Scream Queen

Chapter 68


Hearing the words, several boys stared at Zhu Yang with pure eyes.

The free experience that is said to be good, this must not be charged, right? Apple is not expensive after all. Hundreds of thousands of tickets are waived, Miss Sister is so arrogant, shouldn't you do such a stingy thing

Seeing them looking over, Zhu Yang first smiled slightly, and then touched the little boy's head lovingly.

He sighed and said, "Actually, we outsourced the project of selling snacks and props. The purpose is also to support orphans, widows, old and young."

"Look at this little boy. He should be at the age of kindergarten, but he can't experience the joy of growing up in school like his peers. Only his elderly grandparents and a ball are with him all day long."

"But grandpa and grandma are getting old and can only make a living by doing some cleaning and handyman in the ghost town. This child feels sorry for grandpa and grandma's hard work, so he also came out to sell some snacks and soda to subsidize the family."

"It's not easy to be a ghost, and it's even more difficult to be a kid. They can't enjoy social subsidies and subsidies, and they can only survive in this building."

After speaking, he looked at a few people and said, "Are you sure you want him to invite you for free? Oh, I remember these apples were bought by him who searched through the cracks of the door under the bed of the box in the whole building, and bought the change he found. I don't know when I will buy it next time. Do you have any money?"

A few high school students glanced at the little boy. The height of the other party was not as high as their waists, because his face was a little pale, but there was no doubt that he was cute.

At this time, the little boy was looking at them with watery black eyes, with a pitiful look.

A few high school students were suddenly stabbed in their hearts. There was a kind of idle gangster in the old society who bullied poor newsboys with the intention of robbing others for a day's earnings.

"Buy, buy, buy!" Several high school students hurriedly took out the money.

There are many students in good conditions now, and a single game of krypton costs a few hundred yuan. It's just that these guys have committed a crime recently, and their pocket money has been cut by the family, so they have made a bet with others to explore the haunted house before, but even so, they can still come out with a hundred and ten dollars.

A few guys put together a hundred dollars in their pockets and handed it to the little boy: "Well, there is only so much cash."

After the words were finished, the apple on the top of the box moved, and then a human head drilled out from it.

The head was shriveled and horrific, and several high school students were taken aback.

Just as he was about to scream, he saw a QR code spit out from the head. The meaning was obvious. There was not enough cash, so online banking came to collect it.

Several high school students were slaughtered, and suddenly they didn't find this dry head scary at all.

Mother! I can face a dead head as if nothing had happened.

As a result, the cash on several guys, the balance in Alipay, and the red envelopes in WeChat were all searched. It's just that the amount is not much, just two or three hundred yuan.

That's no way, and received a few poor people.

The little boy gave them 20 apples, and under the guidance of Zhu Yang, began to feed them.

One of them tentatively threw the apple at the pile of cockroaches. As soon as it hit it, the apple disappeared in less than a second.

The fist-sized apple was almost eaten by two cockroaches one by one, and the total was destroyed by two bites.

"Wow~~" several people exclaimed, and then threw several apples down at the same time.

It also disappeared within a few seconds. The key is the eating of the cockroaches, which is clean and unambiguous, with the sound of the apple being bitten.

It feels inexplicably refreshing, just like the previous game called Ninja Watermelon. That kind of neat and carefree feeling is actually a bit addicting.

Several high school students fed two more rounds, and there were only two apples left.

The four guys almost got into a fight over who would feed the two apples. The last two people, one by one, hold one end of the apple, and at the same time throw the last apple on the cockroach pile.

When Apple finally disappeared, a few guys were still a bit unfinished, but it wasn't over yet.

As soon as those cockroaches finished eating the apples, they stood up to face them at the same time, and made a series to them with their tiny legs, even more uniform than the army.

These cockroaches are really big, the size of eggs, they are black and shiny, and the color of their backs is as dark and smooth as beetles. Except that they were a little scared when they first opened the door. I even think they look majestic and handsome.

Several people can clearly see their movements and even their facial expressions. The contrast between the brutality and neatness of eating the apple just now and the naive look now makes people feel that it is actually very cute.

Several high school students scratched their heads and immediately blushed a little, feeling proud that they were welcomed by thousands of small animals.

This is the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded again.

[Damn it, I was just laughing and watching a few idiots being slaughtered by unscrupulous profiteers, and now I find that I am also an idiot, and the money in my account is just around the corner.]

