Scream Queen

Chapter 49: At the end of the second class, Zhu Yangcai took his younger brother to the classroom slowly.


When everyone saw her, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the fashionable clothes of the two sisters and brother, and the breath that had not been relieved turned into cold air and breathed back.

Students are not allowed to wear school uniforms except for sleeping in school. Even the clothes that teachers usually wear are dark in color, popular in style, and have no aesthetics to speak of.

These two handsome men and women, dressed in the latest fashions of the season, are completely out of place in the classroom as soon as they step into the classroom.

The students don't know why Zhu Yang committed so many big things in one go yesterday and still has to come back in full.

The existence of the two became more and more mysterious in the hearts of everyone.

Then I saw Zhu Yang handing the monitor a piece of paper—

"You, go to the Academic Affairs Office and find a copier to make a copy, and hand it out to everyone."

The squad leader was stunned: "This, what is this?"

Zhu Yangdao: "Comparison of the teacher's code of conduct and the punishment clauses after violation."

She didn't speak very loudly, but the teacher was always quiet, and everyone's attention was on her, so everyone could hear each word clearly.

Everyone in the classroom took a breath of cold air into their lungs again, and even the monitor didn't dare to read the content on that page.

It was like pinching a piece of red-hot iron in his hand, it was terribly hot, but he didn't dare to throw it away.

At this time, the boy who liked to report to the teacher immediately jumped out and opened his mouth to clear the relationship: "Don't go too far, what is the duty of a student? It's okay to violate the school rules by yourself. Now you want to pull everyone to rebel together? ?"

He said to others: "What are we here for? We are trying to prepare for the next college entrance examination, not to cause trouble for the school teachers."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Weixin pressed his head to the side, and threw the chicken-like figure to the ground.

Zhu Weixin sneered: "You have to be born a hundred years earlier, and there is definitely a strong piece of your history in the history books, but unfortunately you were born in the wrong year, and you are a talented person. You can only be a bastard for a bunch of idiots in such a broken school. "

Zhu Yang also sat back in his seat and swept his legs around—

"It's my fault that I forgot to notify. It's natural to be misunderstood."

"Then I will officially inform you again, listen carefully."

"From now on, I will be responsible for the school's affairs. I will be responsible for making any rules, appointing and removing personnel, and rewarding and punishing. That is to say, I am your new dean."

"So, can you understand?"

Understand, let alone students, even the other three players were shocked.

Although they knew that the two brothers and sisters were strong, and they temporarily won the convenience of the dormitory's side by bribery, these few people had a decent meal to eat.

But to be honest, they knew that the conflict between them was bound to break out, and that was the confrontation between the players and the school management.

They are also in the view that one step is one step, and who can tell them what happened this night

Why was the school occupied by the two of them? What about the process? Did they miss something when they knead the noodles and make the soup

At this time, the class bell rang, and the topic was temporarily suspended. Everyone returned to their respective positions. Liu Zhi and the others did not delay in the classroom, and went back to the dormitory building to prepare lunch.

The ingredients over there also have to be watched, and one might be stolen by the host.

This class is an English class. When the English teacher entered the classroom, he was surprised to see the incompatible dresses of the siblings.

When the dean was talking to Zhu Yang last night, he had already gone back to rest, so he didn't know what happened. He just thought that since the dean came back, the matter should have been dealt with.

Unexpectedly, these two people are not only good today, but they are even more arrogant as teachers and the system is like dead people.

The English teacher opened his mouth and instigated the students before class: "Some people, just come to school, not to study, the students are not like students, they are not responsible for their own future, and they also affect the people around them—"

Before he finished speaking, Zhu Yang interrupted: "Huh? I accidentally saw the teacher's resume yesterday, do you actually think you have something to show off in front of me? You have been a teacher for a long time, and the assessment threshold was not yet high. It’s too high, if you change it to the present, hehe! High school English teacher, you can dream.”

The English teacher's face suddenly turned ugly, and Zhu Yang continued: "Although I don't have a lot of talent, I am fortunate to study a popular competitive major in the top ten universities in the country."

