Scream Queen

Chapter 18: The 4D Fat


From childhood to adulthood, Zhu Yang rarely fights directly with people, and there is never a shortage of people around him.

There have been countless conflicts with people over the past two decades. In these countless times, most of the conflict objects had the heart to kill her at that time.

And then the small part that is actually put into action is still not small under this huge base.

But the number of times that Zhu Yang was successfully attacked can be counted with one hand, and this number of times is about equal to the number of times she has actually attacked people.

There is no experience to speak of, so the girl was in a hurry to fight, and she performed it vividly here.

I saw that she grabbed the female ghost's hair and pulled the upper body of the person out of the mirror.

When he pulled it in front of him, he slashed his hand, and slapped him on the head one by one.

While beating and scolding: "It's scary, isn't it?"

"The seven orifices are bleeding, right?"

"Bad face isn't it?"

"Break your hair out, believe it or not?"

"It's scary if you say it, don't be disgusting. Was the female ghost of the broken game company trained on the TM assembly line? It's a silly recipe going back and forth."

"Why didn't you find out how the last ugly guy died? The unlucky guy with a broken shoehorn face, really thought he was a flower among the female ghosts?"

"Change my face, are you an idiot? The last time you landed on the moon and touched porcelain, you couldn't be any better. If you were a ghost, you wouldn't have self-knowledge? You are so used to it."

The female ghost tilted her body and her head was grabbed. This posture was basically resistance to incompetence.

This Bi Chi looked thin and delicate, but he didn't expect two arms as thin as firewood sticks to be so fucking powerful.

The female ghost was beaten with a buzzing head, and someone was knocking her head up and down with a brick. She never expected to die, and she had to worry about the risk of concussion.

"Woooo~~" The female ghost struggled desperately, and then heard a 'hiss' sound.

Her head loosened, she looked up in disbelief, and saw Bi Chi on the opposite side holding a large handful of hair in her hand.

That full amount of weight, for every woman - female ghost - no, long-haired female, is a lethal amount of collapse.

The female ghost tremblingly reached out and touched her scalp, and she was really bald.

The whole thing went crazy, and a shrill scream resounded through the sky.


It was only halfway through, and the sound was cut off again, just like a goose being stepped on its neck.

It was Zhu Yang who saw her screaming with her mouth open, picked up a piece of soap by the sink and threw it into her mouth.

The soap is still from Teacher Qiu, which is used to wash underwear and socks by hand.

It seems that every female ghost has the skill to open her mouth to half the size of her face.

Otherwise, such a large piece of soap will not be able to fit in.

Unguarded, the female ghost swallowed the soap directly, then burped and made a few bubbles.

She was stunned, and the other tenants who heard the movement ran over one after another.

There were so many people that she had to retreat, but Li Li and the others were quick. Before she disappeared, she clearly saw a female ghost in the mirror covering her bruised face and half-bald head, choking. escaped.

In this situation, they were hearing the screams, thinking that it was the first tentative attack by the ghost, and then the scene where Zhu Yang was scared and screamed was completely different.

The female ghost was embarrassed and fled, and Zhu Yang stood in front of the sink arrogantly and exhaled, with a feeling of 'the spicy chicken left before it was warmed up'.

Really, according to this battle, who is calling the scream just now?

When Lu Xin came to Zhu Yang, he didn't ask about the obvious cause and effect.

Just ask: "Go?"

Zhu Yang nodded: "What do the woman who disappeared here look like and the landlord's wife?"

"Oh, I found this." Wang Bei immediately flipped out his phone.

After all, it's a criminal case, and the girl's family has also tried desperately to find someone here. At that time, there were no missing notices posted, and the photos were not difficult to get.

Wang Bei opened the saved picture, Zhu Yang looked at it, and it really was the female ghost just now.

She pouted and sneered: "Spicy chicken!"

Li Li and the others were very sad and pessimistic about the fact that the ghost appeared in Souhun Ye in advance.

Like in previous horror games, once a player saw a ghost or was attacked, everyone else was panic-stricken.

