School Uniform Gentleman

Chapter 57


After forcing Yu Rui to say those words, the corner of Xie Li's mouth evoked a clearly pleasant smile.

When the audience heard the translator, he couldn't help but whispered excitedly—

"Fuck, is it such an exciting song title?"

"It sounds really cool. And don't say it, I don't know why, it really fits Li Ge."

"Hahaha, keep your voice down, aren't you afraid that Li Ge will give you a headshot with a tennis ball?"

"… Okay, I'm afraid I'm wrong and I shut up."

"What did Brother Li stop the monitor and say?"

"I don't know, the microphone seems to be turned off, I can't hear clearly."

"Yu Xiaocao is too innocent, hahahaha I blushed a little when I saw him answering the song title translation."

"Nonsense, the monitor is a famous first love who is still studying the indestructible master - you stay away from our school grass, don't even think about meddling."

"How dare I, I'll just go to the late self-study Li Ge to protect the monitor. I think whoever provokes the monitor Li Ge will screw his head off."

"Hahahaha that makes sense. So, Li Ge is really kind to the monitor, a little unscientific?"

"Did you just find out?"

"… "

The noisy discussion under the stage had no effect on Xie Li on the stage. He didn't know when he turned his back to the whole class, and leaned lazily on the inner edge of the desk.

The microphone in his hand was turned off, Xie Li looked down at Yu Rui beside him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, half a smile, "Have you heard this song before?"

"Sing quickly," Yu Rui kept smiling and lowered his voice to the lowest level, "The other students are still waiting."

"You answer me and I'll sing."

"… Have not heard."

Xie Li lowered his eyes and couldn't hold back the smile on his lips, "Ah, so I'm the first person to sing this song to you, that's great."

"What's good?" Yu Rui couldn't help asking, and at the same time glanced at Xie Li coldly with a little warning.

"… "

Xie Li didn't speak, raised his hand, and turned on the microphone switch in front of Yu Rui.

Those dark eyes full of unspeakable love and desire never left Yu Rui's figure.

Xie Li held the microphone with his right hand, and his left hand dropped, reaching into the opened metal casing of the multimedia desk he was leaning on. He didn't look back, as if he had eyes on his hands—

Just staring at Yu Rui with a smile, Xie Li hit the play button.

The rhythmic prelude of "super psycho love" suddenly sounded.

Stuck on the first beat of the verse, Xie Li raised the microphone and stared at Yu Rui with his back to the whole class, he opened his mouth: "Something lately drives me crazy (something upsets me)/has to do with how you make me/struggle to get your attention…”

The classroom was watching the lyrics on the projection screen rise, but Xie Li stopped his voice.

After hanging his eyes and slapped a sentence, he looked at Yu Rui, and at the same time he raised the microphone steadily and caught a new beat: "Texts from you and (your text message)/sex from you (your sexy)..."

Xie Li's singing stopped again, this time the difference was replaced by a hoarse laughter.

His eyes slowly lifted, rubbing the figure of the young man in front of him in essence, from waist to shoulders to collarbone and neck, and finally landed on those cold eyes whose emotions gradually collapsed.

Xie Li smiled happily:

"flirt with you you're all about it—"

He straightened forward, and his breath with a smile brushed the boy's ear:

“tell me why I feel unwanted…”

This hoarse laugh brought the sexiness of the subwoofer and the magnetism of the microphone into full play, and the students in the class who had been driven by the rhythm of the music for a long time finally couldn't help screaming.

Xie Li let go of the microphone, turned away from Yu Rui who was stunned, stepped off the podium, and then turned back to the side facing away from the class.

Leaning sideways beside the desk, Xie Li smiled and raised his eyes:

"Say that you want me every day

(Say you want me every day)/that you want me every way/that you need me (you have to)/got me trippin' (makes me crazy)/super psycho love( This morbid love)…”

Yu Rui finally couldn't stop the trembling in his eyes, and the man seemed to tear off his mask and enter his eyes as deeply as possible.

He almost felt that he was completely humiliated by Xie Li in front of the whole class with a few words of lyrics, voice and eyes.

Yu Rui bit his lip slightly, turned and walked to the side of the podium.

And the eyes behind him are like substance, and the voice is like gangrene attached to the bone—

"Aim, pull the trigger/feel the pain getting bigger/go insane from the bitter feeling/trippin' super psycho love This morbid love madness)…”

At the end of the chorus, the screams in the classroom finally no longer need to be suppressed. The height of the sound that was raised in an instant already made some girls hysterical.

Yu Rui stepped down from the podium to the farthest corner in front of the classroom, as if he was just standing by the window listening to the song, refusing to make any more eye-catching response. This made Xie Li turn around regretfully.

