Scream Queen

Chapter 111


Zhu Yang was thinking about things in his mind, and he slept so-so during the afternoon nap.

It is said that the people were cleaned up last night, and it was still in such a tragic way. Anyone who is a little bit afraid, even though the thief was uneasy and kind before he died It's not about conquering fear.

But these two guys can think about that in the dangerous forest, and they can't overestimate their IQ.

But these two people are not enough for Zhu Yang to pay so much attention. Zhu Yang is now considering several other possibilities.

However, only she knows how to think about it.

The little yellow chicken slept softly, but Zhu Yang touched its dull fur, and one of them showed signs of feathering. Thinking that this fur would eventually be replaced by feathers, Zhu Yang didn't know why. Kind of sucks.

Outside the cave, Xu Xiao was teaching Xiao Shizi some shooting skills and knives, and Er Niu was also watching.

There are no traces of idiots around, it seems that the air is much lighter, and for a while this place has a sense of quiet time.

It's like they really came out to camp and hunt.

But this leisurely was broken not long ago, and the executive ran back from the outside with no expression on his face—

"Flowers, there are piranhas, and flowers eat people."

When he said this, Zhu Yang just stretched his belt and took the chicken out of it.

Hearing this, he said nonchalantly: "Mosquitoes can eat people, ants can eat people, fish and earthworms can eat people, why can't flowers? Do you engage in species discrimination?"

The executive choked, looked back at her, and suddenly found that not only her, but also Xu Xiao and the little prince didn't respond, as if the meaning he just expressed was not conveyed properly.

The IQ of the executives is average, but the emotional quotient is still there.

But he convinced himself that it was because of the indifference of these guys, and re-emphasized: "I mean Xiaona died, she was swallowed by flowers."

"Tsk tsk! Die in the mouth of the flower, okay! It's better than dying in the belly of a fish." Zhu Yang sighed, he was extremely mean.

The executive was even more confused, but at this moment she continued: "Let's lead the way, what are you doing here? You have to go and see the corpse."

"Oh, oh!" This was different from all the possible reactions he expected, and the unexpected sense of loss of control made him a little uneasy.

The group followed him to the place where the incident happened, which was a place nearly three kilometers away from the cave.

It takes half an hour to walk fast.

The two timid ghosts who were afraid of death walked so far just to make a cannonball, and they deliberately did a scene in front of her, really—

But after all, the game has not started for a few days. Although Zhu Yang and the others spread out every day to explore the jungle, there are only two or three people who dare to go out. The manpower is limited, and it is naturally impossible to know every inch in the vicinity.

For example, here, this is a depression in the terrain, and there are several stone mountains around it. It is not high, but under the enclosure, it is like a low-lying area only the size of a basketball court.

Because the soil is moist and fertile, the plants here are naturally larger than those outside, and there are obviously many variations.

Among them, there was a huge wild flower growing under the bamboo forest, with open mouth, pot-shaped petals, and bright red all over. The smallest flower was as big as a household trash can, and the largest flower was like a fish tank.

And the girl with heavy makeup is lying in the largest flower at the moment, but it is inappropriate to say the whole person at this moment.

These flowers have no teeth, and in order to eat, they secrete corrosive mucus that erodes their prey into nutrients.

Therefore, the flesh on the girl with heavy makeup has swelled and festered, and the arms have melted and slid off the bones.

Like melted cream popsicles.

Zhu Yang took two steps forward until he came to within two meters of the huge flower.

Step by step, the little yellow chicken behind her also stretched out its head to peck at the small flowers next to her, and those flowers were shrunk by it.

At this moment, the vines scattered randomly around their feet moved quickly, wrapping around the feet of Zhu Yang and the little yellow chicken respectively, trying to take advantage of this time to trip them and pull them into the mouth, adding two more plates of snacks.

But I didn't expect it to be wrapped around it. As soon as the sharp weapon came out, the vine was cut off, and the other side was wrapped around the fat chicken. Because of its size and weight, it was stunned that it didn't trip over it.

