Scream Queen

Chapter 24


A group of people swaggered to the community where Mr. Zhu's house was located.

Because the murder happened only today, it was still a horrific massacre. When the police came to investigate during the day, the news had already spread throughout the community.

All day long, the whole community was in a state of panic. It was not long after seven o'clock, and it was not dark in the summer. Usually, it was the busiest time of the community.

The big guys come out after dinner to enjoy the cool weather, walk the dog, push the children out for a walk or dance in the square. Today, the open fields in the entire community are the battlegrounds between the old ladies and the students, but no one cares.

Occasionally I ran into a few people outside, but they were also fast-paced, and every household locked the door.

So Zhu Yang's attitude, which at first glance looks like a black elder sister coming to seek revenge, is particularly eye-catching.

Really, Zhu Yang is used to pretending to be aggressive all the year round. In the horror world, he wears sunglasses on his face and steps on a pair of sky-high feet. Because of the hot weather, the accompanying attendants hold umbrellas for her and also for her. Fan.

When the taxi came all the way, the taxi driver was a little confused, so hypocritical that he couldn't stand it. According to the routine, he was definitely the first Bichi to be killed.

But it is such a Bichi, who has a large group of younger brothers at the end of the call, players, NPCs who are about to become ghosts, NPCs who have become ghosts, everything.

It's incredible how this approach developed.

Perhaps because of the horror world, the police's sense of presence is infinitely weakened. According to common sense, a fatal case occurs during the day. At this moment, the surrounding area should be closely monitored and vigilant, but it is left unchecked.

Of course, this is also reasonable. The game is still logical under normal circumstances, but as a game, it is naturally impossible for the official to interfere so much that the players are not expressive. Just watching the police solve the case is not in line with the original intention of the game.

As long as you understand the urination in this aspect of the game, in fact, for players, there are still many loopholes that can be exploited.

Arriving at Mr. Zhu's house, Lu Xin stepped forward and knocked on the door. After a while, the door was opened from the inside, and a strange woman stuck her head out from the crack of the door. Bei.

Seeing that everyone was coming, Wang Bei hurriedly let them in. Sure enough, the man had been gagged and bound into a zongzi and thrown into the living room.

Teacher Qiu was also sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring at the man with a gloomy and thoughtful face, not knowing what she was thinking.

Zhu Yang took a look around. The house is a three-bedroom house. The layout of the room is clean and warm. There are designs specially made for children everywhere. The toys next to the sofa are neatly stored.

It can be seen that Mr. Zhu's family of three, although not rich or noble, but the husband is diligent and kind, and the wife is capable of running the house. The originally happy and prosperous family has been ruined because of a shrewd and dark jealousy for no reason.

The bodies of the family of three were not together. Among them, Teacher Zhu died by the door, his wife died by the kitchen door, and their three-year-old daughter died in front of the dining table.

It's easy to think that this guy was waiting at the door of the other person's house early in the morning, and when Teacher Zhu opened the door to go to work, he suddenly stabbed the other person the moment they opened the door.

Then Teacher Zhu fell back and went home. The man collapsed in from the outside and closed the door.

At the same time, the little girl screamed after seeing her father bleeding to the ground. Teacher Zhu's wife, who was cleaning the pots and pans in the kitchen, heard the sound and ran out. As soon as she stepped out of the kitchen, she was cut over by the man who stopped him first.

Then he sat alone in a children's chair and ate breakfast slowly, but the little girl who saw her parents collapse in front of her couldn't escape the poison.

At the corresponding position in the house, the outlines of the three corpses were also drawn with white lines. The corpses were transported away, but the bloodstains were not cleaned up. Just like this, I can imagine the tragic situation at that time.

Not to mention Zhu Yang and the others, Miss Cui and Wu Yue also felt shocking.

After the group came in and closed the door, Zhu Yang came over and kicked the man on the ground.

Maybe because of the murder, this person's courage has grown a lot, and when they saw Zhu Yang, they no longer flinched.

Instead, a pair of eyes stared at them strangely, hehe smiled.

