Scream Queen

Chapter 4


When Xie Xiaomeng saw that she had gotten out of this matter, she originally wanted to walk away.

But on the one hand, he didn't dare to act too relaxed in front of Zhu Yang, who was in a manic mood at the moment. On the other hand, he was frightened for nothing, and he was gnashing his teeth at Julina, but he was very happy to see how Zhu Yang tossed her.

So I poured water for Zhu Yang, opened the refrigerator without authorization, found some fruit, cut a plate and brought it over.

The two bullies who trespassed into the house to tie up and coerce the owner of the house, on the contrary, ate fruit and snacks leisurely, sitting and watching the owner of the house in a state of embarrassment.

Although Julina is unlucky at the moment, the whole person is more immersed in the happiness of escaping the bad luck.

I was afraid that Zhu Yang would really mess with her, so I didn't care about this embarrassed posture, and told the cause and effect of the incident like pouring beans in a bamboo tube.

"Do you remember when I went back to my hometown during the May Day holiday and encountered a series of car accidents on the highway?"

At that time, several cars collided in a row, and the situation was tragic. It was also on the hot search news. Coincidentally, Julina was one of the parties.

And she was lucky too. More than 20 people were killed in the car accident, and only two lucky ones survived.

Juliana was even more fortunate. She suffered only minor injuries and was discharged after a few days of observation in the hospital.

People who went back to the school sorority at the time threw a party for her to celebrate the rest of her life.

Julina thought of something, and goose bumps appeared on her arm: "I thought it was just an accident, and it's over. Many people have encountered such dangerous things, right?"

Zhu Yang listened impatiently and clicked his tongue: "I don't have time to listen to you complaining about the impermanence of life here. I only have six days left. Time is precious, can you not waste my life?"

Julina hurriedly said: "Last Thursday, I suddenly received that CD, as if I was hypnotized, and I watched it in a daze."

"But after reading it, I not only received the death countdown call, but also a voice or a piece of consciousness, which appeared directly in my mind. It was said that I should have died in the car accident, but escaped because of the omission of the King of Hell. For a while."

"But my life is not mine anymore. I have to participate in some game. If I survive, my life will continue to be stored with me."

"I was too frightened at the time to think about it, but this videotape of the female ghost who kills her life may be the handwriting of this game, right?"

After Zhu Yang heard it, she threw an orange peel on her face: "That means you are a dying person, and you haven't found someone to be a dead ghost yet? That ugly female ghost was originally aimed at you."

"According to what you said, I haven't been named by the Lord of Hell, and I have escaped a catastrophe of life and death. My life clearly belongs to me, and there is no reason to participate in any game of life and death. Since it is a game, there are rules, then Can Guibichi really change targets on his own?"

He sneered as he spoke, and regardless of the fact that the ghost was likely to follow them, he sarcastically said: "Looking at her faceless face, she is also a piece of mud that will never stand on the wall for a lifetime, and a ghost can only be a scumbag, can a fart have this authority? "

Xie Xiaomeng and Zhu Lina listened to her being ugly, scumbag, muddy, Bichi, butt soldiers, insulting female ghosts in other ways. Rao was already free from the curse, and they couldn't help feeling frightened for Zhu Yang.

I have never seen people so arrogant and domineering in the presence of ghosts.

Julina didn't know whether the female ghost could change candidates without authorization, and she didn't want to know, she deeply hoped that this would end like this.

Then he wanted to draw a clear line with Zhu Yang more urgently, and hurriedly poured out the rest of the matter—

"I don't know about the rest. I should explore it myself, but let me tell you about my own situation in the past few days."

After listening to Julina's words, Zhu Yang sorted it out, and had a general idea of the female ghost's action pattern.

To sum up, the time limit is seven days. At the beginning, the female ghosts are weak and their influence is low, and they become stronger towards the end.

