Scream Queen

Chapter 110


Zhu Yang has just entered the case-solving mode, and he just needs to say "there is only one truth" to show the atmosphere and pretend to be forceful.

At this moment, suddenly a big fat chicken came out sleepy, like a child who didn't find his mother when he woke up. Black Doudou's eyes looked wet.

Seeing Zhu Yang rushing forward with her wings fluttering, her huge soft body almost knocked her over.

What are you pretending to be? Breastfeeding!

This chicken couldn't go away even if he was pushed, and he couldn't get in even if he hit him. In the end, there was no way. Zhu Yang could only let him sit on the side and use him as a plush sofa, and then he got back to the point.

A mother who is over 20 years old sits on a baby who was born less than three days. How frustrating is this topic on the social page

However, the parties seemed satisfied.

Zhu Yang took a sip of water, cleared his throat and said, "Where did you just say?"

"Let's start with the old man's death." Wei Jiangli still gave her face, and when he saw this, he handed over a ladder.

Zhu Yang said: "Yes, let's start with the old man."

"Everyone remembers how the old man was determined to have died by murder and not by accident?"

Everyone nodded. One was that the bamboo piece that should have prevented them from accidentally hitting the trap was pulled out, and the other was the piece of honeycomb honey in the old man's pocket.

This dungeon is not an extreme state of lack of clothing and food, and Xu Xiao and Zhu Yang are capable, the jungle is rich in materials, and there is no shortage of food since they came in.

There is also a seasoning package brought by Zhu Yang, even the taste does not need to be forced, and the picnic dinner is full.

Even if the old man is greedy, there are many fruits picked from the cave, honey is not restricted to anyone, and jerky is roasted as a snack while cooking.

Zhu Yang has only one requirement, that is, you must not get things dirty when you use them, and you are just bored all day long and no one cares about you. Do you need to hide that sticky honey secretly

"Let's talk about the bamboo pieces first." Zhu Yang touched the soft fur on Jizai's body: "Before going to bed, all the bamboo pieces were still in place. Everyone knows this. According to the previous interrogation results, except for one person in the middle of the night. The old man who went out, and the others who went to the toilet before that, all had mutual proof."

The liar immediately interfaced: "Yes, I have a witness. How could so many people watch me walk over and pull out the mark?"

"Heh! Who said that you have to walk over to unplug the marker? You only need a line, and it is just as easy to do it at a distance of two or three meters."

The liar's face stiffened, and Doutou was thrown a roll of things on the ground in front of him: "Speaking of which, the bark fiber is really useful."

As he said that, he glanced at Er Niu nonchalantly, saw a blank look on his face, and didn't stop at him.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "When the hemp was collected the other day, you were the only one who thought about it, except for Er Niu to rub the hemp rope. The others were too lazy to work and didn't touch the stuff ."

The few people who were too lazy to work were blushed by her words, and the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks denied: "That thing is piled up in the corner, it's too easy to take."

"It's very easy, but the bamboo will be inserted when we come back, and we have to touch it again. The first one is suspicion, so from the completion of the trap to the entry into the cave, no one has touched the bamboo. What's more, it is impossible for someone to do such a big thing under the noses of me and Xu Xiao."

"The only possibility is to tie the twine to the bamboo when inserting the bamboo, and use the cover of the fallen leaves to pull it out a few meters away without being noticed."

"And after the trap is done, only you and the executives will stick the bamboo sticks."

"You're not targeting the old man, it just happened that he was unlucky, and he didn't hold back in the middle of the night. If it was another person, it might be the same end. Even if no one wakes up at night, it doesn't matter. The traps always come in handy."

The sharp-mouthed monkey gave an ugly smile: "Then according to you, there should be two people who are suspected."

The executive was immediately angry when he heard this: "What do you mean?"

"That's what I mean, why do we work together, and I am the only one who is suspected? You can't look decent, I look poor, and judge people by their appearance, right?"

"Of course, until now, the two of you are equally suspect." Zhu Yang smiled: "Although the executives are not as easy to touch silk threads as you, but like you said, those things are just piled next to the cave, and they are secretly taken. One won't be noticed at all."