Miss Cui and Wu Yue were so frightened by him that they took two steps back, only to see Zhu Yang kicking his lower body.

The man present immediately became cold, not to mention the man himself. The weird and terrifying expression just now became distorted and painful, and the whole person bowed into a shrimp. This extreme transformation suddenly made him look funny and sad. Not so scary anymore.

Zhu Yang sneered and sat on the sofa, with his long legs up, he said coldly: "Many people think that crime will make people stronger, but this is an illusion."

"This bastard thinks he has killed three other people and has experienced the thrill of surpassing life, and he is invincible. Of course, it is normal for people to be afraid of murderers, but they must understand what they are really afraid of. It is the awe of death and the same kind of Cannibalism is also an alarm from survival instinct."

"You can be afraid, but don't let fear cloud your judgment."

As she said that, she stretched out her index finger, and pointed lightly at the man on the ground: "This thing on the ground may have become a devil in her heart, but no matter how thick the malice is locked up by an incompetent skin, it is nothing but that. Trash is still trash, you see, I don't even bother to spend manpower on him."

These remarks gave a boost to several plot characters present. For nothing else, it was true that Miss Wang alone could easily control each other.

Wang Bei is different from Zhu Yang, who was a big player from the beginning, and Lu Xin, a senior player. Li Li has a little initial advantage as a man, while Wang Bei as a woman is inexperienced and his physique is not strong.

It is slightly better than the average adult male.

But this man has been drinking heavily, smoking and playing cards for a long time. His weak body has long been emptied of vitality, and he usually deals with real ordinary women and children like Teacher Qiu, if not for an unexpected attack.

Really told him to face Teacher Zhu, and he would definitely be knocked to the ground within two rounds.

The man just killed someone this morning, and is immersed in this unprecedented pleasure. After losing his job, he seems to have swept away. Didn't he let him get it in one shot

But now Zhu Yang's remarks are a big kick to the powerful kick he was so proud of and thought he had broken out of the cocoon.

He struggled, swearing in his mouth, his eyes resentful, as if he was regretting that the target of the wild man's family was picked this morning instead of this bitch.

Zhu Yang said with a smile: "So, low-flying will always be low-flying, and even a little bit of sesame can float to the sky with self-intoxication. Do you believe it? If you do it all over again, Mr. Guang Zhu's three-year-old daughter can crush him. Thousands of corpses?"

She now mentions the deceased for no reason, making Teacher Qiu and the others feel a little sad about the tragedy, but Miss Cui, who had just experienced the scene where the stalker was dragged into the mirror, seemed to feel it, and suddenly thought of a possibility, and her back felt a chill.

Seeing that Zhu Yang recruited Wu Yue, he asked him, "Is this book really able to summon resentful spirits?"

Wu Yue seemed to know what she was thinking and nodded, but he had always been silent and said, "It needs a price, if you want to do it, I'll come!"

Anyway, he didn't want to live anymore. Although the group of scum had not been killed, three deaths were enough.

If you can pull another scum before you die, you can count as doing something for the innocent undead.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yang slapped his head on the head after he finished speaking: "You come? Your eyes are starting to bleed, how long can you last? After such a good talent grows up, you can make money with the name of a celestial master. It's full of pots, and I said don't accompany myself for scum, and I didn't hear a word, right?"

After scolding the high school students, Wu Yue was dragged to the back by Li Li.

However, after confiscating the book, they did ask about the curse principle of the book. It turned out that it was not the evil spirit in the book that they thought helped the curser to kill the enemy.

Instead, it is the evil spirits around the cursed person who actually react when the spell is cast, and the evil spirits that randomly happen to be nearby will kill in the way the spell caster inflicts on them.

For example, the gangster who died on the first day is likely to be the hand of the ghost who died in a car accident on that road.

The red-haired girl was done by the ghost of a student who had experienced unbearable jumping off the building at school, and the flat head was directly ignited by a ghost in the game hall.

These ghosts usually can't easily harm people. When ghosts kill people, they must meet certain necessary conditions, otherwise the world will be in chaos.

