Science and Technology Library

Chapter 9: The Eternal Heart


There are still bookshelves hundreds of meters high, with no end in sight. Only in this kind of scene can one feel that knowledge is endless.

Chen Mo walked to the desk and opened the dark red book. Mr. Shu's figure instantly appeared in the library.

Mr. Shu looked at Chen Mo and nodded slightly.

"It's quite hard. I've read 100 books so quickly. Now you have the opportunity to draw a technology. Do you want to draw it now?"

"Mr. Shu, I just want to ask if there is computer anti-virus software here that can detect and kill ransomware viruses?" Chen Mo asked.

If he does research, he will definitely be able to develop anti-virus software, but it will take too long. If he has the energy, he might as well use the time to read books and exchange for technology.

"What kind of ransomware?" Mr. Shu asked.

"It's on the two computers on my desk outside." Chen Mo said.

Shu Lao closed his eyes, and after a while, he pointed his finger. A huge light curtain descended over the Science and Technology Library.

On the light screen is the lock screen of the ransomware virus.

"That's it?" Mr. Shu asked.


"It's easy to detect and kill this kind of computer virus. You can solve it." Mr. Shu said: "Now I give you two choices. One is that you can choose an anti-virus software technology. The other is that I will give you the virus code and you can do it yourself. Design an antivirus program. In exchange for the virus code, your free choice of technology is replaced by random selection."

"Mr. Shu, are you testing me?"

"You can think of it this way." Mr. Shu said: "I said it from the beginning, the Science and Technology Library is not for you to just sit and eat. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many books."

Mr. Shu pointed at the endless bookshelf.

"Then let's do the second one." Chen Mo said resolutely.

After reading nearly a hundred books on computer technology and hacking technology, as well as the source code of the ransomware virus, he believed that he would be able to design an anti-virus program in no time.

It's just that this randomly selected technique is a bit mysterious. He has nothing now. If he is randomly given a technique that he cannot use or a useless technique, he will have to wait until next time. Now is the time to rely on luck.


Shu Lao nodded, pointed his finger at the light screen, and densely packed codes were listed on it. Then the light curtain shrank, turned into a book, and fell into Shu Lao's hands, and he pressed it on Chen Mo's head.

The dense codes were engraved in Chen Mo's mind, and the root of the ransomware virus was also clear in Chen Mo's mind.

Various thoughts intertwined in his mind.

"When you design the program to detect and kill viruses, come and choose the technology. Maybe there will be unexpected gains then." Mr. Shu said meaningfully.

After exiting the Science and Technology Library, Chen Mo sat back in front of the computer. With the source code of the virus, the next thing becomes much simpler.

He already has an idea, but this idea has yet to be verified by designing the program.

Turning on the computer, Chen Mo started typing code.

The ransomware attack on Binhai University was quickly spread to the Internet. In this information age, events spread across the country in the shortest possible time.

The emergence of this news seemed to sound the clarion call for attack.

Major universities in the country have also reported being attacked by ransomware viruses. There was an outcry among the colleges and universities that were attacked, as well as in their circles of friends and forums.

The virus is called 'Eternal Heart' and is a variant of the ransomware virus 'Eternal Blue'.

The same as last time, it is mainly spread through email attachments, phishing website mass download URL links, users downloading virus files on malicious sites, and web pages that are hooked.

The difference is that if you click on it, the virus will infect the local network of the computer and then spread throughout the area, greatly enhancing its spreading ability.

The last time a ransomware virus appeared, it only locked documents, videos and hard drive data. This time, the entire computer system was directly locked, making it impossible to log in to the computer desktop.

The main scope of domestic ransomware variant 'Eternal Heart' attacks is still major universities and companies. Disseminated through the regional network of universities and corporate networks.

Many colleges and universities have shut down their campus networks to prevent the campus network from being infected with the 'Eternal Heart'.

The virus is still spreading and cannot be stopped at all.

More and more virus incidents occur in computers, and the Internet is abuzz with worries and joys coexisting. I have also become cautious when surfing the Internet, not daring to randomly click on some URLs or unknown software.

This time it is a variant of the ransomware virus. It is more complete than last time. The loopholes have been patched. The spread speed is also much faster than last time. In a short period of time, it has spread across the board.

Following the last ransomware crisis, another computer virus crisis has swept the world.

All news media put the ransomware virus on the front page.

"China has shut down virtual currency trading, what's the solution to the computer virus?" 》

"Eternal Blue Variant: Eternal Heart?" Nearly one million computers have been infected. 》

"The price of Bitcoin continues to rise due to the influence of 'Eternal Heart'. 》

Various reports are overwhelming on the Internet, and almost everyone in Europe, where the new variant of the 'Eternal Heart' ransomware was discovered, has been affected.

The whole of Europe is in despair. The main areas affected by this attack are stock trading centers, banks, government departments, universities, energy companies, subway systems, corporate companies, supermarkets, etc.

European stock exchanges were forced to suspend trading, causing chaos in the stock market. Many banks' computers have also been attacked, ATM machines cannot withdraw money, and banks cannot conduct normal business.

The British National Health Service has been hit again, and the computer systems of all its hospitals have also been infected, causing some rescue and ambulances to be unable to be dispatched.

In just one day, 'Eternal Heart' has spread to the Middle East, South America, Oceania and Southeast Asia.

With the spread of 'Eternal Heart', the ransomware virus has officially evolved into a global virus crisis. This ransomware variant is several times more terrifying than the last virus crisis.

Globally, millions of computers have been infected with viruses and have their screens locked. If you reinstall the system, all data in the computer will be lost.

Many people's important information is still in the computer, and they must not be able to reinstall the system. They are still waiting for a solution.

Affected by the "Eternal Heart", Microsoft's stock fell 2%, and its market value evaporated by nearly 11 billion US dollars.

The FBI has also opened a case to search for hacker groups around the world that create ransomware variants.

After finding the source of the spread of 'Eternal Heart', they soon discovered that this was the result of careful planning by advanced hackers several months in advance, and it was still impossible to trace it.

Many network security companies also immediately issued warnings to remind users not to click on problematic emails.

Various measures and reports are overwhelming.

Five days have passed, and the number of computers infected by 'Eternal Heart' has exceeded one million.

Many network security companies can only give preventive advice, but there is no real anti-virus software that can detect and kill ransomware viruses.

There are only two days left before the first batch of computers infected with the virus. If a method to detect and kill the virus cannot be found within two days, all data in the computer will be destroyed.

Many people have become desperate and have begun to pay Bitcoin and other virtual currencies to hackers to get the keys to unlock their computers.

Since the last ransomware outbreak, people have seen regulatory loopholes in virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, providing avenues for money laundering, fund transfer, tax evasion and other crimes.

After the first virus crisis, China’s market regulatory authorities gradually closed virtual currency trading platforms.

This virus crisis has made it impossible for infected computers in the country to 'redeem themselves'.

Some people can only pray that they can find a way to detect and kill viruses at the last moment, otherwise all important data on their computers will be lost.

For new books, it is very important to collect and recommend them. Book friends who like them can click to add them to the bookshelf. Recommendations are the biggest motivation for me to write.

(End of chapter)