School Uniform Gentleman

Chapter 59


Yu Rui frowned slightly and glanced coldly at Xie Li who was smiling, then he looked at Qiao Shengyu, "What is voluntary or forced?"

"Just... it's about you and Xie Li!"

"What's the matter with Xie Li?" Yu Rui's eyes were cold.

The face that always had a gentle and harmless smile showed no emotion at this time, and it only made Qiao Shengyu feel strange and divided. He was speechless for a while, then lowered his head, "That's what I saw in the classroom..."

"What did you see? Is there any evidence? Are there any images or audio files left?" Yu Rui threw three questions in a row, and Qiao Shengyu stared at him dumbfounded.

After staying for a while, Qiao Shengyu finally recovered, his face flushed red, "Brother Rui, I won't tell you, I treat you as a brother, you don't need to deny me in order to hide—"

"The truth without evidence can only be regarded as the truth you think." Yu Rui cut off his voice expressionlessly. Under Qiao Shengyu's complicated and dazed eyes, his expression and tone were still calm and almost indifferent. "Since it doesn't exist, there is no need for me to admit it."

After Yu Rui finished speaking, it seemed that he turned around and was about to push the bicycle and leave, not enough to take a step forward, he stopped again and looked back at the boy who was still standing blankly: "Qiao Shengyu."

"...Brother Rui." Qiao Shengyu came to his senses, raised his head, and a little hope rekindled in his eyes.

Then he looked at the boy in the white shirt looking at him, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth—

It's still the same gentle smile as usual, but the eyes are frozen like ice: "If tomorrow starts, I hear some strange rumors in school... Believe me, it's also a time when power is weak. , I will let the public opinion on my side - the one who will pay the price in the end must not be me."

After speaking, Yu Rui pushed the bicycle away without looking back.

Qiao Shengyu froze in place. After a few seconds, he finally woke up with a shudder, and grabbed the hem of Xie Li's clothes, who was about to leave.

Xie Li was pulled to a stop. He stopped impatiently, frowned and looked at Qiao Shengyu, "Is there anything else?"

"The one who just talked to me is... is it the real Brother Rui?" Qiao Shengyu murmured.

"if not."

"Brother Ke Rui, how could he be like that?" Qiao Shengyu raised his head in confusion.

Xie Li was silent for two seconds, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile. He turned around and leaned on his bicycle lazily with his long legs, "Do you think that Yu Rui is strange?"

"..." Qiao Shengyu nodded slowly.

"What kind of person do you think he is?"

"That's it..." Qiao Shengyu struggled for a few seconds before finding the words, "Very sunny, very gentle, good-natured, never angry with people, easy to get close to, and good grades in school."

Xie Li nodded, "Yes."

Qiao Shengyu's eyes lit up with hope, "Brother Li, you think so too! Brother Rui is angry today, so that's why—"

"Except for the last sentence, study well," Xie Li interrupted Qiao Shengyu calmly, he lowered his eyes slightly, and a deep and greedy smile appeared in those dark eyes, "Nothing is right."


Qiao Shengyu's face changed.

Xie Li didn't seem to notice the change in Qiao Shengyu's mood at all. In fact, even if he did notice, he wouldn't care. He was only interested in Yu Rui. At this time, this topic about Yu Rui dispelled his boredom to the greatest extent. His eyes brightened a little bit.

Xie Li laughed hoarsely: "He is neither gentle nor sunny, not good-tempered, and no one can get close to him—what you think is just what you think."

Qiao Shengyu's face was ugly, "How is it possible? Brother Rui never refuses anyone's request."

Xie Li smiled happily, "Contrary to what you see, he is extremely indifferent, it is difficult to have empathy, and the most annoying thing is interpersonal relationships and the trouble it will bring - and in order to avoid such trouble, he chooses The way is to not reject them and resolve them.”

"..." Qiao Shengyu's face became even more ugly.