Because the positions of all of them are the same in front of ghosts, sooner or later it will be their turn.

But this was the first time, the panic in my heart was suppressed by Tianlei's ignorance.

Just be ignorant. Anyway, since I met Zhu Yang, this kind of emotion has become the norm.

But how brave a strong woman can she actually make a ghost in the first face-to-face meeting of a novice?

The two looked at each other, and they were envious of the high evaluation of the customs clearance in the trials, thinking that the little girl was lucky.

But now it seems that it is obvious that maybe someone just came here with the ghost.

Immediately, I was in awe of the ill-tempered eldest young lady, and at the same time, the pair's ability to deal with ghosts with both hands gave them an unreasonable level of confidence.

At this time, other tenants also came out wearing pajamas. Not only Mr. Qiu's family on the second floor, but also the landlord and Miss Cui on the first floor heard the news and went upstairs.

It's just that Wu Yue, who lives on the second floor, didn't open the door.

Teacher Qiu said worriedly: "Miss Zhu, I just heard a loud cry, are you alright?"

The landlord also asked, "Have you seen a mouse?"

Zhu Yangcai didn't take the blame for the ghost, and said expressionlessly: "I didn't call it."

"Why aren't you, you were so big just now—" the landlord was talking.

Just listen to Zhu Yang emphasize again: "I didn't call it, my voice is not so bad."

The people present were not deaf. In the end, Wang Bei saw that this young lady was really unwilling to be aggrieved, so she couldn't explain to the NPCs that it was a ghost call, right?

So he took the initiative to take the blame: "I, I called it, I saw a cockroach."

Then everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the landlord smiled and said, "Miss Wang is from the north, right? Just get used to it, just get used to it, we have a lot of cockroaches in the south."

"There are cockroaches here?" As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a disgusting voice.

The landlord immediately wanted to slap his mouth, and sure enough, the next second, Miss Qianjin was on the move.

"Ha, I found that your place is really a treasure. You can renovate and dig out surprises every day. You are proud of having cockroaches, right? You ride it to elementary school so dear?"

The landlord knows that this bitch is difficult to deal with, but he doesn't dare to offend these wealthy families. The tips for running a few trips a day can cover a day's turnover in the peak season, but he can't wait on the front and back?

Especially this eldest lady who looks at people with her chin all day long is one thing, but being generous is the most generous.

So he hurriedly said, "This is an old house, but you have to be careful about cleanliness. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Qiu. For a diligent person like Mr. Qiu, he can only praise him."

"I don't care about that. My standard is to be sloppy. Tomorrow you have to fight cockroaches, and by the way, clean the whole house. Li Li and the others will do it with you anyway if they are free."

"I go out during the day and come back at night to see that there is no dust in the corners of the house."

The landlord changed his face when he heard it, and forced a smile: "Aren't you embarrassing me? It takes two days to find a special cleaner for such a big house."

Zhu Yang interrupted him impatiently: "Then how much do you pay the cleaning company? I'll give you ten times, just to emphasize two points, speed! Efficiency!"

He said with a sneer, "You are so sloppy, shouldn't you just do superficial work, open the cracks in the floor and wall behind your back, and hide the dead rat's body?"

When the landlord, who had always been flattering and flattering, heard the words "Hidden Corpse", a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes, but he lowered his head so that no one could see it.

There is no room for words to be said, so I have to promise tomorrow's toss.

Back in the room, Zhu Yang said to Li Li and the others: "Here, I have given you the opportunity to follow him in an upright manner. Now that the ghosts in the landlord's line have all appeared, I must be able to find something useful now."

Li Li was still thinking about how to use the fiddling tools, but Zhu Yang immediately handed him a way to move around the house without being suspected.

The boss is too capable, and it can't be more simple and pleasant to do things.

But he didn't realize that he had already tacitly agreed that the leader of this four-person temporary group was already Zhu Yang.

The next morning the landlord went out to buy cockroach medicine. When Zhu Yang went downstairs to eat breakfast, he happened to meet high school students going to school.

Without thinking, she pulled the person out of the yard and forced him into the corner.

