Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 9: I'm afraid I went to a fake university


The Q&A room was packed.

Let no one live anymore!

And this is the most valuable thing.

Is it because the knowledge of system points redemption covers this part of the knowledge points? Or is it because my mathematical experience value has increased and my feeling about mathematics has improved

What is this written about

The conscience of heaven and earth, I really understand!

The juniors and seniors who are aspiring to take the postgraduate entrance examination are burying their heads and concentrating on their review.

And this is the most valuable thing.

What is this written about

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, the entire blackboard was filled with writing.


Is it because the knowledge of system points redemption covers this part of the knowledge points? Or is it because my mathematical experience value has increased and my feeling about mathematics has improved

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

All doubts are like snow on the eaves in spring, melting away when the sun shines.

Next to the lecture table, Tang Zhiwei, a professor from the Department of Mathematics at JJTU, was sitting. At this moment, he had put down the newspaper in his hand and was staring at the topic on the draft paper meticulously. The fingers of his right hand were flipping the cap of the pen back and forth.

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

What is this written about

Big, freshman? !

You know shit!

Lu Zhou, who was standing nearby, knew very well that this small movement meant that he was deep in thought.

He didn't know why, but when Professor Tang was doing calculations on the blackboard, the formulas seemed so familiar to him. He always felt that he had seen them somewhere, but he couldn't tell where.

Tang Zhiwei said nothing. He picked up the blackboard eraser and erased the things on the blackboard. He picked up the chalk and continued writing on the blackboard. His evaluation of Lu Zhou dropped by half a point.

At the end of the writing, there were still a few lines of steps left to write. Professor Tang Zhiwei suddenly stopped, looked back at Lu Zhou, and suddenly said with a smile: "I've reached this point, you should understand, right?"

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

And this guy didn't even take notes when listening to the lecture!

"Fourier coefficients were mentioned in the reference book, so I went to the library to check the relevant information and found that it mentioned several variations of Fourier's inversion theorem, as well as several variations. "Apply, I tried to deduce it, but found that I couldn't solve it at this point." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, with an expression that said I'm sorry for bothering you.

Professor Tang's eyebrows twitched, and he thought to himself that this guy couldn't really write out the remaining steps, could he

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"

"...Where did you get the question?" After staring at the calculations on the draft paper and thinking for a long time, Tang Zhiwei suddenly asked.

Let no one live anymore!

When I was writing, I stood there like a fool and didn't even take notes. If you can understand this, I'll eat this cup!

You know shit!

When this old gentleman is angry, he always smiles. For example, when he was writing on the blackboard just now, when he mistakenly thought that he was pretending to be knowledgeable, he must have been very angry.

Attracted by the swishing sound of chalk on the podium, the juniors and seniors sitting below who were reviewing advanced mathematics raised their heads from time to time, looking at the calculations written on the blackboard with blank faces, and then quickly turned their heads Buried.

"Fourier coefficients were mentioned in the reference book, so I went to the library to check the relevant information and found that it mentioned several variations of Fourier's inversion theorem, as well as several variations. "Apply, I tried to deduce it, but found that I couldn't solve it at this point." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, with an expression that said I'm sorry for bothering you.

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner of the first row reviewing advanced mathematics, had been secretly looking at the two people on the podium. Listening to the exchange of "Do you understand?" .

Tang Zhiwei glanced at Lu Zhou and then continued to turn his eyes to the draft paper. This time he put down the pen cap and picked up the chalk. He walked to the blackboard and paused, then reached out and started drafting on the blackboard.

Lu Zhou chuckled, turned around and walked out the door with his scratch paper and pen, and closed the door to the question and answer room.

"Fourier coefficients were mentioned in the reference book, so I went to the library to check the relevant information and found that it mentioned several variations of Fourier's inversion theorem, as well as several variations. "Apply, I tried to deduce it, but found that I couldn't solve it at this point." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, with an expression that said I'm sorry for bothering you.

The undergraduates in the audience looked confused. They looked at the dazzling calculations on the blackboard and then looked at their exercise books, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

And this guy didn't even take notes when listening to the lecture!

"Teacher, you praise me. I still have a lot to learn. If I really want to do research with you, I will definitely hold you back." Lu Zhou knew Professor Tang was joking, so he said humbly.

What is this written about

Lu Zhou stared at the blackboard intently. Perhaps because he had done homework in this area beforehand, he found that he could unexpectedly keep up with the teacher's pace.

When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

All doubts are like snow on the eaves in spring, melting away when the sun shines.

"Thank you, Professor! Your heartfelt words will be remembered by the students." Lu Zhou said sincerely.

Attracted by the swishing sound of chalk on the podium, the juniors and seniors sitting below who were reviewing advanced mathematics raised their heads from time to time, looking at the calculations written on the blackboard with blank faces, and then quickly turned their heads Buried.

"Grade 1, Lu Zhou." Lu Zhou answered truthfully.

Even though he has completed most of the proof process, the calculation of the remaining lines of calculations is definitely not something that a freshman undergraduate can complete! Even the graduate students he led had to think over his proof process several times from beginning to end before they could figure it out!

Lu Zhou didn't know the specific reason, but now was obviously not the time to think about it. Professor Tang was still there leisurely waiting for him to perform. In order to publish the paper smoothly next semester, he couldn't make mistakes at this juncture.

