Scream Queen

Chapter 118


This time, Zhu Yang is really conscientious. That hair growth shampoo is not even a commodity with subtle effects in reality, but a real boutique product in the game.

Of course it wasn't from the Gobi game, it was from another game that was randomly swept away. One can imagine how irrational her consumption was at that time

I wish there were no people in my family who were troubled by hair loss. Even their grandparents were in their 70s or 80s when they died, and their hair was full of silver threads. Their hair volume was comparable to that of ordinary young people.

What's more, Zhu Yang and the others are young people with thick and soft hair.

The things produced in the game, no matter how strange, are definitely easy to use.

For life-saving weapons, skills, and props, the price is staggeringly high, but the corresponding hedonic goods in the real sense are surprisingly cheap.

For example, luxury dresses, delicacies of mountains and seas, game toys, etc., that space is directly provided for free, as long as your level is high enough.

Just like this kind of hair growth water, Zhu Yang couldn't recall after thinking about it, did it take ten or five o'clock

In short, beauty and maintenance are not only cheap, but also immediate - after all, there are many female players out there who choose to engage in special industries, and they still need to maintain their appearance.

The so-called immediate, really does not contain any exaggerated ingredients.

Seeing that the shampoo that was squeezed was about to flow down, Zhu Yang urged the old woman: "Hey, you should rub it yourself, don't run it on your face, I heard that this stuff is very effective—"

Halfway through, she couldn't go on, because she squeezed too much, and thick hair had appeared on the top of her head where the potion was soaked, but the old woman was dumbfounded and let the potion flow down.

Some flowed down the back of the shoulders, some flowed to the face and chest, and as a result it became thick wherever the thing passed.

On the contrary, it was the top of the head, because the edges were not evenly wiped, and some places were still bare.

There was a mirror in the bathroom, and the old woman saw her appearance, from a terrifying mummy old woman to a messy hairy monster, just like rows of enoki mushrooms growing out of a dead wood.

Don't say it's scary, people don't laugh when they see it.

She raised her head and glared at Zhu Yang sullenly.

Zhu Yang is a rare good-hearted person, and he has done bad things, so he was a little embarrassed for a while.

He quickly took out a shaver in his hand and said to the old woman, "If you make a mistake, don't worry, it can be remedied. Women's hair must be managed well."

"Look at this guy with chest hair and back hair. You're too old to be seen. If you're younger, someone will definitely coax you to call you a nickname, gorilla, baboon, etc. Are you embarrassed?"

Could it be that this little bitch thinks it can be cleaned up like this? The old woman thought viciously and decided to make her look good.

The withered claws with sharp, black and hard nails stretched out and prepared to attack, and then saw that the head shaver had been stretched out in front of him—

"Oh don't-"

When it was too late, the shaver brushed the hair on her head flat, like a harvester, so clean that the roots of the hair could not be seen.

This little bitch moved so fast that after swiping a few times, she felt like there was an afterimage in her hands. When she came back to her senses, not to mention the hair on her chest and back, not a single hair was left on her head.

The old woman patted her smooth head in disbelief, and really didn't leave a single one for her.

She has been suffering from hair loss for a long time. In fact, she was quite happy when hair grew on her head. Although this Bichi is clumsy, she can grab the potion and try it for herself when she is killed.

But now it's gone, not even the few remaining hairs.

The old woman suddenly went crazy, and she opened her shriveled mouth full of black teeth and screamed fiercely—


It was only half called, and something was sprayed in the mouth. The taste was like the impact of ten times the menthol. It was cool and cool, but it was also cold and uncomfortable.

Just listened to the little Bichi said: "The teeth are not good, and the breath is so heavy, so don't open your mouth, otherwise people pass by you and think you are passing through a cesspool. You can't be so careless when you are old, right?"

Saying this, he waved his hand impatiently: "The sparse ones just now look too annoying, so I just shave them all off. Don't worry, that head shaver has special effects. It's better to shave once for a year.

Looking at her again, I saw the old woman's outstretched hand at a glance: "It's an eyesore, this nail is really annoying, is this infected onychomycosis? Can you keep it so long? You want to challenge the longest onychomycosis. Nice record?"