[Brother upstairs, me too, I actually have the urge to catch cockroaches in the kitchen and feed them.]

[The two upstairs wake up, this is another exclusive monopoly, and it can only be slaughtered by sticking its head out.]

[But it's really handsome, that body shape, that expression, that carapace, looks more handsome than a unicorn, and can even turn into marbles.]

[Mom saved me, I'm tempted by cockroaches.]

[As a girl who screams when she sees a cockroach, I express that I am also tempted, and cover my face!]

[Sure enough, I've been single for a long time, and even the cockroaches look so beautiful.]

[Wang Zejing, you idiots, feed more! I haven't seen enough, I think I can watch them for an hour just by watching them eat apples.]

[Brush a few planes for you, and continue to feed! I want to watch Ninja Cockroach.]

Zhu Yang kept an eye on the situation in the live broadcast room. Seeing many enthusiastic netizens dig their pockets, he smiled and said, "Oh! It seems that there is enthusiastic support from the audience outside the venue."

"Here, I would like to thank everyone for your concern for the small animals, and at the same time call on everyone to cherish every species on the earth."

God fucking cherishes every species on the earth, this sister really opens her eyes and speaks nonsense, which is a little bad and heartache.

Believe it or not, all human beings have been wiped out, and other people's cockroaches are still there. Is that the species you should be concerned about? In terms of vitality, it should be in turn that cockroaches are worried about when we will be wiped out. After all, there are still many threats to us humans now.

But before two Tucao barrages came out, Zhu Yang aimed the screen at the cockroaches.

Then I heard Zhu Yang's voice: "Come on, baby cockroaches, thank you guys, goddesses, brothers and sisters."

Immediately, the cockroaches turned to the screen neatly and uniformly, with six legs, the bottom two standing, and the remaining two legs were made into fists, and the two long whiskers on their heads were still shivering cutely.

The complaints in the live broadcast room were immediately overwhelmed by a burst of screaming screams, and various barrages of gifts and feedings were about to drown the entire live broadcast room.

Zhu Yang smiled with satisfaction: "In addition to apples, we also provide other fruits to feed. Pears, watermelons and pineapples, the prices vary."

As he said, he threw a pineapple at the cockroaches. The pineapple was much larger than the apple, and the sound was crisp. A pineapple cockroach took seven or eight bites to disappear.

Although the price is much more expensive than apples, it can clearly see the process of food quickly disappearing from the mouths of these little cuties.

Huh? Why is this description so strange

"So if there is a chance, I hope everyone can experience it in person."

The sinister intentions of this profiteer to make money have not been concealed, but no matter whether he complains in his heart, his yearning is still just around the corner.

After all the fruits brought by the little boy were fed, several high school students got the benefit of taking pictures with the cockroaches.

Photos can flexibly use cockroaches to pose in various poses.

For example, one of the boys stretched out his arms, and more than a dozen cockroaches stood on his arms holding four arms and legs.

All of them looked up and looked at the camera condescendingly, making people want to worship the big cockroach.

There is also an outstretched index finger that touches the outstretched arm of the cockroach, making the classic ET boy in real contact with the alien.

Zhu Yang showed these photos to the screen one by one: "Our imagination is limited, so we can only shoot like this. If someone has a better idea, I look forward to your arrival. As long as the cockroach babies can do the actions, they can be satisfied. ."

[Limited, what is limited, I envy my dead father, labor and management shouldn't push you to go, I should go by myself.]

[Big boss, the cockroach boss will be worshipped by me, boss, can you stand comfortably? The skinny arms of the little brat are definitely uncomfortable. Boss, do you mind changing your arm to stand? The kind with muscles.]

[Rolling upstairs, the muscles are comfortable, but they still have to be fat, soft and bouncy. The experience is definitely not worse than that of a leather sofa. The swaying of my arms has finally found its value.]

[Don't make excuses for not wanting to lose weight upstairs.]

[I just got up to pour a glass of water, and saw a cockroach in the kitchen, and my heart was filled with love.]

[No, I'm the exact opposite of you upstairs. I looked at the cockroaches in other people's houses, and then looked at the stuff on the wall in my house, and silently picked up the slippers.]

The experience time of the cockroach house was a bit long, but no one noticed it under the atmosphere.

The reward for feeding the cockroaches alone made Zhu Yang a lot of money, not to mention the fact that he came for the live broadcast.

