Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual

Chapter 8: Scum dad is not scum (8)


After getting into the car, the handsome man took off the shirt that covered his head. Qiao Panpan, who had been tense all the time, suddenly stiffened, and his vision blurred for a moment. Then, he met Wei Mingyan's calm and calm face.

"never mind."

Seeing that the girl's body was still trembling, the man turned his head and looked straight ahead, "Go to my house first and ask the doctor to take a look at it for you."

In fact, in Qiao Panpan's current situation, it is very inappropriate to go to an adult man's house, but I don't know if it is because she was rescued by Wei Mingyan just now, the girl shrank, nodded trustingly, and tried her best Let your voice not tremble so much, "Thank you, Mr. Wei."

Along the way, the two didn't communicate any more, but the quiet atmosphere made Qiao Panpan calm down slowly, at least his body wasn't shaking so badly.

The car eventually stopped under a community.

Wei Mingyan got out of the car first, then went to help Qiao Panpan open the car door, and said softly, "Here we are."

It was almost twelve o'clock now, and there was no one around the neighborhood. The girl got out of the car, tightened her clothes under the dim street lights, and started to get nervous again.

The man pretended not to see her nervousness, parked the car in the parking space, and took the girl upstairs.

Wei Mingyan's home was on the top floor. After entering the elevator, the bright lights relieved Qiao Panpan's nervousness a little. She stood in the elevator and looked at herself in the light of the elevator door.

Her hair was disheveled, her face was flushed, and she was wearing an oversized black coat. How embarrassed she was, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and she wanted to cry/

Wang suppressed it.

The elevator door opened, Wei Mingyan walked out first, the girl followed behind him, watching the man with his back turned to him, groping around for the key.

The handsome man she watched silently searched left and right but couldn't find it. Finally, she scratched her head and turned to ask her life assistant with a little headache, "Panpan, did you see my key when I got off work?"

I don't know why, but Qiao Panpan couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw his boss scratching his ears and cheeks at the moment when he wanted to cry the most.

She pursed her lips, walked to the bottom of the flower pot at Wei Mingyan's feet, and took out the key hidden in the flowers and leaves, "Mr. Wei, this is the spare key you left when you lost the key last time."

"Yes, yes, I forgot."

The handsome man suddenly realized, he took the key and opened the door with a sigh of relief.

After this, Qiao Panpan's heart slowly relaxed. She stood at the door, watched the man turn on the light and waved to her, "Come in, no need to change shoes."

Finally, the girl plucked up her courage and stepped in cautiously.

This was not easy for Qiao Panpan. Her experience from childhood made it difficult for her not to be wary of an adult man, even if he had just saved herself.

When he stepped into the living room, Qiao Panpan was stunned, not for anything else, but because the house was decorated so warmly.

The warm wall color, the beautiful white table, and the flowers on the table are not at all like a place where a single man lives.

"I just called the doctor over. Don't worry, he has a very strict tone and is very decent. Just sit down for a while and he will be here soon."

The handsome man entered the room while talking, "I'm looking for some clothes for my wife, you change them first."

Qiao Panpan stood cautiously. She was covered with dust when she was struggling before, so she was embarrassed to sit on the sofa that looked clean.

Wei Mingyan came out quickly, holding a piece of clothing that hadn't been unpacked in his hand, and handed it to Qiao Panpan, "I bought this for my wife, and I planned to burn it for her when I visited the grave tomorrow. Just wear it."

"Thank you, Mr. Wei." Qiao Panpan murmured and repeated this sentence for a few times, took the clothes, and stood there nervously, not knowing where to change.

Wei Mingyan smiled, pointed to another room and said, "Go to this room and change. I'll go to the kitchen to make tea."

Seeing that the man really went to the kitchen, Qiao Panpan relaxed a little, carried his clothes and went to the room Wei Mingyan mentioned.

She froze when she opened the door.

The walls were painted pink and white. In the center of the large room, a beautiful princess bed lay quietly. On the bed were puppet toys that little girls would like, and the floor was covered with clean and comfortable blankets.

This is a little girl's room, and it's the most dreamy and luxurious.

Qiao Panpan stepped in with some hesitation. The TV on the wall was playing a cartoon. It was an older movie. She vaguely remembered that she liked to watch it when she was a child. Because there was no TV at home, she would go to a good friend's house. look.

A beautiful and gorgeous cabinet stood by the wall, with a line of words written on it: [妹囡’s Toy Cabinet]

As Wei Mingyan's life assistant, Qiao Panpan recognized his handwriting at a glance, which was gentle and correct.

Nannan, it turns out that Mr. Wei's daughter is called Nannan...

