Scream Queen

Chapter 23


Miss Cui was still crying, but Zhu Yang laughed coldly—

"Haha! Hahahahaha..."

The people who were planning to comfort Miss Cui didn't say it, and they all looked at Zhu Yang.

She seemed to be smiling very happily, and her bright and charming eyes were still glowing, obviously a very sweet and divine smile.

When I heard two tragedies in a row, I not only felt an untimely sense of disobedience, but also inexplicably infiltrated.

The strong intuition that the storm was about to come made everyone present feel terrified, including Miss Cui who was so sad and furious.

After laughing, Zhu Yang waved his hand, wiped the corners of his eyes carelessly with his fingertips, and said lazily, "I understand, we don't think about doing things in a low-key manner, but people don't appreciate it. "

"When we solve one thing, it will have a way to quickly expand into new troubles, but the logic is still tight. What is this trying to tell me? Butterfly effect? Is what I do in the end still in vain?"

Teacher Qiu didn't understand why he said this, but the players could understand it. The 'people' and 'it' naturally refer to the game.

Li Li and Wang Bei have some ties to each other. In fact, this situation was expected by them for a long time. No matter how the status quo is changed, the result will point to a fact.

It's just that I didn't expect the plot to be so close to the real logic this time, and it's different from the previous experience. But that's what makes it even more frustrating.

You really did cause a few ghost NPCs to die suddenly and abnormally on the seventh night. It's okay. This kind of tragedy, which is closely linked to the previous and subsequent behaviors and seems to develop naturally, is really a kind of inner torture.

This will make players who thought the status quo improved will feel a sense of slap in the face, and even worse, there will be an illusion that this is self-inflicted, because if they stand by and watch at first, the script may not extend so much. New plot.

Wang Bei was about to pat Zhu Yang on the shoulder to comfort her, when she raised her head, her eyes suddenly became stubborn and deep. The courage to take on.

Zhu Yang stood up abruptly and stomped on the coffee table: "These sluts think they can play us around like this? Think I'll sit and wait for it to arrange the script for me? Let it fart and show you the cause and effect. Go and eat shit."

He suddenly looked at the central characters of the three tragedies present, and those eyes made their hearts jump: "Didn't you mean to mess with me? I'll teach you the first point first."

"Which bitch dares to mess with you, just pull his intestines out of his mouth. Don't think too much about everything, remember how you got this bitch? Killing more than 200 million brothers and sisters is what made it now. Damn you, don't give a damn about being alive when you're still an embryo."

"follow me!"

The last three words were loud and fierce, causing the three of them, including Li Li, to shrug their shoulders, and hurriedly followed her footsteps upstairs.

A group of people came to Zhu Yang's room, and the room became a bit crowded after a while.

But no one cared about this, and saw that Zhu Yang took a few bags and dumped the contents onto the bed.

In addition to the fact that the dungeon has been getting faster and faster in the past day or two, the dungeon has been a bit boring. In the past few days, everyone had a really good time.

Both Li Li and Wang Bei bought a lot of things they couldn't bear in reality. What Zhu Yang poured out were some cosmetics, wigs, jewelry, and clothing that she and Wang Bei bought indiscriminately.

Anyway, I can't take it with me and I can't use it up. I just want to be happy. Wang Bei has bought a lot of inexplicable things, but it comes in handy now.

Zhu Yang glanced at Wu Yue, and said to Lu Xin and the others: "Take him to your room to make him look like a man. His hair covers his eyes and he looks like a ricket. Straighten his waist."

Wu Yue was taken away with a look of panic, and then Mr. Qiu and Miss Cui were also thrown over by Zhu Yang with a set of high-end ready-to-wear, both of which were seasonal women's clothing from international brands.

"Go and change it!"

Teacher Qiu and Miss Cui glanced at each other, not knowing why, and they were also very apprehensive about the valuable clothes in their hands.

These brands are only sold in the most high-end commercial buildings in the downtown business circle, and all the world-class luxury brands are stationed in them, and the minimum wallet is thousands of dollars.