As she said that, she took out the iron-sharp knife and brushed twice to trim her nails into short lengths.

The old woman's scalp exploded, her magic weapon!

Then Zhu Yang casually tore off the high-level charm attached to the knife, and nodded: "It looks much more pleasing to the eye, but the hand is the second face of a woman, you—"

"Forget it, the first one is not that good."

He took out another bottle of glue: "Come on, let's deal with the wrinkles on your body, this is the anti-wrinkle glue brewed by witches, but that game is only willing to sell me the lowest bargains, there is only a half chance to do so. wrinkle removal."

"But it's nothing to fail, at most it's just sticky and uncomfortable for a while, come and come."

The old woman stepped back again and again in horror, Zhu Yang grabbed a piece of soap and threw it at her feet, and suddenly the old woman slipped to the ground.

Seeing the demon head wrapped in a bath towel approaching step by step, the old woman finally realized that she was kicking the iron plate, and shook her head again and again.

Zhu Yang grinned: "You're welcome, don't look at me like this, in fact, I feel sorry for the old man, come come—"

Then a whole bottle of super glue was poured on her, and the old woman tried to struggle, but she felt like she was stuck to the floor with asphalt.

If this picture spreads out, an old man with rickets all over his body and all his teeth is missing, and a young man in his early twenties trips and makes fun of him in the bathroom, struggling on the ground pitifully, it would be an appalling loss of humanity.

And the dehumanized Zhu Yang just stood there and looked at the other party calmly for a while, then shrugged and said, "What a pity, your luck is not that good. Judging from your appearance, you are European, how could your luck be so bad? Tsk tsk! Face black."

"Forget it, let's put the wrinkles aside first, but your chest needs to be dealt with first, it's sagging down to the navel."

As he spoke, there was an extra corset that looked so tight.

The old woman hurriedly shook her head, where is the horror of the ghost on her face? Terribly miserable.

Zhu Yang stopped at this point and sneered: "I'm really not afraid of death, I really don't understand why you guys who should have been eliminated in the intermediate field are still working so hard to add drama to themselves, co-authoring all of them. What about fighting for the salary?"

She is standing and talking without back pain. She is such a wonderful creature. She has changed to a player of the same level. Now all abilities are limited, and only basic physical fitness is left. It is not easy to deal with these ghosts.

The old woman was completely stunned by her when she came, and she brought the whole ghost's consciousness and behavior into the ditch. In fact, since it can appear in the intermediate field, even if it is a trash fish, it is not weak.

Zhu Yang squatted down and said to the old woman, "I think I'll let you go. Help me find some news."

The old woman nodded again and again, but she said that she was trapped here. In fact, she didn't know much, but there was a female ghost who could shuttle along the network cable, which was more effective than her.

Zhu Yang thought to himself, wouldn't it be a back-to-back ghost? The guy made a phone call before he was going to do anything.

It turned out to be true, but Zhu Yang has already let her go, so now she has to be arrested again

Zhu Yang then asked the old woman: "Then do you know who the fat head fish is? Whether it's a prisoner, a prisoner or a ghost, is there anyone called this?"

The old woman shook her head, Zhu Yang couldn't ask why she came, and seeing that there was nothing to search for the old woman, she waved her hand and let her go.

The old woman hurriedly crawled into the sewer pipe with her whole body covered in glue. Before she left, she did not forget to take off the hair she took off, and the hair growth liquid that grew out and was taken away again.

I think these hair volumes are enough to make two or three wigs.

Zhu Yang took a shower again, and then slowly came to the cafeteria. The cafeteria has been open for more than a quarter of an hour, but her share has already been placed on the main seat.

The food in this prison is not bad, it's definitely not too rich, but it doesn't cut corners. It's very common and everyday food, but it tastes better than the average school, and it's barely enough.

The four female players went to the shoe workshop in the afternoon and made some inquiries about the task.

The first is the existence of fat-headed fish, which is still nothing, and the second is the layout of the prison.