To the high school students: "Why are you in such a hurry? Didn't you talk to me last night? I haven't answered yet."

Wu Yue looked the same as usual at this time, but when he heard Zhu Yang's words, his eyes became more frightened.

As if he didn't want to know the answer.

But he couldn't help it. He just listened to Zhu Yang slowly: "I don't know what human skin is, I just feel the image. Is it true?"

"Don't scare me, maybe I already washed my hands for a long time yesterday. If this is the case, do I still need my hands?"

Wu Yue shook his head again and again, at a loss for a moment.

Zhu Yang smiled: "It's almost the same."

Then he didn't say anything and let him go.

This time, it was Lu Xin who wasn't sure about her intentions, but he didn't ask. Many things were more interesting when the mystery was revealed.

But he brought up another thing: "You got your skills in the tryouts?"

The question is used, but the tone is affirmative.

Zhu Yang didn't deny it, she didn't think it was a secret that had to be tightly covered. With the deepening of the plot of the horror game, the ghosts that need to be dealt with appear, and they are always used.

But most people don't think that way. The trials are not difficult to say, but after all, they will subvert the world view as soon as they come, and usually the evaluation of the reservists' clearance will not be very high.

There are only a handful of players in the entire game who have an initial S-level evaluation, let alone a skill book.

Li Li and Wang Bei saw that she was very good at fighting ghosts, but they were only admiring her psychological quality, and the way to cause harm, they still habitually believed that Zhu Yang used the talisman paper in the novice gift bag.

Or she had a high initial score and bought other props. In short, she didn't think about acquiring skills, which is appalling for newcomers.

But Lu Xin is very clear about the difference between using skills and props. To be honest, Rao knows that she has a flexible mind and is good at fighting.

Being able to achieve this step also surprised him, but it was an amazing surprise to be able to accumulate such a high initial capital in the early stage.

But Zhu Yang asked him: "How about you? Do you have skills too?"

Lu Xin nodded: "Yes!"

I thought Zhu Yang was going to ask him what he was, but she asked, "How many are there?"

Lu Xin's lips parted slightly, a little surprised, and then his expression was casual and calm.

Looking at her eyes, there was also a hint of smile: "A lot."

Zhu Yang wasn't very surprised, but this guy made no secret of her temptation anytime, anywhere. In this peaceful calm, it was the ultimate arrogance and confidence.

Zhu Yang is not a person who will want to deliver to others when he has strong teammates, but a sense of competition that is eager to try.

She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Lu Xin: "I will be more than you, soon."

The two went outside for a long time, during which they received a lot of messages from Wang Bei.

For example, some suspicious things they found in the villa, but in the end most of them came back without success.

In the afternoon, a message was suddenly sent over, saying that the landlord really planned to put the stalker who harassed Miss Cui into her room.

Li Li and the others sewed down the front drawer of the bug when the landlord went out to buy cockroach medicine in the morning.

During the period, I overheard the landlord and the stalker calling, saying that the time was set in the afternoon, because Miss Cui was working in the middle of the day today and came back at 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, I got a thorough understanding of the routine of single girls.

Wang Bei asked her if she wanted to stop this, or simply beat the stalker up in advance.

For this kind of person, any woman with a normal mind will have a scalp like a toad popping off the back of her foot when she hears this plan.

Ms. Zhu told them no, but she told Ms. Wang: "You beat him up, and he's been a pain in the ass on his way to love, and I feel so great."

Wang Bei knew that she had all kinds of ways to clean up people, so she just let it go.

However, after this day, Rao continued to fight cockroaches and rummaged through every corner of the entire villa, but he didn't find much.

Li Li told them: "I even knocked on every inch of the wall, and it was solid, and I didn't find any basement or the like. I also paid attention to the attic, except for some abandoned furniture."

This made the two of them frustrated after a busy day, so Zhu Yang simply asked them both out for dinner.

This time, the top dishes of the high-end steak restaurant did not make the two feel better. After all, the day passed, and the clues to reveal the secret seemed to be more and more ferocious in the whole game, but correspondingly, they did not find any practical props.