On the contrary, it was pulled back by its chicken claws, and then the claws popped out, cutting the vine in a daze, showing that the claws were sharp.

Zhu Yang was fooled by this guy, looked back at everyone and said: "These vines are not very powerful, it seems that these flowers are limited in terms of container size and hunting range, about the size and strength of an adult man. That's the limit of it."

But this is also very powerful, especially if you are bound by vines, ordinary people don't react so quickly and can't find a focus. Even if they can win a tug-of-war with their strength, they can't play it.

But these are not the key points. Zhu Yang's eyes are now on the executives, and he makes no secret of his contempt for his IQ—

"So, these flowers don't have a strong hunting advantage in the jungle, so you have to judge that the prey has completely entered the trap before starting, just like I just got so close."

"If the two of you entered without knowing it, and the unreasonable woman was caught, you can still run back intact."

Saying that, Zhu Yang glanced at his trouser legs and wrists, but there was no trace of being rolled and rubbed on them.

The executive was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "No, we didn't come here at the same time. She came to the toilet alone, and I put on clothes on the other side. By the time I heard the sound, it was too late—"

As he spoke, he put on a remorseful expression: "I shouldn't have listened to her words, she insisted that the neighborhood is fine, everyone has been around in the past few days, and Erniu also went out in the morning, took me over and said Get some air."

"As a result, as a result—, I shouldn't have listened to her."

This guy has repeatedly emphasized this point even when crying. It can be seen that his work ability is not so high in normal times, but his ability to shake the pot is definitely consummate.

But after speaking, Zhu Yang sneered: "You two have gone to the toilet together so many times, do you need to avoid you this time?"

On the night the old man died, the two of them went in and out together.

Zhu Yang didn't see any flaws in this guy's body, and the rest of the people had almost the same expression.

Except for Erniu, who has always maintained a dumb and honest personality, the three of them looked at the executives and said, 'You are stupid, can you stop insulting other people's IQ like this? '

Xu Xiao tapped the marks on the ground with the military shovel in his hand: "Open up your tricks and take a good look, the woman was obviously dragged away from that place, there is no sign of struggle on the ground, but it is far from there. Footprints appeared only three meters away, and the footprints were of an adult man."

"How did she manage to run over to the toilet without leaving her own footprints, but leave you behind? It's obvious that you, a turtle grandson, knocked people out and carried them in, and threw them near the flowers."

"Because people with long brains should be vigilant when they see this flower. You don't have the possibility to deceive people too close. You can only start before people notice it, and you can't even think of cleaning up the scene. You should not learn other people's crimes. , shame, ah!"

The little prince also replied: "It's better that the thief, he does at least one link in his work, and he knows how to clean his butt every step of the way. This thing is really hard to watch, I heard that it is still a senior executive, right? "

"Such a supervisor is in my house, and he has long since been bitten by his bones."

The executives did not expect that they would break through the ins and outs just after a face-to-face meeting, and hurriedly quibble: "No, she wanted to kill me, but I found out first, and it was a manslaughter when counterattacking."

"The reason why I threw her body in here was because I was afraid that you might misunderstand her. We just started talking about the points and we had a dispute, and people died. I couldn't wash it out even if I jumped into the Yellow River."

"If you don't believe me, ask Miss Zhu. What she heard was that the bitch insisted on pestering me and forced me to come out. I didn't want to come out at all."

Who knows Zhu Yang said: "I didn't hear it. I went back to my room to sleep after lunch. What can I hear?"

How could the executive imagine that she would deny it flatly? Anxious: "How could I not hear? We're right at your door—"

Halfway through, I felt that this explanation was too stupid, so I saw Zhu Yang look over with a half-smiling smile: "Then you really took great pains to let me 'hear'."

The executive seemed to have caught a life-saving straw: "Then you heard it, she said it."

Zhu Yang sneered: "I heard, so what? Let her take the initiative to show off with you, there are not too many ways."

