Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 55: Unfilial Son/Phoenix Man (2)


The man was slightly bent over and gritted his teeth to endure the pain, when he suddenly heard someone coming in, he clenched his hand holding his stomach tightly, stood up straight with a white face, and looked at the person indifferently.

Lan Xue was taken aback by his frighteningly cold eyes, but still held on, walked to the side and picked up the medicine bottle, walked carefully to Wei Mingyan, and handed it to him.

Wei Mingyan's lips turned white due to the pain, he pursed his lips slightly, stared at Lan Xue indifferently, finally stretched out his hand, and thanked softly, "Thank you."

Lan Xue just watched the man open the bottle with his slender and beautiful hands, took out the medicine inside and swallowed it without even drinking the water.

Doesn't he feel pain...

Lan Xue, who had been afraid of taking bitter medicine since she was a child, swallowed subconsciously, and looked at Wei Mingyan with a little more awe in her eyes.

Just when she mustered up the courage to start a conversation with this disease as an excuse, there were men talking and laughing outside the office.

Lan Xue noticed that the man whose eyes had softened because of her delivery of the medicine had returned to his indifferent look. She didn't understand it at first, but when the two doctors walked into the office and saw their scene, they stopped. After seeing the smiling face, he seemed to understand something again.

Intrigues in the hospital have never been less, although Lan Xue has never experienced it, but she has heard gossip from her classmates in various hospitals, many of which are stories of ostracism in the office.

In her eyes, Wei Mingyan was obviously such a person who was excluded, otherwise why everyone went to eat in groups at noon, and he was left alone in the office.

This time, Lan Xue guessed right. Wei Mingyan was indeed being squeezed out by people in the office. As a new doctor, he just finished his internship. In the eyes of veteran doctors, this is a doctor who can be ordered around The presence.

However, Wei Mingyan's personality is not pleasing. In the eyes of others, he always sits in a gloomy position, without a smile on his face, as if he is secretly planning some conspiracy.

In fact, he was indeed like this before. As a new doctor, his salary was not high and he did a lot of work. Although this was the norm in the hospital, he couldn't stand it.

When the director arranged to be on duty at night together, he directly asked why he was asked to be on duty after he had already finished his shift this week, but the director was not on duty for a long time.

In fact, everyone knows that the youngest daughter of the director’s family has just been born. He is busy going home to accompany the child every day. He has not been on duty for a long time, so every time he is on duty, it will be postponed. Of course, as compensation, the duty fee will be paid correctly every time. , I will treat everyone to a meal at the end of a week's shift.

Everyone accepted this decision. After all, no one has any difficulties. If you help me today, I will help him tomorrow, which is beneficial to everyone.

However, this new young doctor's eyes are higher than the sky, and he doesn't care about such a small duty fee. Asking this question in public almost made the director unable to come down.

After that, the enmity between him and the director was also written down.

The director is their immediate leader, and the others looked down on Wei Mingyan, who had a gloomy face all day long, and now they have a reason to stay away from him.

The original Wei Mingyan didn't even think about it. Although he felt uncomfortable, he was also at ease. Later, when he married the dean's daughter and gained power, he even fired all these old colleagues.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the office that had just calmed down became stiff because of the return of the two doctors. Lan Xue was a little at a loss, but saw the handsome man in front of him still pursing his lips, as if he was still trying his best to endure the pain and said, "You Go back first, thank you just now."

"It's okay, then I'm leaving."

Lan Xue didn't really want to leave, but she would only be embarrassed if she stayed here, so she reluctantly left, and as she walked, the image of Wei Mingyan pressing his stomach hard with a pale face just now appeared before her eyes again.

He is so fragile...

It actually raised her favorability to another level!

If this goes on like this, I really can't control myself to strike up conversations...

After Lan Xue left, the two doctors just now looked at the doctor who sat down slowly with his hands on his stomach, with hesitant expressions on their faces. It stands to reason that they should go up to ask colleagues like this, but Wei Mingyan has always given people the feeling that Even if you ask, he won't tell you.

After thinking about it, they still felt that one thing more is worse than one thing less, so they lowered their heads and continued to do their work.

The work of doctors is actually quite busy, especially the hospital where they work is the largest hospital in the city, and the number of patients coming and going is even more frightening. The doctors in the whole office are busy all day long, and when they get off work At this point, in addition to the doctor on duty who went to eat, there are still several doctors working overtime to make medical records.

Since the director had a daughter, he has always been the one who left after work, but today his wife called to say that her daughter was carried by her and her mother-in-law to go shopping together, and asked him to find something to eat by himself. Without his daughter, the director left work The movement suddenly slowed down.

He has his own office. After dawdling in wiping the cabinets, sweeping the floor, and checking today's medical records, the director locked the door and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, according to his usual habit, he first strolled around the big office.

Then he saw Wei Mingyan who was buried in his desk.