It can be said that Zhu Yang has not officially opened for business yet, but he will definitely make a lot of money tonight.

After leaving the cockroach house, Zhu Yang took them to the faucet ghost's room again.

Open the room and it's full of pipes and faucets.

Several people looked at Zhu Yang, and although they didn't know how to play, they certainly wouldn't disappoint.

He asked excitedly: "Sister, what are the rules?"

Zhu Yang smiled: "This house is very simple, similar to whack-a-mole."

"At the beginning of the game, there will be a series of taps that start dripping water. You have to be responsible for closing the taps tightly. The number of dripping taps will increase, and the speed will gradually increase to increase the difficulty."

"If a faucet isn't turned off within three seconds, it's a game failure."

A few people thought it was boring, but in fact, they couldn't say the same. It was like the faucet in an empty room was turned on for no reason, and a drop of water fell down in a quiet space.

With the creaking sound of the old-fashioned metal faucet and the sound effects, you know today that the faucet is turned on not by any technological means, but by someone else who you can't see.

If you want to change it, you will be scared to pee your pants, but after the first three games, the interest of several people has been greatly lifted.

I felt that this monotonous game mode with no ghosts was so lost compared to the previous one.

At this time, the faucet has begun to drip, and the water volume is not much, but the sound is very clear.

pat! pat! pat! slammed into the sink.

Zhu Yang said, "The game has already started, are you still moving?"

A few people hurriedly turned off the faucet in a hurry, but when one turned off, the other began to drip again.

Although this game is similar to whack-a-mole, it is much more difficult.

First off the room is so big you never know where the next dripping faucet will be. If the last one was the corner of the wall, the next one might be on the toilet.

At the beginning, the four of them had limited dripping taps, so they could keep up with the rhythm.

But gradually, the difficulty increased, more and more faucets began to drip, the intervals became more and more frequent, and the distance became more and more tricky.

A few people were bored at first, but they were immediately caught up in the tense game rhythm, and there was no room to think about other things.

Just like playing the simplest Tetris, simple rules doesn’t mean it’s not fun, and sometimes you can’t even tell where the addiction is, but you just can’t extricate yourself.

Gradually, several people were sweating profusely from nervousness, and they were exhausted in the room.

Someone is brushing in the live broadcast room—

[This game item is good for losing weight, I was so nervous that I didn’t even know I was tired.]

[Yes, yes, but we look a little boring.]

[Hey! Beautiful sister, you want to promote the haunted house, shouldn't that project be included in the advertisement?]

Zhu Yang ignored the voices in the live broadcast room, and at the same time, the rhythm of the boys finally got out of control and couldn't keep up with the speed of the tap.

A faucet in the center of the living room dripped water for more than three seconds and was not turned off.

Then there were four high school students at the scene, including everyone in the live broadcast room. I saw the faucet that dripped water. The clear tap water that dripped out of it was gradually mixed with black silk.

The black threads became more and more smooth, like a stream of black water flowing from a faucet.

After watching the black water flow for dozens of centimeters, another color appeared, a flesh-colored substance that looked smooth and smooth.

Everyone knew what was coming, and all they thought was, this is a haunted house.

All the staff held their breaths and saw that the thin, finger-sized hole in the faucet gradually swelled into a human head, neck, shoulders, and upper body.

After a while, a wet female ghost with long hair appeared in front of everyone.

Her upper body appeared normally, but her lower body was wrapped around the faucet.

A few high school students were speechless, thinking that the rubber ghost could fit such a big body into a small drawer is enough.

Unexpectedly, I still underestimated the limit of ghosts.

The live broadcast room has also exploded-

[Fuck! What the hell! What the hell! The special effects in horror movies don't dare to do this. I just felt bored, and I lost.]

[It really slid out from the inside, and it was slick. It seems that after the toilet, the bottom of the bed, and the curtains, there is another shadow area that I may also appear.]

[This is even better than Orochimaru, but the game time is too short in this way, it seems to be a bit pitted!]

[Whatever, whatever, the profiteer is not a cover-up. If you want to play, you can bring enough money. If you imagine yourself as a fat sheep, you will feel better.]

[I really want to play this. I always like to play simple games. The way the female ghost sister appears is really cool. Even if the game fails, there are benefits.]

[Then what is the theme of this room?]

As if there is a consonance, someone in the barrage finished asking this sentence. The tap ghost turned his face to the screen.