Tang Zhiwei snorted and criticized: "Hmph, stop talking to me with such polite words. People who are scholars should study hard and don't always keep those kind words in your stomach."


After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.


Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

Looking at Professor Tang Zhiwei's expression, Lu Zhou understood in an instant that the professor suspected that he hadn't listened at all and was testing himself!

In short, he did understand.

"Grade 1, Lu Zhou." Lu Zhou answered truthfully.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, the entire blackboard was filled with writing.

What is this written about

When this old gentleman is angry, he always smiles. For example, when he was writing on the blackboard just now, when he mistakenly thought that he was pretending to be knowledgeable, he must have been very angry.

The undergraduates in the audience looked confused. They looked at the dazzling calculations on the blackboard and then looked at their exercise books, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

Are all freshmen today so talented

Lu Zhou stared at the blackboard intently. Perhaps because he had done homework in this area beforehand, he found that he could unexpectedly keep up with the teacher's pace.

What exactly are they communicating about

Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, the entire blackboard was filled with writing.

Is it because the knowledge of system points redemption covers this part of the knowledge points? Or is it because my mathematical experience value has increased and my feeling about mathematics has improved

Especially the latter, it's a pure waste of his time!

After writing from the upper left corner of the blackboard to the lower right corner of the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei stopped writing, turned back, looked at Lu Zhou and asked, "Do you understand this part?"

Is it because the knowledge of system points redemption covers this part of the knowledge points? Or is it because my mathematical experience value has increased and my feeling about mathematics has improved

Looking back at the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei smacked his lips, sighed, and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

There are two types of students he hates the most in his life: those who give him gifts and ask him to change their grades, and those who pretend to ask for advice in front of him with questions that are beyond the syllabus.

When I was writing, I stood there like a fool and didn't even take notes. If you can understand this, I'll eat this cup!

What is this written about

After writing from the upper left corner of the blackboard to the lower right corner of the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei stopped writing, turned back, looked at Lu Zhou and asked, "Do you understand this part?"

"Grade 1, Lu Zhou." Lu Zhou answered truthfully.

Our Jinda University is standing on this dragon vein. It is true that there are a lot of talents!

Lu Zhou, who stared at the blackboard seriously, nodded: "I understand."

What is this written about

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

What do you understand or not

Tang Zhiwei glanced at Lu Zhou and then continued to turn his eyes to the draft paper. This time he put down the pen cap and picked up the chalk. He walked to the blackboard and paused, then reached out and started drafting on the blackboard.

Speaking of this, Professor Tang smiled and said: "Study more, read more, practice more, and study more. I'll stop talking nonsense here. You go down and think about it yourself, and I won't waste your time anymore."

It seems that I wrongly blamed him...

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"


Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

Tang Zhiwei said nothing. He picked up the blackboard eraser and erased the things on the blackboard. He picked up the chalk and continued writing on the blackboard. His evaluation of Lu Zhou dropped by half a point.

It seems that I wrongly blamed him...

Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

And this is the most valuable thing.


When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

Tang Zhiwei said nothing. He picked up the blackboard eraser and erased the things on the blackboard. He picked up the chalk and continued writing on the blackboard. His evaluation of Lu Zhou dropped by half a point.

He wasn't lying about this. In the calculation steps given by the system, there were many places similar to "a=b", but he didn't clearly tell him why an equal sign could be drawn between the two.

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

There are two types of students he hates the most in his life: those who give him gifts and ask him to change their grades, and those who pretend to ask for advice in front of him with questions that are beyond the syllabus.

"Fourier coefficients were mentioned in the reference book, so I went to the library to check the relevant information and found that it mentioned several variations of Fourier's inversion theorem, as well as several variations. "Apply, I tried to deduce it, but found that I couldn't solve it at this point." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, with an expression that said I'm sorry for bothering you.

Realizing that she couldn't understand their conversation at all, Chen Yushan despaired of her mathematics.

Especially the latter, it's a pure waste of his time!

Big, freshman? !

"Fourier coefficients were mentioned in the reference book, so I went to the library to check the relevant information and found that it mentioned several variations of Fourier's inversion theorem, as well as several variations. "Apply, I tried to deduce it, but found that I couldn't solve it at this point." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, with an expression that said I'm sorry for bothering you.

It seems that I wrongly blamed him...

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

Looking at Professor Tang Zhiwei's expression, Lu Zhou understood in an instant that the professor suspected that he hadn't listened at all and was testing himself!

And this is the most valuable thing.

Even though he is not interested in mathematics, he still pretends that he is very researched. It is disgusting to watch! This kind of person only wants to get along with the teacher all day long, and has no idea what he is studying for

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"

At the end of the writing, there were still a few lines of steps left to write. Professor Tang Zhiwei suddenly stopped, looked back at Lu Zhou, and suddenly said with a smile: "I've reached this point, you should understand, right?"

Jinling is indeed the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, full of outstanding people.

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

The conscience of heaven and earth, I really understand!

What exactly are they communicating about

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

Big, freshman? !

Lu Zhou nodded: "I understand...Thank you, teacher!"

Jinling is indeed the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, full of outstanding people.

I'm afraid I went to a fake university...

Let no one live anymore!

Lu Zhou nodded: "I understand...Thank you, teacher!"

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

Tang Zhiwei snorted and criticized: "Hmph, stop talking to me with such polite words. People who are scholars should study hard and don't always keep those kind words in your stomach."