"You're the only one who can do things like stuffing honey."

"Why do you say that?" The sharp-mouthed monkey denied it flatly. "From the beginning, you believed that I was doing a shameful act, and the evidence of the first frame has not been presented, so the conclusion is still sealed at this moment, right?"

After he finished speaking, he saw Zhu Yang pointing at the place where he was sitting, and then at the place where the executives were sitting.

In the past two days, except that Zhu Yang and Xu Xiaoxin dug two single rooms and moved in, and the little prince slept in Xu Xiao's room again, the position of the others sleeping outside remained unchanged. .

The sharp-mouthed monkey slept on the bed closest to the cave door, and the executive was the innermost one, and he had been hooked up with the girl with heavy makeup, and slept together every day.

The dead old man slept in the middle of the room.

Zhu Yang's meaning is obvious: "When people wake up at night, it's impossible to go around the innermost circle before going out? The old man will definitely pass your place when he wants to go out."

"It's definitely not realistic for the old man to put honey in his pocket before he wakes up at night. No matter how tightly the leaves are wrapped, they will leak out, making people feel sticky and uncomfortable, not to mention that everyone drank too much soup, you can't Guaranteed who will be single out at night, we can only adapt accordingly.”

"Contacting your hand speed, huh! This chicken in my family has a strong sense of self-protection, and it is quite fast to peck things, then you can hide, so it can be seen that avoiding danger is an instinct."

It was only then that the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks knew that such a big foot was exposed here, and quickly said: "My quick hands can't mean that I did it. You have said so much, but there is still no direct evidence."

The executive snorted: "What? When we went out to the toilet, you were the only one who walked through the back door and squatted down. Erniu and I asked you what you were doing. You said that you were tying your shoelaces. I'm sure it was at that time. The thread pulled the bamboo pieces away."

Zhu Yang nodded, this testimony was obtained in the previous interrogation, and it should indeed be the hand of the sharp-mouthed monkey at this time.

However, as long as he couldn't confirm it with a hammer, he could still quibble and argue that he was really just tying his shoelaces, and they were all wronging him.

Zhu Yang said: "Well, this one really only shows that you meet any conditions for committing the crime, and there is no direct evidence to prove that you did it."

"Then let's talk about the second person who died."

The second person who died was a housewife. She ran out in the middle of the night with a stomach upset and was sucked alive by mosquitoes.

The sharp-mouthed monkey said: "She was an accident at all. How could I expect her to have diarrhea? And didn't you find anything?"

"Why do you think we haven't found anything?" Zhu Yang smiled: "I just didn't tell you guys?"

The sharp-mouthed monkey choked, and she continued: "As for why she has diarrhea, of course you can expect it, because this time is different from the old man's, it is not accidental, you planned it from beginning to end."

"Laugh, joke, I can still—"

"Senna!" Zhu Yang interrupted him, and said leisurely: "You stayed in the camp that day, and there must have been a bad quarrel? After returning, the people were divided into two groups, even when they were cooking. No one cares."

"Everyone eats the same dinner and it's fine. She is the only one who has a stomachache, which means that the food in the cauldron is fine. The problem is only in her own bowl."

"I can remember that you were the only one who touched her bowl. It's very convenient to add crushed herbal juice to such a hot soup."

The executive and the woman with heavy makeup immediately distanced themselves from the relationship and said, "That's right! We all fell out at the time. It's absolutely impossible to touch the bowl of that bastard, and even let her serve the rice by herself."

The sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks are bigger than their reflections: "How come you can plant me on me if someone has a little trouble? You just said that I only meet the conditions for committing the crime, and you just imagined it out of thin air. It's just that she got a cold stomach at night. Are you uncomfortable?"

"It can be said that, after all, the bowl has been washed for several rounds, and it is impossible to check whether the soup she drinks has been touched."

She was so good at talking, but the sharp-mouthed monkey was stunned, but then she added, "It's just that it's going to be fun."

Then Xu Xiao, who had not spoken much, said, "I found a green grass stain on the housewife's apron. The smell is a bit pungent, and it smells like mosquito grass."

