School Uniform Gentleman

Chapter 36


As soon as Xie Li's words came out, the audience fell silent for three seconds, and then coaxed the nest to explode.

The students went crazy with joy, some whistled loudly, some stood up and applauded, and some didn't hear the words and whispered eagerly in the noise, and then slowly patted the armrests of their chairs to join the laughter camp.

The first two rows were the teachers and leaders of the school. After listening to this, they were all stunned and didn't recover for a long time.

The teacher in charge of the student union sat in the farthest position, and when he was called back to his senses by the laughter behind him, he jumped up angrily - but Xie Li on the stage turned around neatly and went down after saying those words. .

The teacher in charge could only turn his head and try to appease the restless students in the synagogue, but the appeasement effect was naturally poor as expected.

On the other side, behind the curtain.

Yu Rui didn't intend to listen to Xie Li standing here waiting for him, but after hesitating for a while, he decided to at least listen to the opening.

Then Yu Rui heard Xie Li's "campaign speech" at close range.

Yu Rui was stunned.

Until the man on the stage turned around and walked down a few steps to him, Yu Rui still hadn't regained his sense of reason.

He raised his head blankly and looked at Xie Li, who was one step higher than him.

Xie Li came down from the stage and was going to make fun of Yu Rui, but only before he realized that Yu Rui's reaction was a little different from usual - as if he was frightened, his eyes were dazed.

It was the first time Xie Li saw Yu Rui like this.

He couldn't help but cocked the corners of his mouth, put his hands in the pockets of his school uniform jacket, and leaned down slightly.

"You lost your soul, squad leader?"

Yu Rui was stunned at first, and his movements and expressions were all based on instinct. Seeing Xie Li suddenly approaching at this time, he subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but he forgot that he was still standing on the steps, and it was too late to regain his focus when his feet were empty.

Xie Li's expression changed suddenly.

He didn't even think about it, he stretched out his hand and hooked Yu Rui's neck, pulling the young man who had almost fallen into the air back.

A muffled sound.

- Yu Rui was almost pushed directly into Xie Li's arms.

The two groaned in unison.

Yu Rui hurt the tip of his nose, Xie Li moved too violently, and the injury that had not healed was affected again.

After the pain passed, Yu Rui also recovered. He raised his hand and covered the tip of his red nose and stepped back down the steps, looking at Xie Li on the steps with dark eyes.

Neither of the two spoke. When the atmosphere was so quiet that it was delicate, the host of the campaign hurried over from the backstage.

As soon as he saw Xie Li and Yu Rui up and down the steps, his expression was more like he had knocked over the palette, but in the end he didn't know if he didn't care or didn't dare, and he hurried onto the stage without saying anything.

The restlessness in front of the curtain gradually calmed down, and the host made a few embarrassing jokes, and then announced the class name of the next candidate.

There were even more students who were supposed to be on stage. They didn't even dare to look at the two "Gods of Plague", and walked between the two with a nervous look on their faces.

After the meeting of eyes was interrupted by the new student on stage, Yu Rui frowned, "You..."

As soon as the words came out, a frantic voice came from afar—

"What's the matter with you two!"

Yu Rui turned his head and saw that it was their head teacher Tian Xueqian who came from the backstage. Tian Xueqian looked so angry, he strode towards Yu Rui, "Where's Xie Li! Where did Xie Li run to, did he get into trouble and slipped away? Did he deliberately not have fun with me!?"

Tian Xueqian walked up to Yu Rui while talking, and when he turned his head, he saw Xie Li lazily descending the steps.

Tian Xueqian was so angry that he opened his mouth to reprimand, but he glanced at the curtain on the stage where he could vaguely glimpse a little bit. He held back and lowered his voice: "You two, come with me!"

"… "

There were many students in the backstage of the hall who were preparing for speeches or not long after they had just finished their speeches. Obviously, they had heard the movement in front of them. At this time, their gazes towards the two people who were following Tian Xueqian were extremely complicated.

Going all the way out, Yu Rui could hear the voices of the discussions digging into his ears.

"I originally thought that there must be a competition for the position of the head of the study department, but I didn't expect it."

"Xie Li's play is really... irritating."

"I originally said that the two of them have a 50-50 chance of winning, but Xie Li has now made Yu Rui's job a certainty."

"I don't know what he thought - last week on the basketball court, he was the first to provoke Yu Xiaocao, right? He has such a posture that he will do it if he doesn't agree with his life and death, how can he still give in this week?"

"Do you think he seems to be submissive?"

"Isn't it? He said that directly on stage."

"I think it's obviously a molestation, how can his attitude seem to be soft?"

"… "

The three of them walked out of the backstage of the synagogue all the time, and the chatter dissipated in their ears.

