Scream Queen

Chapter 106


The housewife was splattered with mosquito blood and looked miserable and terrifying.

It's just that this is not the worst. How much blood does the three cherry tomatoes have? The minimum standards for donating blood are not met.

Blood loss is second, the trouble is that when mosquitoes suck blood, they release substances that prevent clotting. Usually, the mosquitoes that people face are just that big, which is easy to say.

Such a big mosquito did not stop bleeding for a while after being shot to death.

There's also the autoimmune system's response to the foreign substance, which quickly makes the housewife's arm swell like a bucket.

The three swollen bumps the size of fists are also a little less in number. They are really no different from being stung by a swarm of wasps, and they look particularly scary.

Sure enough, the housewife was already screaming in pain, and the intense itching made her go crazy.

Seeing this, Xu Xiao stopped her: "Don't scratch! The climate here is hot and humid, and we don't have any medicines. If the wound festers and becomes infected, just get through it yourself."

The housewife was also afraid when she heard the words. She held back and didn't scratch it, but she couldn't help rubbing it on it to relieve the itching.

Others saw how difficult it was to deal with just a few mosquitoes, and suddenly realized that the jungle might not be as optimistic as they thought.

Especially the girl wearing cool heavy makeup, she looks around vigilantly even when she is standing, and she moves around and won't stand still in one place, just for fear of being bitten by mosquitoes.

Her reaction is normal, because even a few men wearing long clothes and long sleeves are almost the same.

This made Zhu Yang, who was still standing there casually, especially abrupt.

Suddenly, a mosquito flew by her side. Because of its huge size, most people would not overlook it, but it was just in the blind spot of Zhu Yang's sight.

The expressions of several people changed, but none of the people who had no conflict with her reminded her. Instead, it was the brocade-clothed young man who had been cleaned up by her subconsciously and blurted out—

"On your lap—"

But before the words started, I saw a flash of silver light, and the grasshopper-like mosquito was split in half with its head.

Zhu Yangman casually glanced at these people, a hint of play flashed in his eyes, and he became more and more sure that this game was decisively different from the dog game.

Not all players in their game are happy in the same game, but as long as they are in a dungeon, they are all teammates after all.

Except for a few indifferent and ruthless players, most of them still adhere to the upright and peaceful way of treating others when they first entered the game.

Both the so-called people are more powerful, can help one is one.

But here, none of these people were selected and screened first, but most of them were able to watch people unlucky.

Of course, it's one thing that people hate her for her virtue. She's been domineering and arrogant from the beginning, and it's understandable that people don't like it and want you to suffer a little loss.

Xu Xiao also said that the life of a certain player may be the button to clear the game. As long as a certain player dies, everyone can pass this level safely.

Everyone is ordinary people, and no one has the absolute advantage in force. They tear open the appearance of peace and directly enter the brutal battle royale mode. No one can guarantee that the one who will die will not be himself.

However, if a companion 'accidentally' dies, then each death is a one-in-ninth chance of clearing the game.

The logic of starting from interests is correct, but can ordinary people really eliminate the common feelings and empathy in human nature so quickly, and even their subconscious reactions are so indifferent

Zhu Yang thought it was fun, she retracted her previous thoughts, the players in this game still have certain commonalities.

And it must also have its own selection criteria, and it is absolutely impossible to randomly pull people in.

Seeing that Zhu Yang was at ease, the few people who had no reaction just now spoke up.

The high pipe: "It really scared us. These mosquitoes are too hard to guard against. But you are quick to respond. We didn't have time to remind you, and you solved it."

Zhu Yang ignored him, but looked at the young man in brocade clothes and smiled: "Don't you say see no evil? Where did you just look?"

This young man looked only fourteen or fifteen years old. In their place, he was considered an adult, but in Zhu Yang's eyes, he was a fart boy several years younger than Zhu Weixin and the others.

It's still the kind of special bear.

When the young man heard Zhu Yang's words, his face turned red again, and he stammered: "You, I, I just see mosquitoes. The bedclothes in the boudoirs of serious women are stricter than yours. You dare to laugh, you are shameless."

Zhu Yang laughed, pointed at him and asked Xu Xiao, "Players from this ancient background are often beaten, right?"

