Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 74: Secrets about the system


"I'm not asking you to ride on a rocket," Ren Changming almost choked on his own spit and coughed a few times, "I'm asking you if you are interested in developing into the field of aerospace research."

When Lu Zhou heard the word aerospace, he finally remembered it.

Facing the olive branch thrown at him, Lu Zhou finally came to his senses.

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Lu Zhou suddenly had this idea in his mind.

When Lu Zhou heard the word aerospace, he finally remembered it.

Lu Zhou suddenly noticed.

A very typical example, a problem that has troubled the mathematics community for hundreds of years, for Gauss, is just one night's work. If the mathematics level of ordinary mathematicians is LVn, then Gauss's level is probably LV (n+1) or even LV (n+1) or above.


If this conjecture is true, then the level of the main subject should not only be linked to the system's database permissions, but also to his research and development capabilities in a certain subject area. And this research and development capability determines the time cost that he needs to spend to complete a certain research topic under normal circumstances...

Isn't this old gentleman the one he saw at the judges' table for the expert interview in the Mathematical Modeling Competition

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

Isn't this old gentleman the one he saw at the judges' table for the expert interview in the Mathematical Modeling Competition

Professor Ren Changming…

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

Professor Ren Changming…

Although Professor Ren is engaged in aerospace, it can still be seen from the level of the lectures that he also has quite in-depth research in the field of mathematics.

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

Although the School of Mathematics at Jinling University is a bit weaker than the other 985 programs, the School of Physics is among the top in the country.

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."

"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

Former chief designer of China's lunar exploration project!

Just to process the data collected by Chang'e-3 from the moon, it took scientific research teams from Yanda University, Jinda University, Shandong University, Macao University of Science and Technology and other higher education institutions to complete it, let alone send Chang'e-3 up.

At least. This is so in the mind of Professor Jin Da!

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

"I heard that although you are majoring in mathematics, you have also done a lot of research in the field of pure numbers. You also wrote a paper on the field of functionals some time ago. Our country's aerospace field needs exactly that kind of ability. Talents who apply theory into practice." Speaking of this, Ren Changming smiled and said earnestly, "How about it, young man, are you interested in going to Yanda to study for graduate school? Yanda's Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Technology is quite good in China. famous!"

When they didn't notice him, he whispered "goodbye, teacher", and then blended into the crowd that was pouring out of the lecture hall, his soles slick with oil.

"Is it because of the math level?"

Before raising his mathematics level to LV1, when he had just obtained the [drawings] for Zhou's conjecture proof method, he also tried to read the proof process from beginning to end, but there was no such "understanding" at all. of inspiration."

At this moment, a loud voice came from not far away.


In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

Seeing Lu Zhou standing there silently, Professor Ren smiled, thinking that he was seriously considering the matter, and continued slowly: "I have read your mathematical modeling paper several times. How can you write it in such a short time?" It is not easy to complete such high-quality modeling in a short period of time.”


A huge systematic research and development project like lunar exploration cannot be undertaken by any single university alone.

According to Mr. Zhang’s proof idea, the research on the infinity of twin prime numbers by mathematicians around the world has so far advanced to the number 246, and it seems that the end point of reaching 2 is not far away.

Aren’t you retired


"Is it because of the math level?"

Perhaps it may not be particularly obvious in the field of engineering, but for purely theoretical subjects such as mathematics and physics, the more in-depth research you go into the field, the more you will feel the constraints called "bottlenecks."

As he said, Mr. Zhang gave a real "beginning" to the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, which is equivalent to Mr. Brown of Norway's "9+9" proof of Goldbach's conjecture, which provided a real "beginning" for the world. The number theory researchers provided a traceable proof idea.

A very typical example, a problem that has troubled the mathematics community for hundreds of years, for Gauss, is just one night's work. If the mathematics level of ordinary mathematicians is LVn, then Gauss's level is probably LV (n+1) or even LV (n+1) or above.

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Seeing Lu Zhou standing there silently, Professor Ren smiled, thinking that he was seriously considering the matter, and continued slowly: "I have read your mathematical modeling paper several times. How can you write it in such a short time?" It is not easy to complete such high-quality modeling in a short period of time.”