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner of the first row reviewing advanced mathematics, had been secretly looking at the two people on the podium. Listening to the exchange of "Do you understand?" .

Especially the latter, it's a pure waste of his time!

"Grade 1, Lu Zhou." Lu Zhou answered truthfully.

Looking back at the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei smacked his lips, sighed, and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner of the first row reviewing advanced mathematics, had been secretly looking at the two people on the podium. Listening to the exchange of "Do you understand?" .

Lu Zhou, who stared at the blackboard seriously, nodded: "I understand."

Lu Zhou stared at the blackboard intently. Perhaps because he had done homework in this area beforehand, he found that he could unexpectedly keep up with the teacher's pace.

What do you understand or not

"Teacher, you praise me. I still have a lot to learn. If I really want to do research with you, I will definitely hold you back." Lu Zhou knew Professor Tang was joking, so he said humbly.

Lu Zhou chuckled, turned around and walked out the door with his scratch paper and pen, and closed the door to the question and answer room.

"No, teacher, someone will die!" Lu Zhou couldn't laugh or cry.

"Are you going to take the high school entrance examination? How is your review going?"

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

Let no one live anymore!

What exactly are they communicating about

And this is the most valuable thing.

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

Tang Zhiwei snorted and criticized: "Hmph, stop talking to me with such polite words. People who are scholars should study hard and don't always keep those kind words in your stomach."

When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

What is this written about

Realizing that she couldn't understand their conversation at all, Chen Yushan despaired of her mathematics.

The Q&A room was packed.

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

"Thank you, Professor! Your heartfelt words will be remembered by the students." Lu Zhou said sincerely.

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

Could it be that... I am actually a scumbag

After writing from the upper left corner of the blackboard to the lower right corner of the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei stopped writing, turned back, looked at Lu Zhou and asked, "Do you understand this part?"

Hearing Lu Zhou's answer, Tang Zhiwei smiled, put the chalk gently on the lecture table, returned to the chair and sat down, picked up the thermos flask and took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Do you really understand? Then you Come and finish writing the remaining steps for me."

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

"Humph, you can kill someone by just doing a question? I don't believe it anymore." Tang Zhiwei looked Lu Zhou up and down and nodded approvingly, "Not bad, very good. I rarely praise a student like this. If I hadn't looked at you. Freshman year, I really want to say hello to the people in the Academic Affairs Office and transfer you to my office to do research."

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

Hearing Lu Zhou's answer, Tang Zhiwei smiled, put the chalk gently on the lecture table, returned to the chair and sat down, picked up the thermos flask and took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Do you really understand? Then you Come and finish writing the remaining steps for me."

Are all freshmen today so talented

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

Lu Zhou, who stared at the blackboard seriously, nodded: "I understand."

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

Looking at Professor Tang Zhiwei's expression, Lu Zhou understood in an instant that the professor suspected that he hadn't listened at all and was testing himself!

The undergraduates in the audience looked confused. They looked at the dazzling calculations on the blackboard and then looked at their exercise books, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

You know shit!

Jinling is indeed the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, full of outstanding people.

"I'm almost done reviewing, so I just want to read some extracurricular books." Lu Zhou smiled shyly.

When I was writing, I stood there like a fool and didn't even take notes. If you can understand this, I'll eat this cup!

Lu Zhou chuckled, turned around and walked out the door with his scratch paper and pen, and closed the door to the question and answer room.

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

The juniors and seniors who are aspiring to take the postgraduate entrance examination are burying their heads and concentrating on their review.

Looking at Professor Tang Zhiwei's expression, Lu Zhou understood in an instant that the professor suspected that he hadn't listened at all and was testing himself!

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

Absolutely impossible!

All doubts are like snow on the eaves in spring, melting away when the sun shines.

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

Looking back at the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei smacked his lips, sighed, and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

The solution to the last few steps is slightly different from his idea and a little more complicated, but it is still a novel idea. This shows that he not only listened to what he said, but also incorporated his own thinking into it.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

It turns out that this senior’s name is Lu Zhou…

"Thank you, Professor! Your heartfelt words will be remembered by the students." Lu Zhou said sincerely.

Could it be that... I am actually a scumbag

When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

The conscience of heaven and earth, I really understand!

Lu Zhou, who stared at the blackboard seriously, nodded: "I understand."

Big, freshman? !

Lu Zhou, who was standing nearby, knew very well that this small movement meant that he was deep in thought.

He didn't know why, but when Professor Tang was doing calculations on the blackboard, the formulas seemed so familiar to him. He always felt that he had seen them somewhere, but he couldn't tell where.

Even though he has completed most of the proof process, the calculation of the remaining lines of calculations is definitely not something that a freshman undergraduate can complete! Even the graduate students he led had to think over his proof process several times from beginning to end before they could figure it out!

What is this written about

What he asked Professor Tang for advice was the specific proof of this part.

Lu Zhou stared at the blackboard intently. Perhaps because he had done homework in this area beforehand, he found that he could unexpectedly keep up with the teacher's pace.

Is it because the knowledge of system points redemption covers this part of the knowledge points? Or is it because my mathematical experience value has increased and my feeling about mathematics has improved

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

Professor Tang's eyebrows twitched, and he thought to himself that this guy couldn't really write out the remaining steps, could he

He wasn't lying about this. In the calculation steps given by the system, there were many places similar to "a=b", but he didn't clearly tell him why an equal sign could be drawn between the two.