However, Xu Xiao shook his head: "After all, there are few little ghosts with such a wink. After the first game, the development potential of ancient players is no worse than that of modern players."

"After all, things at the level of common sense can be completed by returning to the house, but the gap between the times is not easy to erase. Compared with modern players, they are more likely to obey orders, form groups, and generally bear hardships and stand hard work."

"The first game of ancient players won't be thrown into a situation where the background of the era is too far beyond their cognition, like now, compared to the ability to survive alone, the two bulls are the strongest among them, so the era's excellence is sometimes not completely useful. ."

Saying that, Xu Xiao shrugged: "Actually, compared with genetically modified players and players with advanced technology, are we not ancients?"

Zhu Yang nodded: "Indeed! Let's see how the game is coordinated."

He asked him again: "You said back to the house, so that means, after each game is cleared, can't players return to reality?"

Xu Xiao gave her a strange look: "What are you thinking about?"

"That means, there are many groups and factions in the 'house', right?"

Xu Xiao was amazed at her sharpness, but he said, "That's right."

With his chin, he tapped Er Niu and the young boy in brocade clothing who walked ahead: "For example, if they are lucky, they can join the 'Emperor'."

"Emperor?" Zhu Yang smiled: "Which idiot is so crazy? Wasn't he killed by the game?"

Xu Xiao smiled and said: "It's really an emperor. He was an emperor before he became a player. He has strategic martial arts and extraordinary things. He quickly adapted to the game and accumulated enough capital in the early stage. The ancient players' natural awe for the emperor made him quickly form It is one of the five major forces in the game space that develops its own power and continues to grow and develop.

"Wow~" Rao Shi Zhu Yang also had to be amazed, but he also learned from Xu Xiao's words.

Different from the dog game, this game is a real Gu raising mode.

Players will not return to their own real world and live in the space city opened up by the game. Allowing grouping means allowing events to exclude dissidents to occur.

What's more, the rules of the game are not friendly. It is not uncommon to have a vengeance inside and form a gang outside to take revenge.

From this point of view, it is always said that dogs are crueler than games, but compared to other people's games, they seem to be much kinder to players.

At least many of the rules of the Gobi game are based on the protection of players. They only hope that players can give wonderful performances in the game, but they do not agree with meaningless internal friction outside the game.

The concepts between the two games are so different, so what was the purpose of throwing her over

The dog pretended to be dead than the game, which means that she did not want to answer her directly, and she had to find the reason for herself.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yang gave it a middle finger again in his heart.

When I got back to the tent, the bag on the housewife's arm was swollen and itchy.

Fortunately, Xu Xiao found an herbal medicine on the way. After grinding it, it can relieve itching.

However, the woman with heavy makeup stayed far away from the housewife and said, "I won't sleep with you. What if you catch a cold and have a fever at night and infect me?"

In reality, housewives are not soft, so after hearing this, she sarcastically said: "Yo yo! If you like to crawl into someone's creaking nest, just dig into it by yourself, if it's not a relative, can I still take care of you? It's okay. You have to talk to me."

He pouted at Erniu again: "Well, the boss, a bachelor, doesn't know femininity, you should go."

Erniu smiled honestly when he heard the words, but the girl with heavy makeup looked at his village-headed appearance and was disgusted for a while, and scolded the housewife: "It is said that women are like wolves and forty tigers, I'm afraid your husband will be satisfied. Can't you, so you can't walk when you see a strong man? You're welcome, anyway, your husband can't know at this moment, just do it. It's just that the younger sisters are young and beautiful, and they are not as picky as you. "

"You little slut—" The housewife was about to swear, and was quickly persuaded by several other people.

Originally, the jungle was not very peaceful, so I had to listen to these thousand ducks. No one would be impatient, and the two of them were persuaded to come down.

At this moment, Zhu Yang's tent has also been set up. She touched the material of the tent: "This is not bad. It won't rot for a while with a knife, right?"

Xu Xiao said: "This cost me a lot of money, you can be careful."

Zhu Yang waved his hand impatiently: "I know, if there is a blanket, give me one."

"Do you think this is a spring outing?"

