Scream Queen

Chapter 92


Players cannot attack each other, and those who are in a confrontation situation are not so particular about it.

But everyone is not a rookie who entered the game on the first day, and naturally understands the unspoken rules of the game.

If the game is just a set of program codes, or something that follows rigid rules, many things are much easier to operate.

Rules are dead, people are alive, and as long as there are rules, there are loopholes.

But the game is not. It seems to have its own preferences and preferences. Although it is generally fair in principle, it is not difficult to understand its willfulness and bad taste.

It doesn't like killing each other between players, so any reasonable person will not ignore this, unless it is a life-and-death vengeance, or there is a great reward, or they are unwilling to make an exception to the game.

This is an unspoken unspoken rule summed up by experienced people. Both parties know it well, so the people in the second group threatened the first group and did not use their lives as a bargaining chip, because there is no way to believe it.

In order to increase the difficulty of customs clearance all the way for such a little benefit, the gain outweighs the loss.

The reason why a group of people tied their hands and feet before being exposed is also based on this principle.

But at this time, the game suddenly broadcast an announcement. It turned out that in this competition, players on both sides could step on the line established by the treaty, kill each other, and get a certain amount of points.

The whole island seemed to be silent for a moment because of this news, and then everyone from different positions fell into a high emotional excitement.

Several players in the cellar are especially panic, and now their situation, but man is the knife and I am the fish.

When the bandit player who guarded them heard the announcement, his eyes were already looking at a group of dead people who could explode points.

The other party grinned and walked over slowly, apparently not intending to keep the fat sheep to enjoy with the brothers.

However, there are not people in the group who have no brains, and quickly said: "Wait, the five of us, if you kill them all, it will only be 5,000 points."

"With this point, the net worth of the few of us is not only that, let alone other transferable items. The rules of the game are a bit excessive this time, but with such a shabby reward, we don't have room to negotiate, right?"

The bandit smiled: "That's what I said, but I can't stand the fact that there are too many monks and porridges. There are so many people in my brother, can you get 25,000 points in one breath and divide them equally?"

"As for the props and so on, it's all fake, and the points that can be exchanged for money are real."

A few players choked, and Fang Lei immediately said: "Aren't you afraid that one person will monopolize the head points and offend the accomplices outside?"

"Ha! What's the matter? If the players in the same group can attack each other, what can they do to me? Besides, if someone else stays here, they will do the same thing."

Li Wei hurriedly said again: "Wait, I'm really an undercover agent of the second group. If you kill me, it is equivalent to killing the players in the same group. The best end is to clear the points and props and take back the skills. You can think clearly."

"I fucking believe you are a ghost. Brothers have been around for so many years. You want to open your mouth and you will make us hesitate? The abacus is wrong."

Saying that he had to use Li Wei to open the knife first, Li Wei closed his eyes fiercely.

Then when he opened his eyes, there was no fear and panic in his eyes, instead he looked at the other party's eyes with indifference and boredom.

"Oh! So there's no need to negotiate? Then you should die."

The bandit player was startled, thinking that he still had some tricks to save his life, and took a step back while being cautious.

However, he found that the other party did not make any movement, and his hands and feet were still tied up like a prisoner.

After confronting for a while, the bandit player confirmed that the guy was bluffing, spat, and scolded him to show this kid a good look.

As a result, I felt that the toe of my shoe touched something, and then my whole foot became cold, and a blunt feeling came.

He lowered his head and saw that half of his feet were missing, his body fell down due to weightlessness, and the piercing pain was transmitted from his brain.

A cockroach was surrounding his feet, and the bloodshot around his mouth indicated that this was the culprit.

The player's response was not slow, he immediately reacted after falling to the ground, and he didn't stick to the ground. With a turn of his body, he stabbed the cockroach with a knife.

It's just that the speed of the cockroach is also agile. Needless to say, he needs to be good at this moment, but now this guy's center of gravity is unstable and the pain is piercing.

The knife just slashed past, and the cockroaches ran away quickly. At this time, the bandit player heard the sound of marbles rolling in his ears.

I was shocked when my face hit something, and before I could turn around to look, my face was bitten off.

Then a few marbles rolled towards him one after another, and the tied players just watched this big living man get bit by a few cockroaches, and finally died.

But they didn't let out a sigh of relief. Instead, they became more vigilant. Fang Lei looked at Li Wei and said, "So you are still hiding this hand."

