Scream Queen

Chapter 120


Zhu Yang really doesn't have any skills left at this moment, and both the game skills and the innate abilities of the fish scale monster have been double suppressed.

But she already knew that those people put her into the laboratory so easily, the goal was to test her moisture.

If the ichthyosaur was the subject of the experiment, they would have to observe the fusion reaction of her, a rare and successful specimen that did not respond to rejection.

The first two fish head monsters and jellyfish monsters are tricky, but they are not too strong, but Zhu Yang's octopus legs are definitely not weaker than most intermediate players.

It should also be the most powerful wave of the test bodies so far. If it is just a test, this level is almost enough.

Then the next step should be to close the net impatiently and bring her precious finished product to study.

All kinds of blood draws, slices and slices—well, slices should be reluctant for the time being. In short, judging from these scientific lunatics who disregard ethics and willfulness, they must be gearing up for her.

She deliberately did not use cockroach skills in battle, which is the most suitable for hidden ultimate move.

Zhu Yang can guess what measures the other party will take, which is nothing more than capacity limitation and thermal weapon deterrence.

As long as the marbles were secretly thrown out in advance, and the order was given to attack the carotid arteries of the people who threatened her life at the same time, it would not be difficult to kill these people at the same time.

One advantage of cockroaches is that as long as an order is given, even if the ability disappears in the middle, it will faithfully perform its task.

There are cameras all over the place, and Zhu Yang often has some strange tools and weapons in his hands. It is impossible for people not to know this.

It's just that this research laboratory is estimated to represent the top of the world's technology. If they can't explain things from science, they will definitely rule out this option subconsciously, and then mistake it for her ability.

As far as Zhu Yang knows, this world is not without space ability. Therefore, it is natural to classify this coping into the inhibition of ability.

Just being pointed at by a circle of firearms, Zhu Yang really couldn't move around before that, otherwise he would have multiple holes in his body.

But the surrounding jailers and researchers were bitten off by their necks and died in an instant, and Zhu Yang moved. The warden knew that her body was strong, and even after being restricted by the collar, she also possessed inhuman strength.

He pinned his hopes on his own gun, so Zhu Yang asked this question at first.

"How's your speed of drawing your gun?"

I gave him a hint from the beginning, but unfortunately the other party did not draw a gun to aim at Zhu Yang, and she was not as fast as she rushed out of the encirclement and took out a long knife from the space to split him into two.

If the guards around him were still alive, there might be a few under the muzzle that could respond to her movements, but there was only one left, and the gun was still in the holster—

Zhu Yang flicked the blood on the knife, and there was a bloodstain on the ground instantly.

The top person in charge of the entire prison should be here. Zhu Yang turned over the bodies of these guys, and sure enough, they found the collar control wristbands for those who are capable, and there are different levels of permission cards.

Among them, the warden and the elderly have the highest authority, and can go almost anywhere in the prison.

Zhu Yang took off the collar on his neck again, took off a bracelet, and chopped off the fingers of the warden and the old man in case of emergency.

Then she swaggered out of the lab without being attacked for the time being.

Perhaps it is because the monitoring of this floor is not within the unified monitoring and management, and a certain authority is required to see the situation here, so the other party has not responded.

In short, Zhu Yang directly swiped the warden's card and went to the upper floor from another elevator.

As soon as I entered the elevator, I felt something was wrong.

Because this elevator is only used by researchers, it is very luxuriously built. Not to mention the space inside, there are elevator operators.

Um? Elevator

Zhu Yang reacted and looked up at the 'person' who was in the corner of the wall—

I saw that the other party was dressed in upright overalls and meticulous, but his face was a little pale.

The eyes are dark, and the whole body is full of lifeless death, where is the person? Obviously a ghost.

Zhu Yang is really speechless about the blind implants in this dungeon of the game. A second ago, all kinds of biochemical monsters were simmering, high-tech and hot weapons flying together. In the next second, he entered the elevator crash script of the spooky building.

