Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 120: God stick (11)


"What nonsense are you talking about! Are you crazy?"

Bai Yumu held on, with a trembling voice, trying to explain all this, "That person just now was the one you asked for, right!"

"This dog!! Where did you find it! Did Zhao Xi ask you to come here, didn't you!!"

His voice was almost broken, but Wei Mingyan didn't seem to hear it. He checked his body and found something belatedly.

"Turtle shell, go with the Taoist robe."

The handsome Taoist priest who lost his Taoist robe and only wore his middle coat thought for two seconds, "It's okay, I can count on empty words."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want money."

"Crazy, you are a crazy!!!"

Bai Yumu's eyes were red, and he ran in a random direction in a panic.

He has only one thought now, and that is to avoid this lunatic, and he must dodge! !

As for why he wanted to hide, Bai Yumu would not admit that he was guilty, he would not admit that he was afraid, he just ran forward blindly, running...

"Wow woof woof!!!"

The yellow dog flicked its tail a little uneasily, watched the figure disappearing in front of it, and moved its feet, as if trying to catch up.

"Don't worry."

The Taoist priest's slender hands fell on his head, "Come on, let me show you something fun."

The crutch drew a circle on the ground without leaving any trace, but the yellow dog barked twice at the circle a little excitedly, then squatted obediently beside Wei Mingyan again.

"It's in the circle, isn't it amazing?"

Wei Mingyan got up with a smile, and walked forward with the yellow dog.


Bai Yumu's mind was blank, he only knew that he had to run away quickly, and he didn't have time to think about where and how to get there.

He didn't know how long he had been running, his tired legs were shaking, and he couldn't do it anymore, so he had to stop and rest first.

After taking a few breaths, Bai Yumu looked back with a pale face, and there was no man on the long road.

He was breathing heavily, with a mocking and disdainful smile on his face.

Sure enough, it was just a guy pretending to be a ghost.

He didn't believe that there would be ghosts in this world, it was simply impossible.

Seeing that he got rid of the man who didn't know what happened, Bai Yumu rested for a while, breathing evenly, and then slowly straightened his waist.

It's not suitable to go out tonight, so he should hurry back to school.

As soon as he stepped out, the surrounding road seemed to be pulled away suddenly. The earthquake-like scene made Bai Yumu back away in horror, but no matter how he backed away, the road disappeared quickly.

-Snapped! !

The sound of the bowl being smashed sounded like a thunderbolt, hitting Bai Yumu's mind suddenly.

"Xiaomu, Xiaomu..."

Someone was calling his name, the voice was weak, powerless, and full of sickness.

"No, it's impossible..."

Bai Yumu opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief, "Impossible, impossible..."

In front of him, there was no longer an empty road, but a small and dilapidated environment. Even just standing there, he felt aggrieved.

A woman struggled to hold on to the wall and came out. She called her son's name, but seeing that there was no sign of her son, she had to sit down alone, trembling, poured water and took a sip.

The chapped lips were moisturized by water but were still so dry. The woman carefully picked up the wool from the table, moving slowly, but carefully tying the sweater.

Bai Yumu recognized it, it was what he used to wear on his body, he despised it as ugly, too earthy, and threw it in front of the grave on the day of the woman's burial.

He wanted to leave here, leave this ghostly place, Bai Yumu even suspected that he was dreaming, otherwise why, he couldn't get out of this narrow room at all.

When Bai Yumu became a little irritable, the woman sat calmly on the spot.

The woman has been knitting a sweater, her body is too weak, and it is difficult for such a simple movement, so she has to move more slowly, just sitting like this for an afternoon is only a small part of it.

She stood up with support, carefully placed the sweater on the table, supported the table and stood up again.

After a while, she came back again, holding a cold bun in her hand, and ate it bit by bit.

After eating a steamed bun, it was considered as a meal, she picked up the sweater again, knitting slowly and carefully.

"What are you doing?? Ah?? Why do you want me to see these?? What's so interesting?"

"Do you think I will feel guilty!! No, I tell you, there are no ghosts in the world, there are no ghosts at all!!!"

Wei Mingyan leaned on crutches and stood behind the woman. His eyes looked at Bai Yumu calmly, as if he was looking at an object rather than a living person.

"When a person is born and grows up with a child, he will have a conscience."

Under Bai Yumu's blood-red eyes, he said lightly, "No one is an exception."

"So? What do you want to say?"

"I just want to say, conscience, only you can lose it."

The handsome Taoist priest smiled slightly, "Only I can get it back."

"Isn't this the place where you discarded your conscience? It's the first time."

"This time is wrong, sorry, it's my first time doing this kind of thing, and I'm not very proficient."

The crutch fell heavily, and Bai Yumu coughed in his ear.

"Ahem... Xiaomu, Xiaomu... help mom get a glass of water, mom is thirsty..."

"Ahem, ahem, Xiaomu..."

The door was pushed open violently, and a young man between a teenager and a young man rushed in angrily.

"Can you stop disturbing me, I'm busy!"

The woman on the bed couldn't even move, she glanced at her child with sadness in her eyes, "I'm a little thirsty..."

"If you want to drink water, you can't pour it yourself! It's so noisy!"

The young version of Bai Yumu slammed the door and went outside to continue playing games. The rain outside was loud and crackling. The floor of the narrow house was full of potholes and the roof was still leaking. He raised his legs in agitation. Concentrate on the game.

Bai Yumu stood stiffly in the room, watching the pale woman push herself up and try to sit up, she got off the bed little by little.

She didn't want to trouble her child, even though she was the one who took care of him when he was a child, and she was the one who nursed him in the middle of the night, and it was she who carefully cared for him to grow up.

The woman has been ill for too long, and she supports Bai Yumu by doing manual work to support Bai Yumu. She is already very sick, and now she can't even get out of bed.

Her limp feet landed on the ground, she took a step, her feet went limp, and she fell face down on the ground.

"Um... um..."

There was a big hole on the bumpy ground, and water leaked from it, and it was full of water. The woman just fell on it, her face was pressed down, and she wanted to struggle to get up, but her hands had no strength.

She struggled desperately, desperately trying to get up, and her feet hit the ground one after another.

"It's so noisy!!"

The door opened, and her son stood outside.

After a moment of shock, her delicate face turned dark.

He clasped the wooden floor tightly with his hands, and he didn't know what he was thinking on his face. He just watched his biological mother struggling hard, and her face was buried in the sewage.

Bai Yumu knew what he was thinking.

This woman is useless. She can no longer support him, give him money, and cook for him as before.

She was lying on the bed, earning no money, and asked him to serve her.

If she died, he'd get the grant, would be orphaned, and by right, the money.

So, he slowly closed the door.

The young Bai Yumu left, but the current Bai Yumu was forced to stay.

He watched helplessly as the woman on the ground stopped struggling and her legs could no longer move.

"Your conscience."

"You lost it yourself."

"You keep saying that there are no ghosts in the world, but in fact, you are just afraid that they will come to you."

Wei Mingyan was leaning on crutches, his eyes were cold, but he was still smiling, "But the creditor has been waiting for you."