Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 78: Answer Qian Xuesen’s question!


In the end, Lu Zhou chose no mission.

And this time it turned out to be the number one most searched item!

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

[It turned out to be Jin Da! My senior! ! ! I still remember he won the digital modeling championship! ! !]

Less than a week after the latest issue of the Journal of Mathematics came out, this paper caused quite a stir in the international mathematics community. Whether it is the proof process itself, Professor Deligne's evaluation of this paper, or the age of the author of the paper...


Throwing away the sticky towel blanket, Lu Zhou was shocked.

Anyone who knows something about mathematics knows that although one is a Chinese naming conjecture and the other is a British naming conjecture, the difficulty and academic value of the two are not comparable at all.

Task 2 and Task 3 are both within the candidate range. Task 3 has a higher priority than Task 2 and can be considered if the time and cost are less than double.

Sitting up from the bed, Lu Zhou threw the towel, blanket and sheets onto the stool under the bed, and climbed down the ladder with agility.

Standing in front of the mirror and taking a look, Lu Zhou touched his chin and found that apart from being as handsome as ever, nothing seemed to have changed.

[This is a groundbreaking work. We finally have a theorem that we can rely on, which constrains the change law of Mersenne prime numbers within a visible interval. —Professor Pierre Deligne]

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

He is only twenty years old!

He is only twenty years old!

After all, the 20,000 math experience is really too tempting, and there is also a lottery with a 100% draw rate. Although world-class mathematics awards cannot be obtained by proving a conjecture, considering the academic value and political significance of the paper I just published, maybe the country will reward me with a medal

Sitting up from the bed, Lu Zhou threw the towel, blanket and sheets onto the stool under the bed, and climbed down the ladder with agility.

Anyone who knows something about mathematics knows that although one is a Chinese naming conjecture and the other is a British naming conjecture, the difficulty and academic value of the two are not comparable at all.

This possibility still exists.

Both the person who proposed this conjecture and the person who proved it will be recorded in the history of mathematics!

Immediately afterwards…

Because of this sleep, he actually slept until three in the afternoon!

"Shock! An undergraduate from Jinling University solved a world-class number theory problem in one night! 》

[Now that I’m scolding Laogou, will anyone still like it?]

The comment section of Renren Daily's official WeChat account exploded with discussions among netizens.

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

After all, the 20,000 math experience is really too tempting, and there is also a lottery with a 100% draw rate. Although world-class mathematics awards cannot be obtained by proving a conjecture, considering the academic value and political significance of the paper I just published, maybe the country will reward me with a medal

There are still twenty years to strive for before the Fields Medal deadline at the age of forty!

The sheets and towels looked as if they had been soaked in swill. He was so disgusted that he jumped up from the bed.

He could first ask Professor Tang or Director Lu about the conditions for winning national mathematics awards, as well as the review and approval time, and then consider which one would be better.

After moving his limbs, the bones all over his body crackled. Lu Zhou felt that the pain in his muscles had eased a lot, and was replaced by unprecedented comfort, as if he had eaten Xuanmai.

In the end, Lu Zhou chose no mission.

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

[Strong young people make the country strong! Salute to the great scientific researchers! (fist) (fist)]

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

However, looking back at Zhou's guess, although there are thousands of conjectures of the same level of difficulty, the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has more practical significance. Countless mathematicians have tried to express the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers in mathematical language, but without exception these expressions are all conjectures, and none of them can be promoted to theorems.

Immediately afterwards…

At this moment, Lu Zhou still knew nothing about what happened to the scarf.

Renren Daily was not left behind. Although it did not focus on Lu Zhou personally, it published an editorial with a similar title, encouraging researchers to bravely climb Mount Everest and forge ahead on the road of science.

He could first ask Professor Tang or Director Lu about the conditions for winning national mathematics awards, as well as the review and approval time, and then consider which one would be better.

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

However, what he didn't know was that just when he fell asleep, his name had already been printed on the newspaper. Countless media and self-media editors were thinking about how to write the headline article in the next issue, facing the fundamentals. I racked my brains over the mathematics paper I couldn't understand, and frantically plucked the few tufts of hair on my head that hadn't fallen out yet...

Shi Shang ignored him and shouted to the balcony: "Brother Lu, there are many reporters downstairs in our dormitory! Have you done something again?"

"Mathematicians all over the world are silent. A problem that has troubled the world for twenty years was actually solved by an undergraduate!" ! ! 》

Standing in front of the mirror and taking a look, Lu Zhou touched his chin and found that apart from being as handsome as ever, nothing seemed to have changed.

Compared with the reserve of traditional media, self-media don’t have so much integrity. The titles are naturally as gimmicky as they come, and they are as exaggerated as they want.

[My male god is a mathematician series.]

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

Because of this sleep, he actually slept until three in the afternoon!

The results of the verification are without exception…

The most exciting thing for the media was that the person who proved this conjecture turned out to be an undergraduate who was still in his sophomore year!

However, looking back at Zhou's guess, although there are thousands of conjectures of the same level of difficulty, the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has more practical significance. Countless mathematicians have tried to express the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers in mathematical language, but without exception these expressions are all conjectures, and none of them can be promoted to theorems.

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

This possibility still exists.

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

"Chronicles of Mathematics" latest edition, page 30 - [Discussion on the distribution rules of Mersenne prime numbers and proof of Zhou's conjecture]

There are still twenty years to strive for before the Fields Medal deadline at the age of forty!