This doesn't match at all, or is the game to prove that no matter how far it goes, it still doesn't forget its original intention and remembers that it is a horror game, so these guys are brought out to show the theme

Zhu Yang looked up and down the elevator ghost with critical eyes, and the elevator ghost was almost suffocated.

Seeing that Zhu Yang didn't speak and didn't go out, he finally had to open his mouth tremblingly—

"Then what, what floor are you going to?"

Only then did Zhu Yang say, "How are you going to scare me?"

The elevator ghost said subconsciously: "You close the door, the elevator is surrounded by my face, the mouth is open on the ground, and it looks like I will fall down and be swallowed alive by me."

But seeing this female Tyrannosaurus rex tearing apart those deep-sea monsters in the laboratory, and then blood-washing those researchers and prison guards, the elevator ghosts shrunk in their own one-third of an acre and tried their best to reduce their sense of existence.

At the moment, I only hate myself for boasting about the bald old lady, promising that the ghosts in prison can't lose face like this, and I must come and scare her to save face.

Zhu Yang nodded, and when he finally heard something new, he raised his chin: "Go upstairs!"

"Okay!" said the elevator ghost.

In fact, this elevator ghost is really not weak, and his strength is at least on par with the mirror girl, especially once he enters the elevator, it is his world.

It is easy to kill a person in a closed space with his ability. So this elevator ghost is also considered the number one among the ghosts in the entire prison.

But no matter how powerful he is, there is a fish scale monster on it. In the past two days, he felt that the fish scale monster disappeared, and when he encountered the old lady with alopecia areata accusing a prisoner of being arrogant, he decided to give her a try.

As a result, Doutou bumped into the brutal scene, not to mention the wild force value, in this scene, the fish-scale monster was obviously swallowed alive by this woman.

The elevator was cowardly, and when he reacted and wanted to run, he was hit right.

In the narrow space that originally belonged to his domain, he was so weak and helpless at this moment.

The elevator ghost has never hated the height of this prison as much as this moment, especially since the two floors are biochemical research laboratories, the height of the floors is amazing, and it takes a while to go to the first floor.

The elevator ghost saw the guy looking at himself from the back through the reflection, and he broke out in cold sweat.

He listened to the other party: "What is your ability?"

The elevator ghost thought of the characteristics and aura of the fish-scale monster that appeared on her body, so frightened that he fell to the ground as soon as his legs softened, hugging each other's legs and crying—

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I'm weak, I'm just a hot chicken. I'm not a fart except to scare people in the elevator, and my strongest ultimate move is to take off my clothes and dance the chicken dance in front of others, I can't scare people to death. That kind of thing, you can't possibly see my ability."

"Look at you being so beautiful and in such a good figure, how am I worthy of you? Oh, I know there is an old woman, she has good ability, as long as the activation conditions are met, it can make people's body age rapidly, a double blow to the spirit and the body. , how is it? Awesome? I'm going to catch that old woman for you?"

Um? That old lady in the bathroom is so powerful? However, the relative activation conditions are definitely more stringent, so in the beginning, you have to scare people's inner flaws.

Seeing that Zhu Yang didn't speak, the elevator ghost said again: "There is another good friend who plays back-to-back all day long. She can shuttle in the network cable. Isn't this attractive?"

Zhu Yang just nodded and said, "I just need her help with something. You go find her and ask her to cut off the signal in the monitoring room, and also block the external transmission signal."

As he said that, he took out the human book that he hadn't used for a long time, and knocked on the elevator ghost's head: "I don't think you fooled me into running away, right?"

The ghost of the elevator had just been thinking about it, and now he doesn't dare, he felt an absolute appeal to ghosts in the book.

Although I don't know how to activate it, this guy can definitely take all the ghosts here if he doesn't care about the cost.