"Then there should be a towel, right? Otherwise, how do you wash your face?"

Xu Xiao choked, it's amazing how this guy can switch between being sharp and clear and willful and unreliable.

Zhu Yang looked at him in disbelief: "No way, we have to stay here for a few days at least. Could it be that you told me not to wash my face, brush my teeth, take a bath and change my clothes these days?"

Xu Xiao laughed angrily: "Do you think I'm your lead nanny?"

Who knows that Zhu Yang said as a matter of course: "Isn't it?"

Seeing Xu Xiao's disbelief, she continued: "You can't hurt the newcomer, and you didn't even ignore the obvious dragging one just now. It can be seen that in addition to the newcomer's guiding role, you at least have a newcomer's survival indicator."

"Isn't that what a nanny is?"

Saying that, he waved his hand: "Go and boil some water, I want to wash my face. My seasoning bag is very expensive. You are cheap for this service."

Xu Xiao: "…"

Which is more annoying, stupid as a pig or as smart as a ghost.

However, he still boiled water for Zhu Yang, and it didn't take much effort. The fire was not extinguished when it was set up before, and he had to rely on it to drive away wild beasts at night.

It is nothing more than taking some water racks in a puddle not far away and setting them on fire.

Zhu Yang washed his face and extorted a change of clothes from Xu Xiao. He didn't care whether it would fit or not, it was better than not changing clothes.

Xu Xiao looked cold and mature, but Zhu Yang felt that he had a good heart. Before entering the game, he estimated that he was a soldier or something.

In contrast to the indifference of the few newcomers, as an experiencer who is used to seeing life and death, he has a kind of compassion for the weak and can be saved, and his standard face is cold and warm.

Zhu Yang occupied a tent and slept alone. It was really uncomfortable outside the wilderness. Fortunately, Goubi Games might think that this time she was too much to be tricked by her. She had some conscience to find out that she still had a mobile phone with her in such a broken place. .

I can't connect to the Internet, I can only play Xiaoxiao Le or stand-alone game. However, the power will not decrease no matter how you play, it is estimated that there is no charging condition.

In this way, Zhu Yang played for an hour and was barely drowsy before falling asleep in a daze.

I slept until the middle of the night, and suddenly I felt something rolling around under my body, hitting her from time to time, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

She opened her eyes, got up and turned on the flashlight on her phone to look at the ground, and saw a snake-like thing rolling under the sturdy fabric at the bottom of the tent.

Although it was separated by a thick layer of cloth, it also made Zhu Yang disgusted. When she raised her hand, a layer of cold frost directly froze the snake into ice.

When the ice girl's skill was in the low-level field at that time, it was only in shape. The condensed ice was unstable, not strong, and the temperature was not that low.

But after Zhu Yang has been upgraded several times, it is no longer an auxiliary role for disrupting and weakening in battle, and it is not too powerful to be used directly in battle.

Zhu Yang moved to that patch and slept in a different place, but it didn't take long for the day to dawn.

When everyone got up and put away the tent, Zhu Yang realized that the thing was not a snake at all, but an earthworm about the size of a snake.

This Nima is even more disgusting.

Zhu Yang kicked the thing into the fire with one foot and burned it into ashes.

The other people became more and more frightened when they saw it: "Should all species become dozens of times larger?"

Xu Xiao shook his head: "No, it should be only a part. Even the same species doesn't necessarily get bigger. There were mosquitoes by the river before, just normal size."

This statement is fortunate in misfortune, but it is not much better. Who knows what the mutation ratio is

However, the depression is the depression, and people still have to eat to live.

When it comes to eating, everyone thought of Zhu Yang, who fished easily yesterday, and looked at her one after another.

Zhu Yang is almost amused by the brain circuits of these people. On the one hand, if she is unlucky, these people will be happy to see her success, and on the other hand, they think she is useful. This kind of guy who eats in a bowl and scolds his mother is really not easy. So many in one go.

Zhu Yang's heart is clear, but she didn't put on airs. People who want to know her will definitely widen their eyes when they see her, or she must not hold back.

She shrugged: "I'm going to catch two fish, but I want to eat fruit. Who of you will pick it up?"