[It turned out to be Jin Da! My senior! ! ! I still remember he won the digital modeling championship! ! !]

Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

Immediately afterwards…

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

After moving his limbs, the bones all over his body crackled. Lu Zhou felt that the pain in his muscles had eased a lot, and was replaced by unprecedented comfort, as if he had eaten Xuanmai.

At the end of the paper, there is a line of reviewers' comments on the paper.

A gust of cool wind blew by, as if all the pores in his body were relaxing, and Lu Zhou couldn't help but stretch out comfortably.

At the end of the paper, there is a line of reviewers' comments on the paper.

Immediately afterwards…

In the halls of the Mathematics Building, there is another mathematical theorem named after the Chinese surname!

[This is a groundbreaking work. We finally have a theorem that we can rely on, which constrains the change law of Mersenne prime numbers within a visible interval. —Professor Pierre Deligne]

Lu Zhou groaned twice. He opened his eyes with difficulty and slowly moved his arms. He felt that all the muscles in his body were sore. It was as if he had been running for several hours and then kept doing it in the same place. It's like doing a hundred push-ups.

[My male god is a mathematician series.]

Immediately afterwards…

The so-called Pantasi conjecture is just a conjecture in the field of reverse mathematics about the strength of the proof of Ramsey's two-coloring theorem, that is, it is guessed that RT squared 2 may be stronger than WKL0. Liu gave a negative answer to this conjecture by proving that RT squared 2 does not contain WKL0.

Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

The Chinese Mathematical Society was shocked!

In the end, Lu Zhou chose no mission.

Renren Daily was not left behind. Although it did not focus on Lu Zhou personally, it published an editorial with a similar title, encouraging researchers to bravely climb Mount Everest and forge ahead on the road of science.

However, he actually used the word "Groundbreaking" to describe this paper.

[I shed tears after talking too much. I walked away, stopped brushing my scarf, and went back to revise my doctoral thesis. (crying)]

He could first ask Professor Tang or Director Lu about the conditions for winning national mathematics awards, as well as the review and approval time, and then consider which one would be better.

"American mathematicians were silent for a while, and Japanese mathematicians sighed..."

Although the proof of Zhou's conjecture alone is far from enough, at least a difficult problem of the level of Jacobi's conjecture can be worthy of this mathematical crown, but...

"American mathematicians were silent for a while, and Japanese mathematicians sighed..."

The intense media coverage inevitably led to Lu Zhou being on the hot search for the third time this year.

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

At least, the fatigue and damage accumulated due to staying up late and sitting for a long time were all cured by the injection last night, directly changing from sub-health to quasi-health.

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

Less than a week after the latest issue of the Journal of Mathematics came out, this paper caused quite a stir in the international mathematics community. Whether it is the proof process itself, Professor Deligne's evaluation of this paper, or the age of the author of the paper...

However, looking back at Zhou's guess, although there are thousands of conjectures of the same level of difficulty, the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has more practical significance. Countless mathematicians have tried to express the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers in mathematical language, but without exception these expressions are all conjectures, and none of them can be promoted to theorems.

Less than a week after the latest issue of the Journal of Mathematics came out, this paper caused quite a stir in the international mathematics community. Whether it is the proof process itself, Professor Deligne's evaluation of this paper, or the age of the author of the paper...

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]


Many people think of classmate Liu who proved Sitapan's conjecture a few years ago.

Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

Although the proof of Zhou's conjecture alone is far from enough, at least a difficult problem of the level of Jacobi's conjecture can be worthy of this mathematical crown, but...

A week before Lu Zhou saw the paper published, countless scholars who focused on number theory research had repeatedly verified this proof process.

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

Lu Zhou groaned twice. He opened his eyes with difficulty and slowly moved his arms. He felt that all the muscles in his body were sore. It was as if he had been running for several hours and then kept doing it in the same place. It's like doing a hundred push-ups.

He could first ask Professor Tang or Director Lu about the conditions for winning national mathematics awards, as well as the review and approval time, and then consider which one would be better.

Soon, this sensational atmosphere spread from the mathematics world to the journalism world.

[This is a groundbreaking work. We finally have a theorem that we can rely on, which constrains the change law of Mersenne prime numbers within a visible interval. —Professor Pierre Deligne]

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

Immediately afterwards…

Anyone who knows something about mathematics knows that although one is a Chinese naming conjecture and the other is a British naming conjecture, the difficulty and academic value of the two are not comparable at all.



Completely correct!

Task 2 and Task 3 are both within the candidate range. Task 3 has a higher priority than Task 2 and can be considered if the time and cost are less than double.

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

Well, the civil scientists are not shocked. They are still working on the final "1+1" difficulty of Goldbach's conjecture and how to overturn the proven Fermat's last theorem. As for the conjecture of Chinese naming, most of them disdain to mention it unless someone wins an international award based on it.

I carried the towel, blanket and sheets to the balcony, and threw them into the washing basin, ready to stuff them into the washing machine with the clothes later. Then, he took a shower in the bathroom, washed off the sweat on his body, and walked out of the bathroom humming a tune.

Professors from the School of Mathematics at Jinling University were shocked!

He is only twenty years old!

Professors from the School of Mathematics at Jinling University were shocked!

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

The Chinese Mathematical Society was shocked!

