School Uniform Gentleman

Chapter 39


Yu Rui's physical quality has always been in the upper middle class among his peers, except for his poor stomach, he rarely even catches a cold. Even if one is unfortunate, it is basically a problem that can be solved after drinking one or two packets of granules.

However, from Friday morning this week, Yu Rui stepped on the last train of the latest batch of flu, and completely "falled down" after returning home at night.

A thermometer, 39.3 degrees Celsius.

It was rare for Yu Rui to go back to the room without even opening the textbook all night. After taking the antipyretic, he fell directly on the bed.

Yuli in the middle was a little worried, and went into his room with a water glass.

"elder brother?"

"..." Yu Rui opened his eyes, fainted for a few seconds before slowly getting up from the bed, "Xiao Li, what's wrong?"

The hoarse voice of a mouth startled him.

Yuli said hesitantly: "Our teacher said that there will be a parent-teacher meeting at 2 pm tomorrow. If you can't go, then I will ask the teacher to ask for leave?"

"It's okay," Yu Li touched her phone, set an alarm for 1:30 noon the next day, and then waved at Yu Li. There was a morbid pallor in his smile, "Brother remembers it."

"But you have a fever..."

"Tomorrow will be fine, don't worry."

"... Well, then brother, you have a good rest."

Yu Li nodded uneasily, put the water glass beside Yu Rui's table, and turned to go out.

I don't know if the flag was set up the night before, but it was past eight o'clock when Yu Rui woke up the next morning.

Yu Li went to study in the weekend study room with her classmates, and Yu Rui was the only one left at home.

He propped himself up to sit at the desk, his throat was so dry that it hurt like smoking, and his head seemed to be stuffed with cotton. Feeling dizzy, he took another tablet of antipyretic on an empty stomach, and Yu Rui vigorously opened the book in front of him.

- In addition to homework, Xie Li's review should not be delayed.

Just like that, it was almost noon, Yu Rui finally managed to write the final review and signed, and crawled back to bed weakly.

This time, he fell into a coma, and the phone vibrated and turned on several times but failed to wake Yu Rui.

It was not until nearly an hour later that Yu Rui, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up. He reached out and touched his mobile phone to see that he missed a call and an alarm clock, and the time was already displayed at 1:47.

The call was from Yu Li, and there was a message at the end, probably asking if Yu Rui would have time to hold a parent-teacher meeting for her.

It was only at this moment that Yu Rui realized that he had forgotten something—there were only 13 minutes left before the parents' meeting, and Yu Rui didn't bother to answer the phone, so he put on his clothes and quickly went out and went downstairs.

Before Xie Li received Yu Li's call, he had been in the noisy KTV box for two hours.

The room has been made with excellent soundproofing facilities. As soon as the door is closed, all the piercing magic sounds echoed throughout the room. Rao is Xie Li's first-class sleep quality, but he can't sleep.

He lay down on the sofa, looking listlessly at the friends who came here today under the name of "playing with him", but wailed like monkeys who had left the mountain.

Xie Li's cell phone was often muted, but special call alerts were set for Yu Rui and Yu Li's numbers - so as soon as the phone vibrated in his trouser pocket, Xie Li immediately woke up.

As he took out his phone, Xie Li turned to his side and turned off the background music with a snap.

There were only a few dry howls left in the room in an instant. The boy who was holding the microphone and intoxicated himself in the colorful lights suddenly froze. After reacting, he turned back with the other two.

"Why, Li Ge, you are not ready to let us sing if you don't sing. It's too indifferent to us after not seeing you for so many days, right?"

Xie Li pulled the corner of his mouth and sneered, "...Are you sure you're singing, not crying?"

"Is there a cry like me?"

"Don't be noisy, I'll answer the phone."

"Ah? Whose phone number? Male or female??"

Looking at the caller ID, Xie Li didn't lift his eyelids, "Female."

"Fuck?" The eyes of the three of them suddenly lit up. At the moment when he was still holding the microphone and howling, he threw the microphone and flew to the sofa beside Xie Li, "Quick, quick, answer the phone! There is an ambiguous person beside Li Ge. What kind of news of the century is this?"

"...Go away." Xie Li paused, giving them no room for coaxing, "It's the sister of a friend of mine, 10 years old this year."