As working-class and poor students, they dare not even go inside.

But when Zhu Yang saw their dazed faces, there was already a hint of impatience on their faces, and the two hurriedly squeezed into the bathroom to change.

After the two were ready to change out, it was indeed Buddha's golden outfit, and the whole small room suddenly became bright and radiant because of the crowded woman.

Not to mention Miss Cui's appearance, being chased and scolded as a coquettish bitch from childhood to adulthood also shows that her gorgeous beauty is actually known to everyone around her.

Although Teacher Qiu is over 30 years old, because of the pressure of life and long-term misfortune, he is depressed and neglects maintenance. But the teacher, the temperament of the intellectual beauty in the bones makes people feel comfortable, and the foundation is here.

The set of Xiangjia's suit she wears suddenly looks bright, gentle, capable and elegant, just like a successful woman who is envied by everyone with a successful and fashionable career.

And Miss Cui wore a black minimalist dress for her, the stunning cut perfectly fit the graceful curves of women.

Miss Cui's 'erotic' and sexy figure, which has been criticized for a long time, suddenly became advanced and charming, and the short skirts that also showed curves, the ones she usually wore at auto shows or bars looked like a trendy person.

Zhu Yang admired: "Sure enough, this is the charm of top tailoring design, come over and put on makeup."

Wang Bei twitched the corners of his mouth: "Didn't you mean to kill a slut? Well, isn't this a bit off topic?"

Zhu Yang despised her and said, "Have you ever seen anyone who doesn't wear armor when fighting? A woman's beauty is her armor. When you do important things, you must have a sense of ceremony. Even if you die, you must wear makeup and die beautifully."

In reality, when she tear people apart, she is not beautiful, she looks like a disheartened coward, and she is only three points weak in her momentum. She doesn't have the confidence that she can beat the sky, how can she win? Wash and sleep.

So he pushed Wang Bei and said, "Go to the sink and ask someone to put on imitation makeup for you, so that others will never recognize you as yourself."

Wang Bei's heart shuddered when she heard it, isn't that person over there in the sink, the new ghost girl with dog legs that Zhu Yang received? This morning, I also handed Zhu Yang a towel and toothpaste for makeup.

This order was a bit exciting, but seeing Zhu Yang glance over, Wang Bei didn't dare not to listen, and hurriedly went to the lady ghost with her cosmetic bag in tears and crying.

On the other hand, Zhu Yang put on makeup for Teacher Qiu and Miss Cui. Originally, Miss Cui said she could come by herself, but Zhu Yang unceremoniously despised them.

"Your makeup is all rough and heavy makeup that you learned from laymen, not to mention personal characteristics, and there is no aesthetic at all. I think you have a pointed chin and you have so many shadows on the jaw line every time, your eyes are originally It's big enough, and I have to paint my eyelids white and try my best to paint a lying silkworm, and the color of the eye shadow is like shit. And since the eye makeup is already so prominent, I still need to paint such a thick flaming red lip, the whole face looks like a slap in the face. There is no primary or secondary to the flipped palette, are you sure you want to make it yourself?"

Miss Cui was stabbed by an arrow and felt a chill in her heart, she learned from Teacher Qiu to keep her mouth shut and silently sat on the stool and waited for Lin Xing.

Zhu Yang moved very quickly. After putting makeup on the two of them and taking a hair dryer for them to take care of their hair a little, the two of them looked completely new from beginning to end.

Teacher Qiu and Miss Cui looked at themselves in the mirror in disbelief. They never thought that they could show this side of themselves, who were ordinary and rushing about their lives every day.

The two people in the mirror are exquisite, luxurious, beautiful and elegant, as if they had lived the life of their dreams.

At this time, Xiao Ming got in from nowhere, and hugged his mother's leg in surprise: "Mom is so beautiful."

Teacher Qiu was a little shy, but also sweet in her heart. At this moment, her tormented heart was a little romantically throbbing when she was young.