What kind of murderous thing is recruited in this Nima stupid prison

The elevator ghost didn't dare to fool him, so when he was released, he ran to the back-to-back ghost.

At this time, Zhu Yang has also come to the upper floor. This floor is still the research room, but the level is lower than the lower one.

Zhu Yang could enter by swiping his card, and saw countless test rigs inside, and there were even organisms doing experiments tied to them.

If the floor below is a finished product that already has the ability to fight alone, then this floor is where the experiment is going.

Zhu Yang couldn't stand it any longer, so he raised his hand and threw out a few marbles. After a while, there were harsh screams from some corners.

The one who realized the invasion was hiding and was about to attack her.

Zhu Yang thought that after seeing these two floors, the next experimental scene would no longer surprise her.

She took the elevator alone and went up to the next floor. The authority of this floor was gradually reduced. The evidence was that someone had already responded to Zhu Yang's escape.

Teams of men and horses came from various passages, just like the prison guards here do not need money for mass production.

Because of the death of the top person in charge, it is estimated that it is an attack regardless of cost.

The weapons to deal with her are not limited to shooting guns. Zhu Yang even saw heavy machine guns, but because the entire prison was built on the bottom of the sea, it was to a certain extent.

But Rao was like this, and Zhu Yang didn't dare to be too big, so he fell into the siege and interception for a while.

Although her illusion can play a small devil on the people at the scene, it is useless to remotely control it through the screen. The execution of the orders by these prison guards is amazing.

Even if they were asked to shoot into the void, or blasted at their companions, they would execute it without hesitation.

That's why inmates in prisons suspect they are robots.

Zhu Yang blocked one passage with ice, and the spreading cold current restricted the movements of the prison guards. One side was resolved, and the other side was only a corner away from her.

Zhu Yang disappeared from the eyes of the other party in an instant. Before the people in the monitoring room gave a repositioning, there was a scream from the other side, and the people who were close to him were shocked to death.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and a Galint machine gun was aimed at her, and the door opened with a burst of indiscriminate fire.

Zhu Yang turned and hid in the blind spot next to her, and instantly took out the only large weapon she bought from the space.

A shoulder-mounted bazooka, use this thing to blast the elevator in the direction of the elevator.

This is good, not to mention the chasing soldiers in the elevator, the entire elevator, including the wall, blasted a hole in the space of five meters.

Fortunately, the location here is not on the periphery, otherwise the prison would have to blow up a hole.

Zhu Yang patted the cannon barrel and knew why the sting game didn't let her buy infinite cannonballs. Nima was cheating.

All the pictures in that area of the monitoring room collapsed, and the rest fell into a dead silence.

One of them kicked the chair fiercely: "Why can she make so many weapons? Or heavy weapons of destruction."

The warden was already dead, because that guy was stubborn and did not accept his life as a deputy. At this time, no one came out to coordinate the counterattack.

The layers of barriers in the prison are like paper in front of that guy.

Realizing that things were far beyond their control, one of them immediately said: "Send a signal to the outside immediately and ask for support."

Even if the responsibility to be taken is too great to be weighed, at least the life of the monster must be saved first.

But in the next second, there was a piercing noise from the entire monitoring room, and then the person in charge of external liaison was terrified: "There is no way to transmit signals to the outside world."

"What?" The temporary person in charge hurried over.

Before I could identify the problem, I heard a rustling noise coming from the announcer. At this time, someone hurriedly said, "What's going on? Weapon control failure."

"The biochemical soldier signal source is cut off."

"Poison gas pipeline control failure."

The temporary person in charge gritted his teeth: "It's those guys."

The people here have certain authority and know the existence of the soul body. After all, the soul body of the fish-scale monster is also part of the experiment.

Even those ghost reactions are within the range of their records, but they have no way to directly contact the spiritual body, and can only study through supernatural events and follow-up reactions.

But since they dared to do such a bold experiment, they must have countermeasures for all test subjects.

