Scream Queen

Chapter 104


Fujiang couldn't stop screaming, but even so, it didn't attract anyone to stop.

Of course, everyone is busy at work, and who has the time to waste time on a pole in the middle of the road, even if they do occasionally glance over, they will only frown because of the untimely layout.

The illusion that Zhu Yang burst out from the mirror girl, the mirror girl herself is a rare powerhouse in the low-level field, and the upper limit of skill upgrades in the intermediate field is also much higher. The great success of the last mission also made her various abilities. a lot.

Now her illusion will only be stronger than the mirror girl. Although it is impossible to cover the whole town, as long as you follow Fujiang, there is no pressure to perform it within the range of her eyes.

Before Fu Jiang died last night, Zhu Yang unknowingly gave him a hint that he had the dream that scared him the most.

It is nothing more than that Zhu Yang is near her at the moment, erasing her existence from the pedestrians on the road. No matter how great the charm of Fujiang is, it is impossible for others to see it, or to make trouble on the premise of the existence of dead things. Make a commotion

Fujiang has charm skills, and may become resistant to illusion over time, which is why Zhu Yang can only use this effective method on the blade.

Everything I did in school in the early days was all about paving the way for the last moment, constantly grinding her conceit about her beauty, emphasizing her mediocrity time and time again, and finally fell to the ground from a height when she was at an all-time high, and fell to pieces. .

To be honest, Fujiang is not a person with a strong heart, and it is not difficult to destroy her spiritually, but this new approach, without the assistance of Zhu Yang's similar ability, is really not suitable for everyone.

Fujiang stood on the road with people coming and going, looking at the crowd who ignored him, as if he was in a montage at the moment.

Time passed quickly, and when she came back to her senses, she didn't know how long time had passed, but she felt a sense of panic in the passing of a hundred years.

She seemed to have been here for a long time, and it was torture for even a second, which made her breathless.

She suddenly left the place and took a deep breath while leaning against the glass outside the store, but suddenly a strand of white hair appeared in her line of sight.

Fujiang slowly raised his head and saw his appearance through the reflection of the glass. He had long since lost his youthful beauty, but had turned into an ugly old woman with goose skin and a wrinkled face.

"No, no, it's not true, it's not me." She hurriedly stepped back, but suddenly she saw the tear mole at the corner of her eye.

She looked at the tear mole for a long time and fell silent for a long time, and finally fell to the ground, like a withered and shriveled flower.

At this time, Zhu Yang and the four of them had a reminder to clear the game in their minds.

Disintegrating the self-confidence of Pseudo Fujiang and letting her fundamentally shake her own beauty and charm is incompatible with the fact of her existence.

The division of Fujiang and the failure of the charm remove the possibility that the town will be deeply cursed in the future from the source.

The other three were happy to hear this prompt. If the game said so, it can be seen that the clearance evaluation this time will not be low.

Only Zhu Yang moved in his heart, thinking that there is still a huge room for improvement in his abilities.

The essence of the Mirror Girl illusion is to manipulate the five senses, and now that she is in her hands, she can already make deeper psychological hints.

Zhu Yang had previously thought that when this ability reached its perfection, no matter how powerful the enemy must be, it would be able to influence and even control it.

But just after trying to adjust Fujiang's perception of time, she suddenly realized that these abilities seemed to be more than the end of evolution.

If she can allow a person to experience a hundred years in one second in the real world, is this equivalent to manipulating time in a sense

However, I also know that it will be a long road of evolution, so I can only temporarily suppress the surging in my heart and keep my feet on the ground step by step.

Now it is said that the game is completed, but they are not the ones who have made a mess and don't know how to clean it up. Under the premise of having spare energy, they still try their best to finish the game well.

Fujiang has changed back to an ordinary beautiful girl again, her confidence has been greatly affected, and her personality is still not good, but she is no longer as arrogant as before.

Zhu Yang told her that she no longer has the ability to resurrect, so if she still wants to die all day long, she can figure it out by herself, there is only one life anyway.

