Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 5: Scum dad is not scum (5)


Qiao Panpan's mother is Qi Ya, an embroiderer girl. She has a gentle temperament and a beautiful appearance. Although she is in her thirties, she is more attractive than those young girls in their twenties when she smiles lightly.

It was precisely because of this beauty that some people coveted her after her husband left and never came back.

Qi Ya is weak, but this weakness becomes strong after facing the person who wants to take advantage of her. She desperately refused to marry him according to the wishes of the bastard. Later, the house caught fire and Qi Ya became seriously ill. One time, when medical bills were needed to save his life, he also killed him and did not let go.

Then, she resolutely sold the house and used the remaining money to live with her daughter.

After paying Qiao Panpan's tuition, the money was just enough for Qi Ya's medical expenses. Her daughter is still young and she is the only relative.

Qi Ya is sick and can't do anything, but her real earning skill is embroidery, so she sits on the bed every day and sells her embroidery, which is considered a fortune.

The doctor said that she was running out of time, and now she was only relying on medicine, and she might leave at any time, Qi Ya didn't care, her daughter was an adult, and she had the ability to earn money to support herself, so she could leave with peace of mind.

It's just that he was unwilling to see the man before he died.

Qi Ya is smart, but naive.

She can easily see through the bum's seemingly reliable and adulterous thoughts, but she can also trust her husband's words.

He said he would come back, and he would definitely come back.

The woman slowly drank the soup in the spoon. After the warm soup entered her stomach, she frowned slightly, raised her eyes, and asked softly, "Panpan, where did these come from?"

"I'm on a business trip with the general manager today. When he came back, he treated me to a treat and asked me to bring it to you."

Qiao Panpan wittily concealed the fact that he hadn't eaten all day, seeing his mother was still a little confused, so he quickly told what he saw today.

"I heard that our general manager donates money to those orphans every year, saying that it is for the blessings of his wives and daughters. He is really a very good person, and he takes special care of me. He also said that he will compensate me for today's business trip. Double salary!"

While skillfully peeling the apple, Qiao Panpan said to Qi Ya who was stunned, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing..." Qi Ya came back to her senses after being called by her daughter. She forced a smile and said softly, "Before your father left, he also said that he would bring me red roses."

Qiao Panpan paused, his expression was not as bright as before, and he said sullenly, "Mom, don't think about him. Although the transportation was inconvenient at that time, it's not like he won't come back for so many years. He just... "

She wanted to say that he just didn't want them anymore, but seeing her mother's sad eyes, she swallowed the rest of her words.

"In short, wouldn't the two of us have a good life without him? The company I work for now has a high salary and good treatment. When I graduate and try to come back, I will soon be able to save enough money to buy a house!"

"Okay, mom is waiting for us to buy a house." Buying a house in this city is not as easy as Qiao Panpan said, but Qi Ya complied with her daughter's whimsical fantasy with a gentle smile, her beautiful eyes full of trust.

Thinking that life would get better and better in the future, Qiao Panpan raised a small corner of his mouth, handed the peeled apple to his mother, and went out to throw out the trash by himself.

Seeing her daughter's cheerful figure leave, Qi Ya smiled contentedly and looked at the apple in her hand.

Her daughter is filial and excellent, which is the most satisfying thing for her.

But such a good daughter, when she is gone, alone in this world, how sad it will be...

If only Cheng Qing was still alive, eh...

Qiao Panpan took the garbage bag and threw it into the large garbage can at the end of the corridor. A middle-aged nurse walked towards her and greeted her with a smile, "Panpan is coming to see mom again?"

"Yes, my mother has troubled you."

"It should be."

This nurse is also surnamed Zhang. She is the head nurse of the hospital. There is also a daughter at home who is the same age as Qiao Panpan. care.

She was walking towards the nurse's station with an empty medicine bottle in her hand, but when she reached the door, she heard the crisp voice of a young nurse inside.

"The beautiful woman who lives in No. 208 is very miserable. Her husband ran away and raised her daughter by herself. Now she is sick again. She depends on her to take care of her. You say..."

As she was talking, another nurse who was listening to gossip on the opposite side looked at head nurse Zhang standing outside the door with a gloomy face, and coughed a little stiffly.

The little nurse who was spreading gossip also sensed something, and turned around quickly, and she saw Head Nurse Zhang looking at her with a dark face.

"Are you here for an internship or to gossip? Let me hear you spreading these nonsense again. Don't ask me to sign you for the internship appraisal!"

The little nurse was young, and when she said it in a stern tone, tears rolled down her eyes. Seeing her like this, Head Nurse Zhang calmed down a bit, "Be more careful next time."

After finishing speaking, she put away the empty medicine bottle and went out to inspect the ward.

But I didn't know that as soon as she left, the little nurse immediately pouted and shed tears, "What's the air! Old woman, I was right, the woman in 208 was abandoned!"

The other nurse next to her looked a bit tangled, wanted to persuade but didn't know how to persuade, and finally said, "Maybe they are really separated. My dad said that at that time, there were really some people who would never see each other for the rest of their lives." noodle."

"Come on, I think she was abandoned, so what if she looks good, it's not that no one wants it! The head nurse and her chatted so well, she must be abandoned in the future!" She was upset when she was scolded just now. , At this moment, he tried his best to belittle the two of them.

As soon as she finished speaking, several nurses who were also young pushed the door in and looked at her with strange expressions, apparently hearing her words.

But everyone is an intern, and one more thing is worse than one less thing, so just pretend that you haven't heard it.

In the ward here, Qi Ya frowned slightly holding Qiao Panpan's coat, "Why is there a hole in it?"

"Ah, this one?" Qiao Panpan was laying a quilt on the recliner, and replied casually, "I let the door scrape when I went to eat, and it will be broken if it is broken. I will sew it up later."

"Your material is missing a corner, how do you sew it?" Qi Ya picked up the sewing box and fabric next to her, chose one with a similar color, and said softly, "Let me make it up for you."

She is dexterous, and is used to this, and when the two of them were going to sleep, they had already repaired it. The place where the big hole was originally broken can no longer be seen at the moment, and even the traces of sewing together have been covered by a beautiful flower. of morning glory instead.

Qiao Panpan held the coat and praised it full of praise, "Mom, you look so much better than before, it's amazing!"

Seeing that her daughter was satisfied, Qi Ya showed a gentle smile, and said softly, "Give it to me next time when the clothes are torn."

"Okay! Thank you, Mom!"

The next day, Qiao Panpan happily put on his coat and went to the company, and sure enough, he quickly attracted everyone's attention.

"It's so beautiful, Panpan, it didn't look like this yesterday!"

A few women surrounded her in amazement, "This flower is so beautiful and expressive, it's just amazing."

Qiao Panpan pursed her lips and smiled proudly. No matter how mature she is, she couldn't help being happy when she heard her mother being praised: "My mother embroidered it for me. She is very good."

"Your mother is amazing..."

Wei Mingyan walked over with slender legs, and saw several people chatting and laughing around Qiao Panpan, with a gentle smile on his face, "What are you talking about? So happy."

He was joking, but his eyes were fixed on the beautiful morning glory.