"Water is the source of life, please cherish every drop of water on the earth. If you don't turn off the tap, you may be visited by me."

[I was so scared that I immediately went to the kitchen to confirm whether the water was turned off!]

[I was so frightened that I immediately drank the water I was about to pour out!]

[I was so scared that I immediately washed my face with toilet water to calm down!]

[After going upstairs, saving is not so saving. You can wash your face with vegetable water, and you can drink toilet water.]

[Still that sentence, are the quality of ghosts so high these days? Even ghosts love the earth so much, as a human being, I'm a bit sane.]

Several high school students rubbed their hands and asked the lady ghost embarrassedly, "Well, can we take a group photo this time?"

To say that the faucet ghost is originally an eight-woman personality, and she is good at joining in the fun, naturally she will not refuse.

And this guy is flexible and has a lot of ideas.

For a while, he made an Aladdin magic lamp around the body of a high school student, and for a while he pulled himself into the body of a human-headed snake, and asked a few people to hug his body and take pictures.

In short, the body is very malleable, and the photos taken are also very handsome.

Several high school students danced with joy, and the audience in the live broadcast room was jealous.

Not to mention anything else on this trip today, just posting the photo to the circle of friends can make people envious for a while.

I don't know where it is rarer than those net red holy places that punch in a mess.

After leaving the faucet ghost's room, Zhu Yang took someone to the ghost doll's room again.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw that the whole room was covered with Sen Han's knives. There was a huge turntable in the room, and there was a bar not far away.

A kid with a scar on his face in overalls was smiling at them with a knife.

The laughter is characteristic of horror movies, and it looks very unfriendly compared to the ghosts in front of it.

This high school student was just getting stronger and had a tendency to cowardly inward, so he took two steps back.

The more vicious and triumphant the ghost doll's eyes were, at this time, a hand touched his head, and said in a gentle and angry tone: "Okay, don't scare away the guests."

The high school student looked up and saw a handsome guy in a bartender suit.

The handsome guy has slightly long hair, but it is combed to the back of his head and tied up, leaving a strand on the side of his face. His facial features are delicate and attractive, and his whole person is like a deacon who came out of a cartoon.

A pair of gentle peach eyes looked over, not knowing whether to look at them or the screen. A sexy voice like an otome game broadcast welfare.

He said elegantly: "Welcome to the dart bar, distinguished guests. You can have a drink here and enjoy the wonderful performance of knife skills."

A few people were flattered and took their seats dizzy.

Children of this age have not been to a bar yet, but this elegant and respectful reception attitude made a few frizzy children sit up.

When I was seated, I heard the handsome guy say: "It's a pity that there are no lovely ladies in the company. The cocktails specially prepared today are also overshadowed by the lack of love."

Wait, aren't they human? Is it too obvious that what this person said is treated differently between men and women? Is doing business like this

But the live broadcast room has exploded again, and this time it is mainly girls who speak.

[Ah-, I am going, I must go.]

[When those eyes looked over, my heart skipped a few beats, woohoo, why is a ghost so handsome, even more handsome than a star.]

[I originally wanted to watch the liveliness on the live broadcast, but it was still a bit scary to face ghosts on the spot. For the handsome guy, I fought hard!]

[Sisters, grabbing your wallet, isn't it just taking advantage of it, which wild man is not raising?]

[Yes, in reality such a handsome guy would never appear in front of me.]

[Ah! woman.]

[Ah! woman.]

[Ah! woman.]

Below is a disdainful voice.

The female compatriots ignored Dios's sarcasm and ignored them when they had time. It's better to watch the handsome guy's bartending actions seriously.

It was a dazzling, refined elegance. This skill is probably difficult for top bartenders to do.

Playboy has been in these places before his death, and he has also worked as a bartender, so he has a foundation.

After becoming a ghost, he will definitely be more unrestricted than when he is a human. And the direction of the playboy's ability is similar to that of the player. It is the type of strength and agility. Naturally fancy techniques are not a problem.

While bartending, this guy blinked at the screen, his eyes were charming and gentle, and the live broadcast room was full of wolf-girl squeaks.

In fact, where is he looking at the screen, he is looking at Zhu Yang who is filming.

But Zhu Yang showed a profiteer's smile, Ye Gonghaolong only willing to experience the curious girl consumer group get through the screen.