The club that was established before in the class has several talented students who have been helped by Zhu Yang. Zhu Yang also paved the way for them in one breath, and made a short-term plan according to each person's specific situation.

As for the follow-up development, it depends on your own efforts and luck.

The most important matter of Teacher Gao's wife has to be resolved, otherwise, when they leave, this lawless mad woman doesn't know what to do.

Don't try to get rid of the curse, she killed Fujiang again and brought it back again. It's not impossible to use the urine of the game waste to erase the traces of Zhu Yang and the others, and let everything start again.

On this issue, Zhu Yang directly visited the old man of Teacher Gao's Yue family, and the two had a small talk for almost an hour.

The other party is quite reasonable, especially after knowing that a few good players from his side came to the door last night and were thrown out like a dead dog, he was even more alert to the extraordinary origin of this family, and naturally he couldn't be unreasonable.

The old man was extremely disappointed with his daughter, and lost his mind for a virtuous villain. Here, when Zhu Yang mentioned this issue, he said that he would send his daughter to live in a distant place and would not let her disturb the peace of the town.

Zhu Yang was quite satisfied with the result. After everything was done, it was time to play the game.

The four of them gathered in the villa, and in a blink of an eye, everyone stayed here for more than a month, even if they rented out a house, they were used to living there for more than a month, not to mention that the place was full of traces of their tacit understanding and leisure.

Zhou Yao dismantled and manipulated the tool table and the training corner full of targets, Bai Youyou would pester him to teach her to shoot, copying many weapon templates from him.

Yu Li was busy with his own business at the table next to him, and was often bumped into by the two noisy guys, but he still didn't choose to go to a quieter place.

Zhu Yang would occasionally practice shooting with them, teach them some easy-to-use knife skills, or watch them play with a cup of hot black tea.

Here they plan, train, relax, and enjoy together. Now that I'm about to leave the game, I don't have the feeling of relief I used to feel.

On the contrary, it seems that the long-lasting journey has finally arrived, and the feeling of having to leave is still unfinished.

The four of them divided the things that were convenient to take out here. After all, they were quite valuable.

Said to them: "I don't know when I will have the opportunity to be on the same stage again. After I go out, I will be a mosaic in your mind. Keep it and take it out. It is also a thought."

The other three were in the same mood, but after hearing her words, they said silently, "Sister, it's sensational, pay attention to the atmosphere."

"That's right, we help to remove the tags of your clothes one by one, and don't even think about us when you wear them."

"Yes, I definitely want to." Zhu Yang repeatedly assured: "Even if you become a mosaic, it will be a unique mosaic in my mind."

Three people: "… "

However, it is true that after returning to the real world, there will be no amnesia for things in the game, but all clues that may reveal the real identity of other players will be hidden.

The appearances are all mosaic, and the names and some conversations related to identity are all silenced.

The feeling of experience can be described as indescribable, just like watching a movie where the sound is muted everywhere, and the mood of worrying has become all kinds of stuffy and funny.

But after the trouble, the four of them still feel melancholy about the next meeting in the distant future.

Zhu Yang hugged them one by one, and asked them to work hard to broaden the real-life player social circle, so that they would always have a chance to know each other.

In this way, several talents separated reluctantly and left the game one after another.

Several people's customs clearance evaluation this time is very high, although they seem to be easy to clear the customs all the way, but that is also the beginning of the use of unconventional methods to find a new way.

Want to change to another team and try to control the rhythm firmly from the beginning? It will definitely be played around in unexpected inertia, and it is very likely that the mission will fail in the harsh conditions of the last fifty split ceilings.

It's just that no new skills have been revealed this time. Fujiang's charm has been turned into a skill point for illusion, which makes Zhu Yang's illusion even more powerful.

But Zhu Yang doesn't think that this trip will be less rewarding. In her opinion, Fujiang itself is a good trophy, but this thing is too lethal and needs to be used with caution.

