Scream Queen

Chapter 58: (1)


Zhu Yang got into the car, and once again confirmed and affirmed that this dog game really had trouble with her on the issue of cost.

To be honest, in addition to the first official dungeon, the game didn't expect her to still have the heart to spend money on shopping in that environment, and she also brought other players into a rage, giving the prepared game a lot of money to survive.

In the following dungeons, the package of the game comes standard with Zhu Yang, which is not acceptable. In reality, hundreds of points that are precious in the eyes of other players can be used for luxury enjoyment. In the game world, it is never ambiguous to improve their quality of life.

But this time, the dog game really took everything into consideration.

Because the window for converting points to currency that is open anytime, anywhere has now been closed.

That is to say, now Zhu Yang, like all players, has really entered the ranks of extreme poverty, except for a mobile phone and a hundred dollars.

And one of the rules is that you must not ask for help. It is easy to get a ride on your own beauty, but this is considered to be asking for help.

According to Zhu Yang, these two roads were simply blocked by the dog game against her.

But she was not false. After watching silently for a few minutes, she probably had a clue in her mind, so she decisively stopped a black luxury car.

The owner of the car is a middle-aged man, a little fat, with a smile on his face, looking like the kind of person who usually smiles with someone.

Although it was a big night, there were street lights on the other side of the platform, as well as station advertising light boxes, which did not affect the line of sight.

The car owner noticed this group of people from a distance, and when he drove a little closer, he found a beautiful woman waving at him. Naturally, the car stopped as soon as he stepped on the brakes.

However, the beauty is difficult to serve. She is not willing to get in the car even if she stops the car, and she is not willing to take the co-pilot.

But all the same, the owner of the car just murmured a few words in his heart, the attentiveness in action is not ambiguous at all, and he is quite afraid that he will move a step slower, and other beautiful women will stop other cars impatiently.

The players got on the bus and watched Zhu Yang's car go away one step ahead of them, and immediately sighed that he could do whatever he wanted.

If it weren't for the rules of the game, she had to be paid for the car. I'm afraid a group of people really worked hard to reach their destination, and they had already been delivered by a free car.

After getting on the bus, everyone continued to read the map and found that although the destination was only about 20 kilometers away from here, the road section was a bit strange, and there was even a road around the mountain.

Fortunately, there are not many stops for this bus, and it is about to leave the city streets. It has never stopped once. It should be a special night shift bus, right

At the same time, Zhu Yang, who got in the car first and went faster, had already driven out of the street and climbed the road around the mountain.

The car owner has been looking for a chat set with her almost-

"Beauty, why did you come home so late? What kind of work are you doing? You dare to stop anyone's car in the middle of the night? What if I'm a bad guy?"

After a long time alone, Zhu Yang raised his head, and what he saw in the rearview mirror was the lustful gaze of the other party.

Zhu Yang didn't care, but said impatiently and critically: "Driving your car, what are you beeping? Do you have any sense of service?"

The owner of the car choked, and it is estimated that he has never encountered a person who is picky on a free ride, but the smoothness of the middle-aged person is only for this moment.

In the next second, he continued to smile and say: "The beauty will leave her contact information. I will chat more in the future. I will use the car to notify you at any time.

Zhu Yang sneered: "How can the greasy middle-aged uncle fit into my address book? You should have a lot of experience based on your age, and how did you summon the courage to find someone to contact with someone of a different grade? Do you still feel naive to have the cheek to solve everything?"

This time, the smile on the owner's face was completely gone, and the look in the rearview mirror was a bit more embarrassing and cruel.

He stopped talking, but the car drove further and further, and even drove from the main road to the grass on the hillside at an intersection.

The average girl told me that no matter how slow it was at this time, she would realize that something was wrong. The car owner was a little proud, but she never heard the panicked question from the girl in the back seat.

He looked in the rearview mirror again, and the other party actually lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, ignoring it. This lack of heart has reached a certain point.

After driving on the hillside for a while, the owner suddenly stopped the car.

With a grin, he said to the person behind him: "Beauty, the place is here, get out of the car!"

Only then did Zhu Yang look up. It was deserted outside. She sneered and turned over the screen of her mobile phone: "There's still half of the journey."

The owner smiled greasy: "I'm here when I say it."

