Scream Queen

Chapter 46: (1)


To be honest, Zhu Yang felt that he felt sick to himself because of such a sudden appearance of a ghost, a terrifying technique that was astonishing.

First of all, if most of the horror effects in a horror movie are like this, it can be directly said to be a bad movie.

However, considering that this is a novice field, newcomers have limited ability to bear, and overall adaptability has to be taken into account, Zhu Yang is really too lazy to care about it at this moment.

But Zhu Weixin was anxious to see his sister froze in place with no expression on her face—

"Sister, sister, are you alright? Are you scared?" He patted his sister's face, pointed to the dead ghost hanging upside down on the door and said, "What's so scary about this? You forgot Grandpa's 70th birthday. When is the time to kill pigs at home?"

"Isn't that how the shave was hung upside down? A pot of hot water was washed down, and it was also left from the top of the head like this."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed a pair of medical scissors next to the school doctor's computer desk.

Going up and grabbing the female ghost's hair was a swipe, and after cutting it, he shouted at his sister: "Look, isn't it different? It's not much different from shaving a pig butcher with a knife."

The female ghost was so dumbfounded that she didn't frighten when she came out alone. She had a meal of ginseng cocks in her head, and when she was done, her hair became Mediterranean.

Really, the head is chilling wow!

Well, a bloody and terrifying female ghost suddenly turned into a funny bald ghost, crawling on the ground to face people when she was dying.

What people saw head-on was not the black hair and dripping blood, but a bright circle on the top of the head. This was not a serious life-seeking ghost.

The female ghost was both distressed by her hair and thinking of her own future. Immediately, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to stretch out her hand to strangle this little bastard.

At this moment, Zhu Yang spoke up and scolded his brother: "Idiot, what are you doing with her hair?"

"80% of the ghosts who die here are against the school. They are all ghosts. In such a broken school, it is inevitable that they will run into each other. You can solve the mystery of the haunted here by asking her directly. What are you doing to offend others? ?"

As he spoke, he shaved his younger brother's head: "I had a bad temper twice before and accidentally hurt a good ghost, so don't be so irritable after an accident. If the situation is clear, it's a gang, how embarrassing it would be?"

When the female ghost heard this woman, she could speak human words, thinking that if they sincerely apologized and then fulfilled her request, this matter could not be turned over.

Just listen to the woman's next sentence: "But there's nothing you can do if you offend. If you can't get out of the way of human relationships, you can be hard. Catch her and tie her up on the operating table. You have to pry something out."

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Weixin nodded, with the expression of my sister as expected, she reached out and saw that she was about to tug at the remaining hair of the female ghost and pull her down from it.

As soon as the female ghost heard the word "operating table", the most painful memories of her life filled her mind, and she was so frightened that she immediately disappeared.

Zhu Weixin touched a few strands of hair and grabbed it.

"Sister, run away, what should I do?"

As soon as the female ghost ran away, the dark room inside suddenly changed greatly, the bloodstains everywhere disappeared, and the furnishings did not change, but even without the tragic bloodstains, it still looked cold and scary.

Zhu Yang walked in, looked around, and even reached out to touch some places, a hint of doubt flashed in his heart.

What happened when the female ghost appeared was the tragedy that happened here? But in terms of details, Mr. Zhu Yang felt that there were several violations.

But it's pointless to tangle at this moment. Zhu Yang took a scalpel and went out and handed it to her brother: "Take it, self-defense."

Zhu Weixin said: "Isn't it your time to take it?"

After speaking, she saw her sister pinching the steel pipe on the hospital bed, and twisting a twist of her wrist directly came out.

Zhu Weixin was stunned for a while, then threw himself into his sister's arms, Xiaoniao Yiren said, "Sister, you must protect me."

It can be said to be very contrived.

The siblings returned to the classroom. The second class in the morning had already passed. The class break was a little longer, but for the students here, it seemed that there was no difference between get out of class and class.