[In society, I, Brother Lu, am ruthless and don’t talk much.]

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

It was worthy of being a black technology sample provided by the system. Although he did not feel that his strength or reflexes had been significantly enhanced, he could clearly feel that his physical condition had improved a lot.

Compared with the reserve of traditional media, self-media don’t have so much integrity. The titles are naturally as gimmicky as they come, and they are as exaggerated as they want.

This means that from now on this conjecture will become Zhou's theorem.

[My male god is a mathematician series.]

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

The results of the verification are without exception…

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

"Chronicles of Mathematics" latest edition, page 30 - [Discussion on the distribution rules of Mersenne prime numbers and proof of Zhou's conjecture]

[It turned out to be Jin Da! My senior! ! ! I still remember he won the digital modeling championship! ! !]

The Chinese Mathematical Society was shocked!

"American mathematicians were silent for a while, and Japanese mathematicians sighed..."

In the halls of the Mathematics Building, there is another mathematical theorem named after the Chinese surname!

Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

Completely correct!

The intense media coverage inevitably led to Lu Zhou being on the hot search for the third time this year.

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

At least, the domestic media is completely excited!

Standing in front of the mirror and taking a look, Lu Zhou touched his chin and found that apart from being as handsome as ever, nothing seemed to have changed.



There are still twenty years to strive for before the Fields Medal deadline at the age of forty!

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

"Mathematicians all over the world are silent. A problem that has troubled the world for twenty years was actually solved by an undergraduate!" ! ! 》


Anyone who knows something about mathematics knows that although one is a Chinese naming conjecture and the other is a British naming conjecture, the difficulty and academic value of the two are not comparable at all.

[Are you happy to be like this? (dog head)]

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

Well, the civil scientists are not shocked. They are still working on the final "1+1" difficulty of Goldbach's conjecture and how to overturn the proven Fermat's last theorem. As for the conjecture of Chinese naming, most of them disdain to mention it unless someone wins an international award based on it.

Task 2 and Task 3 are both within the candidate range. Task 3 has a higher priority than Task 2 and can be considered if the time and cost are less than double.

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

The most exciting thing for the media was that the person who proved this conjecture turned out to be an undergraduate who was still in his sophomore year!

Less than a week after the latest issue of the Journal of Mathematics came out, this paper caused quite a stir in the international mathematics community. Whether it is the proof process itself, Professor Deligne's evaluation of this paper, or the age of the author of the paper...

Soon, this sensational atmosphere spread from the mathematics world to the journalism world.

The comment section of Renren Daily's official WeChat account exploded with discussions among netizens.

Professors from the School of Mathematics at Jinling University were shocked!

Zhou's conjecture that has troubled the number theory community for more than 20 years has been proven.

"China Youth Daily" used a domineering and magnificent headline and excerpted Professor Deligne's evaluation of the paper from "Chronicles of Mathematics" to report this sensational news in the country - "Answering Qian Xuesen's question, Jinling University undergraduates conquered World math puzzle! We can also produce outstanding talents! 》

Less than a week after the latest issue of the Journal of Mathematics came out, this paper caused quite a stir in the international mathematics community. Whether it is the proof process itself, Professor Deligne's evaluation of this paper, or the age of the author of the paper...

This means that from now on this conjecture will become Zhou's theorem.

However, he actually used the word "Groundbreaking" to describe this paper.

This alone is enough.

In the halls of the Mathematics Building, there is another mathematical theorem named after the Chinese surname!

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

There are still twenty years to strive for before the Fields Medal deadline at the age of forty!

Although the proof of Zhou's conjecture alone is far from enough, at least a difficult problem of the level of Jacobi's conjecture can be worthy of this mathematical crown, but...

[When I was twenty years old, I was still worried about not being able to pass high school mathematics. Others had already begun to challenge the world’s most difficult mathematics problems, and I burst into tears...]

In the end, Lu Zhou chose no mission.

Many people think of classmate Liu who proved Sitapan's conjecture a few years ago.

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

Both the person who proposed this conjecture and the person who proved it will be recorded in the history of mathematics!

This means that from now on this conjecture will become Zhou's theorem.

Renren Daily was not left behind. Although it did not focus on Lu Zhou personally, it published an editorial with a similar title, encouraging researchers to bravely climb Mount Everest and forge ahead on the road of science.

This possibility still exists.

At least, the domestic media is completely excited!

Sitting up from the bed, Lu Zhou threw the towel, blanket and sheets onto the stool under the bed, and climbed down the ladder with agility.


The results of the verification are without exception…

The most exciting thing for the media was that the person who proved this conjecture turned out to be an undergraduate who was still in his sophomore year!

[This is a groundbreaking work. We finally have a theorem that we can rely on, which constrains the change law of Mersenne prime numbers within a visible interval. —Professor Pierre Deligne]

I carried the towel, blanket and sheets to the balcony, and threw them into the washing basin, ready to stuff them into the washing machine with the clothes later. Then, he took a shower in the bathroom, washed off the sweat on his body, and walked out of the bathroom humming a tune.

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

The comment section of Renren Daily's official WeChat account exploded with discussions among netizens.

Many people think of classmate Liu who proved Sitapan's conjecture a few years ago.

Compared with the reserve of traditional media, self-media don’t have so much integrity. The titles are naturally as gimmicky as they come, and they are as exaggerated as they want.