Also, although the power of a few small bugs is huge and it is hard to guard against, but when a few bandits are present at the same time, it still can't make a comeback.

But when there is only one person left, the result is different.

Although I knew that Li Wei was the opponent's player before, most of the thoughts in my heart were still tricky games, but in this game, there are rewards for killing players on both sides. Isn't this encouraging them to attack each other

- At least in this game.

Now that Li Wei's threat has been removed, and everyone is tied up here, it is difficult for a player to remain indifferent to four thousand points.

Just thinking about it, the cockroaches really crawled over to them, and a few people hurried back, Fang Lei even opened the door to negotiate: "Aren't you just greedy for points? You should know that each of us can provide quite a lot of money. props."

Who knows Li Wei smiled bitterly: "Who told you that I am in control of this game now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the cockroach climbed up on the female player's rope and smashed the rope with two bites.

There are five of them here, but unfortunately there are not so many chains. Except for the grumpy Fang Lei and a few relatively powerful male players, the female players can only use ordinary nylon ropes.

She is not very strong, and she can't break free for a while, and if she is left to watch, in fact, she will definitely be able to react before they resist.

The cockroaches didn't have any interest at the moment so that the metal could be snapped off. As soon as the female player loosened the binding, she immediately went to help Fang Lei to untie the chain on her body, and then the two worked together to untie the iron chain on the male player's body.

Only Li Wei was left unsolved for him.

Li Wei continued to be a dog in his heart, and he did not understand that although he was not a kind person, he was definitely not a person who harmed the world.

Playing the game like this makes him unable to be a human being inside or outside.

Several people stood in front of him, raised their eyebrows and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Li Wei smiled bitterly: "The cockroach belongs to Zhu Yang."

Before breakfast in the morning, the guy handed him a handful of marbles to play with.

Li Li swallowed one in his stomach, where would he play with this ghost

What Zhu Yang said at the time, she smiled and said with certainty: "Take it, you will use it."

Then they were caught not long after breakfast, and the four guys inside didn't hesitate to betray him.

To this point, he wouldn't dare to let go of the cockroaches. After all, he really killed someone. Is it still Zhu Yang's? Unexpectedly, this game actually allows two groups of players to fight.

When the bandit saw the money, he had to let it go, but he didn't receive the reward of points. It seems that this is still the credit of Zhu Yang.

I heard a few players here to sort it out, where is there still something I don't understand

The guy in Zhu Yang is different from their blind defense. He expected that a few bandits would dig out most of the players in one go, and then start cleanly.

Therefore, the plan was to let a few of them be caught as bait, and then the supernatural ghost forced a few bandits to completely divide their troops due to the lack of the number of tasks.

It is good to snipe them one by one, which means that the guy has already understood the hints of the game.

The essence of this game is to let them clean up those gold players.

Naturally, if they are killed by gold players, they have nowhere to seek justice, and the game must be fair.

Yes, an old player once told them that there is no human bottom line and principles for gold players to act, and the game's customs clearance style is often accompanied by burning, killing, captive and abuse.

After all, the things you get in the game can be taken out with only ten points. This time the customs clearance location is a deserted island. If it is a prosperous city, what will happen to these people

Although the game can stymie them with tricky customs clearance tasks and limit their energy for trouble, these people generally have better clearance skills than ordinary players, and naturally they can find a gap if they want to profit.

The game can't interfere too much with the player's behavior in the mission world that has nothing to do with the main line. Just like in the last game Zhu Yang, as long as the mission is in progress, the haunted house will be known to the whole city.

Anyway, as soon as the customs clearance time of a few days and a dozen days passed, they disappeared completely. Even if they robbed the bank and killed people in the mission world, the law could not do anything about them.

So there is a saying that this kind of player is already rejected by the game, not only is the difficulty of customs clearance usually higher than that of ordinary players, especially when it comes to the staged leap, the game will also carry out large-scale screening.

Naturally, there are not many such players who can reach the top level, but almost all of them are ruthless.

It turned out that the so-called screening actually also included the sniper killing of the player.

This naturally goes against the concept that the game has always conveyed, so it can only be implied by some details, and this rule will not be stated clearly. I didn't expect Zhu Yang to understand it.

And without hesitation, he took a man's life.

- No, it's two people now.