He faced the classroom and raised the microphone. Although his demeanor had returned to his usual casual laziness, it was enough to cause another commotion in the class.

Outside the classroom of Class 10, more and more students from other classes gathered and discussed in a low voice in the corridor.

"What's the situation, why is it like a small concert?"

"Listen, Xie Li is singing!"

"Who? Xie Li?? He can even sing?"

"Mom, are you sure you're not mistaken, he doesn't even bother to say a word to you in ordinary words, and he can sing?"

"Fuck, is this subwoofer his voice? Isn't that too good to hear?"

"What kind of song is this sung? The lyrics are very exciting."

"It sounds good."

"It's alright, alright, don't talk anymore, you can't hear it clearly, and you can't even listen to the song!"

"… "

Xie Li faced the classroom and sang the second chorus lazily. Taking advantage of the short gap after the chorus, he leaned to the side and raised his eyes.

With his eyes fixed on the figure by the window, Xie Li paused for two seconds and whispered into the microphone, "Did I sing so badly that the squad leader wanted to jump off the building?"


The figure in front of the window froze.

The students in the class laughed, most of them just thought Xie Li was making fun of Yu Rui on purpose.

After Yu Rui regained his senses, he turned slightly and cast a complicated glance.

Xie Li swayed when he straightened up, and then seemed to just choose a random direction - he walked towards Yu Rui, and the microphone in his hand was raised in front of the accompaniment after the chorus:

"Say you want me/say you need me/tear my heart out slow/and bleed me-"

Xie Li stepped on the last beat and stopped in front of Yu Rui.

The nervousness and anxiety of the young man in front of him almost overflowed from those dark pupils. Yu Rui unconsciously pursed his lips, and the color of his lips was faintly white, but Xie Li's eyes became deeper and deeper.

He wanted to smear his lips heavily, to tear it, to dye it the brightest red.

Xie Li's eyes drooped suddenly, and the uncontrollable desires in his heart were also suppressed.

Then Xie Li smiled at Yu Rui and turned around slowly.

"You want me/you need me/you're gonna..."

He put down the microphone and uttered the last sentence.

"be with me."

The music stopped, the students in the class were boiling, the sound of clapping the table, the sound of applauding, the sound of screaming... Even outside the classroom, everyone went crazy.

Only Yu Rui was outside the play.

It wasn't until he watched the man put down the microphone and walked back to his seat, turning a deaf ear to the noise and screams, and watching the man lay back on the table as usual countless times, that Yu Rui finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When he relaxed his body, he was startled to realize that a thin layer of cold sweat had formed on the palm of his hand.

- He couldn't participate in the carnival in front of him, he was the only one outside the play.

However, Yu Rui knew better that under the curtain of that performance just now, he was the only one in the play.

In the last two evening self-study sessions after the monthly exam, the students went crazy.

In particular, the high school class 20 took the lead. With a handsome face and a subwoofer voice that could "kill" people as long as he appeared in the camera, Xie Li just occupied the night related to Dezai Middle School. Post it and all the red posts on the forum.

Photos and videos from various angles were wildly uploaded by the students, and the news about Xie Li singing had spread throughout the school and quickly spread outside the school even before the end of the third quarter of evening self-study.

There were also students from various classes in the forums in the post bar, and they couldn't help discussing the photos and videos of Xie Li singing that were posted.

"Xie Li's singing is so handsome, it refreshes my cognition—"

"Before the school grass selection I stood for Yu Rui, but after tonight... I'm sorry Yu Xiaocao woo woo woo I joined the enemy, but Xie Li is so handsome that I can't close my legs!"

"I voice control, I will be a diehard fan in the future, so I won't explain it."

"My God, I really want to wear Yu Xiaocao! For a long time between Xie Li's two songs, only Yu Xiaocao could see his expression and eyes - it must be fascinating!"

"That's right, he didn't even look at the camera for the most affectionate sentences. Whoever took the photos and videos? It's a jerk!"

"One thing to say, the voice is good and true, but when he sang to the students in his class, Li Ge was really expressionless, and his face was indifferent throughout the whole process. The girls in your class reflect on what the problem is - can you act, so close to the water tower first Don't you take the chance to get the moon? If you don't take it, I will go."

"Hahaha the tenth class students are here, I feel offended."

"Offended to 1"

"Don't stand and talk from outside the class and your back hurts. Try it for yourself. Li Ge is like a Buddha descended to the world. No matter how beautiful a girl passes in front of him, he will never lift his eyelids."

"Not only would he not raise his eyes, he might even yawn and walk straight over without waking up."

"Hahaha it's so real!"