But this book has the ability to summon and drive resentful spirits, but the price is the life of the caster.

Zhu Yang asked someone to pull one of the man's hair and put it on a blank page, and then the page absorbed the hair, and the man's name and dense spells appeared on the blank page.

There is a blank space in the center of the spell, which is where the face of a person will appear after death.

"What else do you need?" Zhu Yang asked Wu Yue.

Wu Yue pursed his lips twice, but still replied: "A drop of blood is on it, but the blood of a layman has no spiritual power, so it is of no value to ghosts, and no ghosts will be willing to be driven."

"Oh, don't worry, I'll definitely be willing." Zhu Yang believed himself when he heard the words.

Just when Wu Yue thought that Zhu Yang was also a psychic - also, how could a person who can stuff a ghost into a mirror and travel through the edge of the spiritual world with his bare hands have no spiritual power

He was in a hurry, this person also told him not to pay himself for the scum, but she did the same thing herself.

But then, he saw Zhu Yang walking to the man on the ground with the book, and took the fruit knife in the fruit plate on the coffee table and slashed it.

The opponent's blood immediately dripped onto the page, and then disappeared.

Wu Yue couldn't believe it: "Impossible, how could he—?"

At this time, Wang Bei smiled and patted Wu Yue's shoulder suddenly: "You think, other ghosts don't want to use blood without spiritual power to work in vain, but who are the ghosts here?"

It was only then that everyone came to their senses. In the family of Mr. Zhu, who was the most resentful in the family? The enemy is right in front of you, as long as you have the opportunity, let alone work for nothing, you are willing to pay.

Sure enough, as soon as the blood melted, the atmosphere in the whole house felt different. In the hot summer, the air conditioner was not turned on, but for no reason, the back was stained with a coldness.

Then everyone saw the place where Teacher Zhu's family had fallen down their bodies, and three people appeared.

Players have already expected this situation, and Miss Cui and Wu Yue just watched the shocking scene in the villa, which is not bad.

Only Mrs. Qiu almost screamed, but when she saw the third family standing up slowly, her neck and heart, especially the little girl who was a few years younger than her son, was slashed directly on the top of her head. Son, the blood can't stop flowing down.

She never knew that such a small child could shed so much blood. Compared with fear, she was more saddened, and she hoped that the man on the ground would die.

When the man on the ground saw the family of three, his humiliated eyes suddenly became extremely frightened, and even though his mouth was blocked by cloth, he could still hear funny screams.

He wanted to escape, but he couldn't even move his whole body so tightly that he couldn't escape. He could only watch the family of three surrounded him.

He no longer had the complacent pleasure he had been excited about after killing people, and the illusion that he was omnipotent was instantly destroyed.

At this time, someone chuckled: "Look! I told you that waste is waste, and it is obvious that there is no decency in the face of the person you kill. Does this kind of person need to be feared?"

It was that woman, he was wrong, that wicked woman, with so much strength, and the strange ability of a group of people, he actually felt that he could face these people directly.

Through the family of three, he looked at the people around him with pleading eyes. He would rather accept the punishment of the law and let the police take him away! ! ! !

But no one around him paid attention to him. The first person to meet him was Mr. Zhu. Mr. Zhu was stabbed in the heart with a knife and died. His face was like a blank sheet of paper because of the blood loss.

He stretched out his hand slowly, moving very slowly. Because Teacher Qiu's husband was tied tightly, he couldn't easily lower his head, and he couldn't see what he was going to do, but suddenly he felt a chill in his heart.

The man was so frightened by this sudden sense that he lost his control, his mouth let out a heavy breath like a broken bellows, and the pain like a blunt knife cutting flesh immediately spread throughout his body.

He watched helplessly as his heart was smashed with bare hands, but miraculously, he didn't die.

Next was Teacher Zhu's wife, who was slashed in her carotid artery and died on the spot.

I saw this woman whose neck and half clothes were covered in blood reached out and twisted the flesh on his neck, then suddenly squeezed and started to rub with her index finger and thumb.

