Science and Technology Library

Chapter 51: Lao Luo was shocked


Zhao Min looked at the information sent by Chen Mo and his expression became solemn.

Mobile phone smart assistant.

According to Chen Mo's information, this smart assistant can open and close APPs, browse APPs, voice input, search, and chat, and can completely control the phone with voice.

The most well-known voice assistant is Siri, which comes with Apple, but Siri cannot browse and control APPs, while smart assistants can. It's more powerful than Apple's Siri, which is no small thing.

Is this already the category of artificial intelligence

Apple originally acquired Siri for US$200 million. After so many years of improvement, it has achieved its current results. Now it is suddenly surpassed by the intelligent assistant developed by Chen Mo. If it is announced, the impact will definitely not be small.

After sorting out his emotions, Zhao Min used a USB flash drive to copy the source code of the smart assistant and the code of the Marching Ant system embedded in the smart assistant. After completely deleting the emails, he left the office.

"Xiao Yu, come with me."

"Okay." Xiaoyu put down the documents in his hands without saying a word and followed Zhao Min closely.

When Zhao Min walked into the office area of the R&D system, there was a slight commotion. After all, Mr. Zhao rarely appeared here. Not long after, Lao Luo and Wang Sijia came over wearing research clothes.

"President, are you looking for me in such a hurry? What's the matter?" Lao Luo's face became serious when he saw Zhao Min's serious look.

"You two, go to the laboratory and test the contents." Zhao Min handed the USB flash drive in his hand to Lao Luo.


Lao Luo carefully took Zhao Min's USB flash drive and took the lead into the laboratory. What made Zhao Min so cautious and send it in person was definitely something very important.

"Xiao Yu, you can come with me too."

"Sister Zhao, is it appropriate for me to follow you?" Xiao Yu is not stupid, so he naturally knows that there is something very important in this.

"It's okay, come here and take a closer look."

Zhao Min called Xiaoyu and followed Lao Luo and Wang Sijia into the laboratory.

After opening the data on the USB flash drive, Lao Luo and Wang Sijia began to look at it seriously.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Zhao Min could only simply read the instruction materials sent by Chen Mo. He didn't understand the technical terms and only knew the functions of the smart assistant. Lao Luo and Wang Sijia are professionals. When they saw some things inside, their expressions immediately became cautious.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get a mobile phone and try it out."

Wang Sijia ran out, and after a while she ran back with a butterfly-eye mobile phone and handed it to Lao Luo. While waiting for the system to be written, Lao Luo and Wang Sijia turned their attention to Xiaoyu and hesitated to speak.

"Mr. Zhao, her?"

"She is not an outsider. If you have anything to say, just tell her." Zhao Min said.

"Mr. Zhao, is our company conducting artificial intelligence research?"

As the person in charge of the R&D system, Lao Luo had to ask this question, because the R&D system was under his management and he had never been exposed to the technology of intelligent assistants.

"No." Zhao Min shook his head.

"Then where did this information come from?" Lao Luo frowned.

"The chairman's research came out." Zhao Min glanced at Xiao Yu next to him and said, "I have no way of knowing the chairman's research."

Xiaoyu was also puzzled by Zhao Min.

"Impossible." Lao Luo shook his head: "How could he develop such an intelligent assistant so quickly by himself? This is already considered the category of artificial intelligence."

Xiao Yu was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect that on her first day at work, the president would actually let her come into contact with such a core thing.

"In his hands, nothing is impossible. The Army Ant system was all invented by him. He can support two teams by himself. Otherwise, how do you think the company will get started?"

"Is there a team behind the chairman?" Lao Luo still couldn't believe this fact, and now he was completely shocked.

"The chairman's affairs are not something we should pry into." Zhao Min's face darkened.

Lao Luo also realized that he had said something wrong and no longer struggled with this topic. If it was really researched by the chairman alone, he could not imagine what kind of monster he was.

