School Uniform Gentleman

Chapter 50


Just across the door are boys who don't know which class they are, their giggling laughter and talk pierce people's ears like needles that can't be avoided.

In this small and cramped space in the cubicle, it was really difficult to fit the two of them in—the distance had to be pulled as close as possible, and Yu Rui could almost feel the ups and downs of Xie Li's chest.

He clenched his fingers tightly, and the pale blue blood vessels on the backs of the white fingers burst out. But Yu Rui still didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that people outside the cubicle would notice something.

This continues for a few seconds.

Panicked and forced to hold his breath, Yu Rui's neck, which was originally cold white, was finally smeared with light powder, and then deeply dyed into a gorgeous red.

The red color almost burned the ink-like emotions in Xie Li's eyes.

And the breath spitting between his fingers seemed to be scorching hot, and the temperature had been burning down his numb fingers into his limbs and bones.

The closer Xie Li leaned over, the more he could hear the young man's slow heavy breathing and accelerated heartbeat - Yu Rui's panicked eyes were filled with more and more mist, like a wet inkstone.

If the ink can be researched, it must be as sweet as the first sip of clear water when a dying traveler trudging through the desert.

Xie Li couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed the boy's eyes.

When he got closer, he saw his own reflection through Yu Rui's pupils - his expression was like that of the most devout and crazy mad believer, with greed and thirst overflowing from his movements and breathing.

... This has already passed, it will scare Yu Rui.

Xie Li held the door of the cage tightly in his heart, and forced the beast named Desire that was about to rush out of it back into the cage little by little.

In the end, he just leaned over to the boy's ear.

His voice was so hoarse that it was almost inaudible—

"Squad leader, your eyelashes are so pretty."

"… "

Yu Rui froze all over, and was forced to raise his slender neck to look at the person in front of him, who was between a boy and a man, every look and breath exuding threats and aggression.

He clenched his teeth slightly, and there was a strong sense of unwillingness and resistance in his eyes.

Xie Li stared at it for two seconds, and leaned in a low voice to Yu Rui's ear, he laughed: "It's really beautiful... It makes people want to lick it."


Yu Rui's breath under Xie Li's palm trembled slightly.

"Shh." Xie Li smiled, "Be careful of being heard by them."

"… "

When such "torture" was driving Yu Rui crazy, the last person finally left the bathroom.

The bell for the second session of the evening self-study rang in the corridor outside, and Yu Rui finally no longer had to bear it any longer, he raised his hand and pushed the person in front of him away—


Finally regained his freedom of breathing, the boy's chest heaved violently, the corners of his eyes were slightly red, and he didn't know if he was annoyed or suffocated.

Xie Li lowered his head, his broken hair fell to his forehead to cover his deep eyes, and he laughed happily.

"I'm sorry, squad leader... I couldn't help it for a while, I couldn't hold it back."

With his hands behind his back, he opened the compartment door. Then Xie Li stepped back and exited the compartment, making way for Yu Rui.

Yu Rui glared at Xie Li with gritted teeth.

Even if he wanted to care about it, it was already the second class time for evening self-study. As the monitor, returning to the classroom on time was a necessary normative behavior.

On the other hand, what Yu Rui didn't want to admit was that Xie Li tonight did make him want to avoid any chance of being alone as much as possible.

Yu Rui turned around and walked out.

Seeing the back figure getting out of sight a little bit, the smile in Xie Li's eyes sank a little bit.

After a long while, he lowered his eyes slightly and looked at his right palm - the temperature of Yu Rui's breathing seemed to still remain on it, burning him to the point of pain.

To endure like this, he is not sure if he will do anything he shouldn't do.

Xie Li laughed softly, his voice hoarse, and he seemed helpless and seemed to be hiding deeper emotions.

He walked back into the cubicle and slowly locked the door.

The night outside the window was dimmed by the lights. A low sigh was mixed into the cicada's chirping.

On Saturday, Dezai Middle School's first monthly exam of the semester officially started.

Morning self-study, the first and second lessons, and half of the time between classes are used for the first math test. The students who were on the verge of grinding guns arrived in the classroom very early today.

Many people took a look at the last row of the classroom with their minds held back.

no one.

The restless students in the class gathered together to chat.

"Brother Li is not ready to take the exam again?"

"The first in the grade is awesome. I went out last night and didn't come back until the third quarter."

"Yes, I noticed it too. If the monitor hadn't entered the classroom early, I would have thought he did something to the monitor and dragged him out and buried him."

"Hey, I'm envious of people's brains. I also want to be a student who can get the first place in the exam by sleeping all day."

"You are very far away from Xueba, so don't worry about Xue God."

"Have you memorized all the triangular formulas? I remember the teacher said that this monthly test will be taken together with the content of the first year of senior high school."

"Fuck! Why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

"… "

After a riot, the scumbags who could not see it fell into a frantic state of anxiety before the exam.

Until 5 minutes before the test, the head teacher Tian Xueqian supervised the students to put all the books in the boxes on the ground or put them in the school bags and put them in the front and back of the classroom.

And Xie Li still didn't come.

Tian Xueqian had noticed it for a long time, so he was sullen all morning.