Compared to Zhu Yang and Lu Xin's heartlessness, the two of them are a little bit clueless.

They came out early, and since the dining atmosphere was not strong, they came back early.

As a result, when he went upstairs, he heard a huge movement from Mr. Qiu's house at the opposite door, the incessant sound of beating and smashing, the cursing of men and the sobbing of women.

Well, Miss Cui's good show is about to be played, and it's played here again.

Zhu Yang suddenly saw a small figure at the end of the corridor. She walked over and saw Teacher Qiu's son, Xiao Ming, sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall tightly, with his head lowered and his small shoulders twitching.

Feeling someone in front of him, he raised his head, his dark eyes filled with tears.

Seeing that it was him, a pleading flashed across his silent and well-behaved face, but he didn't say anything for help.

The idea of ​​a child is simple. Xiaoming grew up in a violent environment. In his eyes, his father is a mountain that weighs down on him and his mother. He is used to hearing his grandparents use him as a pretense to force his mother to be tied to his father forever.

He was also used to the persuasion of everyone around him, and the unanimous attitude of the world around him made the child's heart dark.

But it wasn't until that night that the elder sister came over in a single copy. This was the first time in his life that he saw his father's violence being successfully stopped, and this elder sister was amazing.

Even though my father seemed to want to beat my mother again yesterday, my sister glanced at her, and she passed the night peacefully.

Dad had a drink today and came back to hear from the landlord that my sister and the others went to a high-end hotel for dinner, and it took a long time for them to come back, and that's how they started.

Zhu Yang pursed her lips. To be fair, she is not so wicked. In her opinion, scumbags with domestic violence are hateful, but they have no courage to resist when they suffer from domestic violence. A woman in her comfort zone who can't even protect her child and make his childhood miserable isn't much better.

She is a strong and confident person who despises a mother like Teacher Qiu from the bottom of her heart. The so-called 'helping' them is just a cold starting point to stop her from getting in the way of her eyes.

But seeing Xiao Ming's eyes at this moment, Zhu Yang always has a feeling of being stuck in his throat.

She let out a suffocating breath, turned around and walked back resignedly.

Walking to the door of Teacher Qiu's family, he kicked his foot—

The door was kicked open with a 'bang'.

At this time, the room was already in chaos, the tables and stools were all overturned, and the sheets and quilts were rolled on the ground.

Teacher Qiu curled up on the ground, her husband was kicking her with his foot, and a notebook was in his hand.

Before Zhu Yang and the others broke through the door, they were reading aloud—

"The moment I met him, the ice and snow in my world melted, and my whole heart felt the joy of a dead tree in spring—you're a motherfucking bitch, and when you see a man, spring comes—"

The words were interrupted by a loud noise, but when I turned around, I saw that the goddess on the opposite side came back.

Teacher Qiu's husband was in a state of excitement, and he was half awake.

Zhu Yang smiled coldly: "Yo! How about reading the script?"

Without waiting for him to answer, he applauded: "Not bad, the memory of the night is like water? I didn't expect your family's life style to be quite profound."

Then the smile on his face disappeared: "Then let us taste your story too!"

This was said to Teacher Qiu's husband. Her husband hurriedly retreated after hearing the words.

Everyone kicked the door and came in, and it was a matter of blinking an eye to do anything, and said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming back, I disturbed you, we will clean up immediately."

But where is there room for him to speak?

As soon as Zhu Yang's eyes turned, Li Li and the others went up to catch someone. Wang Bei first brought Xiao Ming to their room to feed the cake. The next scene was a bit ugly, and it was not convenient for children to watch.

Zhu Yang walked in front, followed by the others grabbing Mr. Qiu's husband, and at the end with Mrs. Qiu.

The man saw that the crowd was savage, and it was not easy to beg. At this time, he remembered his wife, and hurriedly asked his wife to ask for mercy.

Teacher Qiu hesitated a little, but was about to speak, but thought of Zhu Yang's irony that morning, and didn't speak.