As he spoke, he slowly lit a cigarette, not in a hurry, and started smoking leisurely—

"Oh, you women, all of you are pretentious, what happened? You are so stupid that anyone on the side of the road dares to get in."

"Don't worry, ah! I'll smoke this cigarette first, so you can prepare. It's a pity that such a beautiful woman, if you were wise, you wouldn't be able to see the sun tomorrow."

Zhu Yang immediately grabbed the pillow from the back seat and smashed it. Smashed the cigarette in the opponent's hand at once.

He opened the car window again, and frowned while fanning the wind: "Where are the two ladies in the car, those who ask for a face will not produce exhaust gas. Ah, but it's really a bit embarrassing for you, after all, you are polluting the air when you breathe. "

The cigarette butt fell on the owner's trousers, burning a hole in his thigh, and the charred fabric fibers stuck to the flesh, and the pain was excruciating.

The owner of the car hurriedly knocked down the cigarette butt and stomped it out, becoming angry: "You're in a hurry—"

Halfway through speaking, she suddenly tasted one of her words—two ladies in the car.

The owner of the car suddenly felt a chill down his spine, but then he consoled himself for the woman's slip of the tongue or playing tricks and tricks.

But in the next second, Zhu Yang spoke again: "You've been talking to me all the way, the lady in the co-pilot has long been dissatisfied, and if you say that you don't know how to be a human being, you'll be sitting on top of it. You put me in someone else's seat from the beginning."

"What? Do you prefer one over the other or want to kick people out of the car? I'm embarrassed. Oh, by the way, they are still looking at you, but you should answer with a squeak."

The owner of the car broke out in a cold sweat. In the desolate atmosphere of the wilderness, there were only a few screams of Ye Crow occasionally, which made Zhu Yang's words even more intimidating.

The key is that when she speaks, she stares precisely at a certain place in the co-pilot, as if she is looking at someone.

The owner of the car was a little hairy and angry, and turned back to grab Zhu Yang's hair through the gap in the seat.

But the moment he turned around that day, he suddenly found that there were more people in the co-pilot.

It was a young girl with fair skin, beautiful and slender skin, and she was really good looking. Most men would be enthusiastic about anyone who saw it.

However, as soon as the car owner saw the other party, he showed a horrified expression and watched the girl's face turn blue and gray.

The owner of the car was terrified, screamed in fear, hurriedly opened the door, and fled in a panic, dragging his frightened legs.

At this time, the female ghost in the co-pilot turned around and looked at Zhu Yang, her face was a little bad: "I planned to crash, fell off the cliff, and died miserably in the wilderness alone, and now you have scared away in advance. "

Zhu Yang smiled lazily: "It's just a fat-headed pig, and it can't run far. You can chase it yourself, and it won't cost you a lot."

"Or-, do you want a beautiful woman like me to be buried with a pig?"

When saying the latter sentence, Zhu Yang's voice was a little soft, but his eyes were fixed on the female ghost.

The female ghost was blinded by this look for no reason, as if she had answered affirmatively, and she really wouldn't care about the people in the car, and the other party just grabbed her by the hair and strangled her to death.

The female ghost swallowed and got out of the car as if I won't tell you more, and chased after the car owner in the direction of the forest.

Zhu Yang got out of the car, sat in the driver's seat, turned on the gear and stepped on the accelerator, and drove the picked up car to the destination along the map's navigation.

Although the dog game is aimed at her, even if it is aimed at it, it will not deviate from its own theme.

After all, this is a horror clearance game, not a survival game that spends less money than anyone else.

At that time, when other players were waiting for the bus, Zhu Yang noticed the uniform the driver was wearing. The black uniform on the top of the bus was tightly buttoned, and he wore a uniform cap on his head. He was dressed like the previous school. The attire of the hearse driver seen here.

Well, even if the attire is just a coincidence, the city is so strict with the attire of the bus driver, but when the bus Zhu Yang was in drove over, the driver looked at the beautiful women everywhere with a casual look, and the co-pilot himself A beautiful woman stared at him with gloomy eyes.

Is there anything I don't understand, Zhu Yang? No matter which route you choose, there will be situations in between. It is estimated that the two comrades who choose the eleventh route are similar.

Although it was delayed for a while, it didn't take long. When Zhu Yang drove to his destination, the time showed that it was not even eleven o'clock.

Zhu Yang got out of the car and looked around. This is an old apartment building, the floors are not high, it looks like five or six floors.