At this time, Wang Bei also came back, and she was no longer in a trance. When she was putting on makeup, she even plucked up the courage to chat with the female ghost. After opening the chat box, she felt that they were still very easy to get along with.

But at this time, she had already put on a wig and painted a fake makeup. Even Zhu Yang couldn't see the shadow of Wang Bei herself when she got along these days.

After that, Lu Xin and the others took Wu Yue out again, and Li Li wiped his sweat: "This kid is so tossed, changing his clothes and cutting his hair is like a chicken that is about to be shorn."

The clothes were bought by Li Lixin. Li Li was from the south, and he was not tall and thin by nature. The clothes Wu Yue wore didn't seem inconsistent.

But this guy also had the money to buy them randomly. Looking at those fashionable men's clothes, how many of them are he wearing decently? On the contrary, Wu Yue, a young man who is less than 20 years old, dresses more appropriately.

Wu Yue, whose hair was cut short to reveal the outline, actually looked good, but also, both parents were good-looking, and they were mixed races, so naturally they would not be bad.

It's just that his face is pale, his eyes are shy, and he doesn't dare to look at them very much. This shy and introverted personality is too easy to be bullied. If he doesn't keep his spirits up, the probability of being bullied at his broken school is 100%.

Zhu Yang nodded with satisfaction, and went downstairs with a group of people.

This is how he said: "First of all, it's Mr. Qiu's side. I said that you should bring a knife at any time. If you encounter that cowardly bag, you only need to hit twice. I was wrong. If you leave him outside, there will not necessarily be more innocent people to suffer. Yours Parents, relatives, friends, colleagues and even classmates may be his targets."

Teacher Qiu panicked when he heard it, and Zhu Yang continued: "So we have to find people and die first."

This mode of handling is completely different from the thinking mode of ordinary people who rely on the police when they have something to do. Teacher Qiu hesitated: "Can we find him? The police have already started looking for him, but there is no news yet."

Zhu Yang sneered: "It is said that more than 80% of the serial killers will return to the scene to enjoy the thrill of committing crimes. Although that counselor is not a serial killer, his tendency to retaliate is obvious."

"He will definitely hide in the dark to see you know how painful this news is, so I dressed you up beautifully, and you went out in a splendid manner, walking all the way in the direction of Teacher Zhu's house."

"That idiot didn't get the reaction he wanted, but you were more beautiful than before after you left him. How could that kind of impotence man's self-esteem be able to stand it. I asked Wang Bei to follow you secretly. She put on fake makeup, so no one would recognize her. Come out, that coward sees that we are not around you, 80% will jump out on his own, and catch him as soon as he comes out."

Only then did Wang Bei know her intentions, she nodded, and went out with Teacher Qiu one after the other. Before leaving, she even put a mobile phone in Teacher Qiu's hand: "Don't put this in your bag, take it with you, I'll tell you. Stay far away and keep track of your whereabouts."

After the two left, Zhu Yang looked at Miss Cui again, her eyes were a little sharp, and Miss Cui panicked.

I heard Zhu Yang say: "I ask you, what are you going to do about your parents' receiving dowry and forcing you to marry?"

Miss Cui was led by Zhu Yang's nose for a long time, and then she remembered that she was still in big trouble.

She said indignantly: "I'm going to go back and ask them, I've been saving money outside for the past two years, and I'm reluctant to buy a better piece of clothing. When the job is hard to find, I don't miss their living expenses by eating instant noodles. ."

"It's better for them, as long as they give me money, whether it's a ghost or a ghost, they sell me? They slaughtered me to co-author it, right?"

"Yes!" Zhu Yang said nonchalantly.

Miss Cui choked, and Zhu Yang didn't say anything more.

She can't understand that this girl is sucked into such a stupid person who has never tasted her own situation. Parents and relatives will take your hard-earned money and eat instant noodles to satisfy themselves if they feel sorry for you. Material desires that you can't afford at all

Ask Zhu Yang to say that this is also what Miss Cui is used to, and that the two little turtles in the family will give whatever they really want.