After she returned to reality and told Lu Xiu about the game, even Lu Datou was speechless about her skin-scalping behavior.

Fujiang's corpse, this rounding is equivalent to bringing out the NPC of other people's games.

But then again, she didn't even say anything about her skinny game, it can be seen—

Because Zhu Yang is still at school and can't come back in a few days, Lu Xiuci made an appointment with her to come pick her up at that time, and hung up after sticking for a long time.

As a result, not long after the exam, Xie Xiaomeng told Zhu Yang that a new person wanted to join the sorority.

Zhu Yang sees that this semester is almost half over, why did you go early

Then he scolded Xie Xiaomeng: "When did our sisterhood become so good? If you miss the registration time, you can enter if you want to? Wait for the next semester."

In a competition, either be the first to act decisively, or be stable until the end and take everything into consideration.

The former is better than judgment and action, while the latter is more rational than the overall situation.

As for the wave of people in the middle, those who don't stick to anything, have no judgment, and can't sit still and are easily instigated by the atmosphere, they can be eliminated directly.

The same is true for the selection of sisterhood members. When each new wave of new students arrives, they are all the arrogant sons who have gathered from all over the world. Those who meet their standards are proud of themselves.

Most people will choose to wait and see for a while to see if the so-called sisterhood can bring them relative benefits, which is understandable.

It may not be possible to understand and react to the pyramid shape of the school and even the entire university town during the short period of new development of the Sisterhood. That is part of the test.

The number of applicants for the second semester of each year is definitely much higher than that of the first semester. This is because in one semester, people can fully realize that the existence of the sorority is not just a group of girls who show their appearance and release vanity.

It's just that these people who follow the trend generally have a very low probability of selection.

And in the middle, unless Zhu Yang personally likes someone, he will not accept others' self-recommendation.

Xie Xiaomeng said, "It's not bad, I wouldn't tell you if I wanted an ordinary Bichi."

"That bitch of a white lotus is so fake that it's amazing, it's definitely something that people sell and make people count down the money, although the person is still a little small, but you believe my intuition, when I saw her , reminds me of the feeling you gave me back then."

Zhu Yang glanced at her: "You've been a little fluttering lately. You're the one who made you the deputy chairman, right?"

Xie Xiaomeng then realized that she had said something wrong, and explained, "No, I didn't say you two were alike, but both gave me the kind of intuition that this person is not simple. In fact, you are not the same way."

Zhu Yang doesn't want to pay attention to this idiot.

But Xie Xiaomeng is stupid, but there is one thing that Zhu Yang knows about her, but this guy has a strong intuition and an amazing desire to survive.

Looking at the videotape incident of the pseudo-Sadako at the beginning, this guy is fast and accurate whether he is running away or hugging his thighs, and his natural sense of touch for the strong is developed.

Since she said so, Zhu Yang was really interested in seeing this new student who made her look different.

As a result, I saw Bai Youyou in the activity classroom of the Sisterhood!

Zhu Yang is the first time to feel the changes brought about by players in the game after they recognize them in reality.

The relevant memory in the brain is suddenly restored by the mosaic and the silencer, and the person in front of him suddenly realizes the feeling.

Bai Youyou was also confused, and came over: "I, I suddenly realized that the technique of forming gangs is very useful, and I heard that there is a sorority in our school, and I wanted to come in to observe and observe, but it turned out that you established it. Yes, ma'am?"

Bai Youyou became a player in high school. In order to reduce the impact in reality, the university also chose to study abroad.

People like them are destined to be unable to follow the life path of ordinary people, and naturally they are not interested in the things around them.

I know that the school has a well-known girls' group, and the people in it are all famous elite beauties from various departments. Being able to join is equivalent to entering the relevant interpersonal circle, which is good for the present and the future.

But is Bai Youyou a player who cares about the future? She doesn't need to work to earn money. Players who have reached the intermediate level don't say how wealthy they are, but at least the capital in their hands is also the wealth that ordinary people can't save in a lifetime of working.