Tian Xueqian stopped under the shade of the tree beside the backstage door, frowned and turned back, "What happened just now?"

Just as Yu Rui was about to speak, the man behind him stopped lazily beside him, "I said before that I would withdraw from the election. The fat water doesn't flow to outsiders, so I will canvass for the monitor before I leave..." Xie Li raised his eyes to Tian Xueqian, "I think Is this okay, Teacher Tian?"

Tian Xueqian was stunned.

He taught Xie Li for more than a year, and this was the first time he heard Xie Li call him teacher in such a serious way, and he was stunned for a while.

After two seconds, he came back to his senses, "Even if you want to canvass votes, you can't be so direct and perfunctory!"

"Perfunctory?" Xie Li raised his eyebrows and looked back at Yu Rui, with a flirtation in his eyes that only Yu Rui could see, "I am obviously very serious and my tone is very sincere."

Yu Rui: "..."

Tian Xueqian said angrily: "Even if you are sincere, then you are not afraid of other students saying that you are competing unfairly, and that two places will be voted for one person?"

Xie Li sneered softly, "What is unfair competition, who deserves to compare with Yu Rui—"

Before the big talk was finished, Xie Li gave Yu Rui a cold look with a smile on his face.

Xie Li narrowed his eyes lightly, but still suppressed the rest of the unspoken words.

Seeing that Xie Li was "obedient" silent, Yu Rui took over the conversation by himself, "Mr. Tian, I'm sorry, I didn't communicate well with Xie Li this time..."

"You don't need to take responsibility for yourself," Tian Xueqian waved his hand, "You think I can't see that you wrote the speech that Xie Li handed in? Also, he didn't write such a speech, just I should go up and canvass for you."

Tian Xueqian glared at Xie Li again with anger, "Xie Li, I have heard a lot of rumors in the school recently - Yu Rui is good-natured and mild-mannered, don't bully you because he doesn't care about you. He, he also forced him to write a speech for you, right?"

Just as Yu Rui was about to deny it, he heard Xie Li smiling shamelessly beside him: "Well, the monitor was bullied very badly by me. Teacher Tian, you have to protect him."

"You—you're quite proud of bullying people?" The first time Tian Xueqian saw Xie Li in this posture in front of him, he was so angry that he was about to smoke.

He still wanted to speak, and another class ten students came out of the backstage, and when he saw Tian Xueqian, he hurried forward.

"Mr. Tian, Director Sun is looking for you."

"..." Tian Xueqian's face twisted, knowing that he was going to be punished, he turned around and glared at Xie Li angrily, "Wait for me to go back and write a 10,000-word review!"

After Tian Xueqian finished speaking, he followed the students and entered through the back door of the hall.

After walking a few steps, his mind gradually calmed down. At a certain moment, Tian Xueqian suddenly paused in doubt and muttered to himself: "When did Xie Li... be so close and love to talk?"

In one year of high school, he didn't even remember what Xie Liyou said to him today. When was he trained before, wasn't that kid just stomping around like he didn't wake up

Besides, it's only been over two weeks since the semester started. According to the school's rumors, this kid seems to be active as if he has changed his mind...

"Is this transsexual?"

Tian Xueqian was puzzled, but before he had time to think too much, he was taken into the office of the backstage director.

Meanwhile, outside the back door of the synagogue.

As soon as Tian Xueqian left, the smile on Yu Rui's face faded. He looked back at Xie Li, "Can you be more restrained in school?"

"Condense what?"

"Shut up your illness." Yu Rui's tone was indifferent, "Whether it was on stage today, or what you said to the head teacher just now, it is completely inappropriate. If someone finds out one day, have you thought about the consequences?"

Xie Li's eyes narrowed with a smile.

After looking at Yu Rui deeply for two seconds, he smiled dumbly, "Why, are you afraid that I will drag you down?"

Yu Rui's eyes turned cold, "I won't be dragged down by anyone. I didn't do anything that would be criticized."

"you're right."

"… "

Xie Li's suddenness must have surprised Yu Rui. He thought that because of Xie Li's "illness", he would only be annoyed or refuted when he heard this, but he didn't expect that person not only agreed, but smiled at him.

"You haven't done anything that can be criticized in the first place. Even if you will do it in the future, you can pretend that you haven't done it yourself."

Yu Rui was stunned for a moment, then slightly annoyed, "I won't—"

"So you don't need to feel guilty, squad leader."

Xie Li lowered his eyes, his dark eyes looked at Yu Rui for a moment. At a certain moment, the emotions in there were ups and downs, so that Yu Rui was in a trance and only felt that he was full of serious and affectionate feelings.

It's only for a moment, and then it fades into a sloppy smile—

"No matter what happens in the future. If they say anything one day, tell them that it is me who is sick, and that I haunt you."