Although this playboy ghost is annoying, he looks unequivocal at all, saying that he can have a meal even if he goes to the entertainment industry, the hard conditions are definitely not bluffing.

And he has been a ghost for many years. Compared with ordinary handsome guys, he has a layer of charm that directly hits the soul. This is probably the talent of beautiful ghosts and monsters, right

In short, most people are rarely able to withstand it.

At this time, there are many reminders for handsome guys to swipe gifts in the live broadcast room, and of course there is a lot of noise inside.

But after a while, a classical beauty in a long red dress came with a tray Yingying, her figure was like a willow, her eyes were like waves, and she looked at the camera for a moment.

All the voices that satirize girls who are lustful and can't walk when they see handsome guys are gone, because men are focusing on looking at beautiful women.

To say that Zhu Yang is definitely not worse than Yan Gui, otherwise he would not have attracted so many people in the beginning just because of his beauty.

But along the way, this guy's face of profiteer has been fixed in everyone's eyes, and when he hears her words, there is a kind of sour feeling that a beautiful woman can kill people.

Moreover, Yan Gui has a style that directly hits people's inner instincts, so the boys were all stunned for a while.

I just heard the sexy red-clothed sister say, "I'm sorry, I took the liberty to disturb me in another room."

"I am the owner of the folk-themed room on the second floor. Because there is an age limit for entering my room, I have no chance to entertain a few people today. Here are some snacks I made for a few younger brothers."

I saw a few pieces of snow-white glutinous rice glutinous rice cakes on the black matte porcelain disk.

The fingers of that hand were slender, weak and boneless, and even the small movement of placing the plate on the table was as gentle and graceful as a dance.

As she loosened the china plate, her index finger rubbed inadvertently around the edge of the plate, as if it were on your skin.

Several high school students blushed and stammered to thank the mature sister.

Yan Gui patted their heads: "You are still young, you can't come to my sister's room to play."

He said to the camera: "My room mainly shows you the steps of dressing and changing clothes in ancient times, and promotes the popularization of ancient clothing culture. Welcome to my room."

On the one hand, the age limit is repeatedly emphasized, and on the other hand is the dressing and dressing of the charming beauties.

The live broadcast room was blown up by the howls of wolves—

[Ouch! Come, come tomorrow, I'm 22, I'm definitely old enough, I just got paid yesterday, so I'm not afraid of being slaughtered.]

[It will definitely come, we will definitely support it. The decline of our traditional costumes is heartbreaking.]

[This hand looks so sweet, no, this glutinous rice cake looks so white.]

[Get out of the way, I officially announce that this is my wife.]

[Stinky Dios, obviously they only got the certificate from me yesterday.]

[Ah! man.]

[Ah! man.]

[Ah! man.]

Now it's the girl's turn to taunt, and just as she was about to scold this group of Dios for double standards, she saw a barrage flying by—

[Actually, I want to go too, my girl (covers face)]

[Me too, sisters, I'm sorry, I want to design a costume for her, I'm already bent.]

[Children only make choices, adults and goddesses and goddesses all want. It's not just money, what's the use of the money I want.]

[Wang Zejing, Ye Chenliang, Zhao Hao, you must not die.]

[Looking at your stupidity, I should go, I envy my dead father.]

This is jealousy and hatred for the few high school students present.

However, Yan Gui didn't stay long, and went out after delivering the snacks. At this time, the playboy's wine was already prepared.

Because it is a student, of course, only the alcohol content is very low. It is said to be wine, but it can only be regarded as a drink with a little alcohol flavor.

A few people ate glutinous rice cakes with drinks, and only then did the ghost doll, the real owner of the house, speak.

He still gave the sly smile twice before saying, "Which one of you will start first?"

One of them thought it was throwing darts when he heard the words: "Oh, I, I'll go first, I wanted to play for a long time."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand to pick up the knife in the ghost doll's hand, but the doll grinned twice: "You come first, then lie on the target plate."

The student's hand retracted as if it was scalded, and he took a breath and looked at Zhu Yang.

Zhu Yang reassured him with a smile: "Don't worry, this project naturally follows the voluntary principle. There are several props performances in the Dart Bar. This is just one of them. It is prepared for guests who are daring to pursue excitement."

"But don't worry, since our company promises to absolutely guarantee the safety of our guests, the skills of our employees will naturally reach their peak."

Saying that I didn't know where to conjure a pineapple, I threw it at the ghost doll.