These ghosts have also tried to attack the prison party before, but the principle of the device to limit the spiritual body is not much different from that of the limiter. After the confrontation, they suffered two losses, and the ghosts are also honest.

I just didn't expect that I would choose to fall into the trap at this time.

The temporary person in charge had a ruthless expression on his face: "Activate the spirit killing device."

"But those supernatural bodies are also precious experimental materials."

"Quick!" The other party yelled.

"Late!" At this moment, a voice sounded in the room.

Everyone pulled out their self-defense pistols and pointed them there, and they saw a ghost on the screen. Looking at the silhouette, it was like a back-to-back ghost.

Her voice came from the device. The people here have no spiritual power and can't see her directly, so they can only communicate through the medium.

"If there are still people in other places, we would not dare to act rashly, but now, you are the only line of defense, and the other command stations have no staff."

Everyone couldn't see each other's face clearly, but they could feel a weird smile from her, and then the whole monitoring room went dark.

When it's over, the other party directly draws wages from the bottom of the pot and cuts off the power. It will take a little time to activate the backup power even if it is fast.

But now they are in a race against time.

Everyone was messing around in the dark, the lights were turned on again, and when all the machines were restarted, they found that there were suddenly more people in the room.

The man didn't know when he appeared, so he sat on their command seat, crossed his legs, and waved at them: "Fortunately, let me introduce myself, I'm your new boss."

"The control of this prison now belongs to me, and I give you two choices."

Zhu Yang pointed out a finger and said, "One, clean and jump ship with me. Two, I will send you to the underground to continue to be loyal to the old club."

The people in the monitoring room broke down in cold sweat. They were not simple technicians who were powerless. They even had weapons in their hands.

But the other party was sitting on the main seat in the center without any defense, but no one dared to act rashly.

The interim person in charge finally said, "You have no idea who you are fighting against."

Zhu Yang nodded: "It doesn't matter, the dead never need to waste my brain capacity to remember."

Saying that she got up, everyone retreated vigilantly, and saw that she just walked over and glanced at the logo that belonged to the company that appeared on the screen of the lost luck.

Zhu Yang sneered: "Deep Sea Technology Company, I remember it."

Her two fluttering words said nothing, but the people around her felt a chill in their hearts for no reason.

Seeing that she was strong, the temporary person in charge had to bow his head and asked, "Aren't you trying to escape?"

Zhu Yang smiled: "It's said that this is my site, but I didn't run away from it in my own place."

Now they have to bow their heads, and slowly, at least on the surface, they can only cast their heads towards Boss Zhu in this prison.

Only then did Zhu Yang smile with satisfaction: "Then I'll trouble you to arrange manpower to clean up the mess, but I remind you not to try to contact the outside world. I will let the female ghost watch over you, once someone makes a resistance."

She took out a bomb and stuck it on the wall, and shook the small remote control in her hand: "Then I'll have to blow up the whole room."

After speaking, everyone who was covered in cold sweat, immediately after she left, someone approached the bomb.

I saw that that thing was a smooth metal hemisphere, and it was stuck to the wall on the cross-cut side, as if it was growing on it. There was no place to open it and see the device inside it, let alone dismantling it.

But no one doubted the authenticity of this thing.

After all, this is a guy who can even carry a rocket launcher out of thin air. If it is compared to firepower, the two sides may not necessarily be more advanced than the other.

After solving the remote trouble, Zhu Yang continued to return to the sixth floor. No fat-headed fish was found on the eighth and seventh floors. If there was no harvest on the fifth floor, then it would be necessary to consider whether the game is messed up again.

Because she has already learned the general structure of the prison from the monitoring work, the bottom negative six, seven and eight floors are the experimental area, the fourth and fifth floors monitoring area, and the place where the prison staff live.

The second and third floors are the prison area, and the first floor is the floor where the passages and various means of transportation and large external weapons are placed.

The whole layout is fairly simple, but it will take at least a few hours to complete a circle from top to bottom. It is too big here.