Zhu Yang sneered: "We have ordered mosquito repellents nearby, to attract mosquitoes, grass stains as large as nails are impossible. First, there is the problem of weight, and secondly, the chlorophyll penetration of the grass is quite strong. There are bound to be traces on the hands.”

"Otherwise—why do you think I condescended to cook breakfast for you all yesterday? Except for you, no one's fingernails are so green."

"That was when I learned to recognize herbs with Erniu, and accidentally broke the leaves and stained them." The sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks hurriedly said.

It has to be said that with his sophistry, according to the actual judicial procedures, even at this point, he really cannot be convicted.

However, Zhu Yang was in no hurry. Seeing that there was room for refutation in the evidence presented again and again, he didn't mean to hold back.

She is so confident, but the hunch is getting worse and worse.

What he expected was that the little girl was casual, arrogant and arrogant, and believed in her own conclusion, but the scene of anger and gaffe after being challenged and rejected many times did not happen.

Then the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek heard the words he was most worried about—

"That's why we specially set up a game for you!"

So it was really planned by her? The sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks were shocked, and he didn't even dare to hold the last bit of luck.

Zhu Yang said with a smile: "In your business, you are used to doing things by hand, and when you encounter something good, you will subconsciously take it into your arms, but even killing two people without revealing your footing has fueled your ambition, so set a trick for you. I just came in, making me feel embarrassed."

She pointed to Xu Xiao: "Yes, I asked Xu Xiao to take you to the Snake Tree. I originally wanted him to catch a few poisonous snakes and set up an illusion of being chased by snakes, but I didn't expect the jungle to be so powerful, even that thing All."

"Such a powerful and relatively controllable murder weapon, how can you not be tempted when you see it? If you are lucky, you will kill everyone in your sleep. As long as you are not unlucky enough to clear the button, you can clear the level immediately, instead of staying there. In this unknown jungle, there are dangers waiting for unknown times, and there are guides who are only slightly protected by humanitarianism."

This kind of people with three religions and nine ranks, understands the dangers of the world better than ordinary people, and will not put their hopes on others, and naturally there is no burden for harming others and benefiting themselves.

Even if this trade-off of pros and cons is not equal at all in the eyes of ordinary people.

The sharp-mouthed monkey's head was spinning, the snake thing was a trap they set, but where is the flaw? As I said before, as long as he is not caught, he refuses to admit that he brought the snake in, and there is always doubt about this matter.

But the woman was so confident that since she dominated everything, she naturally wouldn't give him room for denial.

Where? Where did she put the conclusive evidence

Zhu Yang leaned forward, as if hearing the crazy calculations in his heart, his lips lightly opened: "Smell and look at your hand."

The sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks jumped, hesitantly raised his palm and put it on his nose, and suddenly his face changed.

Because he smelled a distinct floral fragrance from his hands.

Living in the jungle has limited sanitary conditions. Except for Zhu Yang and Wei Jiangli, who are very hypocritical, not everyone washes their hands and faces every morning and evening, especially those with sharp-nosed monkeys who don't care much about personal hygiene.

The body is mixed with the smell of sweat and mud, and there are many kinds of smells that are not conspicuous. As long as you don't smell it deliberately, it is easy to ignore.

At this time, he had already figured out how this person calculated him, and as expected, Zhu Yang said: "I smeared flower juice on the bottom of your bowl for dinner, don't doubt, you are the only one who has this treatment."

As she spoke, she stood up and said to everyone in the cave, "Everyone said that you should pay attention to hygiene and wash your hands sooner or later, but you didn't listen. That's good, you can't deny it, right?"

Xu Xiao picked up the dead snake on the ground, put it under his nose and smelled it, and he really smelled the floral fragrance Zhu Yang said.

It shows that this thing came out of the hands of this guy through the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, plus the previous thing, it can't be denied.

Seeing that the matter has been confirmed, the first person to react is the executive. He went up and grabbed the collar of the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks and wanted to beat him: "You fucking want to kill us, right?"

As a result, the fist didn't go up, and instead he was bleeding.

It turned out that the sharp-mouthed Monkey Gill took out a thin blade and cut him.

