School Uniform Gentleman

Chapter 1


In mid-August, the hot and dry wind of late summer teased the squeaking cicadas under the leaves. In this season of summer, the high school students of Dezai Middle School have started school.

The arts and sciences are divided into classes, and the sophomore year of high school is fortunate to arrive at school one day earlier.

"School is so rude, I can't bear it for a day."

"Da, don't you just accept your homework today?"

"You haven't finished?"

"Nonsense! Have you finished writing??"

"Of course."

"... Copy Yu Rui's?"

"Hey, the first student of the grade is in the class, no need for nothing."

"You grandson! Never remember to call me when something like this happens, wait for me—"

As soon as the front door of the classroom opened, the wind blew through the hall, blowing away the rest of the voice.

The boy in a white shirt, carrying a bag cross-body, with two thin headphone cables hanging under his ears, came in from outside the classroom door.

The one squatting on the stool in the classroom brightened his eyes, screamed and rushed over: "Brother Yu, Grandpa Yu Shenyu, help in Jianghu! Let me copy the homework!"

After his long legs, the boy in the white shirt took off the headphone cable while raising his head, and under the broken black hair, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised and his beautiful eyes were revealed.

"Huh? I didn't hear you clearly." Yu Rui glanced at the other person's ingratiating expression, and suddenly he showed a gentle smile. "You mean summer homework? Someone borrowed it and hasn't returned it."

Qiao Shengyu's brightly pleasing smile froze, he twisted his jaw, turned his head and roared at the whole class: "Whoever borrowed Brother Yu's homework, give it back quickly! After school starts, do you still have any sense of time?"

The class was silent for two seconds, and someone raised their arms, "Here, here with me."

Qiao Shengyu shook his head impatiently, "Hurry up and bring it to someone."

"I have not… "

"Forcing me to do it?"

"… "

Qiao Shengyu was a well-known thorn in Dezai Middle School, and no one dared to go against Mao except the teacher. The man who opened the mouth dared not to speak out, so he could only send Yu Rui's homework over in a disheartened manner.

Qiao Shengyu grabbed in front of Yu Rui and grabbed it. "Brother Yu, borrow me to copy the homework first." Before Yu Rui could say anything, Qiao Shengyu bared his teeth, turned his head and left.

Yu Rui smiled gently and returned to his seat.

Just as he put down his schoolbag, the girl in front turned back to her upper body, her voice softly pressed.

"Qiao Shengyu is true. He said that when others took away your homework without a sense of time, he must have not completed any of them. He may not know when he will be able to pay you back."

"It's okay," Yu Rui put the schoolbag into the hole in the table, "I'm not in a hurry."

"You are so good at talking to everyone that Qiao Shengyu dares to do that." The girl was a little helpless, "By the way, did you see the class schedule?"

"I haven't seen it yet."

"Hey? I thought the class leader would see it first. Then we can only wait for the old class to come."

"Yeah." Yu Rui agreed. Even when there is only one tone of voice, the expression in his eyes is still focused and gentle.

The girl in the front seat blushed unconsciously, muttered, "It's a little hot today" and turned back.

The classroom was noisy for a while, and it was quiet when the head teacher entered the door. The head teacher stood on the podium, and after routinely said a few words, he picked up the table on the table under the expectant or uneasy eyes of the students.

"The division of arts and sciences has been decided according to the wishes that everyone handed in last semester. Today's situation is rather special, ah, this is the first time we have tried the 'walking class system'."

The classroom was quiet for a few seconds, and then it became noisy.

Qiao Shengyu was busy copying homework without forgetting to look up and give him a glance, and asked with a smile, "Old class, what is the shift system?"

"To put it simply, there are two classes for one student. The first one is our current class, which is called the administrative class, which deals with administrative affairs. The second one is called the teaching class, which is your new class divided according to the arts and sciences, mainly for classes. "

After the head teacher finished speaking, he looked around the classroom and asked, "Is that clear?"


The long melody in the classroom could not hide the excitement of the students, and the shallow minds had already started to turn back and forth, left and right in their original position like a rattle.

"Okay, then I'll read the class placement. Then you will each go to the new class and report to the new class at random."

Yu Rui was assigned to the tenth class of the second year teaching class. He left under the watchful eye of most of the girls in the class who were not in class ten, and walked peacefully.

There was a girl and a boy with him.

The girl's name is Pei An'an, she wears round-rimmed glasses, she is tall and thin, her face is small and white, she is a little sickly and delicate, and she doesn't like to talk much.

The boy is Qiao Shengyu. He is very famous among the students of Dezai Middle School. When he walks, his chin and eyes are not moving forward, but he is only facing the ceiling. The students facing each other in the corridor all split to both sides when they saw him, and Yu Rui took him as if he was leading a patrol group.

The three-person patrol group soon walked to the door of the second (ten) class of high school. When they entered, there was a lively recognition of relatives in the classroom.

Hearing the opening of the classroom door, many students turned their heads to look, and the first thing they saw was a young man in a white shirt with a bright smile and a gentle smile.

"It's Yu Rui, the schoolgirl from class three in high school, he came to our class!"

"real or fake?"

"Will we all be in the same class as him for the next two years? That would be too happy!"

"Wait, the last one won't be Joe..."

Seeing Qiao Shengyu behind Yu Rui, the lively classroom was immediately cooled to freezing point by a ladle of cold water.