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

"The teacher is right, I understand."

You know shit!

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

Tang Zhiwei said nothing. He picked up the blackboard eraser and erased the things on the blackboard. He picked up the chalk and continued writing on the blackboard. His evaluation of Lu Zhou dropped by half a point.

In short, he did understand.

The conscience of heaven and earth, I really understand!

The Q&A room was packed.

What do you understand or not

Lu Zhou didn't know the specific reason, but now was obviously not the time to think about it. Professor Tang was still there leisurely waiting for him to perform. In order to publish the paper smoothly next semester, he couldn't make mistakes at this juncture.

Looking back at the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei smacked his lips, sighed, and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

Hearing Lu Zhou's answer, Tang Zhiwei smiled, put the chalk gently on the lecture table, returned to the chair and sat down, picked up the thermos flask and took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Do you really understand? Then you Come and finish writing the remaining steps for me."

Could it be that... I am actually a scumbag

It seems that I wrongly blamed him...

Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

Lu Zhou nodded: "I understand...Thank you, teacher!"

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

"I'm almost done reviewing, so I just want to read some extracurricular books." Lu Zhou smiled shyly.

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"

Big, freshman? !

Looking back at the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei smacked his lips, sighed, and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

Even though he is not interested in mathematics, he still pretends that he is very researched. It is disgusting to watch! This kind of person only wants to get along with the teacher all day long, and has no idea what he is studying for

Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

"Are you going to take the high school entrance examination? How is your review going?"

"Are you going to take the high school entrance examination? How is your review going?"

Professor Tang's eyebrows twitched, and he thought to himself that this guy couldn't really write out the remaining steps, could he

And this guy didn't even take notes when listening to the lecture!

"Teacher, you praise me. I still have a lot to learn. If I really want to do research with you, I will definitely hold you back." Lu Zhou knew Professor Tang was joking, so he said humbly.

Lu Zhou nodded: "I understand...Thank you, teacher!"

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

The juniors and seniors who are aspiring to take the postgraduate entrance examination are burying their heads and concentrating on their review.

And this is the most valuable thing.


Our Jinda University is standing on this dragon vein. It is true that there are a lot of talents!

Realizing that she couldn't understand their conversation at all, Chen Yushan despaired of her mathematics.

Absolutely impossible!

Lu Zhou stared at the blackboard intently. Perhaps because he had done homework in this area beforehand, he found that he could unexpectedly keep up with the teacher's pace.

Absolutely impossible!

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

Next to the lecture table, Tang Zhiwei, a professor from the Department of Mathematics at JJTU, was sitting. At this moment, he had put down the newspaper in his hand and was staring at the topic on the draft paper meticulously. The fingers of his right hand were flipping the cap of the pen back and forth.

"No, teacher, someone will die!" Lu Zhou couldn't laugh or cry.

The undergraduates in the audience looked confused. They looked at the dazzling calculations on the blackboard and then looked at their exercise books, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

He didn't know why, but when Professor Tang was doing calculations on the blackboard, the formulas seemed so familiar to him. He always felt that he had seen them somewhere, but he couldn't tell where.

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

Lu Zhou nodded: "I understand...Thank you, teacher!"

Even though he has completed most of the proof process, the calculation of the remaining lines of calculations is definitely not something that a freshman undergraduate can complete! Even the graduate students he led had to think over his proof process several times from beginning to end before they could figure it out!

All doubts are like snow on the eaves in spring, melting away when the sun shines.


When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

Attracted by the swishing sound of chalk on the podium, the juniors and seniors sitting below who were reviewing advanced mathematics raised their heads from time to time, looking at the calculations written on the blackboard with blank faces, and then quickly turned their heads Buried.

The Q&A room was packed.

All doubts are like snow on the eaves in spring, melting away when the sun shines.

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

And this guy didn't even take notes when listening to the lecture!

Let no one live anymore!

Lu Zhou, who stared at the blackboard seriously, nodded: "I understand."

Hearing Lu Zhou's answer, Tang Zhiwei smiled, put the chalk gently on the lecture table, returned to the chair and sat down, picked up the thermos flask and took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Do you really understand? Then you Come and finish writing the remaining steps for me."

At the end of the writing, there were still a few lines of steps left to write. Professor Tang Zhiwei suddenly stopped, looked back at Lu Zhou, and suddenly said with a smile: "I've reached this point, you should understand, right?"

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

Are all freshmen today so talented

Lu Zhou stared at the blackboard intently. Perhaps because he had done homework in this area beforehand, he found that he could unexpectedly keep up with the teacher's pace.

Could it be that... I am actually a scumbag

Are all freshmen today so talented

And this guy didn't even take notes when listening to the lecture!

"Thank you, Professor! Your heartfelt words will be remembered by the students." Lu Zhou said sincerely.

He wasn't lying about this. In the calculation steps given by the system, there were many places similar to "a=b", but he didn't clearly tell him why an equal sign could be drawn between the two.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

All doubts are like snow on the eaves in spring, melting away when the sun shines.

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Lu Zhou, who stared at the blackboard seriously, nodded: "I understand."

When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

Next to the lecture table, Tang Zhiwei, a professor from the Department of Mathematics at JJTU, was sitting. At this moment, he had put down the newspaper in his hand and was staring at the topic on the draft paper meticulously. The fingers of his right hand were flipping the cap of the pen back and forth.