At least. This is so in the mind of Professor Jin Da!

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

The secret about this system…

The key lies only in the selection of lambda function...

A very typical example, a problem that has troubled the mathematics community for hundreds of years, for Gauss, is just one night's work. If the mathematics level of ordinary mathematicians is LVn, then Gauss's level is probably LV (n+1) or even LV (n+1) or above.

He believes in innateness.

"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

"I heard that although you are majoring in mathematics, you have also done a lot of research in the field of pure numbers. You also wrote a paper on the field of functionals some time ago. Our country's aerospace field needs exactly that kind of ability. Talents who apply theory into practice." Speaking of this, Ren Changming smiled and said earnestly, "How about it, young man, are you interested in going to Yanda to study for graduate school? Yanda's Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Technology is quite good in China. famous!"

Now entering this field, it is difficult to even do odd jobs.

Former chief designer of China's lunar exploration project!

"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

Facing the olive branch thrown at him, Lu Zhou finally came to his senses.

Facing the olive branch thrown at him, Lu Zhou finally came to his senses.

After organizing the language in his mind, he declined politely: "Sorry, Professor Ren, I don't know much about aerospace. To put it bluntly, mathematical modeling only transforms complex particle motion problems into mathematical problems, and does not involve anything profound. Knowledge, otherwise I wouldn’t be lucky enough to win this Higher Education Club Cup. If I were to develop in this area, it might not be suitable for me.”

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

Facing the olive branch thrown at him, Lu Zhou finally came to his senses.

After organizing the language in his mind, he declined politely: "Sorry, Professor Ren, I don't know much about aerospace. To put it bluntly, mathematical modeling only transforms complex particle motion problems into mathematical problems, and does not involve anything profound. Knowledge, otherwise I wouldn’t be lucky enough to win this Higher Education Club Cup. If I were to develop in this area, it might not be suitable for me.”

If this conjecture is true, then the level of the main subject should not only be linked to the system's database permissions, but also to his research and development capabilities in a certain subject area. And this research and development capability determines the time cost that he needs to spend to complete a certain research topic under normal circumstances...

A huge systematic research and development project like lunar exploration cannot be undertaken by any single university alone.

"Old man Ren, you are such a dishonest old guy. Even after you retired, you went from Shangjing to Jinling to poach people."

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

Now entering this field, it is difficult to even do odd jobs.

Former chief designer of China's lunar exploration project!

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."


How can I agree to this

Although he failed to solve the problem of the infinity of twin primes, he deduced something even more remarkable.

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

If this conjecture is true, then the level of the main subject should not only be linked to the system's database permissions, but also to his research and development capabilities in a certain subject area. And this research and development capability determines the time cost that he needs to spend to complete a certain research topic under normal circumstances...

For example, based on the macro analysis of the system, it is speculated that if I, a math level LV1 person, want to independently develop the proof of twin prime numbers, it may take decades or even hundreds of years under normal circumstances. And when you reach math level LV2, maybe this time will be shortened to decades to more than ten years, and when you reach LV3, it will be more than ten years to a few years...

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Although Professor Ren is engaged in aerospace, it can still be seen from the level of the lectures that he also has quite in-depth research in the field of mathematics.

Isn't this old gentleman the one he saw at the judges' table for the expert interview in the Mathematical Modeling Competition

It's not that I'm not interested in aerospace technology, but the water in this field is really too deep. With his current level of physics, mathematics, and engineering, I'm afraid he can't even touch the stones in the river, let alone cross the river by feeling the stones.

As he said, Mr. Zhang gave a real "beginning" to the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, which is equivalent to Mr. Brown of Norway's "9+9" proof of Goldbach's conjecture, which provided a real "beginning" for the world. The number theory researchers provided a traceable proof idea.

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

Even if he wants to develop into the sky, he has to wait until he reaches LV5 or above in materials science, biochemistry, and engineering, right

Lu Zhou speculated that this level gap should have nothing to do with the amount of pure knowledge, but closer to the abstract concept of "research and development capabilities."