"According to this standard—ha! You, the teacher who has seen the head all your life, actually talk about the future with such a promising young student like me?"

When everyone heard her words, they were more at a loss for the amount of information than her tough teacher's courage.

After all, I have seen her cut the teacher several times, but what she means in her words, she is already a college student, right

No wonder it looks more mature than them, but why are you a college student running a repeat class

Is it really the new Airborne Dean? Some of the students had such an idea in their hearts. It was an expectation rather than a guess.

The English teacher was pouted, and he felt that his mouth was not so slippery, so he could only hold back his anger and start the class for a while, and planned to ask the dean of the get out of class after class.

But he doesn't pick things up, it doesn't mean that Zhu Yang and the others will let him go.

Throughout the class, Zhu Weixin was picking on his thorns, from pronunciation to grammar, to the emphasis on knowledge points and even to the question, picking out countless problems for him one by one.

The key is that this is not pointless. Zhu Weixin's rebuttal is full of meaning, not only refutation. After correcting it according to his words, other students even think that he speaks more clearly, and the science is easier to understand.

Just as the English teacher and the other teachers kept trying to find fault with Zhu Weixin that night, the English teacher almost didn't say a few words in this class, and the whole class didn't say a whole paragraph.

In the last five minutes of get out of class, the English teacher's face was too dark to see.

He threw the book on the lecture table: "So capable? You are capable of speaking."

Zhu Weixin said lazily: "I didn't get this salary, why should I work for you?"

"Then shut up!"

"But I can't just watch you make a mistake, it's two different things." After speaking, he smiled maliciously at the English teacher: "By the way, teacher, do you remember how many mistakes you were pointed out by me in the whole class?"

The English teacher didn't answer, his face was embarrassed, Zhu Weixin didn't expect him to answer, he said to himself: "27 places!"

Then he took out the piece of paper his sister had drawn up, and his slender fingers swiped from top to bottom and stopped at a certain row—

"According to the new school rules, if a student finds a mistake in the classroom, he will be punished with one whip. In this way, the teacher will have 27 whips, um! It just so happens that you have your own whip."

"Bamboo is tough and hard, and the taste of it is worthy of its quality. It can be seen that the teacher knows the goods."

"Then, let's get started, teacher!"

The English teacher saw him stand up, and subconsciously took two steps back: "What new school rules? Why haven't I heard of it? What are you still doing? Stop! Where's the monitor? Where is the study committee? Do you want to rebel?"

Seeing that Zhu Weixin still didn't stop, the English teacher who had suffered a loss finally couldn't help but want to run outside the classroom.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw the little girl sitting next to the door kicking her desk forward.

The desk slid over and blocked the door, which also blocked the way out of the English teacher.

Xu Wei retracted her foot, and the little girl smiled and said: "Teacher, it is okay to be a teacher, not to lead by example? If you make a mistake, you must admit punishment. This is the most basic, right?"

The English teacher sees that these children have always been allowed to be rounded and flattened, and they have always held a high attitude.

At this moment, I saw this little girl, and Zhu Weixin, who was approaching step by step, and the one who sat in the seat without saying a word, but was obviously the leader of the group.

The three young faces made him feel extremely frightened.

At this time, he felt his neck tighten, and then the whole person turned around, and he was already lying on the podium when he came back to his senses.

The English teacher's physique is not bad, but it is not up to the standard of a burly man, and if he is middle-aged, he is naturally not the opponent of Zhu Weixin, who is energetic and diligent in exercising and has certain professional skills.

Zhu Weixin lifted the person on the table, restrained him with skill to prevent him from struggling to turn over, then grabbed both his arms and spread it out.

At this time, Zhu Yang has come to the front, and took the English teacher's own Bamboo pointer.

"I heard that you like to hit the back of your hand, teacher? Yes, compared to the fleshy palm, it is natural to hit the back of the hand with only the skin and bones harder, and the recovery will be slower. If you hit a few more times, it will hurt your muscles and bones."

"People are used to healing scars and forgetting the pain. Teacher, you understand very well, so you can figure out such a truth with just such a beater."

