade, he can save the second grade. The purpose of competing in his freshman year is to gain experience. It might be a good idea for him to challenge for the national award next year.

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!

Huang Guangming put his arm on Lu Zhou's shoulders and said with a smile: "First prize in the province! This has to be a finalist for the national competition! I'm treating you, Brother Lu!"

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

If it is the first national award, you will also have the opportunity to select two special prizes, the Higher Education Society Cup and the Matlab Innovation Award.

The answer is a mystery.

Although he was a little envious, after all, the dormitory was separated by several numbers, and he didn't usually communicate much, so he didn't feel too unbalanced about Luo Xueba.

This is a big upset!

Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

Lu Zhou wondered whether he should use the 500,000 yuan to hire a professional manager to run the business, but the question came again. Which capable professional manager would work for a shell company like his that didn't even have an office location

Huang Guangming also felt it was a pity, and then said: "Yes, even Liu Rui is the second provincial student, so you can't be chosen."

The cost of renting a cloud server is several thousand yuan per month, but this is only in normal times. If it is June, September, December, January, and February, if you want to maintain the normal operation of the APP, the cost of renting the server will be several thousand yuan. More than twice as much.

As for how to achieve profitability and realize cash, to be honest, Lu Zhou didn't have a very good idea. This was his first time trying to start a business, and he was confused about many things.

Lu Zhou shook the back of his hand as if to shoo away mosquitoes, moved his face away with a look of disgust, and said: "Go away, go away, stay away from me, I don't do gay things. Don't disturb me while I edit my PPT, treat me to the school." Let’s talk about it after the bonus comes!”

If it is the first national award, you will also have the opportunity to select two special prizes, the Higher Education Society Cup and the Matlab Innovation Award.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he still said "Yeah, yeah" and looked concerned.

Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

"Yes, there is no elbow on the list. This is unscientific." Shi Shang also nodded and said seriously.

Generally speaking, if you get the qualification to defend yourself, you will at least get the first place in the province, which is the first prize in the competition area.

His initial plan was to expand the number of users of this APP and then attract limelight financing, or simply sell it directly to interested large companies and make a fortune.

Huang Guangming also felt it was a pity, and then said: "Yes, even Liu Rui is the second provincial student, so you can't be chosen."

There seems to be a gap in understanding.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he still said "Yeah, yeah" and looked concerned.

The list given to him by the competition training teacher group was a list of winners from teams that registered through the school’s official website.

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

"There is also Luo Rundong, he is in the first province." Tian Jun said with a smile, "The second province is already very good, much better than us scumbags who have never even participated!"

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

"It's really unnecessary," Lu Zhou shook his head, "Anyway, that thing will be delivered sooner or later."

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

Shi Shang echoed: "If you keep cheating, you will save the second prize. It is only one step away from saving the first prize!"

"It's really unnecessary," Lu Zhou shook his head, "Anyway, that thing will be delivered sooner or later."

But no matter what he thought in his heart, he still said "Yeah, yeah" and looked concerned.

Tian Jun was stunned for a moment, and asked with some confusion: "... Will it be delivered sooner or later?"

Let’s put the company’s affairs aside for the time being. Anyway, all the users are dead now, and there is no way to revive the dead in a hurry.

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

With his help, Han Mengqi's math scores are growing at an alarming rate. From a complete mess at the beginning, now she can at least keep up with their high school course progress and make steady progress.

Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

"Well," Lu Zhou nodded, opened the browser, and dug out the email he just received, "Teacher Liu has already informed me to prepare for the defense in the competition area. It doesn't matter if the certificate arrives two days late. I'm not in a hurry anyway. "

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

First, I have no experience, and second, I have no energy.

And Lu Zhou himself was not in charge of the teaching staff, but in charge of Professor Liu Xiangping, a special training teacher arranged by the department. Naturally, it was impossible for the list to go to the teaching staff.

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

Liu Rui: "..."

As for how to achieve profitability and realize cash, to be honest, Lu Zhou didn't have a very good idea. This was his first time trying to start a business, and he was confused about many things.

As for how to achieve profitability and realize cash, to be honest, Lu Zhou didn't have a very good idea. This was his first time trying to start a business, and he was confused about many things.

In fact, Tian Jun really guessed it, and the list in his hand was indeed incomplete.

There seems to be a gap in understanding.

No, you have to hold back your laughter.

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

The air in the dormitory was quiet for about three seconds.

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

On the other side is the campus train APP.

Although Lu Zhou was always stunned by his words, he still admired this guy's learning ability.

Shi Shang echoed: "If you keep cheating, you will save the second prize. It is only one step away from saving the first prize!"

His initial plan was to expand the number of users of this APP and then attract limelight financing, or simply sell it directly to interested large companies and make a fortune.

First, I have no experience, and second, I have no energy.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

at last…

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

Seeing Lu Zhou's unconcerned look, Shi Shang felt that he might have misunderstood and said hurriedly: "How can this be possible! What if the list is really wrong."