[In society, I, Brother Lu, am ruthless and don’t talk much.]

In the halls of the Mathematics Building, there is another mathematical theorem named after the Chinese surname!

However, looking back at Zhou's guess, although there are thousands of conjectures of the same level of difficulty, the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has more practical significance. Countless mathematicians have tried to express the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers in mathematical language, but without exception these expressions are all conjectures, and none of them can be promoted to theorems.

Anyone who knows something about mathematics knows that although one is a Chinese naming conjecture and the other is a British naming conjecture, the difficulty and academic value of the two are not comparable at all.

However, looking back at Zhou's guess, although there are thousands of conjectures of the same level of difficulty, the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has more practical significance. Countless mathematicians have tried to express the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers in mathematical language, but without exception these expressions are all conjectures, and none of them can be promoted to theorems.

At this moment, Lu Zhou still knew nothing about what happened to the scarf.

After all, the 20,000 math experience is really too tempting, and there is also a lottery with a 100% draw rate. Although world-class mathematics awards cannot be obtained by proving a conjecture, considering the academic value and political significance of the paper I just published, maybe the country will reward me with a medal



A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

The so-called Pantasi conjecture is just a conjecture in the field of reverse mathematics about the strength of the proof of Ramsey's two-coloring theorem, that is, it is guessed that RT squared 2 may be stronger than WKL0. Liu gave a negative answer to this conjecture by proving that RT squared 2 does not contain WKL0.

However, what he didn't know was that just when he fell asleep, his name had already been printed on the newspaper. Countless media and self-media editors were thinking about how to write the headline article in the next issue, facing the fundamentals. I racked my brains over the mathematics paper I couldn't understand, and frantically plucked the few tufts of hair on my head that hadn't fallen out yet...

In the halls of the Mathematics Building, there is another mathematical theorem named after the Chinese surname!

It was worthy of being a black technology sample provided by the system. Although he did not feel that his strength or reflexes had been significantly enhanced, he could clearly feel that his physical condition had improved a lot.

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

Standing in front of the mirror and taking a look, Lu Zhou touched his chin and found that apart from being as handsome as ever, nothing seemed to have changed.

The most exciting thing for the media was that the person who proved this conjecture turned out to be an undergraduate who was still in his sophomore year!

Professors from the School of Mathematics at Jinling University were shocked!

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.


At this moment, Lu Zhou still knew nothing about what happened to the scarf.

However, looking back at Zhou's guess, although there are thousands of conjectures of the same level of difficulty, the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has more practical significance. Countless mathematicians have tried to express the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers in mathematical language, but without exception these expressions are all conjectures, and none of them can be promoted to theorems.

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

Completely correct!

"Chronicles of Mathematics" latest edition, page 30 - [Discussion on the distribution rules of Mersenne prime numbers and proof of Zhou's conjecture]

Throwing away the sticky towel blanket, Lu Zhou was shocked.

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

Now, this theorem is born.

This possibility still exists.

It was just short of blowing Lu Zhou into being the reincarnation of Mr. Chen.

Renren Daily was not left behind. Although it did not focus on Lu Zhou personally, it published an editorial with a similar title, encouraging researchers to bravely climb Mount Everest and forge ahead on the road of science.

It is precisely because of this that the media is excited.

The comment section of Renren Daily's official WeChat account exploded with discussions among netizens.

"China Youth Daily" used a domineering and magnificent headline and excerpted Professor Deligne's evaluation of the paper from "Chronicles of Mathematics" to report this sensational news in the country - "Answering Qian Xuesen's question, Jinling University undergraduates conquered World math puzzle! We can also produce outstanding talents! 》

Well, the civil scientists are not shocked. They are still working on the final "1+1" difficulty of Goldbach's conjecture and how to overturn the proven Fermat's last theorem. As for the conjecture of Chinese naming, most of them disdain to mention it unless someone wins an international award based on it.

After moving his limbs, the bones all over his body crackled. Lu Zhou felt that the pain in his muscles had eased a lot, and was replaced by unprecedented comfort, as if he had eaten Xuanmai.

[In society, I, Brother Lu, am ruthless and don’t talk much.]

At least, the domestic media is completely excited!

Although the proof of Zhou's conjecture alone is far from enough, at least a difficult problem of the level of Jacobi's conjecture can be worthy of this mathematical crown, but...

"Shock! An undergraduate from Jinling University solved a world-class number theory problem in one night! 》

After all, the 20,000 math experience is really too tempting, and there is also a lottery with a 100% draw rate. Although world-class mathematics awards cannot be obtained by proving a conjecture, considering the academic value and political significance of the paper I just published, maybe the country will reward me with a medal

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

Many people think of classmate Liu who proved Sitapan's conjecture a few years ago.

Although the proof of Zhou's conjecture alone is far from enough, at least a difficult problem of the level of Jacobi's conjecture can be worthy of this mathematical crown, but...

It is precisely because of this that the media is excited.

"I wipe it, why are you sweating so much?"

Renren Daily was not left behind. Although it did not focus on Lu Zhou personally, it published an editorial with a similar title, encouraging researchers to bravely climb Mount Everest and forge ahead on the road of science.

Soon, this sensational atmosphere spread from the mathematics world to the journalism world.


Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

Both the person who proposed this conjecture and the person who proved it will be recorded in the history of mathematics!

He is only twenty years old!