"Success, the teacher has good intentions, and we certainly won't let it down, but this time, teacher, you have made a lot of mistakes. Remember to have a long memory after playing."

Saying that, Zhu Yang slapped the English teacher on the back of her hand with a whip. She didn't use too much force.

But even so, the English teacher screamed loudly, and the entire classroom was dead silent except for the screams and the whipping sound of the pointer.

All the students were silent, and the whipping seemed to be in their hearts. If yesterday was just a lawless violation of the school rules, then the current position between the students and the teacher has completely caused something in their hearts to collapse.

It's something that's just been established, but it's incredibly solid.

Twenty-seven strokes, one more and one less, after the smoking, the skin on the back of the English teacher's hand began to burst.

But no one finds it scary, because they have seen many students being drawn worse than this.

When the bell rang for the next class, Zhu Weixin let go of the English teacher.

He said to him: "Teacher, pay attention to the next lecture, you are responsible for the future of the students, how can you be careless?"

The English teacher ran out in panic as if he had seen a ghost, but no one kicked the table to stop him this time.

He went straight to the Academic Affairs Office to find the dean, passed him in the corridor, and was almost scolded by the language teacher he bumped into.

The Chinese teacher was almost strangled to death yesterday, and he also expected the dean to come back at night to clean up the freshmen.

When I left the teaching building, I knew that the dean had already arranged it, so the Chinese teacher thought that the two of them should not be seen in the classroom at this time.

But as soon as he came in, he was startled by two conspicuous people, and his reaction was no different from that of the English teacher just now.

The language teacher muttered to herself that the dean was procrastinating, but she had to bite the bullet and go to class first.

With the lesson from yesterday, she didn't dare to yell and get angry again.

But Zhu Yang has the heart to find fault, how can he care if you have your tails tucked

Just picking out the mistakes of the English teacher requires a certain amount of knowledge, and in addition to Zhu Yang, Zhu Weixin was able to do it.

But it is easy to find fault with the language teacher.

Although Xu Wei is a teenage girl, she knows how to judge the situation very well, and she doesn't know that reality is just like this or that it is tempered by games.

This time, there is no need for the brothers and sisters of the Zhu family to make trouble, she alone picked out the problem.

The Chinese teacher was talking vigorously when she saw a student below raise her hand, she said displeased: "If there is a problem, we will talk about it later."

Xu Wei ignored her: "Teacher, is there any difference between now and waiting? Anyway, you are just repeating textbooks, test papers, and learning materials in class. Everyone has eyes, you can just read it yourself, and you can answer my doubts. It won't interfere with everyone's class, will it?"

The Chinese teacher's face is not good. Her lectures have no technical elements, and her teaching style is to blindly urge students to memorize by rote.

But this teacher is particularly clueless. What works and doesn't work, just recite it all. According to what Xu Wei heard at night, some things to recite, even her junior high school student finds it ridiculous.

Let's take an example. This teacher actually made the students memorize the appreciation and analysis of the composition. The energy of a senior high school student is really unlimited.

In the previous school, because the various indicators were not met, they were brushed down, and naturally they did not improve when they came here.

Xu Wei picked out a set of exercises and pointed to an uncommon piece of classical Chinese: "I don't know the word teacher, what do you read?"

So far apart, where can the language teacher see clearly? And Zhu Yang and the others were staring at them, so they had to hold back their impatience: "Bring it here."

"Huh? Shouldn't the teacher understand the following after listening to my first few sentences? Why is it so troublesome? You can just tell me the next sentence, or - you won't memorize this?"

Then the little girl made a startled move: "No way? The teacher always asks us to memorize all the words we see. I thought that you have been teaching for many years, and these things have long been familiar."

She covered her lips with the back of her hand and smiled contemptuously: "So you can't carry it."

The language teacher was blocked and blushed for a while, but Xu Wei turned around and asked Zhu Yang, "Sister, the teacher is not rigorous in preparing lessons and cannot respond to the normal range of questions from students. How to deal with the new school rules?"

After experiencing so many players, Zhu Yang really met a wonderful person who made her look different.

