Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 75: good teacher (3)


Qi Jiayu drank the medicine and fell asleep for almost two hours in a drowsy state. When she woke up, she was still a little confused looking at the strange environment around her. After realizing that this was Teacher Wei's room, she stood up sat up.

She cried a lot in the morning, and cried again in the afternoon. Although it is said that children are made of tears, her eyes are swollen and painful at the moment, and she has to get up after rubbing.

The door opened, and Qi Jingshu walked in. Seeing her niece woke up, a smile appeared on her face. Under Qi Jiayu's staring gaze, she sat down on the side of the bed, and stretched out her hand to feel the temperature of her forehead.

"It doesn't burn anymore, Jiayu, are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

The little girl shook her head in confusion, "Auntie..."

I didn't react before, but now that I see my aunt who loves me the most, tears are like spring water coming out again.

"Be good, be good, don't cry..."

Seeing her niece crying, Qi Jingshu felt even more uncomfortable. She hugged the thin girl in her arms and asked softly, "Why didn't you tell aunt when your classmate bullied you?"

If she hadn't told her clearly this time, she still wouldn't know anything.

Qi Jingshu has been subjected to school violence before, so she knows better what it is like. Although Qi Jiayu's classmates are still young, she is not that old either.

"Auntie, Auntie is busy..." Qi Jiayu sobbed, "I don't want you to worry..."

When the child's childish cry fell in her ears, Qi Jingshu's tears fell instantly.

She guessed that when the family had dinner together, her elder brother and sister-in-law said that she was already busy, and now she had no time to take care of Jiayu, so her niece wrote it down.

Gently patting Qi Jiayu's back with her hand, Qi Jingshu was both moved and distressed, "No matter how busy my aunt is, Jiayu is the most important thing. Next time something like this happens, I have to tell my aunt as soon as possible, you know?"

The little girl in her arms sobbed and agreed.

When she stopped crying, she sat up with red eyes and asked in a low voice, "Did Teacher Wei call you here?"

Qi Jingshu nodded, and heard her niece say, "Mr. Wei said that Liu Momo will apologize to me, but she is not good or bad, she will not apologize."

She touched her niece's little head, "No matter how bad she is, she is also your teacher Wei's student. If she did something wrong, she must apologize."

Qi Jiayu nodded ignorantly, but still felt that Liu Momo would not apologize.

She always talks about how powerful her parents are, and that if she dares to resist, her parents will sue her.

Although Qi Jiayu was sensible, her age limited her horizons, and she was a little less courageous after being frightened by her classmates.

She always felt that Liu Momo would not apologize.


Liu Momo was indeed unwilling to apologize. Although she was young, she was not afraid of the teacher like other children, perhaps because of her growing environment. Facing Wei Mingyan, who told her softly and softly, to apologize like a classmate, the little The girl raised her head arrogantly.

"No! Qi Jiayu is stupid, why should I apologize?"

"Didn't the teacher criticize her in class today? Didn't the teacher hate her too? I don't want to apologize to this crybaby!"

The girl's crisp voice resounded throughout the office, Wei Mingyan ignored the gazes of colleagues around him, his voice was still gentle, "Momo, the teacher criticized Jiayu because she answered the question wrongly, and wanted her to correct it and change it It’s better, but you bullied Jiayu and poured water on her bed, you are doing bad things and it’s not right.”

"Anyway, I don't want to apologize. If Qi Jiayu is unhappy, let my mother pay for it. My mother said that my family has plenty of money."

Seeing that such a young child can say such words, the surrounding teachers all had expressions that couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Their school said it was under the banner of aristocrats, but in fact, most of the children they took in were able to get in if they had money. If there were too many people, of course it would be harmful.

It is okay for parents nowadays to pamper their children, but some of the three views taught are simply unthinkable.

For example, Liu Momo now knows without looking that her family must be an upstart.

Students like this are the most difficult to discipline, because they don't realize that they are wrong at all, even if the teacher teaches them, their parents will not let them go.