Always keep your head down and do the questions, and occasionally say a few words in a whisper.

As soon as the siblings entered the classroom, everyone glanced at them, and then deliberately looked away, as if they didn't exist.

Although no one took the initiative to communicate with them before, the appearance of Zhu Yang's sister and brother is here, except for the blind, they can't be ignored deliberately.

At this moment, it seems too deliberate, and the collective exclusion is coming.

To tell the truth, the conditions of the two sisters and brothers Zhu Yang have never been subjected to collective cold violence in reality. This experience is quite new.

However, one of them is a narcissist with a strong sense of personal awareness, and the other is an extreme sister control who has a sister in front of who cares if others ignore me or not.

He returned to his seat without raising his eyelids, and then saw Liu Zhi and Zhao Shu standing behind the classroom holding their textbooks—

"What are you two doing?" Zhu Yang asked.

Zhao Shu whispered: "The head teacher said that you have to stand after class. If you dare to sit back, you will be fined for a week."

At this moment, Zhu Yang really felt that this dungeon was thanks to her younger brother as a follower, and she didn't have to worry about doing anything unexpectedly.

She only said last time that those guys were the worst servants she had ever brought, but the result was good, Goubi Games slapped her in the face with facts.

Let you see that there is no worst, only worse.

Zhu Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Co-author, do you plan to study here for a long time? An extra week? What does an extra year have to do with you?"

Seeing that the two of them still had to bow their heads under the eaves, Zhu Yang waved his hand and said impatiently, "Go back to your seat, don't put the pestle in the back and get in my eyes."

The two have weighed for a long time between the school's evil forces and their tough and arrogant teammates, and finally chose teammates.

Then Xu Wei came over and whispered to Zhu Yang: "You also noticed the atmosphere in the class? It was instigated by the English teacher in the second English class."

"He said that the two of you are black sheep, that you bring bad classroom discipline, that you don't study and that you are a drag on others, that you two have good grades and that your family has money and has received elite education. If you talk about the results of the mock test, you will not be punished for them if you are affected and punished."

"Sister, he is deliberately letting the students isolate you."

Zhu Yang looked at Xu Wei, and then at Liu Zhi and Zhao Shu, the contempt in his eyes was almost written on his forehead.

Look, it's not as transparent as a teenage girl.

Previously, Zhu Yang was still sighing that the dog was crazy about the game, and the junior high school students did not let it go, but looking at Xu Wei's performance in this short period of time, it was the first among them to integrate into the students, and she was also keen and clever at a young age. , and is good at using the advantages of age to weaken their sense of existence to achieve the purpose of self-protection.

What is rare is that she is not the kind of player who is blindly seeking stability and trying to avoid it. She can see the ability of sister Zhu Yang to make troubles, and her intuition for inquiring about news is unambiguous.

Meeting so many new players, except for the Xibei goods from Datou Lu, in Zhu Yang's view, this little girl seems to be able to go far.

Zhu Yang smiled sarcastically when he heard the words: "Coercion and intimidation make people feel at risk, then put us on the opposite side of the group, and then emphasize the inequality of the situation and provoke jealousy to achieve the goal of targeting, right?"

"When I was playing this set with the gang, the three-year-old was probably still licking the feet of the boss - well, it is estimated that he is still licking at this moment."

In fact, it's not just this perverted school. In reality, many teachers use their power and mature emotional intelligence as adults to collectively isolate students who are not used to them.

School bullying has never been more than student-to-student.

Zhu Yang asked Xu Wei to go back to her seat, and then she took a cold look at all the sentient beings in this small depressing classroom.

Although this school is suppressed to the extreme, the so-called happiness is always similar, but the misfortune is different.

In the short time between classes, Zhu Yang discovered several people who had a strong presence in the class.

Of course, it's not the conspicuous sense of presence, the sense of danger that is on the verge of collapse.

The first is the female monitor, her name is Mo Can, and she usually forwards everything the class teacher wants to explain.