The man scolded and spit out the foul language in his mouth. He was punched in the stomach, and he suddenly had stomach cramps and felt dizzy with pain.

Obviously not only the goddess, these four people are not easy to mess with.

In a blink of an eye, they reached a flyover. This was the place they had just returned from. People came and went, and there were wandering singers playing guitar and singing, which was just right.

Zhu Yang walked up to the young man who was playing the guitar and singing, grabbed the microphone in the other's hand, and pushed him aside—

"When I passed by just now, there was only a few dollars in the guitar case. After half a day, it's still these few dollars. The people who live in the bridge cave are not as shabby as you."

At first, the two wandering singers thought that there were gangsters in the game, but they turned out to be a ginseng cock. Life is not easy, why should they expose it?

Just listen to the woman's continuous shot: "It's also because you are pitiful, so I will provide you with a new way of performing arts, sit aside, watch the atmosphere accompaniment, and learn!"

When the two young people saw the menacing group of people, they were stopped by the strength of Zhu Yang, and they sat on the small stool beside them in a confused way.

Seeing this, Lu Xin tacitly threw the man to the microphone and knelt down. At this time, Zhu Yang put the microphone directly on the speaker.

Suddenly there was a sharp noise, which attracted passers-by who had turned a blind eye to the performance on the rooftop to look here at the same time.

Zhu Yang just patted the microphone, took it to his mouth and raised his voice: "passing by, you have seen rooftop singing and performing arts, you have seen rooftop begging and kowtow, you have seen mobile phone stickers and resale shoes and bags, But have you ever seen a domestic violence scumbag's self-report?"

"This man on earth is ugly, eats soft food, and has hobbies to beat his wife. JJ has no duality, his temper is better than the sky, is it a moral loss or a tragedy of human nature, let's listen to the detailed analysis."

Everyone just looked this way subconsciously, but when they heard this topic, hey!

Looking at this situation again, it is estimated that the man beat his wife and was held by his sister-in-law and brother-in-law.

In line with the national characteristics of people who love to watch the fun, no one stopped on the rooftop just now, and the crowd gathered in less than a minute, and watching the fun is a snowball, and people passing by will stop and join in when they see the circle. .

The two buskers have never encountered this battle since their singing career.

Just listen to the girl who opened them urged: "Accompaniment!"

The two came back to their senses now, but what accompaniment should they accompany? Thinking about family ethics, let's just play women's flowers.

The melancholy music sounded, Zhu Yang put the microphone away from the man, kicked him and said, "Read!"

Seeing that he didn't move, he kicked impatiently: "Read! Didn't you just read your wife's diary very angry? Are you ashamed to share it when it's your turn?"

"Okay, it's not good to let so many people grind with you. I'll start with your answer." Then he lowered his head and whispered in his ear: "Who doesn't know about the mess in your family? If you dare to panic, I promise to have one more in the river tomorrow morning. A floating corpse with a drunkard! Oh, it's just right for you to drink anyway."

The man's body trembled, not sure if the evil spirit was intimidating or real, and saw a small dent in the ground where her toes had moved away.

At night, the light of the overpass is not good, and ordinary people can't see such a fine line of sight, but he can see it clearly when he is kneeling.

At this time, the voice of the evil star had already sounded—

"Ask, how did you and your wife meet?"

"Xiang, get to know each other on a blind date."

"Then how did your honor impress the wife of an upper-middle-class, attractive temperament, a teacher, and a typical male ideal object?"

"I, I treat her well. I buy her breakfast every day, pick her up to and from get off work, I remember all the holidays and birthdays. I treat her so well, she—"

The man was slapped when he was about to go crazy: "Just showing off your sister, do you still buy breakfast every day to prepare holiday gifts after marriage?"

The man was silent.

Zhu Yang continued: "When you get married, the cost of starting a family will be paid by both parties."

"She brought a deposit of 200,000 yuan for a wedding banquet hosted by my family."

"What about the gift money received at the wedding banquet?"

"My parents took it."