As a thief, where can the blade go away? The eating guy who cuts the bag and cuts the bag can also use it for self-protection under extraordinary circumstances.

The executive let go in pain and took two steps back, daring to face him again.

He didn't expect this skinny monkey, who was a head shorter than him, to have such great abilities, so he rushed to Xu Xiao and said, "Brother Xu, hurry up, catch him, catch this murderer."

Xu Xiao was speechless. He didn't even bother to give him a look. He was a tall man, and he couldn't beat Er Niu, but couldn't beat a hemp? Just a small blade shrunk like this, it's not a knife yet.

He held down the man with all his strength, and he couldn't do anything.

The sharp-mouthed monkey face pointed at the crowd with a blade: "Don't come here, I warn you not to come here."

This guy still cherishes his life, knowing that he can't get better today.

Just thinking about confessing and begging for mercy, a wretched face with sharp gills suddenly made a pitiful expression: "Please, I just don't want to die, forgive me this time."

"What about the three lives, how do you forgive me?" Xu Xiao said.

"They're not good people either." The liar immediately bit out the dead: "That old man, coaxing the little girl with candy and snacks, I accidentally picked up his book and saw it, there are still photos in it."

"Later he didn't know when he tore it up and threw it away. It was just because he was afraid that everyone would know about the scandal and dislike him and drive him out. At his age, it's a dead end here."

"Hehe! What kind of bad guy have you never seen before? This old man is lustful and has no money, and he can't help a young woman even if he is old, so he will shamelessly attack children."

"What's wrong with me killing him? Killing him is for heaven."

Zhu Yang didn't seem surprised when he heard it: "It's true. If he didn't die at the time, I'll send him to the West Sky now."

The thief was stunned: "You know?"

That's not hard to guess, and even without sinister inferences, the photo in the keychain speaks for itself.

Even after the old man died. Zhu Yang just checked the household registration and learned about everyone's background, but when everyone introduced themselves at the beginning, in order to build up trust, it couldn't be just a name, right

In particular, the old man, as an old and frail weak man, in order to win the sympathy and protection of everyone, but said that he had no children, no daughters and no support, he lived by guarding the abandoned factory.

If you just like to invite children to eat candy, even if they send some gadgets to express their gratitude, they will send a photo pendant of a photo with their mother

That's telling, and the subtle wording in that note, more like a trophy than a memo.

The thief seemed to see the dawn: "Haha! Yes, it's good if you know, how? That old guy really deserves to die, right?"

"And that woman, you probably didn't know when you were out. We had a fight, and she dragged me to complain about things at home."

"I said that I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to go back and no one would take care of my son. I said that if his sister was still there, someone would take him, and then I scolded her man about what would happen if a woman who remarried beat her son? I also regret that I shouldn't be so impulsive."

"Hey! What do you mean by Pinpin? You know she's a stepmother? The stepdaughter died. I blame myself for being too impulsive. I'm worried that another stepmother will abuse her own child."

"There are ghosts in my heart who think of others as ghosts. What's going on with her stepdaughter? People with brains can also taste it, right?"

Speaking of which, the thief yelled emotionally: "What's wrong with me killing these two? I'm doing the right thing for heaven."

After he finished speaking, he heard Zhu Yang's voice: "Tsk tsk! The bastard who stole life-saving money is now pretending to be a messenger of justice!"

The thief's voice stopped abruptly.

Zhu Yang then yawned and said, "Who said that I brought you out to seek justice? It's not my concern whether you guys die or not."

"It's just that I have the final say here, bypassing me and killing people directly. Is this a rebellion?"

After everyone heard this, they glanced at Xu Xiao subconsciously, but Xu Xiao did not refute it.

Zhu Yang waved his hand: "I'm sleepy too, handling a case late at night affects my sleep, and I'm not a police officer."

"Go, pour some honey on him, stain him with mosquito grass and drive him out, and then see the sky."

Everyone heard the words without ambiguity. Xu Xiao stepped forward and held him down. The thief yelled, "No, don't push me out."

But how could anyone else care about him? When this guy released the vipers, he didn't think they couldn't live.

The executives were also tricky. In order to fear that he would escape and survive and hide in the shadows to seek revenge, they even put honey on his hair and herbal juice on his clothes.