Lu Zhou groaned twice. He opened his eyes with difficulty and slowly moved his arms. He felt that all the muscles in his body were sore. It was as if he had been running for several hours and then kept doing it in the same place. It's like doing a hundred push-ups.

[I shed tears after talking too much. I walked away, stopped brushing my scarf, and went back to revise my doctoral thesis. (crying)]

[Strong young people make the country strong! Salute to the great scientific researchers! (fist) (fist)]

The sheets and towels looked as if they had been soaked in swill. He was so disgusted that he jumped up from the bed.

After all, the 20,000 math experience is really too tempting, and there is also a lottery with a 100% draw rate. Although world-class mathematics awards cannot be obtained by proving a conjecture, considering the academic value and political significance of the paper I just published, maybe the country will reward me with a medal

There are still twenty years to strive for before the Fields Medal deadline at the age of forty!

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

It was worthy of being a black technology sample provided by the system. Although he did not feel that his strength or reflexes had been significantly enhanced, he could clearly feel that his physical condition had improved a lot.

This possibility still exists.

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

At this moment, Lu Zhou still knew nothing about what happened to the scarf.

He could first ask Professor Tang or Director Lu about the conditions for winning national mathematics awards, as well as the review and approval time, and then consider which one would be better.

"American mathematicians were silent for a while, and Japanese mathematicians sighed..."

This alone is enough.

"Shock! An undergraduate from Jinling University solved a world-class number theory problem in one night! 》

After moving his limbs, the bones all over his body crackled. Lu Zhou felt that the pain in his muscles had eased a lot, and was replaced by unprecedented comfort, as if he had eaten Xuanmai.

"China Youth Daily" used a domineering and magnificent headline and excerpted Professor Deligne's evaluation of the paper from "Chronicles of Mathematics" to report this sensational news in the country - "Answering Qian Xuesen's question, Jinling University undergraduates conquered World math puzzle! We can also produce outstanding talents! 》

"American mathematicians were silent for a while, and Japanese mathematicians sighed..."

"China Youth Daily" used a domineering and magnificent headline and excerpted Professor Deligne's evaluation of the paper from "Chronicles of Mathematics" to report this sensational news in the country - "Answering Qian Xuesen's question, Jinling University undergraduates conquered World math puzzle! We can also produce outstanding talents! 》

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

At the end of the paper, there is a line of reviewers' comments on the paper.

This alone is enough.

"China Youth Daily" used a domineering and magnificent headline and excerpted Professor Deligne's evaluation of the paper from "Chronicles of Mathematics" to report this sensational news in the country - "Answering Qian Xuesen's question, Jinling University undergraduates conquered World math puzzle! We can also produce outstanding talents! 》

The Chinese Mathematical Society was shocked!

Renren Daily was not left behind. Although it did not focus on Lu Zhou personally, it published an editorial with a similar title, encouraging researchers to bravely climb Mount Everest and forge ahead on the road of science.

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

It was just short of blowing Lu Zhou into being the reincarnation of Mr. Chen.


[Li, that's amazing... He solved the world's problems just after he was a sophomore in college. Then when he gets a doctorate, he won't be able to go to heaven? ! (horrified) (horrified)]

However, he actually used the word "Groundbreaking" to describe this paper.

Compared with the reserve of traditional media, self-media don’t have so much integrity. The titles are naturally as gimmicky as they come, and they are as exaggerated as they want.

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

[Strong young people make the country strong! Salute to the great scientific researchers! (fist) (fist)]

Although the proof of Zhou's conjecture alone is far from enough, at least a difficult problem of the level of Jacobi's conjecture can be worthy of this mathematical crown, but...

"Shock! An undergraduate from Jinling University solved a world-class number theory problem in one night! 》

"I wipe it, why are you sweating so much?"

I carried the towel, blanket and sheets to the balcony, and threw them into the washing basin, ready to stuff them into the washing machine with the clothes later. Then, he took a shower in the bathroom, washed off the sweat on his body, and walked out of the bathroom humming a tune.

Sitting up from the bed, Lu Zhou threw the towel, blanket and sheets onto the stool under the bed, and climbed down the ladder with agility.

However, he actually used the word "Groundbreaking" to describe this paper.

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

"Mathematicians all over the world are silent. A problem that has troubled the world for twenty years was actually solved by an undergraduate!" ! ! 》

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

However, looking back at Zhou's guess, although there are thousands of conjectures of the same level of difficulty, the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has more practical significance. Countless mathematicians have tried to express the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers in mathematical language, but without exception these expressions are all conjectures, and none of them can be promoted to theorems.

"American mathematicians were silent for a while, and Japanese mathematicians sighed..."

[Now that I’m scolding Laogou, will anyone still like it?]

After all, the 20,000 math experience is really too tempting, and there is also a lottery with a 100% draw rate. Although world-class mathematics awards cannot be obtained by proving a conjecture, considering the academic value and political significance of the paper I just published, maybe the country will reward me with a medal

[It turned out to be Jin Da! My senior! ! ! I still remember he won the digital modeling championship! ! !]

The sheets and towels looked as if they had been soaked in swill. He was so disgusted that he jumped up from the bed.

However, he actually used the word "Groundbreaking" to describe this paper.