"It is said that you have not purchased any real estate since you got married, nor have you travelled by car. The expenses for the wedding banquet and the gift money are not much different, so it should be considered the same. The money goes in and out of your parents' side."

After calculating this small account, Zhu Yang sneered: "In other words, if your wife gets married with 200,000 yuan, you get married - only a few?"

As soon as these words came out, there was some commotion around, especially the single male compatriots.

Mr. Qiu stood not far away, his identity was obvious. Although he was over thirty years old, he was still intellectual and not beautiful, especially now that he was wearing some bruises and his hair was slightly messy, which made one want to protect him.

Immediately, there are male compatriots who are dissatisfied—

"I can find a wife even if I wipe this? I'm still single. I saved two houses and can't find such a good wife."

"I have the face to buy breakfast. I want to get a wife who doesn't care that you are poor, ugly, and stingy. It's right to hold the top of my heart in this life."

"So don't try to be nice to you when you picture anything. You have two faces before marriage and after marriage, and you eat soft rice frankly. I really think I have a few diamonds." This is what a female compatriot said.

Seeing that the atmosphere was up, Zhu Yang also entered the official topic—

"How long have you been unemployed?"

"Two and a half years!" The man lowered his head.

"How much income did you have during this period?"

"No, no!" The man's head dropped lower and lower amid the surrounding murmurs.

"How much do you spend on drinking and mahjong money every week?"

"..." He didn't speak this time.

Zhu Yang smiled: "I forgot, how can people who are shameless and soft eaters care about family expenses."

"But I have to tell everyone that a teacher, not a high-paid income group, has to support a family of three, pay rent, and pay for an alcoholic and gambler at the same time."

"There should be no shortage of such people around you. If you think about it, you can understand that if a family has a gambler or an alcoholic, it can basically be said that there is no hope. What's more, people are double burdened by alcohol and gambling."

There was an uproar in the surroundings, and even the music of the two accompaniment little buskers changed from women's flowers to angry tunes.

Zhu Yang added the last fire: "Of course, apart from alcoholism and gambling, this person does not have other hobbies, low carbon and environmental protection costs, and can be done at home at any time. After drinking, he beat his wife for fun, and he was eliminated by society and work. The puddle of mud seems to be able to rejuvenate and regain self-confidence in a woman."

"What a cheap and convenient way to decompress!"

As soon as these words came out, a compatriot who had been disgusted by the eyes just now couldn't help it, took off his shoes and smashed it in the man's face—

"Are you fucking worthy of being a man?" Looking at Teacher Qiu again, he said, "Big sister, divorce! This man can't be saved, and those who make money will be beaten. No one suffers from this cowardice."

With this opening, the surrounding people became more and more excited. I don't know who opened the head first, and then shouted uniformly from below—

"Divorce! Divorce! Divorce! Divorce!..."

Teacher Qiu has had this thought countless times, but her parents, relatives, friends and colleagues all used her to stand against her.

It was the first time that she heard her true inner voice being shouted out by so many people, and the voice shook her heart.

Tears streamed down Teacher Qiu's face.

And Zhu Yang also gestured to the end of the performance and said loudly: "If you think the show is worth watching, please give it a shot. Please put the reward in the guitar case, and put the banana peel, rotten eggs, insoles, socks and tomatoes in the face of the scumbag, thank you!"

After the commotion passed and the crowd dispersed, both sides gained a lot.

The man's side has been smashed to the point that no human form can be seen. Below the overpass is a pedestrian street, all of which are selling snacks, and most of the people passing by are still holding food in their hands.

It really has everything, and all the ingredients on the man's body can be used to hold a food exhibition.

And the busker looked at the guitar case filled with coins instantly, and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, how embarrassing is this."

Zhu Yang waved his hand: "It's agreed that we will only borrow your venue tools. If you earn it, it will be yours. If you don't have to work hard to accompany you, you deserve it."

"Thank you then!"

After a quick fight, Zhu Yang took the people away, ignoring the man who was still kneeling on the ground.

Seeing this, Teacher Qiu looked at the man and then at Zhu Yang's side, but still followed Zhu Yang's direction.