His eyes suddenly focused on Er Niu again.

Zhu Yang knew that, if the young man was from a noble family, he had a splendid temperament. But an illiterate ancient peasant, it seems that other people consider themselves superior in front of him.

So who does not call him to call

The Er Niu didn't seem to mind either, and he humbly agreed. As far as Xu Xiao said, it was true that the ancient working people had a lot of advantages, and few were afraid of the heavy.

When Zhu Yang came to the river, two more plump fish came down with two knives. I didn't see the crab at the moment, but I saw a lot of shrimp.

Most of the prawns are slightly larger than ordinary river prawns, but a few are the size of lobsters, which shows that these are just variations.

Zhu Yang is not limited in size, she stretches out her hand for a while, she is so fast that the shrimp can't hide.

But after picking up a prawn, Zhu Yang suddenly saw a fish face appearing in the river, facing her right below her.

It looks like a catfish, with a huge mouth and wide gills, but the fish face is as big as a washbasin, and the mouth wider than her whole body is slightly open.

A species that was originally stupid, looked particularly terrifying under this huge size.

Looking at it for a few seconds, there are only fish, but Zhu Yang seems to see the evaluation in its eyes.

Zhu Yang clicked his mouth: "It's too big, I don't know how the meat is."

As if realizing that it was not easy to mess with, the catfish did not move in the end, but swam deeper into the water, hiding in the water.

When Zhu Yang came back with two fish and a lot of shrimp, he saw that Er Niu had already climbed up a nearby fruit tree.

I don't know what the fruit is. The texture is a bit like an apple, but the shape is oval. The fruit tree is similar to a coconut tree.

Erniu was picking fruit on the top alone, and the following people couldn't help, so the booing was great.

"You pick a few more, everyone will eat it."

"Eh! The one next to it is big, that one is not bad, you can turn it around and turn it around and it's enough."

Er Niu was ordered to turn round and round, one foot rubbed and fell from the tree.

The people around are busy dodging, and they gather again. At a height of a few meters, it is really easy to have an accident if you are unprepared.

"Are you all right? Why are you so careless?"

Erniu stood up with a sly smile, but there was nothing serious: "Country people, they are used to beating and go hunting in the mountains to collect herbs, what is this?"

When everyone heard the words, they really felt at ease and didn't take it seriously.

At this time, Zhu Yang saw that something fell out of his arms, she went up to pick it up, and saw that it was a purse with exquisite embroidery.

The silky fabrics, the exquisite embroidery work, and the embroidery threads are also mixed with gold threads. It feels a little bit numb when you pinch it, like the touch of a pearl.

The man with the pointed mouth and monkey cheeks who was standing next to her smiled when he saw it: "Yo, I didn't expect you to be so naive, and the girl would be willing to be with you?"

Erniu looked back and saw what was in Zhu Yang's hand, and snatched it back, as if he felt that he had overreacted.

She scratched her head embarrassedly and said, "Hi! Her family is naturally unhappy. I'm just a poor country bumpkin, and the lady of her landlord's family."

It is estimated that the drama of Dios and Bai Fumei hit the point of the men present, and the old man also comforted him one by one.

"What's the matter? When you grow up in it, you won't be able to marry a landlord's daughter when you go out? I'm afraid you won't look down on her at that time."

Zhu Yang still had the silky texture of the purse in his hand, but he didn't speak.

After the fruit was picked, Xu Xiao over there also packed up his things and came over to help prepare the grilled fish.

Zhu Yang said: "What kind of barbecue should I eat in the morning? Let's eat fish porridge."

"Okay, wait for me to help you grow some rice first." Xu Xiao had never seen such a pretentious jungle in the wilderness.

However, Zhu Yang pointed to a few plants not far away: "Isn't there a potato there? Use it instead of rice."

Everyone looked at it, and once the plant grew too tall, it passed by at a glance last night. Now that it is carefully identified, it is really the leaves of potatoes.

It's just that the average potato leaf seedlings are only ten or twenty centimeters when they reach maturity, but these are stems and vines with a height of more than one meter and the thickness of a child's arm, and the leaves are like palm fans.