I don't know why it's getting late and all the residents inside are sleeping. Useless lights are coming from inside, and the whole building is surrounded by an ominous silence.

Needless to say, it should be the place where the dog than the game arranged for them, and 80% of it is a haunted house.

I just don't know which way to toss the players this time. At present, depending on the number of players, the difficulty should not be small.

Zhu Yang tried to go in, but he couldn't penetrate the barrier at the entrance of the building. It is estimated that he would have to wait for all players to arrive before releasing the official mission to unlock it.

The player who asked for the gender did not let her wait too long, and after a while, she saw two groups of people stumbled over.

They are the five players who take the bus and the other two who take the eleventh road.

Seeing that Zhu Yang had been waiting here, they cursed in unfortunate manner: "Bah! Sure enough, the game didn't have any good intentions. They said let us save money. Well, saving money and saving almost lost our lives."

A bus player said: "Where the fuck is that bus a bus? It's a hearse at all. If everyone hadn't stretched their strings in the game world, the paper-wrapped driver would have driven the car out of the road and hit the cliff. down."

Even if the players are strong and strong, they are still newcomers after all. If such a high cliff falls, where can they escape? Car crashes are certain.

Another female player also patted her chest with lingering fears: "Fortunately, Brother Hou was standing next to the driver and looked at him and twisted the steering wheel hard."

"Is this game so difficult? At the beginning, the official mission has not been released, so I almost explained it once."

This is enough to see that the players in this game are generally not low in experience, at least higher than those in the second game.

In general novice games, it is impossible for ghosts to have attack capabilities so early, unless special conditions are triggered.

The first premise of the game is drama. How can the players who were caught off guard at the beginning have anything to look at? Therefore, when Fang Yi entered the game, even if he saw ghosts, he was mostly just frightened.

But this time is especially different. As soon as the time limit for players to shoot is revoked, it means that all of them have faced a tight and intense game rhythm since they entered the game.

So the difficulty of this game can already be predicted before it is released.

The two players who ran over on the eleventh road also said badly: "You have nothing to lose, but we have no loss. We ran into the mountain and encountered a ghost wall. If it wasn't for the last game, we got a one-time item to break the illusion. We don't know if we'll be here on time tonight."

If the tasks released by the game are not completed, the consequences are definitely not fun, and it is not impossible to directly obliterate the initial number of players.

At this time, everyone looked at Zhu Yang: "I learned from this girl if I knew it, why save that money?"

After I finished speaking, I suddenly saw a black luxury car parked in the corner.

A few players were stunned and pointed to the driveway: "Well, why is this car here?"

"No, didn't you pay the fare? Can't you ask others for help?" After speaking, several players gasped: "Could it be that you robbed the car?"

Another rule of the game is legal. Did this girl not obey the rules? Several people thought that she was just taking a free ride to violate the law, which seems to be the rhythm of a crime now.

"Where is the owner of the car?"

Zhu Yang shrugged: "Who knows, in which wood is he supposed to die now?"

Everyone took a deep breath, wondering what would happen if she violated the rules like this.

Then the next second, I heard a prompt from the game, indicating that all players have reached their destination according to the rules, and then please enter the apartment and wait for the instructions.

Is this still within the rules? How does this girl work

Someone was going to ask, but Zhu Yang took out his mobile phone, which had been withdrawn from the map interface, and could be used normally, and dialed 110.

"Hey! Uncle police? Like this, I picked up a car on the Huanshan Highway, a black Mercedes-Benz, the license plate number XXXX. At that time, I took the owner's ride home, and he suddenly drove into the mountain and got out of the car in a panic. Now, I was scared alone, so I drove the car home."

"You can check the dash cam. Yes, yes, I know it's wrong. You shouldn't just get on the bus with anyone. Okay, keep the phone open at all times, and you'll be busy first."

After hanging up the phone, the obedient and humble expression on his face disappeared. Zhu Yang shook his phone and said to the confused players: "The owner of the car abandoned the car in hell, I kindly helped him pick it up, I don't know if the police Where the bureau can only go to where you want to go, where is it illegal? Should you give me a pennant?"

What the fuck is it possible to do? Pick up a car for nothing.

These players are also a bit knowledgeable. Listening to her words, she knew that her line was not spared, but they all survived the ghosts, but this guy is a chic and easy zero-cost clearance

To say that the difficulty of Zhu Yang's side is not lower than the other two lines, when the lady ghost was thinking about taking the owner and the car down the cliff, she didn't worry about Zhu Yang's life or death in the car.