The only areas where prisoners move are cells, restaurants, leisure rooms, gymnasiums, training rooms, medical areas, and then the work area.

It sounds like there are a lot of places to go. Indeed, if you add up the areas where prisoners can move, the area is amazing, but this only takes up two floors of purgatory.

Some prisoners accidentally saw the elevator floor here when they passed by the medical room. There are eight floors, which means that the prison area is only a small part of this place.

None of the prisoners knew the whole picture of the prison, and no one even knew where the prison was located.

Because when everyone came in, they were airlifted by helicopter, landed on the apron in the prison, and then got off the plane and changed into a car to drive into the cell area.

Not to mention judgment through body sensation, there is no such opportunity at all, but it can be guessed that 80% of the time is underground.

It's not that there are no rich and powerful gangsters who want to find out where they are from the outside world and escape from prison, but so far no one has been able to determine the location of the prison from the outside.

There is no way to escape by manpower, so the history of escape here is zero.

Zheng Nan approached Zhu Yang and said in a low voice, "Notice that there are a lot of moving ceilings at the exits of the corridors everywhere?"

"It's not a temperature control system installed there, it's all machine guns. I heard from an old man who has been here for several years that there was a prison riot and a vicious attack on the prison guards, and he almost escaped from the cell area. But as soon as I stepped into the corridor, the people in the front were killed by intensive sweeping shots."

That is to say, not to mention that the prison layout is smeared by them, even if the route has been confirmed, they will be finished before they can escape the door.

They are still wearing collars at the moment, and their heads can be blown off with the slightest disturbance. Even if their abilities are back, it is still up to them to deal with the hail of bullets.

After listening to Zhu Yang, she didn't say anything, as long as there was no time limit for the task, or the 'fat-headed fish' did not make it clear that the reality was in imminent danger, she was not in a hurry to escape.

There are obviously many problems in this prison, but the benefits are also corresponding. Zhu Yang never completes the task with the minimum clearance standard. Naturally, the higher the difficulty, the more he likes it.

Especially if you just got the benefit.

There was no progress in the mission. The group ate and watched TV in the activity area. When the time came, they went back to their cells.

However, the prisoners are detained here, and the regularity of work and rest is one thing, but most of the people who can commit serious crimes are energetic and aggressive guys. It is definitely impossible to consume the amount of work every day.

So every night before the lights go out, even if they go back to their cells, the whole cell area is very noisy.

The cells are facing each other again, and the corridor is about three meters wide, so there is no need to worry about people in the cells on both sides reaching out to fight, but it is convenient to scold upstairs and downstairs facing the door next door.

In particular, male prisoners like to speak foul language to female prisoners and make all kinds of unpleasant molestation.

However, after living here for a long time, there is no strong heart, and the female prisoners are rarely cowardly. They either shout at each other, causing the male prisoners to laugh proudly, or even flirt through the bars.

Zhu Yang and the others came late last night, and they killed chickens to warn the monkeys a little bit, but they were still quiet, and they will be back to their old ways tonight.

Zhu Yang finally became irritable after listening to the foul language and love words for a long time.

It is a kick to the iron fence. The iron fence here is an electronic gate. It looks full of technology and does not have the characteristics of being easy to shake. Generally speaking, it is difficult for even a big guy with more than 100 kilograms to kick out too much noise.

But Zhu Yang stunned the inmates around him by kicking out a 'Duang'.

There was a moment of silence in the area, and then Zhu Yang said impatiently, "The wild mice are springing in the evening, shut up and go to sleep."

For a few seconds, the needles could be heard in the corridor, but after a while, there was a burst of laughter from the entire cell area.

"It turns out that the boss is shy?"

"Be good, don't be shy, my brother loves you."

"Women, no matter how powerful they are, they still have to be nourished by men. You are so troubled by others, I wish the boss Chun could not bear it?"

"I wish the boss my big chest muscles."

"I wish the boss my six-pack abs."

"I'm eight!"

"I'm eighteen centimeters."

"I last, an hour at a time."

"Blow your shit up, I'm the one who gave me the nickname Piledriver."