Who would have thought it was a potato

The place where Erniu and the others live is estimated that no potatoes have been introduced yet, so I don't know what it is. But he moved first.

Going up and pulling out a plant according to what others said, he, a strong farmer, even took a little effort to pull out a nest.

Good guy, a nest of potatoes weighs less than a few pounds, the smallest is the size of a mango, and the largest is the size of a basketball.

Xu Xiao: "…"

It's always a pleasure to find a staple food. Although there is no shortage of food in the forest, I can't stand eating all the meat.

Pulling all the potatoes out of them, at least a few hundred kilograms, is enough for these people for dozens of days.

When Xu Xiao put the potatoes in the space, he smiled: "If the task is completed in a short time, I can still sell these to the restaurant at a discount."

Of course these are all jokes, where is the restaurant from the game space

But when he turned around, he saw Zhu Yang looking at him with red eyes: "How much storage space is there for this thing?"

Xu Xiao comforted her: "This is still very expensive, mine is less than ten cubic meters, it will cost more than a thousand points, and there are thousands of cubic meters, but the price is just to think about, high-level bosses are not human beings. People can afford it."

Unexpectedly, after she finished speaking, she heard her chest-beating voice: "Fuck, it's only more than a thousand."

Xu Xiao felt that it was necessary to popularize it with her. The value of points is not the same concept that your eldest lady often has hundreds of thousands of bags in reality.

Everyone peeled and chopped the potatoes and boiled them in a pot, and then added fish and shrimp. It was a soft and hot fish porridge that was easy to digest.

The pot here is sponsored by Zhu Yang, but the bowls and chopsticks are made of bamboo cut on the spot.

The bamboo here is thick and large in diameter. The bamboo tube is cut to a certain depth and it is a bowl, and the chopsticks are just split into two pieces and grinded by themselves. It is like that.

After eating, Xu Xiao organized the group: "It's not a long-term solution to camp in the wild. I was lucky that I didn't encounter a beast last night, but if I encounter a group of them, I can't protect everyone by myself."

"It's better to find a cave Anza, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it's easy to respond if you encounter an attack."

Everyone naturally agreed in unison, collected the things and put out the fire, and set off to find a suitable place together.

Although it is more efficient to find separate parts, but at this time, everyone is unfamiliar with the jungle, and most of them are idiots who survive in the wild. They don't even know how to use a compass, let alone identify the direction by themselves. trouble.

However, the efficiency of walking together is really low!

Looking at the group of people, excluding the physical enhancers like Xu Xiao and Zhu Yang, just two cows are used to trekking mountains and rivers.

Others, a pampered son of an aristocratic family, a management who sits in the office all year round with air-conditioning, housewives and women with heavy makeup are not as physically strong, and there is an old man, the other one with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks has a little spare capacity, but see so Many people who can't walk will naturally be lazy.

"No, I really can't walk anymore, take a break." The housewife and the uncle sat directly on a rock and panted.

Xu Xiao had no choice but to stay.

Zhu Yang felt that this group of people really hit the shit luck and met a leader like Xu Xiao. According to his description, there is no happy relationship between the players of this game. There may be a hard indicator to guide new players. , but it is impossible for ordinary people to do this kind of accommodation.

In fact, if the average person is in this position, if the newcomer is such an idiot who can't see any potential, he has already used force to force a unified pace of action, and even if he is willing or not, as long as his legs are not broken, it is not a problem.

However, Xu Xiao may also have other intentions, and Zhu Yang doesn't think he is just a simple bad guy.

While resting, a slight bump suddenly came from the ground, like an earthquake.

A few people were startled, and suddenly the stone where the housewife and the old man lived was lifted, and they were directly thrown to the ground when they sat on it.

Fortunately, it was not crushed by a stone, but the current situation is no better than that.

Because where they were, a huge earthworm suddenly sprang from the ground. It was much bigger than the one that Zhu Yang burned to death in the morning. It was as thick as an adult's waist. He opened a mouth full of fangs and rushed towards the two bite over.

The fangs in the mouth are stacked in layers, and once they are bitten, they are either dead or injured.

Xu Xiao's reaction was quick, and he lifted the gun and aimed at the earthworm with a burst of fire. The bullet just hit its mouth, making it painful.