Especially in the field of number theory.

"What do you mean by poaching? I am doing this for the sake of our country's aerospace industry, and we cannot waste talents!" Being said to be poaching, Ren Changming immediately lost his composure and retorted without saying a word.

"I'm not asking you to ride on a rocket," Ren Changming almost choked on his own spit and coughed a few times, "I'm asking you if you are interested in developing into the field of aerospace research."

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."

Now entering this field, it is difficult to even do odd jobs.

Especially in the field of number theory.

"I heard that although you are majoring in mathematics, you have also done a lot of research in the field of pure numbers. You also wrote a paper on the field of functionals some time ago. Our country's aerospace field needs exactly that kind of ability. Talents who apply theory into practice." Speaking of this, Ren Changming smiled and said earnestly, "How about it, young man, are you interested in going to Yanda to study for graduate school? Yanda's Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Technology is quite good in China. famous!"


Lu Zhou looked in the direction of the sound and saw Professor Tang walking towards this side.

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."

Before raising his mathematics level to LV1, when he had just obtained the [drawings] for Zhou's conjecture proof method, he also tried to read the proof process from beginning to end, but there was no such "understanding" at all. of inspiration."

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

Lu Zhouzheng didn't know how to refuse.

Aren’t you retired

Are math levels really just a database for unlocking the system

If this conjecture is true, then the level of the main subject should not only be linked to the system's database permissions, but also to his research and development capabilities in a certain subject area. And this research and development capability determines the time cost that he needs to spend to complete a certain research topic under normal circumstances...

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered something more distant.

At this moment, a loud voice came from not far away.

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

He believes in innateness.

At this moment, a loud voice came from not far away.

According to Mr. Zhang’s proof idea, the research on the infinity of twin prime numbers by mathematicians around the world has so far advanced to the number 246, and it seems that the end point of reaching 2 is not far away.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

"Is it because of the math level?"

"Old man Ren, you are such a dishonest old guy. Even after you retired, you went from Shangjing to Jinling to poach people."

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered something more distant.

Although the School of Mathematics at Jinling University is a bit weaker than the other 985 programs, the School of Physics is among the top in the country.

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered something more distant.

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

Lu Zhou looked in the direction of the sound and saw Professor Tang walking towards this side.

For example, based on the macro analysis of the system, it is speculated that if I, a math level LV1 person, want to independently develop the proof of twin prime numbers, it may take decades or even hundreds of years under normal circumstances. And when you reach math level LV2, maybe this time will be shortened to decades to more than ten years, and when you reach LV3, it will be more than ten years to a few years...

Can you do something just by relying on yourself a few months ago

Aren’t you retired

Perhaps it may not be particularly obvious in the field of engineering, but for purely theoretical subjects such as mathematics and physics, the more in-depth research you go into the field, the more you will feel the constraints called "bottlenecks."


Lu Zhou suddenly noticed.

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

Seeing Lu Zhou standing there silently, Professor Ren smiled, thinking that he was seriously considering the matter, and continued slowly: "I have read your mathematical modeling paper several times. How can you write it in such a short time?" It is not easy to complete such high-quality modeling in a short period of time.”

"What do you mean by poaching? I am doing this for the sake of our country's aerospace industry, and we cannot waste talents!" Being said to be poaching, Ren Changming immediately lost his composure and retorted without saying a word.

Facing the olive branch thrown at him, Lu Zhou finally came to his senses.

Can you do something just by relying on yourself a few months ago

"I heard that although you are majoring in mathematics, you have also done a lot of research in the field of pure numbers. You also wrote a paper on the field of functionals some time ago. Our country's aerospace field needs exactly that kind of ability. Talents who apply theory into practice." Speaking of this, Ren Changming smiled and said earnestly, "How about it, young man, are you interested in going to Yanda to study for graduate school? Yanda's Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Technology is quite good in China. famous!"

"Oh, why are you wasting talents? Are you delayed in studying mathematics? Or are we at JJTU delayed?" Old Tang was unhappy, "Your Yanda University is so corrupt, why don't you go to heaven on your own?"