Class monitor Tian Jun breathed a sigh of relief, closed the list, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I'm just saying, it's unscientific for our Brother Lu not to save one! It turns out it's at Teacher Liu's place. Okay, I'll leave first. .”

On the other side is the campus train APP.

Generally speaking, if you get the qualification to defend yourself, you will at least get the first place in the province, which is the first prize in the competition area.

Class monitor Tian Jun breathed a sigh of relief, closed the list, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I'm just saying, it's unscientific for our Brother Lu not to save one! It turns out it's at Teacher Liu's place. Okay, I'll leave first. .”

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for a technician to run a company alone.

Shi Shang was shocked and said: "Holding the grass, Brother Lu is cheating!"

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

What really surprised him was that Lu Zhou didn't win the prize!


Finally, in early October, Lu Zhou received the defense notice from Teacher Liu, and his originally worried heart finally relaxed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

However, so far, no one is optimistic about his APP, but many headhunting companies have approached him.

The top student in Shuying only got a thank you for participating!

Huang Guangming put his arm on Lu Zhou's shoulders and said with a smile: "First prize in the province! This has to be a finalist for the national competition! I'm treating you, Brother Lu!"

"Yes, there is no elbow on the list. This is unscientific." Shi Shang also nodded and said seriously.

"No need." Lu Zhou, who was collecting PPT materials, shook his head.

No longer wasting time, Lu Zhou opened his laptop, inserted the USB flash drive, and started preparing for the defense PPT.

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

Lu Zhou shook the back of his hand as if to shoo away mosquitoes, moved his face away with a look of disgust, and said: "Go away, go away, stay away from me, I don't do gay things. Don't disturb me while I edit my PPT, treat me to the school." Let’s talk about it after the bonus comes!”

Liu Rui: "..."

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

With his help, Han Mengqi's math scores are growing at an alarming rate. From a complete mess at the beginning, now she can at least keep up with their high school course progress and make steady progress.

No longer wasting time, Lu Zhou opened his laptop, inserted the USB flash drive, and started preparing for the defense PPT.

First, I have no experience, and second, I have no energy.

And Lu Zhou himself was not in charge of the teaching staff, but in charge of Professor Liu Xiangping, a special training teacher arranged by the department. Naturally, it was impossible for the list to go to the teaching staff.

Class monitor Tian Jun breathed a sigh of relief, closed the list, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I'm just saying, it's unscientific for our Brother Lu not to save one! It turns out it's at Teacher Liu's place. Okay, I'll leave first. .”

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the dormitory, and Huang Guangming, who was sitting on his seat playing with his mobile phone, went over and opened the door.

Although Lu Zhou was always stunned by his words, he still admired this guy's learning ability.

On the other side is the campus train APP.

According to the rules of the Mathematical Modeling Competition, the organizing committee of each competition area will send the first prize of the competition area to the national organizing committee according to the number specified by the national organizing committee. The national organizing committee will hire experts to form a national evaluation committee, which will evaluate the competition according to unified standards. The national first and second prizes will be selected from the outstanding answers submitted by each competition area.

Liu Rui: "..."

From Monday to Saturday, I went to and from the dormitory, classroom, and library. On Sunday afternoon, I went to tutor Chen Yushan's cousin.

"Who else in our class won the prize?" Liu Rui quickly glanced in Lu Zhou's direction and asked casually.

There seems to be a gap in understanding.

From Monday to Saturday, I went to and from the dormitory, classroom, and library. On Sunday afternoon, I went to tutor Chen Yushan's cousin.

It's normal when you think about it. If it wasn't a holiday, which student would buy a train ticket to go home

Tian Jun, the squad leader, came in with a list in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Is Liu Rui in your dormitory?"

There was a forced smile on his face, but in fact Liu Rui didn't want to smile in his heart. Instead, he wanted to cry.

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

The answer is a mystery.

"It's not on my list, and I don't know very well..."

The good mood that was finally born out of gloating about misfortune suddenly became less beautiful...

"Well," Lu Zhou nodded, opened the browser, and dug out the email he just received, "Teacher Liu has already informed me to prepare for the defense in the competition area. It doesn't matter if the certificate arrives two days late. I'm not in a hurry anyway. "

First, I have no experience, and second, I have no energy.

The certificate of merit would arrive sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry. He didn't understand why these people were so anxious to get this piece of paper.

Huang Guangming also felt it was a pity, and then said: "Yes, even Liu Rui is the second provincial student, so you can't be chosen."

"Congratulations," the monitor smiled and pulled out a certificate from under the list, "Second provincial prize!"

Liu Rui said in his heart MMP, what does it mean that even I am provincial.

The top student in Shuying only got a thank you for participating!

Tian Jun was also puzzled that Lu Zhou was not there. Lu Zhou was the top academic in their class, so he took out the list and looked at it several times. In the end, he still couldn't find Lu Zhou's name, so he had to look at Lu Zhou in embarrassment: " How about you ask the counselor? My list may not be complete..."