He smiled and said: "This is a big problem. According to the standards set by the teacher, I can't do it myself. If you really take your own teaching philosophy seriously, you can't be so light. Not paying attention, it’s really outrageous.”

As he said that, he took out the book and threw it on the podium, and threw it in front of the language teacher in a strange way.

"Teacher, memorize it! Ten minutes is the limit. After ten minutes, I will have someone recite it. You have already demonstrated for us the consequences of every wrong word."

"Are you crazy? How dare you—"

The language teacher's irritability is about to break out again, but he doesn't dare to step down from the podium to draw a distance from Zhu Yang.

As soon as the words started, Zhu Yang saw Zhu Yang open her palm and put it on the desk, her fingers bent, and she stroked down.

It was so light, and the solid wood table top had five more scratches no less than one centimeter, the same as the claws of a beast.

The language teacher's teeth were sore when he heard the sound, and he saw Zhu Yang's eyes lift: "Teacher, there are still nine minutes, don't you hurry?"

At this time, the classroom door was blocked, and the students in the audience were silent as if they were dead. The language teacher wanted to yell and ask other students to help stop it.

But the voice got stuck in her throat before she came out, because she could see the expressions of each student with incomparable anticipation and enthusiasm.

In the last class, the pumping on the back of the English teacher's hand again and again, the skin opened and the flesh was opened and then ran away in panic.

Although these students did not respond, something had already fermented rapidly in silence.

The language teacher has always been accustomed to splashing in the classroom. Looking at each student, he only thinks that the head of the elm is stupid and annoying, but he never imagined that there will be a day when he is afraid of this classroom.

Everyone's eyes were focused on her, not the usual flinch, but a malicious focus.

The language teacher seemed to be in a terrifying claustrophobic space, and all the hairs on his body rose.

Then another voice was heard: "Eight minutes left."

She shuddered all over, then took the book and started to memorize it silently.

But for an uncommon obscure classical Chinese text, unless someone with a good memory, it usually takes a few minutes to read it through, and the final result can be imagined.

Zhu Yang looked at the teacher in disappointment, and said with her usual mantra: "You can't even memorize rote memorization, you pig head? Do you need to be stunned?"

There was another burst of screams in the teaching building. After class was over, the Chinese teacher was waiting for a classroom full of scratches on his face.

The entire teaching building was not as eerily quiet as it is today. Even if you speak softly, it is necessary to communicate, but now everyone seems to have lost the ability to speak.

But everyone looked at everyone's expressions, and there was a kind of undercurrent of pleasure flowing wildly, and it was about to open the bottle cap and spurt out.

In the last class in the morning, two teachers in a row were bullied in class, and no one dared to come to class.

Five minutes after the class bell rang, still no one came to the podium from outside.

Zhu Yang took the loudspeaker handed over by her brother, turned it on and turned it to maximum volume—

"Please abide by the class time, don't be late and absent from work, be responsible for the students and yourself."

Saying it once was not enough and repeating it again, and finally concluded: "Now the class time is eight minutes in the past, and there are forty students present, and a total of five hours are wasted. Please class teachers stop wasting everyone's time, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."

The sound of the loudspeaker was transmitted from the empty corridor to the teacher's office. Several teachers in the office had their faces as heavy as iron, and their foreheads were sweating.

One of the teachers urged the head teacher, "Why don't you go first? Otherwise, those two will find the office and make the office a mess?"

The head teacher sneered in his heart, not just for fear of being implicated and accidentally injured, he said calmly: "Where's the head teacher?"

"Go back to the dormitory to get something."

Oh, it took a full two hours.

But the head teacher couldn't bear the urging of everyone, and saw the miserable situation of the English teacher and the Chinese teacher, and he was in a dilemma.

After he finished, he had faced Zhu Yang, and another person was kicked unconscious, and it was already the middle of the night when the two woke up.

Knowing that this time I encountered a tough idea, and I also know that the little girl who had torn her face obviously started to find fault and fight back, so naturally she would not be stupid enough to deliver food.

Just as he was about to make an excuse to go out, before he stepped out of the office, he saw two more people in front of him.