"For example, you said that you figured out which player the clear button is, and you have a solution in mind, but it's not convenient to discuss in the camp, you have to go out to find a secluded place, but two people who have no self-protection ability leave the meeting rashly. It's suspicious, so you have to find an excuse."

"Other people can talk well, but at least they have to pass me. So that woman who is stupider than you really did a show with you according to what you designed, but she didn't know that she stuck her neck in that way. Lasso."

The executive's face turned pale, he didn't expect his plan, and the operation process was clear in the eyes of these people.

Thinking of what happened to the thief last night, he kept denying it, and his heart was full of regrets. He shouldn't be greedy when he saw an opportunity.

But this ghost game is not a place for people at all. As the thief said before, the more primitive capital you accumulate, the greater the chance of survival in the future. He doesn't want to die.

However, Zhu Yang was impatient to listen to the pale sophistry of his repeater: "Stop reciting the scriptures, it really doesn't matter if you kill that girl or not."

"You two, one was bullying a classmate to death at school, and the other was beating an employee to death at the company. You two are a good match because you can meet each other's eyes. I knew at noon that this would happen, but I didn't stop you. Don't you think why?"

Then she grinned: "Because the two of you are redundant, it's time to leave."

When the executive heard the words, he shouted, "I didn't, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't come to work in my own home, how can I be so hypocritical? If I can't stand it, I quit my job, get out, and commit suicide. What do you mean?"

Zhu Yang shrugged: "But the game obviously doesn't think so. Since the murder can be counted on your head, I'm afraid it's not as simple as you said?"

"But I don't mean to avenge anyone, and there's no need for a judge to try you, so you don't need to explain so desperately."

Just after saying this, Zhu Yang took out the dagger and handed it to the little prince: "Come on."

Rao Shizi looked at Zhu Yang in disbelief when he saw everything coldly next to him.

I saw Zhu Yang and said: "This is the only point you can get. I didn't know the rules before, but now I know, there are no more people, one is one."

"Take it, get stronger as soon as possible."

Wei Jiangli was silent for a moment, and finally took the knife.

At this time, Xu Xiao said, "It's inappropriate to split people in front of me, right?"

Zhu Yang smiled and said, "If you want to stop me, I won't stop you."

Xu Xiao watched them for a while, then pouted, but he really didn't move.

His reaction made the executive completely desperate, and he yelled at him: "Xu, you are a fucking leader."

Xu Xiao said lazily: "No, no, the guide is just occasionally forcing you to bring new people. Very few like to be the leader. If it wasn't for being the guide in this game, you wouldn't get points for killing the new people. I would have done it earlier. Still cheap, brats?"

The little prince walked over step by step, his eyes gradually turned into the indifference of the superior. Although the executive has the physique of an adult, the little prince who does not have a certain foundation of fists and feet is flexible. .

Coupled with the benefits of weapons, the little prince easily took his life and got a thousand points.

The little prince wiped the blood off the dagger and returned it to Zhu Yang. Zhu Yang took it and put it away. So far, only half of the entire nine-person team is left.

Xu Xiao said: "Go back!"

Zhu Yang smiled: "Go back? What a waste of a gift that people have painstakingly prepared."

Saying that, he raised his eyes and looked at the honest and honest man: "You think so? Erniu!"

Erniu looked at her blankly: "You, you called me?"

Zhu Yang ignored him, and suddenly said to Xu Xiao, "I said, what is your background? The newcomers assigned to you, although there are some who have severely lowered the average, but the outstanding seedlings are all extraordinary."

He pointed to Erniu again: "Such a powerful character, they are all seeded players at the boss level. It's a pity that you can't easily trust the screening conditions of your game, otherwise it will definitely become a situation for your group after a few rounds. ."

Xu Xiao looked at Er Niu and sighed: "Yes! But what about the result? Why is it so difficult."

He said this to the end, but Xiao Shizi and Er Niu were thoughtful when they heard it.

Only then did Zhu Yang's words return to Er Niu: "You also act decisively, and you are unambiguous when you grasp the timing. It stands to reason that you should hide your strengths and bide your time. The more people die, the fewer people will always be suspicious of you."