Seeing their viciousness, the thief had a hateful expression on his face, and he laughed loudly: "Don't think that you can sit back and relax except for me. Do you know if you have points for killing people? I also only got the notification after killing the old man. The higher the original capital, the greater the chance of survival in the future."

"You kneel and lick her now? Hehe! Let's see what she thinks of you guys, hahaha..."

At this time, Xu Xiao opened the wooden door and threw the whole person out several meters away.

The thief got up and tried to run back, but the door was closed.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to hear the buzzing of mosquitoes around him, so he hurried to the river, trying to wash off the smell of honey and medicinal juice from his body.

But when it was dark, I stumbled on a stone, and I fell hard, and it hurt more than just being thrown out.

Xu Xiao threw him out with ingenuity anyway, looking far away, in fact, landing is very particular.

The thief wanted to stand up, but only when his arm was raised, a sharp pain suddenly came from his finger.

Then I saw a group of dark and dense things coming up—


The screams outside didn't last long. The ant's devouring speed was slower than that of the cockroach, but it was only limited in size, and the number would not fall.

At the moment when the thief died, an electronic audio broadcast sounded in Zhu Yang's mind—

[Kill one player and get 1000 points.]

This is different from the idea transmission of the dog game. It is indeed a sound broadcast, right in the brain.

Zhu Yang pouted: "It's only one thousand!"

After saying this, she turned around and saw the rest of the people looked at her with complicated expressions.

Zhu Yang knew that the words of the liar just now made them feel uneasy, and she herself confirmed that there is indeed a rule for extra points to be rewarded for killing people.

Then it is hard to say whether she will kill them in exchange for points, and even whether Xu Xiao will reach any agreement with her as a protector who has always helped her.

Although the thief died for a while, the group trust in the cave that was not very reliable also collapsed.

But Zhu Yang didn't seem to care at all, not to mention her, Xu Xiao, and even the little prince were expressionless. When people died, they would go back to their room and continue to sleep.

I don't mean to be distracted by the points, but I don't care about group cohesion at all.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface, and I don't know what the idea is.

Zhu Yang pushed the little yellow chicken back to the room. This guy slept soundly. As long as she smelled next to him, it was not easy to wake up. Just a few steps away, he directly moved the fat ancestor back without making any noise. wake it up.

The nine players have now divided three, and there are six remaining. After excluding himself, and then excluding the leader Xu Xiao, what is the situation of the remaining four, Zhu Yang roughly knows what the situation is.

To say that there are quite a few powerful characters in this team of newcomers, such as the thief who was pushed out by her today.

If it wasn't for Zhu Yang to spoil the situation, this kind of person has survived the growth period of the previous games, and has been strengthened in the game. The most important thing is that he has one or two skills, and he can definitely go far.

But like him, in this group of new players, he is not the most outstanding one.

At the beginning, Zhu Yang said that these guys are not qualified, they are far worse than the people who have been baptized by the trials in the game field.

This only refers to the initial adaptation to this incomprehensible situation. In fact, if we talk about intrigue, the players on this side will beat them on the other side.

However, there are still good and bad, but the brain is not good, and now half of them are dead.

Zhu Yang didn't know what the intention of Goubi Games sent her to this game. If it was just that the horror game was tired of going for a fresh escape game, it was obviously a joke.

It's just that no matter how smart these people are, in the face of her overwhelming force, it is difficult to turn up the big waves, and Xu Xiao is pretending to be dead by lying flat and letting you toss.

Although he definitely has his own plans, it is definitely different from the original intention of the game bringing her here.

It shouldn't be possible that she made a special trip to take her to a holiday that would not pose much danger to herself. Zhu Yang thought about it a bit, but still couldn't get a clue, so he was not in a hurry, and fell asleep on the fluffy little yellow chicken.

The little yellow chicken felt that her mother was rolling on it, and from time to time she turned her head and rubbed her sharp beak, and she slept soundly.

When I woke up the next morning, the skeleton of the thief was not far outside the cave. It was obvious as soon as I went out.

However, everyone has no sympathy. Only executives and women with heavy makeup feel a bit infiltrating. After all, people in modern society are still rare.

