Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 151: Struggle on


Without communication, it was difficult to spread the news of what happened on the ocean, and there was still chaos in other places. Even though Charl was devastated and determined to avoid the sea monster, he would not go to sea rashly again. Search: \(,,,,,) Watch fine literature for free They huddled on the island and parked the boats in the bay, but when they got up the next morning, they suddenly found that all the boats outside were gone.

Some were broken into fragments and floated on the surface of the sea, while others were not even visible.

It was done by manta rays, sneaking up to the beach in the dead of night to grab the cable and steal the boat or something, it was so much fun. But this time I firmly remembered what the Siren said, and dared not reveal it. The two boats near the shore were not stolen. When the sky was bright, the night watchman opened his eyes in a daze, and suddenly found that seven of the nine boats were missing.

Their brigade is guarding the aborigines on the island. Although there is no wine to make them drunk, they are all asleep, or they are playing poker and dice. There are too few pastimes in the last days, so this thing is ready-made If you carve one by one, you can come out to pass the time.

All of a sudden everyone panicked and hurriedly drove the laborers, dragged the boat to the shore after entering the narrow and long bend, not even daring to sink the anchor into the sea, and there were people guarding the shore to watch day and night.

It doesn't matter for two days, but it doesn't matter on the third day.

There are bread trees, banana trees and other fruits on the island, which can barely be eaten, but the fresh water on the island is a natural lake stored in the rainy season. There are not many fish in the lake. So many people have to go to sea to fish for food.

Charle thought for a long time with red eyes, then waved his hands through gritted teeth, and ordered ten people to make a small boat, carry a harpoon and fishing net, and go as close as possible to the coast, and come back in time if something goes wrong. Night fishing is allowed.

It was a good idea, but when everyone was fishing not far from the sea, they couldn't see a single fish. They ventured into the sea, but they could only catch some oysters, crabs and shrimps hiding in the caves, and some fish. There are extremely small gobies in the sand. The sea is empty, not to mention sea turtles and colorful tropical fish, not even a sardine can be seen in the coral reef.

—Of course the sea monster has a way of driving away all the fish around here.

If it is said that on the first day, I fished out a bunch of shells in frustration.

Then when I went to the sea again the next day, something even more strange happened. Even the shellfish that were easy to find were all missing. Unless I held my breath and spent ten minutes repeatedly groping in the crevices of the coral reef, I could get nothing. The beautiful coral reef is like an empty dead zone, and there may be some small creatures crouching in the caves, but their camouflage skills are very superb, and the sea monsters have not found it, let alone humans.

Either abandon the ship, go to the depths of the island, and then settle in it to farm and live, or put all your eggs in one basket and sail again, otherwise you will be trapped to death!

Looking at the endless sea water, Char's eyes were red.

He had already put on a one-sided cloth blindfold on his face, making him look even more hideous. He even became very angry because of this, and killed a subordinate who talked about him behind his back. This more pirate-like appearance stimulated him to clearly understand that he must not be trapped here. Otherwise, when other forces develop, I will be no different from those aborigines who were driven out to work and slaughtered. Char doesn't believe that a new life will come after the end of the world. Such nonsense.

The land, the territory, whoever occupies it is his, and whoever has lived on it for many years and established a certain facility, even if it is not his own, can take it to the United Nations to fight for it in the future. There is another beautiful word that can be used to modify this kind of rogue behavior, which is called historical problems.

What is a done deal? All acts of aggression must result in a fait accompli, and then after five or ten years without control and restraint, the sea lanes will be mastered. Char's blueprint is well drawn, but his grand plan is on this island. He met the unfortunate fate of almost dying.

From the day he came back, it began to rain on the island.

At first, it was rainy, and it was rainy in New Caledonia. It was summer again. With sufficient rain and sunshine, there was such a lush forest. So after it turned into a heavy rain, no one noticed it at first, but it didn’t stop after 50 hours. No matter where you stepped on the island, there was soft mud that didn’t reach your ankles, and the water in the rivers and lakes began to increase. When it was time to spill out, no one finally took this matter as a natural phenomenon.

Several people on the island were brought over for questioning, and they all said that it would indeed rain in this season, and it would last for a month, but there was absolutely no such heavy rain, and it was obvious that the rainwater that fell would fill a basin, and try again One bite turned out to be slightly salty.