However, Zhu Yangyi has the immune function obtained from the toad, and her sharp eyes discovered the flaws first, so that the rhythm is always in her hands.

At this time, the barrier at the door of the apartment disappeared. Everyone walked in one after another and glanced at the layout. There were six households on each floor of the five-story building, and the player's name appeared on one or two doors on each floor.

It seems that this is the room allocated to the player, but I don't know if it is random or for another purpose.

Zhu Yang and one of the players, a male player named Chen Hui, were assigned to two rooms on the third floor. The six rooms on each floor were three on the left and right, with the door facing the door. The layout was very simple.

The rooms of Zhu Yang and Chen Hui are located in the middle room on the left and right. They are opposite the door and are sandwiched between the other two rooms.

When Zhu Yang saw this arrangement, she knew that she was not at ease, but as soon as she opened the door, the room was still dusty, dirty and messy.

Zhu Yang raised his feet and kicked the small stool in the living room to the wall, making a loud bang. This is a place where a dog will make a fool of herself than a game, right

Her door collapsed out without even thinking about it, and she planned to leave this ghost place and go to a hotel in the city without thinking about it.

Although she only has 100 yuan on her body, there are very few people who can't live where she wants to live. There are ways to do it.

As a result, when I went downstairs, I heard a mission released by the game, asking to survive in this world for a month, and emphasized that I can only live in this apartment, and those who find another place to live will be obliterated.

If Zhu Yang could pull the game out, he would have already pulled out his intestines and tied the Chinese knot, but now he has to go back to the apartment.

As a result, when I went upstairs, I saw a little boy sitting and playing at the entrance of the stairs on the third floor. The little boy turned his back to her and was playing with a ball in his hand.

Zhu Yang was about to pass by when he heard his immature voice: "Sister! Will you play ball with me?"

Zhu Yang ignored it, and he continued: "Sister accompany me to play ball, it's fun."

After speaking, he turned around, his youthful face was filled with malice that did not match his age, and the ball in his hand was brought over because he turned around. Where is the ball? Clearly a head.

Zhu Yang felt uncomfortable thinking about going back to face the dust in that room. She was in a bad mood, and there were little ghosts running out to rule.

He cracked his teeth and smiled: "Okay, but the quality of your ball is not good. It's shriveled and has no elasticity. Shall we unscrew your head and play?"

"Children's head, he is round and tender, his cheeks are chubby and elastic, pat, flick, pat, flick, it's fun."

The little boy was stunned, seeing the adult looking at him gloomily, the terrifying momentum of the ghost was twisted into scum, and he quickly ran into a room with his head in his hands to hide.

Zhu Yang waved his hand and didn't bother to care. He knocked on Chen Hui's door and was about to ask him to clean his room when he saw that his room was messier than his own, and there was water everywhere. look.

Seeing Zhu Yang, he scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "I'm not doing personnel work this time, and I have to clean the room by myself so late. I'm not good at doing this. The buckets were overturned, and the floor had to be mopped. By the way, what about the mop? Do you know?"

It can be seen that he never does housework at home.

Zhu Yang dismissed the idea of using this guy who was more inattentive than her, and was about to go downstairs to find other players when he heard Chen Hui say: "Brother Hou called just now, saying that everyone is cleaning the room at the moment, and it will take an hour. Gather at him later and discuss the game clearance."

Zhu Yang returned to his room with an expressionless face. It is impossible to clean, and it is impossible to clean in this life, but the game also requires them to live in their assigned room.

It can be seen that she came to toss her again. Zhu Yang turned around the room. The facilities are complete. It is a standard one-bedroom, and the whole room is so big. The bedroom and living room are shared. For too long, it's just cleaning the dust and mopping the floor.

There are clean quilts in the cabinet, and the dog than the system knows that things can't be done too much.

After Zhu Yang looked at the room, she heard a knock on the door from the bedroom, she thought it was Chen Hui opposite.

As a result, when the door was opened, there was an unfamiliar old couple standing at the door, looking at them in their 60s.

The old man was wearing a black tunic suit, and the old lady was indeed very red and festive, but the other party seemed to have an eye problem, the whole left eye was red, and the two of them were smiling and holding a plate of water chestnuts.

