Science and Technology Library

Chapter 93: Human movement data collection


The next morning, as soon as Chen Mo and Xiaoyu walked out of the villa, a car stopped at the door. Wang Hai walked out and opened the car door for the two of them.

After seeing Wang Hai, Chen Mo smiled and said, "I'm back."

During this period, Chen Mo has been asking Zhao Min to follow up on Wang Hai's affairs. Because the gun was fired at that time, Wang Hai will be investigated no matter what.

"They didn't reply, so they released him on bail temporarily." Wang Hai nodded.

"Isn't this embarrassing for you?" Chen Mo asked.

"No." Wang Hai said.

"Get in the car." Chen Mo said to Xiao Yu beside him.

Xiao Yu is here, and it is not suitable for him and Wang Hai to talk too much. The less Xiaoyu knows about some things, the better. It is enough for him to bear these things.

"Wang Hai, when you pass by the square, stop the car and I will buy something." Chen Mo said.

"Okay." Wang Hai nodded, looking in the rearview mirror from time to time.

Not long after, the car stopped outside the commercial plaza. Chen Mo told Xiaoyu to wait in the car and ran into the plaza. Ten minutes later, he ran out with a bag.

"Clothes?" Xiaoyu looked at the bag in Chen Mo's hand dumbfounded: "Why are you buying clothes at this time?"

"It's useful." Chen Mo said mysteriously: "Wang Hai, let's go."

The entire journey was silent.

When he arrived outside his experimental area, Chen Mo discovered that several employees were already waiting outside his experimental area with two treadmills.

"Move the treadmill to the entrance of the laboratory." Chen Mo said to several workers.

Now his laboratory cannot be let in casually, especially after a series of things happened. Moreover, there were robots, and it was impossible for ordinary employees to know about these researches, so he did not directly let them move into the laboratory.

"Yes, Chairman." Several employees placed the treadmills at the entrance of the laboratory and left the laboratory.

After confirming that there was no problem with the treadmill, I called Zhao Min.

"Chairman, what's the matter?"

"I'll lend you your assistant." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"She is yours, why do you need to borrow it from me?" Zhao Min was amused by Chen Mo's words.

"In the company, she is your assistant. If I call her here casually, what will happen to her work? I have used her for the past two days." Chen Mo said.

"It seems that you still distinguish between public and private affairs. Let me inform her to go up." Zhao Min said: "By the way, let her bring two months of financial statements to you."

"Okay." Chen Mo said.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Xiaoyu walked into Chen Mo's experimental area with a folder.

"This is the company's financial statements for two months."

"Have you seen it?"

Chen Mo took Xiaoyu into his laboratory and put the financial statements on the experimental table aside.

"I've seen it, it seems fine."

"It's okay. I don't need to read it. From now on, you can help me read the company's financial statements."

Chen Mo is not afraid of someone tampering with the company's accounts, because with Mo Nu under surveillance, he will be very aware of anyone tampering with the company's accounts.

"How about that?"

"Why not? Now do me a favor."

Chen Mo pushed Xiaoyu to the experimental table and lifted off the gauze on the experimental table. The robot that was successfully assembled yesterday appeared in front of Xiaoyu.

Seeing the robot in front of him, Xiaoyu opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

She knew that Chen Mo was researching robots, but when she came here before, it was just a skeleton. Now that she comes here, it has been assembled.

This robot is just like the one in the movie, just without the cool paint job in the movie.

"Is this the robot you completed?" Xiaoyu stretched out his hand and touched the robot's body.

"It's a semi-finished product and there are still many areas that need to be debugged, so I asked you to help me."

Chen Mo turned on the robot's start button, and the sensors in its eyes and chest immediately glowed red.

"what can I do for you?"

Xiaoyu stared at the robot intently, making her full of curiosity.

"It can't walk yet. I need a person's movement data, so I'll ask you to help me. I'm going to collect your movement data and put it into it so that it can move freely."

"Okay." After thinking about it, Xiaoyu nodded: "How to try?"

