Science and Technology Library

Chapter 102: Blockade together


Chen Mo frowned when he heard this and put down the book in his hand: "Notifying you so late? Are you that anxious?"

"That's the point." Zhao Min's tone was not good.

They have reached an agreement today, the terms of cooperation between the two parties have been set, and all the details of the contract have been finalized.

They were originally planning to sign a contract tomorrow morning, but the other party informed them at this time tonight that all the contracts negotiated today were void and the signing ceremony was also cancelled.

This means that the other party wants to re-formulate the contract or will not cooperate.

"Why is this happening?"

"I don't know. We had a good conversation today, and they seem to be very sincere. The reason why the other party changed their minds is not yet clear. Maybe they will tell it in the conversation tomorrow," Zhao Min said.

"It's a bit strange to suddenly change your mind. If the cooperation is not reached, it doesn't matter. You can go back to China first and wait for the European market."

"I got it. I'll inform you in advance this time. I'm afraid I won't gain much from this trip to Europe."

If there is a sudden change of heart, the other party must want greater benefits. As for the greater interests, they cannot give in. If both parties do not agree, this trip to Europe will only come back empty-handed.

"Let's do this for now. You go to bed early. If they don't show much sincerity tomorrow, go back to China first. There's no need to waste time."


After putting down the phone, Zhao Min rubbed his eyebrows and slowly walked to the window.

It's late at night, and the Danube River looks like a dream under the lights. It's easy to get lost in this night scene. This is one of the most prosperous corners of the world, but behind the prosperity, there is blood hidden.

This place is not as peaceful as at home. In a zone controlled by capital, interests are paramount.

After calming down, Zhao Min walked back to the bed and lay down.

This trip to Europe may end in vain. It will still take some time for Army Ant to internationalize.

If anything happens, we’ll talk about it tomorrow. Zhao Min didn’t think too much and closed his eyes.

the next day.

Zhao Min followed Julie and others and left the hotel. After being picked up by the motorcade, we quickly arrived at the headquarters of Altice Group.

"Mr. Kang Bomin, we need an explanation. Didn't we already have an agreement yesterday? Counting the time, it was the time to sign the contract. Why was the cooperation suddenly canceled?"

As soon as he saw Kang Bomin, CEO of Altice Group, Zhao Min spoke. The tone was not very good, I felt like I was being tricked.

It takes such a long time to negotiate the terms so hard, and then the other party simply cancels it with just a phone call. No one has a good temper.

"Ms. Zhao, please be patient." After listening to the translator, Kang Bomin pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, smiled slightly, and pointed to the seat opposite the table: "Let's sit down and talk. The board of directors doesn't agree with yesterday's terms. I There’s nothing we can do.”

"Then how do you want to cooperate now?" Zhao Min sat on the chair and calmed down and said.

"We decided to cooperate in another way. We acquired 10% of the shares of Army Ant Company and used our company's resources to grow Army Ant Company as quickly as possible and squeeze Apple out of the European market. We will gain greater benefits. ." Kang Bomin said.

He was the CEO of Alcatel-Lucent and has a good understanding of the software and hardware markets of the European telecommunications market. I have to say that Army Ant’s butterfly-eye mobile phone is a very good product. If you can get it from an agent in Europe, the profit will definitely be considerable.

However, the contract was rejected by the board of directors. The board of directors only wanted the shares of Army Ant Company to obtain greater benefits, rather than the interests of acting as an agent for Butterfly Eye Mobile Phones.

The meaning above is very firm. If they don't get the shares of Army Ant Company, it is impossible to let them enter the European market. And they said that they can naturally do it.

After all, the whole of Europe is so big, and big conglomerates and big capital have long been the uncrowned kings of this place.

"Impossible, we will never sell our shares." Zhao Min said solemnly.

Just as she thought, the other party really wanted to get greater benefits. It is obviously impossible to just focus on the shares of Army Ant Company.

"Ms. Zhao, you have to think carefully. The market in Europe is huge. With our help, you can quickly eat this piece of cake. The benefits here are much more valuable than 10% of the shares of Army Ant Company."

"I'm not interested. Since your company won't cooperate, I can only regret it."

Zhao Min stood up and turned around to leave.

"Ms. Zhao, if you leave here, you are leaving the entire European market. It will be difficult to come in in the future. It is only 10% of the shares, and we are only a controlling shareholder and do not participate in the operation of the company."

Kang Bomin frowned when he saw Zhao Min leaving so decisively.

"No interest, goodbye." Zhao Min said goodbye and left with Julie and others.

It is impossible to continue talking about matters involving the company's shares. It is impossible for Chen Mo to take out the shares of Marching Ant Company and sit on the table and talk endlessly. It is just a waste of time.

Seeing Zhao Min leaving decisively, Kang Bomin made a phone call: "Sir, Marching Ant Company refuses to sell its shares."

"If you don't surrender, get out." A decisive voice came from the other end of the phone.

As soon as Zhao Min left, the heads of major European telecom operators collectively received the message that they were not allowed to have any cooperation with Army Ant Company.

The news spread, indicating that it is almost impossible for Army Ant mobile phones to enter the European market.

In Europe, it is not the government that has the final say, but the big capital, families and unions that bring those politicians to power.

"It seems they want to block our road."

That night, in the hotel, Zhao Min put down her mobile phone and had a sullen face. They wanted to find another company to cooperate with, but this happened and the plan fell through.

Now Army Ant Company is blocked by large European telecommunications operators.

Zhao Min looked at the time and dialed Chen Mo's phone number.

"How about it?"

"Yes, as I expected, the people from the Altice Group changed the conditions. Their condition is 10% of the shares of the Marching Ant Company."

"Can I switch to another partner?"

"I rejected their request. The largest operators in Europe jointly blocked it and were not prepared to let us enter the European market. This time, people from the Altice Group suddenly changed their minds. It is estimated that these telecom giants are working together to cause trouble." Zhao Min said .

"Is there any way?" Chen Mo asked.

"Throughout Europe, most of the telecommunications software and hardware are in the hands of these operators, which almost monopolize the entire market. It is simply impossible for us, outsiders, to break through," said Zhao Min.

Huawei is developing very well in Europe, but even China Micro will not easily offend these telecom operators because of them, let alone help them enter the market.

Because this market is already Hua Wei's big cake, if they invite army ants into it, they will find competitors for themselves, which is not in their interests.

"It seems you still have to rely on yourself." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Take your time, this is just the beginning, there is still a long way to go in the future. Marching Ant Company has experienced a lot along the way," Zhao Min said.

"Since it's been blocked, there's not much use in staying in Europe. Go back to your country. It's not convenient to talk on the phone. Let's talk about it after you go back to your country."


The next morning, Zhao Min and others took a flight back to China.

Cultivation, please recommend and reward me

(End of chapter)