"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

Especially in the field of number theory.

The secret about this system…

A huge systematic research and development project like lunar exploration cannot be undertaken by any single university alone.

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

The secret about this system…

Just to process the data collected by Chang'e-3 from the moon, it took scientific research teams from Yanda University, Jinda University, Shandong University, Macao University of Science and Technology and other higher education institutions to complete it, let alone send Chang'e-3 up.

Although he failed to solve the problem of the infinity of twin primes, he deduced something even more remarkable.

Even if he wants to develop into the sky, he has to wait until he reaches LV5 or above in materials science, biochemistry, and engineering, right

"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

Although the School of Mathematics at Jinling University is a bit weaker than the other 985 programs, the School of Physics is among the top in the country.

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

Isn't this old gentleman the one he saw at the judges' table for the expert interview in the Mathematical Modeling Competition

At least. This is so in the mind of Professor Jin Da!

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

The key lies only in the selection of lambda function...

Especially in the field of number theory.

But is this really the case

Now entering this field, it is difficult to even do odd jobs.

Before raising his mathematics level to LV1, when he had just obtained the [drawings] for Zhou's conjecture proof method, he also tried to read the proof process from beginning to end, but there was no such "understanding" at all. of inspiration."

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Lu Zhou suddenly had this idea in his mind.

Although he failed to solve the problem of the infinity of twin primes, he deduced something even more remarkable.

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

As he said, Mr. Zhang gave a real "beginning" to the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, which is equivalent to Mr. Brown of Norway's "9+9" proof of Goldbach's conjecture, which provided a real "beginning" for the world. The number theory researchers provided a traceable proof idea.

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

Isn't this old gentleman the one he saw at the judges' table for the expert interview in the Mathematical Modeling Competition

"Oh, why are you wasting talents? Are you delayed in studying mathematics? Or are we at JJTU delayed?" Old Tang was unhappy, "Your Yanda University is so corrupt, why don't you go to heaven on your own?"

Lu Zhou looked in the direction of the sound and saw Professor Tang walking towards this side.

When they didn't notice him, he whispered "goodbye, teacher", and then blended into the crowd that was pouring out of the lecture hall, his soles slick with oil.

He suddenly remembered that in the last mission, the system required him to complete the mathematical modeling competition independently without resorting to the system and win the first national award.

"Oh, why are you wasting talents? Are you delayed in studying mathematics? Or are we at JJTU delayed?" Old Tang was unhappy, "Your Yanda University is so corrupt, why don't you go to heaven on your own?"

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

"What do you mean by poaching? I am doing this for the sake of our country's aerospace industry, and we cannot waste talents!" Being said to be poaching, Ren Changming immediately lost his composure and retorted without saying a word.

Lu Zhou suddenly noticed.

Especially in the field of number theory.

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

Facing the olive branch thrown at him, Lu Zhou finally came to his senses.

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.


"Oh, why are you wasting talents? Are you delayed in studying mathematics? Or are we at JJTU delayed?" Old Tang was unhappy, "Your Yanda University is so corrupt, why don't you go to heaven on your own?"

Former chief designer of China's lunar exploration project!

A very typical example, a problem that has troubled the mathematics community for hundreds of years, for Gauss, is just one night's work. If the mathematics level of ordinary mathematicians is LVn, then Gauss's level is probably LV (n+1) or even LV (n+1) or above.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

Lu Zhou suddenly had this idea in his mind.

It's not that I'm not interested in aerospace technology, but the water in this field is really too deep. With his current level of physics, mathematics, and engineering, I'm afraid he can't even touch the stones in the river, let alone cross the river by feeling the stones.

Isn't this old gentleman the one he saw at the judges' table for the expert interview in the Mathematical Modeling Competition

For example, based on the macro analysis of the system, it is speculated that if I, a math level LV1 person, want to independently develop the proof of twin prime numbers, it may take decades or even hundreds of years under normal circumstances. And when you reach math level LV2, maybe this time will be shortened to decades to more than ten years, and when you reach LV3, it will be more than ten years to a few years...