"Humph, you can kill someone by just doing a question? I don't believe it anymore." Tang Zhiwei looked Lu Zhou up and down and nodded approvingly, "Not bad, very good. I rarely praise a student like this. If I hadn't looked at you. Freshman year, I really want to say hello to the people in the Academic Affairs Office and transfer you to my office to do research."

Absolutely impossible!

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner and eavesdropping, nodded suddenly. She suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately realized it.

The solution to the last few steps is slightly different from his idea and a little more complicated, but it is still a novel idea. This shows that he not only listened to what he said, but also incorporated his own thinking into it.

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

Are all freshmen today so talented

And this is the most valuable thing.

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

Let no one live anymore!

The conscience of heaven and earth, I really understand!

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

It seems that I wrongly blamed him...

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

Speaking of this, Professor Tang smiled and said: "Study more, read more, practice more, and study more. I'll stop talking nonsense here. You go down and think about it yourself, and I won't waste your time anymore."

"I'm almost done reviewing, so I just want to read some extracurricular books." Lu Zhou smiled shyly.

The Q&A room was packed.

Tang Zhiwei glanced at Lu Zhou and then continued to turn his eyes to the draft paper. This time he put down the pen cap and picked up the chalk. He walked to the blackboard and paused, then reached out and started drafting on the blackboard.

"Thanks to the teacher's guidance. If I were on my own, I definitely wouldn't have reached this point..." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly.

Could it be that... I am actually a scumbag

"Thank you, Professor! Your heartfelt words will be remembered by the students." Lu Zhou said sincerely.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, the entire blackboard was filled with writing.

And this is the most valuable thing.

"Fourier coefficients were mentioned in the reference book, so I went to the library to check the relevant information and found that it mentioned several variations of Fourier's inversion theorem, as well as several variations. "Apply, I tried to deduce it, but found that I couldn't solve it at this point." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, with an expression that said I'm sorry for bothering you.

Is it because the knowledge of system points redemption covers this part of the knowledge points? Or is it because my mathematical experience value has increased and my feeling about mathematics has improved

He wasn't lying about this. In the calculation steps given by the system, there were many places similar to "a=b", but he didn't clearly tell him why an equal sign could be drawn between the two.

Tang Zhiwei said nothing. He picked up the blackboard eraser and erased the things on the blackboard. He picked up the chalk and continued writing on the blackboard. His evaluation of Lu Zhou dropped by half a point.

He wasn't lying about this. In the calculation steps given by the system, there were many places similar to "a=b", but he didn't clearly tell him why an equal sign could be drawn between the two.

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner and eavesdropping, nodded suddenly. She suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately realized it.

Absolutely impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

What he asked Professor Tang for advice was the specific proof of this part.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, the entire blackboard was filled with writing.

When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

"Fourier coefficients were mentioned in the reference book, so I went to the library to check the relevant information and found that it mentioned several variations of Fourier's inversion theorem, as well as several variations. "Apply, I tried to deduce it, but found that I couldn't solve it at this point." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, with an expression that said I'm sorry for bothering you.

"No need to be humble with me, I can see your level," Professor Tang closed the lid of the thermos flask and continued to ask, "Which class are you in?"

Even though he is not interested in mathematics, he still pretends that he is very researched. It is disgusting to watch! This kind of person only wants to get along with the teacher all day long, and has no idea what he is studying for

Lu Zhou, who was standing nearby, knew very well that this small movement meant that he was deep in thought.

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner and eavesdropping, nodded suddenly. She suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately realized it.

"Grade 1, Lu Zhou." Lu Zhou answered truthfully.

Seeing the sincere expression on Lu Zhou's face, Tang Zhiwei nodded, softened his tone a little, and continued: "It's a good thing to be interested in mathematics. I hope you can continue it. Also, the direction you chose is good, although it doesn't matter. I'm not in any popular direction, but it's easy to get results. If you have any good ideas, go for it boldly. If you don't understand something, read more and ask more questions. This is how knowledge is gained. You may not be able to discover what others have learned. Something that cannot be discovered.”

And this is the most valuable thing.

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

The Q&A room was packed.

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

When I was writing, I stood there like a fool and didn't even take notes. If you can understand this, I'll eat this cup!

Big, freshman? !

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

It turns out that this senior’s name is Lu Zhou…

Especially the latter, it's a pure waste of his time!

Jinling is indeed the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, full of outstanding people.

Seeing the sincere expression on Lu Zhou's face, Tang Zhiwei nodded, softened his tone a little, and continued: "It's a good thing to be interested in mathematics. I hope you can continue it. Also, the direction you chose is good, although it doesn't matter. I'm not in any popular direction, but it's easy to get results. If you have any good ideas, go for it boldly. If you don't understand something, read more and ask more questions. This is how knowledge is gained. You may not be able to discover what others have learned. Something that cannot be discovered.”

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner and eavesdropping, nodded suddenly. She suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately realized it.

"Humph, you can kill someone by just doing a question? I don't believe it anymore." Tang Zhiwei looked Lu Zhou up and down and nodded approvingly, "Not bad, very good. I rarely praise a student like this. If I hadn't looked at you. Freshman year, I really want to say hello to the people in the Academic Affairs Office and transfer you to my office to do research."

"Grade 1, Lu Zhou." Lu Zhou answered truthfully.

Lu Zhou stared at the blackboard intently. Perhaps because he had done homework in this area beforehand, he found that he could unexpectedly keep up with the teacher's pace.