Then there was a bucket of cold water poured over his face, pouring him a chill from the beginning to the end.

Zhu Yang threw away the bucket and said only two words: "Class!"

The head teacher has been caught, how can he escape? I just regret not leaving sooner.

Then everyone saw that they were soaking wet, with gauze on their left knee, and the head teacher walked in.

He bit the bullet and started talking about the papers from the last mock exam, determined not to leave the podium.

At most, I can only do one or two rows of shaking, but when it comes down, something happens.

When walking to the second row, the head teacher suddenly felt that his knee was kicked, and Wu Qing's knee, which had been kicked by Zhu Yang, suddenly felt heart-wrenching pain, and the whole person also fell to the ground habitually.

He looked up and saw that it was Zhou Jia who had deliberately stretched his foot, the girl who was in a coma yesterday because of her period and fever.

This self-proclaimed depression, taciturn, and often troubled by poor health, the girl who was squeamish and squeamish in the eyes of the head teacher, now looks at him condescendingly.

He said, "What's wrong with you, teacher? Continue teaching? Why did you fall? Is it because of the knee injury?"

"It's just a small injury, why is it so serious? It can't stand up anymore? Don't you think you had to crawl to class when you were bitten by a dog? Didn't you always say that you could stand for hours under the sun? Why is it fluttering?"

The other students in the classroom turned their heads strangely and uniformly like robots, looking at the girl.

The reaction was stronger than the previous three players.

The corner of Zhu Yang's lips curled into a smile, and the gap opened.

This long-suppressed dissatisfaction, the hidden hatred under the shock of violence and terror, is like a gasoline barrel touching a spark.

It has always been a difficult lesson for students, and the position has been completely reversed. Today, the teachers have become more cautious.

It's a pity that the last class in the morning has passed, and other students have to suppress their wishes and send them again.

At noon, the students went to the dining hall to eat, and the teachers finally found the dean who was hiding in the dormitory and questioned her about her current situation.

The dean sighed and threw out the information of several teachers—

With an imminent attitude, he said: "I don't know what the backgrounds of those freshmen are, but they definitely have a lot of backgrounds, and they are not the parents who were fooled by the principal or thrown in to fend for themselves."

"People are just coming in to play, and we have long been targeted."

Everyone took the folder, and not only themselves, but also the information of their family and children was on file, and their expressions changed suddenly.

There was a decisive point, and he simply said: "Okay, I have to change people here and I can't stay here. I'm going to leave, right?"

The dean sneered: "You haven't figured out the situation yet? Do the students here come and leave whenever they want? That's the same reason, everyone has already come in, can you let you go by yourself?"

"Believe it or not, as long as you go out tonight, either your family will receive the bodies picked up from the river the next day, or the family will not receive them, because they are all thrown into the river to accompany you."

Then they lobbied one by one and said to the language teacher: "Think about your younger brother in the drug rehab center. It's not too easy for them to let a drug addict die."

He said to the head teacher again: "Your son has only been admitted to a key university and has a promising future. Do you want to watch him die on the street one day?"

The head teacher was furious: "You threaten me?"

The dean of the school patted the table more confidently than him: "I threaten you? If I have this kind of energy, would I shy away from teaching in this crappy place?"

"Other people don't know, you didn't know it yourself last night? It was the young master and miss who came out on the road. She threw all these materials in my face, and there were also my daughter and my parents."

Seeing the dean of the school like this, everyone dispelled their doubts, and then she said: "Fortunately, I heard their tone of voice is boring and wandering around, it shouldn't be long."

"Hey! Let's get over it. It takes a while to send away a few gods of plague. No matter how the students turn the sky, they can still be brought back."

He said with a sneer: "Which student was not lawless before coming in?"

The other teachers got bad news out of thin air, but when they were threatened, they had to swallow their anger first. No one was alone, and the freshmen, especially the two brothers and sisters, were indeed evil, which everyone saw with their own eyes.

After everyone left the room, the dean locked the door and took out the bag of money and looked at it carefully.

The corners of the mouth are full of sarcastic sneers!

