School Uniform Gentleman

Chapter 19


The confrontation in physical education class not only failed to clear up the misunderstanding, but on the contrary made the rumor that Xie Li and Yu Rui were at odds with Pei Anan once again strongly corroborated.

As a direct result, Yu Rui received a notice in the last night of self-study that day: Tian Xueqian, the head teacher, asked him to go to the office.

Yu Rui frowned and looked at the time.

After the official start of school, Yuli was placed in the "small desk" cram school next to Machisui Elementary School. This kind of cram school can provide dinner and evening self-study places for young students, and there are special teachers to supervise them.

And Yu Rui's last evening self-study ended just enough time to pick up Yu Li.

If it takes too long...

Yu Rui thought for a while and decided to go to the head teacher to explain the situation first, and talk about it tomorrow if there is anything else.

When he got to the office, Yu Rui found out that Tian Xueqian was not there. He stopped the students who were leaving, "Classmate, have you seen Teacher Tian?"

The man shook his head, "Mr. Tian is not here. There is an emergency meeting for the last class of the class teachers in the second year of the high school. It is estimated that it is not over yet, and he should be back soon."

After that, the student left.

Yu Rui was in a dilemma.

Under the circumstance that he has been notified by the head teacher to find him, it is not appropriate to leave a message or leave a note. But on Yuli's side, the "little desk" will end get out of class at a fixed time, and there will be no staff at that time, so no one can pick her up...

A name suddenly flashed through Yu Rui's mind.

Then flashed past, the malicious look and the provocative words of the man in the gym class during the day.

Yu Rui: "..."

He didn't want to ask this person for help.

But at the moment, it is really only this person who can help.

After struggling for a while, Yu Rui still took out his phone.

He dug out Xie Li's number from the address book, hesitated for a few seconds on the dial, and pressed it.

The beep sounded for about twenty seconds, and when Yu Rui was about to hang up, the phone vibrated with a "buzz".

The call is connected.

The man's lazy voice skipped the steps of the loudspeaker and directly shook the air around Yu Rui.

The tone was loose and impatient.


"… "

Yu Rui was not familiar with Xie Li's cold voice without any excess emotion. He is more familiar with those provocative, joking, joking...

After a few seconds of pause, Yu Rui was unable to answer immediately.

The opposite side made a soft "tsk" sound, and the voice was calm. Then the phone seems to be remembered by the owner at this moment to take it down and look at the caller display.

Quiet for a few seconds.

"Class... Chief?"

It is probably similar to someone who just woke up and heard that he had won five million. In the short two words on the opposite side, the tone has changed from hoarse and lethargic to abruptly overflowing with joy, and even full of perverted energy. of excitement.

Yu Rui's temple jumped.

He thought that this sick man must not remember how he provoked him during the day.

Yu Rui asked in a low voice, "Do you have time now?"

"Well, what's wrong."

"Mr. Tian asked me to talk, but I didn't have time to pick her up from Xiaoli. If it's convenient for you, can you pick up Xiaoli for me?"

"Squad leader, your tone is too cold, but it's not an attitude of asking for help."

"...It's not convenient."

"Tsk. I can't stand it anymore. Why do I feel like you seem extra thin in front of me?"

Yu Rui breathed a sigh of relief, Yu Li's uneasy eyes appeared in front of him, he frowned slightly, "...Then what do you want me to ask you?"

"I think about it." Xie Li's excited tone rose again. "Call me."

"… what?"

"Call, me, one, sound." Xie Li laughed hoarsely, "Be full of emotion."

"… "

"Don't delay too long, or Xiaoli really has to wait for a long time."

"… "

"Squad leader?"

"Thanks..." Yu Rui tilted his head, the boy clasped his fingers unconsciously in the reflection of the glass, "Thanks... Xie Li."

Opposite silence.

Yu Rui didn't know why he just shouted Xie Li's name, and it became a request that made him hard to say.

After he finished shouting, his heart was filled with rare embarrassment. Yu Rui lowered his voice to the phone—

"That's it!"


The voice over there was muted for some reason, Xie Li laughed in a low voice.

