Science and Technology Library

Chapter 74: Do you really need authorization? (Third update)


The female reporter’s question got to the point. If Army Ant removes its smart assistant from the shelves, it means that the only smart assistant is Butterfly Eye. There is no doubt that this will take its place in the high-end mobile phone market.

Because it is fully intelligently controlled by mobile phones, this is the only one.

During this time, many people have fallen in love with the smart assistant software. When he is bored, he chats with Xiaodie and tells jokes, and the content of the chat is not rigid, and sometimes he even comes up with a classic cold humor.

The monthly rent of 20 yuan is simply a bargain for such high-end technology. Apart from being smeared at the beginning, Army Ant Company now has a very good reputation in the market.

If Army Ant removes its smart assistant from the shelves this time, it may attract a lot of attacks.

Now all reporters turned their attention to Zhao Min. Because Zhao Min's answer will determine the future decision-making direction of Marching Ant Company.

"This is your three questions. These questions are very sharp and well asked." Zhao Min took the question from the female reporter: "The first is the issue of smart assistants. We will not remove the smart assistants for the time being, but the new version It will not be updated for the time being.”

Zhao Min originally planned to put the smart assistant on the shelves and remove it when they were released. However, the impact of the smart assistant was too great. If it was suddenly removed from the shelves, it would only bring bad luck to the Marching Ant Company.

Moreover, the smart assistants on the market can continuously collect data and information for them, constantly improve the voice interaction functions of the smart assistants, and generate considerable income, which is not bad in the market.

"We can also license battery technology issues. We are businessmen, just for money. When Butterfly Eye first came out, I said that we are not afraid of competition. Only with competition can this market be dynamic. We want to be a first-class enterprise and do what we do It’s the standard.”

As soon as Zhao Min finished speaking, there was a commotion on the field.

For now, Army Ant's biggest advantage is its smart assistant and battery technology. Now that Zhao Min has licensed one of his advantages, they have to be surprised.

"This is the mentality of a strong man. This nest of army ants is destined to rise."

"Strong, I accept this wave."

"Conscientious enterprises will be destroyed in competition if they do not survive in competition. This is called aggressiveness. It is a hundred times stronger than those enterprises that just change their mobile phone cases to make money."

Zhao Min's words plunged those watching the live broadcast and those at the press conference into crazy discussions. Everyone is discussing the impact of Zhao Min's words

Obviously, many people were conquered by Zhao Min's bold words. No company has ever dared to license its core technology so blatantly.

"Chen Mo, do you really want authorization?" Xiao Yu, who was watching the press conference, looked at Chen Mo beside him. She is no longer worried about problems at the press conference.

"Why not? The last smear incident is an example. We need connections and relationships. Otherwise, no one will speak for us when we encounter trouble." Chen Mo said.

For a sole proprietorship like his, this kind of personal connections are even more important.

Joint-stock companies naturally have strong connections and resources, so they don’t have to worry about being blocked by others.

As a sole proprietorship, they must accumulate these resources and form a coexisting partnership. If they are tied together, no one will easily touch them.

"This is what I asked her to say. In this market, it is definitely not possible to eat alone, and we cannot afford it. We can only produce one million batteries per month, which is enough for our own use.

If authorized, those factories can produce 10 million units every month, and we charge 15% to 20% of the technology patent fee. We don’t have to do anything, don’t waste materials, and the money we get is better than producing it ourselves. "

Xiao Yu nodded and stared straight at Chen Mo.

"This is just the beginning, and there will be more cooperation in the future. This is a win-win era. The power of one company is limited, and these technologies are not that important." Chen Mo said. These technologies are not that important to him now, so there is no need to hide them and attract hatred.

Half an hour later, after Zhao Min answered various questions from reporters, the press conference ended. The Internet is already abuzz.

News of Army Ant Company’s last announcement about the discovery of carbon crystal materials has been dug up again.

It was only now that they discovered that Army Ant Company's carbon crystal technology could already be applied. Only last time, in order to cover up the news, Army Ant Company downplayed the situation.

It took such a short time for a new material to be discovered and put into use. Many materials experts have become interested in carbon crystals.

Even though it has a single function, it is cheap and can be applied quickly, so it can replace other existing battery materials in a short time.

In addition to carbon crystal batteries, news about butterfly-eye mobile phones has also become the subject of discussion. Under the official Weibo account of Marching Ant, a group of joke makers gathered again to complain.

"Shocked, my wife is acting coquettishly with me again..."

"Shocked. My wife said that the son in her belly had to play with butterfly eyes before he could transform into a butterfly and be born... "

"Shocked, my daughter found a rich boyfriend!"

"History is always surprisingly similar! Hahahaha..."

There are various jokes on the official Weibo, but this time there is not much smear on the Internet. Most of them are appreciated because of the open attitude of the army ants.

The official pre-sale page has been opened simultaneously on the official website and the Black Cat Mall. In just three hours, the pre-sale volume has exceeded 300,000 units.

This number shocked many media outlets. Many people even bluntly said that Army Ant Company will replace Apple and become the most popular mobile phone.

Regardless of performance or appearance, the butterfly eyes of Army Ants inherit the unique characteristics of Apple’s Steve Jobs era.

Not only domestic but also many foreign mainstream media have reported on butterfly eyes, but the content is not friendly.

"A mobile phone from the future?" 》—European Times

"The next Chinese apple?" 》—San Francisco Daily News

"The Terrifying Chinese Copycat - Army Ants" - BBC

"Army ants should develop intelligent source code. 》—CNN

This time, Army Ant Company has once again entered the world's attention after its intelligent assistant. Because Butterfly Eyes·Hua Die is so beautiful, it looks more like a mobile phone from the future.

The video of the Butterfly Eyes press conference was quickly uploaded to famous foreign social networking sites. In just one hour, it attracted hundreds of thousands of clicks, and the comments were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

"I can't believe this is a Chinese product, a copycat technology?"

"When it comes on the market, I will go to China to travel and buy this phone. Oh my God, it is a masterpiece of God."

"This kind of stuff looks beautiful but is useless. Aren't you afraid that it will break after just one day of use? Chinese people don't dare to use it because of its quality."

"Ignorant Westerners, although I am also a Westerner, at least I have not been poisoned by those capital media. China is better than you think."

Because the appearance of the Army Ant was so perfect, it attracted people's attention. In the end, many people were conquered by the powerful performance in the introduction. The price is similar to Apple, but the performance is far behind Apple.

It was very lively outside, and so was the army ant company.

After Zhao Min said that the battery technology could be authorized, the next day many battery manufacturers came to the company to obtain technical authorization for battery production. They had to hurry, because if the Army Ant Company regretted it, they would be out of luck.

Producing mobile phones and licensing technology, Army Ant Company is once again busy. But everyone in the company had joy on their faces.

If the company's business is good, it means their year-end bonus will be larger. The chairman will never be stingy about giving them bonuses, as long as they work hard to do a good job, just like the last two times.

Everyone in the company was busy, and Chen Mo was not idle either.

After this period of hard work, the laser sensor has already been produced, and the accuracy and performance have been tested. It fully meets the introduction. The next step is for the sensor to come out of the laboratory and be used in practical applications.

Just when Chen Mo was thinking about how to use the laser sensor, Xiao Yu walked into his office area and found him.

"Chen Mo, the person in charge of the four major mobile phone companies will come over tomorrow. Mr. Zhao asked you if you want to get to know each other."

"Okay." Chen Mo thought for a while and said.

(End of chapter)