Excluding Lu Xin, who was their group of undercover agents, and Li Wei, who had no threat, there were only two people left.

But according to Zhu Yang's interlocking design, it is estimated that it is also a turtle in a urn.

Several players looked at each other in dismay, only to feel that they were surrounded by danger, and the various ups and downs seemed to be under the control of people—no, they were all under the control of others.

The fact that they will be caught is a part of that guy's laissez-faire. When the previous mission came out, several people still muttered in their hearts that the guy only cared about arrogance and pleasure instead of working, and obviously wanted to be a lay-win player.

Now it seems that they are the winner.

And just when they received the game notification and the situation reversed twice, in fact, the upstairs did not stop.

The player who was looking for someone in the villa with the dragon tattoo and split up, when he heard the broadcast, he thought it was Lu Xin's hand.

The player who went out with Lu Xin was killed by him.

After all, in terms of force alone, those players who fight alone are really not their opponents. Even if anyone is attacked, they will not be recruited so quickly.

The player was startled at first, and then he immediately thought about joining with the dragon tattoo. No matter who they were alone against Lu Xin, they would all lie down.

Then the guy pulled his throat and shouted to the third floor: "Hey Aaron, is that girl ready? Come down, the situation is not right."

After shouting for a long time, there was no movement upstairs. An ominous premonition flashed in his heart, and he approached the stairs cautiously, and was about to go up carefully.

Hearing the sound of rushing water, the man was startled, and when he looked up, he saw blood rushing down the stairs like a flood.

The other party even ducked to the side, but luckily there was only one trip to the thing, and the stairs were dry in a short time.

The player became more and more certain that there was a ghost on it, and he shouted again: "Aaron, are you dead?"

It was still silent above.

Players are a little bit troubled. These steps look evil and weird at the moment, but they also have unknown attraction.

After thinking about it, he decided to go up and find Aaron first. If there is anything wrong with that guy, then kill the ghost and hide himself. Anyway, he alone can't deal with Lu Xin.

Carefully stepped up the steps step by step, and the alertness of the body was adjusted to the highest value.

But suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, and it turned out to be Lu Xin's beautiful girl.

She stood here intact, but Aaron did not move

At the same time, the game broadcast the news of the death of the second player. The player was shocked and immediately confirmed that the woman was also a player.

It is even more incredible to be drawn by the highly tense game frequency and the tense atmosphere of successive player deaths.

This woman is not like that at all, and Lu Xin from her own group followed. She subconsciously thought that she had no time to do anything, but she did not expect that Lu Xin had already been turned against by her, which happened to be a natural cover.

Under the emotional excitement of the player, he could only see the female player who hid to the end, and he was going to catch her as soon as he stepped up.

As a result, the steadfast stairs suddenly slipped, and the overly eager action made him unable to react in time, and he rolled down the stairs and fell into the corridor on the second floor.

But he could still see the scene at the entrance of the stairs, and when he saw the woman pulled back, he pulled out a person's body.

It was Aaron who didn't answer. At this moment, this guy was bleeding from his throat, and he was holding on to the stairs with one hand.

Then she released her hand, and Aaron rolled down the stairs. Seeing that he was about to hit him, the player rolled to the side.

His attention was all upstairs, but in the next second, a flash of cold light pinned him, who had just rolled over, to the ground.

Passing directly through the heart, three points into the wood.

The player looked at the face of the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, and another figure of her upstairs.

Yes, it's not just ghosts who can do illusions.

It was the last thought in the player's life.

Zhu Yang took out the knife, flicked the blood on it, and walked out of the gate of the villa carelessly.

She has no psychological barriers to killing people. It would be better to say that ghosts and people in the horror world are no different to her.

She was able to tear apart malicious ghosts with her bare hands, and naturally it wouldn't be different just because the other party was a human being.

As early as in the first world of the official field, Zhu Yang realized that she was perverted. Although Teacher Qiu's husband was killed by several ghosts, she did her best to facilitate this, saying that her hands were not stained with blood. , this is too hypocritical.

Sometimes when I look back on the past, I even startle myself. How could she have no guilt and die just based on the distinction between good and evil and the difference in stance

Although her three views are different from the universally recognized standards, and there is a threat to life in the game, it is understandable that most people choose egoism.

But Zhu Yang knows herself. Compared with others, she has less struggle and transformation.