However, what he didn't know was that just when he fell asleep, his name had already been printed on the newspaper. Countless media and self-media editors were thinking about how to write the headline article in the next issue, facing the fundamentals. I racked my brains over the mathematics paper I couldn't understand, and frantically plucked the few tufts of hair on my head that hadn't fallen out yet...

It was just short of blowing Lu Zhou into being the reincarnation of Mr. Chen.

This means that from now on this conjecture will become Zhou's theorem.

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

[My male god is a mathematician series.]

The intense media coverage inevitably led to Lu Zhou being on the hot search for the third time this year.

"Shock! An undergraduate from Jinling University solved a world-class number theory problem in one night! 》

Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

At the end of the paper, there is a line of reviewers' comments on the paper.

"American mathematicians were silent for a while, and Japanese mathematicians sighed..."

And this time it turned out to be the number one most searched item!

Although the proof of Zhou's conjecture alone is far from enough, at least a difficult problem of the level of Jacobi's conjecture can be worthy of this mathematical crown, but...

I carried the towel, blanket and sheets to the balcony, and threw them into the washing basin, ready to stuff them into the washing machine with the clothes later. Then, he took a shower in the bathroom, washed off the sweat on his body, and walked out of the bathroom humming a tune.

The comment section of Renren Daily's official WeChat account exploded with discussions among netizens.


[My male god is a mathematician series.]

The so-called Pantasi conjecture is just a conjecture in the field of reverse mathematics about the strength of the proof of Ramsey's two-coloring theorem, that is, it is guessed that RT squared 2 may be stronger than WKL0. Liu gave a negative answer to this conjecture by proving that RT squared 2 does not contain WKL0.

And this time it turned out to be the number one most searched item!

"China Youth Daily" used a domineering and magnificent headline and excerpted Professor Deligne's evaluation of the paper from "Chronicles of Mathematics" to report this sensational news in the country - "Answering Qian Xuesen's question, Jinling University undergraduates conquered World math puzzle! We can also produce outstanding talents! 》

[Li, that's amazing... He solved the world's problems just after he was a sophomore in college. Then when he gets a doctorate, he won't be able to go to heaven? ! (horrified) (horrified)]

I carried the towel, blanket and sheets to the balcony, and threw them into the washing basin, ready to stuff them into the washing machine with the clothes later. Then, he took a shower in the bathroom, washed off the sweat on his body, and walked out of the bathroom humming a tune.

Compared with the reserve of traditional media, self-media don’t have so much integrity. The titles are naturally as gimmicky as they come, and they are as exaggerated as they want.

This possibility still exists.

[I shed tears after talking too much. I walked away, stopped brushing my scarf, and went back to revise my doctoral thesis. (crying)]

Throwing away the sticky towel blanket, Lu Zhou was shocked.

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

"Damn it, you two are sick."

[When I was twenty years old, I was still worried about not being able to pass high school mathematics. Others had already begun to challenge the world’s most difficult mathematics problems, and I burst into tears...]

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

He could first ask Professor Tang or Director Lu about the conditions for winning national mathematics awards, as well as the review and approval time, and then consider which one would be better.

[It turned out to be Jin Da! My senior! ! ! I still remember he won the digital modeling championship! ! !]

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

A week before Lu Zhou saw the paper published, countless scholars who focused on number theory research had repeatedly verified this proof process.

Sitting up from the bed, Lu Zhou threw the towel, blanket and sheets onto the stool under the bed, and climbed down the ladder with agility.

[My male god is a mathematician series.]

[My male god is a mathematician series.]

[It turned out to be Jin Da! My senior! ! ! I still remember he won the digital modeling championship! ! !]

"Mathematicians all over the world are silent. A problem that has troubled the world for twenty years was actually solved by an undergraduate!" ! ! 》

It is precisely because of this that the media is excited.

Throwing away the sticky towel blanket, Lu Zhou was shocked.

Now, this theorem is born.

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

[Now that I’m scolding Laogou, will anyone still like it?]

And this time it turned out to be the number one most searched item!

[Now that I’m scolding Laogou, will anyone still like it?]

Professor Pierre Deligne is famous for his sharp tongue. Whether at academic conferences or in open classes at Princeton, if anyone makes the slightest mistake, he will point it out on the spot without caring about the other person's face. It has embarrassed many professors and scholars who are also well-known in the industry.

Throwing away the sticky towel blanket, Lu Zhou was shocked.

Zhou's conjecture that has troubled the number theory community for more than 20 years has been proven.

"Chronicles of Mathematics" latest edition, page 30 - [Discussion on the distribution rules of Mersenne prime numbers and proof of Zhou's conjecture]

However, looking back at Zhou's guess, although there are thousands of conjectures of the same level of difficulty, the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers has more practical significance. Countless mathematicians have tried to express the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers in mathematical language, but without exception these expressions are all conjectures, and none of them can be promoted to theorems.

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

[Are you happy to be like this? (dog head)]

After moving his limbs, the bones all over his body crackled. Lu Zhou felt that the pain in his muscles had eased a lot, and was replaced by unprecedented comfort, as if he had eaten Xuanmai.

[I shed tears after talking too much. I walked away, stopped brushing my scarf, and went back to revise my doctoral thesis. (crying)]

There are still twenty years to strive for before the Fields Medal deadline at the age of forty!

The Chinese Mathematical Society was shocked!

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

[In society, I, Brother Lu, am ruthless and don’t talk much.]

He is only twenty years old!