Every once in a while, you have to go to the game to be born and die, and you have to work nervously when you return to reality. Most people will not choose such a tiring life.

Generally, players who have reached a certain level will not choose to continue to work, except for the special characteristics of their occupations or other personal circumstances in reality.

The healthy ones run around and enjoy life, while the extravagant ones spend a lot of money, and some rely on their own abilities to develop side jobs.

Bai Youyou is naturally the same, going to school is one thing, but after graduating, she doesn't plan to work, she only wants to do what she is interested in, and it's not bad for money anyway.

Then there is also a lack of interest in the so-called sisterhood, and even lack of understanding. At first, I just felt stupid.

Seeing Zhu Yang now, I deeply feel that I still underestimate the hidden dragon and crouching tiger in reality. Maybe there is someone I need to look up to hide in a place I disdain.

Zhu Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and Bai Youyou immediately changed his words with a wink: "I'm an idiot, through this time I have deeply understood my own shortcomings, many things are still too taken for granted, and the rank is not high enough. The idiots who play cards according to the routine are dumbfounded, and they still have to learn."

Xie Xiaomeng on the side was first surprised that the two of them knew each other, then after hearing Bai Youyou's words, she pouted inwardly.

Sure enough, the top-level potential Bi Chi can't take his own requirements in a normal way. Listen to what this is? I still think I'm not enough white lotus.

Zhu Yang knows that for players, especially those who have entered the intermediate field, their abilities are far beyond the category of the best human elites, and they can live a good life no matter how they live in reality.

It is normal to hear a lot of disdain for groups in reality at first glance.

But she was really happy to meet Bai Youyou again.

She finally put away her business-like attitude, and patted her head with a smile: "Welcome to the sorority, this is indeed my biggest surprise recently."

Bai Youyou couldn't help herself too: "Don't worry, I will set the position of the boss as a short-term goal, but unfortunately you are about to graduate, otherwise you can try to pull you down directly."

Zhu Yang said: "You'd better deal with the competitors in the same period first. It's not easy to have several new members this year."

Bai Youyou shrugged: "Let's wait and see."

Then there are some regrets: "It would be nice to know them again."

The 'their' name and appearance can no longer be recalled, but the tacit understanding and ease that they have experienced together will not disappear.

Zhu Yang's heart moved, and suddenly thought of a way: "Can you do video editing?"

Bai Youyou didn't know why: "Yes!"

"Then you make a video clip of Fujiang, remember the joke we made on the way to the mountain? Cut out the movie scene where the whole car was cut off in the middle, and put it in it, we will pay to push the video to related topics. The first one."

Bai Youyou instantly understood her plan, how lucky they were, the previous game could directly compare with the real work.

In this way, if the player has a review after the customs clearance, it is possible to rummage for relevant information. Then when they see other movie scenes mixed in Fujiang's video, most people will only scold the UP editing for perfunctory use. film material.

But if it was 'they', they would naturally understand the code and come to them.

Of course, it is meaningless to review the actual works of the games that have been cleared. Even if you summarize the experience, there is no need to check the original works. After all, there is no reference.

And this work is also famous in the horror genre. Even if you look back, you are mostly looking for the original work, and you are not interested in the derived entertainment materials.

In fact, the probability of passing the signal to the past is very low, but since there is such a method, it is a possibility.

Bai Youyou was happy at first, and then she said with some doubts: "Is it possible? Games—"

Zhu Yang understands what she means. In reality, any disclosure related to the existence of the game will be blocked. If you want to discuss the secret line in the game, it will also be blocked.

Looking at it this way, that kind of money-making player has a much greater advantage. First, he pulls his accomplice into the game. Once the accomplice agrees to become a player, the two of them already know each other, and it is a natural alliance. three players, three of whom know each other in reality.

Zhu Yang explained this to Bai Youyou: "Because their advantages are too obvious, and their actions also irritate the game, they are easily targeted."

"But I guess, since gold players have such a loophole to exploit, it makes no sense for ordinary players to be restricted by the rules."