But Zhu Yang opened the door of the laboratory on the sixth floor and saw the scene that caught his eye. Rao was already fully prepared and a little stunned, but in turn, he was somewhat unexpected.

This is not the experimental body with piles of monsters like the downstairs. There are at least thousands of biological warehouses in the huge space.

However, all the people in the biological warehouse only have two appearances, one male and one female, both of which are strong and muscular.

The ratio of men to women is about eight to two, reminiscent of the number of guards in the prison, and their helmeted faces from beginning to end.

There is also the ability to execute orders, as well as disregard for his own life, coupled with a mechanical emotional response.

There is an endless stream of prison guards here, and it turns out that they are all biochemical people in batches.

I don't know which hapless gene was acquired by these guys. The body of these two people must be elites who are outstanding in all aspects, but their replicas have become regular consumables here.

Zhu Yang came to the main brain and entered his fingerprints through the old man's permission card and the fingers cut off from him.

Sure enough, the highest priority for these cyborgs to execute orders is the warden and the old scientist.

Without thinking, Zhu Yang erased the permissions of the two and replaced them with her own, so that even if the technicians in the monitoring room betrayed, she would not be able to find someone to call.

But in this way, there is indeed no guy named Fathead Fish in the entire prison.

But Zhu Yang is not in a hurry. The game says that if you take it away from here, then the target will definitely be here. It's just a question of whether it exists at present. What if a certain condition has to be triggered

At this time, the comatose prisoners in the prison cafeteria gradually woke up.

The first reaction was that I would wake up from the floor of the cell. After all, the first thing after a riot was to isolate people.

But no, they stayed in the cafeteria as they were, lying on the ground, as if the prison would no longer devote extra energy to them after they were stunned.

Everyone got up, their bodies were still a little weak, and their emotions were not so excited. The surrounding equipment that was smashed and damaged has been repaired, replaced, cleaned, and it has become tidy and new.

It's as if their previous riots were everyone's unreal memories.

The other prisoners were at a loss, but the player and the capable people headed by Ross gradually sank in their hearts.

The prison has free hands, and there is still time to repair everything, which means that Zhu Yang has been controlled, and has been controlled for at least a period of time.

The more calm the other party, the less commotion she caused.

Is it still going in? The only thing I can pray for now is that the prison authorities can put Zhu Yang back in the prison area. If he is completely isolated from them, then no amount of plans will be able to execute.

Then I saw a large team of prison guards walk in, still in the posture of being fully armed and carrying live ammunition.

The prison guards used drugs to wake up those who didn't wake up, and then maintained discipline, asking them to walk out of the cafeteria one by one and go to the auditorium to gather.

The auditorium is generally used to watch movies or hold programs on holidays. It is also here for major announcements or safety training, which is equivalent to the playground of this prison.

Everyone knows nothing, only the player and Ross realize that it may have something to do with what happened to Zhu Yang just now.

Could it be that the prison intends to publicly execute her? This should not be the value that a person with such a powerful ability should have.

A group of people came to the auditorium with trepidation, stood neatly according to the spacing, and the surrounding people whispered again, and they heard a voice from above—


Then a man in a uniform uniform came up to the podium, and behind him stood several prison administrators.

The man stood in front of the microphone and said to the prisoners below: "As we all know, Jusha Prison has been proud of its advanced management, strict discipline, excellent output value, and global garrison level since its fifth anniversary. "

This is bullshit, and the prisoners below want to yawn when they hear it.

After the cliché was over, I heard the man get to the point: "However, today I want to announce some unfortunate news to everyone."

"The top administrator of Jusha Prison, Warden Wells, tragically passed away this afternoon at 16:37:48."

The man who was yawning had his mouth half-lengthened, and then the entire auditorium burst into deafening cheers, just like a power outage in a high school evening self-study.