"Do you think it's good to be close and gentle if you don't refuse?" Xie Li laughed hoarsely, his voice full of uncontrollable excitement, "No, gentleness and closeness that treat everyone equally and make no difference, that is the greatest indifference."


"Do you think you're approaching him? All you see is the shadow he made for himself. The real him is in the sky. With you?" Xie Li sneered. With a casual look, "You'll never touch him."

After Xie Li finished speaking, he turned to leave.

He pushed the bicycle and walked out a few steps, when Qiao Shengyu finally couldn't help but say angrily—

"I can't touch it, what about you, can you approach him!"

"—Me?" Xie Li stopped, his voice half a smile. "I'm already standing beside him, don't you see?"

"..." Qiao Shengyu stared at Xie Li's back with an ugly expression.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more point." Xie Li turned around, "I'm different from you. The first thing I saw was him on the horizon."

Xie Li lowered his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up a little.

"And I not only want to see, touch, but also get." He paused, the suppressed emotions in his eyes surged, and the remaining words were stained with deep desire, almost word by word from his lips. "I'll get him—totally, completely."


After Xie Li finished speaking, he finally ignored Qiao Shengyu, got on his bicycle and chased in the direction away from Yu Rui's back.

Qiao Shengyu stayed where he was, without regaining his senses for a long time.

When he finally got out of the daze, he vaguely recalled the Yu Rui in his mind, the gentle and sunny boy who made all life free from malice.

"Just... our illusion."

Qiao Shengyu let out a low sigh, and left with a dejected footstep.

the other side.

It didn't take long for Xie Li to catch up with Yu Rui's bicycle.

The two walk in the same direction.

Looking from the side, the boy's face is slightly tense, and the facial features under the street lights at night are pale and beautiful, but his eyes are as cold as water.

Xie Li stared at it for a long time, and Yu Rui, who was stared at, finally frowned slightly: "You don't look at the road while riding a bicycle, are you courting death?"

Xie Li made a light "tsk" sound and looked back, "It's just a little regretful."

"Sorry for what?"

"It's a pity that the real you, who only I could see, has now been discovered by a third person."

Yu Rui: "..."

Yu Rui turned his head and glanced at him expressionlessly, "Are you sick?"

Xie Li smiled tirelessly: "You don't know if I'm sick or not."

"… "

Yu Rui didn't answer.

At a certain moment, Xie Li's eyes flashed, and the front of his bicycle suddenly twisted in front of Yu Rui.


After a sharp braking sound, the bodies of Yu Rui and Xie Li stopped at the same time.

Yu Rui returned to his senses and raised his eyes coldly, "You..."

Xie Li: "I'm just curious about a question."

Yu Rui endured his anger, "What's the problem."

Xie Li: "Why are you soft-hearted towards me?"


Xie Li used his bicycle to force Yu Rui's bicycle to stop by the side of the road. At this time, he was not in a hurry and repeated patiently, "Why are you soft-hearted towards me?"

The corner of Yu Rui's mouth evoked a mocking and cold smile, "When did I—"

"When I met Qiao Shengyu, I knew that he might be a friend, but I would never give any handle to others, never give them the slightest chance to hurt you - the hypocrisy that looks harmless but is covered with thorns is the the real you."

Yu Rui glanced at him, "So?"

"What about me?" Xie Li propped up the bicycle with one foot and slowly leaned over to the boy. His eyes darkened, "To me, why don't you put your thorn up, squad leader?"

"..." Yu Rui's eyes flickered.

But Xie Li didn't give him any room to escape, he got closer a little bit, almost kissing Yu Rui's lips.

A dumb smile broke out between the two of them.

"I don't believe you really can't do anything. If you don't need to worry about anything, you should have many, many means that you can use on me. Why not, monitor?"

Yu Rui looked away, and as soon as the front of the car turned, he was about to go around Xie Li and leave, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"… tsk."

Xie Li suddenly raised his hand and held down Yu Rui's car.

Yu Rui looked back angrily, facing a pair of extremely deep eyes—

"It's a big taboo to be tempted by a patient who has no scruples, squad leader."