School Uniform Gentleman

Chapter 18


It was not the first time that Yu Rui, as the school grass, was sent to the school post because of a little trouble, but he had never felt such an innocent disaster before—

It was entirely because Xie Li suddenly fell ill and sent him an inexplicable fire, and he was implicated in the interesting chats of the students after dinner.

As if he thought this was not enough, the man came again in the corridor, completely confirming the rumor that "the school grass Yu Rui and the school god Xie Li had a feud over competing for girls in the same class".

Until the next day, Yu Rui was still being ridiculed by the students in the class.

Unlike Xie Li, who was oblivious and ignorant of people, Yu Rui might have given the impression of being too friendly to his classmates, so they didn't care when they asked him about this matter.

Before the class break, Yu Rui had already been "tortured" by an unknown number of classmates with this question.

This wave of offensive was stopped during the inter-class exercise, for no other reason - Xie Li finally advanced to the classroom in the third class after being late for two classes.

The black jacket was thrown on the last row of tables, and the tennis ball stuffed in its pocket slammed into the corner of the table.

The students in the front row who were gossiping around Yu Rui's table were startled and hurriedly found a reason to run away.

And in every corner of the classroom, the invisible radars of gossip were all erected and pointed here.

Yu Rui smiled faintly.

"In the next physical education class, remember to gather downstairs and lead the class to the playground."

"… "

Xie Li raised his eyes, probably because he hadn't slept well the night before, his expression was lazy, but his eyes were full of malicious provocation.

"Why should I listen to you, class, leader?"

Yu Rui's smile didn't change, "I hope you will cooperate in group activities." After speaking, he stood up and seemed to be about to go downstairs. After leaving the seat, Yu Rui smiled coldly as he passed Xie Li, and his voice was lowered to a volume that only two people could hear.

"Let's talk about gym class."

"… "

Xie Li turned sideways, Yu Rui had already walked out.

Looking at the back, the emotions in Xie Li's eyes sank little by little.

In physical education class, Xie Li really arrived.

Although he didn't gather with the whole class, the fact that he didn't choose to stay in the classroom to catch up on sleep was enough to surprise the students.

The physical education teacher came from the first year of high school, and he obviously felt abnormal when he saw Xie Li. I wonder if he had heard the rumors in the school. After blowing the assembly whistle, he smiled and looked at Xie Li, the tallest in the team.

"The power of love is really great. I thought I wouldn't be able to see the respect of individual students in our class until graduation."

"Hahaha… "

The students in the class immediately burst into laughter. Pei Anan stood among the students blushing, so embarrassed that she couldn't raise her head.

Xie Li didn't care. He worked overtime at the Internet cafe last night, and he was too sleepy to lift his eyelids.

- If Yu Rui hadn't opened his mouth, and the principal would have called him, don't expect him to come down today.

"Okay, okay, the sports committee will lead the team to run in circles."

"Teacher," the sports committee asked, "how many laps did you run?"

Some of the students couldn't help protesting: "Oh, I'm going, don't ask about the sports committee, it's interesting to run two laps this summer."

The physical education teacher heard it and sneered: "Three laps for girls, six laps for boys, let's go!"

"what… … "

The ten class members suddenly wailed, and countless hatred eyes turned to the sports committee.

The male sports committee in the class touched his nose, pretended not to see it, shouted slogans and led the sighing students away.

The heat in summer is to pull it out in gym class and put it in the sun, and you will sweat profusely if you don’t run laps. After a lap or two, the team in the class was already in a mess, and the long tail that was dragged out was about to make a half-circle around the football field.

When the physical education teacher's attention was no longer staring at this side, lazy students in the class began to quickly sneak to the sidelines, blend in with the students of other classes, and enjoy the shade happily under the shade of the tree.

There are also individuals who drag their tongues and pant like dogs, and soon change from running to walking.

Among the students who were still running, apart from those who were honest and timid and who wanted to show their talents, there was only Yu Rui who needed to lead by example.

And from another angle, the physical education teacher might not recognize other students who escaped and sneaked into other classes, but Yu Rui, a well-known student in the school, was right at all—there was absolutely no chance for him to be lazy.

At this time, Yu Rui had already run to the fourth lap.

He was basically the leading group of boys in the class, not the first, but he was also at the top. Compared to most of the people around him who were already panting and sweating profusely, his breath was fairly well-proportioned, only the sound of breathing was a little heavier.

But if you were to compare yourself to someone...

No one was paying attention at the moment, and Yu Rui's expression didn't hide anything. He glanced coldly ahead.

A certain person who seemed so sleepy before that he wanted to lie down on the ground at any time to sleep, now running four laps is as easy as stepping on the spot for four steps—two steps ago, Yu Rui could clearly see that person playing lazily. yawned.

What kind of physical strength is this.

… people are more popular than dead people.

Yu Rui looked back.

However, the end of his eyes seemed to be hooked. As soon as he retracted it, the man's eyes and voice were hooked together.

"You don't seem to like sweating very much, squad leader?"

Yu Rui's running rhythm stopped. There were other students not far away, and for the sake of Xie Liken's obedience, Yu Rui didn't want to take the initiative to provoke him.

He responded, "… um."


"Physical reasons," Yu Rui changed his breath, "It's been like this since I was a child."

"..." Xie Li laughed.

This laughter was low and hoarse because of running, and it was like a small hook digging into people's ears. Yu Rui had some strange feeling inexplicably.

He turned his head to look at the man, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing." Xie Li licked his canine teeth lightly, suppressing his emotions, "Good physique."

"..." As a boy, it was the first time that Yu Rui was praised for his physique.

After these few words, Xie Li's mood seemed to be much better.

After another half lap, Yu Rui's breath became a little unstable because of his words, but Xie Li was still as usual—

"Didn't you say you wanted to talk to me in gym class? What?"

Yu Rui glanced at the physically perverted person and breathed a sigh of relief, "After the lap... let's talk about it."

The low-pitched panting made Xie Li's eyes deepen, and he suppressed the smile in his eyes, "I'll leave without saying anything now."

"… "

After the fifth lap, Yu Rui's breathing became more and more rapid.

The physique that does not like to sweat brings him a side effect - the heat cannot be dissipated through sweating, the surface temperature of his skin will be higher than that of ordinary people, and the skin tone will look extraordinarily gorgeous.

For example, at this moment, the end of Yu Rui's eyes blushed slightly, but he didn't notice it, just gave Xie Li a cold look at Xie Li's words.


Xie Li's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Yu Rui didn't expect the other party to brake suddenly and almost hit Xie Li.

Standing still without any risk, Yu Rui thought that Xie Li was doing it on purpose, so he frowned and lowered his voice: "Xie Li, are you naive?"

"..." Xie Li slowly recovered from that glance. He lowered his eyes, hiding the dark emotions in his eyes, and turned to leave the playground.

Yu Rui was stunned for a moment, and instinctively reached out and grabbed him, "Wait, let's make it clear—"

"I advise you not to do it now."

Xie Li suddenly turned around. When he looked at Yu Rui, his eyes were deep and dark, his voice was almost hoarse, and his eyes were full of anger that would tear people to pieces and swallow them.

For the first time facing Xie Li like this, Yu Rui was stunned.

Before he could return to his senses, he saw the man in his sight laugh lowly, full of malice, and the other party leaned in front of him.

His eyes were tightly fixed on him.

"Squad leader, with your physical strength, won't you be put down on the bed?"