Although Professor Ren is engaged in aerospace, it can still be seen from the level of the lectures that he also has quite in-depth research in the field of mathematics.

Lu Zhouzheng didn't know how to refuse.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

Now entering this field, it is difficult to even do odd jobs.

At this moment, a loud voice came from not far away.

Especially in the field of number theory.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

The secret about this system…

As he said, Mr. Zhang gave a real "beginning" to the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, which is equivalent to Mr. Brown of Norway's "9+9" proof of Goldbach's conjecture, which provided a real "beginning" for the world. The number theory researchers provided a traceable proof idea.

When Lu Zhou heard the word aerospace, he finally remembered it.

Especially in the field of number theory.

"Is it because of the math level?"

It's not that I'm not interested in aerospace technology, but the water in this field is really too deep. With his current level of physics, mathematics, and engineering, I'm afraid he can't even touch the stones in the river, let alone cross the river by feeling the stones.

According to Mr. Zhang’s proof idea, the research on the infinity of twin prime numbers by mathematicians around the world has so far advanced to the number 246, and it seems that the end point of reaching 2 is not far away.

He suddenly remembered that in the last mission, the system required him to complete the mathematical modeling competition independently without resorting to the system and win the first national award.

Aren’t you retired

Even if he wants to develop into the sky, he has to wait until he reaches LV5 or above in materials science, biochemistry, and engineering, right


"Old man Ren, you are such a dishonest old guy. Even after you retired, you went from Shangjing to Jinling to poach people."

The key lies only in the selection of lambda function...

Before raising his mathematics level to LV1, when he had just obtained the [drawings] for Zhou's conjecture proof method, he also tried to read the proof process from beginning to end, but there was no such "understanding" at all. of inspiration."

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

Lu Zhou suddenly had this idea in his mind.

But is this really the case

How can I agree to this

Lu Zhou speculated that this level gap should have nothing to do with the amount of pure knowledge, but closer to the abstract concept of "research and development capabilities."

When they didn't notice him, he whispered "goodbye, teacher", and then blended into the crowd that was pouring out of the lecture hall, his soles slick with oil.

He believes in innateness.

"What do you mean by poaching? I am doing this for the sake of our country's aerospace industry, and we cannot waste talents!" Being said to be poaching, Ren Changming immediately lost his composure and retorted without saying a word.

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

"Oh, why are you wasting talents? Are you delayed in studying mathematics? Or are we at JJTU delayed?" Old Tang was unhappy, "Your Yanda University is so corrupt, why don't you go to heaven on your own?"

Lu Zhou looked in the direction of the sound and saw Professor Tang walking towards this side.

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."

"Oh, why are you wasting talents? Are you delayed in studying mathematics? Or are we at JJTU delayed?" Old Tang was unhappy, "Your Yanda University is so corrupt, why don't you go to heaven on your own?"

The secret about this system…

The inspiration in the dark is always just a little bit behind...

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

The inspiration in the dark is always just a little bit behind...

Now entering this field, it is difficult to even do odd jobs.

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered something more distant.

Perhaps it may not be particularly obvious in the field of engineering, but for purely theoretical subjects such as mathematics and physics, the more in-depth research you go into the field, the more you will feel the constraints called "bottlenecks."

If this conjecture is true, then the level of the main subject should not only be linked to the system's database permissions, but also to his research and development capabilities in a certain subject area. And this research and development capability determines the time cost that he needs to spend to complete a certain research topic under normal circumstances...

"Is it because of the math level?"

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."

Facing the olive branch thrown at him, Lu Zhou finally came to his senses.

Just to process the data collected by Chang'e-3 from the moon, it took scientific research teams from Yanda University, Jinda University, Shandong University, Macao University of Science and Technology and other higher education institutions to complete it, let alone send Chang'e-3 up.

At least. This is so in the mind of Professor Jin Da!

"Oh, why are you wasting talents? Are you delayed in studying mathematics? Or are we at JJTU delayed?" Old Tang was unhappy, "Your Yanda University is so corrupt, why don't you go to heaven on your own?"

Lu Zhou suddenly had this idea in his mind.