"I'm good at ventriloquism." There was a woman who spoke out.

The one is separated by a door, and the sound is everywhere. It is difficult to grasp the source. Each one is not as scruples as in the daytime. No matter whether you are a new prisoner or not, you will come when you open your mouth.

And Zheng Nan, who lived in the same room with Zhu Yang, looked at her face, and her back was a little cold.

Seeing her grin, revealing her two fangs, she tore off the quilt on the bed, and after a few brushes, it was torn into strips and tied into a long rope of more than ten meters.

There was a cell opposite her upstairs, and the male prisoner who lived in it saw her movements clearly, and said with a teasing smile: "Yo! I wish the boss was mad, which one is the one who ripped the sheets? Hanging?"

The inmate in the same room pulled him: "You stop, the other cells are far away, no one knows what to say, you are so close, you're afraid you won't be caught, right?"

The prisoner said proudly: "What are you afraid of? With so many people, could it be possible that she can still pull me out and beat me? No matter how powerful she is, she can't stretch her hand so long."

As he spoke, he saw his fellow inmates look behind him in horror. The male prisoner turned his back to the cell door because of his words, and he was waiting to look back when he saw the expression of his fellow inmates.

As a result, before he had time to move, something wrapped around his neck and pulled him to the iron bar.

The man was twisted all of a sudden, his face flushed and his eyes burst out. He could still struggle at first, but gradually the struggle weakened.

Seeing this, the inmates hurried to save him and helped him pull the rope on that end, trying to relieve the pressure, but only when he got started did he realize that he was like an ant wrestling with an elephant.

At this time, I heard Boss Zhu's voice sounding slowly: "My hands are limited in length, only ten meters, oh, there is a sheet here, which adds up to thirty meters, which is only enough to radiate more than twenty cells around. , indeed beyond reach.”

"But you seem to have any misunderstanding about my belly size? Let your father hear another voice. Tomorrow, no matter whether it's a man or a woman, let me eat on the ground."

After he finished speaking, he released the sheet, and everyone around him could see clearly that the unlucky guy who was restrained had already fainted from incontinence.

His cellmates quickly released his neck, and did not dare to call the prison guards, for fear of arguing that Boss Zhu would cause public anger.

Only then did everyone really understand that this guy really came to be their father, can you be more tricky

After that, the entire prison was silent and silent all night.

The next day, because of those who passed by Boss Zhu in the evening, they all trembled, especially those who said molesting words, and even changed their voices, for fear of being recognized.

There was no work this morning, and the prisoners were free to move around in a certain area.

Several players went to different areas to mingle with the prisoners, then inquired about news, and secretly familiarized themselves with the layout of the prison area to see if they could find any dead ends.

Zhu Yang went to the exchange room.

As I said before, the prisoners here are not only of Asian descent, other races and religious beliefs are still more prevalent, so many prisoners have regular confession exchanges.

Of course, this thing, in Zhu Yang's view, is a model of admitting mistakes, being diligent and unrepentant.

At this moment, Zhu Yang and a dozen prisoners were sitting in a circle, and they took turns to repent for their evil deeds.

A black criminal said he was involved in multiple crimes including drug smuggling, murder, and robbery.

A woman said that her husband cheated on her. She killed her husband and Xiaosan, her husband's parents and Xiaosan's parents, as well as several innocent people involved, and nearly ten lives were on her hands.

At this point, Zhu Yang knows that there is a difference between the law and reality in this world, because a woman is obviously of the same nationality as her, but if someone commits so many crimes of intentional homicide in this world, it is rare to avoid the death penalty.

A Latino man says he's a serial killer, but he's not a loser who chooses to kill children and women. On the contrary, the stronger the adult man can arouse his hunting desire.

One is a financial fraud, which is said to be in the billions of dollars...

Hearing that, Zhu Yang finally understood that Nima was a confession room, and it was clearly showing off his criminal record.

When it was finally Zhu Yang's turn, everyone waited with bated breath.

This talent has become a tyrant in prison after two days in prison. Everyone with strength and personality can see it. It is a product that kills every minute without blinking an eye.