The skin on the neck is already delicate, and this pain is inexhaustible. The man's facial features are deformed in pain, but he clearly hears a 'boo' sound in his ear.

It was like the sound of fish bubbles being smashed, but he knew that it was the skin on his neck that had been smashed.

The man felt that something was being picked out constantly. He even felt the wind blowing into his throat, but he was still not dead, not even in a coma. The unbearable pain and torture seemed to last forever.

Finally he heard a small chuckle from above his head

The man rolled his eyelids up, and was so shocked by the sight in front of him that he was speechless, even though he had long since lost the ability to speak.

He often beats his wife at home, and naturally he will not let his son go.

For him, children are simply too fragile to be worth mentioning, and they can be beaten and scolded at will, so he never thought about it. Every day there will be a three-year-old child who makes him so afraid.

The child's face was like golden paper, and the wounds before his death were still there. A three-year-old child looked even more frightening than those stillborn babies.

She giggled, her laughter was pure and crisp, just like before her death, but under this scene, it was even more terrifying than that gloomy and creepy laughter.

She clapped her hands and laughed as if her parents were playing some funny game and she was amused next to her.

From time to time, the small hand patted him twice, wherever he passed. A black child's handprint appeared.

The handprint was like an iron singed on the body. Immediately, I felt unbearable pain.

The man was in pain like a curled loach, and the scene of an adult body writhing wildly was comical and wicked.

Miss Cui was about to faint, but when she thought that the family of three should have dinner around the table and watch TV at this time, she didn't think this terrifying picture was too much.

I don't know how long it took, the man was finally tortured by a family of three so that he couldn't see the human form.

The entire abdominal cavity is now empty, and the neck connecting the head and the body is only left with bones, and the body is also covered with small black handprints.

Zhu Yang just went up, and waved to the family of three who had returned to their previous appearance after retribution for the annihilation of the family: "Okay, trouble, go and reincarnate if your wish has been fulfilled."

He also touched the little girl's head and said, "Children, don't touch things, what should I do if they are infected by idiots and become stupid??"

When the little girl heard this, a trace of panic really flashed on her face, and her mother touched her head with a smile.

The Zhu family looked at the people in the room, and bowed to them, then their figures faded and slowly disappeared.

At this time, the man on the ground can save a lot of props by directly playing a horror movie for special effects, but his eyes are still rolling around. Although he is full of frightening horror, he is still alive.

Zhu Yang smiled with interest: "Is this not dead?"

It was definitely not because he was immortal. It was not the case when Wu Yue cursed people with that book. Those three people were already dead.

She guessed that it might be because this man was one of the main ghost NPCs in the villa, so either he would not be killed until Suohunye, or other than the script that killed Mr. Qiu and Xiaoming, no one else could Really kill him when he is human.

If this is the case with Teacher Qiu's husband, it means the same is true for the landlord who was dragged into the concrete wall by the ghost lady

It's a bit strange to think about it like this. The guy who washes his face every day is still watching from the wall? Zhu Yang thought without sincerity.

But Mr. Zhu's family, who was innocently involved, had to get their revenge, so they had to clean up the stall. Although tomorrow night was over, as long as they were alive, they could leave the game, but the corpse was always a hidden danger.

What's more, how bad is it to have a living corpse to frighten people or be a monster outside

So Zhu Yang said, "I can't just leave him here, the goal is too big, let's find a way to take him away."

These words sounded sloppy to taste, but a little bit of a taste was quite creepy.

The goal is too big, and the plan is to find a way to get rid of it, then how to get lucky? The answer is obvious.

Except for Lu Xin, who looked like a dumb thug on the background board, they all gasped.

Really, this man dares to challenge Zhu Yang when he thinks he has killed someone, look at others, this is not the ferocity of a murderer than a murderer, don't use malice in front of the big devil. .

Both Li Li and Wang Bei knew that she was a newcomer, but they didn't know how such a cruel temper was brought up in reality.

At this time, Teacher Qiu raised his hand tremblingly: "I, let me help a little too."

When everyone turned back, they saw that her expression was a little strange, a trance of sadness and despair. This is a bit strange, because even when Teacher Zhu's family took revenge, she was not like this.