Seeing Zhu Yang, he said enthusiastically, "Are you Miss Zhu who moved in today? We live next door, and we will be neighbors in the future. Please take care of everyone. This is a water chestnut from my hometown. Take it for food."

Zhu Yang took the plate of water chestnuts and looked at the old couple. The other party showed a satisfied look on her face when she saw it.

But seeing Zhu Yang smile: "Oh, just right, I'm worried that I can't find anyone. In fact, it doesn't matter whether there are people or not. The important thing is that I have a clean room to live in."

Then he ordered the old couple casually and said, "Come in and clean the room for me. My hygiene standards are relatively high. Remember that there can be no dust or dust on the ceiling. Can you do it?"

The old couple's kind and slightly weird smiling faces froze: "You, what did you say?"

After asking Zhu Yang, he threw the mop and rag into their hands: "Come on, I want to rest."

The old couple were not happy, their faces sank and said: "Miss Zhu, this is because you have no rules, how can there be a middle of the night—"

Before they could finish speaking, they saw Zhu Yang pointing in a certain direction. It was the door they reported to themselves. At this time, the door opened a crack, and a small head came out. It was the boy who just played with the ball.

"If you don't do it, I'll put all the water chestnuts in the child's mouth and let him swallow it."

The little boy's eyes panicked when he heard the words, and he immediately retracted his head and slammed the door.

The old couple looked at each other, both resentful and vigilant, and finally had to take the mop and rag and enter the house.

Zhu Yang solved the accommodation problem tonight, and finally felt better. He didn't want to stay in the dusty room for too long, and stood at the stairway and played with his mobile phone.

Unconsciously, half an hour has passed, and Chen Hui came out of the room in a state of embarrassment, not knowing what kind of virtue the room had become.

Seeing that Zhu Yang was so leisurely, he asked, "Have you packed up so soon?"

Zhu Yangman said casually: "Yes, as soon as I came here, I ran into a warm-hearted neighbor who insisted on cleaning my room. The kindness was hard to accept, and it made me feel embarrassed."

Chen Hui choked, thinking that he had tossed around in the room for a long time and finally gave up the treatment, and only barely wiped the bed so that there would be a place to sleep in a while.

Thinking that this girl not only came here at zero cost, but also got a car back, she suddenly said with envy: "Sister, don't you have a relative named Yang Chaoyue at home?"

After speaking, she saw a plate of water chestnuts on the stone railing next to her. Chen Hui, who had been busy for a long time and had a dry mouth, rudely grabbed one and threw it into his mouth—

"This is also given by the neighbor? Why didn't I, oh yes, I heard someone knocking on the door just now, but I could see from the cat's eye that I couldn't see anything but a red spot, so I didn't dare to open the door rashly, it turned out to be a neighbor. "

"Well, this water chestnut proves to be so fishy? The skin is also crunchy like chewing an egg shell."

Zhu Yang said casually: "Oh, this is a plate of dead snails."

"Ouch~~" Chen Hui immediately rushed to the window and spit out the contents in his mouth, bah bah for a long time, and turned his head in disbelief.

Before it was over, Zhu Yang continued: "The old woman who gave me the snail has a red eye, huh! I don't know what you saw from the cat's eye."

do not know? Can this be known

Chen Hui suddenly got goosebumps. It turned out that when he was looking out, there was still a ghost lying on the cat's eye and staring at him.

"Is this Nima still alive?"

Talking, the agreed time to gather has come, Chen Hui complained and went downstairs with Zhu Yang.

Brother Hou's room was on the first floor. He was one of the five players who took the bus before. Because of his vigilance and carefulness, he grabbed the steering wheel of the ghost driver and saved everyone's life. The five players highly praised him, and Because the players over there account for the majority of the game.

So this game has a faint omen that he is headed.

When I came to Brother Hou's room, I saw that other people had also arrived. This time, there were five boys and three girls. Besides Zhu Yang, Chen Hui, and Brother Hou, there were two girls who seemed to have a good conversation, and three boys. One middle-aged man in his forties was older than Brother Hou, and the other two were young people in his mid-twenties like Chen Hui.

Everyone was discussing the nature of the game, and Zhu Yang didn't say much at first. Judging from the reactions of these people, it was not a ghost, which means that Zhu Yang was the first.