To tell the truth, this warden is not a pervert who takes pleasure in abusing prisoners. Although he is very authoritative in the prison, he does not often appear in front of everyone.

But leave him alone, just laugh.

It's a perfectly normal logic that the death warrant prisoner is happy.

The players and Ross were stunned. Could it be that Zhu Yang killed him? So it is precisely for this reason that it really deserves a public execution.

Several people seemed to have expected the man's next sentence, rendering the 'appalling' murder into a lively atmosphere, and then introduced the murderer.

In short, the warden died in prison, and it is impossible for the management to ignore the corresponding responsibility.

But listening to the other party announced that there are other things that are more prioritized than punishing criminals—


"Jusha Prison is an independent institution, and the position of the head is indispensable, so while we mourned the dead Warden of Wales, we also welcome the new Warden to take office."

The prisoners below will die immediately, and the factional battle of Nima's broken prison is too fierce. The boss died less than two hours before the new one ascended the throne

If it is not said that the dragon robe is ready, the fool will believe it, but there is no deputy warden here, and I don't know who will succeed.

Don't let the eccentric ones die, those are not as good as the previous warden.

A few players don't care who the new warden is, they are eager to know the result, even if it is the worst

At this time, the man announced in a solemn voice: "Welcome to the new warden, Madam Zhu Yang!"


Everyone was stunned. It was a real expression on his face, and he had everything he wanted, and a random cut was an emoji.

The red curtain of the auditorium slowly opened, revealing the people standing behind.

The other party was wearing a well-fitting women's warden's uniform, and he poked there domineeringly, looking down at everyone with contempt.

Black high-heeled leather boots stomped on the floor, making a steady and shocking rhythm, and then took a stand in front of the microphone on the podium.

Facing the jaw-dropping prison uniform below, he sneered: "Now, I will take over this prison."

"Whether it's a prisoner, a prison guard, an employee or a ghost, or even a fish in a tank, remember it for me."

"I, Zhu Yang, will be the only boss here from now on."

A few short sentences took a few minutes for the people below to digest it.

To be fair, when this guy was taken away in the afternoon, he saw a lot of people. He didn't come back for so long and thought she had bad luck.

After all, although the prison doesn't care about gangs, her performance is indeed arrogant enough, and the above has to make her suffer a little in order to show authority.

But I have never seen a prisoner who can turn over an entire prison and become a warden. In just a few hours, he turned against the prison staff and so many prison guards. This is not a simple violent coercion.

The key is that there is only one person on the other side. Who in history has accomplished this feat by one person without any help

The prisoners were also Mu Qiang elements, and they didn't know who started it, and then they screamed and screamed.

Finally a uniform cry -

"I wish the boss!"

"I wish the boss!"

"I wish the boss!… "

Zhu Yang seems to be very comfortable with this kind of calling, so she might as well pretend to be forced.

Now that the new warden takes office, it is natural to celebrate. Not only does the cell do not have to be returned, but the recreation room is also open, so you can watch movies, dance, play games today.

Dinner has been prepared, naturally it is a sumptuous and luxurious seafood feast. In short, tonight is a carnival night.

Zhu Yang has no other idea about the prisoners here. It is a conspiracy of this experimental base to say that capable people are brought in.

But even so, not every able-bodied person is innocent, and there are quite a few who did use their ability to commit serious crimes.

Not to mention the ordinary prisoners, although they hide their eyes and ears, they are definitely bad guys.

So it's one thing for her to occupy the prison, but she doesn't intend to change the most basic operational structure here.

Several players looked at Zhu Yang, who was very beautiful on the stage, with their mouths open the whole time.

She, what the hell did she do

They are not newbies, and they must have some experience with the game's clearance evaluation algorithm.

Although Zhu Yang was responsible for occupying the entire prison alone, and they have nothing to do with them, as a team and stakeholders, they will benefit to some extent.