According to Julina's experience, she could only feel cold and uncomfortable for the first two days, and occasionally she was shocked when her consciousness was weak and unprepared.

From the third day, female ghosts can enter your dream, disturbing people dare not sleep peacefully.

Juliana was in a trance the next day after the dream was invaded, and then she drew that picture in the studio unknowingly. At that time, she was almost scared to death by herself.

Then he hid at home and dared to order takeout at first, but when the deliveryman knocked on the door, Julina saw it through the cat's eyes, and the deliveryman's face turned into a female ghost, and he was smiling at her.

She was so frightened that she didn't dare to call for takeout, and lived on the stock in the refrigerator.

But when the refrigerator was opened on the sixth day, a large watermelon inside became the dead head of the female ghost. The black hair was covered with frost, and his eyes suddenly opened to meet her.

When I heard this, Zhu Yang was eating a piece of watermelon. When he bit it into his mouth, he thought that it was very sweet. Now he felt awkward and put the watermelon down.

She took a sip of water and swallowed the nausea, coughed and asked, "That's it? Didn't I actually touch you?"

Juliana thought that wasn't scary enough? He replied: "This, this is not, she, she was just laughing in the refrigerator."

When Zhu Yang heard this, his heart moved, and he fell into a moment of contemplation.

Julina said cautiously: "I've said everything I know, you see—"

Zhu Yang looked at her for a long time, and Zhu Lina was furious when she saw it. Just when she thought that Bi Chi was going to come up with some tricks to toss her, the other party waved her hand lightly, indicating that Xie Xiaomeng had untied the rope for her.

At this time, Zhu Yang's father also transferred the phone number and money. She got up and told Xie Xiaomeng to pack up the crime tools when she left, so she left alone.

Xie Xiaomeng stopped her suddenly: "Well, Zhu Yang, don't worry, I won't tell you about it."

Julina also nodded and assured: "I won't say it, and I won't let people see your jokes."

Zhu Yang looked back, but smiled inexplicably: "On the contrary, you spread this matter out, and the more people know about it, the better. If the topic of the school's discussion within two days is something else, I will only ask you."

The two girls looked at each other, whether they were really sure that this guy was going to die and still stick to the throne of the hottest topic, or he had plans.

After Zhu Yang left, Xie Xiaomeng cleaned up the ropes in one or two times, and Zhu Lina helped her, but she rolled her eyes: "I can take these away, so that I don't have to stay with you when I'll be messed with behind your back. pause."

Julina scolded: "I never thought of targeting you. Wasn't it your own unlucky thing to be with Zhu Yang at the time?"

Xie Xiaomeng paused and looked back at Julina deeply: "Although Zhu Yang has a bad temper and is difficult to serve, I would rather die if you are not her. At least if something happens, she can count on her. What about you?"

Julina was so angry that her face was twisted a little, and the two broke up unhappily.

On Zhu Yang's side, she immediately contacted the master after she got the number. Fortunately, the schedule was not crowded recently.

On the boldness of Zhu Yang's bid, the master promised to come over tomorrow.

A day or two ago, the influence of the female ghost was extremely limited. When Zhu Yang returned home, except for the cold feeling that followed her, because she had a spectrum in her heart, she was not frightened by the illusion of taking advantage of it.

It was during this period that Zhu Weixin didn't know where to hear the rumors. Knowing that his sister had cheated two more sums of money, he called and asked curiously.

Zhu Yang listened, and said impatiently: "It's none of your business, your sister, I'll ask you so many things. By the way, I remember that you saved a lot of New Year's money, and transfer them all to me. I'm afraid there is not enough here."

"Hey, then tell me what's going on?" After speaking, he whispered: "Sister, you won't lose your hand, and you will spend money to seal it up? Where is the body hidden? Or I'll come over and bury it for you. Bar."

"By the way, if anyone takes the money and dares not to shut up and wants to blackmail endlessly, so do I—"

At the other end of the video, Zhu Weixin wiped his neck.