But outsiders can see it at a glance, that's because they stay out of the way. Relatives and families are involved from childhood to adulthood, and the environment and conditions have created vision and common sense.

What others think is unbelievable, but in the eyes of some people, it is commonplace. The so-called sadness and anger are indisputable.

Zhu Yang dares to be sure that if Miss Cui dares to go back, her parents will tie her up to do good things with others first, and then cry and wipe away her tears, saying she can do it for her good, she has no doubts about this game now. Poor Miss Cui really thought that the parents who interrupted the sale of their daughter could justify it.

Zhu Yang was too lazy to talk to a person who had been brainwashed for 20 years by excessive devotion.

They don't have much time.

So Zhu Yang said, "What about 200,000?"

Miss Cui gritted her teeth: "Fuck his 200,000 yuan, whoever wants to marry whoever wants to marry, I won't take any of this money."

Zhu Yang smiled and said: "On the contrary, why not, you can ask someone out now and let him ask for the 200,000 dowry. It's better to keep the money from selling you than to your parents and brothers. ."

Miss Cui looked at her blankly and listened to Zhu Yang: "You said you would listen to me, don't you believe me now?"

Miss Cui was silent for a few minutes, and finally nodded, "I believe it!"

Zhu Yang smiled with satisfaction: "If you think it's less, you can try more. With your current beauty, that idiot will be willing to buy it."

Then Miss Cui asked for Zhang's phone number through her classmates and called him to meet at a bar.

Naturally over there, they were ecstatic and agreed again and again.

When they got to the bar, Zhu Yang ordered some drinks and sat at the booth next door, while Miss Cui sat alone on the other side and waited for others.

The bar was dimly lit, and there were flashing lights everywhere. As long as they keep a low profile, even if Da Lala is sitting here, they don't have to worry about being discovered.

Soon that person came. Seeing Miss Cui's dressing up today, her eyes were straight. She came over as usual: "Hey! Yuan Yuan, how do you know you are dressed so plainly?"

"That's what a serious girl looks like. Sure enough, it's better for your parents to persuade you. Don't you figure it out?"

"Women are born to marry men. You said that you have come and gone in the past, which man can stand his future wife like this?"

"And the woman over there where you are staying, if you don't interact with her in the future, that's not a serious person,"

The man got closer and closer, Miss Cui endured the nausea of his bad breath and forced a smile: "Then are you satisfied with me?"

"Satisfied, satisfied!" Who is not satisfied with such beauty? He just came all the way, and I don't know how many men stared at him with jealous eyes.

Although it is necessary to talk to her in a random place like a bar for a while and ask her to correct it next time, it is undeniable that a man's vanity is still greatly satisfied.

Miss Cui passed a trace of contempt, and then said: "Your family is willing to spend 200,000 yuan, which shows your sincerity. It seems that you really don't want to play with me."

The man immediately swore to God: "When did I take you seriously enough? I made up my mind to marry you from the very beginning."

Miss Cui resisted the urge to vomit: "Okay, give me the 200,000 yuan."

"Huh?" The man was at a loss, and then Cui Yuan said impatiently: "You stupid, if we get married, your family will give all the money to my brother and them, so we don't have to live?"

"I gave this dowry to me, and I will keep a few points for myself to bring back to the small family. This is a long-term plan. You gave it to my parents. Believe it or not, when you get married, your family will only get a few beds. Quilt."

As soon as the man heard it, it was indeed the case. Originally, he had to go back and begged his parents to propose marriage, so he was ready for the money to go to waste.

But since it can be brought back, who is willing to suffer that loss? Why is the money of my own family so cheap for the two little brats

Originally married to his family, it is impossible to subsidize her parents' family, but what age is it now? Who wants to receive a dowry in free love

So the man's double-standard logic of serving his own interests was basically implemented, but he was afraid that Cui Yuan was cheating him of money.