The morning self-study bell rang, and the mathematics test was officially opened.

The last two papers were passed to Yu Rui, Yu Rui hesitated, and put one of the papers on the empty table behind him—the table seat he had just arranged for Xie Li.

On the podium, Tian Xueqian noticed this scene and frowned: "You don't need to keep it for him, it's a waste to keep it!"

"… "

Despite this, Tian Xueqian still did not come down to collect the test paper.

Xie Li used to arrive on time on the exam day, or he didn't show up all day. Therefore, his grades have always only had one or two answers from the first grade and the last grade.

However, today, half an hour after the math test, Xie Li walked into the classroom listlessly with a messy sleep on his head.

As soon as he saw Xie Li, Tian Xueqian, the invigilator, was stunned for a moment. Then he was surprised, happy, and annoyed. He took a few steps down and pulled him back outside the classroom—

"What's the matter with you? It's only at this time!" Tian Xueqian asked angrily.

Xie Li yawned, listlessly, "Something happened last night."

"Anything is more important than an exam!"

"That's too much."

"!" Tian Xueqian was half-dead with anger, but he still gritted his teeth and endured, "Are you still taking the test?"

"… "

Xie Li raised his eyebrows and looked up into the classroom.

The young man sitting in the penultimate row froze and lowered his head quickly.

Xie Li suddenly retreated from that lazy state, he couldn't help laughing, "Exam... Of course I have to take the exam."

"Okay, then go in quickly! It's not an example!" Tian Xueqian said with a stern face, suppressing his joy.

Xie Li opened the backpack and drew a pen, then threw the backpack onto the podium.

more than an hour later.

Less than 20 minutes before the end of the exam, Xie Li put down his pen, turned over the paper, and swept his eyes slowly from top to bottom.

Then the roll was detained by him. Xie Li raised his eyes and started to stare at the back of the young man in front of him.

On the podium, Tian Xueqian kept staring at him from the corner of his eye, and he was relieved to see Xie Li writing in advance - although it was late, Xie Li should be able to get full marks after answering the paper.

Thinking like this, Tian Xueqian looked up at the clock and almost twisted his nose again—

An exam only takes half the time, and there is still so much time left, so he can't check it twice more?

After staring at Xie Li for a few times without getting a response, Tian Xueqian finally couldn't help but speak when he held it for the last fifteen minutes: "There are still 15 minutes to hand in the papers, everyone pay attention to the time... I have a good inspection of what has been done. , don't be in a daze all the time!"

When the anxious students heard this sentence, they could not help looking up at Tian Xueqian, and following Tian Xueqian's annoyed gaze, they saw Xie Li who had dropped his pen even though he was half an hour late.

The students turned back with mixed feelings.

In the last 15 minutes, Xie Li went his own way and didn't look at the papers again.

The first time the preparatory bell rang, and the exam was over. Tian Xueqian tapped on the blackboard: "The last row is up and rolled up."

The last table in the row by the window is Xie Li.

Hearing Tian Xueqian's words, he stood up lazily and walked to Yu Rui's table with his papers.

Yu Rui put down his pen when there were more than ten minutes before the end of the test, and after that, he kept his eyes down and mentally calculated the answers on the test paper.

Seeing Xie Li coming over at this time, Yu Rui handed the paper to Xie Li.

Xie Li gave him a deep look and smiled, "Can you get full marks, monitor?"

Yu Rui didn't speak.

Xie Li: "I can."

Yu Rui finally raised his head and gave him a cold, expressionless glance, "…"

Xie Li laughed, "If you lose, shouldn't you be punished a little, squad leader?"

"… "

This time, without waiting for Yu Rui to answer, Xie Li had already taken the paper forward and collected it.

There was not much time left for the students to rest between the first and second exams. After a brief chat about the difficulty of the exam questions, the students had already started preparing for the next exam.

Xie Li handed in the papers in this row and returned to the table. Yu Rui was also sitting there, quietly looking down at the book.

Xie Li's eyes moved.

After a few seconds of pause, he did not return to his position, but walked to Yu Rui's desk, where he sat leaning against the edge of the desk.

"Have you made up your mind, class leader?"

"What do you want?" Yu Rui frowned slightly and looked up at him.

Xie Li gestured to the I paper left on the table, "Exam scores, it's always fun to bet a little bit."

"… "

Thinking of the gambling on the basketball court and the performance of this person last night, Yu Rui's face darkened and he turned his head low.

"Don't even think about it."

Xie Li was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly.

His upper body bowed a little lower, and he almost crossed his body to face Yu Rui's ear.

"Don't be so indifferent, squad leader... You were not like this at your house the other day."


Yu Rui's eyes trembled, and he didn't know whether it was stimulated by the very close breathing in his ear or the words themselves.

After returning to his senses, he first glanced at the classroom subconsciously, making sure no one was paying attention, and then Yu Rui looked annoyed at Xie Li.

Yu Rui gritted his teeth: "Let's just go out and fight?"

Xie Li smiled, "No."


"I'm afraid I'll hit half of it..."

Xie Li laughed in a low voice, leaned to the nearest, and whispered:

"I'm hard first."