But this did not completely force the earthworm to retreat. After it closed its mouth, its body was extremely hard, and even bullets were difficult to penetrate.

Only then did everyone know that the real body structure of the little earthworm was like this, but the situation was critical at the moment, and they could not do what he thought.

Xu Xiao barely restrained the earthworm's movement with a gun, and shouted at the housewife and the old man, "What are you doing standing still? Come here."

The earthworm wriggled frantically, and with its huge body, it would severely injure both of them with just a little crush.

After all, the housewife is middle-aged, and her physical strength and reactions are faster. She got up first, ignored the old man, and ran to everyone's side.

The old man stood up several times because of the bumps on the ground and finally got out of the danger zone.

Xu Xiao didn't have to worry about the two of them, he was finally able to let go of the fight, but instead of using the gun, he pulled out a dagger from the holster of the leggings.

A few swiftly dodged to avoid the earthworm's attack and then bullied him, jumping two or three meters high, directly stabbed the earthworm with a knife, and pulled it down from the top along its shell.

The earthworm suddenly had a large hole of more than one meter, and the knife was cutting iron like mud.

Zhu Yang touched the knife in his hand, and his eyes turned red again.

The earthworm was in pain and fought back even more frantically. Because of its special body structure, even if it was covered in scars, it was not life-threatening.

On the contrary, it was the movement brought about by its desperate attack, which slammed the piece into constant shaking, and the one standing close had to hold the tree next to it to avoid the instability of its center of gravity.

Zhu Yang watched coldly for a while. She didn't know about other cards. At least in terms of her bare-handed fighting ability, Xu Xiao was the strongest she had ever seen among her peers.

Even better than the few gold players on the island.

It's just that the life force of this earthworm is too powerful and its size is huge.

Seeing this, Zhu Yang didn't bother to wait any longer, and when his heart moved, hundreds of marbles appeared around the earthworm.

With Zhu Yang's strengthening, the cockroach's skills have not yet reached the level of individual quality change, but the number of cockroaches that can be summoned through its powerful reproduction ability is not the same.

After Zhu Yang released hundreds of them in one breath, the number was still increasing continuously. Xu Xiao, who was fighting the earthworms, was startled when he saw it.

After exiting the battle circle again and again, he thought it was a nearby ant colony. To be honest, if it was on the stall, it would be much more terrifying than earthworms.

I saw that the cockroaches opened several large openings along with the earthworms, and they opened their mouths and began to devour them.

If the earthworms were unscathed, Zhu Yang would not let the cockroaches come out. After all, the armor-like scale bullets couldn't penetrate, and the cockroaches' teeth had not evolved enough to bite through.

But now that there are so many exposed wounds, it is much easier, and everyone only sees a horrific bite.

The densely packed egg-sized beetle started to devour from the wound and drilled directly into the body of the earthworm, eating quickly and neatly.

The earthworm was still rolling on the ground at first trying to get rid of the beetles, but gradually lost its strength. It didn't take long for the earthworm, which was several laps bigger than the python, to be devoured until only its outer skin was left.

The people present swallowed: "Then, what is that? If a person is placed in front of them, they will be swallowed to the bone in two seconds, right?"

Xu Xiao was also full of astonishment, but he thought that the beetle was a native species in the jungle, and hurriedly told everyone to leave here.

"If we haven't eaten enough of those things, we'll be in trouble."

This time, no one shouted that they were tired, and they fled here as if they were busy with their lives.

Zhu Yang followed the army, but a playful touch appeared on his lips—'trouble', right

That is to say, if he really encountered such a crisis, he still had no way to deal with it.

After encountering earthworms and beetles, there were no other dangers throughout the morning.

And they were blessed by misfortune, and they hurriedly rushed to see a stone cave.

The cave is not big, looking at the size of at most 30 square meters, you can see the whole picture at a glance.

But the wonderful thing is that the cave is spacious, but the entrance is narrow, only three people wide at the entrance, which is a natural livable stone house.

It's dry and covered with cobwebs, indicating that there are no animals to patronize, and you don't have to worry about sleeping until midnight when a beast returns to its lair to find that its home is occupied.