Sea water is evaporated into water vapor, which then becomes clouds, and when cold and warm fronts meet, it will rain.

Without this process, it is simply unimaginable to forcibly evaporate a large amount of seawater and add it to the rain clouds...Let’s not talk about sea monsters, magicians in magic have this ability, and maliciously make a certain place continue to rain. Although it turns out that the most powerful magic is the body of the earth, which simply reversed the warm equatorial current and caused catastrophic weather all over the Pacific coast.

Charl looked at the ground that was smashed by the rainstorm outside, and the mud bubbles were constantly bubbling, and the color became more gloomy.

Many places near the shore of the lake will become swamps, and if you step on it, you will not be able to climb up.

A group of aborigines had already fled into the forest while taking advantage of the heavy rain. They were familiar with the terrain, and those who almost caught up led them into the muddy swamp. Fortunately, it was not too deep. But from then on, they never dared to take water from the downstream, and they had to be particularly vigilant before they dared to leave the camp and go to other places. Those who ran away actually hid in the dark and attacked.

Something even worse happened. They found that the other side of the island didn't rain at all, or it rained very little.

So everyone dragged their things and dragged the boat to the east.

But as soon as they settled down and hadn't had a good rest, the rain came again. Wherever they went, it rained endlessly. Who believed that this was a natural phenomenon? There is no way to live in this place! !

Finally they set sail to sea, braved the downpour and sailed in three different directions.

The sea monsters popped out of the sea without a sound, or took a glance across the sea, and then lowered their heads to eat something. They used infrasound waves to expel most of the fish, and all those who accidentally passed by filled their stomachs.

Urebia was the worst, with a human-shaped mark on its head, scratching it with its tentacles, because the sirens did not allow them to speak.

Xia Yi's ability was out of control. He was in the place, and the sea water kept disappearing. Later, there were rain clouds in the sky. Very well, it started to rain non-stop on the sea.

According to Kraken, some people can hear their voices, so after they swim here, they are all silent, you poke me once, I bump you once, and continue to play for their own amusement.

Xia Yi never woke up.

His heartbeat even tended to be extremely slow, beating only once in a long time.

The sunfish was woken up countless times by being poked, stared at Xia Yi countless times, and fell asleep once watching it. It was almost unlucky to be stuffed into Uribia's mouth by a mermaid. Fortunately, the squid opened its mouth again. Drive, at most three meters, can't swallow a sunfish.

Sunfish's innate skills for curing diseases and wounds are all passive, even if you smash it flat, you won't be able to diagnose it.

Just when the sea monsters were worried that if they didn't eat like this, they would starve to death, the siren found that the bruises on Xia Yi's body were gradually getting lighter. Some fish in the Antarctic, when there is a lack of food in winter, will lie still in their nests, and their heartbeat will slow down until the whole body becomes stiff and dead. If you are injured, apart from eating to supplement consumption, you can only slow down your metabolism.

So it doesn't look like anything is going on.

The oarfish gnawed on the small fish worriedly, while looking at the siren.

They followed the siren and tracked the first boat. This was the first time they did this kind of troublesome thing for humans, but everyone seemed to be very interested.

If the boat capsized, wouldn't it mean that there would be no fun in the future

So no one said anything, and followed in a tacit understanding.

Kraken wanted to jump up, but the king crab grabbed its tail with its pincers, forcing it to stay in the sea. Looking up from the sea, the shadow of the boat is very obvious when the weather is calm.

The three boats sailed for a while, but found that there was no movement in the sea, so they approached cautiously.

Char's goal is the Great Barrier Reef.

Paul, who was rescued by the little dolphin, had been lucky enough to float to the Coral Sea, but what he encountered was not good news. Many survivors who escaped from the Great Barrier Reef said that the place had been occupied by a group of villains. Planning to gather more people to New Caledonia! The distressed people on both sides told each other about the situation, and they were immediately extremely frustrated.

But the Great Barrier Reef is not a place where little dolphins dare to go.

On the outskirts of the beautiful coral reef, there are many sharks and leopard moray eels.