In the past, Wei Mingyan's attitude towards parents has always been gentle, and he is also known for his good temper. He has always taught children just to say a few words, but now seeing Liu Momo contradicting him, he couldn't help but look over, planning to take a look at this What to do with young teachers.

If ordinary schools would definitely call parents, but seeing Liu Momo like this, her parents...

"Momo, can you tell the teacher how sad you would be if you were splashed with so much water on the bed?"

However, Liu Momo still had the expression of not wanting to be beaten, "If it were me, I would beat up the person who splashed water, no one can let Qi Jiayu beat me."

Wei Mingyan's originally gentle eyes froze: "Did you hit her?"

Startled by his sudden change of expression, seeing the teacher's ugly face, Liu Momo rarely felt guilty, but she still nodded and admitted.

"Of course I did. She still hated the things I put on her bed, so I ordered someone to beat her up."

Girls in this grade should be innocent and lovely. They often have innocent eyes and their minds are always full of whimsical ideas, but now, in the eyes of the students in front of him, Wei Mingyan only sees the joy after being abused.

When she talked about it, there was even excitement in her eyes.

Liu Momo really didn't think it was a big deal, her mother had told her that she was underage, even if she killed someone, she wouldn't be sentenced to prison, their family had enough money, at worst, they could just change schools.

Anyway, it's not the first time I've changed schools.

Liu Momo has seen many mothers scold their teachers bloody, so she has always treated Wei Mingyan casually.

"Anyway, I won't apologize. It should be Qi Jiayu who apologized to me. I hit her, and my hand still hurts for a long time."

Her chubby face was full of arrogance, and the teachers present completely felt what it means to have an ugly face.

This attitude is really too arrogant.

Apparently, the young Teacher Wei, who had never met many arrogant students, was quite angry. He stood up, his voice trembling with anger.

"Call your parents over, I want to see how they teach you!"

After Liu Momo left, several teachers came to comfort Wei Mingyan, who was still angry.

"Mr. Wei, don't be too angry. They don't listen to the teacher now, and they will suffer on their own in the future."

If you don't study hard and have such an arrogant personality, it doesn't matter how big the family business is.

"Yes, and you see the child's attitude, so you should know the attitude of her parents. Like a mother, like a son, it's not just talk."

"Our principal has always listened to whoever has the money. When the time comes, we will call her family. Maybe you will apologize in the end."

Wei Mingyan listened silently to the teachings of his seniors, when a clear voice suddenly sounded, "As teachers, don't we just want to distinguish between rewards and punishments?"

Watching a child being bullied in vain like this, what kind of teacher is he.

The surrounding teachers were silent, and finally the oldest female teacher among them sighed.

"Yeah, it's about rewards and punishments."

As teachers, they can help poor students, work hard to improve the grades of those who do not study well, and can also resolve psychological problems for students. can't get anything.

Now in this world, it is not that students are afraid of teachers, but teachers are afraid of students.

"When the child's parents come, you should be prepared. If the child does not learn well, most of them are taught by the parents. If they can teach such a child, the parents will not be much better."

The handsome young teacher thanked him gratefully, and he didn't know if he could listen to it.

An hour later, Liu Momo's parents arrived.

She is a beautiful woman with heavy makeup, and her appearance is very sharp.

"Mr. Wei, I heard that my Momo was bullied?"

When she entered the door, she directly asked Wei Mingyan with the attitude of asking a teacher for a crime.

Qi Jingshu, who came along with Qi Jiayu, showed anger in her eyes, and hugged her niece even tighter.

Wei Mingyan's attitude was still indifferent, "It may be that Liu Momo's way of reporting was wrong. She bullied other classmates, so she asked you to come here."

"Just kidding, my Momo is very well-behaved, how could she bully others? I think that child is lying, Mr. Wei, what do you think?"

She sat down and exposed the diamond ring on her finger with a proud expression.

"It has been proven that Liu Momo bullied her classmate. I called you here because she refused to admit her mistake, so please ask classmate Liu Momo to apologize to that classmate."

