Sea Monster Alliance

Chapter 152: situation


It is said that there is such a thing as taking a hot bath that will make you feel happy from the bottom of your heart, but if you are too proud, extreme joy will turn into sadness, such as running out of water in the middle of the bath... Don’t laugh, it’s normal. Search:\(¨¨¨¨¨)Free to watch high-quality literature The depth of sea water is limited around the island, no matter how small it is, the sea surface is covered with a layer of black oil, and the raging fire evaporates a lot of sea water , Unknowingly, the sea monsters found that this bath could not be washed anymore, because the heads were all above the water.

Not afraid of heat and not afraid of fire are two completely different concepts!

Eurebia was the first to fall down, lying on the bottom of the sea, twitching her arms and legs in fear of the heat.

But both the oarfish and the Kraken regarded this powerful "attack" as a pastime similar to rubbing their backs, and rushed to get close to it, so the little dolphin leaned on the sunfish and shook, although it was wrapped in a layer of water and was not afraid of the heat, Still stupefied to shake the sunfish awake.

[So hot…]

A certain sea monster turned over, but found that it couldn't turn over, the body weight was too heavy, and the buoyancy was not enough after the sea water became shallower.

Since you can't turn over, then don't turn over, how tired! Looking at the sea of flames above his head, the sunfish closed his eyes and whimpered that the smell of sea water was too bad.

Don't care about whether Major Char's bad idea has the possibility of killing the sea monster, because they are in a wooden boat, and they have to hide behind the island even if they want to watch the show. Moreover, the wind took advantage of the fire to blow away the black oil in an instant. The sight is certainly spectacular, but if they don't leave quickly, the palm vegetation on the island will soon be spread by the fire, and several wooden boats will follow. Egg.

Char is not the villain in the movie, he loves to stand in front of the victim when the winning chance is in his hands, he looks up to the sky and laughs outrageously = = he hates the sea monster that keeps him aggrieved, but he is not a fool, of course he The safety of the sea monster is the most important thing, besides, what if the sea monster rushed into the flames in a hurry, like a burning shell hitting its own ship

This half-crescent island has only ten trees in total, which can only be used to stop the fire, and absolutely cannot stop the attack of sea monsters.

So he decisively ordered to turn, the wind attribute ability is really suitable for sailing, and within a few minutes, he slid far away smoothly. When the small island also began to turn into a sea of flames, the water level in the shallow bay was even lower, but Other sea water also came from the bottom of the sea, and the air and sea water had an unpleasant smell.

After going through the process of bathing in hot water, cold water, and hot water again (hey), the fire finally started to subside, and the floating oil was gradually burned out, and there were still strands of black in the sea water, like lines Floating, occasionally there will be a little fire. If you don't count the sea water changing from azure blue to gray and black, this hot bath is finally a wash.

Major Charles also managed to escape, and only the shadow of the wooden boat could be seen on the sea level.

The sea is vast, and the so-called sea level is actually far away. Under normal circumstances, it will be thrown away soon, because the earth is round. When the distance is enough, the wooden boats going far away can only be seen to the sails, and then even the sails were invisible.

[Can you speak?]Uribia let out a dull groan.

[You said it all!]

With his pectoral fins, Kraken slapped away the sea water that was still glowing with fire. It was so hot that he jumped out of this shallow bay, plunged into the deep water area happily, and then jumped out of the water, squinting his eyes like two spotlights. Spotting the lights strangely, the devil fish stared ahead until it fell into the sea again: [Very far away, Lingling said that she couldn't hear me so far away.]

Cheers, finally there is no need to poke and poke and bump hints!

[Sirens?]Gululu has the habit of knocking things with pincers. Basically, he knocks whatever he sees, and knocks on his carapace if he doesn’t see it. Urebia knocks a big squid right in front of his eyes. Once it hit a piece, it was hit again before it bounced back, so gradually an irregular piece bulged out on the opposite side of Urebia's head, which was still increasing steadily—this means that the buoyancy is not enough, and the water pressure is not strong , that's why it's embarrassing.

Xia Yi watched silently.

It is said that a meteorite once hit the Gulf of Mexico on the ancient earth, causing the Himalayas on the opposite side of the sphere to grow and become the backbone of the world...

Worst of all, Uribia remained unresponsive.

Krakens also ignore the behavior of crabs, including sirens.

In fact, the siren has no intention of chasing after him immediately. Xia Yi woke up. How to explain it to Xia Yi is a difficult matter—boss, you think too much. In Xia Yi's eyes, sea monsters have been doing inexplicable things all the time. Measured by normal logical inference. Xia Yi can't even tell the difference between this sea area and Nalin Chaer's unlucky place.

He knew that they were not in one place, but he didn't know how far apart they were.

Hungry, Xia Yiman thought that he had slept for a whole day, but he never imagined that he once walked around the gate of hell, and after that, his metabolism slowed down, and he was in a state of no change for seven or eight days.

Xia Yi was just desperately recalling what happened before she fainted.

Nursing homes take care of children with autism in place and are very strict. Basically, the children there will focus on looking at one thing, and stubbornly turn over and over again, or they will be indifferent to everything around them. Doctors and nurses It is also very convenient to take care of it, and it will never expose children to dangerous objects, such as sockets and plugs, or combustible lighters.