Between classes, she was sending out the test papers the day before yesterday. At that time, the players hadn't come yet, so naturally they weren't there.

The papers were handed out one by one, and many people did not do well in the test. Some were a little timid and cried the moment they received the papers.

Seeing this, Mo Can comforted: "It's okay, just work hard next time to pass the test."

These words made the student who did not pass the test find a way to vent: "It's all right? It's not you who was beaten and punished for copying the homework. You can't stand talking all day long without a backache. You deliberately satirized us when you passed the test, right?"

Mo Can hurriedly said: "No, no, it's useless if you get angry with me, who made you not carefully review the questions."

The person next to him frowned and said, "Don't put salt on the wound."

Then there were the whispers of several students around her who were dissatisfied with her.

Mo Can bit his lip, the circles around his eyes were a little red, he didn't stay here any longer, and continued to curl his hair.

A squad leader who is not high in emotional intelligence and can't speak so that he is not a person inside or outside.

There is another girl who is also very conspicuous. She sits in the corner of the last row, in the same row as Zhu Yang, but she hasn't said a word to them since yesterday.

The girl hunched down on the seat, trying her best to reduce her sense of existence all the time, but whenever someone passing by her side became a little louder, she would tremble like a frightened bird.

This person is called Sun Ningning. According to the gossip that Xu Wei heard from the girl in the same bed at night, this person was a notoriously problematic girl before coming in.

The character is particularly arrogant and domineering, stubborn and disobedient, so he was sent here by his parents.

At first, she sneered at this place, and she also scolded the English teacher in class. Then from the next day, except for the Chinese teacher who was not in line with the English teacher, all subjects took turns looking for her to answer questions, just like the self-study last night. I wish Weixin the same.

If he couldn't answer, he was beaten on stage. After a week, his hands were smashed. Naturally, it was impossible to talk about what to do in the routine mock exam. Sun Ningning couldn't hold the pen in both hands. Who could answer the question? understand

He was framed by the teacher for deliberately contaminating the surface of the paper, which was more serious than handing in a blank paper, and then handed it over to the dean of the school, where he was locked in a solitary cell.

After coming out of it, it is this kind of virtue.

A poor girl who has been tortured and collapsed by killing chickens and showing monkeys.

There are two other people, a man and a woman. The woman has black, shiny and fluffy hair. The hair volume is very large, at least twice that of ordinary people.

Apparently girls also love their hair. Girls are not allowed to wear accessories or even tie colored hair ties. Girls don’t use rubber bands, but use black matte satin ribbons to tie them in a few circles. A little bow.

But the key is not the girl, it's another boy. As long as the boy is free, he stares straight at the girl with undisguised admiration.

But the girl didn't respond at all, and was very anxious about his frequent gazes without shyness. Her brows were wrinkled and wrinkled, but she didn't dare to make a loud noise here.

Therefore, in this atmosphere that was on the verge of eruption but had to be suppressed, the two of them seemed particularly sharp.

In this short ten-minute break, you can see the intense depression at a glance, and there are also weak and depressed girls in the infirmary who are characterized by the teacher as squeamish and hypocritical.

Zhu Yang became more and more suspicious of the mission of this game. Did this thing release the wrong mission

Because in her opinion, the atmosphere that is now shrouded in dark clouds and will break out sooner or later is even more serious than in the first villa.

But she didn't think about it for a long time before she went to class again, and it was the language teacher who came in.

The language teacher was sent back to the dormitory after being knocked unconscious last night. He woke up in the middle of the night and burst into flames. The movement was heard upstairs and downstairs.

However, subject teachers do not have the right to forcibly take students away. It just so happened that the dean of the school went out on vacation today for a little private affairs. This is why Zhu Yang and the others have repeatedly violated the rules and were only targeted in the classroom and no one came to forcibly take them away.