Rao is Zhu Yang's unfortunate situation at the moment, and her brother laughed: "Okay, you are so stupid and want to commit a crime, be good at home."

Zhu Weixin saw that his sister was in a better mood, and then saw that he was going to come over again. How could Zhu Yang let him come over at this time

He firmly refused, and said that Zhu Weixin was not happy at the end. He pouted and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I went out to dinner with my classmates yesterday. Guess who I saw?"

"No guessing!" Zhu Yang said casually, wearing nail polish.

"I saw Brother Lu."

The nails brushed along the lines paused, and the painting was ruined.

Zhu Yang took a deep breath and said, "I said, if I don't let you come over, you will deliberately find fault to make me unhappy, right?"

Zhu Weixin said quickly: "I didn't, and you didn't take care of it in the first place, but I'm not talking about this, or-, Brother Lu looked a bit strange at the time."

Zhu Yang interrupted him with a wave: "Okay, okay, I'm not interested, I'll hang up."

To be honest, Zhu Yang has never been frightened since she was a child, but there is such a person that she is not even willing to face a ghost.

When I woke up the next morning, because I had to wait for the master at home, Zhu Yang didn't go out at all today.

It is rare to make breakfast by myself, and the hired life aunt will come to take care of the hygiene every day, fill in the ingredients, and from time to time will also make some quick food and prepare it in the refrigerator.

Zhu Yang took out the freezer box, cooked some dumplings, squeezed a cup of soy milk, and had a simple breakfast.

During this period, she received countless messages on her mobile phone, most of which were condolences from sisters and suitors.

It seems that Xie Xiaomeng and the others have completed the tasks she gave them well, and they opened the campus forum again, and they were really overwhelmed by her gossip that she suspected of hitting a ghost.

Because this kind of thing is too absurd, most of them must have watched the fun at the beginning. Most of them shared the supernatural events they have seen, heard, or even encountered under the thread, and they don't know if it is true or not.

In the end, she expressed her concern about her situation, and concealed her intention to watch the fun by covering up her ears and stealing bells.

I wish Yang was quite satisfied with this effect. It would be best if the master could capture the female ghost in one fell swoop.

If not -

The time to swipe the phone always passed quickly. Shortly after lunch at noon, the master called to say that he was there.

Zhu Yang personally went to the gate to pick up people, but he didn't expect that the other party was much younger than he thought.

It looks like she is a few years older than her, but the whole person is quite immortal, and it feels very reliable.

No wonder she was so admired by her father at a young age.

The other party's expression was indifferent, and he was full of aura: "My surname is Xie. Although the situation of Miss Zhu was made clear on the phone, I need to see the key videotape."

Of course, Zhu Yang said yes, brought the person to his home, and showed the CD to Master Xie to read it.

After reading it, the master pondered for a while: "This situation is very rare!"

Zhu Yang poured a glass of water for someone: "How do you say?"

"Usually sneaky, it's nothing more than a ghost in the heart. Most people come to us for psychological comfort. Those things are usually not a climate in this world today. Most of the people I have encountered are confused and have no consciousness, only relying on an obsession. of."

"But you are obviously different from the past. This female ghost has a strong tendency to target you. I don't know if you paid attention. In the video just now, when the female ghost was dressing in the mirror, she didn't pay attention to me at all, her eyes were all open. on you."

Zhu Yang thought that this master had two brushes, at least he was careful and reliable, so he hurriedly said: "Yes, that's right, then do you think there is a way to solve it? Master."

Master Wei: "This kind of thing is the most difficult thing to do. It's like a dead ghost coming back to settle his debts. If you have grievances and revenge, no one can stop them. Although you are not that serious, you don't know where you are. This female ghost's doom and grudge is almost the same."