When she gets older, Xia Yi is even less likely to get an electric shock, at most she has felt static electricity.

He couldn't help opening his fingers, his face turned pale. When the electric current passed fiercely, it was as if a foreign object broke into his fingertips, and his arms were paralyzed instantly. shoot. When the eyes are dark, all memories will be blank, no matter how Xia Yi recalls, it will be chaotic and dark, as if the Siren once bowed his head to kiss deeply, and also seemed to call his name. However, Xia Yi's consciousness was blurred at the time, and she couldn't tell whether it was real or the interference of those memories.

[What's wrong with me?]

[Well... there is a fish called electric ray that likes to hide and prey, it...]

Xia Yi understood at a glance, I have heard of the name electric eel and electric ray, and I have seen it in the aquarium, but at that time they were in the vast ocean where the bottom was almost invisible, no matter what kind of fish they were, they did not dare to approach the group of sea monsters and automatically sent them to the door for food.

[We met an electric ray?]Xia Yi looks puzzled.

[No... um, almost.]

Sirengen doesn't think it's a big deal that there is such a special ability as Nalin among human beings. The sea monsters are almost the same, and humans who are equated with a group of electric rays are still humans! Just like a group of electric rays, no matter how they discharge, they are still food in the eyes of sea monsters. Nothing to be fussed about.

Xia Yi just misunderstood, in fact, he didn't know Na Lin at all.

It is not easy for a person with his personality to match the famous names in those circles with the photos. How could Xia Yi pay attention to those newcomers who have a bright future but are still struggling

[Then this is—]

Black, floating and burning, oil of course.

This sea area will be polluted, and the coral reefs and algae that are the basis of many marine life habitats will suffer.

Xia Yi, whose memory stayed before the coma, naturally concluded that Uribia failed to rob the banana, and the Kraken crashed the boat again. Many people who fell into the water swam back, and they brought oil over to try to burn the sea monster to death— What a logical inference. Because he himself was fine, Xia Yigen didn't expect to get an electric shock, and almost everyone died on the spot.

All he could feel now was hunger.

He was so hungry that his eyes were a little dizzy, but Xia Yi mistook it for the pollution of the sea water. It would take a long time for the ocean currents to dissipate and bring in a large amount of new sea water, which would slowly decompose for many years before recovery was possible.

[It's like swimming in the belly of Eurebia.] The oarfish is irritable.

In the gray-black water, the oarfish are not the only ones who are depressed. The sea monsters don’t know what ink is, but the ones in the squid’s belly are very vivid. I can't see anything, and I'm choking.

In such sea water, it is impossible to find food.

All that was found were the dead bodies of marine life.

The fish and shrimp cooked in the hot sea water are not fragrant, but have an indescribable strange smell.

Xia Yi only smelled it once, without the siren's urging, and followed the sea monsters to leave the sea quickly. He didn't realize that this was the direction where the sailboat disappeared. At most, he felt that the situation was not good, but the sea monster couldn't be burned, and his thinking was still stuck in the embarrassing incident of Urebia intercepting the ship for bananas.

Looking at the gradually clearing sky above his head, Major Charles smiled darkly.

He thought that the sea monsters were unlikely to die, but he was also trapped there and did not follow for a while.

But he smiled and started gnashing his teeth again. The speculation that the rainstorm was related to sea monsters has now completely become a fact, clearly explaining how terrifying it is to target his opponent.

Americans with the so-called hero complex have never lacked various imaginative stories to describe superpowers, so they are not very resistant to the appearance of superpowers, and quickly formed supernatural worship and supernatural blind faith. But no matter how powerful the monsters are, they will only be killed by humans in the end. Those monsters that come from radiation or high technology, even if they are intelligent, none of them can manipulate the weather.

This is different from the concept that the Eastern people think that a demon must be a little bit capable, and that if it rains, it is a disaster. The Western belief is clear. If it cannot be explained by science, then everything belongs to the full-time and omnipotent. Sea monsters can be infinitely powerful, and they can also have superpowers, but it keeps raining in one place...

This had the greatest impact on Major Charles, even greater than seeing the mermaid with his own eyes.

"Let, it's impossible for humans to surrender to a group of sea monsters!"

Char stamped the deck furiously:

"A few people came out to embarrass themselves, and swam close to the shore. When you saw people, you said that sea monsters lacked food and attacked a pier in New Caledonia in groups... Say that we managed to escape from!"

Char narrowed his one eye and touched his blindfold with a ferocious expression.

The reason why the mermaid didn't catch up was because he wanted to consume him on land and die of panic? Is it to scare him to follow the boat all the time and eat or drive away all the fish around here? So stupid!

The Great Barrier Reef, Guinea, Australia... There are many people who are angry because of fear. No one cherishes life more than people living in the last days. If those sea monsters don't give up and still follow, just wait and see!

The author has something to say: I hit the keyboard on my forehead n times, and I was sleepy = = I only slept for four and a half hours in about 32 hours, and I drank coffee as water

When will I wake up tomorrow, and when will I reply to the message... gd1806102