The language teacher was so angry that she complained to the head teacher for a long time, and had to wait for the head teacher to return, and punish the new students for a good reform.

There was no mention of what happened last night in class or direct targeting of Zhu Yang, probably because he was afraid of being smashed again.

Zhu Yang thought that this mania is mania, but it is not stupid.

However, it didn't take long for the relationship to be peaceful. The other party did not bother Zhu Yang and the others for the time being, and other students were not within the scope of scruples.

Because two students couldn't answer a reading comprehension question correctly, this person whipped the podium several times with a pointer, cursing and whipping.

While pumping, the knees are all bent, and there is definitely something MMP to say if you have to be conscious of the desk.

After drawing the desk, the Chinese teacher walked down with a messy brow and a blushing face. It seemed that it was the student's turn.

Coincidentally, one of the people who didn't answer correctly was Sun Ningning, because she was scolded by the English teacher and was taken turns to find fault and finally closed the solitary room, from a stubborn Taimei to a gloomy and cowardly girl.

The language teacher flicked the boy at the front several times, and went straight to Sun Ningning with a mad dog-like momentum.

When she got to Sun Ningning's side, she had to pass by Zhu Yang, and just as she approached, Zhu Yang stuck out one foot and tripped the woman. The way she fell was exactly the same as the English teacher before.

The language teacher is thin and flexible, and he stretches out his hand habitually, but he doesn't hit his nose or mouth, but it still hurts when he falls so coldly.

Before she turned over, she felt that she had stepped on a foot on her back, and she couldn't turn over when the foot pressed against her.

The surrounding students took a deep breath when they saw this.

He listened to Zhu Yang and said, "I wish the Doctor's Spiritual Lecture Class is now open! The teacher is always short-tempered, and it's not good to bite people in a frenzy in class. What should I do?"

Zhu Weixin took over the conversation: "Mostly it's rabies, put on a collar, put on a rabies mask, and you're good to go!"

"What should I do if I can't have a meal?" Zhu Yang flicked his nails.

"One meal is not enough. It will always be good to increase the dose. Supplemented with electric shock, the curative effect is high, and the healing effect cannot be wrong."

Zhu Weixin doesn't necessarily have the eloquence of his sister, but the rhetoric of holding his sister is by no means ambiguous.

After hearing this, Zhu Yang smiled with satisfaction, then rolled over his shoes and didn't get up, but his upper body leaned down.

The voice was light and terrifying: "Did you hear it? Teacher, if you have a disease, you can get a cure. I wish the doctor will give you the treatment plan. Enter the treatment as soon as possible!"

Then he reached out to her brother, and Zhu Weixin tacitly took off the school uniform and tie.

Zhu Yang put the gloves on the Chinese teacher's neck and slowly pulled it back. The constant tightening of the knot made it more difficult for the Chinese teacher to breathe.

His face, which was already red with anger, was now terribly swollen from congestion.

The classroom was dead silent, except for the gurgling sound from the language teacher's mouth.

The students around were breathing extremely lightly, and their eyes were terrified just now. There was a strange change in the silence at this moment.

There was a strange light in everyone's eyes, full of unspoken joy and even anticipation.

Unable to hold back their hearts, an idea popped up—

She just strangled her like that!

But things backfired. When the teacher had already started to roll his eyes, Zhu Yang loosened his tie.

The air rushed in, the language teacher coughed for a long time, took a deep breath, snot and tears covered his face, and finally realized the happiness of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

She crawled forward regardless of her image, until she escaped Zhu Yang's range, and then dared to look back at her.

Zhu Yang smiled and said, "Why do you need to be so angry in class? I'm also thinking about the quality of the class, so I'm going to let the teacher go to the fire for you."

"Is there still fire?"

The language teacher saw that she didn't care that she almost killed someone just now, and she had a chatty expression, and she stepped back subconsciously.

Seeing this, Zhu Yang said: "It can be seen that the fire has been extinguished, so why not continue the class? Teacher-teacher!"