Otherwise, if you are above the intermediate level, the more you go up, the more players will be able to broaden their social circle. How come? The rules of the game are strict, but they are not airtight.

So Zhu Yang said: "We are not a secret code to discuss in the game, 'they' do not know about it at all, that is to say, whether it can succeed is also accidental. Bar?"

"If this is not allowed, then the game might as well let the real players meet each other without knowing each other when they meet each other. There will be no circles."

As soon as Bai Youyou heard it, her confidence increased, and she quickly said that she would get things done when she went back tonight, and spend money to promote it. Even if she was out of the circle, she would be recognized by the group.

Zhu Yang thought that it might cost a lot of money, and said, "Sure, I'll transfer some money to you, if it's not enough, don't worry about what I want."

Bai Youyou hurriedly said, "No, no, I still have this little money."

Xie Xiaomeng: "… "

She just went to the toilet and came back. Are the two of them already so close to each other that money is so casual

For a time, Xie Xiaomeng felt that her status as the number one follower of the head of the Sisterhood was in jeopardy, and she regretted introducing it to Zhu Yang.

However, finding someone is not an easy task. What Zhu Yang did first was to introduce Bai Youyou to other members of the sorority.

For this member who joined in the middle of the way, the members of the Sisterhood had a certain sense of vigilance against Bai Youyou from the beginning.

After all, if there is no major advantage, it is generally not an exception to this case. Since this person can make the founder and chairman Zhu Yang treat him differently, he is naturally a powerful competitor of Airborne.

The position of the head of the sisterhood was coveted by everyone present. Everyone wanted to replicate Zhu Yang's success and beauty. Seeing that she was about to graduate, the main position was vacated. Without breaking the head, everyone had to maintain the image of a fairy.

Do you want to let others? Dreaming is more realistic.

Bai Youyou was thrown into the limelight by Zhu Yang like this, but she seemed to be adapting well. There were no major incidents recently, but she didn't suffer from Xiao Jifeng.

After all, players who come and go in life and death alone cannot be compared to ordinary people in terms of their psychological strength, let alone anything else.

After a few days of observation, Bai Youyou's performance made Zhu Yang feel that the Sisters Association had finally found someone who could trust her with confidence, but it was impossible for the handover to happen at this time, after all, she was still young.

After the exam week, there was still no result in the search for someone, so Lu Xiuji came here to pick up Zhu Yang.

By the way, I told her that his brother and her brother got into a pinch during her absence.

Lu Xiupi likes Zhu Yang, and has a good relationship with her family. She is not a stunner who doesn't know how to come to the door as soon as her girlfriend leaves.

From time to time, I will visit their home and supervise Zhu Weixin's post-university situation.

Zhu Weixin was so annoyed with him that he hurt him once: "I haven't become my brother-in-law yet, so I worry about it? Don't stare at me to score impression points even if you are earning performance, you are just doing it with my parents. I'm full of good impressions, and I've become a negative number here, isn't that a waste of time? My sister has the best relationship with me."

Lu Xiuci hadn't taught the guy to be rude, but Lu Li first came back sarcastically: "Yeah, there are no eight characters, some people take themselves seriously, and I don't know where the confidence comes from picking people up. ."

Zhu Weixin saw that this guy was not pleasing to the eye, and raised his eyebrows: "I beg someone not to come to the door and let me choose, and let's say your brother is here. What are you doing here? Go behind your ass without asking Excuse me, why are you doing nothing?"

Lu Li said: "You? I want to be able to hold my brother and avoid you at first sight. Is it embarrassing to ask someone to check the movement from time to time when you are old? You must be so untrustworthy at home. Will you be stalking people everywhere? Tell me, what have you done? Brother, you have seen everything, no shame."

"Yo! Aren't you a little brother? Are you a brother again now?" He said to Lu Xiu again: "Did you hear me, there is someone with a lot of knowledge here, I think I should be better than whether I am this guy or not. Trial?"