Judging from the garrison of this prison, how high would the evaluation be for occupying it? That is to say, once they find the fat-headed fish and take them out, they will be able to complete the game with a low level of clearance evaluation

This, is this a lie win

Yes, when Zhu Yang was doing all this, they were being passed out by Gaszi, and they were lying on the ground and sleeping.

So when several players and Ross were taken to the luxurious warden's lounge, their expressions were still blank.

When he entered the door, he saw Zhu Yang sitting on the luxurious sofa with his feet raised, with a goblet in his hand.

Beside her, a pale-faced guy in an elevator suit was pouring her red wine diligently.

The former warden liked to collect fine wine, and now it's all cheap Zhu Yang—

No, that's not the point, the point is that the guy who poured the wine wasn't human, right

Then I saw Zhu Yangchong nodding at them: "Come on? Sit down, have a drink first, I'll take off your collars for you, then take a bath and change clothes for dinner."

Several female players only felt that their situation was like being taken care of by the boss.

Zheng Nan, who had been in the same room with Zhu Yang, was the first to speak, pointing to the elevator next to him and said, "He, what's the matter with him? Didn't you occupy the prison this afternoon? I didn't hear when you bumped into a ghost again. huh?"

Zhu Yang waved his hand: "The younger brother who was taken in by the way when he occupied the prison, this guy tried to scare me in the elevator, but was stunned by my sister's tyranny, crying and shouting to do things for me."

"You weren't by my side at the time, and these guys are quite useful. I thought I would just keep it. Anyway, my little brother doesn't have one or two more."

Everyone: "… "

I have never seen a guy who can tell the truth as unbelievable as bragging, but the truth is in front of them, and they can't help but believe it.

Moreover, the dead ghost, when Zhu Yang was talking, still had a flattering reaction, which would make people feel that what Zhu Yang said was still under pressure.

Sister Wu grasped the point: "Wait, is there more than one?"

Zhu Yang nodded, snapped his fingers, and a female ghost emerged from the computer screen on the side.

Does this scene look familiar? However, the essence of back-to-back ghost and pseudo-Sadako's abilities are still different.

This guy can't curse others through video, Zhu Yang only thought she could control the network signal at first. Unexpectedly, after asking the specific questions, she can actually realize the connection of information, which is quite awesome.

For example, if this guy is on a video with a person, she can drag the person alive from the computer or mobile phone.

At that time, Zhu Yang was speechless when she heard her ability. You are such a strong ability that you are on the bed

Back-to-back ghosts smirked: "It's not that people don't use electronic equipment in this place, but they have killed people in the prison, but they opened the spirit killer and almost shook my soul away, and I haven't recovered for a long time. Not quite."

As soon as the back-to-back ghost came out, he approached Zheng Nan: "We've seen each other before, in a dream, I was under the ice, back-to-back with you."

Zheng Nan finally knew how this guy was beaten up by Zhu Yang, it was a shame.

She twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Fortunately, fortunately to meet!"

The back-to-back ghost waved his hand: "Everywhere, it's all the work of a boss, and the flood washed the Dragon King Temple."

"Boss?" Zheng Nan was surprised.

The back-to-back ghost scratched his head: "The boss promised to take me out of prison as long as I follow her, and I can find a good job. I can cultivate ghosts and become Internet celebrities."

"And with me here, you don't have to be afraid of the sunspots. I can take care of them along the network cable. Our playground is also those bastards who dare to spray."

The elevator ghost looked at this guy speechlessly. To say that he and the old woman were still being coerced, this guy was completely crippled by the biscuits drawn by Boss Zhu.

Right now, inside and out, I regard the haunted house that I haven't even seen as my home, and I want to escape from this haunted place where I have nothing to become an internet celebrity and see the world of flowers.

The elevator ghost pouted at the guy's lack of promise, and saw Zhu Yang casually swept over.

With a shudder in his heart, he handed the wine over flatteringly—

"Do you want more, boss?"

It looks like a back-to-back ghost has completely surrendered.