As Wei Mingyan spoke, he looked at the girl standing beside the woman.

"I don't want to apologize, didn't I just splash some water! I didn't pour boiling water, so what are you afraid of!"

Qi Jiayu's eyes were still swollen, and when she heard Liu Momo's words, her eyes turned redder, and she flinched into her aunt's arms.

Qi Jingshu turned cold and said directly to Liu Momo's mother, "Your daughter has already admitted it, and we don't want anything else, just an apology."

"Apologize? Why do you apologize?" Liu Momo's mother glanced up and down at Qi Jingshu who was wearing cheap clothes, with a hint of sarcasm on her face, "If you want money, just tell me, don't play around with me. "

With her mother's support, Liu Momo's attitude is even more arrogant, and she really deserves a beating with her proud look of imitating her mother.

"I'm not going to apologize! You just want money!"

"Apologize, there's no need for it. In this way, didn't you splash water on the bed? It wasn't intentional, so we'll just pay for a quilt. It's guaranteed to be better than her original quilt." Liu Momo's mother looked at it appreciatively. Looking at the manicure I just had today, my tone became impatient.

"I still have something to do, Mr. Wei, and you too. Next time, if it's such a trivial matter, you don't have to call me over. Just call me and give me the card number. I'll send money directly to it. A thousand yuan is always enough." Alright."

Qi Jingshu has a good temper, but she is still very angry with the woman in front of her, "Who wants your money? Your child bullied our Jiayu, so just give me some money?"

"So vicious at a young age..."

"Bah!" Her trembling words were interrupted by Liu Momo's mother, and the woman showed a bit of disdain, "Then what else do you want? Let me tell you, my Momo is not an adult, let alone pour some water , even if the child is stabbed to death, we won’t have any punishment except losing money, let me tell you, it’s best to accept it as soon as you see it, I’ve seen a lot of people like you who are so greedy for money.”

"Besides, even if Momo is an adult, it's just pouring some water. It's not intentional. If you have money, it's good. What do you call it here?"

"you you… "

Although Qi Jingshu lost her parents when she was young, her upbringing is still there. She has never seen a person like this one in front of her, who is obviously their fault, but still wants to beat her up.

The other teachers in the office were also shocked.

I have to say that there are many arrogant parents, but this is the first time you teachers have seen someone as arrogant as her.

No matter how much Wei Ming was persuaded to endure it before, there was inevitably some anger on his face now.

How can anyone teach children like this, and they are not afraid of regretting it for the rest of their lives.

But at the same time, they were also curious about how Teacher Wei would deal with it.

Although this teacher Wei is young, he has always handled things in a tepid way, and he has never heard of any conflicts with any parents.

Before, some teachers couldn't see him turning big things into small things, but he didn't expect him to call his parents in a blink of an eye.

While secretly changing their minds towards Wei Mingyan in their hearts, the teachers put their gazes on Wei Mingyan's face.

Wei Mingyan's expression didn't change, he could even be said to be very calm. He actually poured himself a glass of water in front of the impatient parents.

He dipped his lips, tested the temperature of the water, and made sure it wasn't hot water.

Liu Momo's mother looked at his tepid actions and urged, "Are you still busy? I'll just..."


Two screams.

Even Qi Jingshu was stunned.

For a while, the office couldn't hear anything except the screams of Liu Momo's mother and daughter. Everyone's eyes fell on the calm young teacher.

Wei Mingyan took back the cup, looked at Liu Momo who was splashed with water, and wrote lightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, so how about I buy a new suit for classmate Liu Momo?"

After he finished speaking, his eyes met the woman who looked over angrily, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "Is one thousand yuan enough? Give me the card number, and I will transfer it to you now."

"You lunatic!! Where is your principal, I want to find your principal!!"

The woman's hysterical roar completely filled the office. A teacher who was drinking water watched this scene and almost choked.

Although they also felt that what the parent said was too much, isn't Teacher Wei afraid of the consequences

Who is their principal, no one in the entire office knows.

Sure enough, he was a young man, but he couldn't hold his breath.