This discovery made everyone happy. With such a cave, at least temporarily living in this forest would greatly reduce the danger.

Once you find a place, you have to think about packing it out. With a fixed place, you can think about better living conditions.

At this time, the executive stood up and said: "So, let's work in groups, one group will pick up firewood, one group will fetch water, one group will find mosquito repellent herbs, and the rest will clean up the place."

I am afraid that in reality, the official speaks too much, and I have not seen him stand up much in times of danger. Once the situation begins to stabilize, it is guaranteed that this kind of person will be the first to issue orders and seize power.

However, Xu Xiao didn't express any objection, and Zhu Yang didn't say much.

Naturally, the others had no objection, so apart from Er Niu who could distinguish herbal medicines, the other groups drew lots to decide what to do.

As a result, Zhu Yang and Xiao Shizi stayed in the cave to clean up, the executives and heavy makeup girls were responsible for fetching water, the old man and the sharp-mouthed monkeys collected firewood, and the housewife and Er Niu picked herbs.

Xu Xiao went out hunting with a gun to prepare food.

The location of the cave was not far from the river, but it was no longer where they gathered at the beginning, but in a further upstream area.

Although the group of people acted separately, they were not far away, and everyone nearby could hear a shout, so they could take care of them when they were in danger.

After assigning tasks, everyone went out, leaving Zhu Yang and Xiao Shizi to stare at each other.

The two of them are more pampered than the other.

I wish Yang was better. After all, in modern society, her background is simple and she enjoys it, but once the conditions are gone, she is not a waste of inactivity.

As for the little prince who came from a feudal dynasty and was at the top of the society, he really didn't do housework for a dime in his life, and he wouldn't even wear that kind of clothes.

Zhu Yang picked a large leaf from the entrance of the cave, threw it on the stone, sat on it, and said, "Go to work!"

The little prince immediately quit: "Why? Is such a tedious thing a man should do? It's up to you women to clean up."

Zhu Yang smiled: "Huh? I didn't see you moving when it was the husband's turn to hunt and fish. You said that your family is the prince of the state, right? Tsk tsk! When it's time to take responsibility, I don't have you, when it's time to do things. Without you, without that thick stature, the nostrils would be thick."

"What? Your family teaches you not to lead by example, but to scold you verbally, right? It's natural to call people with a few big words. That's really convenient."

When the little prince heard the words, he first wanted to scold him, and then he seemed to think of something? Mixed expressions on his face.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Just do it."

As he said, he rolled up his sleeves and went out of the cave, but after a while, he folded back again—

"What, how to do it?"

Zhu Yangxian was also surprised that he was so easily persuaded. Generally speaking, the values of the ancients were much more difficult to shake than those of modern people, especially when they came from a prominent family and were the mainstream concepts in their background.

She was thinking about using violence to intimidate her, but she didn't expect that the child would suddenly be submissive, but she would be stomped on the air.

The next reaction made people laugh again, Zhu Yang pointed to the outside: "You break a branch and come in, clean up the spider web first."

Xiao Shizi folded his head and went out again.

Only half of the cobwebs were cleared here, and there was a scream from the river.

Zhu Yang hurriedly stood up, the two ran to the river, and saw that the girl with heavy makeup appeared in the river at some point.

She looks like a terrifying mermaid at the moment, and because of the clear water, you can see her whole face.

Naked upper body struggling desperately, but the lower body is fish body.

But if you look closely, you can find that her lower body has turned into a fish? It was clear that a catfish swallowed her directly with its mouth open, and now it has swallowed half of it.

The executive who was supposed to be with her was carrying his pants, his clothes were messed up, and he looked scared to pee.

This Nima, the two are really in good spirits.

When I came out to get some water, I had to take the time to give it a shot. The current situation is obviously that after finishing the work, the woman with heavy makeup went into the river to take a bath, but was swallowed by a fish.

Don't talk about fish, Zhu Yang wants to chug these two idiots. Haven't seen these ferocious species here

Even if she didn't expect the fish to mutate, it wouldn't be a good feeling if she caught the big shrimps and crabs alone.

Xin Dacheng even wanted to give her a thumbs up.