"No, teacher, someone will die!" Lu Zhou couldn't laugh or cry.

When this old gentleman is angry, he always smiles. For example, when he was writing on the blackboard just now, when he mistakenly thought that he was pretending to be knowledgeable, he must have been very angry.

Our Jinda University is standing on this dragon vein. It is true that there are a lot of talents!

Next to the lecture table, Tang Zhiwei, a professor from the Department of Mathematics at JJTU, was sitting. At this moment, he had put down the newspaper in his hand and was staring at the topic on the draft paper meticulously. The fingers of his right hand were flipping the cap of the pen back and forth.

Big, freshman? !

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

What is this written about

And this guy didn't even take notes when listening to the lecture!

Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

The conscience of heaven and earth, I really understand!

When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

The juniors and seniors who are aspiring to take the postgraduate entrance examination are burying their heads and concentrating on their review.

Looking back at the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei smacked his lips, sighed, and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

"Grade 1, Lu Zhou." Lu Zhou answered truthfully.

The solution to the last few steps is slightly different from his idea and a little more complicated, but it is still a novel idea. This shows that he not only listened to what he said, but also incorporated his own thinking into it.

Are all freshmen today so talented

When this old gentleman is angry, he always smiles. For example, when he was writing on the blackboard just now, when he mistakenly thought that he was pretending to be knowledgeable, he must have been very angry.

Big, freshman? !

Even though he is not interested in mathematics, he still pretends that he is very researched. It is disgusting to watch! This kind of person only wants to get along with the teacher all day long, and has no idea what he is studying for

Let no one live anymore!

Looking back at the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei smacked his lips, sighed, and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

"Lu Zhou..." Professor Tang nodded and recited the name silently several times, as if he wanted to remember the name.

Even though he has completed most of the proof process, the calculation of the remaining lines of calculations is definitely not something that a freshman undergraduate can complete! Even the graduate students he led had to think over his proof process several times from beginning to end before they could figure it out!

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

"Thanks to the teacher's guidance. If I were on my own, I definitely wouldn't have reached this point..." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly.

"Are you going to take the high school entrance examination? How is your review going?"

At the end of the writing, there were still a few lines of steps left to write. Professor Tang Zhiwei suddenly stopped, looked back at Lu Zhou, and suddenly said with a smile: "I've reached this point, you should understand, right?"

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

"I'm almost done reviewing, so I just want to read some extracurricular books." Lu Zhou smiled shyly.

Even though he has completed most of the proof process, the calculation of the remaining lines of calculations is definitely not something that a freshman undergraduate can complete! Even the graduate students he led had to think over his proof process several times from beginning to end before they could figure it out!

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

"Haha, I'm afraid I'm looking down on you a little if I ask you to take that paper." Tang Zhiwei laughed and joked, "How about I give you a separate paper to do?"

Lu Zhou didn't know the specific reason, but now was obviously not the time to think about it. Professor Tang was still there leisurely waiting for him to perform. In order to publish the paper smoothly next semester, he couldn't make mistakes at this juncture.

"I'm almost done reviewing, so I just want to read some extracurricular books." Lu Zhou smiled shyly.

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

The solution to the last few steps is slightly different from his idea and a little more complicated, but it is still a novel idea. This shows that he not only listened to what he said, but also incorporated his own thinking into it.

Next to the lecture table, Tang Zhiwei, a professor from the Department of Mathematics at JJTU, was sitting. At this moment, he had put down the newspaper in his hand and was staring at the topic on the draft paper meticulously. The fingers of his right hand were flipping the cap of the pen back and forth.

"No, teacher, someone will die!" Lu Zhou couldn't laugh or cry.

Are all freshmen today so talented

It seems that I wrongly blamed him...

"Humph, you can kill someone by just doing a question? I don't believe it anymore." Tang Zhiwei looked Lu Zhou up and down and nodded approvingly, "Not bad, very good. I rarely praise a student like this. If I hadn't looked at you. Freshman year, I really want to say hello to the people in the Academic Affairs Office and transfer you to my office to do research."

And this is the most valuable thing.

"Thanks to the teacher's guidance. If I were on my own, I definitely wouldn't have reached this point..." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly.

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou felt dumbfounded.

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

"Thanks to the teacher's guidance. If I were on my own, I definitely wouldn't have reached this point..." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly.

"Teacher, you praise me. I still have a lot to learn. If I really want to do research with you, I will definitely hold you back." Lu Zhou knew Professor Tang was joking, so he said humbly.

Chen Yushan was not the only one who was filled with shock. Several juniors and seniors in the first row of the Q&A room also looked at this junior in bewilderment, with ten thousand alpacas running through their hearts.

After writing from the upper left corner of the blackboard to the lower right corner of the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei stopped writing, turned back, looked at Lu Zhou and asked, "Do you understand this part?"

At the end of the writing, there were still a few lines of steps left to write. Professor Tang Zhiwei suddenly stopped, looked back at Lu Zhou, and suddenly said with a smile: "I've reached this point, you should understand, right?"

There are two types of students he hates the most in his life: those who give him gifts and ask him to change their grades, and those who pretend to ask for advice in front of him with questions that are beyond the syllabus.

Tang Zhiwei snorted and criticized: "Hmph, stop talking to me with such polite words. People who are scholars should study hard and don't always keep those kind words in your stomach."