The man didn't come back all night, and he didn't come back the next day or the third day, of course, that's all for later.

Li Li and Wang Bei excitedly said: "It's so relieved, I wanted to beat that Gui Sun, but I forgot that he was a ghost NPC just now, so I'm not afraid at all."

"Yeah, no matter how powerful it is, it will be after turning into a ghost. At this moment, if you don't eat soft rice, you will be angry when you look at his face."

Zhu Yang smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid of drawing hatred now?"

The two of them choked, and immediately said as a bachelor: "I'm afraid of a fart, I'll tell you, if we don't offend him, he won't hunt us down? It's better not to hold back the bird's anger these days."

The group walked back laughing, and when Teacher Qiu followed, they shut up and stopped discussing the game.

After Mr. Qiu caught up with them, he called Zhu Yang's name, and said, "I figured it out when I ran all the way, I want a divorce."

"Leaving tomorrow, I just saw the man kneeling on the ground, and he was beaten in the face by men, women, old people and children outside, and he didn't dare to fight back. Only then did I realize that I was married, bear it, and was afraid of such a thing. ."

"I won't answer the phone calls from my parents and relatives. I'm going to get a divorce."

Zhu Yang raised her eyebrows: "That's your business!"

Teacher Qiu smiled shyly, and no longer emphasized that she is actually a very tough person, otherwise she would not be able to support a family by herself.

The group returned to the villa, but as soon as they entered the hall, they heard a scream. It was Miss Cui's voice.

However, several people knew what was going on, but they were calm. When the landlord saw that they pulled Teacher Qiu's man out, and then they were left to come back, their hearts trembled for a while.

Teacher Qiu's man won't be killed, right?

At this moment, Miss Cui ran out of the room, grabbed the ceramic lucky cat on the cashier counter and smashed it on the landlord—

"You're fucking going to die. I told you that it was a pervert. You let someone into my room. What's wrong with my room now? Give me back the lease and I'll move out now, or I'll call the police."

The landlord said while hiding: "Ahhh! I'm not old and soft-hearted, I can't see the pity of the infatuated young man, look at you, if a girl treats you so well, hurry up and hurry up, it's wrong, there is no such store in this village. ."

Miss Cui was going crazy, and the stalker also followed from the room at this time.

He was holding a big box in his mouth: "Yuanyuan, I haven't finished yet. Don't be so rude. Didn't your parents teach you to listen to others to finish?"

Miss Cui's eyes were red with anger at the moment, and she slapped a piece of ceramic against his head with her backhand.

The man took a bite, because this lucky cat is not bulky, but it didn't hurt much.

But he acted like a lover: "You hit me, as long as hitting me can make you feel relieved."

Miss Cui was dizzy with anger, then turned around and saw Zhu Yang and the others.

She immediately ran over and grabbed Zhu Yang's hand as if she had seen a savior.

"Sister, you are my sister. I thanked you last time. Help me again? Throw this disgusting thing out, and I owe you one time. Next time, you can ask me to do anything."

Zhu Yang just cleaned up a spicy chicken, and turned back to another one, without anyone being kicked.

I was about to say something hypocritical, but suddenly my heart moved.

She looked at Miss Cui and said seriously: "Really I can do anything?"

"Mmmmm!" Miss Cui nodded her head like garlic.

"Even if you don't fulfill this requirement while you're alive, will you still obey when you become a ghost?"

Although Miss Cui didn't understand why she emphasized this, she still agreed.

Zhu Yang laughed at this, and then let Li Li catch the stalker who was going to run when he saw her, and brought Lu Xin and Wang Bei into Miss Cui's room.

While Teacher Qiu stayed in the hall to comfort Miss Cui, the landlord did not dare to say pitiful nonsense at this time.

These few people may have just had a life in their hands, to be honest, he is getting more and more unable to understand where these people are coming from.

As soon as Zhu Yang entered the room, his eyes were immediately irritated by the scene inside.