"Put on your sports vest first."

Chen Mo handed the clothes he bought this morning to Xiaoyu.

"It turns out that this is what you bought this morning."

Xiao Yu took the bag from Chen Mo's hand and looked at Chen Mo strangely. After changing into a sports vest, he walked to Chen Mo with a blushing face.

When he looked up and saw Chen Mo's stunned look, Xiao Yu's face turned rosy and quickly spread to his ears.

At this time, Xiao Yu was wearing a high ponytail, a sports vest and sports shorts, with long straight legs and a flawlessly proportioned figure displayed in front of him. If there was a waistcoat line, it would probably be perfect.

Youth, vitality, and the hint of wildness in his temperament are amplified, completely devoid of his usual gentle and intellectual appearance.

Every time Xiaoyu changes into a style of clothes, she has a different aesthetic. Chen Mo didn't even know if beauty was in the eye of the beholder.

"It's so beautiful." Chen Mo touched his chin and admired it.

Seeing Chen Mo's aggressive gaze, Xiao Yu's eyes were filled with shyness.

"Stop looking, it's a test." Xiaoyu was a little overwhelmed by Chen Mo's look: "If you don't want to test, I'll go back to work."

Xiaoyu didn't dare to look directly into Chen Mo's eyes, and his heartbeat began to accelerate. The two were very close, but they never took the last step.

"Okay, test. Let's take a look at it when we get home."

Chen Mo showed a relaxed smile, grabbed Xiao Yu, and took over all the human motion testing equipment. These instruments are mainly sensors and optical scanners.

Human movement consists of more than 200 joints, which can complete highly complex movements, and these movements are highly coordinated.

In terms of robot design and intelligent control, human movement is a research hotspot.

Chen Mo put the sensor headband on Xiaoyu, then attached sensors to each of her joints and asked her to stand on the treadmill.

Putting the robot on the experimental table onto another treadmill, Chen Mo turned on the data connection of the sensor.

"Now we are ready to collect data." Chen Mo said, "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Xiaoyu nodded.

"Try taking a few steps now." After pressing the start button, Chen Mo's eyes were on the computer screen.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoyu started walking slowly on the treadmill. The data on the computer began to appear continuously and lengthen.

"Stop." Chen Mo stopped Xiaoyu and looked at the computer screen: "I will now send your walking data to the robot to try."

After completing the data transmission, the robot not far from Xiaoyu started walking. Chen Mo observed carefully beside the robot. The distance of the steps is similar to that of Xiaoyu, but the movements are still mechanical, and the limbs just move stiffly, without real coordination.

Relatively speaking, it is much better, because this is just the beginning, and it is already very good to have such results.

"Xiaoyu, keep walking and I will synchronize your data to the robot." Chen Mo walked back to the computer and switched to synchronizing data.

The moment Xiao Yu walked, the robot also started walking on another treadmill. Even the movements of turning their heads were consistent, which made Xiao Yu look surprised.

"Speed up the pace." Chen Mo said while watching the movement of the robot.

There is a set of gyroscopes inside the robot, which can automatically adjust the balance. In addition, Mo Nu can automatically learn to adjust and constantly coordinate the movements of the body. Soon the robot's limbs begin to become natural and the movements become much smoother.

"Keep accelerating and start running slowly." Chen Mo stared at the growing data on the computer screen.

After hearing Chen Mo's words, Xiaoyu also speeded up and started jogging on the treadmill.

Compared with letting Mo Nu simulate walking by herself and using human body motion data to imitate, this method can make the robot's movements more coordinated and closer to humans.

Thirty minutes later, Xiao Yu was so tired that he stopped and looked at Chen Mo panting.

"Take a rest." Chen Mo wiped off Xiao Yu's sweat, handed her the water, and then turned his attention to the robot: "The preliminary motion data has been collected successfully. Take a rest and see the results of your hard work today. .”

There will be another update in the evening. I am asking for recommendations and rewards.

(End of chapter)