At least, the fatigue and damage accumulated due to staying up late and sitting for a long time were all cured by the injection last night, directly changing from sub-health to quasi-health.

Well, the civil scientists are not shocked. They are still working on the final "1+1" difficulty of Goldbach's conjecture and how to overturn the proven Fermat's last theorem. As for the conjecture of Chinese naming, most of them disdain to mention it unless someone wins an international award based on it.

[In society, I, Brother Lu, am ruthless and don’t talk much.]

He could first ask Professor Tang or Director Lu about the conditions for winning national mathematics awards, as well as the review and approval time, and then consider which one would be better.

This alone is enough.

Less than a week after the latest issue of the Journal of Mathematics came out, this paper caused quite a stir in the international mathematics community. Whether it is the proof process itself, Professor Deligne's evaluation of this paper, or the age of the author of the paper...

In the end, Lu Zhou chose no mission.

[Strong young people make the country strong! Salute to the great scientific researchers! (fist) (fist)]

[Strong young people make the country strong! Salute to the great scientific researchers! (fist) (fist)]

And this time it turned out to be the number one most searched item!

He could first ask Professor Tang or Director Lu about the conditions for winning national mathematics awards, as well as the review and approval time, and then consider which one would be better.

[Now that I’m scolding Laogou, will anyone still like it?]

Shi Shang ignored him and shouted to the balcony: "Brother Lu, there are many reporters downstairs in our dormitory! Have you done something again?"

He is only twenty years old!

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]



At the end of the paper, there is a line of reviewers' comments on the paper.

And this time it turned out to be the number one most searched item!

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

This possibility still exists.

I carried the towel, blanket and sheets to the balcony, and threw them into the washing basin, ready to stuff them into the washing machine with the clothes later. Then, he took a shower in the bathroom, washed off the sweat on his body, and walked out of the bathroom humming a tune.

At this moment, Lu Zhou still knew nothing about what happened to the scarf.

"Damn it, you two are sick."

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

I carried the towel, blanket and sheets to the balcony, and threw them into the washing basin, ready to stuff them into the washing machine with the clothes later. Then, he took a shower in the bathroom, washed off the sweat on his body, and walked out of the bathroom humming a tune.

Completely correct!

Because of this sleep, he actually slept until three in the afternoon!

Renren Daily was not left behind. Although it did not focus on Lu Zhou personally, it published an editorial with a similar title, encouraging researchers to bravely climb Mount Everest and forge ahead on the road of science.

The most exciting thing for the media was that the person who proved this conjecture turned out to be an undergraduate who was still in his sophomore year!

It was just short of blowing Lu Zhou into being the reincarnation of Mr. Chen.

Completely correct!

At this moment, Lu Zhou still knew nothing about what happened to the scarf.

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

Lu Zhou groaned twice. He opened his eyes with difficulty and slowly moved his arms. He felt that all the muscles in his body were sore. It was as if he had been running for several hours and then kept doing it in the same place. It's like doing a hundred push-ups.


The comment section of Renren Daily's official WeChat account exploded with discussions among netizens.

Professors from the School of Mathematics at Jinling University were shocked!

There are still twenty years to strive for before the Fields Medal deadline at the age of forty!

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

The Chinese Mathematical Society was shocked!

At least, the fatigue and damage accumulated due to staying up late and sitting for a long time were all cured by the injection last night, directly changing from sub-health to quasi-health.

Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

"Damn it, you two are sick."

[It turned out to be Jin Da! My senior! ! ! I still remember he won the digital modeling championship! ! !]

The intense media coverage inevitably led to Lu Zhou being on the hot search for the third time this year.

Both the person who proposed this conjecture and the person who proved it will be recorded in the history of mathematics!

"Damn it, you two are sick."

Throwing away the sticky towel blanket, Lu Zhou was shocked.

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

After thinking about this, Lu Zhou exited the system space, took out the E-level physical enhancement needle and gave it to himself, then turned over and fell asleep.

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

"I wipe it, why are you sweating so much?"

Lu Zhou groaned twice. He opened his eyes with difficulty and slowly moved his arms. He felt that all the muscles in his body were sore. It was as if he had been running for several hours and then kept doing it in the same place. It's like doing a hundred push-ups.

It is definitely difficult to solve this conjecture, but there are thousands of conjectures that are equally difficult...

He is only twenty years old!

At this moment, Lu Zhou still knew nothing about what happened to the scarf.

The sheets and towels looked as if they had been soaked in swill. He was so disgusted that he jumped up from the bed.

At least, the domestic media is completely excited!

This possibility still exists.

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

After moving his limbs, the bones all over his body crackled. Lu Zhou felt that the pain in his muscles had eased a lot, and was replaced by unprecedented comfort, as if he had eaten Xuanmai.

Because of this sleep, he actually slept until three in the afternoon!

[Strong young people make the country strong! Salute to the great scientific researchers! (fist) (fist)]

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

"China Youth Daily" used a domineering and magnificent headline and excerpted Professor Deligne's evaluation of the paper from "Chronicles of Mathematics" to report this sensational news in the country - "Answering Qian Xuesen's question, Jinling University undergraduates conquered World math puzzle! We can also produce outstanding talents! 》


Among the many paper evaluations he made, this was almost quite rare!

Sitting up from the bed, Lu Zhou threw the towel, blanket and sheets onto the stool under the bed, and climbed down the ladder with agility.