I saw the ghost doll swish a few knives, and the shadow of a knife appeared in the air. When the ghost doll retracted the knife, the pineapple fell into the plate, and the surface was still intact.

Zhu Yang stepped forward, took down the pineapple leaves one by one, and slowly unfolded the pineapple skin, and then the pineapple flesh inside had been shaved into evenly thin slices.

A perfect natural fruit plate was formed. Zhu Yang put the fruit plate in front of several people: "I'll give you a fruit plate tonight."

"So, please absolutely trust the skills of our employees."

A few people were stunned. Naturally, if they had this ability, it was no problem to throw darts, but even so, they didn't dare to lie down. What if

[What the hell is this fairy swordsman? My mom asked me why I was kneeling and looking at my phone.]

[I didn't expect that the plot in the martial arts novel really made me see it. The one who was watching was a child who was less than three years old?]

[Wake up upstairs, people may be older than you—no, they are older than you, and the input method is automatically associated.]

[Boss, boss, do you accept apprentices? Will call six six six kind.]

[This ghost is so powerful, not as good as us—]

[Speaking of which, can ghosts be allowed to participate in the Olympics? I think honoring the country should not be limited to human beings.]

At first, the student who was eager to try it was cowardly, but another student actually wanted to challenge the excitement.

He raised his hand tremblingly: "Yes, why don't I try?"

Without saying a word, the ghost doll came up and held his hand, pressed the person on the target of the turntable, and handcuffed the limbs in a large shape.

[This contrast, what should I do if I feel a little cute?]

[Looking at their three-year-old child, and then at my second child with a runny nose and silly music, I took off my slippers.]

There are also people who are worried [Is it really okay?]

[There is a fuss upstairs, people have demonstrated hard-core technology, it is better than those who have no ability to hunt for Qibo attention, climb tall buildings with one hand, and shoot at books with guns.]

Sure enough, the ghost doll finished flying the sharp knives in his hands, and those knives straightened the student into a human shape along his own outline, and the distance between each knives was exactly the same, showing the precise control.

At this time, the man was put down, his legs were shaking, but the expression on his face was thrilling and exciting.

The live broadcast room was full of worship again.

At this time, Zhu Yang appeared on the screen again: "Of course, the skills of the employees alone may not be able to give customers complete peace of mind, so we have also improved the props."

As she said that, she took off a knife on the target plate, put her finger on the tip of the knife and pressed it down, but did not see blood flowing out, but the entire blade of the knife suddenly bent.

It turned out to be a plastic knife used for target shooting. Indeed, even if this thing pierces the body, it will hurt at most. People who like thrills and thrills naturally have this project in their hearts.

Several people left the ghost doll's room, and Zhu Yang asked if they were hungry.

It has been almost six hours since the four students finished their dinner, and they rushed over as soon as they were studying in the evening. Naturally, they didn’t have time to eat, and they didn’t care if they were full just a few glutinous rice cakes.

Zhu Yang offered to invite them to dinner.

As a result, I came to a room named [Cat House Tea Restaurant].

When I pushed in the door, I saw an old lady with a cat face, which startled several people. As a result, the next second, the old lady with a cat face disappeared again, replaced by several cats of different breeds.

The layout of the whole room is a bit hazy and mysterious, and there is still a thin layer of smoke on the ground, but it does not affect the line of sight, and the reaction is more in line with the creature like a cat.

A few people still remember the scene when the door was opened, and they were a little nervous when they sat down. The old lady with cat face is such a famous legend among the people, and she is a national level in the category of ghosts.

At this time, a cat jumped on the table with the menu in its mouth and placed the menu in front of them.

A few boys were also hungry, and after playing along the way, it was the staff and ghosts here, so they gradually let go of their fears.

But when ordering, when they wanted to tell Zhu Yang about their order, Zhu Yang pointed at the cats and said, "except for the chefs in this tea restaurant, all the service staff are cats, so if you order food, tell me well. Oh they."

Several people looked at the plastic-wrapped non-disposable menu in their hands. It was definitely not the kind that was directly checked. The ragdoll cat that just jumped onto the table had one paw on the tear-off notepad on the table. , looking at them urging to order food.

This, does this mean let them directly report their meal choices? You are so awesome that you can communicate between humans and animals

This is not just a simple command like letting the cockroaches make a compilation for everyone, you are ordering food.