In particular, she is a capable person. Once a capable person commits a crime, the scope of the crime is often unmatched by ordinary people. Everyone wants to know what serious crime this guy has committed.

Zhu Yang was a stumbling block. As soon as they came in, they were in prison, and they were not notified of the crime when they handed over. She really didn't know what background Goubi Games had arranged for their identities.

But then again, why does she have to admit the identity of the game arrangement

She also arranged for her to buy a house for her brother and sacrifice herself to seduce the rich second generation. Does she recognize it

And, how can a crime committed in the game be called a crime? She was forced.

There should be blood spitting out here!

So Zhu Yang raised a noble smile like a white lotus flower: "No, I am a good citizen who abides by the law."

In reality, the pennant from the police station was still hanging in her father's study at the time about the yin marriage case that was committed by her in her hometown at that time.

"I won't even pick up the money in my hand."

Because she can't pick up money at all, even if it's on the ground, she's too lazy to bend over. Although the game has done a lot of looting and looting.

"I have never killed innocent people."

Killing all ghosts, or evil ghosts, killing those people is also a game, rounding up, she is just a knife, how can you say that the knife is guilty

"I have never abused small animals."

Now that she looks at the cockroaches, she can look at the cockroaches, and the chickens can be smashed. Can there be a girl who is more caring than her

"I haven't had an irreconcilable conflict with anyone."

After all, if you stab it with a knife, there will be nothing to do. The yin and yang are separated, and some things are not easy to investigate, right

"I'm not a dark-hearted person either. I'm the focus of the crowd everywhere. I think you all know this."

Zhu Yang shrugged: "To sum up, I am a winner in life with a beautiful appearance and a noble character. I am different from your rubbish. Please don't look at me with expectant eyes."

The whole room was silent for a moment, followed by a uniform hiss—

"Bragging, how dare you say that you have no criminal record?"

"Everyone can talk endlessly. It's boring if you hide and tuck it all by yourself. I wish you all the best."

"That's right, it's not a shameful thing. Could it be that you still regard this as an interview after you get out of prison?"

"I think she has at least 500 lives on her body, which is a conservative estimate."

"Yes, either it's an invisible drug lord. At worst, it has hijacked a plane, and when a child cried, he would get impatient and crash with a gun."

"I feel like I'm smuggling, Lu Ziye, who works quickly."

Zhu Yang: "… "

As a result, the final confession changed from showing off and communicating to stupid speculation.

One by one, they were also well-informed and well-founded, so Zhu Yang couldn't help but guess whether she was a certain female drug lord in Colombia this time.

In the end, the vicious Zhu Yang came out of the communication room, leaving the group of guys to fight over the controversy over where they came from.

As a result, when I went out, I saw a prisoner in a prison uniform leaning against the wall, thinking that he had been waiting for a long time.

Zhu Yang smiled: "I thought you would be more patient to wait and see for a while."

The opponent looked up: "No need, you have shown enough cards for us to bet."

This is a girl about her age, with cold short hair, the temples and the back of the head are shaved short, with a ring on the eyebrows, black hair and black eyes, but deep facial features, obviously not Asian, but said Fluent Chinese.

She also wears a collar around her neck, showing her identity as a capable person, and she appears here, obviously having a pivotal position in the capable group in the prison.

The other party was also unambiguous, and said directly to Zhu Yang: "You come to save people, we can help, but only if we take a ride."

Zhu Yang raised her eyebrows: "We don't have such a troublesome itinerary."

The cold girl said: "Don't deny it, it's called Fathead Fish, right? No one will find a stranger in a strange place for no reason. Your companions have also been very interested in prison these two days. Basically, the people who come here are basically only the You have a lifetime to understand this place, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Your purpose is obvious."

Zhu Yang was still noncommittal. The girl was happy to know that she would not see the rabbit and not the eagle.

Pulling on Zhu Yang's collar and leaning towards her, Zhu Yang subconsciously rested his hand on the wall, looking like a wall.

Then the two got very close, and the girl's mouth was almost close to her ear, and she said in a very thin voice, "There is no one named Fathead Fish among the prisoners. The prison guards here do not use code names, but work codes."