She couldn't understand it for a while, and didn't want to pay attention to it. She walked out the door slowly and saw Lu Datou waiting on the beach.

And the scar face that came out with him.

When Scarface heard the first game broadcast, he realized that something was wrong, but when he was about to run into the house, he was stopped by Lu Xin.

He looked at Lu Xin with a gloomy face: "I suspected that you had a problem, but I didn't expect it to be like this. Your mission conflicts with them. What's the benefit of helping them?"

Lu Xin said: "Why do you talk so much? Just wait."

It's not that Scarface didn't think about escaping, but once he made a move, he realized that Lu Xin's ability far exceeded his imagination.

He didn't even make a move, and he didn't mean to hurt him, just a few pebbles fluttering around blocked any way out for him.

Then he heard the death broadcasts of the players inside, and Scarface became more and more frightened.

Is the fish that slipped through the net hidden inside so powerful? Or have a few players escaped and killed the guards

Then, it didn't take long to see Zhu Yang walking out slowly with a knife.

"It's you—" Scarface said bitterly, "I should have thought of it earlier."

Zhu Yang nodded: "Mmmm! Don't blame me, what can I do if the game wants to trick you?"

The super mission game is broadcast, and the player death game is also broadcast, but the ghost killing mission is not broadcast.

These guys thought that none of the ghosts had been killed so far, so they took it for granted that the second group of players was still a starting point in the mission.

You must know that Lu Xin has killed a ghost in his hand and completed the task of guaranteeing the bottom line. Naturally, these people will not pass by Zhu Yang so easily without doubt.

But then again, she really doesn't look like a player at all, just like an NPC who died early in a horror movie.

Zhu Yang said: "Oh yes, you know what our group's mission is, but you don't know that there are variables in the evaluation rules, right?"

"Our team's mission completion is shared. At first, I didn't know why there was such a good thing. Later, I realized that the game doesn't want the ghost mission to stumble us too much energy. Raising your hand can guarantee the bottom line for all members. Next I can deal with you without any worries.”

"Your rewards are still calculated separately. The number of ghosts and monsters is so limited, and there are only two story lines. We will take away several of them at the same time. If the rest is not enough for you to share, there will be no us. You guys will fight on your own."

"You've given so many hints. If you don't make a move, wouldn't you lose face for the game?"

Scarface heard that his face was extremely ugly, and he was furious: "It's not fair to play dog games with me."

Zhu Yang waved his hand: "Don't sigh. Although Lu Xin is a group of us, he can't take action until the key point, and the information disclosed is limited. The comprehensive evaluation of our players is far below your group. You When the game will give you this loophole to catch?"

"And it's unfair." Zhu Yang sneered: "Thanks to the fact that the island is hidden by players and there are game restrictions, otherwise the men and women of the island will fall into your hands, and you don't know where they are now."

"Just a deserted island is like this. What have you done all the way through customs, it must be wonderful."

Scarface smiled and said, "What kind of charity are you pretending to be now? Dog games can come out of this game, and one by one will be born and die in it, as if it is a kind person. I already knew that we people are not welcome, but I didn't expect it to be forced to death."

"It's like it's doing some kind of charity of its own."

Zhu Yang shrugged: "Isn't it because you've caused too much trouble and made it annoying?"

Scarface was impatient: "Stop talking nonsense, what do you want?"

Zhu Yang said: "It's nothing, just test it, or have a clear assessment of what stage your ability is in among the players."

Scarface sneered, looked at Lu Xin and said, "Do you want me to try the knife for this little bitch? Don't be afraid of falling apart."

Lu Xin nodded: "Try it, if she can't help you, how about we let you go?"

Scarface had to bow his head now, and then the two of them took a stance without talking nonsense.

Zhu Yang didn't dare to be careless. At this point, her physique and skills did not have an overwhelming advantage among players.

Although she has a high rating for customs clearance, she has experienced few occasions, and the capital accumulated by others will not be much lower than hers.

Then Zhu Yang rushed over with the knife. She found the angle very tricky. A sharp knife was aimed at the scarred face and was picked up. It is really easy for people to subconsciously prepare for the first strike that does not follow the usual temptation routine. suffer.

But Scarface is a trainer, how could he suffer from such a loss of experience? He leaned back to avoid the blade, then stretched out his legs and kicked Zhu Yang's arm, kicking her wrist and causing the knife to leave his hand.