Miss Cui said in her heart that it really was what Miss Zhu said, that this kind of low-spirited thief really wants to take advantage of everything, and is unwilling to give anything cheap, so she can't help but pay for a marriage.

So he smiled and said, "If you know the basics, you're still afraid that I won't be able to rely on you? Could it be that because of your 200,000 yuan, I can't go to such a good university? I don't want my future? My family doesn't want it?"

"Well, you transfer the money to me, and the bank records are clear. If I go back on it, it's not that you can't get it back."

"Oh! But you have to think about it quickly. I think it's a trip every two days. If I don't think the money is worth it after a while, then tonight it's like we haven't seen each other."

This series of eliminations and fights, and a little pressure, made the man immediately feel that the opportunity must be lost and never come again. Thinking about it, this is the truth. People who know the bottom line are afraid that she will run away? Run and catch up.

So as soon as he gritted his teeth, he took out his mobile phone and transferred the money to Miss Cui.

After receiving the transfer reminder, Miss Cui smiled with satisfaction. The man was already itching to see the beauty under the lamp, and he felt that he had given all the money, so it was her own person. Anyway, sooner or later, he had to—

So he touched Miss Cui's thigh with one hand: "Look, we are all a family now, why don't we—"

"Go and sleep with the sow tonight!" Miss Cui suddenly turned her face.

Before the man could react, he was grabbed from the deck with one hand.

Then he dragged him out of the bar without a word.

The security guard outside the bar looked at it and wanted to ask, but Li Li made a fierce look: "This turtle, dare to molest my sister in front of my brother, we know the rules, and we won't make trouble in your bar. Go out and fix it."

When the security guard saw Zhu Yang and Miss Cui's appearance, it was not surprising that they were indeed harassed. As long as they didn't make trouble here, they would turn a blind eye.

The man hurriedly struggled and shouted, "No, they lied, and they danced together as a fairy."

After being punched in the stomach by Li Li, he couldn't cry out.

Several people dragged the person directly back to the villa and threw it on the ground. The man wanted to struggle, and stared at Miss Cui with a pair of eyes. But in the next second, someone smashed it up.

Miss Cui looked relieved. She wished that this person would die at this moment. She felt that this pervert would not pester people until he died.

Immediately, he asked Zhu Yang, "Sister, the money has come, what should I do next?"

Zhu Yang smiled: "The next step may make you uncomfortable, but after you finish it, you may have a new understanding of this matter, so that you can make the final judgment for yourself, are you sure you want to do it? "

Miss Cui was a little flustered by her solemn statement, but she still nodded.

"Okay!" Zhu Yang said, and then instructed Li Li: "Stun him."

Li Liyiyan punched the man unconscious, and then Zhu Yang picked up a fruit knife on the coffee table and mercilessly stabbed the man in the face.

Fresh blood flowed out immediately, and he put the injured face down, and immediately a pool of blood gathered under the man's head.

At first glance, the other party fell unconscious on the ground, with so much blood flowing from his head, it really seemed to be cold.

Zhu Yang asked Miss Cui to take a photo of the other party, and Miss Cui took the photo without knowing it.

Then she heard her order: "Send it to your parents, and tell them that you have received the money, but this guy does something when he gives the money. You accidentally stabbed someone to death, ask them How to do."

Miss Cui was terrified. She didn't understand why she did this. Even if her parents were partial to her younger brother, she would still be their daughter, right? Unequal distribution in normal times is one thing, but when it comes to life-threatening matters, she will still be on her side.

But she couldn't help but a questioning voice appeared in her heart. This voice made her a little eager to try the absurd approach.

So she shook her hands and sent the photo, and at the same time she edited what Zhu Yang said below and sent it.

It was dinner time at this time, and now only mobile phones are very common in rural areas. When she made her first money, she bought mobile phones for her parents and younger brother at the same time.

The younger brothers are already using the latest Apple, and the parents have also changed to a larger screen, saying that it is convenient for watching videos, and she is still using the Redmi phone that she bought two years ago.