Zhu Yang suddenly asked Er Niu, "Aren't you afraid?"

Erniu is still the same foolishness: "We are in a mess, there are many people dying outside, and sometimes a piece of laundry floats down by the river."

Zhu Yang nodded and looked at the little prince again.

Wei Jiangli sneered: "I have seen it with my own eyes."

Also, in ancient times, life is cheap, a powerful class and a grassroots class are indeed the two extremes where it is easiest to see corpses.

They divided the hands to bury the thief's body while preparing breakfast on the other.

A few days have passed, and everyone's reaction to fish is not so big. The fish is light, and it is more suitable for breakfast.

I made fish porridge again in the morning. Others didn't think anything, but Zhu Yang was tired of eating these things and wanted to find some new ingredients.

Er Niu said that he can walk around the neighborhood after eating to see if there is anything good.

Zhu Yang was noncommittal and focused on the little yellow chicken.

This fat Jiu only learned to walk yesterday, and today he can run flexibly on the ground, and his body seems to have grown bigger, and he is growing very fast.

I don't know if Zhu Yang's room can hold it at this speed.

At this moment, it has learned to peck at the insects and ants on the ground, one beak per beak, and its mouth is much faster than when it broke the shell on the first day.

Zhu Yang dared to guarantee that this girl was a fighting race, just like the mutated praying mantis. The sickle on both arms made it look like it came out of a martial arts novel.

Although I can't see the specific variety of this product for the time being, it is estimated that it will not be bad. This is also good, she grows fast, at least she doesn't know when she will leave, so she can protect herself.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yang thought about the soft feeling of sleeping at night, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Scratching his head, he concluded that it was because he didn't wash his hair, so he led the little yellow chicken to the river.

There is a shallow stall by the river, the water depth is less than one meter, and there are no large aquatic creatures, but it is suitable for washing here.

Zhu Yang picked several arm-sized acacias from a nearby acacia tree and put them by the river to wash his hair.

Acacia can be used for shampooing, bathing and washing clothes, and it is still clean, but it does not foam very much.

But I don't know if this is the reason of the mutant, but Zhu Yang made a lot of bubbles when he rubbed it, and suddenly his head turned into a fluffy group of bubbles.

The little yellow chicken was very rare when he saw it, and Le Dian Dian ran over and jumped into the water, followed his mother's way, poked his head into the water, and then came out.

A wet yellow head arched over Zhu Yang and asked her to foam herself.

In line with the principle of improving the hygiene of his mattress, Zhu Yang really squeezed the acacia juice on its head and began to rub it.

The fluffy and soft short feathers of the little yellow chicken are actually better for foaming. After a while, a white cloud was placed on top of a bird's head. —

and many more! Can this guy swim

Zhu Yang was stunned. Previously, it jumped down because of its large size, and the water was no more than half of its body. I didn't realize that chickens are generally afraid of water.

But this guy is obviously swimming!

Not only that, but it also swam to the deep water area, dipping into the water from time to time, and it came up with a big fat fish in its mouth.

Okay, it seems that the most basic predation abilities are self-taught.

But Zhu Yang is still afraid that it will meet the big catfish before. Although it is unrealistic to swallow it, what if there are other things in the river

Sure enough, I am afraid of talking about anything, and what to do.

Just as Zhu Yang was about to call her back, she saw a big black shadow appearing under its feet.

Zhu Yang was startled, the knife in his hand had already been sacrificed, and he was about to throw the knife to the thing in the water.

As a result, the little yellow chicken moved faster, and before the catfish touched it, it plunged into the water and pecked at the head of the fish.

Zhu Yang only saw that the fish fled desperately, throwing away his helmet and armor, like a small fry hiding from an eagle in the water.

So what was your original intention to provoke it

The little yellow chicken seemed to have a feeling, and looked back at its mother, with her chest out in the water with a lively expression.

Zhu Yang took back the knife, and only then brought it back, rubbed acacia on it, and kneaded the whole chicken into a large white cotton ball.

Zhu Yang also found Xiao Shizi and asked him to take a few group photos. Unexpectedly, when Xiao Shizi saw his heart-hunting, he would also take pictures of her after taking pictures for her.