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner and eavesdropping, nodded suddenly. She suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately realized it.

Lu Zhou nodded: "I understand...Thank you, teacher!"

Seeing the sincere expression on Lu Zhou's face, Tang Zhiwei nodded, softened his tone a little, and continued: "It's a good thing to be interested in mathematics. I hope you can continue it. Also, the direction you chose is good, although it doesn't matter. I'm not in any popular direction, but it's easy to get results. If you have any good ideas, go for it boldly. If you don't understand something, read more and ask more questions. This is how knowledge is gained. You may not be able to discover what others have learned. Something that cannot be discovered.”

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

The juniors and seniors who are aspiring to take the postgraduate entrance examination are burying their heads and concentrating on their review.

Lu Zhou chuckled, turned around and walked out the door with his scratch paper and pen, and closed the door to the question and answer room.

When Lu Zhou wrote the last symbol on the blackboard, Professor Tang, who stared at the blackboard intently, nodded approvingly: "Not bad... well written."

Although he was criticized inexplicably, Lu Zhou knew that Professor Tang was not really angry, but truly regarded himself as his student and was teaching him.

At the end of the writing, there were still a few lines of steps left to write. Professor Tang Zhiwei suddenly stopped, looked back at Lu Zhou, and suddenly said with a smile: "I've reached this point, you should understand, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, what did I just tell you? If you want to thank me, just say thank you. After that, get out of here. Do you want me to get up and see you off?" Tang Zhiwei scolded with a smile.

Hearing Lu Zhou's answer, Tang Zhiwei smiled, put the chalk gently on the lecture table, returned to the chair and sat down, picked up the thermos flask and took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Do you really understand? Then you Come and finish writing the remaining steps for me."

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"

The undergraduates in the audience looked confused. They looked at the dazzling calculations on the blackboard and then looked at their exercise books, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

When this old gentleman is angry, he always smiles. For example, when he was writing on the blackboard just now, when he mistakenly thought that he was pretending to be knowledgeable, he must have been very angry.

The Q&A room was packed.

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner of the first row reviewing advanced mathematics, had been secretly looking at the two people on the podium. Listening to the exchange of "Do you understand?" .

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, the entire blackboard was filled with writing.

Could it be that... I am actually a scumbag

"Thanks to the teacher's guidance. If I were on my own, I definitely wouldn't have reached this point..." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly.

"No need to be humble with me, I can see your level," Professor Tang closed the lid of the thermos flask and continued to ask, "Which class are you in?"

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

Looking at Professor Tang Zhiwei's expression, Lu Zhou understood in an instant that the professor suspected that he hadn't listened at all and was testing himself!

"The teacher is right, I understand."

Our Jinda University is standing on this dragon vein. It is true that there are a lot of talents!

The juniors and seniors who are aspiring to take the postgraduate entrance examination are burying their heads and concentrating on their review.

You know shit!

At the end of the writing, there were still a few lines of steps left to write. Professor Tang Zhiwei suddenly stopped, looked back at Lu Zhou, and suddenly said with a smile: "I've reached this point, you should understand, right?"

When I was writing, I stood there like a fool and didn't even take notes. If you can understand this, I'll eat this cup!

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

Seeing the sincere expression on Lu Zhou's face, Tang Zhiwei nodded, softened his tone a little, and continued: "It's a good thing to be interested in mathematics. I hope you can continue it. Also, the direction you chose is good, although it doesn't matter. I'm not in any popular direction, but it's easy to get results. If you have any good ideas, go for it boldly. If you don't understand something, read more and ask more questions. This is how knowledge is gained. You may not be able to discover what others have learned. Something that cannot be discovered.”

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

Lu Zhou chuckled, turned around and walked out the door with his scratch paper and pen, and closed the door to the question and answer room.

And this guy didn't even take notes when listening to the lecture!

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

After writing from the upper left corner of the blackboard to the lower right corner of the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei stopped writing, turned back, looked at Lu Zhou and asked, "Do you understand this part?"

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Although our Department of Mathematics at JNU is not very strong, the Department of Physics still has nothing to say. In the application of Fourier transform, it is widely used in spectrum analysis, data compression and orthogonal frequency. Applications in the fields of division and multiplexing are quite extensive. If you make a difference in this area, I believe that by the time you are a senior, several professors from the physics department next door will definitely be vying for you."

Is it because the knowledge of system points redemption covers this part of the knowledge points? Or is it because my mathematical experience value has increased and my feeling about mathematics has improved

Absolutely impossible!

Speaking of this, Professor Tang smiled and said: "Study more, read more, practice more, and study more. I'll stop talking nonsense here. You go down and think about it yourself, and I won't waste your time anymore."

Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

Realizing that she couldn't understand their conversation at all, Chen Yushan despaired of her mathematics.

"Thank you, Professor! Your heartfelt words will be remembered by the students." Lu Zhou said sincerely.

What exactly are they communicating about

Professor Tang's eyebrows twitched, and he thought to himself that this guy couldn't really write out the remaining steps, could he

"Haha, I'm afraid I'm looking down on you a little if I ask you to take that paper." Tang Zhiwei laughed and joked, "How about I give you a separate paper to do?"

"Don't talk nonsense, what did I just tell you? If you want to thank me, just say thank you. After that, get out of here. Do you want me to get up and see you off?" Tang Zhiwei scolded with a smile.