"But there is a place where people should be classified with a similar code name, and the person you are looking for should also be there."

"Where?" Zhu Yang asked.

"On the first floor, everyone there is named in this form. Although I'm not sure if there is a fat-headed fish, if there is, it should probably be there."

After speaking, the girl added another sentence: "Maybe it's not human."

Zhu Yang is interested. According to the strictness of the prison, it should be impossible for the prisoners here to know this level of the prison.

Although it is only a touch, the amount of information involved is huge.

"How did you know that?" she asked.

The girl looked at Zhu Yang and finally made a desperate attempt: "My ability is somewhat different from the record. I heard it when they retrieved the collar before."

Speaking of which, the girl couldn't help shivering, and then she squeezed her fist tightly, and then pressed down the unprovoked chill—

"This place is not a place for people at all. Compared with its original appearance, the prison is like paradise on earth."

"All capable people cannot survive in the end, so we have to escape."

Zhu Yang thought about it, and it made sense.

Why is this place haunted, and why, knowing that there are problems in the solitary confinement room, the prison authorities still did not take any measures, but chose to whitewash the peace.

Why did she make such an unusual movement yesterday, and the final interrogation still ended.

As expected and reasonable, this is a research base for capable people.

Just the specific research direction, the girl does not know, her time is too short, and it is not enough for her to know more.

Then Zhu Yang affirmed: "This is the sea, right?"

The girl gave her a surprised look and nodded: "Yes, I heard the sound of water outside and large underwater creatures nearby."

The girl's ability is really awesome. Although it is not a fighting direction and is not mature, if it is developed, it will be of great value.

Zhu Yang nodded: "That would be difficult. The only means of transportation for the outside world here is a helicopter. Even if someone can fly a plane, they will be gathered at the top level, but the place where the fat-headed fish is most likely to be at the bottom."

"This is to let me lift the entire prison!" Zhu Yang murmured.

The girl was startled: "What? No, why do you have such terrible thoughts? Do you know how many guards and weapons are in the entire prison?"

"The number of prison cells is already staggering. According to the degree of confidentiality of the prison floor, there will only be more other floors. Even if all of us take off this damn collar, it will be difficult to break through the siege."

Zhu Yang shrugged: "There's no way, after all, I have to go to the ground floor."

Speaking of getting up, he said to the girl, "But you really can't be reckless. Let's do this, all the people in your hands will slip in front of me tomorrow. I need to know everyone's abilities before making plans."

This is almost handing the old end to her hands, but they have something to ask for, and the other party is strong, so they can only choose to fight.

The girl said in the back, "My name is Rose, what's your name?"

Now everyone in the prison calls her Zhu Boss, because several other players have disclosed her surname, but not her full name.

"I wish Yang!"

Because of Zhu Yang's superiority, the situation of capable prisoners has improved a lot in the past two days. At least for the time being, no one dares to find fault for no reason. Although capable prisoners will also form a group, the number is small, and they are considered a vulnerable group in the prison.

After lunch, she had a job in the afternoon, but a prison guard came and called her away.

It is said that it is the periodic inspection of the ability person, in short, it is a very nonsense reason to hear it.

Zhu Yang was also happy to go to other areas, and followed the prison guards all the way to the medical room.

Because there are only two floors where the prisoners usually move around, there are no elevators, and the medical room is on these two floors. In short, ordinary people can't even understand the outside world except this side of the world.

After Zhu Yang was brought in, he found that the prison's medical room was actually very good, with all kinds of advanced equipment, medical equipment, new walls, and neat decoration.

And the whole room is generally clean and white.

A middle-aged doctor in a white coat and his assistant received her. The doctor looked ordinary and wore glasses, but his eyes were very bright.

Especially when he looked at Zhu Yang, his eyes were particularly frantic, like a scientific lunatic for fear that others would not know.

"Miss Zhu, please take a seat!" The other party could hold it.

Zhu Yang looked around, but was not polite, and sat down on the chair designated by the doctor.