Zhu Yang's response was not slow, and the knife was released from his hand, and the other hand grabbed it horizontally, and the weapon returned to his hand.

He even swiped around the other's ankle that he hadn't had time to retract, intending to take off his leg.

Scar's face turned his ankles flexibly, his toes hit the back of the knife, shook the knife away, and retracted his leg.

He licked his mouth: "Hehe! This knife is good at playing, but unfortunately the skills I have acquired have not been chewed, and I have no experience in battle, right? It's still tender."

Zhu Yang smiled: "Don't just guard it, you will die if I'm quick with my knife, do you really think this is the guidance field?"

Scar's face sank, and sure enough, a metal steel knife popped out of his wrist out of thin air. Is this Wolverine

Zhu Yang was even more cautious in her heart. After the crisp sound of metal collision, it was fortunate that the other party was not using Edman alloy. Her sharp knife could still hit hard, otherwise she would only be chased and beaten.

To be honest, the more you fight Zhu Yang, the more difficult it will become. If you say that the other few are just fighting skills and conflicting intuitions that may have been practiced halfway through the road, then this Scarface is the real trainer.

The kind with family background, naturally it is impossible to compare the ability that Zhu Yang got halfway.

People really used the function of body strengthening to the maximum, but even if she had the ghost doll's knife skills, it was a lot of waste.

The other party is also cunning. When he lifted his leg and kicked, two sharp knives were drilled under his feet. If Zhu Yang hadn't hid quickly, his throat would have been cut, and a strand of hair would have fallen slowly.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Zhu Yang's eyes, he raised his hand and stabbed with a knife, and the scarred face was happy, this little girl was provoked, and she was in a mess.

He avoided the knife with ease, but he didn't expect that the knife suddenly came out of his hand and was held in an unreachable position in his hand, and it was approaching all of a sudden.

Scar's face was startled, and he hurriedly leaned to the side, and then he felt another knife piercing the wind in the direction he avoided.

It turned out to be so, playing the trick of slamming the east and the west, he stretched out his hand to block, and used the blade to separate the incoming attack. Because of this convenient location, he would need a knee strike to attack the opponent when he raised his leg.

However, he suddenly felt a dull pain, and something pierced into his thigh as he lifted his knee.

Scar's face was startled, and he wanted to step back quickly, but he felt a strong wind was blowing towards the door. He turned around and ducked to the side, but then there was the sound of a knife piercing into the flesh from his waist.

Impossible, where did that guy get so many knives? After fighting for so long, there is no trick to the other party's clothes.

However, he heard the voice of the other party next to him saying: "Ah, as expected, there is no way to face it, so I still have to play some tricks. However, one leg is injured, so it's easy to speculate where to hide from a straight-line attack."

"Oh! It seems that I have some fighting talent."

The wound on Scarface's thigh was the next best thing. He was stabbed in the kidneys and the blood was pouring out. He was about to stop the bleeding, but he felt a cold attack.

He saw that a cold current spread into his body along his blood, and the blood coagulated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Scar's face froze in his heart, and before he could think of any measures to solve the situation, his throat froze and he fell straight to the ground.

Zhu Yang took back the knife with an angry face, Lu Xiu resigned, and smiled at her: "I told you, you won't be his opponent just by melee ability alone."

"You have to be thankful that his skills are not as useful as yours, otherwise you won't be able to take advantage of it."

Zhu Yang took off her hand and threw the knife, which was an illusion, and the next step was also an illusion. She didn't have so many knives at all, in order to make the illusion that she was leaning forward because of the attack.

As soon as the empty door in his stomach came out, the other party only had his legs free, and he would not let go of the plan to attack with his legs, so he was naturally stabbed with a knife. It was obvious at a glance where he would hide.

Zhu Yang's bragging is too big, and the result is almost torn to the ground. It is also thanks to the two abilities of illusion and knife skills that are against the sky in melee combat. Otherwise, it is impossible to know who is kneeling.

Lu Xiu reassured her and said: "Okay! The battle must be to use all your advantages. Why are you not obsessed with this one? Your abilities are well coordinated now, and you are basically the best among players of the same level."

Zhu Yang said: "You put it lightly, my physique is so high that I can only use a few percent of the usefulness. This is just like when my father said that the red envelopes received by my uncles and aunts outside were too much money, children. You can't bring so much money, so open an account for me and save it, and you can give it to me after the age of fifteen."