Therefore, the most terrifying enemy never comes from outside.

On the other side, Zhu Yang and the others in the restaurant are the stars and the moon at the moment.

Because Zhou Jia set a precedent and completely broke the gap, the others stopped watching and turned to Zhu Yang.

Compared with the cruel teacher, at least I wish Yang had a good meal and drink. It was not that no one thought of gathering everyone to resist together before.

But it all collapsed in the end. The power gap between adults and hungry and tired minors is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the leader has never been so powerful.

Destroyed and destroyed, he changed his stance in an instant.

The monitor has already copied the new school rules and distributed them to everyone.

The person who received it added: "This is the first non-disgusting thing you have sent."

Only then did the monitor realize that it wasn't her that the classmates hated, but her anger every time she brought bad news.

During the meal, all the girls gathered around Zhu Yang to follow orders, and some of them were bolder and said that they would let her be the boss.

Zhu Yang waved his hand in disgust: "Don't, I have never brought a useless little brother like you."

The crowd was instantly depressed!

Zhu Yang urged them to go back to eat: "Although it's useless, but you will still listen to me in the future, and you will have to eat meat."

"You have to break the school, and you have to study hard. Don't think that you can be lawless by picking a few teachers, and don't think about whether it's your own credit, so you can concentrate on preparing for the college entrance examination."

I don't know why, but after hearing her words, the restaurant suddenly fell silent for a while, which was different from other times, and there was an abnormal meaning in it.

It's just that this time is too short, no one cares.

At the end of the day, the remaining teachers were also tormented by the students.

However, Zhu Yang knows that what these students do can only be done in the same way, and they cannot delay their studies. The growth of maliciousness must be carefully controlled.

Otherwise, what will be the difference between them and these teachers in the future

But it's not a long-term solution to keep them here, and it seems that the game is limited to this school like an island.

So I have to think about it in the long run, but before that, I still seem to figure out the haunted incident in this school.

Then Zhu Yang asked the students, and the feedback they got was blank.

Only the monitor suddenly raised his hand and said, "I heard that this school seems to be built on a cemetery."

Okay, nine out of ten schools said this, and the other one said that he cultivated on the mass grave.

The students couldn't ask anything here for the time being, so Zhu Yang asked someone to arrest the school doctor. In him, there was a bloody scene in front of Zhu Yang and the others, and there was no life in it. Zhu Yang's name was written upside down.

But no matter how intimidated, the other party tried to deny it, and Zhu Yang watched the guy's reaction with a cold eye, and it really didn't look like he was lying.

It is an indisputable fact that there is a ghost here, but the result obtained under the inquiry is such a result, and Zhu Yang is not satisfied.

But it was getting late and I was a little tired, so I chose to check again tomorrow.

Looking at it like this, she should have gone when the female ghost by the window recruited her, but unfortunately they didn't come out tonight.

Zhu Yang had a good night's sleep here, but Zhao Shu, who lived on the second floor, didn't sleep well at night.

He drank too much soup for dinner, went to the toilet several times before going to bed, and was woken up by a burst of urine at two o'clock in the middle of the night.

It's just that when he was going to the toilet, he suddenly heard a noise from outside, and he asked, "Who is it?"

No one answered, he was a little wary, put on his pants and went out, and saw a boy in the same bedroom mopping the floor.

Zhao Shu breathed a sigh of relief: "What are you dragging in the middle of the night?"

The boy said, "I accidentally kicked the bucket just after washing it out. I'll drag it to prevent someone from getting up and slipping in the morning."

Zhao Shu thought the same, so he yawned and went back to the bedroom, turned over to bed, and closed his eyes to sleep.

A few minutes later, his eyes suddenly opened, and a layer of cold sweat covered his back—

The mop that the kid used just now, when he looked at it, he felt that the cloth was too dark, and he hugged the mop stick.

Now thinking about it, where the fuck is the cloth? Obviously he has thick long hair, but the kid was holding someone in his arms, and when he saw him come out, he turned his head upside down and used it as a mop to fool him.

Is the person being held by him still alive