"Certainly. It's . . . okay."

Almost listened to him hard.

On Yu Rui, he is really hopeless.

Xie Li, who was leaning on the sofa upstairs in the Internet cafe, lowered his eyes and glanced, then smiled while holding his forehead.

"I'm going right now."

With a click, the call ends.

Yu Rui unconsciously clenched the phone tightly.

—He felt that there must be something wrong between him and Xie Li. But he couldn't tell, the feeling that something was wrong was not clear enough.

Because Xie Li seems to have been hiding or suppressing some emotions.

Before Yu Rui could think clearly, a voice came from behind:

"Yu Rui, I just finished the meeting, you go to the office."

Yu Rui turned around and said, "Okay."

After a while, Tian Xueqian went into the office after chatting with another sophomore class teacher.

He smiled and greeted, "Yu Rui, come, sit."

"I don't need Teacher Tian, I can just stand."

"That's fine, there's not much to say anyway. Let's just chat briefly."

"Okay, you talk."

Tian Xueqian was not in a hurry to speak, and first turned over the pile of materials at his hand that seemed to be the materials from the conference. He found one in it, took it out individually, and pushed it to the corner of the table. Then Tian Xueqian reached out and buckled it.

"Look, this is a new form for the student union of the school. The student union plans to admit a few students to be ministers in the second year of high school this year. Participating in student work is very beneficial to the interview or resume of the independent admissions examination in the future. I think you You can try."

The smile on Yu Rui's face did not change, he reached out to take it and glanced at it, he nodded.

"Thank you teacher, I will try my best."

"Of course, I heard many teachers mention you when you were not my student. Now that you are my monitor, can I still not understand you?" Tian Xueqian paused at the end of the sentence, "But …”

coming. Yu Rui said heartily.

Sure enough, I heard Tian Xueqian say: "Although the teacher is very at ease with you, I also know that some things cannot be avoided by yourself with a firm attitude."

Yu Rui didn't pretend to be stupid, but asked directly, "Teacher, are you trying to talk about me and Pei An'an?"

Tian Xueqian glanced at him in surprise, obviously surprised that he would bring it up by himself.

Yu Rui smiled, "Don't be surprised, I just have a clear conscience. I can assure you that there is no relationship between me and Pei An'an that is beyond ordinary classmates."

"Then recently..."

"You are a teacher, and you have brought many senior brothers and sisters. You should also be clear about these gossip among students. Three people become tigers, and everyone speaks loudly. It's just some small conflicts between boys. Enter some sensational information, and you can create false rumors."

Tian Xueqian was silent for two seconds, "So you mean, this is a complete fabrication?"

"Yes, I also really want to find out who is behind deliberately creating more conflicts between me and Xie Li. Actually, I have a pretty good relationship with Xie Li..." Yu Rui gritted his teeth silently, Smile, "It should be said that it is very good."

Tian Xueqian thought for a while, then nodded, "Since you said so, I also believe in you. I will try to investigate this matter as clearly as possible, so I can suppress it... It's not too early, so you can go back first."

"Okay, thank you teacher—you also rest early."

After Yu Rui walked out of the office, the only other teacher left in the room smiled and turned around the chair, "I'll say it's Mr. Tian, you think too much. Who would fall in love early, neither of your class Yu Rui would."

Tian Xueqian smiled bitterly, "That might be the case."

"What's the matter? Mr. Tian, you are still younger. When you bring a few more students with you, you will be able to see what these children look like."

"Really?" Tian Xueqian asked, "Then tell me?"

"Like this Yu Rui, for example, he is the kind of child who is the most sensible and the most familiar. Children like them know what they need, when they should do what, and they don't need to worry about teachers at all - that's why I said , this matter of puppy love will never involve him."

Tian Xueqian smiled bitterly, "Maybe."

He looked up in the direction of the office door, and said after a few seconds of silence: "But I always feel a little uneasy in my heart. After all, the more obedient and sensible students are, if they do something out of the ordinary, then I'm afraid that's the truth. irreversible.”

"Haha, listening to what you mean, Teacher Tian, shouldn't you be most at ease with Xie Li?"