In the end, the person who called the word teacher was simply creepy, at least in the ears of the language teacher.

She wanted to escape from the classroom, but those eyes stared at her and looked at the door again, the meaning was obvious, she dared to leave the classroom for a second, and she had good fruit to eat.

So the Chinese teacher had to come back to the stage and start the class tremblingly, with a hoarse voice.

The students in the class were still not satisfied with the scene just now, and another disappointment fell.

Seeing that the pace returned to the classroom state, I had to withdraw my eyes and start to concentrate on listening to the lecture.

When a student who was in the corridor outside the classroom looked back, he subconsciously glanced at the window, and suddenly gave a short exclamation.

In order to prevent the movement of people outside the corridor from affecting the students' attention, the two squares below the window in the corridor were covered with black paper.

But the top grid is not covered, because it is convenient for the head teacher to patrol outside at any time.

As soon as the student looked up, he saw the head teacher's face sticking to the glass window, and he had a panoramic view of the scene just now.

That thoughtful and sinister expression seemed to be contemplating how the account just now would be evenly distributed to this individual in the classroom.

This exclamation also alarmed everyone in the classroom. When everyone looked over, the head teacher couldn't avoid it, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The students felt chills down their spines—

However, Zhu Yang got up and walked out of his seat. He raised his hand and opened two obstructing tables. Of course, several students around were staggered and almost fell.

I saw her walking to the window and punching the glass, which shattered and stabbed the head teacher in the face.

There was a scream outside, and Zhu Yang withdrew his hand: "In class, you are your mother's cheap laugh, and you are responsible for the decline in grades? Do you have professionalism?"

After he finished speaking, he spat out, took care of himself and returned to his seat, took out his nail polish and brushed it slowly.

This bright red really stands out against the monotonous colors around it.

Seeing that his eyes were all on him, Zhu Yang raised his head impatiently: "I listen to my class, what kind of errands are you going to make? You still expect me to answer the questions for you in the college entrance examination?"

The students shuddered and turned their eyes away.

He was only incited by the teacher to ignore the excluded person half an hour ago, but now he can't stop the desire to peek at her.

It's like flying insects seeing light.

When the language teacher saw the head teacher, the consequences were not much better, and he was even more uneasy.

This is the first time that the students present have been in this Chinese teacher's class since they entered school, and they have been so quiet for more than 20 minutes without seeing her lose her temper.

When the bell finally rang, the Chinese teacher was visibly relieved.

I was in a hurry to pack my things and plan to leave the classroom, when I was stopped by Zhu Yang—

"Teacher, it seems that I can still give a quiet lecture." He said with a perverted smile: "Haha, I thought there were too many mental disorders that were difficult to correct."

He said to Zhu Weixin next to him: "Doctor Zhu, the effect is good."

Zhu Weixin shook his head regretfully: "Unfortunately, if you are in a severe stage, you can try electric shock therapy."

Zhu Yang comforted him: "Hey, don't be discouraged, if it happens repeatedly, it's not impossible."

The Chinese teacher was so frightened that she hurried out of the classroom, and she didn't know what was exchanged in the office in the ten minutes after class. In short, the teacher below also behaved honestly.

During this period, a big truck drove in from the school, and it took half an hour to go back and forth just to unload the things. Zhu Yang also went to see it. The dormitory was happy to see so many good things, as if these things were already hers. the same.

The daily necessities and furniture were moved into Zhu Yang's room. She thought the bed in the bedroom was uncomfortable, so she simply bought two more and a small sofa.

Clothes, skin care products and cosmetics, she and her brother also bought snacks that she and her brother loved, and even bought a tablet for Zhu Weixin to play games.

He has recently become obsessed with pesticides, and he has been pitted by pig teammates all the time.

Well, the ID of the pig teammate is Xie Tianshi, and Zhu Yang always feels that the world is a little small.