Now, during mealtimes, my parents use their mobile phones to watch dramas while eating, so messages should be received very quickly.

Since the news was sent out, Miss Cui was heartbroken, and all kinds of thoughts were in conflict in her heart.

As time passed, she became more and more anxious and suspicious, and at the same time comforted herself with various reasons, it was impossible for her parents to ignore her.

Then, after an unknown amount of time, the phone finally responded, it was a direct call, and it was her mother's number.

Miss Cui had a happy expression on her face, and she was a little relieved. She hurriedly answered the phone. Before she could say a word, she was shocked by her mother's loud and anxious yelling over there.

"You damn girl, you're going to die. Since you're about to get married, what if you let people touch it twice? Sooner or later, women will have to pass this level. I've never heard of men wanting to be intimate and stabbed. You're broken. The way of life for your younger brothers, people know that they have a murderer sister, who will marry into my house in the future?"

"I'm short of food, food, and drink to support you until you are so old. You want to take care of me and collect debts." There was a big cry over there beating his chest.

After a long time, he said: "Didn't you say that he has already given you the money? You should transfer the money now, then hide away and stop contacting your family. Don't mention the money, your parents and your mother. You are old, you can't ruin your brother because of this."

Miss Cui's face had already become numb, and the tears that flowed from her eyes had dried up, leaving two dry tears.

She always felt that she was filial and capable, and she was the backbone of the family in advance. Although she was bitter and tired, it was also her pride.

It's not that there have been grievances and resentments, but they are the closest family members. How can you care about everything

Even though this bride-to-be was mostly just a parent, she was feudal, confused, short-sighted and ignorant. Think they are just bound by pedantic notions of marriage.

But it was not until this time, when the choice of life and death was in front of her, that she felt ridiculous about her life.

Even if her parents told her to run away with money, she wouldn't be so desperate if she didn't contact her family. Leave the money and she drives away a murderer.

From now on, what kind of life will a woman who can't walk under the sun openly and honestly live

Miss Cui had an expression like crying and laughing on her face, her shoulders trembled a few times, and then she smiled and said to her mother: "Okay, I won't ruin my brother, I won't ruin this family, you can live a good life from now on. I took my money and ran for my life."

"What did you say you're a dead girl? Your brother still has to pay tuition next semester—"

"Anyway, the total score is less than 200. Do you still need to read it?" Miss Cui said lightly: "They have no money or education, and they are used to sitting and enjoying it. Parents, you always say that you are old Now, I can only rely on me, but now I can't be trusted. Life is still long, dragging two wastes that you raised by yourself, take it well, ah!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then she sat on the sofa for a long time, then looked at the people around her and said, "Actually, there were a lot of things like this in our village when I was a child."

"My daughter married someone in her thirties after graduating from junior high school and high school, just so that her brothers and sisters could go to school and build a house. So I studied hard and became the only female college student in our village. A matchmaker came to my house."

"Afterwards, despite the opposition, I promised to pay the tuition myself, and also provided for my brother to go to college. I thought I had come out of that vicious circle, but in fact I didn't. The funny thing is that I didn't realize that I was no different from those girls who got married early. "

After she finished speaking, she picked up the fruit knife that Zhu Yang used to cut the wound, and came to the man—

"This thing is not dead, he will continue to pester me, and then my parents know that I lied to them, the money has been in my hands, and I can do all the riots in my school. I have never been in my life. way to get rid of their entanglement."

She raised her hand, and her eyes showed the despair of burning jade and stone: "Since you have to die to get rid of this guy's entanglement, then he will die."

After he finished speaking, he stabbed the opponent with a knife!

However, a hand grabbed her wrist first and stopped her at a critical moment.

Zhu Yang sighed: "So, why do you always think about pulling others to die with you even though you are the victim? It's such a pleasant thing that people go to hell alone, you have to follow along. companion."

This is not only about Miss Cui, but also Wu Yue.