"I can see it and feel it, but I just can't use it, do you know what it's like?"

Lu Xiuci didn't expect that she could pull out her own logic, and her eyes drifted a little: "Ah, um! It's so pitiful."

Seeing that she was going to be angry, he hurriedly hugged someone with a strong desire to survive and said that he would help her with targeted training when he went back.

She didn't dare to mention that she used to be lazy and didn't learn some self-defense with Zhu Weixin.

However, Zhu Yang has fitness habits, so it is better than ordinary female players.

As for Scarface, it was purely due to Zhu Yang's ability to kill her. If she really raised the knife, she would have already lost to slashing her.

It was useless to tangle with this, and returned to the villa with a sullen mouth. The players had already come out of the cellar.

He also held Li Wei who was not unbound.

In less than an hour, Li Wei saw that the second group, who had the upper hand, was completely killed, leaving him alone among the group.

Poor, helpless, shivering!

He looked at Zhu Yang, twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I, can I spend points to buy my life?"

Zhu Yang waved his hand: "It's like a robber who kills people and steals goods, but you also see what happens to the lawless guy in the game? Let you be an undercover agent so that you can freely choose your own position. Do you know how to choose in the future?"

Li Wei of course nodded again and again. He admitted that he was a little too greedy recently. He had the idea of taking advantage of the side.

Maybe that's why he was put undercover? Going wrong is just a thought.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Yang motioned others to let him go: "In this way, there is only one ghost left, you should kill it."

Li Wei was overjoyed, but Fang Lei said unwillingly: "Why do you cheap him? Now five ghosts have been overtaken, and one more overtaken by us would be rated S-rank."

Everyone also reacted, and they all felt that Zhu Yang was too generous, and the rewards of A-level and S-level were very different.

Zhu Yang sneered: "Exceeding? That guy doesn't deserve it."

He said to Li Wei again: "Using your methods, you can be as miserable as possible."

Is this a test of her? Thinking that with her persistent evaluation of the S-rank, she will hold her nose and overrun a demon that annoys her

Oh, thinking too much, what she can't bear is destroying her own aesthetics more than evaluation.

After a few players knew what the ghost was, although it was a pity, they could barely think about it.

He was ordered to throw the bodies of a few players from the second group into the sea. In fact, it doesn't matter whether they are thrown or not. After the game is over, these people will return to reality, their wounds will be wiped away, and they will die in the place before they entered the game.

Most of the causes of death are sudden death, and in a few cases, the game will be adjusted. After all, it is necessary to prevent people from relying on any clues to know the existence of the game.

Because the NPCs will come back in a while, so as not to scare them, it is better to throw the corpses.

But after Gu Shao and the others came back, the people who had been kidnapped before came out, and the others disappeared. Even if they couldn't guess the whole picture, they knew that something must have happened.

Fang Lei went up to beat Linda again, and after Zhu Yang asked Young Master Gu and the others to leave the island by boat.

Perhaps the game has come to an end, and the NPCs are no longer insisting that they must appear here as NPCs.

Just before leaving, Shao Gu asked them why they didn't leave.

Zhu Yang and several players looked at each other and said that they would come as a speedboat behind them.

After all, no matter how seamless their identities are, they are just characters created out of thin air in the game. When they go back to school, they will find that these people are not real at all.

No, maybe they will be forgotten when they go out to sea.

After dinner at noon, in the evening, everyone sat in the living room, leaving Li Wei alone in the kitchen to wait for the flat-headed ghost.

Others asked: "Will this guy not come out?"

Zhu Yang shook his head: "Probably not, after all, the head was smashed, so it shouldn't be easy to use."

Sure enough, not long after he finished speaking, there was movement from the kitchen, and the movement of the ghost screaming went on for a long time before disappearing.

This guy, Li Wei, seems to have turned all the grievances he suffered from the players back to the ghosts, and abused them so badly.

When the last few players went in to take a look, they all felt how depressed this guy was.

On the other hand, Zhu Yang was still standing and talking without back pain: "Well! That mother and daughter should be satisfied."

The game is only now over. The A-level evaluations that the players have received in this game are not satisfactory. After all, S-levels are hard to come by.

It's just that no one knows, but Zhu Yang's evaluation is still S-level.

Zhu Yang nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, it's not in vain for me to help you clear a round of people."