"Old man Ren, you are such a dishonest old guy. Even after you retired, you went from Shangjing to Jinling to poach people."

"I'm not asking you to ride on a rocket," Ren Changming almost choked on his own spit and coughed a few times, "I'm asking you if you are interested in developing into the field of aerospace research."

The inspiration in the dark is always just a little bit behind...

He suddenly remembered that in the last mission, the system required him to complete the mathematical modeling competition independently without resorting to the system and win the first national award.

Especially in the field of number theory.

Are math levels really just a database for unlocking the system

Although Professor Ren is engaged in aerospace, it can still be seen from the level of the lectures that he also has quite in-depth research in the field of mathematics.

Lu Zhou suddenly had this idea in his mind.

Are math levels really just a database for unlocking the system

"I heard that although you are majoring in mathematics, you have also done a lot of research in the field of pure numbers. You also wrote a paper on the field of functionals some time ago. Our country's aerospace field needs exactly that kind of ability. Talents who apply theory into practice." Speaking of this, Ren Changming smiled and said earnestly, "How about it, young man, are you interested in going to Yanda to study for graduate school? Yanda's Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Technology is quite good in China. famous!"

How can I agree to this

He suddenly remembered that in the last mission, the system required him to complete the mathematical modeling competition independently without resorting to the system and win the first national award.

Perhaps, when his math level reaches LV2 or higher, he should be able to capture that moment of "inspiration" and experience the feeling of a spring of thoughts.

"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

At least. This is so in the mind of Professor Jin Da!

When they didn't notice him, he whispered "goodbye, teacher", and then blended into the crowd that was pouring out of the lecture hall, his soles slick with oil.

Even if he wants to develop into the sky, he has to wait until he reaches LV5 or above in materials science, biochemistry, and engineering, right

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

"Oh, what is the purpose of studying? Why don't you just understand the things you don't know! If you know how to do it, why should you study? You can just send it to work in the space agency," Professor Ren said with a smile, "You are still young now. It's not up to you to decide whether it's suitable or not. I bet that if you are willing to study hard, your future will be limitless."

As he said, Mr. Zhang gave a real "beginning" to the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, which is equivalent to Mr. Brown of Norway's "9+9" proof of Goldbach's conjecture, which provided a real "beginning" for the world. The number theory researchers provided a traceable proof idea.

Can you do something just by relying on yourself a few months ago

Now entering this field, it is difficult to even do odd jobs.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

The key lies only in the selection of lambda function...

Although the School of Mathematics at Jinling University is a bit weaker than the other 985 programs, the School of Physics is among the top in the country.

The secret about this system…

When they didn't notice him, he whispered "goodbye, teacher", and then blended into the crowd that was pouring out of the lecture hall, his soles slick with oil.

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered something more distant.

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered something more distant.

Although he failed to solve the problem of the infinity of twin primes, he deduced something even more remarkable.

"Old man Ren, you are such a dishonest old guy. Even after you retired, you went from Shangjing to Jinling to poach people."

Before raising his mathematics level to LV1, when he had just obtained the [drawings] for Zhou's conjecture proof method, he also tried to read the proof process from beginning to end, but there was no such "understanding" at all. of inspiration."

Before raising his mathematics level to LV1, when he had just obtained the [drawings] for Zhou's conjecture proof method, he also tried to read the proof process from beginning to end, but there was no such "understanding" at all. of inspiration."

When Lu Zhou heard the word aerospace, he finally remembered it.

For example, based on the macro analysis of the system, it is speculated that if I, a math level LV1 person, want to independently develop the proof of twin prime numbers, it may take decades or even hundreds of years under normal circumstances. And when you reach math level LV2, maybe this time will be shortened to decades to more than ten years, and when you reach LV3, it will be more than ten years to a few years...

A very typical example, a problem that has troubled the mathematics community for hundreds of years, for Gauss, is just one night's work. If the mathematics level of ordinary mathematicians is LVn, then Gauss's level is probably LV (n+1) or even LV (n+1) or above.

"What do you mean by poaching? I am doing this for the sake of our country's aerospace industry, and we cannot waste talents!" Being said to be poaching, Ren Changming immediately lost his composure and retorted without saying a word.