She snapped her fingers: "There are so many ways to kill a hot chicken without getting your hands dirty, there is no need to pay yourself, but since the situation on Mr. Qiu's side is the priority, let's solve that side first, and let's go back to this one. Come back and pack up."

Looking at Wu Yue again: "You don't need to avoid this kind of thing, but the picture that Miss Cui sees in a while may be more exciting, don't scream."

Miss Cui nodded blankly and saw Zhu Yang let the man wake up.

When the man woke up, he felt the severe pain on his face and touched the blood on his hand.

He was kicked by Li Li again and held back.

Immediately, Zhu Yang asked Li Li to drag the person to the full-length mirror in the hall. Miss Cui and the man were not sure why, but the scene in the mirror in the next second was horrifying.

I saw Zhu Yang knocked on the mirror, and then the picture reflecting them disappeared, replaced by a fat woman with a ferocious burn on her face struggling inside.

Miss Cui was still fine, but the man was so scared that he urinated, and there was a stench on the ground.

Zhu Yang quickly took a few steps back, and then said to the proprietress in the mirror, "Do you mind if someone squeezes you?"

The proprietress felt uncomfortable when she was alone in it, how could she be happy? Busy shaking his head.

Zhu Yang snorted: "Don't be so stingy, you see that the female ghosts upstairs are so generous and dedicated their position to your husband. You who open the door to do business are not as conscious as others."

The proprietress widened her eyes in horror when she heard the words, and she said how suddenly she heard several people say that her mother-in-law died and her husband went back to be mourned. It is not uncommon for the dead old woman to live another twenty years.

It turned out that she had been poisoned by this person long ago. Thinking that she was trapped here, her husband was trapped upstairs, and she was so close to each other that she could not see each other. The landlady couldn't help but feel very sad, but her face was burned by the talisman and had not recovered. , looks even scarier.

Zhu Yang waved his hand: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your promise."

This guy's mouth was burnt and he couldn't speak, but Zhu Yang's next sentence made the landlady give up—

"You are willing to take this little brother in your single room for one night. I will let you meet your husband tomorrow night."

Anyway, tomorrow night is the night of the soul, and Zhu Yang believes that even if she doesn't let go, the ghost couple will be able to come out.

So Zhu Yang stretched out his hand and pulled the landlady half out, and she could get out by herself as soon as she opened her mouth.

Then the stalker saw the horrific-faced female ghost crawling towards him step by step, his legs were so frightened that he screamed desperately—

"Don't come here, don't come here, I was wrong, I will never pester Cui Yuan again, don't kill me, don't—"

Zhu Yangliang smiled and said: "Don't, don't you think that your sincerity is the most valuable? The proprietress is so enthusiastic and willing to spend a good night with you, how can you react like this because the parents are so shabby, you and Miss Cui's appearance are compared It's bigger than the gap between you and the proprietress, and Miss Cui doesn't scream like hell every time she sees you."

Miss Cui watched as the ferocious female ghost dragged the screaming man back into the mirror step by step. This vision was beyond her comprehension, and it made the bones chill.

But apart from the reactions of these normal people after seeing a ghost for the first time, what she felt most was pleasure, and then driven by this twisted pleasure, even monsters and monsters were not so scary anymore.

what the hell? Look at these people, don't they look as ferocious as ghosts? The only difference is that it is still wearing a long human skin.

After a few minutes, the man's screams finally disappeared, and the only thing in sight was that the mirror was squeezing two people.

The woman didn't feel very well, and the man was so frightened that he rolled his eyes and fainted, but he would probably faint again when he woke up.

After Zhu Yang finished everything, he clapped his hands: "Okay, time is limited, Wang Bei has just sent a message that he has caught that coward at Teacher Zhu's house, let's go to work."

As he walked, he complained, "It's like rushing to the field."

The group behind her had no choice but to follow behind her, as if the black boss was out on tour.

Miss Cui and Wu Yue looked at each other cautiously, and then followed up obediently.