Science and Technology Library

Chapter 59: Valuation of $10 billion?


Apple's stock price fell 1% in the first hour of trading, wiping out $8.2 billion in market value. Apple's stock price is still fluctuating, falling for three days in a row, and finally stabilized, with a drop of nearly 4% in three days. For any company, this drop is very large, especially for a giant like Apple.

The last time there was such a big drop, Apple announced that it would charge Apple-side tipping fees. This sudden drop reminds people of smart assistants.

Apple's system is closed source and cannot support smart assistants. It will no longer have an advantage in the next mobile phone market. Apple mobile phones are the most profitable among many businesses. All Apple stock prices have shown a downward trend. Although the decline is not very large, the impact has already been felt.

This impact caused an uproar in the market, and many media reported on this topic.

"Have the Army Ants Taken Form?" "-New York Times

"The Rising Giant?" 》—Wall Street Journal

"Invasive Army Ants!" 》—The Times

Countless reports are pouring in discussing the threat posed by the presence of army ants.

It was busy outside, and the Apple headquarters was not calm either. A researcher with a hooked nose and beard looked at the code on the computer screen with a gloomy face.

It's been a week since they hacked back the files from Army Ant's database.

This week, he was trying to figure out how to crack the folder. After trying for so long, I have made little progress until today.

He didn't expect that Army Ant Company was so difficult to deal with and even encrypted the data, which made him want to take advantage of it.

The company's recent stock market performance has not been very good, and his superiors have been urging him to crack the data packets and get the source code of the smart assistant, otherwise he will definitely be scolded.


The man sitting on the computer chair finally smiled. After a while, the man's smile froze on his face, and when he saw a bunch of garbled characters on it, his face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.


As soon as the computer screen went black, the screens of several computers nearby also went black. This scene made the man's pupils shrink.


The man shouted angrily and punched the keyboard. Needless to say, someone from the Army Ant Company planted a virus in the data packet, and he was tricked.

As the computer screen went black, commotion began in the office area.

Army Ant Company.

Chen Mo smiled slightly when he heard Mo Nu's report.

He has asked Mo Nu to plant a tracking virus in the data packet. As long as the data packet is cracked, the computer will be useless when the virus disperses. This is just a small lesson to them.

Standing up from his seat, Chen Mo put on his lab coat and walked into the laboratory.

Chen Mo is very peaceful here, but the domestic network is not peaceful. With the popularity of smart assistants, more and more interesting things are popping up on the Internet.

On Weibo, someone posted that his girlfriend had an argument with her smart assistant and then smashed her phone in anger. After this video was uploaded to the Internet, it attracted many onlookers and laughter.

Xiaodie's chat function is also vividly and exquisitely displayed in just one video.

This is not an isolated case. The official Weibo of Marching Ant Company has been occupied by a group of people complaining.

"I have never seen such an arrogant smart assistant. Every time I scold it, it doesn't retaliate and even asks me to smash it. Does it bully me and dare not hit it? No more, I just bought a new mobile phone now."

"There is a quality problem with the product, army ant. You have to pay for my phone. I scolded it and it asked me to put it in the water. I forgot that it was not a butterfly eye."

"It seems I'm not the only one injured. Fortunately, it's just a broken screen and it can be replaced."

"Brothers, lift me up, my phone is Nokia..."

Although the style of painting is bizarre and funny, many people see the key points.

Being able to have such a flexible voice interaction function undoubtedly tells everyone that Army Ant's artificial intelligence is already at the forefront of research.

Artificial intelligence is the main development trend of future technology.

Whoever makes a major breakthrough in this field will dominate the future market. The market for artificial intelligence has been studied a long time ago, and many technology companies have invested a lot of money in the research of artificial intelligence.

Many market evaluation companies began to evaluate the value of Army Ant Company, and finally Morgan Company made a valuation of US$10 billion.

This valuation shocked the financial markets. However, many people do not agree with Morgan's forecast and believe that this valuation is too low.

Not to mention the Army Ant system and butterfly eye mobile phones, just the existence of smart assistants has a market value of more than 10 billion US dollars.

Entering the global market in the future, even if only 50 million mobile phone users pay to use smart assistants, Marching Ant's annual revenue will be 12 billion Huaxia coins.

This is just the lowest estimate. There are billions of smartphones in the world. A little more optimistically, with smart assistants, the future of Army Ant Company is unlimited, and there are many derivative products of smart assistants.

US$10 billion is just a minimum valuation. Regarding the Army Ant Company that has not developed yet, if it develops in the future, the market value of the Army Ant Company will definitely be comparable to those giants.

The rise of army ants caused a huge sensation in the country.

Various reports on army ants were overwhelming, and for a while, the army ant company once again became the focus of everyone's discussion.

Less than a year after its establishment and only two product launches, Army Ant Company has become one of the domestic technology giants, a legendary rise.

Never before has a technology company risen so fast.

The Army Ant Company, which was in the eye of the storm, was busy at this time. After the smart assistant came out, Army Ant Company once again had the opportunity to expand.

Zhao Min was sitting in the office processing piles of documents. She had a headache at this time.

After the emergence of intelligent assistants, Army Ant Company ushered in its greatest development period. This time we have to expand or not. The company's popularity has reached its peak and the company must expand in order to operate better.

But here’s the problem, if you expand too fast, the company is prone to problems.

There are various reports from the outside about how powerful Army Ant Company is. No one knows better than Zhao Min that Army Ant Company is currently short of talents and the speed of talent training cannot keep up with the company's development speed.

When the Butterfly Eye mobile phone was last released, the company had already deployed it in major domestic cities.

Now that the scale is expanding, the talent cannot keep up. In order to develop faster, capable managers from headhunting companies have been recruited and sent to major cities to set up branches.

And we have already begun preparations for nationwide recruitment to recruit talents. The army ant company is like a large machine that requires the combination of various small gears to operate.

"Trouble." Zhao Min put down the document, tapped his head, and took a deep breath.

Smart assistants are selling like crazy. During this period, the company's revenue is almost making money every day. More money means more troubles.

Not long after Zhao Min put down the documents, Xiaoyu walked in: "Sister Zhao, Mr. Yu Chengnan, the CEO of Huawei Terminal Company, wants to see you. He is in the reception room now."

Sorry for the late update, there’s a little more going on on Thursday. This weekend, I will add two updates. Please recommend.

(End of chapter)