There are also some messy things, and I don't know what Zhu Yang is using it for, but the dormitory manager made them all for her, and packed an empty room full of them.

The most important thing is that she purchased a large number of fresh and diverse ingredients, vegetables, fruits, meat, vegetables, rice, noodles, seasonings, whatever she wanted, and also bought a lot of cooking machines.

The battle was much bigger than that of Mrs. Wang's house. After all, Mrs. Wang's family didn't have so many open mouths.

Because the dormitory's cooking was not delicious, and Zhu Yang didn't want to eat the food made by the sloppy mother-in-law, he decided to transfer Liu Zhi and Zhao Shu from students to faculty members.

Exactly one chef is one pier.

The dormitory knocked on the melon seeds for a while: "This, is not in line with the rules? Personnel appointments only have the right to the dean."

Zhu Yang said: "I will naturally explain to her, she will agree, and now it is just to advance the result."

"If you're afraid of taking responsibility, you can just say that I made my own claims, and you won't be implicated."

What else is there to worry about? No need to cook yet, just having fun.

Liu Zhi and Zhao Shu fell into the dream of amnesty, and immediately took off their school uniforms: "Hey, thank you for not killing me in my previous school, thank you for teaching me so earnestly at that time, and the teacher who only slapped me when I was so angry."

"My goddamn out of this game, the first thing I did was to buy fruit basket supplements to visit my teacher."

Although Liu Zhi and Zhao Shu are not master chefs, they live alone for a long time, and they still know how to cook home-cooked food. Liu Zhi usually has no hobbies, and likes to think about delicious food at home.

Zhao Shu can't make big dishes, but washing and chopping vegetables is not difficult for him. Players have enhanced their physique, and their agility and coordination are naturally better than ordinary people. Even if they were not good at knife skills before, they will not be too bad now.

When the morning class was over, the lunch bell rang, and the students came to the cafeteria, but they were not faced with the sparse clear soup that was placed on the kitchen counter waiting to be distributed.

It is the sumptuous food that is put on the table. The big dishes include stewed hoof, roasted ribs, and boiled fish. Each group of long tables is full of two pots of each kind of large dishes.

Stir-fried vegetables are all kinds of home-style, fish-flavored pork shreds, eggplant with minced meat, braised tofu, shredded green peppers and potatoes, tomato scrambled eggs and a preserved cucumber egg soup.

Several copies of each item are also laid out in sequence, absolutely ensuring that every student can get it, and the weight is also sufficient.

The rice has already been served, and the bowls are placed in front of the seats. The rice is crystal clear and full, moderately soft and hard, and there is a visible heat.

The whole dining room was filled with warm aromas. Before they came in, these were just ordinary meals. Under the clear soup and lack of water for several months, they were more attractive than any delicacies from the mountains and seas.

At this moment, Liu Zhi and the others broke two large rows of the oven and came out: "Eat, sit down and eat. I also kneaded some dried sweet potatoes. I will pay attention to making snacks later, so I can prepare so much if I don't have enough time."

He pointed to the two big dishes of stewed pig's trotters and ribs and said, "These two are made in a pressure cooker, and the taste is not very good. I will cook them with you at night."

The students looked at them and looked at Zhu Yang, who was obviously the master of all this, and sat down silently, picked up their bowls and started to eat.

Halfway through the meal, I didn't know where I let out a small sob, but no one looked up to look for it, because the rice in my bowl also dripped salty tears from time to time.

Zhu Yang and a few players sat at another table as usual, and after lunch, he asked Liu Zhi and the others to pick up the girl from the infirmary.

Her bed was wet, but Zhu Yang had added something when she brought the medicine, and she had someone change it as soon as she came back.

Liu Zhi cooked a lot of food, but the students actually finished all of them and went back to the classroom to do their homework.

The teaching level of the teachers in this school is average, but they are very good at assigning homework. The students have the necessary physiological behaviors anyway, and the rest of the time is basically writing and writing.