One of them tried to say to the cat cautiously: "Well, then let me have a tomato omelette rice?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the cat pop out his pointed fingernails and write the name of the meal on the paper. The beautiful handwriting was much better than those of them who were studying scumbags.

The cat slaves in the live broadcast room have exploded—

[what! ! ! ! Team up to steal cats, who wants to sign up.]



[I want to, I bring my own sack and rope.]

[Go away, the cat is so cute, how can I use that, it must be catnip with dried fish.]

[Don't get excited, the cat slaves upstairs, you look at the IQ of others, not necessarily who kidnapped who.]

At this time, several people had finished ordering, and the cat also wrote the name of the dish in their shocked eyes, then tore off the page of the ordering paper, and handed the order to the kitchen with graceful steps.

At this time, a Siamese cat was holding a tray with three glasses of lemonade on it.

Is this really even a cat delivering food

When a few people took the water, a cat jumped on their lap and looked cute. A few boys usually don't like the type of small animals, but now they were given to them by this beautiful and special cat. conquered.

When I touched it, it was really soft and warm.

It didn't take long for the food to be served, and the food was still served by a cat on a tray. The color and shape of the meal were very cute, similar to the restaurant dishes on the market with couples and young girls as the main customer groups.

The omurice also has cute patterns drawn with ketchup.

Several people were also hungry, and they devoured the food after serving it.

A guy who was a picky eater and didn't like vegetables, moved the side dish broccoli to the side of the plate.

At this time, the cat on his body jumped onto the table, and pointed at the broccoli with a cute paw, indicating that he should not be picky eaters.

The guy had no choice but to eat it with a fork, and then the cat patted his head, as kind and comforting as an old grandmother.

The student was stunned.

[what! ! ! I don't care, I'm going to eat, and I don't like to eat broccoli, I have to touch my head to eat it.]

[I don't like to eat anything, I only eat it when the cat feeds it.]

[Be careful that people think you are annoying your paw.]

The cat slaves licked their screens desperately, when a daredevil suddenly dropped his fork to the ground again.

Quickly said: "I'm sorry, can you help me change a pair-"

As a result, he looked at the cat on his lap and was embarrassed to call him. But cats are very professional.

He had already got up and went to the bar, jumped onto the table, took a fork in his mouth, and returned it to the daredevil.

The tableware, tissues, etc. are all packed in one layer, so you don't have to worry about being caught and unable to use them.

No matter whether it is adding water, paper towels, or tableware, there is nothing a cat can't do in the whole process.

Even the last few people cleaned up the table after eating, and it was also a few cats who worked together to collect the tableware, one with a spatula, the other with a small broom to sweep the residue, and wiped the table with their paws on the rag. There is no cat. down thing.

What is the cat house restaurant, this is the real cat house restaurant.

At this time, screenshots have been posted in the live broadcast room, and scarves have been posted. I want to make some restaurants that use cat gimmicks to reflect on it. I didn't expect that once it was uploaded, the popularity spread quite quickly.

After eating, several people were taken to the mirror girl's room. Because the mirror girl's room was full of mirrors, it looked like a large space.

As soon as several people came in, they saw their own shadows appear in the mirror.

Because he was in a good mood just after eating, one of them cheerfully asked Zhu Yang, "Sister, what's going on here?"

But before he spoke, he felt the little friend beside him slap him in horror.

The man looked back at him impatiently: "Why? I watched the ghost come up all the way, why are you still so frightened by the little ghost now?"

Then he followed the eyes of the unpromising little friend, and then the whole person's hair stood upside down.

I saw ghosts down there before, but they were curious or terrifying in appearance, because considering their age, their degree of openness was limited, and they showed the least scary side of the entire haunted house.

Moreover, even if the appearance is beyond their common sense, it is a one-sided visual impact after all, but now it is different from the previous room.

It makes them seem weird here, what makes it more terrifying to be so unfamiliar to themselves

The man turned back and saw himself in the mirror. His head was clearly turned to someone else and he was talking, but the man inside was motionless.

And when he was motionless and his heart was about to stop looking at the man in the mirror, the familiar and unfamiliar guy actually started to dance.

No joke at all, pop dance with high level and cool action.

Several children were stunned, and after finishing, a little friend poked his arm—

"What do I think? It's much better than your own dance. When you dance, the labor and management have seen it. It's like a local dog being electrocuted."

Others also nodded: "Hmm! I feel like this is the most handsome time in your life."