In Dezai Middle School, good students who are dedicated to learning know that Qiao Shengyu is "a bit of a mess", and his existence has always been equated with making trouble. Seeing these two come in together, the students in the class didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Qiao Shengyu not only didn't care about those strange eyes, but he was still a little complacent. After taking a look around the classroom like a king patrolling the territory, he picked up a feng shui treasure and threw his shoulder bag to prepare to go there.

Before leaving, he thought of Yu Rui, stopped again, turned his head and asked, "Brother Yu, you took advantage of your brother's love for copying your homework, brother remember it, you pick the location first, don't be polite to me!"

Yu Rui raised his head and smiled gently, "I'll do whatever, you sit first."

"Okay! Then I'll go to the last row. Say hello if you have anything."

Yu Rui looked at the classroom. Where he swept his gaze, many girls deliberately avoided it, and there were some brave ones who smiled brightly in his eyes.

He paused for two seconds and walked to the back row.

Yu Rui is a medium-sized boy in the north, about 178, but he is very thin and very sturdy. He was stopped on the street outside the school and asked, "Are you interested in being a model?" It wasn't once or twice.

With his height, sitting in the front row would inevitably block the view of the people behind him, so he consciously walked to the empty seat in the back, in the second-to-last row of the classroom next to the north wall.

This year in Dezai Middle School, it was still an old-fashioned table for two. The table Yu Rui chose was empty, and there was another table in the back with only one person.


It's a person.

Yu Rui glanced at it, thinking uncertainly.

The man was probably sleeping on the desk. He didn't know whether it was because of the glare of the light or because he was afraid of the cold. The school uniform covered his head. Except for the half-cut waistline behind the desk, the entire upper body was buried under the school uniform.

On the first day of the new semester, everyone's school uniforms were taken out for a summer vacation, clean and tidy. And this person is different, the school uniform is wrinkled, like a flat pickle.

At this moment, Yu Rui felt the urge to turn his head and leave.

However, there were countless eyes staring at him in the classroom, but Yu Rui still endured it. He put the backpack on the desk and bent over to pull up the chair. Then he stopped.

Under the table, the pair of long legs that stretched out to the front also appeared in his field of vision.

Long is really long. Straight and straight, ordinary trousers are rumored to be male models on the runway... but they are really annoying.

Yu Rui's eyelashes drooped down.

In this brief moment, he was a little expressionless, and the cold indifference appeared on his head, but he quickly pressed it back.

Even if the students who have noticed it look closely, they only feel that it is an illusion: the bright and gentle school grass is still in front of him, and it is still the bright and gentle smile.

Probably infected by this smile, across the aisle, the girl who hesitated for a long time looked over boldly.

"Are you Yu Rui from Class One and Three?"

"Ah hello."

"You... hello. I've heard of you for a long time. Your grades are very, very good. You are always the first in the grade. You are very good... Our teachers often praise you in the class." The more the girl said, the more red her face became.

Yu Rui took his seat, his gentle smile remained unchanged, "Thank you."

"No, you're welcome..."

"But I'm not always first in the grade."

"Huh?" The girl raised her head blankly.

Yu Rui lowered his voice, and his beautiful curved eyes seemed to squinted unconsciously, "The original tenth class still has a Xie Li, he is better than me."

The girl was stunned and opened her mouth to refute, but didn't say it.

Because what Yu Rui said was the truth.

Yu Rui's excellence is well-known in the grade, but Xie Li from Class 10 is known to the whole school - Xie Li will be absent in almost every exam, but as long as he takes part, the first place in the grade will be the same as everyone else including Yu Rui. no problem.

It was also because of this that the first-year high school students called Yu Rui the first student in the grade, but no one called him the first in the grade.

Figured this out, the girl stopped awkwardly. Before she could find an opportunity to speak again, the head teacher of the new class walked in from the teacher's front door.

The person who came in was a male teacher, who was not tall, slightly fat, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose and a serious expression. Standing on the podium, he wrote three words on the blackboard and poked them with chalk.

"My name is Tian Xueqian, and I'm the head teacher of your class."

"Hello Teacher Tian!"

The audience reacted, and they responded in seventy-eight ways.

"Well." Tian Xueqian picked up the booklet in his hand. "I just got the roster of the class, so I'll name it first. The roster is sorted according to your science scores in the final exam. You can also know your rank in the class when I read it."

The relaxed atmosphere in the class was tensed up by this sentence.

Tian Xueqian didn't seem to notice, and opened his mouth to call out the first place, "Yu Rui."


Yu Rui raised his hand.

Even though he knew he was there, complicated glances were cast from all directions in the class.

"Well," Tian Xueqian nodded, "the first grade in the final exam last school year has been assigned to our class, and everyone should learn more from Yu Rui."

"… "

Yu Rui was very popular among students of the same grade, and as soon as Tian Xueqian's remarks fell, the classroom burst into warm applause in response.

Each class has about 60 students, 30 students per page, Tian Xueqian quickly turned to page 3.

Sitting in the back row, Yu Rui could also see a large blank on the translucent sheet of paper, with only a line of black printing ink on the top.

Yu Rui glanced at him casually, and prepared to turn his head down indifferently.

"Last place, Xie Li."

The class was silent.

Two or three seconds later, the silence was suddenly exploded by the sound of discussion.

Yu Rui raised his head in amazement—that Xie Li was actually teaching class ten

"Bang Bang." In the noise, Tian Xueqian tapped on the blackboard impatiently, "Where's Xie Li, Xie Li isn't there?"

The classroom fell silent and no one answered.

Didn't come.

Yu Rui lowered his gaze.

At this moment, on the table behind him, the pickle-like school uniform moved.

A few seconds later, a lazy and sleepy voice got up in the quiet.


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