I saw that the walls were covered with photos of Miss Cui, and the angle was obviously taken secretly. It is conceivable that Miss Cui, the protagonist, had a tingling scalp as soon as she entered the door.

Then put a heart shape with roses and pink candles on the bed sheet, not afraid of burning.

There are also a lot of balloons piled up in the room, which shows that the person who bought it wants to create a romantic atmosphere.

But Zhu Yang calculated the cost, and if the photos didn't count, one pack of balloons, two dozen candles, and a bunch of rose petals that were obviously shriveled and stale.

"Tsk tsk! The cost of this confession can be regarded as refreshing my vision."

Wang Bei also curled her lips and said, "My first love in high school was also a poor student. By confessing to me, I saved more than a month of living expenses to buy bracelets. Are these, thirty yuan? There are also forced faces claiming to be surprises."

Zhu Yang also sneered: "I was chasing after my first love. They gave me more than 9,000 roses and a horse that day."

Wang Bei's smile froze, and she was stunned by this sudden show.

Somewhat confused: "Nine thousand—, isn't it, Ma?"

Although Zhu Yang looks like a lady from a rich family, is that how rich people love?

"Why send a horse?"

Zhu Yang shrugged: "When he rejected me for the third time, I said that I like wild horses that are energetic. He will definitely be mine. Later, he followed me and gave me a horse."

Wang Bei opened his mouth: "What is the logical relationship here? What do you think?"

Zhu Yang was suddenly a little irritable: "Who knows? I just dumped it because I had a bag on my head. Forget it, don't mention him, I'll be angry if you mention him."

Wang Bei thought it was you who brought it up, but there was also a wink to change the subject.

So he turned around and asked Lu Xin, "Xiao Lu, your first love—"

Only halfway through the conversation, I saw Lu Xin's expression, and was frightened back. I don't know why his face was so dark all of a sudden.

But the next second the other party looked as usual, which made Wang Bei almost think that he had read it wrong.

Zhu Yang, who was walking in front, waved his hand: "Why don't you ask? He must have never been in a relationship like this."

As far as the topic is concerned, Zhu Yang and the others came out of Miss Cui's room, and a few people outside were already at the coffee table.

Zhu Yang sat on the main seat and watched Li Liye kneeling in front of them with the stalker.

This stalker was only cleaned up last time, and when he saw it, he broke the jar and said, "You can't stop me, I really love Yuanyuan."

"Oh, true love!" Zhu Yang said casually, and then looked at the big box next to it, which was what this guy was holding in his hand at the time: "What is this?"

Miss Cui glanced up, and she was so disgusted that she wanted to vomit, and she was ashamed to say it.

However, when Zhu Yang asked her, she still endured the disgust and said, "It's the mess that this pervert collected."

"There's the toothbrush I've thrown away, the snot paper I've used, the hamburger I left at school last week, everything I've used. Also, and he said—"

Speaking of which, Miss Huo tightly closed her eyes: "he said he was thinking about my dirty underwear from jerking off."

Li Lizheng was flipping through the box, and when he heard this, he immediately retracted his hand as if electrocuted, and almost vomited.

That's it, the kid is still shouting: "Yuanyuan, this is true, when I fight, I only think of you and no one else."

Miss Cui almost vomited.

Zhu Yang nodded: "It seems that he really loves you."

Miss Cui raised her head in horror and looked at Zhu Yang in disbelief.

Just listen to her continue: "Since it is true love, it must be easy to pass the next test."

Then he snapped his fingers: "Feed these to him."

There was a sudden gasp in the hall, but Li Li was so excited that he immediately found a pair of chopsticks.

With a piece of snot paper on the box, he stuffed it into the stalker's mouth.

The side plug also grinned: "Don't worry, I will save your panties as the main dish for you until the end."

The man was caught off guard by several pieces of snot paper, and almost spit it out, but Li Li pinched his mouth just as he was about to vomit.

Then he saw the woman sitting on the sofa grinning: "Since it's true love, enjoy it, or do you feel sick and don't want to eat it?"

"Hey! Even if you don't want to eat the snot of your beloved woman, what kind of true love is it?"