Are all freshmen today so talented

The undergraduates in the audience looked confused. They looked at the dazzling calculations on the blackboard and then looked at their exercise books, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Lu Zhou didn't know the specific reason, but now was obviously not the time to think about it. Professor Tang was still there leisurely waiting for him to perform. In order to publish the paper smoothly next semester, he couldn't make mistakes at this juncture.

Tang Zhiwei snorted and criticized: "Hmph, stop talking to me with such polite words. People who are scholars should study hard and don't always keep those kind words in your stomach."

Thinking that she had called him "senior" for a long time, Chen Yushan's face turned red, her whole body was like an ostrich, and her head hit the table.

He wasn't lying about this. In the calculation steps given by the system, there were many places similar to "a=b", but he didn't clearly tell him why an equal sign could be drawn between the two.

All doubts are like snow on the eaves in spring, melting away when the sun shines.

Tang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you really understand or pretend you understand?"

Lu Zhou chuckled, turned around and walked out the door with his scratch paper and pen, and closed the door to the question and answer room.

Even though he has completed most of the proof process, the calculation of the remaining lines of calculations is definitely not something that a freshman undergraduate can complete! Even the graduate students he led had to think over his proof process several times from beginning to end before they could figure it out!

Absolutely impossible!

Hearing Lu Zhou's answer, Tang Zhiwei smiled, put the chalk gently on the lecture table, returned to the chair and sat down, picked up the thermos flask and took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Do you really understand? Then you Come and finish writing the remaining steps for me."

You know shit!

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

Lu Zhou, who was standing nearby, knew very well that this small movement meant that he was deep in thought.

What exactly are they communicating about

Looking back at the blackboard, Tang Zhiwei smacked his lips, sighed, and kept feeling emotional in his heart.

"Humph, you can kill someone by just doing a question? I don't believe it anymore." Tang Zhiwei looked Lu Zhou up and down and nodded approvingly, "Not bad, very good. I rarely praise a student like this. If I hadn't looked at you. Freshman year, I really want to say hello to the people in the Academic Affairs Office and transfer you to my office to do research."

Even though he has completed most of the proof process, the calculation of the remaining lines of calculations is definitely not something that a freshman undergraduate can complete! Even the graduate students he led had to think over his proof process several times from beginning to end before they could figure it out!

"Thanks to the teacher's guidance. If I were on my own, I definitely wouldn't have reached this point..." Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly.

You know shit!

Big, freshman? !

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

Tang Zhiwei snorted and criticized: "Hmph, stop talking to me with such polite words. People who are scholars should study hard and don't always keep those kind words in your stomach."

Jinling is indeed the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, full of outstanding people.

When this old gentleman is angry, he always smiles. For example, when he was writing on the blackboard just now, when he mistakenly thought that he was pretending to be knowledgeable, he must have been very angry.

"No, teacher, someone will die!" Lu Zhou couldn't laugh or cry.

Seeing the sincere expression on Lu Zhou's face, Tang Zhiwei nodded, softened his tone a little, and continued: "It's a good thing to be interested in mathematics. I hope you can continue it. Also, the direction you chose is good, although it doesn't matter. I'm not in any popular direction, but it's easy to get results. If you have any good ideas, go for it boldly. If you don't understand something, read more and ask more questions. This is how knowledge is gained. You may not be able to discover what others have learned. Something that cannot be discovered.”

Especially the latter, it's a pure waste of his time!

Lu Zhou didn't know the specific reason, but now was obviously not the time to think about it. Professor Tang was still there leisurely waiting for him to perform. In order to publish the paper smoothly next semester, he couldn't make mistakes at this juncture.

Our Jinda University is standing on this dragon vein. It is true that there are a lot of talents!

In short, he did understand.

Chen Yushan, who was sitting in the corner and eavesdropping, nodded suddenly. She suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately realized it.

Are all freshmen today so talented

Let no one live anymore!

The Q&A room was packed.

Realizing that she couldn't understand their conversation at all, Chen Yushan despaired of her mathematics.


Absolutely impossible!

The undergraduates in the audience looked confused. They looked at the dazzling calculations on the blackboard and then looked at their exercise books, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Let no one live anymore!

Lu Zhou smiled confidently, picked up the chalk and walked to the blackboard.

Tang Zhiwei glanced at Lu Zhou and then continued to turn his eyes to the draft paper. This time he put down the pen cap and picked up the chalk. He walked to the blackboard and paused, then reached out and started drafting on the blackboard.

Could it be that... I am actually a scumbag

What he asked Professor Tang for advice was the specific proof of this part.

Next to the lecture table, Tang Zhiwei, a professor from the Department of Mathematics at JJTU, was sitting. At this moment, he had put down the newspaper in his hand and was staring at the topic on the draft paper meticulously. The fingers of his right hand were flipping the cap of the pen back and forth.

I'm afraid I went to a fake university...

As time passed, Professor Tang's surprise turned into deep shock, and finally into approval.

I'm afraid I went to a fake university...

In short, he did understand.

The Q&A room was packed.


Lu Zhou said: "I really understand."

Even though he has completed most of the proof process, the calculation of the remaining lines of calculations is definitely not something that a freshman undergraduate can complete! Even the graduate students he led had to think over his proof process several times from beginning to end before they could figure it out!

When this old gentleman is angry, he always smiles. For example, when he was writing on the blackboard just now, when he mistakenly thought that he was pretending to be knowledgeable, he must have been very angry.