"But you know very well that your time is running out." Zhu Yang stroked the little yellow chicken's chin and raised his eyes with a smile: "After all, the deeds of the old man, the housewife, and the thief are exposed, and it is easy to think of the game's effect on the players. What are the filter criteria?"

"Everyone who enters this game is a guy with a life on his back. In this way, the more honest you are at this moment, the colder you will feel after exposure. You know that once exposed, those inadvertent things will be taken care of by others. It seems that there are traces to follow, rather than let us not know when we will wake up, it is better to start first."

Er Niu's face was still dazed. Seeing that Zhu Yang seemed to be targeting him, he only promised, "I, I don't know what you're talking about."

"I, I have killed people before. The magistrate of Younian came to the village to fight against bandits. I took a knife, but I never killed a good person."

Zhu Yang clicked his tongue: "Look, it's not interesting. I really want to have a good talk with you."

"Although my position is different, I admire you from the bottom of my heart, really."

As she said that, she picked a bunch of flowers from the bamboo on the side.

This kind of flower is called flat bamboo flower, a kind of iris. It usually grows under the bamboo forest. It is not a rare flower. It blooms everywhere, but it does not prevent it from being beautiful.

The white, pinkish purple petals are elegant and fragrant. It is very common in rural areas, but it is rare in cities.

Zhu Yang raised the flower in his hand: "Just relying on this little flower, you can lure out the greed in one's heart. Using a knife to kill is the second thing. The key is that everyone will come over when the person is dead. what."

Erniu heard the words, his usual dull expression finally fluctuated, his eyes faded from the dazedness that was too naive, and became sharp and ruthless, and the image of a typical peasant was subverted in an instant.

Anyone who looks at him at this moment will feel that he is facing a seasoned gangster.

He stared at Zhu Yang closely, his eyes fierce: "When did you find out?"

Zhu Yang shrugged: "In the beginning."

"Impossible!" Er Niu seemed to be very confident in his disguise, perhaps more precisely, he couldn't tolerate his own actions, but he was just playing a monkey trick under the eyes of others.

Zhu Yang sneered: "You are quite conceited? Ha! But you do have conceited capital."

"The thief is self-proclaimed smart, thinking that he has neat hands and feet, a clean finish, and is in control, but he doesn't know that all his actions are led by the nose."

"It can be said that the guy is just a knife in your hand. Whatever you ask him to do, he is doing what he is doing. Taking advantage of his personality, he is instructed by you to turn around."

"Traps, bamboo chips, silk threads, herbs, whatever you pass, he will pick it up. I'm afraid that guy will think that he can use whatever he sees at will, and he is probably proud of that."

Erniu didn't admit or deny when he heard the words, he just said: "Seeing you show your teeth and claws and think you're an empty-handed idiot, I look down on you."

Zhu Yang poked his lung tube: "What? Do you think you are very clever in disguise? Do you know that you were the first exposed person?"

"That purse, huh! You said it was given by the daughter of the landlord's family? But when I touched it, it was better than the clothes of the little prince. I'm afraid this landlord's family has contracted the whole country, right?"

Wei Jiangli curled his lips in dissatisfaction: "This kind of landlord's daughter can't look down on him."

Erniu's face turned ugly, and he glanced at the little prince angrily, with an expression of looking at a dead man.

Wei Jiangli also smiled: "Did you look at your master like this before?"

Erniu ignored him, but looked at Zhu Yang again: "Then what happened now, how did you expect it? You are not an immortal."

Zhu Yang said: "Of course I don't know everything, but I know how to use science and technology."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and clicked on the recording playback. The useless part of the recording had been cut out, so the beginning was Erniu's voice—

"Brother! I went out to pick a kind of flower in the morning. It's very beautiful. You can give it to your sister-in-law. It's inevitable to be afraid when you stay here. You should coax more. Fate is rare, but you should cherish it."

Then the executive's voice came out, and it sounded a little perfunctory: "Xingxing, leave it there, I will give it to her later."