"In other words, the upgrade of the main subject level is not only as simple as the 'authority' to access the system database information, but also the ability to research a specific subject? Shorten the research time?" Lu Zhou thought in his mind.

Although Professor Ren is engaged in aerospace, it can still be seen from the level of the lectures that he also has quite in-depth research in the field of mathematics.

If this conjecture is true, then the level of the main subject should not only be linked to the system's database permissions, but also to his research and development capabilities in a certain subject area. And this research and development capability determines the time cost that he needs to spend to complete a certain research topic under normal circumstances...

"Is it because of the math level?"

Before raising his mathematics level to LV1, when he had just obtained the [drawings] for Zhou's conjecture proof method, he also tried to read the proof process from beginning to end, but there was no such "understanding" at all. of inspiration."

Former chief designer of China's lunar exploration project!

In fact, he not only won the first place in the country, but also won the Higher Education Society Cup, which symbolizes the first place in the country.

Perhaps, when his math level reaches LV2 or higher, he should be able to capture that moment of "inspiration" and experience the feeling of a spring of thoughts.

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

He believes in innateness.

Although the School of Mathematics at Jinling University is a bit weaker than the other 985 programs, the School of Physics is among the top in the country.

When Lu Zhou heard the word aerospace, he finally remembered it.

Facing the olive branch thrown at him, Lu Zhou finally came to his senses.

Perhaps it may not be particularly obvious in the field of engineering, but for purely theoretical subjects such as mathematics and physics, the more in-depth research you go into the field, the more you will feel the constraints called "bottlenecks."

The inspiration in the dark is always just a little bit behind...

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

A very typical example, a problem that has troubled the mathematics community for hundreds of years, for Gauss, is just one night's work. If the mathematics level of ordinary mathematicians is LVn, then Gauss's level is probably LV (n+1) or even LV (n+1) or above.

Can you do something just by relying on yourself a few months ago

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

Lu Zhou speculated that this level gap should have nothing to do with the amount of pure knowledge, but closer to the abstract concept of "research and development capabilities."

Seeing Lu Zhou standing there silently, Professor Ren smiled, thinking that he was seriously considering the matter, and continued slowly: "I have read your mathematical modeling paper several times. How can you write it in such a short time?" It is not easy to complete such high-quality modeling in a short period of time.”

"Is it because of the math level?"

"What do you mean by poaching? I am doing this for the sake of our country's aerospace industry, and we cannot waste talents!" Being said to be poaching, Ren Changming immediately lost his composure and retorted without saying a word.

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

Looking at the old professors on the two bars, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Especially in the field of number theory.

For example, based on the macro analysis of the system, it is speculated that if I, a math level LV1 person, want to independently develop the proof of twin prime numbers, it may take decades or even hundreds of years under normal circumstances. And when you reach math level LV2, maybe this time will be shortened to decades to more than ten years, and when you reach LV3, it will be more than ten years to a few years...

Perhaps it may not be particularly obvious in the field of engineering, but for purely theoretical subjects such as mathematics and physics, the more in-depth research you go into the field, the more you will feel the constraints called "bottlenecks."

It's not that I'm not interested in aerospace technology, but the water in this field is really too deep. With his current level of physics, mathematics, and engineering, I'm afraid he can't even touch the stones in the river, let alone cross the river by feeling the stones.

Lu Zhouzheng didn't know how to refuse.

Perhaps, when his math level reaches LV2 or higher, he should be able to capture that moment of "inspiration" and experience the feeling of a spring of thoughts.

Perhaps it may not be particularly obvious in the field of engineering, but for purely theoretical subjects such as mathematics and physics, the more in-depth research you go into the field, the more you will feel the constraints called "bottlenecks."

Aren’t you retired

According to Mr. Zhang’s proof idea, the research on the infinity of twin prime numbers by mathematicians around the world has so far advanced to the number 246, and it seems that the end point of reaching 2 is not far away.

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

Perhaps, when his math level reaches LV2 or higher, he should be able to capture that moment of "inspiration" and experience the feeling of a spring of thoughts.