The assistant next to her brought some equipment, and the doctor quickly reassured her: "Don't be afraid, it's just a routine check, measure blood pressure, draw blood, etc."

Zhu Yang sneered, not loudly, but just when the assistant put the tray down, for some reason, the assistant's hand shook slightly.

Zhu Yang Hao said in a leisurely manner: "I'm not afraid, but your assistant looks quite nervous."

The doctor's original genial expression immediately became harsh and mean, and when he turned back to his assistant, he reprimanded him sharply, "Get out, you trash."

The assistant glanced at Zhu Yang, and although he was afraid, he looked at the doctor with worried eyes: "But—"

The doctor ignored him and immediately got up and blasted him out.

At this moment, there are only the two of them left in the entire medical room, and the doctor is preparing to continue talking to Zhu Yang while checking.

He heard the other person say: "The prison doctor is really brave and different from ordinary people, and he dares to live in the same room with the most vicious prisoners."

She grinned, revealing a sinister smile: "Aren't you afraid that some prisoners will hijack you and threaten the prison to prepare a plane to send you out?"

The doctor smiled, as if talking to Zhu Yang about the weather as if nothing had happened: "Ordinary prisoners need to be guarded by prison guards, but those who are capable don't."

Speaking of his unremarkable face, there was a contemptuous look on his face: "After all, the lives of all of you are in my hands."

"It's really an unpleasant speech." Zhu Yang smiled even deeper.

The doctor said: "Trust me, I really want to live in peace with you, you are the most special person I have ever seen so far, and you are not the same as those rubbish dogs who have their teeth pulled out when they wear a collar. "

"Ah, this is the attitude of a real superior gene, and what's even more incredible is that you did it. I never thought that progress would come so unexpectedly."

Then he pushed his glasses and suppressed his expression: "I'm sorry, I'm too excited, but you have to understand my joy."

Zhu Yang nodded: "Understood, I'm happy too. I frowned when I found fools walking around. I was about to cry with joy. I understand you."

The doctor's smile stopped abruptly, a light flashed in his glasses, and then the corner of his mouth sneered.

Suddenly, a few steel plates popped out of the chair Zhu Yang was sitting on, locking Zhu Yang's neck and thighs tightly, and his left hand was also locked because it was resting on the armrest. Only the right hand reacted quickly and was spared death.

The doctor stood up, looked at her condescendingly and said, "Although you can blow up your head in an instant, but you are precious, we can't bear it, so we can only use a slightly rougher method."

"Don't provoke me with words. If you cooperate, you won't have to be tied up by the five flowers like you are now. Don't struggle. This special alloy cannot be destroyed even with your strength."

Zhu Yang raised his right hand: "But I still have one hand to move."

"So what?" The doctor sneered and took out the blood-drawing needle from the tray next to him.

"Don't worry, it's really just a blood draw today, but after that, I think it's necessary for you to recognize your status in the prison and who you should show obedience to."

"I suggest you stop acting rashly, otherwise you will suffer. If you understand your situation, just put down your right hand obediently."

Zhu Yang shrugged when he heard the words, and finally put his right hand down.

The steel plate on the armrest popped up again and buckled her, and now she really couldn't move.

The doctor was really satisfied, and the needle was about to pierce her arm when she heard Zhu Yang say, "I put down my hand, not because of compromise."

The doctor looked up and saw her with a grim smile: "It's because I found out that I don't even need a hand to deal with you."

The doctor was startled and stepped back subconsciously. The collar detonator he secretly controlled did not relax, but he saw that she did not move at all.

Sure enough, it was just a harsh word. The doctor was relieved, and for a while, he regretted that he was too excited. When he heard about it, he went back to the prison and wanted to see people regardless.

It's true that she should be secretly controlled first and then brought over, otherwise if she was killed in order to protect herself, a corpse is really not as valuable as a living body.

Just as he was about to tell her to stop provocation, the doctor's neck suddenly became cold, his eyes dropped sharply, and finally he saw his toes.

Zhu Yang licked his tongue and sneered, watching the headless corpse crash down.

Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded throughout the room.