It's not that the relationship with the dog is better than the game, but this kind of person, if you don't take advantage of the trend to sweep the game when the game provides convenience, sooner or later it will become an obstacle for yourself.

At that time, it was the responsibility of cracking down on stray criminals.

After Zhu Yang finished speaking, she actually heard a grunt, a bit like a cat purring. She really suspected that a dog's head would come over and let her lick it.

Immediately, he shivered at the thought of himself.

Back on the bed in the real world, Zhu Yang fell down, pondering the theme of this game.

Thinking back to what Lu Datou said before about her future customs clearance style, she asked, "I'm afraid the game isn't so simple, and I just want someone to be the scavenger for it, right?"

"I think the routine is a bit boring now. Is it just so much effort?"

Lu Xiu resigned with a smile: "Of course it's impossible, there are still intermediates—"

Halfway through the sentence, as if thinking of something, a trace of displeasure flashed across this guy's face, and he finally said angrily, "It's hard to say."

Zhu Yang thought it was a restriction, so he didn't ask any further questions.

The next day, the two asked Xie Yi and Qu He to gather again.

Qu He has always been interested in combing games, especially on occasions with special significance, so he pulled Zhu Yang and asked a lot of questions.

On the other hand, Lu Xiuci and Xie Yi sat aside, casually listening to their discussions while drinking.

Suddenly Lu Xiu resigned and whispered to Xie Yi, "Someone wants to grab a girlfriend from me."

Xie Yi took a sip of wine and almost spit it out when he heard the words: "Isn't it the old way? Look at your girlfriend's face, it's normal for someone to steal her looks, but the question is, who can fight so far, right?"

After speaking, he suddenly realized, raised his hands to show his innocence and said, "Let's talk about it first, I went to her place to help hunt ghosts at that time, although I said that I wanted to pick her up, but at that time her identity was unknown, which is called ignorance. Not guilty."

Lu Xiu's speech was silent for a moment. This Nima's own words actually brought out such an unexpected joy

He glanced at Xie Yi angrily, but didn't bother about it first.

He gritted his teeth and said, "It's not about you, let alone where do you have the confidence to think that you can be a threat to me? You can afford to support her for a month."

Xie Yi calculated his net worth and didn't speak, and asked embarrassingly, "Who is that?"



Zhu Yang and Qu He looked over and saw that this guy didn't drink anything, just choked on saliva, glanced at the mentally retarded with contempt, and then turned back to continue the topic.

Xie Yi hurriedly pulled Lu Xiuqi out of the box: "I said brother, I know that your eldest lady is Pan Liangtiaoshun, but let's think about the problem from reality, right?"

"As far as her virtues are concerned, is that something a person can bear? Oh, it's not about you. We already know that you have a good taste."

"Think about it, she has been in the game until now, and she has vomited blood several times because of her customs clearance style? We also vaguely heard one of them, right?"

Then Lu Xiu resigned and gave him a magical theory: "She also vomits blood from anger all day long, but it doesn't prevent me from thinking she is cute."

Xie Yi was silent for a whole minute before patting him on the shoulder: "Be obedient, don't take your standard on a normal person, ah!"

Are you a psychopath with masochistic tendencies

He thought it was amazing that he had such an idea, so he couldn't help but ask curiously, "Tell me how you have such an idea?"

Lu Xiu said: "The game is too specific to her. I told you earlier that although it seems to be against her, only we old players know that in the long run, the game's preference for her is quite obvious."

Xie Yi nodded: "That's right, but am I not like that too?"

Lu Xiu choked on his resignation, but Xie Yi, an idiot, is also the type who hates the game at first glance.

As far as his timidity and fear of ghosts are concerned, Lu Xiujie, who used to play with him, even felt the kind of hatred that the game wanted to turn into a whip to whip this guy.

Xie Yi raised his eyebrows: "Look, sometimes it's so unfair, the game likes to take care of players with unique personal styles. You are so powerful every day, but people are quite good at your senses."

"Don't be jealous when you think about it, you can't be jealous hahaha!"

Lu Xiu said expressionlessly: "I was going to talk about something new in the intermediate field last night, but I was warned by the game."

"It gave me the feeling that it was a carefully packaged and hidden gift, eager to show it off to her and not allowing me to reveal it first."

Xie Yi: "…"

This, then this is really a dog.