As soon as the dean came back in the evening, he was surrounded by several teachers, and a group of people didn't know what to say in the office.

Before the evening self-study was about to end, Zhu Yang was called to the Academic Affairs Office.

As soon as the news came, the whole class was condensed and looked at Zhu Yang worriedly.

Zhu Weixin stood up directly, anyway, where is his sister going

The monitor who came back with the news bit the bullet and said, "The dean, she only let classmate Zhu Yang go there alone."

How could Zhu Weixin take care of this? Just as I was about to leave with my sister, Zhu Yang pressed him back to his seat—

"The newly bought bed hasn't been made yet. Can you go back to the bedroom with me, and I have to wait for you to get busy?"

"Okay, okay, you go back to make the bed and wait for me."

Zhu Weixin was still worried, but when he saw his sister twisting a twist in her hand, and remembering the steel tube that was twisted into a twist, she reluctantly said, "Then come back early, I'll make the bed and you'll still be there. If you don't come back, I'll find you."

Zhu Yang nodded perfunctorily, and took an empty bag out of the classroom door, if anyone noticed it, they would find out.

The moment he walked out of the classroom door, the airy empty bag suddenly became full of feeling of falling, as if it was carrying something heavy.

When he came to the Academic Affairs Office, there was only the dean alone. Zhu Yang was so happy that he didn't have to find a way to clear the people, so he locked the door, threw his bag aside, and sat down opposite the dean.

The dean looked at her, as if thinking of something, and an unpleasant coldness flashed in his eyes.

Then he said: "Let me see, on the day I was on vacation, I maliciously played tricks on the English teacher and disrupted the classroom discipline, and then beat the Chinese teacher to cause fainting, the idea product was not handed in, the dormitory allocation was unqualified, the meal was on a small stove, and I was late in the morning. It lasted for three hours, and left the hall without authorization within a minute of coming, attacked the teacher again to disrupt discipline, attacked the head teacher, bribed the dormitory to buy a large number of illegal items, interfered with personnel transfers, and changed the dining standards.”

After speaking, the dean smiled coldly: "Since the establishment of this school a few years ago, it is the first time I have encountered a student who can make so many major violations in such a short period of time."

"According to school rules—"

"Chi—" Zhu Yang sneered, seeing that the dean looked at her more and more badly, and he didn't think about restraining.

Instead, he said leisurely: "School rules? Who made the school rules? Are you?"

"You count my crimes in such a serious way, and the serious face of an absolute judge is really funny to me. Dominate a group of children, does it really make you feel the pleasure of power?"

The dean's face changed: "You—"

Zhu Yang raised her hand, motioning her to stay calm, leaning on the back of the chair with her legs crossed, leisurely and leisurely, without being affected by the atmosphere at all.

She asked back: "Actually, I am a little curious about your leave from last night to today, teacher. It is said that this place is a full two and a half hours' drive away from the city. Of course, the location is so remote, it is also to prevent students from escaping."

"Then, teacher, you don't hesitate to hurry up and spend five or six hours on the road. What are you going back for?"

The dean said with an ugly face: "You don't need to bother about the teacher's personal affairs, just like the students who come to the school only need to study, the teacher only needs to perform his own duties here."

"Driving duty? I'm afraid that's not the case, right?" Zhu Yang glanced: "Isn't it a sad woman who failed in marriage, career, and life, hiding in this isolated corner and building her own hall of words here, To rule dozens of kingdoms built by minors, smugly paralyzed?"

"Bang!" The dean suddenly stood up, clapped his hand on the table, and sneered: "It seems that routine conversations are superfluous. This student has no intention of reflecting, so let's go to confinement."

As soon as he finished speaking, two people rushed out of the reference room. It was the two teachers with the strongest physique, and the vicious ones were about to arrest Zhu Yang.

Obviously, three consecutive successful attacks on the teacher made them more cautious, so Zhu Yang came alone, and two people were hidden in the reference room to reduce Zhu Yang's defense.