"I'm so embarrassed. I was just too excited to see this information." Lao Luo said.

"Let's briefly test the function of the smart assistant first."

Wang Sijia brought the topic back to the smart assistant, picked up the butterfly eye that had been written into the new system, and couldn't wait to turn on the smart assistant.

"Please perform voiceprint recognition."

After Wang Sijia turned on the smart assistant function, a synthesized female voice immediately came from the phone. After the voiceprint recognition was successful, Wang Sijia entered her name as a title.

"Jiajia, Xiaodie, the butterfly-eyed smartphone assistant, is happy to serve you."

After Wang Sijia confirmed the name verification, the interface disappeared, the phone's original desktop was restored, and the smart assistant could not be seen.

"Call up."

"No card, you can only make emergency calls." As soon as Wang Sijia's voice fell, Xiaodie's voice appeared on the phone.

"Connect to wifi."

"You have entered the wireless network interface and have turned on wifi. Please select. The wifi connection is successful and the signal is normal."

"Open the browser." Wang Sijia continued.

As soon as Wang Sijia's voice fell, the phone immediately jumped to the browser page: "The browser is open."

"Open the News Technology Channel."

Wang Sijia speaks one command after another, and she can open videos, close videos, and browse articles without touching her hands at all. But there is a limitation, speaking words, there are words on the phone screen.

Until she stopped, Wang Sijia still felt incredible.

Xiaodie's functions have surpassed the known mobile phone assistants and can be regarded as the category of artificial intelligence.

"Its front-end technology and user interaction are very good, and its voice recognition is very accurate. Its functions are more powerful than Apple's Siri. Apple's Siri cannot close and control applications. It must be recognized on the Siri interface.

After running, Xiaodie identifies and controls systems and applications in the background. It enables true contactless voice operation and is a very good smart assistant. "

Lao Luo looked at Wang Sijia's test with surprise on his face.

"Mr. Zhao should know its value, right?"

"According to the motherboard and appearance design I got today, use the fastest speed to make a prototype of the second mobile phone for testing. Also, package the smart assistant into a paid software, and replace the icon with a butterfly eye pattern. By the way, prepare the smart assistant Mobile phone assistant’s PPT.” Zhao Min said.

"PPT? What for?" Wang Sijia asked.

"For the press conference."

"I understand." Lao Luo said.

"Keep the data well." After Zhao Min finished speaking, he unplugged the USB flash drive and left with Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, go and inform the people in the Propaganda Department to prepare a publicity plan for the second mobile phone for me. Also, ask Minister Li to send someone to arrange the press conference as quickly as possible." As soon as he left the laboratory, Zhao Min said to Xiaoyu.

"Okay." Xiaoyu nodded.

After returning to the office, Zhao Min dialed Chen Mo's mobile phone. This guy suddenly gave her such a voice assistant, which almost caught her off guard.

"Chairman, are you studying artificial intelligence?" Zhao Min asked as soon as the phone was connected. She was shocked today. Chen Mo came up with this without saying a word. Its importance was definitely not inferior to that of the Marching Ant System.

"Why do you ask?" Chen Mo asked in confusion.

"Don't you know about the smart assistant you sent over?" Zhao Min said speechlessly.

"The smart assistant is a feature of the next mobile phone. Its function is limited to controlling the mobile phone. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it can be optimized and used on computers in the future." Chen Mo said.

"It will still be some time before the second mobile phone is launched. I plan to release the smart assistant as software first to increase visibility and user experience. I will remove the software before the mobile phone is launched," Zhao Min said.

"Okay, I'm in charge of the product, how to make money is what you should think about."

After chatting with Zhao Min for a while, Chen Mo hung up the phone, picked up the book at hand, and read quietly. The laboratory is not yet completed, and he does not have any technological projects at hand. It is rare for him to have some free time, so reading is a good thing.

After all, half of the goal of 1,000 books has not been completed, and he also wants to complete this goal as soon as possible.

(End of chapter)