Seeing the director's eyebrows, he couldn't help frowning. The older he was, the more he hated this kind of guy who put on a straight face every day as if the whole world owed him money, but one or two of the little nurses thought it was so cool Yes, there is no problem with being lifeless at such a young age, so every day when he says something, he looks at him gloomily, which is really scary.

Although he didn't like Wei Mingyan, he didn't intend to do anything. He frowned and planned to leave, but when he was about to turn around, he noticed that the man's slender hands were standing vertically by the table.

This is not normal, his forehead is leaning against the table, his hands are hanging on the ground, and his head is so close to his body, he will have difficulty breathing within three seconds, who sleeps like this.

Although this kid is not pleasing to the eye, the director is also a doctor. After discovering something was wrong, he immediately walked to Wei Mingyan's side, "Wei Mingyan?"

He yelled but there was no response, then reached out and patted his shoulder again, the man moved slightly, and the sweat dripped from his forehead.

Pale lips, sweaty forehead, sickness.

Is this kid sick

The director didn't have time to think, and slapped the man to wake him up.

The sick young doctor opened his eyes slightly, his weak voice made his usual cold tone much less, "Director?"

"Do you know that you are sick?"

Seeing that he was still able to speak with his eyes open, the director, who had just shown an anxious expression on his face, quickly withdrew his worried expression, and said with a serious face, "Do you know what the disease is?"

Wei Mingyan's eyes gradually became clear, he propped himself up and sat up, his waist straightened, if it wasn't for his pale face and cold sweat on his forehead, he would never have seen the slightest sign of weakness just by looking at his expression.

"Stomach pain, old problem, nothing serious."

His voice was neither salty nor weak, which was the tone the director hated the most.

If he had heard him talk like this, the director would have left directly, but he is a doctor, and seeing the patient's distress, he couldn't help but say, "Hurry up and take the medicine, or take care of yourself, and ask your family to warm up every day." Stomach soup, you should have learned it."

Hearing his family members, the young doctor's eyes darkened, and his loss was fleeting. "Okay, thank you, Director."

This kid seemed to be thanking him for the first time.

The director was amazed in his heart, and his disgust towards the good-looking doctor in front of him was much less. With his hands behind his back, he left the office comfortably and walked out of the hospital.

As soon as he arrived at the parking lot, his footsteps stopped again.

No, how could he remember that there seemed to be no one in Wei Mingyan's house

Then didn't what he said just now poked someone's heart!

Wei Mingyan doesn't think he did it on purpose...

But thinking about how he was in pain just now, he still tried his best to act as if nothing had happened, but because of the pain, the cold tone when he spoke turned into a little bit of fragility, and the director felt that this foot I can't go any further.

Although I usually don't like this kid, but when I think about it, this kid is a few years older than my eldest son, and I don't seem to see Wei Mingyan appearing in the cafeteria all day today, so it's not like he hasn't eaten all day...

Although the director is not yet fifty, but because of staying up late and working continuously for a long time, he is aging very quickly. He usually considers himself an old man and has always advocated health preservation. Although he is not a Chinese medicine doctor, he has also learned a few words from his friends.

A man with a stomach bug who hasn't eaten all day...

He endured and endured, thinking about Wei Mingyan's face just now, he still couldn't hold back, turned around and went back into the hospital.


Wei Ming said that his stomach was perforated.

The news quickly spread throughout the office.

They are all doctors, and they know that gastric perforation can cause people to roll in pain and faint, and if they are not treated in time, their lives may be in danger. If the director did not find Wei Mingyan who had fainted, the day lily would be cold when the person on duty who went to eat came back.

Wei Mingyan, who was hospitalized with gastric perforation, was very bleak, at least in the eyes of the director.

At the beginning, the period of fasting was fine, and then I started to cultivate slowly. As a person who needs to nourish his stomach, he can only eat takeaway every day.

Of course, their surgery department is quite far from the ward where Wei Mingyan lives, but his subordinate is sick. As the director, he has to go to see it out of reason. After he went, he heard Wei Mingyan's words. Miserable words.

Sure enough, being handsome can be eaten anywhere.

The director went there three times, and every time he went, the handsome young doctor was reading books, and what he read was still medical books. Regarding his spirit of living and learning, the director, who claims to be an old guy, slowly let go of his prejudice.

In any case, young people like Wei Mingyan who are not impetuous at all are really rare.

After meeting him a few times, he realized that Wei Mingyan didn't have any objections to him, it was just that he was used to it.

Even now, he doesn't feel that asking about shift transfer in public made it difficult for the director to step down.

The director's mood is very complicated.

I thought it was a weasel with no good intentions, but it turned out to be an honest and stupid spore.

But because of Wei Mingyan's gloomy face, he secretly guarded himself for a long time.

This is obviously a good boy who is diligent and studious but doesn't understand the world!

For the fourth time, the director brought the stomach nourishing soup made by his wife.

This child is also very pitiful.

It doesn't matter if there is no one at home, he looks like Tang Seng, but he doesn't even have a girlfriend.