Oh yes, Chen Hui had a face-to-face meeting, he looked at himself and the ghost, and even Zhu Yang told the ghost that he received a plate of dead snails.

Everyone took a deep breath: "This really doesn't give us time to catch our breath? Are you officially showing up so soon?"

But Brother Hou asked, "That's it? They gave you a plate of dead snails and left? What did you say or do? Come and listen, there may be important clues hidden."

This brother Hou is said to be a player who has already cleared ten games, and it is estimated that he will soon be qualified to leave the primary field to fight with more powerful ghosts.

According to Zhu Yang, he is indeed experienced and meticulous, and his quality is much higher than that of the previous players.

Before Zhu Yang could answer, Chen Hui pointed at her and said, "Go and clean her room."

The air in the room was silent for a moment, and the logic was not connected a bit—

"Do, clean the room?" The ghost who gave you dead snails with bad intentions will clean your room

At first, everyone thought that Zhu Yang's room had been invaded by a ghost, and they all looked at her with some sympathy.

One of the girls said: "Unfortunately, the game stipulates that you can only spend the night in your own room, otherwise you can come and sleep with me."

Zhu Yang shook his head: "No, I believe that the old man and the old lady should work quickly. After all, they are so diligent in finding trouble. I will go back later to check whether the dust in the corners is cleaned."

Everyone was silent for a while. Chen Hui, who couldn't take care of himself, was still exaggerating the atmosphere and said: "It's hard to say that I want to clean her up, but I don't know what bad idea."

After listening to what he said, the others looked at Zhu Yang, who was there with the old god, and doubted the initiative of the two ghosts.

Zhu Yang himself doesn't care so he can only put aside this topic first.

Brother Hou said: "The survival time in this game is so long, and the neighbors around him are not easy to deal with at first sight. Except for the place to sleep, they only gave a mobile phone and 100 yuan. Not only to deal with ghosts, but also to survive. "

After all, they are not supermen, they have to eat and dress for a month, right

Someone said: "It's not difficult to survive. Our strength is to go to the construction site to move bricks, and we can get a month's living expenses before moving a few days. If we distribute it uniformly, everyone will cook the stove together, and the cost of food will be very low."

"The problem is that we occupy eight rooms in the surrounding households, and there are more than 20 other households left? If every household is like that, we have to sleep with one eye open at night."

Everyone's heart felt a little heavy when they heard this. According to the situation that the ghosts and monsters could already attack them on the way, if there are so many ghosts, and the harassment day and night is not just a step-by-step intimidation, then the difficulty this time. But it's too big.

For newcomers.

However, it is not only that, just say here, there is another message in each player's mind.

Said that they had already arranged work for them, and asked to go to work at the assigned location tomorrow.

OK, the worse situation is coming, that is to say, in addition to staying here at night, the movement trajectory during the day is also under the control of the game. If the work place is still haunted, everyone will only be exhausted. .

Then, a biscuit box suddenly appeared out of thin air where they were sitting. Brother Hou carefully took it and opened it. There were several cards inside.

Each card shows where they work, with an ID card attached to it for tomorrow's onboarding.

To arrange clearly and clearly.

Zhu Yang took his own: "XXX clothing Beicheng Tianjie store?"

Is this asking her to be a clothing shopping guide

Then the others switched their occupations, and basically you can tell what to do from the address and the name of the store.

All eight people were dispersed to different places, some went to restaurants to help workers, some went to the construction site to move bricks, some went to the communication company to answer the phone as customer service, some delivered food, and some logistics factories.

In short, it is a high-intensity and fast-paced work, and its sinister intentions are evident.

One of the other two girls worked as customer service on the phone, the other went to the restaurant, and they were very envious when they saw the work assigned by Zhu Yang—

"Clothing shopping guide is good. This brand is an affordable luxury brand. The store is stylish and clean. It's not like the customer service is answering the phone every second. How wonderful."

Zhu Yang was noncommittal. Speaking of which, she hasn't gone out to work yet, but this is the first time it's dedicated to the game.

Everyone was discussing work issues, and suddenly they heard a sound from the next door. At first, it seemed to be whispering softly, and at the end, the voice became louder and louder.

After listening to it clearly, I found out that it was actually the voice of a man and a woman. The noise next door seemed to be getting more and more intense. The sound insulation effect of this old apartment was mediocre, but now it's like listening to a small movie live. Also quite embarrassed.