After working in Nanya for so many days, Qiao Panpan clearly knows how much Mr. Wei values and misses his wife and daughter. Since he can regard grave-sweeping as a daily routine, it is also a good idea to decorate a beautiful room for his daughter who died young at home. normal.

Qiao Panpan didn't think about anything else, quickly hid in the corner and changed his clothes.

This dress was just as Wei Mingyan said, it was bought for his wife. It was a long skirt with a mild color, very suitable for a woman with a gentle temperament.

After the girl got dressed, she hugged the clothes she had changed, opened the door and went out.

It just so happened that Wei Mingyan came out with a teacup in his hand, saw Qiao Panpan admiringly smiled and said, "Very beautiful."

Before Qiao Panpan could thank her, the doorbell rang. Seeing the girl's nervous expression, the handsome man comforted her gently, "It's probably because the doctor is here, and she lives nearby."

The door opened, and it turned out to be a middle-aged woman in a white coat.

Seeing that it was a female doctor, Qiao Panpan relaxed a little.

"Help her take a look. I'll go downstairs and park the car." Considering that the girl might be nervous when he is a man here, Wei Mingyan took the initiative to say.

After the man left, the doctor smiled at the girl, "Hello, my surname is Bai, just call me Doctor Bai."

"Come on, sit down, let me check your situation." Her voice was very gentle, Qiao Panpan relaxed a little, and sat down obediently.

After some examinations, Dr. Bai smiled, "It's nothing serious, you just need to rest for a while for the medicine you're taking, it's just that you have some scratches on your body, come on, I'll rub the medicine on you, and the scab will heal the next day."

"Thank you, doctor." Qiao Panpan stretched out her arms, watching Doctor Bai use tweezers to help her apply the medicine. The wound hurt a little, but she just frowned slightly, and insisted on not saying a word.

"Are you an employee of Nanya?" Maybe because she was too nervous, Dr. Bai took the initiative to bring up the topic.

Qiao Panpan was startled, and replied with some hesitation, "Yes."

"I knew you were from Nanya at a glance." Dr. Bai smiled, and while gently applying the medicine, he said with a smile, "Mr. Wei only knows people from the company."

"Don't be too nervous. Mr. Wei is a good man. You were frightened today. Maybe he will let you take a few days off with pay."

Qiao Panpan was in pain stimulated by the medicine, subconsciously trembling his eyelashes, and replied softly, "Mr. Wei is really fine."

"Yes, Mr. Wei is affectionate, but it's a pity that he is too affectionate. It took so long to recover from the loss of the one he loves the most."

The girl raised her eyes in surprise, "What do you mean you haven't recovered?"

Dr. Bai sighed, "He misses his relatives so much. He suffers from insomnia every night and relies on staying up late to work to numb himself. In fact, he is already very weak now, but he just refuses to rest."

"Don't look at his easy-to-talk appearance, but he is actually very stubborn. I guess no one in this world can persuade him."

Seeing Qiao Panpan staring at him blankly, Doctor Bai shook his head helplessly, "The patient wants to die, and the doctor can't stop him."

Qiao Panpan was really stunned. She knew that Mr. Wei had never forgotten his wife and daughter, and even missed them very much, but she never thought that the man who seemed so strong and invincible would suffer from insomnia every night .

No wonder, no wonder everyone said Mr. Wei would always forget to eat, it turned out that he had no appetite at all.

"Okay, the scabs will be formed tomorrow. To the outside world, you just say that you accidentally dropped it. Anyway, it's just a scratch."

Doctor Bai clapped his hands, stood up, and said to the girl, "I'll ask Mr. Wei to come in. He's just a bit old-fashioned, he's just seeing a doctor, and he's going to hide outside."

Seeing Doctor Bai leave, Qiao Panpan was both moved and worried.

What moved her was that she knew that Wei Mingyan was hiding outside to accommodate her, and she was worried because of what Dr. Bai said.

Mr. Wei, is his health really so bad

When Dr. Bai went downstairs, he saw the man leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

She rolled her eyes, "Didn't you say quit?"

The man cut off the cigarette, his eyes were sad, "If Nannan is still alive, she should be this big."

Doctor Bai opened his mouth, looking at such a man, he couldn't say any more words of blame. In all fairness, treating a person who doesn't want to live is quite tiring.

"I'll leave first. The girl was frightened, but she's almost recovered now. You should ask someone to report her family's safety."

The handsome man leaned his head against the wall, his eyes were red, and he looked at the dark night sky.

The voice was light and ethereal.

"If Nannan is still alive, I will definitely make her the happiest girl in the world..."