The dean smiled: "You locked the door yourself, but it is convenient for the teachers."

But Zhu Yang didn't show any panic at all, and didn't even get up: "I locked the door myself, of course, I can only cheap myself."

Then the cocked foot quickly kicked forward, two in a row, just right on the knees of the two teachers.

With an obvious 'click', the two teachers fell to the ground, hugging their knees and screaming.

Among them was one of their head teachers, and Zhu Yang looked down at them from the chair: "Hey! Didn't you say you have to crawl to study if you break your leg? Teacher, you said that you can endure hardships, and you just react like this when you bump into it. It doesn't match your bragging rights."

When the dean saw that she could do nothing to the two strong men in such an instant, the situation was too unexpected, and she was a little panicked for a while.

But seeing Zhu Yang kicking the two stunned, he continued to say to her, "Teacher, it's very disappointing that there are so many more people in the agreed private conversation."

"But I'm thinking about the first offense, so I won't care about it this time." Then he showed a wide smile to the dean: "After all, strictly speaking, the teacher and I are the same people, and we can't stand others disobeying me."

The dean thought she was going to shoot herself, but saw a bag suddenly thrown in front of her, and the sound startled her.

Zhu Yang motioned to her: "Open it!"

The dean looked at her defensively, but under her gaze, he stretched out his hand with difficulty and slowly opened the zipper of the bag.

Inside is a pile of money, which is dazzling.

Then I heard Zhu Yang's voice: "Teacher, you have to believe that I am not here for justice."

"Like you, I just do it for fun."

Seeing that the dean was bewildered by her series of operations, she looked at her like a lunatic.

Zhu Yang smiled: "I have already found out why you teachers are here when I came here. I was expelled from the previous school, and I couldn't find a job in a regular school. It is just right here that a team of teachers can be provided with cheap salaries. resource."

"I have to say that the principal is really shrewd about the idea of increasing income and reducing expenditure. And you—"

"I was expelled for physically punishing a student for maiming her, she divorced her husband because of a conflict with her children's educational philosophy, and she didn't get custody of her child because she lost her job because of financial constraints."

"You keep saying that students are losers, and you want to transform them into qualified products that meet the expectations of their parents, but you don't want to accept this result more than anyone else."

"You don't have the characteristics that teachers get comfort and satisfaction from cultivating and educating people. You only have the satisfaction of control and power. Don't doubt, I'm just despising you."

"How many scumbags do you have to fail to find a desire for power in a teenager? Haha! Because you know you're a complete loser compared to your peers."

The dean of the school was photographed by her obscenity, and shocked by the charm of money. Hearing her unpolished mockery in his ears, he was so angry that he was breathing heavily and his chest was heaving violently.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Yang said indifferently, "but I need a scum like you right now."

"Cruel and indifferent, inhuman, and can turn a blind eye to everything."

Saying that, he tapped the bag of money on the table with his chin: "Take it, then take it back and slap it on your ex-husband's face. Try it and see what the desire for domination and satisfaction that a real adult should enjoy."

She said this as if she was giving alms, but the dean looked at the money and couldn't say anything to refuse.

The salaries of this school are extremely low, but even so, teachers who cannot find regular school jobs and have no other skills can only accept it.

Naturally, the principal will not have any extra investment here. How much money can I usually deduct from students' food and daily necessities? This is not something she can do alone.

The dean of education can't remember how long it has been since he bought a new dress. The meager salary pays for his daughter's support every month, parents' alimony, and there is not much left over for necessary expenses.

With this money, with this money—

She was uncertain, and she heard Zhu Yang say, "Perhaps you think I can talk to the principal directly?"

The dean looks up, principal? That bald man with a fat brain can't get enough to eat. He has so much money that he doesn't care about the teacher's opinion and the students' lives and lives. As long as he can afford it, he can pack and sell everyone.

Zhu Yang is here