After all, there are men and women in the house.

Chen Hui walked to the wall, bang bang bang a few times, meaning to let the other party keep a low profile.

He also turned back and said to everyone, "These two are also in good spirits. They live in a place like this and still want to drive a roller coaster. It's no wonder that now horror movies like to sell meat and play sideballs. They are all so virtuous."

The voice next door stopped abruptly with his warning. Chen Hui was about to come back, but before he moved, another voice came from there.

But this time it wasn't an indescribable movement, it was a conversation, and the word 'next door' was vaguely heard.

The person next door is naturally a little concerned.

Chen Hui put his ears close, trying to hear what the other party was talking about here, but the voice that seemed clear just now was cloudy.

Chen Hui's whole ear was pressed against the wall, when suddenly the head of a drilling machine stuck out in front of him, and his face was less than three centimeters away.

The drill bit was still spinning horribly. If it went back a little bit, Chen Hui's head would be completely drilled through.

Chen Hui immediately backed away from the wall, panting loudly with lingering fears, staring at the wall, and found that it was full of small holes.

At this time, a regretful voice came from there: "There is no blood, it's so boring."

Chen Hui's eyes immediately turned red. He was a bit sloppy and couldn't take care of himself. He was very daring among ordinary players. In critical situations, he would choose to rush forward instead of retreating.

He immediately walked out of Brother Hou's room with an ugly face. Brother Hou looked at the small hole in the wall, and at first thought it was a demon made by the previous owner of the house, but he didn't expect such a situation, and followed him out.

When everyone saw this, they were afraid that the two of them would suffer, and they followed, and heard Chen Hui knocking heavily on the door.

There was silence inside, no matter how Chen Hui yelled at the other party, he was pretending to be dead. Later, Chen Hui started to kick with his feet.

Brother Hou patted him on the shoulder: "Let me come!"

Then he continued to kick the door with all his strength. To say that a player who leaves the novice field so quickly, Brother Hou must have a very strong physique. Zhu Yang’s blessing is limited because of his experience, so it really means that Brother Hou may be better than She is in good health.

But Brother Hou stepped down, but this inferior wooden door didn't move at all. According to common sense, it should be able to be kicked through.

Taking the people inside was helpless, Brother Hou looked bad, and Chen Hui even yelled at him.

At this time, everyone saw that Zhu Yang did not know where to find a bunch of keys, and there was a wire tied to the key ring that was hard to find without looking closely.

Then he squatted down and threw the key in through the gap less than three centimeters wide under the door. The sound of the metal keychain rubbing against the ground was still quite noticeable.

Then she saw that there was an extra power strip in her hand at some point, and then signaled everyone not to speak.

Sure enough, within a minute, there were footsteps coming towards the door, and everyone heard the subtle sound of the keys being picked up and the metal colliding with each other.

Then Zhu Yang quickly moved the plug in his hand to the fear of the power strip, and a burst of sparks flashed through the exposed metal.

At the same time, there was a shrill scream from inside, and a subtle burnt smell came from inside.

I don't know if it was the smell of burnt wire and plastic hose, or something burnt.

Everyone can see Zhu Yang's whole routine. This guy turned to two mobile power strips in the living room. There are many things to do in renting a house.

Then one was pulled out from the power socket in the house, and the other one ripped off the head of the board, leaving only the plug and wire.

And quickly peeled off a large section of the plastic tube, and it was not difficult to find the metal filament tied to the key.

The person inside picked up the key, and Zhu Yang's side was powered on, but wouldn't he be sorely electrified

Everyone gave her a thumbs up, Pi, you are a real cow.

After the bad breath, everyone's mood was much better, especially Chen Hui, who thanked him in various ways when he went upstairs.

Zhu Yang waved his hand: "Xianyu's thanks can't be implemented, forget it."

This guy looks like a mentally retarded life, and he can't even do as a follower. He is simply the most useless type of person in her eyes.

Chen Hui thought she was humorous, and when she remembered the exciting thing just now, she was happy.

Then the smile stopped at the old couple who came out of Zhu Yang's room after going upstairs.

Seeing that one of the old woman's eyes was indeed red, Chen Hui suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Zhu Yang walked over without hesitation and said to the two of them, "Have you cleaned them all?"

A general raid on the cleaning of the housekeeping department by a hotel manager.

The two old men nodded and were about to go back