The three suddenly showed varying degrees of disappointment.

Xie Li was too lazy to pay attention to them and answered the phone.

"Little pear?"

"Brother Xie Li, do you have time this afternoon?" Yu Li's voice was anxious on the phone, "There is a parent-teacher meeting in our class at 2 pm this afternoon, but I called my brother and he didn't answer, can you help My brother goes to school?"

"2 o'clock?" Xie Li raised his eyes and hesitated for less than a second. He got up, "Okay, send me your class, and I'll go there as soon as possible."

"Thank you brother!"

Xie Li hung up the phone and looked back at the three people who were full of gossip and knowledge, "Did you come by car?"

"Ang, that must be, otherwise—"

"Stop talking nonsense. Anyone who doesn't drink alcohol, go downstairs and take me somewhere."

"Ah? Where are you going? Why are you going? By the way, Li Ge, who is on your phone and who explained it clearly, I've never seen you so gentle when talking to us!"

"It's urgent, talk on the way."

"Oh… "

The final result was that the four of them ended the uproar in the box ahead of schedule, got in the car they drove, and went straight to Dingshui Elementary School.

On the way, two of the three people who had decided on the address fell back and forth with laughter.

"Okay, Brother Li, have you been assigned to be a babysitter?"

"It's not easy. It's not easy."

"Speaking of my 10-year-old sister, I thought you were lying to us, but I didn't expect that she actually went to elementary school, hahahaha..."

Xie Li was too lazy to take care of them, just let them joke. Only occasionally he would look down at his phone, hesitant to give Yu Rui a call.

The one driving the car, Gan Qingyan, was the only serious person. Although he held back his laughter, his ability to focus on key points was obviously much stronger than the other two.

"Brother Li, the little girl who just called you is the sister of a friend you met locally?"

Xie Li raised his eyelids, "Yeah."

A fat man in the back seat reacted and leaned over to fight, "What friend are you, your relationship is so strong? His sister dares to ask you to help?"

Xie Li was silent for two seconds, then suddenly smiled, "Our class, monitor."

"...Fuck, Brother Li, what are you doing!"

The fat man who was lying over jumped back flexibly, looking at Xie Li in horror.

Xie Li was startled by him, frowned and looked back at him, "What's wrong with you?"

The fat man turned his head to look at the person beside him, "Brother Li Lili, he just suddenly laughed at me!"

"...You need a face." Xie Li looked lazy, "Who is looking at you?"

Fatty defended: "Then what did you laugh at just now? You're laughing like that!"

"… "

The car was quiet for a few seconds.

Suddenly there was a sound of "Ouch", and the fat man wailed.

When he arrived at Dingshui Elementary School, Xie Li threw the three of them in the car and went to the teaching building where the parent-teacher meeting was held according to the class sent by Yu Li.

As soon as he got to the third floor where the destination classroom was, the phone in his trouser pocket vibrated again.

Sheryl picked it up.

"Brother Xie Li, my brother just called me back. He said he had already arrived at school."

"… Well, I see it."


"It's okay, let your brother contact you when it's over."

"Huh? Oh..."

Xie Li hung up the phone impatiently, and his gaze was fixed not far away - outside the classroom door, a young man's back just stopped in front of the teacher.

The corners of Xie Li's mouth twitched involuntarily.

He stepped forward quickly.

A few steps away, Xie Li heard the teacher ask hesitantly at the roster in his hand, "Are you the parent of Yu Li?"


"... Well, then you sign here."

"Well, thank you teacher."

Yu Rui turned his back to here, his voice sounded a little hoarse for some reason, Xie Li's eyes darkened.

After a two-second pause, he stepped forward.

As soon as the teacher raised her eyes, she noticed that there was a boy from behind who looked as good as the boy in front of her who had amazed her for two seconds, and he didn't look too old.

The teacher hesitated even more, "Are you also here to hold a parent-teacher meeting?"



As soon as the voice came out, the tip of Yu Rui's pen stopped.

"Then which classmate's parent are you?"


"...Hey?" The teacher raised his head blankly, "Who are you?"

Yu Rui put down the pen with a headache, "I'm Yu Li's brother."

The teacher looked up, "Then you..."

Xie Li was stopping beside Yu Rui and pointed at Yu Rui, "I'm his brother."

Yu Rui: "..."