It happily swam back, and after swimming for two days, it saw it was raining on the sea, jumped up and turned around, and plunged into the sea. It saw three very big boats, and swam over happily, and even wanted to jump up to see the people on board, but this time it just jumped up, and a sharp wind blade cut a deep hole in its abdomen. the wound.

The dolphin made a sharp cry. It twisted its body desperately, trying to plunge back into the sea, but several invisible wind blades appeared one after another, making the sound of tearing the air. Coming out, a dark red tentacle quickly wrapped around the little dolphin, and pulled it down into the sea extremely swiftly.

Char's wind blade hit that tentacle, and it only bounced a few times with stinging pain, before falling into the sea.

—The people on these three boats, because the sea monsters were always entrenched under their boats, although they didn't see any visions along the way, and the rainstorm gradually became smaller, they still couldn't catch any fish in the sea, which made everyone feel uneasy.

It's hard to see a dolphin, just start it!

Sure enough, the sea monster followed them silently! The rain and the failure to catch fish are all their troubles.

Char hit the plank hard!

Urebia used a predation action, but there was no way it had barbs on its arms and feet, but the little dolphin was frantically struggling in fright, and Urebia threw it next to the sunfish. The little dolphin rolled over in the sea water, and then saw Xia Yi, fluttering and trying to get closer.

Gululu knocked the devil fish with the pliers, the meaning was obvious. Just don't let you jump around, see, that guy who jumped around is miserable!

Kraken was very unconvinced, spread his fins, swam under a boat, and made a clapping motion. It is very confident that it can definitely float on the surface of the sea like this, then closes its fins, holds the boat in its arms like a sunfish, and then jumps into the sky gorgeously—

The sea monsters collectively ignored it.

"Damn it, this is a war, we have to fight like a war!"

Char was walking around on the deck very irritablely, holding the binoculars in his hand. He saw a small island not far away, with some trees on it, but it was very narrow, and it was not a good place to stop at all. But that crescent-shaped half-arc can definitely be used, as long as...

He suddenly burst out laughing.

"At 4 o'clock... When you see the island, pour out all the carefully preserved things in our cabin." The veins on Char's forehead bulged, and his whole face twisted ferociously.

The rain is indeed getting smaller and smaller. In addition to storms, the rain on the ocean also encounters the hot convective air on the land islands.

The Siren held Xia Yi and sat on Uribia's head, and he felt that Xia Yi seemed to be waking up.

At this time, the sea monsters suddenly found that the clearly visible shadow of the ship became blurred, part of the sunlight was blocked, and some unknown liquid was poured into the sea water.

Very bad taste.

But it's not that the sea monsters have encountered this situation before, and they immediately became irritable. The black liquid that leaked from the boat was very thick and could float for a long distance along the direction of the ocean current. Let seabirds and fish die in large numbers.

[wrong! move back!]

The sirens finally spoke, and they seemed to follow the ship to a shallower place.

Ahead is a small island in the shape of a crescent moon.

A flame instantly burned on the surface of the sea, and the oil floated on the water, densely blocking all the waterways above the small bay and the exit, and the intense combustion caused the temperature of the sea to rise.

Char desperately used the wind to make the fire more intense, and their wooden boat had stopped behind the island, and they had no time to run until the trees on the island were burning. Charl laughed triumphantly, as if he had seen the sea monsters struggling and churning in the increasingly hot sea water because they couldn't tell the direction under the sea surface that was emitting thick smoke.

In fact, only Eurebia was hot, and the big crab whose carapace was hot all over.

Xia Yi opened her eyes in a daze, and saw flames on the sea water, and it was so hot that she thought she was in the Cayman Trench, and it took him half a day to fully wake up after being covered in a layer of water.

The little dolphin followed pitifully.

Xia Yi looked at the distorted expression of the siren, hugged the little dolphin's head, and watched the sea monsters happily take a hot bath.

This is where? What happened

The author has something to say: Mr. Manuscript Box: Night Breeze sent his best friend off to get married. Today at four o'clock in the morning, he set off from his best friend's house, and his best friend married to another place... The motorcade drove all the way...

If all goes well, Night Breeze will return home on the afternoon of the 13th... I hope I can come back in time, the stomach of the manuscript box will be out of stock after posting this chapter gd1806102