Anyway, these verbal disputes are not a big deal. Even if they meet each other, they can't stop them.

Zhu Yang thought about what happened before, and asked him: "Are you and your brother not on good terms? I see you two look close, but there is always something—"

She didn't say that word directly, but Lu Xiuji understood its meaning.

He was silent for a while, and seemed to sigh before saying, "We were both young when our parents divorced."

"At that time, in his eyes, I was omnipotent, and he expected me to do something to save it all. But I didn't look back and was immersed in disappointment and resentment towards my mother."

Zhu Yang understood that his younger brother regarded his elder brother as his only hope and support, but after all, his elder brother was only a child. At that age, his heart was still in a mess, and he did not care about his younger brother's expectations.

No one is born so strong. When he grows up, Lu Xiuci always feels a special sense of guilt for his younger brother, and Lu Li is also immersed in the disappointment at the beginning.

The two brothers are not strangers, but there is always an embarrassment that makes people feel helpless, and they are as powerful as quitting.

Zhu Yang shrugged: "it's better if you don't be so careful, your brother likes you."

Lu Xiuci smiled helplessly: "You are joking."

Zhu Yang affirmed: "Really, I said bad things about you before, but I'm not happy with him once I should."

"Typical arrogant, don't you say that he and Zhu Weixin pinch? It's nothing more than jealous of the relationship between the two of you when you talk about it without a gap."

"You go back to find some faults, and beat him twice, and the custody will not be so unfamiliar."

Lu Xiu choked, wondering if she was joking, but looking at her expression, she looked serious.

He couldn't help wondering if he should go back and find an opportunity to ask his brother how far he had offended her. If it was serious, he would apologize as soon as possible, otherwise even his brother would not be able to save him.

The idea of taking revenge for personal gain has already been shown, is it still far from making trouble

When the two returned home, Zhu Yang was naturally overjoyed when she gave her mother the clothes and jewelry she had arranged for coercion in the game world.

Especially those clothes, seeing that there is no logo or label, he asked her daughter: "Where did you find a custom master? The design and workmanship are quite good."

Zhu Yang said: "From other provinces, I told you that you wouldn't have to go to order two pieces of clothes, right? Don't worry, I will definitely have yours."

Seeing that she had bought so many things in one breath, Dad Zhu smiled and said, "What? Did you earn it again recently?"

Zhu Yang nodded: "Business is good."

Although the cost of this dungeon is not small, but the high evaluation of customs clearance will only make more money. Her father only cares if she has money to spend, not the specific management.

Zhu Yang really benefited from this big heart, otherwise she would have to work hard to do superficial tricks in reality.

After this exam week, the next time I go back to school will be more than two months later.

She had nothing to do for the past two months, and Lu Xiuci was also free, so the two of them were going to go out for a vacation.

After the first copy of the intermediate field came out, Zhu Yang said that he wanted to buy an island, and he had already bought it.

They don't even need to make a lot of repairs. The island has its own holiday villa with a lot of style. Judging from the photos, Zhu Yang likes it very much, so he only moved a few places.

Depending on the progress, it will be done in less than a month, and they can stay there for half a month.

It's incredible to say this, Zhu Weixin is busy trying to gather people, and Lu Li is not too much.

When the heads of the two stinky boys came together, Lu Xiuci wanted to hold down one with one hand and hit them, making them dizzy.

But after all, it couldn't be strangled to death for a hundred times, so the two people's trip to the uninhabited island just carried two large living light bulbs on their backs.

The key is that the light bulb is still leaking, and the flashing is annoying.

Lu Xiuci thought that these were the two biggest stumbling blocks in his love path, but something reminded him of his existence in a timely manner.

The game limited his mission time in advance as soon as he stated the specific travel time.

There were still about five days before departure, and Lu Xiu was asked to resign to play a game. Which would have thought this game is a long copy.

Although it only took a moment in reality, he stayed in it for almost a year.

He hadn't seen his girlfriend for a year, and the moment he came out, he had already begun to wonder if it was possible to kill the game.