But is this really the case

Went to the cafeteria for lunch and then came to the library.

After organizing the language in his mind, he declined politely: "Sorry, Professor Ren, I don't know much about aerospace. To put it bluntly, mathematical modeling only transforms complex particle motion problems into mathematical problems, and does not involve anything profound. Knowledge, otherwise I wouldn’t be lucky enough to win this Higher Education Club Cup. If I were to develop in this area, it might not be suitable for me.”

Lu Zhou always felt that it was not that simple.

"Old man Ren, you are such a dishonest old guy. Even after you retired, you went from Shangjing to Jinling to poach people."

Lu Zhou found a corner and sat down, flipping through the notes he had taken during the lecture.

Even if he wants to develop into the sky, he has to wait until he reaches LV5 or above in materials science, biochemistry, and engineering, right

If this conjecture is true, then the level of the main subject should not only be linked to the system's database permissions, but also to his research and development capabilities in a certain subject area. And this research and development capability determines the time cost that he needs to spend to complete a certain research topic under normal circumstances...

Lu Zhou looked in the direction of the sound and saw Professor Tang walking towards this side.

He suddenly remembered that in the last mission, the system required him to complete the mathematical modeling competition independently without resorting to the system and win the first national award.

Isn't this old gentleman the one he saw at the judges' table for the expert interview in the Mathematical Modeling Competition

Are math levels really just a database for unlocking the system

Lu Zhou suddenly noticed.

"Old man Ren, you are such a dishonest old guy. Even after you retired, you went from Shangjing to Jinling to poach people."

Lu Zhou suddenly noticed.

"I heard that although you are majoring in mathematics, you have also done a lot of research in the field of pure numbers. You also wrote a paper on the field of functionals some time ago. Our country's aerospace field needs exactly that kind of ability. Talents who apply theory into practice." Speaking of this, Ren Changming smiled and said earnestly, "How about it, young man, are you interested in going to Yanda to study for graduate school? Yanda's Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Technology is quite good in China. famous!"

Aren’t you retired

At least. This is so in the mind of Professor Jin Da!

Lu Zhouzheng didn't know how to refuse.

Lu Zhou suddenly noticed.

Although he failed to solve the problem of the infinity of twin primes, he deduced something even more remarkable.

After organizing the language in his mind, he declined politely: "Sorry, Professor Ren, I don't know much about aerospace. To put it bluntly, mathematical modeling only transforms complex particle motion problems into mathematical problems, and does not involve anything profound. Knowledge, otherwise I wouldn’t be lucky enough to win this Higher Education Club Cup. If I were to develop in this area, it might not be suitable for me.”

He suddenly remembered that in the last mission, the system required him to complete the mathematical modeling competition independently without resorting to the system and win the first national award.

After organizing the language in his mind, he declined politely: "Sorry, Professor Ren, I don't know much about aerospace. To put it bluntly, mathematical modeling only transforms complex particle motion problems into mathematical problems, and does not involve anything profound. Knowledge, otherwise I wouldn’t be lucky enough to win this Higher Education Club Cup. If I were to develop in this area, it might not be suitable for me.”

He suddenly remembered that in the last mission, the system required him to complete the mathematical modeling competition independently without resorting to the system and win the first national award.

The secret about this system…

Lu Zhouzheng didn't know how to refuse.

Can you do something just by relying on yourself a few months ago

Before raising his mathematics level to LV1, when he had just obtained the [drawings] for Zhou's conjecture proof method, he also tried to read the proof process from beginning to end, but there was no such "understanding" at all. of inspiration."

As he said, Mr. Zhang gave a real "beginning" to the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, which is equivalent to Mr. Brown of Norway's "9+9" proof of Goldbach's conjecture, which provided a real "beginning" for the world. The number theory researchers provided a traceable proof idea.

Seeing Lu Zhou standing there silently, Professor Ren smiled, thinking that he was seriously considering the matter, and continued slowly: "I have read your mathematical modeling paper several times. How can you write it in such a short time?" It is not easy to complete such high-quality modeling in a short period of time.”