Then everyone saw that she had a black handbag in her hand—

"This is what Miss Wang took with him when he caught him. At first I thought it was the carry-on luggage he took to escape, but it was not like this when he just opened it."

The bag was thrown on the table, the bag had been opened, and inside was several bundles of rope and some knives and tools that didn't look like they were going to do good deeds.

Teacher Qiu took out a small book from the side of the bag and flipped it over to show them.

There is a simple diagram on it.

Although there are only connecting lines on the sides of the plane, Mr. Qiu can see at a glance that it is the outer wall of the room they rented.

And the drawing on it is exactly how to turn the road map through ropes and tools.

There are Zhu Yang and the others in the villa. The man dare not come in openly, so he has to find another way, and what is he going to do in it.

Looking at this package of tools, sharp knives, machetes, saws, everything, the answer comes out.

Tears flowed down Teacher Qiu's face: "It's me, it's all my fault. I was blind at the beginning, and I found such a beast. Not only did it hurt myself, but it also hurt Teacher Zhu's family."

"This beast is no longer a human being. He even wants to kill his own children. It's ridiculous that I even reported a fluke, thinking that it would be over after a long time away from him."

At this moment, Teacher Qiu's eyes became cold and her expression was numb. She took out the tools directly from the bag.

Those weapons that should have been used by men on her and her son in the plot showed a trace of cruelty and determination on their faces: "Don't you want me and my son to die? Sorry, our mother and son will not accompany us."

"On Huangquan Road, you should cross the Naihe Bridge by yourself."

Speaking of which, Teacher Qiu took the knife and walked over slowly, under the unbelievable gaze of the man.

He has been fighting for several years and has never fought back. He never imagined that he could do anything to threaten him. As long as he wanted to, his wife, who could do anything to her, raised the knife in his hand and aimed at him. With a single knife, it slashed down sharply.

There were stains on her face, but Teacher Qiu smiled and said, "Actually, I'm more skilled than you when it comes to using knives."

"How many chickens did I kill? How many fish did I break? How many ribs and hoofs did I chop?"

"Hahahaha... I only now know that the bones and meat of chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep are much more solid than your trash."

"Look, as long as you find the right angle and use a little bit of skill, you can tear yourself apart hahahaha, tell you to beat me, tell you to beat children, tell you to kill, and tell you to want to kill children."

Every time she said a word, the knife fell in response, and the voice was sour. Miss Cui and Wu Yue were afraid to look at it.

After everything was done and the man had become several copies, Teacher Qiu finally wiped off his sweat, put the man's head at himself, looked into his eyes and said, "Now you're going to hit me again?"

Then Ms. Qiu didn't need anyone else's help. She was already working quickly, so she found some black plastic bags at Mr. Zhu's house and packed the items one by one.

Seeing this, Li Li and Wang Bei bit their ears quietly—

"I said, have you experienced such a customs clearance mode? Before, we were all chased by murderers and ghosts, how come this time, I feel like we are the bad guys?"

"I, I also have this illusion, but this customs clearance experience is really exciting, and I suddenly released the feeling of suffocation since I entered the game."

"Then, do you still hold that thigh?"

"It doesn't matter if you hug me or not, I will."

Then Wang Bei took the bag to Zhu Yang with a smile, and said with a smile: "Where can you carry it, it's not convenient for you to wear these shoes, I'll just come."

Li Li's reaction was a beat slower, and the errand was snatched away.

Miss Cui and Wu Yue stared at them as if they were insane, such a penetrating thing, these two people are still rushing to mention it

But in the end, Li Li still helped Zhu Yang, and he brought his bag for Lu Xin, because Lu Xin was responsible for fanning Zhu Yang.

The group swaggered back to the villa, and a bag of unspeakable things made them feel that the queen had returned from shopping.

When I got home, the takeaway I ordered on the way also arrived. After dinner, Teacher Qiu coaxed Xiao Ming to sleep well and went to the kitchen alone.

Take out the things you brought back, put them into a wall breaker to smash them, and finally pour them into the sewer to wash them away.