Executives and women with heavy makeup are originally gun friends, and they only get what they need. How can they be patient

However, everything was handed over, and it would be nice to exchange hands and send it over and say a couple of sweet words in exchange for flirting with a woman.

So the executives ridiculed Erniu again: "As expected to be able to hook the landlord's daughter, the person with a foolish face is shrewd."

Erniu said with a simple and honest voice: "No, I just feel that no matter how hard you are, you can't wrong a woman. But if you want to pick flowers, don't run around, it's not peaceful outside. There is a big flower the size of a water tank next to this flower. The passing wild boar swallowed it, and it looked very scary. I have to tell Brother Xu and the others, what if someone went to play and accidentally swallowed it? It was like the catfish back then."

As soon as he mentioned catfish, the executive immediately thought of the scene where the heavy makeup girl was almost swallowed by a catfish that day, and then a series of ideas were concatenated.

But the executive didn't know it at all, but thought that the listeners on his side were interested, and hurriedly grabbed Er Niu: "You can stop busy first, wash your face and talk about it, I wish Miss Ai clean, you are sweating to talk to her in the past. It will definitely be buried."

Everyone knows what happened next. After washing my face and body, it seems like I forgot about it. Since this person looks a little stupid, I naturally don't have any expectations for his memory.

What happened after that was just fine.

Zhu Yang turned off the recording and smiled at him: "I think you already have a concept of modern civilization, but you are not used to using these things, right? It's very convenient, try it next time?"

Erniu's face was ashen, he definitely did not expect that he would lose on a small square, and scolded angrily: "Extremely lewd and tricky."

However, Xu Xiao hurriedly stopped Zhu Yang: "Wait, what do you mean by understanding modern civilization? You mean he is not a new player?"

Zhu Yang said as a matter of course: "Isn't this obvious?"

"Not at all!" But he still trusted Zhu Yang's conclusion, so he scolded the game: "What about ghost games and people?"

Rao was just watching from the sidelines, and other things were probably within his expectations, which he did not expect.

Zhu Yang sneered: "Xiao Shizi is a noble and noble man. It's so fresh to play with my mobile phone all day long. It's just him! From beginning to end, there is no curiosity at all."

"If you feel humble and don't dare to come over and make people feel bad, it's justified, but the sound effect didn't make him look at him once. It can be seen that he has already seen it."

"This guy has taken advantage of his appearance to the extreme. Even when he enters the game, he chooses such an extremely simple dress, and there is no trace of modern civilization on his body. According to his conceit, it is naturally impossible to be willing to pretend to be a pig. It is nothing more than a big appetite. But now the strength and appetite do not match.”

"I have inquired about the number of games you have played so far, and based on the props you have, I can guess the average reward value of your game. It should be two to four times, and it will never exceed five times. This is the number of times he has cleared the game."

"This is also the reason why he dares to set up a trap for us. It is impossible for ordinary people to pose a threat to us, but players have the bottom line, and if they plan carefully, they are not invincible."

Xu Xiao was pondering, when did he get rhetoric, but there was too much information to remember, so he could only scold the girl.

Erniu was furious when he saw that she had guessed that she was not a new player.

Then he grinned: "I admit that you are amazing, but since I know I have prepared for it, I dare to come here in such a big way, I am too conceited."

As he spoke, he quickly stepped back and threw something over.

Xu Xiao subconsciously cut the thing off, but it turned out to be a bamboo tube, and the bamboo tube was plugged.

Before they saw Er Niu hanging on his body, they thought it was the water bottle he carried with him, but now the contents were scattered, and it was actually full of honey.

I heard Er Niu's voice over there: "I've confirmed it, there is more than one ant nest nearby."

Xu Xiao and Zhu Yang were okay, they were quick to hide, but the little prince and the little fat chicken were doused with honey.

Xiao Shizi's clothes are fine, but the fluff of the little yellow chicken is really difficult to handle.

But this is only the first step. Adding some material to the two burdens makes them unable to do anything, and the real last move has not yet begun.