This guy is also smug: "Pay attention to the angle. I have observed it myself. The angle of my left side face is the most photogenic. It must be photographed well."

Zhu Yang nodded angrily: "If you have a girlfriend in the future, you don't have to worry about being rejected for your poor photography skills."

Wei Jiangli has learned a lot of modern common sense here in Zhu Yang. To be honest, he is looking forward to returning to the game space and seeing the level of technology far beyond his own time.

It's just now that he heard the words and smiled disdainfully: "Disgusting? Which of the noble girls in the capital is not my choice? What's more, how can a dignified seven-footed man be indulging in pleasing women all day long? It's faster to dream if you want this prince to wait and take pictures."

Zhu Yang scratched the photos inside, and he was dissatisfied with two of them, so he handed the phone back to him: "Take these two angles again, pay attention to the proportion of the frame, the one just left is too much."


Xu Xiao, who was sitting on the side fishing and relaxing: "..."

After playing until noon, I caught a lot of shrimps and crabs back. Shrimp meat is the only meat that Zhu Yang will not get tired of eating for a long time. I plan to make boiled shrimp at noon, and it is delicious just dipped in soy sauce.

When Er Niu came back from making lunch, he didn't go far, afraid of encountering danger, but as long as he didn't encounter powerful beasts or aggressive mutant animals, he actually had the highest probability of surviving in the jungle among newcomers.

He took out a few pieces of wild ginger and wild garlic: "I found a lot of good things again."

It's really not bad, there are seasonings, but without the ginger and garlic sauteing, there is always less taste.

This lunch it was Xu Xiao and the girl with heavy makeup. The girl with heavy makeup probably wouldn't do it for a dime at home, and she would start the whole process, but Xu Xiao didn't care.

And the executive who had a hot fight with the heavy makeup girl didn't come out to help her at this moment, saying it was uncomfortable and resting in the cave for a while.

Xiao Shizi and Xiao Huangji were playing with boiled and peeled shrimp, and they were stopped by Zhu Yang alone.

After squatting for a while, I felt bored again, so I asked Zhu Yang to play Xiaoxiaole on his mobile phone.

Zhu Yang casually said, "It's charging!"

After all, Xiao Shizi didn't know much about this stuff, and the girl with heavy makeup was washing dishes and didn't pay attention.

However, Xu Xiao heard that and looked back at Zhu Yang, but did not speak.

When it was time to eat, the executives came out. Erniu went out all morning to get dirty and cleaned it up again.

Xu Xiao's craftsmanship is average, and what he does is only about the time. Zhu Yang is quite regretful when he eats—

"If I had known, I wouldn't have let the housewife die so early. That braised pork tastes really good."

At first glance, this is just a memory of the housewife's craftsmanship, but it is a bit creepy when you look at it carefully.

The rest of the people exchanged glances secretly, and they were a little timid.

After eating, Zhu Yang said that he was going to take a nap, so he brought the little yellow chicken into the room.

In fact, this jungle is sultry all day long, but the cave is very cool, and it is really comfortable to sleep on the furry body, especially the belly swells with the breath, which is very hypnotic.

However, Zhu Yang was not in such a hurry to fall asleep when he was lying on the bed, instead he heard the movement outside.

"Brother~, come on!" It was the voice of a woman with heavy makeup.

The general idea is that women with heavy makeup are asking for joy, and the executives expressed inconvenient conversations because they are surrounded by people now.

As a result, the heavy makeup girl was almost swallowed by a fish before, but now she still doesn't change her mind. In the end, under her harassment, Erniu also walked around in a circle in the morning and it was fine.

The two decided to bring a spear made of catfish bones, which should be fine.

When Zhu Yang heard their voices go away, she was amused.

In her bedroom inside, the sound insulation effect of the stone in the cave is not comparable to the so-called hollow bricks of modern buildings.

If you really want to say something quietly, where can't you say it? The two of them just muttered a few words in a large open space outside, and she didn't have any ears.

It's as if you had to tell her from a special trip.

It has to be said that these two have been lucky enough to survive until now, but it has come to an end.