Without further ado, he ran to Zhu Yang's house and hugged her like a mad kiss that he endured to the limit.

At that time, I wished my father and mother had not yet gone out, and I could only sigh that the young man was in good spirits, and he didn't even care about people who avoided taboos when he was so excited, tsk tsk tsk!

Zhu Weixin was taken aback, and he didn't understand at all that these two guys only met yesterday, how could he force the dog food into his throat today.

Then he glanced at the cereal in the bowl, and Nima really looked more and more like dog food. Zhu Weixin couldn't eat it anymore. He was supposed to have classes in the afternoon, but he was kicked out in the morning.

Afterwards, Zhu Yang was also thinking about this question: "Yes, if the dungeon task takes too long, what should I do during this period?"

Lu Xiu said vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

I saw Zhu Yang shook his head and sighed: "You said it would be great if you had a clone skill, it would be convenient for you to come out and do whatever you want."

Lu Xiuci was choked up by her astonishing words, is he considered green if he really wants to do that

Being so disturbed by the game, Lu Xiupi only felt that his expectations for this vacation had been put on hold for a long time. The key was that the game was immoral, and he didn't do it the day before the trip.

Now that he is back, he has to wait for several days.

However, it is also beneficial for them not to go to the island in advance, because during this period, Zhu Yang received a call from Bai Youyou, saying that there were two interesting messages in the edited video sent out.

Bai Youyou chatted with the account owners of the two messages, and now it's basically confirmed that someone has been found.

Zhu Yang was naturally happy to hear the good news. It happened that there were still a few days before the trip, so he simply planned to ask someone out to meet.

The city where 'they' live now is actually next to the city where Zhu Yang is located, but Bai Youyou is the farthest if he wants to come over.

And she was also busy with schoolwork recently, so she couldn't get away, so Zhu Yang simply asked her to wait for a while, and it would be a long holiday soon, and it would be the same to meet at that time.

Anyway, if she activates her memory first, people will not be able to run away.

Probably because he was too excited, Zhu Weixin heard the movement and hurriedly asked his sister, "Who do you want to see?"

Zhu Yang hung up the phone and said happily: "No, I met two younger brothers online, and they were very good friends, so I made an appointment to meet Ji."

Zhu Weixin became angry when he heard it: "You can see the head round? What if the round came from P? It's such a thing that the Internet cheats see the light and die, you are such a big man, you don't need me to remind you, right?"

After she finished speaking, she tried to dodge her phone: "What is the noodle? It's definitely potatoes and winter melons waiting for you, don't go!"

Zhu Yang avoided this guy with a flick of his hand, and stabbed him on the forehead with one finger: "Oh, take care of your sister, right? Be patient."

Zhu Weixin spent a long time digging, and seeing that he couldn't grab what she was holding, he threw himself at her and cheated: "You said, you want to raise a few younger brothers outside my back?"

"Not many, just two for the time being." Zhu Yang said: "After all, there are not many young people who meet the standard, and we will expand in time in the future."

Zhu Weixinhua's tears are about to fall: "What's wrong with me? You want to treat me like this?"

Zhu Yang ignored his tricks, opened the closet door on his own, and deliberately picked out a few beautiful clothes from inside.

After gesturing in the mirror for a while, he asked Zhu Weixin, "Which one is beautiful?"

Zhu Weixin stepped forward to open her closet, and dug out two khaki clothes that Zhu Yang didn't know how they could have appeared in her closet: "This is appropriate to wear."

Zhu Yang took the clothes and looked at it for a while, then looked up at her brother and said, "You and Dad bought it for Mom. Mom thinks it's old-fashioned and you put it here, right?"

Zhu Weixin glanced aside, trying his best to ignore the memory of himself and his dad being caught and damaged.

Then, seeing Lu Xiu resign, he immediately stopped the alliance.

He raised his voice and said, "Brother Lu, she has another dog behind your back."

Lu Xiu's speech: "..."