The ping-pong-pong was busy until the middle of the night, when the movement in the kitchen ceased.

After all, dozens of kilograms have been used, and several wall breakers have been used. Zhu Yang saw that Mr. Qiu was so interested that Li Li went out and bought ten wall breakers at a nearby home appliance store.

Li Lida was ordered to buy a bunch of things at night, and he sighed a little: "So, never provoke women, how can these men be so inattentive."

It was late at night when everything was done, and everyone went to sleep.

Wake up the next day, the time will come to the seventh day, that is, tonight, the real life and death test for the player will come.

Maybe it was because Zhu Yang's series of ruthless manipulations yesterday was enough initiative, and the next morning, he didn't receive any news of another nasty manipulation in the game.

But the game is content with the status quo, but Zhu Yang doesn't want to do it. If you want her to be busy, she will have to turn around, and if you want her to be quiet on the last day, she will have to be quiet when the ending comes

Not so good.

After breakfast, Zhu Yang first asked Miss Cui to go out and take out the money that the stalker gave her yesterday, and then asked Li Li to make a phone call.

When Miss Cui and Wang Bei came back with 200,000 cash, Zhu Yang brought a group to the mirror in the hall.

He knocked on the mirror again, and released the stalker who had been crowded with the landlady all night.

The stalker had a very sour night, because it was crowded inside, he was woken up from a coma not long after, he was stunned when he woke up, and he was stunned and woken up again.

The landlady didn't like to see him either. She thought he squeezed a seat inside and was as timid as a mouse. When she saw it, she got angry.

After I finally got used to it a little in the evening, I fooled that it was already the next day.

Just after being released to see the sun again, the stalker was so happy that he went crazy, and kowtowed to Miss Cui: "I won't mess with you, I won't mess with you again, I can't afford to marry a woman like you, I Can't you go back?"

He should have known that the people in this house were so evil, and he would not dare to pester Cui Yuan even if he had ten courage

He thought that they would suffer another crime because of their troubles. He had already made the worst plan of being abolished and thrown out, but unexpectedly, he was very easy to talk at this moment.

Cui Yuan handed over a bag of money, adjusted it for twenty feet, and then said, "I understand it. After I know that my aunt is not easy to mess with, I will highlight the tricks."

"I'll give you the money back, so you know that auntie didn't mean to blackmail people."

The stalker kept saying yes, when she ordered some money, it was all real money, and the number was no problem, although she didn't understand why it was so convenient to transfer money and she had to take it out.

But under the surprise of escaping and getting the money back, this problem disappeared in a flash.

The man carefully packed the money and wrapped it in a plastic bag twice before going out the door cautiously.

As a result, he went out on the front foot, and nearly ten thugs found the villa on the back foot.

As soon as they saw Wu Yue coming out of it, everyone rushed to grab this kid and wanted to beat him up.

"Fuck your mother, I have long thought that your kid is evil. It turns out that the death of the boss really has nothing to do with you. Okay, since you want to kill us, let's abolish you first."

Wu Yue received two kicks, hurriedly huddled into a ball, and said what Zhu Yang taught him—

"It's none of my business. I just found out. My uncle knew that I was bullied at school, so I found someone. I didn't do it on purpose."

"It's the person in front who just took 200,000 cash from here. It's really none of my business."



When a group of thugs heard these two words, their eyes lit up, and several people looked at each other.

"This, this money is the money of the boss and the three of them. If they are unlucky, they will die first. Why can't we get it?"

"But there are so many of us, 200,000 is probably—"

This group of greedy guys, consciously fearful, how can one person swallow a thing of ten or twenty thousand? not to mention-

At this time, they grabbed Wu Yue: "Hey! Your uncle shouldn't have another move, right?"

Wu Yue looked terrified, and was beaten twice before saying, "He, he's still preparing 1 million, buy, buy all of you—"

Before he could finish speaking, he was slapped twice, and a few people grabbed Wu Yue and followed the man in front.

Angrily said: "Go, grab the person in front and go to his uncle."