"… "

Tian Xueqian choked, recovered and waved his hand.

"That's not a student! Don't make him mad at me!"

"Ha ha ha ha… "

Yu Rui rode his bicycle and returned home as fast as he could. Before going upstairs, he deliberately saw that the lights were on in his house upstairs, which made Yu Rui really relieved.

It's not that he doubts Xie Li's character, it's just that Xie Li has been a little too strange in the past two days.

Going upstairs, taking the key to open the door, Yu Rui just walked into the entrance when he heard a girl's laughter coming from Yu Li's bedroom.

He changed his shoes, put down his backpack, and walked over.

After opening the door, Yu Rui saw Xie Li sitting on the chair he usually sat on, holding the book on the bookshelf next to him, obviously telling Yu Li a story like he usually does.

Yu Rui's heart fluttered for no reason.

Xie Li didn't turn back when he heard the movement, but got up directly, "Today's journey arrives, Xiaoli goes to bed early, eh?"

"Okay, thank you, Brother Li!"

"… "

Yu Rui and Xie Li walked out of the room.

Yu Rui hesitated and motioned Xie Li to go to his bedroom to sit for a while, so as not to disturb Yu Li's rest by talking in the living room.

Xie Li had no objection and followed him to the guest bedroom opposite the bathroom.

After he came in, Yu Rui turned his head to close the door, Xie Li laughed softly behind him, "Yu Li is almost 10 years old, right? You have to tell a bedtime story, you always dote on your sister so much?"

Yu Rui turned around, "My family's situation is rather special, and Xiaoli has suffered a lot along with it. I want to pamper her, it seems nothing." After speaking, Yu Rui reflected on his tone in his heart - Xie Ligang helped him, Wouldn't it be a little rude to say that

"I tell stories to my sister again, and I know how to cook and clean up the house..." Xie Li sat down at the table with his long legs together lazily, then he lowered his eyes and smiled, "Squad leader, did someone say you are a good wife and mother? "

Yu Rui: "."

He was just out of his mind, and just now he felt that he was not polite enough.

But Xie Li didn't touch his bad head again, and stood up after sitting for a while.

"I'm going back."

Yu Rui hesitated for a while, but politely retained, "It's already so late, rest at my house."


Xie Li's figure stopped. After a few seconds, he tilted his head and sneered. There was nothing right. "Hey, squad leader, do you know what invitation you just made?"

Yu Rui looked at him inexplicably.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.

Xie Li looked away first, with a little regret and as if there were other emotions of greed and dissatisfaction. "...It's really confusing."

The voice was so low that Yu Rui didn't hear it clearly.

Xie Li waved his hand, "Although I really want to stay overnight, it's a pity that the Internet cafe has night shifts at night."

Yu Rui was stunned, "Then you promised to pick up Xiaoli..."

"Isn't this your order from the monitor?" Xie Li joked.

Yu Rui felt guilty, "I owe you this matter. If you need anything in the future, you can always mention it to me."

Xie Li: "Oh? Anything is fine?"

"As long as I can."

"Um..." Xie Li smiled and turned sideways, "Then why don't you just show yourselves to each other?"

Yu Rui: "??"

Xie Li's eyes flickered, but he slowly pressed down the almost uncontrollable emotion in his heart. Xie Li leaned forward, "After all, it's a pity not to use the resources of a good wife and mother like you, squad leader."

Yu Rui looked at him expressionlessly for two seconds, pressing down on his temples with a headache.

"You better get out."

"… "

Xie Li smiled, opened the door and walked out.

Going all the way to Yu Rui's house, and closing the metal door behind him, the smile on Xie Li's face disappeared.

He took out his hand from his trouser pocket, and the tennis ball in his hand had been pinched out of shape.

Looking down, Xie Li twitched the corners of his mouth.

What Internet cafes have night shifts so they have to go back is just nonsense.

There was only one reason he had to go back—

If he really stayed at Yu Rui's house, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to hold back in the middle of the night and not forcibly press the unsuspecting person sleeping beside him on the table or in front of the bookshelf or somewhere else - and then "eat" it one bite at a time.