I saw Er Niu rolling on the ground, dodging Zhu Yang's flying knife, and pulling a rope from the grass.

Immediately, Zhu Yang and the others stood on the piece of rope that popped out more than a dozen strands, which was obviously a trap set by Er Niu using the morning kung fu.

Those straw ropes don't know how to lay them either. The ends are so delicate that they were invisible before. Once triggered, they knotted like a net, and the speed was so fast that it was like a whip.

If you want an ordinary person, you really have to be knocked to the ground and entangled in the middle, just like a little prince and a little yellow chicken.

And Zhu Yang and Xu Xiao were also hindered by this trap, and they didn't even touch the corners of Er Niu's clothes after the war.

Without hesitation, the two of them raised their hands and cut off the ropes. Before the ropes could be fully unfolded, they were blinded by the results of rubbing the two cows for several days.

But Erniu himself saw this, but his face was not angry but happy.

When Zhu Yang and the others cut the rope, their expressions changed. The secret passage was not good. Sure enough, when the rope was broken, there was a sudden rolling silence from the surrounding rocky mountains.

Countless stones fell from the sky, and the number seemed to bury them.

With this tricky terrain and the previous rope stumbling, Zhu Yang and the three of them have always been limited to that limited range.

Erniu seems to have figured this out. Using a chain of ropes to make a chain of traps, the stones thrown from above are slammed on this side. For a while, even if Zhu Yang and Xu Xiao have monstrous skills, they must protect the little prince and the little yellow chicken at the same time. Under the premise, he was also embarrassed and avoided again and again.

At this time, the honey sprinkled out also had an effect, and countless ants rushed over from all directions, like a black stream of water spreading.

Anyone who sees this number will have a tingling scalp, and naturally they should not be careless.

At this moment, Xu Xiao felt a gust of wind blowing. He raised the engineer shovel to block, and the sound of metal colliding came.

It was actually a silver needle, and there were some wet marks on the silver needle, as if it had been stained with something.

"It's snake venom!" Zhu Yang waved away the stone and said to Xu Xiao.

"Hey! That's right." Erniu said with a smile: "It's troublesome for you, Brother Xu. You brought so much in person, and you can't take it all."

What they are talking about is the snake tree they found in order to design the swindlers. Although there are only a few ordinary people who can only escape, in the eyes of players, as long as they are careful not to provoke the snake group, it is still better to ambush around to catch snakes and get poison. Easy.

In the current situation, they were buried by a pile of rubble, and countless ant colonies had already surrounded them. There were two burdens that needed to be protected beside them, and there was another one who took the time to shoot cold arrows.

This trap was set up, and it was stubborn and cunning. It was Zhu Yang and Xu Xiao who were both stronger than him, but they were caught in a predicament for a while.

Zhu Yang picked up a huge stone the size of a foot basin and smashed it at Er Niu who was standing more than ten meters away. He flexibly avoided it, and it was obvious that he had preserved a lot of his skills before.

Zhu Yang didn't let him go, and threw it piece by piece. One of them was a piece of oxen that he couldn't avoid, but he took out the purse in his hand.

I saw him quickly pouring something out of his purse. Fortunately, I wish Yang had good eyesight and could see that it was the same thing as two ear studs, but the next second she knew she was wrong.

The ear studs suddenly became larger, and it turned out to be two shrunken gourd hammers. The two bulls held the handle of the stick. The pumpkin-shaped hammer slammed into the flying stone, and it smashed the stone with one blow.

Zhu Yang immediately became jealous, looked at Xu Xiao and asked, "There is room for newcomers who have only passed two or three games? How worthless is that thing?"

Xu Xiao seemed to sense her resentment, and said hurriedly: "That thing is the lowest space pocket, the principle is more similar to shrinking things and putting them in the pocket, the space is limited, and many things can't be put, it is the lowest space prop , don't be jealous."

"And in order to hide the space pocket, he has to sew on such a beautiful purse. Does it make you happier?"

Zhu Yang turned back angrily. At this time, the ants had come to their feet, so there was no time to toss them.