"But it's hard to see that you've reached this stage. You've come here. I'm going to take the risk of seriously hurting your vitality. Naturally, I will definitely handle it for you, but the cost of lost work in the next few months—"

Zhu Yang Xindao said that this master looks immortal, and it is not ambiguous to talk about the starting price.

But she doesn't care about spending more money, as long as she can kill the female ghost, the ghost hunter will also have to eat.

Then he happily said: "Master, don't worry, I'm asking people to do things, there's definitely no reason for people to repost."

When the master saw her going up, he nodded and said, "Okay, it's getting late today, so let's do it at noon tomorrow when the yang qi is full. After that, I will stay here for a few days and come here every day to completely clear this evil spirit. Walk."

Zhu Yang had no objection, and asked the aunt and the master to clean up a guest room and leave her here for the night.

The dinner was a delivery service from a nearby five-star hotel. After the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, they talked about some industry cases, and the three of them went back to their rooms.

Today is the third day, and Zhu Yang knows that the female ghost is likely to fall asleep tonight, so she is not very willing to fall asleep subconsciously.

It was twelve o'clock when I was swiping my phone, and when I was about to fall asleep in a daze, I heard a scream from the next room.

Not the voice of the aunt, but the voice of the master.

Zhu Yang hurriedly put on a coat and rushed into the guest room. After opening the door, he went in and found the master standing in front of the sink with water marks on his face.

Seeing Zhu Yang come in, he turned his head stiffly, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I just played a few handfuls of King's Pesticide, and I was not in a good state.

"After washing my face, I wiped it with a towel. I just saw that the towel was black. I didn't think much about it. But when I wiped my face, I felt something was wrong. It didn't feel like a towel at all, but rather like a woman's hair."

"I peeled off my hair, and that woman's face stared at me with big eyes."

Zhu Yangrao didn't regard the master as a life-saving straw, and was extremely speechless at this time.

She said, "So what? You're a ghost hunter, isn't it your job to be a ghost? What's your name?"

At this time, the master has no demeanor of an expert, and his legs trembled with fright: "That's because I didn't expect that there would actually be ghosts in this world!"

The amount of information is huge, and Zhu Yang looked at him critically: "That means you are really just a liar? Then how did you get so famous?"

Master Xie said embarrassingly: "I'm naturally bold, I'm not afraid of the dark nor afraid of being surprised. When I was a child, I went to live in someone's house for a few days, and the family would be much smoother. When I grow up, what kind of haunted house is haunted? The same goes for the building, so it's just listed for business."

"But, but I didn't expect to actually see a ghost, alive, for the first time! No, I can't take on your job, although it's a pity that such a beautiful beauty died, I saw you in the afternoon. It's not that I didn't think about pretending to be coercive, and after solving the trouble, I can make you admire and appreciate it and flirt with it."

"But it's really beyond my ability, beauty, take care."

Before taking two steps, Zhu Yang grabbed him.

Xie Yi thought that the girl was helpless and afraid of grabbing a life-saving straw. When she turned around, she saw the girl who had been kind and beautiful that afternoon, and the expression on her face was full of ridicule and threats—

"Also, your physique may come in handy, it's more controllable than the identity of a master who doesn't know the truth."

"Just stay here for a few days. If you dare to run away, I'll let my dad expose your business, call the police and say you're a hooligan to me, and then find someone to put a sack on you and break your leg."

Xie Yi has been traveling for several years, how could he be afraid of a battle like a little girl's threat

Just as he was about to say something, he saw the girl took out a recording pen from her pocket and looked at him mockingly: "I know that there are female ghosts asking for my life, do you record the dynamics around you from time to time? "

"Well, you guessed right, the camera is also on, don't think about being rough. It was originally meant to deal with female ghosts, but I didn't expect people to use it first."

Xie Yi stared at her dumbfounded, so he said that he had already thought about everything, why did he find a master

That ghost is also, don't they all say that they are bullying the soft and afraid of the hard? How much do you want to have a meeting with such a wicked person