"I was in the same class as Xie Li in the first year of high school. He has always been like this. I can prove it, but... I am the only one who thinks that in a few photos, Xie Li's eyes and expressions are not the same as usual?"

People's eyes are sharp.

Even if he was obstructed by the expressionless and even a little lazy handsome face in the camera at first, but after a long time, some students finally realized that something was wrong.

And after the first one, there is more and more attention.

"Well... Are you saying that Xie Li always seems to be looking at Yu Rui?"

"Finally someone spoke my heart out, I thought it was my illusion, but I looked at several comparison pictures - just a few of them facing the classroom, Xie Li turned to look at Yu Xiaocao's expression and The eyes are really different."

"That's right, it's a stark and tragic contrast when you look at it with the frontal photos of only him in the camera."

"Is there? Why didn't I think so?"

"Upstairs, open your eyes and take a look. Although most of the photos of Xie Li and Yu Rui in the same frame are with their backs to the camera, there are also two, where Xie Li took the microphone and handed it to Yu Rui. That look in the eyes... tsk tsk."

"I saw it. When Xie Li was facing Yu Rui, his eyes were shining, and when he was facing the camera, his face was expressionless. What a tragic contrast, the emotion of disgust has already overflowed the screen."

"As a class ten student, I feel offended again."

"What's the matter with these two?"

"The same question."

"Wu wu wu suddenly had a terrifying premonition that I had to face two broken loves at the same time."

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs, it's obviously a brother."

"Yes, don't ask, asking is brotherhood."

"… "

"They were brothers, what are you messing with? Brother Li and Brother Rui have similar interests, otherwise you can find another student with similar academic performance?"

"Brother Qiao, what are you doing, so concentrated?"


The sudden voice startled Qiao Shengyu, he frowned and put down his phone, "It's nothing, it's just someone talking nonsense in the post bar, I'll wake them up."

"Ah? What did you say?"

"..." Qiao Shengyu remembered those messy guesses, and the scene in the cafeteria yesterday at noon couldn't help but appear before his eyes. After thinking for two seconds, he waved his hand even more irritably: "It's just some rumors out of nothing."


"Hey Qiao Ge, where's your schoolbag?"

Qiao Shengyu paused, he looked down at the bicycle he was pushing, and then looked at his shoulders, the schoolbag was nowhere to be seen.

"Grass, I seem to have forgotten it in the classroom." Qiao Shengyu glanced at the time on his watch, "Should the classroom be locked now?"

"I guess so."

"It shouldn't be. I left late, and I heard the monitor seem to say that I want to stay and fix the tables and chairs. If you have time, go back and get it, Brother Qiao."

"...Okay, you guys can help me see the car."

After Qiao Shengyu finished speaking, he turned and ran towards the classroom.

Twenty high class.

There are only two people left in the classroom now, and even the corridors are empty and silent. The two classes next door locked their doors and left half a minute ago. It sounds like the whole building is extraordinarily quiet.

Xie Li sat on the desk in the first row, with his long legs folded and laid lazily on the ground. He raised his eyes and looked at Yu Rui on the podium silently.

Yu Rui was bowing in front of the multimedia player, doing the final shutdown.

"Don't you need to pick up Xiaoli tonight?" Xie Li asked.

The air was quiet for a few seconds, but Yu Rui still replied, "She's at home this Sunday."

Xie Li raised his eyebrows slightly, "So you can go back later tonight?"

"… "

Yu Rui said nothing, raised his head and glanced at Xie Li with a frown.

Probably feeling the anger in the boy's eyes, Xie Li laughed, he jumped off the desk, and walked a few steps to Yu Rui.

Xie Li raised his arm and surrounded the person between the desk and himself.

Yu Rui turned around, aware of Xie Li's intention, and it was too late when he tried to escape.

Yu Rui frowned, "Are you sick and addicted today?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"… "

"I just sang a few love songs, but the squad leader can't take it anymore?" Xie Li asked with a smile.

Yu Rui looked at him coldly, "Is that a love song for you?"

"Or what."

Yu Rui and Xie Li looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally gave up on this kind of issue. He turned his face away, "Get out of the way, I'm leaving."

"I listened to the monitor's words today. If you let me warm up, I'll warm up. If you let me sing, I'll sing—isn't there any reward at all?"

Yu Rui turned his eyes mockingly, "Do you still want a reward?"

"… "

Xie Li's eyes were fixed on the boy's soft and moist lips under the classroom lights.

After a moment, he blinked extremely slowly.

"I don't want a reward."

Xie Li said in a hoarse voice, as if he was fascinated, he slowly lowered his body and made a gesture to kiss Yu Rui's lips—

"I want you."