"Chronicles of Mathematics" latest edition, page 30 - [Discussion on the distribution rules of Mersenne prime numbers and proof of Zhou's conjecture]

It is precisely because of this that the media is excited.

"Damn it, you two are sick."

After all, the 20,000 math experience is really too tempting, and there is also a lottery with a 100% draw rate. Although world-class mathematics awards cannot be obtained by proving a conjecture, considering the academic value and political significance of the paper I just published, maybe the country will reward me with a medal

Standing in front of the mirror and taking a look, Lu Zhou touched his chin and found that apart from being as handsome as ever, nothing seemed to have changed.


Standing in front of the mirror and taking a look, Lu Zhou touched his chin and found that apart from being as handsome as ever, nothing seemed to have changed.

At least, the domestic media is completely excited!

"China Youth Daily" used a domineering and magnificent headline and excerpted Professor Deligne's evaluation of the paper from "Chronicles of Mathematics" to report this sensational news in the country - "Answering Qian Xuesen's question, Jinling University undergraduates conquered World math puzzle! We can also produce outstanding talents! 》

I carried the towel, blanket and sheets to the balcony, and threw them into the washing basin, ready to stuff them into the washing machine with the clothes later. Then, he took a shower in the bathroom, washed off the sweat on his body, and walked out of the bathroom humming a tune.

In the end, Lu Zhou chose no mission.

Both the person who proposed this conjecture and the person who proved it will be recorded in the history of mathematics!

Professors from the School of Mathematics at Jinling University were shocked!

"Damn it, you two are sick."


"Shock! An undergraduate from Jinling University solved a world-class number theory problem in one night! 》

A gust of cool wind blew by, as if all the pores in his body were relaxing, and Lu Zhou couldn't help but stretch out comfortably.

Renren Daily was not left behind. Although it did not focus on Lu Zhou personally, it published an editorial with a similar title, encouraging researchers to bravely climb Mount Everest and forge ahead on the road of science.

[Strong young people make the country strong! Salute to the great scientific researchers! (fist) (fist)]

Task 2 and Task 3 are both within the candidate range. Task 3 has a higher priority than Task 2 and can be considered if the time and cost are less than double.

At least, the domestic media is completely excited!

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

[Li, that's amazing... He solved the world's problems just after he was a sophomore in college. Then when he gets a doctorate, he won't be able to go to heaven? ! (horrified) (horrified)]

Lu Zhou groaned twice. He opened his eyes with difficulty and slowly moved his arms. He felt that all the muscles in his body were sore. It was as if he had been running for several hours and then kept doing it in the same place. It's like doing a hundred push-ups.

Because of this sleep, he actually slept until three in the afternoon!

It was worthy of being a black technology sample provided by the system. Although he did not feel that his strength or reflexes had been significantly enhanced, he could clearly feel that his physical condition had improved a lot.

[Please do not consume past bloggers. (dog head)]

[Now that I’m scolding Laogou, will anyone still like it?]

Not only that, the towel blanket covering the body and the sheets underneath were all wet with sweat, sticky on the body, and had a faint sour smell.

After all, the 20,000 math experience is really too tempting, and there is also a lottery with a 100% draw rate. Although world-class mathematics awards cannot be obtained by proving a conjecture, considering the academic value and political significance of the paper I just published, maybe the country will reward me with a medal

"Shock! An undergraduate from Jinling University solved a world-class number theory problem in one night! 》

[Now that I’m scolding Laogou, will anyone still like it?]

At least, the fatigue and damage accumulated due to staying up late and sitting for a long time were all cured by the injection last night, directly changing from sub-health to quasi-health.

At this moment, Lu Zhou still knew nothing about what happened to the scarf.

Because of this sleep, he actually slept until three in the afternoon!

"Damn it, you two are sick."

Because of this sleep, he actually slept until three in the afternoon!

Immediately afterwards…

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shi Shang and Liu Rui rushed in, startling Huang Guangming who was taking a nap in bed.

Soon, this sensational atmosphere spread from the mathematics world to the journalism world.

Soon, this sensational atmosphere spread from the mathematics world to the journalism world.

The most exciting thing for the media was that the person who proved this conjecture turned out to be an undergraduate who was still in his sophomore year!

"Damn it, you two are sick."

In the end, Lu Zhou chose no mission.

Anyway, both tasks are not the kind that can be completed in a few days, and they will not run away if they are left there. If you meet the conditions, you can apply at any time.

Task 2 and Task 3 are both within the candidate range. Task 3 has a higher priority than Task 2 and can be considered if the time and cost are less than double.

At least, the fatigue and damage accumulated due to staying up late and sitting for a long time were all cured by the injection last night, directly changing from sub-health to quasi-health.

There are still twenty years to strive for before the Fields Medal deadline at the age of forty!

"Mathematicians all over the world are silent. A problem that has troubled the world for twenty years was actually solved by an undergraduate!" ! ! 》

Shi Shang ignored him and shouted to the balcony: "Brother Lu, there are many reporters downstairs in our dormitory! Have you done something again?"

"I wipe it, why are you sweating so much?"

"American mathematicians were silent for a while, and Japanese mathematicians sighed..."

A rising star in the field of mathematics is rising, and domestic media have regarded him as a person who is expected to challenge the Fields Medal in Mathematics.

Soon, this sensational atmosphere spread from the mathematics world to the journalism world.