Even though I thought this way, I still felt a little bit of envy in my heart. After all, if it were them, they would definitely not dare to do this.

Wei Mingyan ignored the screaming woman, turned around and poured himself another glass of water. Seeing this, Liu Momo quickly covered her face, for fear that the teacher would splash it on her again.

The glass of water was poured on her mother's angry face.

Liu Momo's mother was already trembling from anger, but now that she was splashed all over her face, her pretty eyes almost popped out.

"You, how dare you!"

Wei Ming said succinctly, "I'm sorry, because you were wearing too little and too transparent clothes, so you had to splash them on your face. How much do you need for cosmetics on your face? Is one thousand enough?"

His tone was still so gentle and polite, and the smile on his face remained unchanged, but what he said almost didn't make Liu Momo's mother angry.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is there water in the eyes? Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot, not only the eyes, but also the brain."

"You, you bitch!!"

Liu Momo's mother was so angry that she grabbed the bag in her hand and was about to step forward and hit Wei Mingyan in the face, but the man easily dodged it.

His expression is innocent, and his tone is also purely doubtful, "Why are you so angry? I didn't mean it. Besides, I just splashed some water, and I didn't mean it. I'm willing to lose money. Why don't you pay me?" Excited."

The original words were returned. Liu Momo's mother was so angry that she wanted to kill the person in front of her, but she was not as flexible as Wei Mingyan in the high heels she wore for the sake of looking good. But he kept provoking her.

"One thousand yuan is not enough, so two thousand? Sorry, I don't think your face is worth the money. Ah, no, you have no face. I'm talking about the cosmetics on your face."

"you you!!"

"Who wants your stinky money!"

Liu Momo's mother was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe, "You are crazy, aren't you? What about your principal, if I don't get you out of this school today, I won't leave!"

Seeing that she stopped chasing, Wei Mingyan stopped and poured a glass of water. Seeing that the mother and daughter were both vigilant, he put the water glass to his mouth, took a few sips of water himself, and moistened his throat.

"The principal is away on a business trip, and he probably won't be back today. If you are willing to stay in our busy office with such a colorful face, I have no problem."

After finishing speaking, he set his eyes on Liu Momo, who showed timidity for the first time, and watched her hide behind her mother in anger and fear, with a gentle smile on her face.

Even the voice was as gentle as before, "Momo, you were just splashed with water, and Jiayu slept under the wet quilt all night. Now, is it time to apologize?"

"If you don't apologize, why apologize, Momo, don't listen to him, isn't he just a bad teacher!"

Liu Momo's mother was still talking angrily, Wei Mingyan's smile widened, and he threw the cup in his hand to the ground.

There was a violent crisp sound, and the hearts of the people standing in the office seemed to stop beating.

The mother and daughter both backed away in horror, afraid of what this lunatic would do.

Wei Mingyan picked up the broom on the side, and smacked it a few times in a very suggestive manner, with a gentle voice, he looked at the girl who was already trembling with fright, "Momo, hurry up and apologize to classmate Jiayu."

Liu Momo's hair stood on end, tremblingly, she said to Qi Jiayu, "Yes, I'm sorry."

Her mother was also terrified that the crazy teacher in front of her would beat them, so she didn't stop her daughter.

Wei Mingyan smiled, "Good boy."

After laughing, he used a broom to sweep up all the glass shards on the ground.

Liu Momo's mother was so frightened that her legs were weak. She was the best at bullying soft-tempered people, but she really didn't have the guts to threaten people with a smile.

But if he escaped like this, he couldn't face it.

Gritting her teeth, she said in a weak voice, "Wait, when the principal comes back, I'll see what you do..."

After finishing speaking, he took his daughter and fled out of the scary office with soft legs.

In the office, there was silence.

"By the way, you..."

One teacher was worried and was interrupted by Wei Mingyan as soon as he spoke.

He knocked down the name tag on the table, raised his face and raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Mr. Zhu, I plan to resign."

"It's not bad to have a refreshment before you go."