"No, there are too many ants, even if you want to jump out of the encirclement, you can't jump that far, not to mention two people." Xu Xiao said.

"Unless it attracts the attention of most ants."

As for how to attract it, it is obvious that as long as someone takes the lead in jumping into the ant pile, that moment of effort can be used to escape.

Er Niu, who was not far away, seemed to understand this, and smiled bitterly: "Yes, kick the chicken and that kid out, how can you two be able to escape from the mere ant pit?"

Having said that, the action of blowing the poison needle did not stop.

Zhu Yang was so annoyed that he opened a poison needle and heard Xiao Shizi say: "You guys go out, if you don't go out, everyone will not be able to get out. Step on the shoulders of me and the fat chicken, and you should take advantage of your strength. You can jump out."

Zhu Yang is in charge of blocking the cold arrows of Erniu at this moment. Xu Xiao uses a shovel to cut open the ants that have been surrounded by them. However, no matter how fast he moves, he stops the ants for a while. .

Zhu Yang sneered when he heard Xiao Shizi's words: "I thought you would call for an escort."

After all, the ancient nobles, by nature, considered themselves superior, and it was a matter of course for others to protect him with their lives, but it was rare for them to sacrifice themselves.

The little prince said: "When you slapped me, I knew that the identity of the prince has nothing to do with me. I will push any of you out to put on your back, and I will be the one who will die in the end."

"I don't want to die like a villain, I might as well earn something useful. You are good people, I am willing!"

Then he muttered again: "It's not necessarily dead."

Don't look at them now that they are all restricted and embarrassed, but since Zhu Yang could have anticipated everything earlier, he will not have no response.

Zhu Yang rubbed his hair: "Yes, even if it's not pure kindness, it's not bad to be smart and understand at any time, qualified!"

Xu Xiao, who was beside him, also nodded: "Yes! Qualified."

When he said this, he suddenly put away the shovel and stopped fighting the surging ants, letting the ants come up like a tide.

Erniu was shocked when he saw this, they couldn't just give up, so there must be something different, and at the same time, a bad premonition spread in his heart.

In the next second, he saw that the ant colony froze, and a foot-thick layer of ice spread out from the inside out, instantly freezing the ant colony completely.

The ants that were still surging forward were all frozen in the ice, unable to move.

Zhu Yang and the others stood directly on the ice, came out from inside, kicked away the big rocks in front of them, and looked directly at Er Niu.

"It's very modest for you to say that you are a farmer."

Er Niu's face changed greatly, and he exclaimed: "Natural ability, impossible, how can this ability appear in this situation. You are disguised by a high-level player?"

This is the second time that Zhu Yang has been misunderstood as a high-level player. The first time was her first official mission. At that time, she was considered a scapegoat for Lu Da.

However, this also made Zhu Yang realize the emphasis on rewards in this game. Dogs are more general than the game's item exchange window. In Zhu Yang's view, they are not as high as this game.

But the games here are very stingy about abilities. I asked Xu Xiao before to buy the sky-high prices. The lowest price is very expensive, not to mention the hard upgrade.

All in all, both games have their own priorities.

But it wasn't the time to explain these things that Er Niu had just finished roaring, and the woman appeared directly in front of him.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't react for a while, and then the opponent swung the knife, and Erniu hurriedly blocked it with the gourd hammer.

The heavy and sturdy gourd hammer collided with the thin dagger, but it was not the dagger that was broken, but the iron lump was directly cut in half.

The incision is flat, and it is really worthy of cutting iron like mud.

Erniu had no idea that the opponent possessed the ability of the natural system, and the ants killed the elephant, but in the face of the huge number, countless masters were helpless.

But once he possesses this transcendent ability, all his layouts are indeed just a joke, not to mention the fact that the opponent himself has such a strong strength.

After three rounds, Erniu felt the sharp blade against his neck.

The other party didn't kill him directly, but the next second he didn't think it was a good thing.

I only heard a voice from above: "Don't move, robbery!"